Exeter Times, 1915-5-13, Page 8E•A}E ONTHEWATCi#. FoRi NEW `ti -11N S. WE. 'KEEP UP WITH THE. WHEN ANY; 'MH1NG NEW COPIES OUT YOU CAN FIND IT tN Gii1Ra .S'T'ORE A°t"• THE LOWEST PRICE THE STYLES AND SHADES IN OUR DRY GooDS DEPARTMENT ARE RIGHT UP To THE MINUTE. YoU WILL NoT NEED To SHoP AROUND IF YoU COME STRAIGHT To OUR STORE FoR YOUR .SPRING AND SUMMER NEEDS; YOU WILL FiND THE HIGH QUALITY YoU WANT IN OUR .STORE AT THE LOWEST PRICES, CONSISTENT WITH GooD MERCHANDISE. No OLD-FASHIONED HOUR -GLASS METHODS WITH US. WE KEEP RIGHT UP To THE MINUTE. FAILLE SILKS In many beautiful shades. Itis 36 inches wide; has a rich lustred finish and is a very popular silk this season, at per yard $1.25. CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES We have pretty wash dresses in prints, ginghams and linens for girls 4, Cr, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. The prices too are reasonable. COLORED CREPES For Waists and Dresses in shades of plain blue, pink and tan as well as in many floral effects, a big seller this season at per yard, 15c. WHITE WAISTS An assortment of white waists, some are plain - tailored others are neatly trimmed with lace and insertion. These waists sold for $1 to $1,50. They are selling fast at 65c or 2 for $1.25, LADIES' PARASOLS These have neat handles. The cloth is a silk and wool mixture and is a good wearing material, special at $L50, HOUSE DRESSES Why spend so much time sewing when you can buy such neat and good wearing house dresses ? Prices, 1, 1,25, 1.50 and $2. 25 Cents — SPECIAL - 25 Cents Here is a chance to buy a Straw Hat for your Boy or Girl at a frac- tion of the regular price. We have about 150 Straw Hats in good styles worth 50c, 75c and 81. For quick selling we have marked them at the very low price of 25 cents. See centre window, ROOM RUGS If your floor needs a new rug this season. We want you t big variety of seamless rugs in Tapestry, Brussels, Velvets and Wiltons. LINOLEU MS We have designs suitable for any room in 2, 3 and 4 yard' widths. Now is the time to buy, when we have such a good range of patterns to choose from. W ALL PAPERS If it is a cheap paper you want we have good patterns at 5c a roll. Al- so new and up-to-date papers for bedrooms, dining rooms and parlors with cut out borders at per roll 10e, 15c and 25e. CURTAINS ",.:3D CURTAIN NETS You will find that we havea big assortment of Lace Curtains when you ses our stock. Gaeat values at $1 as well as mauy styles of nets. NEW LAID EGGS — 19c CASH; 21c TRADE !WADE IN CANADA°. ®rd .Tourin Car` a 'rice 590. 'Sour neighbor drives a Fords --why don't you? We are selling more Fords in Canada this year than ever before—because Cana- dians demand the best in motor car service at the lowest possible cost. "Made in Canada" Ford is a necessity -not a luxury Runabout540" Town Car price on application, All Ford cars are fullyequi ped, headlights.includingelect- iicNo carsold unequipped. Buyersu of Ford cts will share in our profits if we sell 30.000 cars between August 1, 1914 and August 1915. Milo Snell, Dealer, EXETER, THE EXETER fIM'1S Market Report ---'The following is the report of the Exeter market corrected up to May 12th. 'Wheat $1.4? 41 'Data 50c 650 4 Buckwheat 4140e'x da, c0 ! Peas $1,50 Flou.r. 81,00 Low Grade Flour $2.O11 Bran $2300 per ton Shorts $30,00 per ton Sugar Beet pulp $27,00 per ton, Clutter 22 to et. , Creamery butter3 . Eggs 15) to +210 i.,w i,'s' Ceick-en8s alive ie'' bjeseed 10 i tucks, alive ft ; dressed [2 Turkeys alive 14; dressed 18 01d Toms, alive 11c., dressed 13 Geese alive b. dressed 11 , - Potatoes 35e to 48c. ee Dried Apples�.0-c �r , ' i i Hogs X3160 , nLa i . , f :.. „ • LOCAL• oo�se�• �o���.