HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-6-10, Page 1OR'T`it-SECOND YEAR- No 2'213 EXETER,, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 10th, 1915 PHONE 32 JONES AND MAY PHONE 22 rII3N'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING Our Buyer has just returned from a big purchasing trip of Men's dad Boy's Suits and Odd Pants Most people are aware that the prices of Woolens are going up more than any- thing else, and in order to protect our customers and ourselves we have made ONE GIGANTIC BUY For the reason that we do not know when we will be able to make another on accouut of the conditions of the Old County markets. Our assortment includes .800 Men's Suits Every Garment all wool, and in all the best colors, navys, blacks, greys, browns, nifty checks, pin -stripes, &c. These Suits are all Sovereign Brand and Bench -made We can fit tall men, short men, stout men or thin men, and'give them Suits at the Old Prices. 300 Boys Suits - - 300 ifn all the latest shades, and at a very low cost to you: Gets your Boys Summer Suits now, - while prices are rinht. 200 Pairs or Fall MENS ODD PANTS, Good English Worsteds, Selling at $2.00 to $3,00 per pair MENS SCOTCH RAIN- COATS We still have on hand, a full, assortment of the famous Ar- thur's Brand in all sizes, a coat we guarantee to keep out the rain. MEN'S - FELTS AND STRAWS -'1 ASK to see our new ship- ment of Men's Soft Felt Hats, just opened up this week. Also big assortment - of Straw Sailors and Panamas. JONES AND MAY I z u anessese OBCEDAR MOPS Makes it easy to clean and gathers' all dust from those hard to get at places, 750, $1 $1.25, and $2.50 C -CEDAR OIL Used for cleaning and polishing all painted, varnished and finished wood. work, 25c and 50c. We do Tinsmithing and Plumbing Ftimates furnished on all kinds of tin work and plumbing. Gasolene 1S c Coal oil 15c Special low prices in bbls or drums 01.11 ,IIIIIIIIX14111R,11111111FE Ole.? TMC !f veriest Faod rr ,, Mlle:§ , a wlvm.dlu o ;,6 ' 5 4 ; _ r 1 aK IISK II, N�m3 `E+,M4rt1 f4roostJnq e ♦ r a ootut cxirlrai to,1 / 41111 '�•t4' ftl,44. r 1 QIII111 ,111111111nws PHONE Heaman's Hardware PITONS 27 A and Stove Store �- 27 B BORN aLUIiEIEL-On the London IRoad, south, on 'heyday, June 8th, to Mr. and !Mrs. It. T. Luker, a daughter. 1:1FL17TCEER-In 'Ilsborne, on 'Wedncls-, day. April 9th, ,to Mr, kind ]Mgrs, 7 ;Clarence Pletcher, rti. daughter. MARRIED ar3WESTCOTT, r- l� AIMNER . - 'At the 1; residence of the bridles parents, a Lr. and Mrs. John l+ahaex or ICred- ;l iton, Mises Louisa; A. to Mr, Edward I Ilaresteott. ;son of ,Mr, •and 111ra. Win, Baseball On Tuesday night Crediton East came out and played the locals in a five innings game and received a good beating to the tune of 13 to 1. The visitors infield was a joke and some- what resembeled.a sieve. afotz pitched good ball however, but was touched for 11 hits, while Windsor held Cred- iton East to five scattered hits; get- ting into trouble twice, filling up the bases and -then not letting the next three batters see the ball seemed to be his favorite style. Exeter got away with a seven run lead in the first in- nings. Crediton East did not score until the last innings, when the first man up smashed a two -bagger over the right field fence and ran followed with another double. Umpire -Bissett GODEEICH HOTEL FINED The LLrst .conviction of a hotellceep- er under the Canada 'Temperance Act was registered on !Wednesday of last week against the Bedford Hotel.Gode rich. Coante Constable Fellow made ' a search of the Bedford hotel' and aecur- ed. a .quantity of beer and the case was !settled by 'Bedford pleading guil- ts before Police alagistratc Kelly ' and peeing a !fine of $75,00 and costs. On Friday morning, John Bedford, proprietor or the !same