Exeter Times, 1915-5-13, Page 6Was. All Run Down
When the heart does not do its work
properly and the nerves beeorne unstreng
the whole system becomes weak and
rtiu down, and needs building up before
you can feel At again.
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will
do this for you.
Mrs, Hugh Mosher,, Chester Basin,
N,S., writes: "Just a few lines to let
you know what Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills have done for me. X have
suffered greatly with heart trouble and
nervousness, and was all run clown. I
used lots of nredicyine, but received no
benefit until X was advised to try your
pills, anddid so, and before I had finisbed
the first box I felt so much better 1
got 5 boxes, and am now well and strong.
I can truly say they are the best medicine
X have ever. used. I cannot praise them
too highly. I recommend them to any-
nyone suffering from heart trouble."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
50c per box, 8 boxes for $1.25, at all
dealers, or nailed direct on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Coe "Limited.
Toronto, Ont.
sew e
Ways to Use Strawberries..
Strawberries are the first of all
lenetner fruits -the heralds of the
gaud things which: follow in their
wake. Virgil palaeed s'tra'wberries
in tine same rank with flowers be-
cause of their fragrance, and who
couldn't tell to luck at the little red
berry with its pretty green hull
that it contained the elements of
endless delectable , drrsserts 1
i The fruit is at its best when
served without washing and the
sugar must not be allowed to re-
main en the 'berries too long before
serving, for it extracts the juice
and destroys the firmness. It is a
good plan to heap the berries light-
ly on individual plates and to pass
the sugar as they are served.
Strawberry batter cups are a de-
lightful variation of the strawberry
and are made thus : Stir one pint
of sugar into a quart of brui,sgd ber-
ries. Make a batter of sire and,
one-half cupfuls of flour (carefully
sifted with half a teaspoo.}iful of
salt and one heaping teaspoleaful �f
baking powder), two well beaten
eggs, one cup of milk and one
tablespoonful of butter, Pour into
well buttered moulds a little of the
batter, add a layer of the berries,
and continue to alternate the lay-
ers until the cups or moulds are
three-quarters full. Steam or bake
forty minutes. Serve with the fol-
lowing sauce : Cream together one
cup sugar, one-half cup butter, add
the whipped white of one egig and
one cup of mashed berries. Pilaw
o•n ice two or three hours before us-
Novelties are always welcome on
the tea table and strawberry fin-
gers look so tempting and dainty.
To make them, beat four eggs light-
ly, fold the beaten eggs into the&r
weight of sugar and flour, add a
pinch of salt and a few drops of al-
mond flavoring. Beat the mixture
ten minutes and spread thinly on a
buttered shallow pan. Bake in a
quick oven and when delicately
brown remove and allow to cool.
Cut the cake in half, spread sliced
sweetened strawberries on tap and
cover with the remaining half of
cake. Cut into narrow strips, sim-
ulating fingers, sprinkle generously
with powdered auger and serve.
Old fashioned _ strawberry short-
cake is a, treat not to be mentioned
in the same breath with the end-
less imposters masquerading every-•
where as the genuine article. Here
is a recipe guaranteed to result in
the strawberry shortcake that mo-
ther used to make : Stir a generous
teaspoonful of baking powder into
a cup of flour and sift. Work in all
the butter the flour -will take up
and then enoughsweet milk to
make a very soft dough. Roll out
on the moulding board, handling
as Tittle as possible until about one
inch thick. Bake in a. brisk ove'i
and when baked remove and split
the cake in halves. Butter the
steaming sides generously, fill with
bruised berries sweetened with
powdered .sugar. The .small, sweet
berries are the best to use. Serve
There is a Preach recipe for
strawberrypie which i excellent
and well worth trying. Line apie
tin with a. light rich puff paste. Hull
three pints of large, not too ripe
berries, roll them in fresh butter
and powdered sugar. Lay a rim of
paste one third of an inch thick and
one inch wide around the edge of
the pie tin and make the edges ad-
here to the paste lining. Pile the
prepared strawberries into the
centre, arranging in dome form.
Cover with another thin layer of
puff paste ; press gently with the
thumb at edge. Baste the surface
with white of an egg and sprinkle
with granulated sugar. Bake in a
moderate oven half an hour with-
out allowing the surface to brown.
The buff paste must be very thin so
asto thoroughly bake tbefore the
berries become too hot.
A trifle for which our English
cousins are rightly famous is made
of strawberries: It is prepared as
follows : Make a custard of one
quart of milk, put over the fire with
a cup of sugar, bring to the boiling
point and stir in the beaten yolks
of four eggs. Stir constantly for a
moment and remove from the fire.