� •Mrs. Amos, rasa ,in London OM Fri- day last, Mrs. Ed. Willis wan in London-. or, Sat ur;da3 Tiarrs `Parsons was in London on Monday. Miss May :I3arne(ss, of Lncan, spent Sunday at her home here. Messrs, G. L Burdette and , W. Fritz were in London over Surdas. Mr. and Mrs. C. Harness have been visiting for several dasu in London. Miss Ella Wood has been engaged as stenographer bs' Mr. Wee;;. Sne11,, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Blatchford,. of Toronto, are visiting with relatives in town, Mothers' Das will be observed in James street Methodist church neat E.inday, Mr. and Mrs. M., i1. Dos le .enter- tained a number of friends on. Tues- day evening, Mr. Marlyn, of St. Thomas, visited his brother, Mr. T. B. Martyn, during the past week. Dr. A. It. Kinsman in ,in Toronto this week attending the Ontario Den- tal convention. 3Irs. Joseph 'Hartman, Of St. Olcin'- ens. and 'a former resident of died on Alas and, Alrs. Griffiths and Iron, of Toron- to. are visiting the former's 'father, Mr. Jas. Handford, Mr. Coleman Moncur. 'of 'Peter- Mro. has been visiting his. parents. Mr. {and Mrs. 'W. H. Moncur. Dr. Boulston left Monday even'n,g tc attend the Ontario Dental convention being held in Toronto this week. Miss Mabel 'Walters. of Hamilton. was celled home ,Monday (mins" to the illties.s of her aunt, tMns. James Walters. Mr. Laurie, of the Bank of Com; coerce staff, who has been ill.'a.t his 'home in Thedford, resumed his duties on, Monday. Mr. Milo Snell has d.islsolved part- nership with Mr. Wes. Snell and hats moved bes office into the shoji :south of the Com:nercilai hotel. Rev. Thos. White. of Saskatchewan conference end sister. Mi -s White, of Birr. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Snell and mfrs. Maxwell. of town. - i'-_1'-' Mrs. John Snell. who has' 'spent the winter 'visiting ,her son Rd. At Granhum, Alta., and other relatives in the 'west is expected ,home ,this week. Mr. W. S. i$owey was, in London on Tuesday and 'Mrs. Howey and two children who have been visiting in Lucknow and Stratford , returned home with him. A team belonging to 'Messzis. a?. and T. Dunsford and being workedf.by Mr. Geo. partner ran away in a fields on Monday. One st;as 'a colt and- it was cut up somewhat. On, account of the reeeti;ng .of the Ontario Dental .Society, Toronto, the office of Dr., Busman will be closed from Saturday, ,May 8th, to Friday, Mas 14th, inc1'u ive. Mrs. Basnhani;; of Centralia, receiv- ed word last week, that' her son Max- well was among ',the missing. .Max- well was with. the ;Canadians ,in the recent battles in Flanders. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, of ;Norwich, Miss, Ethel Bissett, ei Seaforth, and Reg. of Chatham, Nave returned ,af- ter attending the funeral of their sister, Miss the Bissett. Rev. W. G. L•1. McAlister ,was in Clinton last .'Sabb'ath conducting ser- vices in •tWesle,!,church owing to the, illness of the 'pastor. Mr. J. Irwin of Clinton, occupied the pulpit James street church. Three auto loads of brethren from the Oddfellow's lodge in town motor- ed. to Hensel! Sabbath evening \and Mined the brethrenthere in Divine worship in St. Paul's church where they listened to a splendid !sermon by l:iev. Mr. Doherty., The Exeter council have decided on oil as the Imean.s of laying the durst in some 'parts of the town and have purchased a tank car ,from the .Im- perial Oil ,Co. The car holds five thousand, gallons, Main Street will, be oiled the latter part of this, month, Mr. 14 I, S. Wambold, of ,Goshen, Ind., accompanied by his eon and two daughters motored to town and spent :Sunday with his brother, Mr. ' jos. Wambold. They made the trip he two days. On, Monday they visited at !Zurich, St, Joseph, Dashwood and Stage leavieg Tuesday ,for Berlin. SLr. • Wambold was looking at some farms in this. ?district with a view to purchas g, The Luberal of the late Annie, 131s - sett took place from her late residence William street, on Friday afternoon. The service at the house wad private after which the remains were taken (ti the Trivia Memorial >dutch where o public service Wes held by' the pals:- tor.. 1tev'. D. ;W,, rAlte,,toial tributes .were Very beautiful: and he - :spoke anany friends, Inter'man,w'.yvas 44110 1.! :ire the Exetter. ce!ineteirti .... NOTICE—Celts vaccinated against Joint Ills, Itheimiatisin or Scrofula free of charge bl Drs. Sweet "& Reid, of Exeter, if they are notified within 48 hours after the colt is, born. . IIOUSE AND. LOT FO1t SALE Property of 'Wm. !l3alkwill, Sr,, Heron St.. one storey frame house ; good cellar; hard and soft' water; One quarter acre of laud; good stable and drive shed. Apply to W m. 13alkwill carpenter, John street. 