hotel paid an- other ;Eine: brecause 'the bartender ;ub- ( stituted wvhesks instead of water which a counts councillor ;leaked for. The fine 'was $150. and .costs+ the in- formation beim laid !be Sergeant aIoorc. These finless are now paid. ,to the counts treasurer and ,the expenses of enforcement borne b3.the. county. Daring the three d3 ears. the ;Canada Temperance Act was in force 25 Jeer's ago there was over $10,000 Icollecetd in ,tines and the Iespenaes were 8`5;000' Westcott, of UisbornC, on Wednesday leaving a balance in the license. ;fund• of the counts ,of 'over ,44,000, with June Oda', by I-tev. E, J. Becker. interest on hand to eecure the. enforce - DIED, went of the Act. (DEARING-ilei Exeter, on fJu.ne, 2nd Mrs. Jane Dearing, awed. 78 ,yealrja 3 !months and .27 dap. .. Additional locals- on page dive. Mr, Will 3. Carling, of Brighton, and Mr. and ',11Mr,s. W. D. Mane, of Winnipeg, are visiting an ,towvn ow- ing to the pe 1°0 illnlese oG'.14r. '.C. 13;. Carling whose condi toet its not im- proving 'a;na, 1 v 1a.g$ Parkhill eelebratesa July- 1st. Eitr- ades. 13alseb'a11, Motor ;Cycle and .Horsth raciarg, Concert in evening. • Sonata. thing doing every minute. Garden Parts -'The Ladies Aid of Main St, church ,will hold a Garden Parts on the Church ground* or. Wednesday, June 23rd. Tea will by served L. rola 6 to 8 o'clock. Ilan,d `n a attendance.. Adxnl oa 25 and 15 cents. Ice cream end candy- cold on the, grounds,--Mrjs. Elateaffe,rd, Spey.; Exeter School Report' t OIL THE 13ACE ;STREET" 1' So far the 'Oleg on ]linin, .st E. S. Department • giving !good satisfaction, A. shower visited this part on S s mat iia The: lesti,z tes 'lar hydro pawvAr ,fer;c heavy Exeter have been ;fnr.aushed the courir tenda.r cit bs the (Hydro Eleetrie Coni xaiesime ESTIIll:A•TI:I FURNISHED: The 'following pupils having main- night but. there ,was; little' or no Ind). tailed axe 'average of 75 per cent on cation.or it on Hondas, Otherwisa their term work rue exempted from. the road would hare been in a very taking Jane exams -if they . so desire x mus dd condition. That our citizens Form II -'W Strang. 1 trealizr that file dust nuineane.e tis a hlAndeGGerliH. real one is eraph'atsized by t1i Bagel EssT?orerym 0.17 1 -Llarve.y, "Irson, riagarth,,ng, R,; that 00 rmany or the back s•trcte:ts have I ' Sharp V Stewart F Wood. pet"tinned to have the streetswvater- rd and vva Venture the guesta that .1r Form I (Com.) -L, Rice, L. Kestie the dust its kept down on all the romo 'ons: will be an- ti The other p cart petitioned for the watering naui�ced ]afar. In the meantime all carf, wvall lr'ave is vers busy '5ensnn. tivho have taken over 60 per cent on The suggestion has been made that their tern; work and have made ale- the town follow out than s,ttslicm of oil_ tiluat,a preFaratifor une e.mTagg on the lett-meta to be watered. If rads 'Neel prettf sureon ofthe beinJg successsas the town wvauld relrehnee nnoi:hter G. Spark, Principal. . S. Department ROOM IV. Sr. IV -Honors, M. Das 81; V. Hartleib 79; V. Jones, 76; E. Doyle *754. PMS,. I. Zuefle 74; H. Boyle. 73; V. Mallett 72; C. Mallett 72; M. Cann 171; V. Hill a70; B. Cann 69; W. Da- vis! 694 G. Bedford 68; 3L Hardy 68; C. Metrics 66; L. Blake 64; D. Knight 163 ; L. 33astingws 62; 13. Rivers 62. Jr. IV -Honors, V. Jones 88; C. a= seaman. 