Dip half a dozen ladyfingers in
cream •'and • arrange them in a glass
dish. ",''Pour 'over them a layer of
strawtber'igs • slightly sweetened
Arrange ,another layer of the lady-
fingers .and another layer of the
berries. Pour -the custard over all.
.Beat the whites of the eggs until
stiff and stir into, them four tafblee
. spoonfuls o+f. po;.wdered .sugar ; color.
with, a little juice of the berries..
_Teethe meringue roughly over the
• •t land ornament With a circle of
large,- ,firm, sweet berms. The in-
gredients of 'the trifle' must be very
cold when put together, and it is a,
good plan to keep the dish on ice
until ready to ,serve,
Light delicious strawberry puffs.
are made thus ;, With the tips of the
fingers rub into a pint.of flour that
has beet sifted.;. a heaping table-
spoonful of butter. Add a. pitch of
salt .and one and one-quarter tea -t
Simple Methods of Exterminating
the Pests.
gong those gelei of ape -mg and
summer there certainly are none
worse than our annual fiy prop,
and we certainly should not neglect
the, simple measures necessary to
protect us against this pest and"
the dangers which accompany it.
Foremost among those is the
prompt removal of the accumula-
tion of horse manure and of all
barnyard filth as well. Nothing
equal.s those substances as fly incu-
bators and not only should our
yards be well cleaned up before the
warm weather definitely sets in, but
we should arrange for its prompt
removal during the entire fly sea -
When circumstances make this
impossible, provision must be made
to collect the manure in fly -proof
aeptaelee or to have on hand such
Ey repellents as kerosene emulsion,
a, be sprinkled daily upon the pile.
The latter, however, are only poor
makeshifts, not to be compared in
efficiency to the prompt removal of
t ire manure.
First and foremost among our fly
fighting measures is an absolutely
clean yard.
;second in importance is the pro-
viCion of suitable screens to our
dwellings, milk houses and other
places frequented by our little
black enemies.
Of peculiar interest in the pre-
vention of fly -born diseases is the
proper construction and protection
of privy vau:Its, and care must be
taken that human excrements are
at no time accessible to flies.
The closing or screening of privy
and cesspools is here sufficient,
while the occasional use of such
eubstances as crude carbolic acid
and the chloride of lime will aid in
repelling the unwelcome and dis-
gusting visitors when it is not pos-
?lible to provide ` for an adequate
The liberal use of sticky fly pa-
per within doors and of fly traps on
windows, garbage cans, etc., i11
likewise help to bring the desired
results. 4
.On •our more or less isolated
farms, all those measures will con-
tribute considerably in rendering
life more comfortable and will like-
wise aid in the prevention of dis-
eases like typhoid, but when we
dome to face the problem in closely
built communities, a certain degree
of :co-operation is almost indispens-
Civilization depends upon co-op-
erati•on and coanmon efforts in
nearly all things, and there is no
reason why the fly pest cannot be
Eradicated by similar attempts.
There is 'sufficient evidence to
show that they are thoroughly
worth while and the measures ne-
cessary are so simple as to be in
reach of practically every house-
It is simply a question of organi-
ration, and when we consider how
many- other good things are being
accomplished by intelligent co-
operation, there seems to be no
reason why the fly problem cannot
be dealt with in the same manner.
The Slow,. Sluggish, Torpid Action of
the Liver is Responsible for Many Ills.
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills stimulate
the sluggish liver, clean the coated tongue,
sweeten the obnoxious breath, clean away
all waste and poisonous matter from the
system, and prevent as well as .cure all
complai-ats:aeleing from a liver which hats
become inactive::.
Constipation, rich? headache, bilious
headache, jaundice;' heartburn, water
brash, catarrh of the • stomach, etc., all
come from a disordered liver.
Mr. Victor B. McNeills, Sandstone,
Alta., writes: ".X thought I would write
and tell you, of my experience with
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, as I am
greatly pleased with, the results I re-
ceived by using them. I was troubled
with sick headache for a long time, and
would get so sleepy right after 'I ate my
dinner 'that I could not do any work. A
friend of mine, from Toronto, visited
me last summer and he asked 'me to try
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. He told
the they had done him so much goodando
- his stomach. I used several vials,
I .found they did me so much' good that
Can recommend theni,td any one suffer.
tag from liver trouble.".
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c •a
vial, 5 vials for $1,00, at :all dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of price by 'the
T, Milburn `Co.,L,ftnited,,Roronto,' Ont:
epoonfuls of baking powder. Then
stir in enough sweet milk to make
a soft dough. Roll the dough out
to half an inch in thickness and cut
..into squares. In the centre of each
put four or five berries. Fold the
dough over to euver the fruit and
roll lightly between the. hands until
a round ball is formed. Put the
'ball on a' plate and put the plate in
a steamer to eouk fifteen minutes.