5-13,tf One week lion] '7lfonda5 will ba Victoria Das • Mr. S. Martin ,was in London ,on Sat urday . . Private Elsner llerness, of London, ,spent Sunday at his home. Mrs. S. W. Mexworthy• and daugh- ter Miss Margaret were ini London on Monday. Quite a number of young people picniced at the river on Wednesday if ternoon, Wilfrid Stewart is around again' af- ter being 'confined to the house, tyitb. appendicitis. 1llr, Chas. Dyer, of the Molsons. Bank staff has been .transferred to the head office at Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. John McMahon, who have spent the ,winter in Toronto, have returned to their farm ''Tor the summer, - Mr. Adolphus Hooper has purchased someland on Victoria street from Rev. dIr. 3.relland and will erect a residence. Mr. D. Ross expects shortly to move into Mr. Dunsford's houlse on Carling street: The house has been remodel- led and painted_ Elderlypeople should use Reran ,Or- derl'es. The}- are a perfect !and mild laxatiive. ;Sold only by LW. 'S.; Cole, The Rexdll, Store, 10c..' 25e , . ;and 50 cent boxes:' Mrs. Gardiner, who has '`;pent the winter with her son', mfr. Peter Gar- diner' of B1xth, Returned to cher home here' on -Monday. Mr.. Gardiner ac- companied her home. ldr. Q'. Zuefle is moving into his rosidence on Andrew street vacatleed by Mr. W. D. Clarke. Mr. Fred. San- derson' is ',moving into the ,.residence vacated by Mr..Zuefle. ' , :11Lr. Milo Snell wishes to announce that he has discontinued hies business partnership with 'AIr, :Wes • Snell and will handle alone 411 -business as to Ford 'Cars and service. Messais Laurie•;G. Watson and Ciif- fora McEvoy' have returned home hav- ing finished ;thei;;course in :Pharmacy at the Toronto Urtiversits and are now awaiting the results. '1'.idU1tS(l7A Yu MAY, 13th; 1915` ""-^:"'"1" Women troubled with constipation find Rexall Orderlies far superior to the usual harsh purgative. Sold on- lv by 'W. S. IC.ole, ;The Rexall Store, 1Oc., 25x, ;•and 5,dc, boxes. • Mr. Michael Flemming purchased the hundred acre farm of Win.: Hod- gins • on , the ,12th concession of Mc- Gillivray: Mr. Hodgins has,purch'ased the fifty 'acre 'farm of ,the estate of Andrew Collins,,, Mr. Lee Blatoh'ford• went to London on Monday 'where he will undergo a second operatione, He was operated on in. Clinton a few .months ago for, ap- pendicitis but since that time ,while. able to he around his_. recovery has been very slow;,and a second op- eration has been found necessary. The examiners .from the• Royal Aca- demy' of Music London, England, „ar- ived at Quebec S.iurdes, May 9th, on the S. S. Grampliet. One of them, F. G. Chinn, Esq.,,Mus 'Doc.b els expected in Exeter on Thursday, ,May 13th.end %vial' examine so'm'e pupils of Mr. R. Phillips, A.L.C.312:. "•athis,' studio,• Rev. T. W. Blatchford, of :Central- ia, preached twQ very' acceptable ser- mons in Main sttreet .dlethodist church last Sabbath. The pastor, Rev. S. .W llfuxworthy ,reached :Epworth _League anniversary'isernaonls a.t Centralia; Aliss Edna ,Dow, trained •nurise who is leaving far Europe ,with the Tor- onto University division, spent Sun- day with her ,father, Mr. A. Dow, of town. This was Mites T'ow's last vis- it home before leaving for the scene: of action. 'Mies -Dow 15 one of Exe- ter's popular 3oun,g"ladies sand haus a host of admiring friends here ,whose best wishes will follow her. Mr. W. D. Clarke, ,manager .of the Molsons. Bank, les this week moving his, household' effect' into the •resi- dence in connection. with the. ,banik. The interior ofthe :building :hestbeen renovated throughout. the :moiedwork and, walls being painted and 'papered and finished off beautifully. An ad-. dition has been erected to the k'itcheo and other improvements .made_ 0.