83; C. Sanders 82; W. Bred - den and all. Harvey, equal 81; T. Con- nor 78; V. Sweet 77. Pass, Wa Brown 74 ; E. Taylor 31; C. Harness 70; N. Norre 60. No. on roll 33; average att. 29. C. Vospar, teacher. It00"M V Junior 4th -Honors, Mildred Harvey $4 ; Blanche. Senior 79; Greta Har- nesfs 77; 'Pass, Verde. Iloweliiffe 74; Paul Collins '73; Alice Vincent 70; Edward Yellow 72 ; Stella Sanders 68. Senior 1rd Honors, Margaret Kuntz Si; Verna Walker 80; Earl Russel 78; Mabel Johns 78; Lizzie Hartleib 77; 'Howard Dignan 77; Idel- la Davis '76; VioIa Hodgert 76; Mabel Houlden 75; Beverley Acheson 75; Pasta -Dorothy Balkww-ill 74; Charlie Ford 73; George Hinds 73; .Toacphine Davis 13 ; Philippe Ilareeus 72; Flor- ence Vincjent 71: Belle Gould 67; Kelvin Redden 65; Olive Bedford 04; .Jessie; Bowles 63; Mildred Wood. 62; Mildred Horton 62 ; Alvin Andrew 62; Perla Sanders 61. No. ,on xoi1 37; average att. 35. J. S. Murray, teacher. ROOM VI Form III, Jr. - Honors, ,Betty Brown, 90 Jas. Morley 90; 'Greta Redden 88 . Frank Derr 87; 1%iiidr-'d Norry 85 Wee. Lawson 84; Georg;.na (flatter 82'1 Mae Elworth'y 81; Verde Vale 77; Cyril' Dome 76; Jos. Bradt 72 ; Gladys Bedford 71; Reggie Tay- lor 70 ; Rubs Davis 70; Mayr Webster 63 ' 'Wm. 'Webster 62. Form IIl Sr. -Honors, Bertha Rus- sel 86; Stuart Stanbury 85: harry Seldon, a4; George Bedford. 83; Mary Elworths 82; Carrie Davis 80; Grace Creech 70; Earl' Mallett 76; Florence Norrs 75; Ruth Lamportc 74; Mar- garet Gladman 73; Lyle Statham 72; Murray Scott 70; Florence Harvey 70 Mildred Rowe 67. No. enrolled 46 ; average att. 44.5 II. M. Kinsman, teacher., ROOM VII . Class. 3 -Honors, R. Davis 88; M. Ford 87; 15. Dignan 85; M. Horney 83 C. Webster 81; R. Northcott 78; J. Barr 75; Pars, 0. Acheson 71; L Wells 70; C. l3r:maeoaube 68; J. White 60. Class 2 -Honors, V. Collingwood 93 E. lies s, 90; M. Nelson 89; E. Horney 86 ; H. Gould 82; L. McDonald 80; W. Spencer 79; E. Hunkin, 78; Pass, L. Fanson 68 ; IV. 14lakinis 62, Class 1 -honors, V. Bloomfield 93; I. Stewart 92 ; J. Bright 91; 1C. Stan - bury 90; L, Snell 89;; G. Sanders 86 D. Bedford 80 ;• F. !Scott 79; L., San- ders, 78 ; 'Pass, C. Gladman .72. 24o. enrolled 38 ; average att. .37 1. Quackenbush, teacher. ROOM 111., Ft. II, -honors, It. Creech 90 ; 1I, Harness, 82 ; W. on 'Wasciaski 81; Pass. G. Beavers 71; E. ,Mallett (38; E. Sanderson 58; G. Mitchell 58: I t tan!: car of oil this could be done and done at n teav'na' to the tnwn so tine nnd.errta.nd. Bes'des this there is the saving of the ,r^^dbed. One great advantage the n'1 has ifs keening down the dust on $undnTis. Sultrily is the day when our e'tizens enjoy !s'ttince out on thea- lawns or verandahs; and it is 'also Iss 'day when autos axe! ant in numbers end on thin 'lay the water capnot keep down the dust. Our back and side ;streets are ina•good shape for oiling and we would like to ace the experiment tried out;: INJURED AT 1TENSALL As Lir. and Mins, Win. Glenn, of Us- boree w':ere •drfving throagh Hensall on :Salarday East their horiee took fright when 'paslsing an automobile and ran down the street. It firist ran against a butcher cart, then ,collided with a post opposite the town hall. smashing the rig rind throwing the aged couple out Mrs. Glenn ha•d her breast !bone broken and was otherwise bruisedandi shaken up. Mr. Glenn had hits.•leg fractured and dislocated under the knee cap. The aged "man was taken home in the auto niter his limb h'ad been set. As he ifs 75 sears old it will' be some tame before even a partial reeover3 will take place. PIANO RECITAL A SUCCESS The piano recital in the Exeter Opera. House, on !Monday evening by the pupils o'f Miss Gladys Bissett; A. Ilius. -W. U... ialsisted by' Miss G. Shaw, soprano, and Mites Newburn, readier, was all that could be desired as far as the entertainment watt concerned but the d'sagreieablc weather of the day kept a number from 'attend':ng although there was 'a.fair crowd prestraft. - The teepils did themselves nrreh credit: each'oni. taking he'r "rapt wve'll. The" specrareteleYat'"for • the •Iev,en'n. Was Mile G. aline- and 12 ss Newbury. of London. Mss Shaw sang !severe; selections land was en- cored each' time: She has a vers mel- odious voice of wide ,range: and volume and