When cooked remove andserve in1.-
mediately - with: strawberry sauee
made as follows: Beat half a cupful
of butter until it is soft and oreatny,
then stir in gradually a heaping
cupful' of powdered sugar, Beat in
one at a time six or seven mashed
strawberries. Place on ice. '
Strawberry mousse is attractive
and dainty as well as delicious.
Mash well one -quart of strawber-
ries and.one pint of granulated su-
gar. Let this stand two or three
hours and in the meantime soak a
quarter of a package of gelatine in
half a cup of cold water. Put the
crushed berries through a' boarse
sieve. Pour one-third of a cup of
boiling water over the soaked gels-
tine and when it is thoroughly dis-
solved stir into the crushed fruit.
Place the bowl containing the mix-
ture in ice water and stir until it
begins to thicken. Add three
quarts of whipped .and drained
cream. Fold the cream in gently.
Plaice in apacked freezer, using
more salt than usual, cover and
bury deeply. It will require about
four hours to harden.
Strawberry sandwiches array be of-
fered at the tea table. Mash the
berries slightly, adding a little
orange juice and plenty of powder-
ed sugar. Butter thin slices of
bread and spread with the straw-
For those who like to bottle up
the summer goodies the recipe for
strawberry juice will be interest-
ing. Wash and hull red berries,
add an equal amount of sugar and
let stand for several hours, then
palace on stove and simmer for fif-
teen minutes. Strain through a
wet cheese cloth and pour into
sterilized bottles. When cold, seal.
The juice is excellent for sauces,
punch and ices. It serves as a re-
freshing drink if diluted with wa-
Strawberry fool is a summer day
dessert. Put two pounds of ripe
strawberries into a pan with four
ounces of castor sugar. Cover
closely and let simmer for ten min-
utes, stirring occasionally to pre-
vent burning. Put the fruit
through a sieve and When nearly
cold add enough custard to make it
thick. Add a gill of cream. Stand
on ice.
Hints for the Home.
Every housekeeper should pos-
sess a wooden spoon for stirring all
fruits or soups containing any acid.
To sharpen scissors take a bottle
and cut with the scissors as if you
had to cut the neck off the bottle.
This is effective.
The best liniment for rheumatism
is made by mixing, one part of turps
and two of olive oil. It is also good
for neuralgia.
When making milk puddings use
half milk and half water for mixing
them. This is more economical,
and the pudding will taste almost
as weal as if made with all milk.
When steaming potatoes put a
cloth over them before putting the
lid on. They will take much less
time to 000k, and be much more
mealy than when done in the ordin-
ary way.
Nickel silver is best not cleaned
with plate .powders. Damp apiece
of flannel in cloudy ammonia, and
rub well on to the nickel silver,
then polish with a chamois leather.
If your gas mantles are smoky
and so dull that the light is dimmed
you can easily clean them. 'S -imply
sprinkle & pinch of salt over the
mantle and light the gas. The light
will 'burn therm blear.
If, when you buy a pew clothes-
line, you put it in a large 'saucepan
of cold water and bring it to boil,
let it boil for ten minutes, and
then cool down, it will lost twice as
long as usual.
Here is a trick learned from an
old u+mlhrell'a repairer. Instead •'f
glueing on the handle (which is not
lasting) +try`; winding a thread
around the stick, and then screw on
the handle.
To take tea stains from white silk
stretch .the's'tained part over a ba-
sin and•po+ur a little • boiling water
over it. Spread a little borax.otl
the stain and rub gently ,With •a
wooden .spoon. Repeat until ' the
stain diisarppears..
To prevent the iron from sticking
when ironing starched things rub
it over .with a little wax. Take any
odd piece of canidge• you may have
and tie them uji ink alemilare of White
cotton rag: If the 1,ioe'ris quickly
rubbed over with thie.tlrtere, : ill be
no danger of extieking yi, i+4. 11 e wax
'will help to .give the ,i nen„ to good
gloss. 'i•v
Wet boots: or shoe's 'w+h•iob,t,havc
been worn 11i'we't weather and are
thoroughly Waked 'ehould bOtare-
Aftermath of the Battle of Neave Chapelle.
The British losses in the battle of Neuve Chapelle, one of the h oldest fig.hts of the present war;
were appalling. Whole regiments were wiped out and thousands were badly wounded. Here are some
of the British injured arriving in England at one of the south coast ports, awaiting transportation
to the hospitals. •
fully dried, to prevent the leather
from hardening or cracking. On
removing shoes wipe off a,ll..the wet
or mud with a soft cloth, and while
still wet rub With paraffin oil, us-
ing the woolly side of a. flannel,
and then polish off with soft flannel.