• Mrs. D. Johns and Miles Lila were ealled'•to Sarnia, last week owing to: the death of Mr. John',Goodisori: foun der of the thresher' works roe that name. Mr. Will Goodison is a`ison,i11- 1aw of Mrs. Johns. The 'funeral was held on 8aturdas Afternoon and' was; one of the largest ever ;held in Sar- nia. The funeral Was under the -aus- pices of the Masons .about three bun-. Bred being present,. a. , number , at- tending from,. Port Illiron and ;Strath- roy. Prof. F. Ruse died at his home :in Hampton, on Friday. May 0th follow - log a long illness ; :aufterin,g from 'anaemia. Prof Ruse, was !for :many years a music teacher throughout this .neighborhood and hed a wide ac- quaintance and many friends. 1+or a number of years he has, been ill with 'anaemia and a few Sears .ago mov- ed to 'Hampton froin Exeter. On that occasion he was ' kindly 'remembered by friends of the Thames ,load 'Pres- byterian congregation. He is survived b;1 his widow. The following statistiels are taken from the 1915 kasseasment roll of, HayTownship. Total assessment 4,2,419,- 333 ; real property asselsSed, $1,728,2'!5 buildings, 8673,730; value of taxable real property 42,401,955 ; business ass- essment 416.47k; income aessessnleei t Namber of aeries .,;ti tnlv�• h1i) 52,54:f; cleared land ;,r .3.01k`:' `acre`s; woodland 2,325 acres; sintinip -,810' acs's.', popislatoR 2,882; Male per-. sons... 21 to ei0' :axis;. 10; ,lila alis 47:; Venus deaths. �l'0 ; lags�$ '�. No. est f�ciaoal . children, between ages of 8 sears and' 14 Ieaars '40,7. ' , START ADVERTISING NOW TAGNATION in one's business is greatly to be feared and greatly to be avoided. Action – an effort to get 'ahead – keeps a business healthy, wealthy and wise. Visible action is advertising in THE WIJEICL' TIMES, -a fresh "adver- tisement each week. The preparation and publication of a new advertise - anent is a sure indication of •:.business energy. "Start:Something" is the slogan of to -day. Start advertising NOW. Keep up the advertising all through the year, and your business will feel the tonic effect of your ac-. tgon. To the Merchants of Exeter and Vicinity ! Make business brisk for you and Exdter by a big and rightly•darected ef- fort—by a series of adequate advertisements in the WEEKLY' TIMES. Get and Keep Ahead by Planning Ahead WE CAN SAVE YOU $ By buying your coal from us, We bought before the heavy freight rate and war tax. $7 5o for this month, delivered. Sore Agents for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal KESTLE ROWE & .WOOD PHONE go Exeter, Ontario Odd. HOUSECLEANING TIME MAKE4, 3:ousecleaning Easy by buygg a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner from us. It will clean your Rugs and, Carpets better than beating them and with nuch less labor. Then get aottle of Sunny Polish to clean your furniture, add if yon see you need any new furniture, we have a big stock to choose from. R. N. ROWE Embalmer & Funeral Director PHONE 20a sogiiimeironsinstionlowsim The following interesting ,tigeres Ti have been taken from the nesossmient roll of the township of ,Tuckersraith for this gear: The assessed value of the land in the township is $1.616,9',76 and the value of the ,buildings is $485,810. The total amount of tax- able real property is 2,100,786. ,The value of property :exempt from tax- ation is $34,9'00. The business.asses- ment is $5;350 and the ,taxable \ien come $1,850. The total asseissment is 2.107,{986. There are 107 children between the ages of 5 and{ • 12. ;between the ages of 5 and 16,'423. The popu- lation of the ,township is. 2 032., There are 2,943 days of statute labor., There were 36 births and 7 deaths during the year. `There are 240 dogs in the township. There are 253 children of school age, over -and under .14, di- .. '`8vided as follows ; .In School ;Section No.' 1. 