her singing was greatly apprbl- dated. '_Hiss Newbury gave several readings and wals heartily applauded! by an 'appreciative, audience. Miss I3isisett played an instrumental solo; The work of her pupils, Showed, were' lent training. The folIowine took;, party Misses 13. Senior and Dorothsj Ralkwill. instrumental duett ; Harry( Seldon ; Mss 'Carrie Thomson, Visa Mildred Harvey ; Miss Margaret Sharp, Miss 'Lena. Oblates, Miss Grace, Creech ; hiss Ruby Parsons, Miss Amy Johns ; and arias Marjorie Sel- dom. piano , solos ; and Misses J. Mc- Cullough and Ferne Francis. and lits.• stirs )3. Smith and G. ,Bissett, instruct mental duetts Z -ION JUBI LEE The Jubilee- of the Zion Methodist church, Eliteaviile. circuit, ,will be 'held next Sunday and Monday, June 13th and 14th. On Sunday ;sermons will be preached at 10.30 a,m. by the Rey. W. Q'iance, a former pastor and ,in the evening at 7 o'clock by the Rev. John Veale, also is former pastor. The Granton "Methodist choir ;will furr.. sh the music. Collections at both- ser- vices. On Monday, Jute 14th, a grated picnic will be held on the school grounds near the church, coulm?r.Cing at 2 o'clock when .addresses will be given be' several ;Cornier paetors o£ he church Singing by the a:eel:rane Male Quartette, Witham 11111.1s, o4 Woodhana, Charlie 1'atil, or Kirkton. Reading by Jack Jose, of Kirktoai and violin. solos ley Cecil Skinner. , Ma served at 4 o'clock. Admission 35e and 20c, ,Claw D -,Honors, 0. Brown 89; R. Fansou 85; If, Nelson, 84; .11, Bloom- 4ield, 81; 1. Mitchell 78; .Pass, 111, Bis- sett 71; L. Vincent '74; L. McDonald 71; E. Northcott 68; E. l5useell 66. Class, 0, -Honors. V. Roulston 88 ; J. Bloomfield 86; 11. 'Sanders, 84; G. Webster 80 ; V. Kellett 80; I. Mit- chell 80; M, Murphy 79; Pass -I. Lana 70, G. Brock 67; G. Wells 61; E. Coombes 60. No. on roll 47; average attendance 41 Ida Armstrong; teacher. V....mamaININewestatee SPEND YOUR 111.1611111.9 DOMINION DAY AT SEAFORT10 AND ATTEND THE 16th ANNUAL MI3 1'INO OF THE • Seaforth Turf Club One of the Best Race Meets In Ont., all the Best f;Uarses $2100 in Purses COME TO C4th On July 1 and 2 , Band in Atte'adaitce M,!5wodericrk, Sec. ITaae'enloelc, Pros. CONFERENCE NOTES Messrs II. 32. I1lustou, and 37 W. F.. Beavers. 3. G. inc es and 5.. al. San- ders attended the conlerenlcc from town. Mr. II, L. Huston of town gave a vers' it±eresting paper on church fin- anc.ng at one of the lay ruen's, meet- lags, R'v. Dr. Thomas "Manning, of Strat- ford. was elected president on Thurs- day of . last week. Or. A1c,0s.mus, ,of London was next rand Rev, u.. W. Maxwvorths .of Main Street church fa to be congratulated on hta support being only a few votes behind Dr. eleGamus, Four Soong men were ordained into the AMethod:st church last Sabbath. The service was, impressive and was conducted b3 hey, Dr. illanr,i.n,g, the ordination sermon Wing preached by Rev. A. Langford.\ The Lour men.whe are now regular ;clergy men are• 3.; E Jones. of Grp d't:on ; It, A. Brock, of Montreal 1. L. Poster, of Toronto, and Frederlek W.!Ore ila of rl'haanles- v;lle, 117;e. Jones received ilea high , school etlration inr.c o- t wa da. ` attend:ng Albert college. He is a promising young near. ;and will ne dou'bl. make his was in( the knin''.