151; tNo. two ,34;' 'Idol 13, 35; No. four 17, No. five 17;I No, six. 15; No. Seven 20;'No. Height 22;f No. nine No. ; o. ten, 21, 'Union Bo.: one, ' 13;( HICKS' FORECASTS The second reactionary storm period falls centrally on the 16th, .17th and -18th. This period is :at the center of the Venus !equinoctial period, at the crisis of ,the (solar (focus, in its `sweep northward from the equator, With the Moon at its extreme,declin- ation north. On and touching the 16 17th and 18th the barometer, hy- grometer and thermometer will react toward renewed storm conditions, and cloudiness, rain', Ivied and 'thunder will visit most partes, as ,they move eastwardly :across the country. It era possible and probable ,that the dia.,, turbaeces of this reactionary :storm period will, to ,a & at degree, bridge the ii terval between the : regular storm periods, central on the 10th and 22nd, thereby causing a prolonged epell of wet and stormy . weather through all the central part of May. The presence of the Venus influence • whieh is central on the .18th,, will in- tensify these disturbances, cau,singtthe warmth syn•;Ch precedes them, and the s cpolronabl,wehichoir ;,aoIbnoloWrms; atl.m heto ,be -(r!ea1,CTt .,revulsions frop'i bis extreme o> t:enperratnre t�.Anot$er attend"the �enus peititiila, espacisily at t.hc .One coming, and at the ending of the gular and the ,reactionary Sloan' per. Oda, Field Seeds for Sale! We have a carefully selected stock of Field Seeds for Sale, and offer them at Very Close Prices. Our stock of" --a° ate-, CORN is of the Best Known Varieties and Germination guar- anteed. We have th 3 following:— Improved Early Butler; Improved Dailey; White Cap; Early Leeming; Mammoth; Early Cuban; Wisconsin No. 7; Longfellow Flint; King Phillip' Flint. Root Seeds In Root Seeds we have the large selection:—Mango!; Turnip; Sugar Beet; Carrot; Etc. Also Seed Beals, Millet, Sorghum, Timothy and Clover Call and inspect our stock—it will pay you! C. Zwicker GENERAL MERCHANT Crerditori, Ontario TENDERS \WANTED, Ten bee`s for ,watering .streets will be received by the clerk n to 7 p. in. Friday evening May 14th. Tend- ers are asked for watering such streets for the !seasort as directed by street commissioner ata priceper hour. T. B. Carling, Elerla.. POWELL',S0 BIG VARIETY.STORE PHONE 55 MAY is a sale month with us. `1'c start THURS- DAY with a sale of GENU- INE CUT GLASS STRAI- GHT water glasses --at the ridiculous price roc. We have only 6 doz.,. if you want than f come quick. Also a new stock of Gra',• niteware just arrived at roe is and 25c, good stuff. Sat urday, try a lb of our Week. end chocolates at 29c per lb- you'll be surprised. Post cards (allexcie pt locals) 5 for 5c. Watchour windows for Bar- gains, every time you pass; " - n SPECIALS etliis n tit. POWELLL THE LIVE B Al2'GA134 ST=l� ., Western University, London. Forward Movement Greatly Enlarged Faculties in Arts and Medicine: Vastly Improved Exuipment,—Libraryr Laboratories. etc.. Sever, New Scholarships Record EnrolImenta jniuiries Solicited E. E. 13raithwaite, M.A., President. ",A Man's Ability is his Passport`! Frank Weaver 'Pirofessor o,F Music, London, Ont_ Teacher of Organ and all branches: of Piano Placing ; Voice Culture and) Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 ye&ret practical experience. For Terms apply at S. Martin en,:A Son's Music Store , , NOTICE ' To the Farmers and Horsebreederce Free Vaccination :against Rheum- atism or joint ,ills, If sou will notify us ,within forty -t eight hours after your colt( isborn wet urill :vaccinate it as a preventativea-t ga•inst rheumatic,. Free of Charge. DR. CHAS. JOSE 'AND SON Veterinary surgeons KIRKTON, Ont. Phone 2% P. "W'. 11070G8ON Ai .1: a li arpenfer pad Builder ,. Plans furnished; Estimates given fired on all classes of 'buildings. 3 -18 -ted PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auto,/ kioneer. Sales conducted in any 1d -i cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly, at-: tended to. 'bone 116, Kiurkton,, Ad.. dress Ittirkton 1?,O. ' ► ,110,t1SE•FORSALE IToune,4L d 'tlizl afellers •• 6,1?tt:.®8 'Agit. `iOtv,.;i4 44..{e6c Petr' et,: dl. A,Ruir !td' t ;rnd' 4i11Ks'