(stey. and they are •below the ti,guree that have previously been emoted. Thr timate, is $43.'70 Spur lap. for 200 h.,pl,. ibe cost ofa .inlatalling distribution o is rbtrtiau system' Tor the town will be $20.000. The 'Hydro Commission promiises that if we act quickly and pasts the money by-law that the work all or- dering 'Material and 'building th'e linea will be !rushed through with'. ail haste' and that w ,w' e , rll be able to have It;- dro installed by Decpr. berg Reeve Taylor left Monday night' to get rfurther lnt'ornaation, from the HSdro 0omataisaion. The figures quat' d Seen; quite satis- factors to start v • f tte th.oise, who are in touch: with the hydro sitaation. It $should mean la saving to our town. Croat. the start. The ditstribetion 'sea - tea ses -tea is the (big least 'but this •wii;l1 ' spread over a piexiod. or Se'arhs and is the property of the municipality. We understand thus does not ,take', into ,consideration the present electric light plant, The i :ranch:se of the Ex- eter Electrio Light ,and Power(,Co. ex- pires in December and the, .town under no obligations ito the company, Some -•consideration is no doubt due, then; and the settlement will: be left with the town but the commissioa no doubt, will advise in .the matter. The town. council (bave been, anx- lousls waiting on !the Hydro commis- sion and now ,with the necxetssary in formation at their disposal the matter will be gone ahead, with ataaece. The next move will be utc to the eitizena of Exeter.. Letter From the Front DTei, 460. ;No. 2 'Co'y, let llatt'� 1s t Brigades ;Cauadinr case, li'raneee q y ' r K`aa' tette, ,alga , Dear .11,.1';?, Oa/aids-a F , I suppaac Sou hay ,race' y rd by this time, .[-m vxiting ,Spar Uzi* letter ca to let you know how am ,2'e[M ting along at the front. We arrived et the front !n (name blotted out deal oensor), on the 26th off,A,oa,rii. On Malt 3rd we came'' to the base in Franoa where • we are now. We haven't, b> read i ka the treitc,k,.,s ,Set' but bare ball considerable excitement' .under ehedl 'fare. Two of our boys were, killed axed sone wounded. the fi:rst. lay xie arrived Lai range of the big guns.. The artillery. sounds just like a continual: thunder( sterna and they 'keep hammering„away) night and. day The casualtiele a metng the Canadians have been vary heavy, is the last big battle when the .hoya, made '.a nano for fianada,. That its the reatisoa wet are at the base here being reorga.ta.- leed. We will be eat axed tat them! again, in :about .> week. • The Germans are clow nfsLtzg this pAisonoa$ gas with terrible effect and. it will no doubt have a bb• e,ffeiet on. the outcome of the .avar if tine Ala lies do mat (goon. start ,to use .som.ething, similiar and :gfr,ye .tboae •German ;bar barians leome of their awn metdid'iSnce There ,are lots of thingur I could, tell you but our betters are all read by'. the censor and ,w.. ,are not able to say much. I'll close, hoping to hear from you soon, Yours vers isineexely. P.S;-13ameanber me ,to the boa t; THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Heady Made Clouting We are desires of making a clean up of our mens and boys clothing, and to do so we will give some extra values. Baal our range and get o .x prices. fade=to-pleasure Suits Oar made -to -measure .suits always please. Shoes We have a complete stock of Iow shoes, straps, pumps arid etc., and sold at the very Eowest prices. MENS -try a pair of our ASTORIA shoes. See oar job lines of shoes, 50o, 75c, $1,00 per pair. Shifts A new range of mens shirts just arrived, B. W. F. I3 A V E R S 400000........0400•04004.4a 444044090.00*•*044.19.6440-041 0 • 4, • Stoart 4.4 • • • •. • • • • • • A • •A • • O A 0 P O • • S e ••• • • A ••. •. • • • •• • O • i A, • r en sy will be interested in our New Spring Line of Classy Toggery.. We caii fit you mut with the "Something Different" in men% wear. Straw Hats The newest in Sailors, Senn- ates, Split Straws and Panamas. Felt w; Light Hats for Su '.;finer See .our full line of new Shirts Gloves, Umbrellas, etc. One of oar walking canes might interest you. Why nothave that new suit. a;� for the24:thi We can supply you in ordered or ready to wear clothes. 4 411 401 • 4 44. 44:4, 4444 Ift4t$44 444444s4444i► W. 'W. _ . T A - A i!•••••0.1•!#•4•••••0•.••••0•••0,00mM40•***e6O+04/44