When partly dry rub theme again
.witch paraffin, and put them in a
lwarm place. "
Our Debt to the Engineer.
A recent issue of the General
Electric Review calls attention to
the extent to which the engineer
has transformed our civilization.
Oornsider, for example, the war-
ship of a hundred years ago, and
compare it with the latest modern
supe•rdre,adnaught. The finest of
the old ships depended on the wind
for her Motive power. and if be-
calmed was of little more use than
a log Boating on the surface of the
waters. Her armanent consisted
of cast-iron muzzle loading guns
that were laboriously handled by
manual arbor, and there was noth-
ing in her. from stem to stern that
resembled a machine except the
pumps, made of hollow tree trunks,
and the capstone' that raised the
anchor. The modern superd'read-
•naught, on the other hand, has en-
gines that normally develop 60,000
horse power ,and that, if rumor is
correct, can at a pinch develop
100,000 horse power. Her normal
speed, independent of wind and
weather, of twenty five knots an
hour, can if necessary be increased
to almost thirty knots, Her bat-
teries of fifteen -inch guns can hurl
projectiles that weigh nearly a ton
for almost twenty miles. Her tor-
pedo tubes can fire torpedoes
twenty-one inches in diameter. Her
every vital part is protected with
solid steel, fourteen inches thick,
An Inch of Rain.
When the Weather Bureau re-
ports that an inoh of rain has fall-
en, it means that the amount of
water that deeended from the sky
in that particular shower would
have covered the surrounding terri-
tory to a depth of one inch, if none
of it had run off or soaked into the
It Means that on one acre of
ground enough water to fill more
than six hundred barrels, of forty-
five gallons each, has fallen. That
quantity of water weighs more than
110 tons. If the rainstorm covered
one thousand acres, which would
be a very small shower indeed,
118,000 tons of water would fall
from the clouds.
Rainstorms frequently • cover
whole states, and often two or
three, or five inches of water falls
in one storm. In that case the
weight of water that falls to the
earth is simply enormous. A single
widespread and heavy storm might
result in a hundred billion toms of
War Time Opportunities
Periodical Payments Offer Safe Solution to the Investment
Problein. •
Modern banking facilities have
wrought big change's in the meth-
ods of investing money. Whereas,
formerly it was -only possible for
the owner of large lump sums of
money to purchase bonds or deben-
tures, now the way is open to the
modest savings' depositor to be-
come a bond owner in a compara-
tively short time. Many security
houses will accept part payment
for a bond, carrying the •customer
for a period of time until he can
bim.self pay the balance of the pur-
chase money. While yet other bond
houses which have special facilities
for carrying on this class` of busi-
ness, accept deposits similar to a
savings bank and sell their clients
bonds on'the =nstalment plan. By
this means it is possible for a
thrifty person to be an out and out
bondholder before his earnings
have. much more than reached the
half century mark ; and in addition
to the fact that his money is earn-
ing big interest, there will be all
the advantages of a safe, easily -
convertible investment: This latter
method is what is •enown as the
periodical payment plan, or the
savings investm.en+t system.
How the Plan Operates.
The periodical payment or sav-
ings investment system is operated
along similar lines to a savings
bank, except 'that the depositor -
investor undertakes to deposit cer-
tain definite sums at regular
etated intervals-mm.(11y monthly
or quarterly. The necessity of this
is apparent, as instalments must be
regular where the purohase of a
commodity is concerned, A pass
book is usually issued showing the
amount deposited and sums with-
drawn Brom time to time for the
purchase of securities.
Under one plan the deposits are
left until one hundred do+lla,rs hos
accumulated, the bond banker al-
lowing four per cent. interest on
all balances. When the even stipu-
lated has been reached, the deposi-
tor is notified, and risked what se -
entity he wishes to buy. Usually a
wide range o f etandard bonds acid
debentures are offered hien, though
bond "houses naturally prefer that
their own underwritings be pur-
chased. When. the .client hos made
his seleetion delivery of the bond
is made and thenceforth he reeeuvee
the increased rate of interest on has
money. Under hie contraet. he eon-
tinues his deposits:s.t, regular inter
vela until he has another huulrod•.
dollars, when he makes another
purchase in the • same way.
Under the other alternative plan
the depositor becomes a bond -own-
er at a still earlier date. After a
certain sum has been deposited, say
forty dollars, the depositor has the
privilege of selecting his security
and becoming a genuine bond -
owner. The bondhouse .sells him
the security, loaning him the bal-
ance , of the purchase money on the
collateral of the bond itself. On
this loan the inve,stm.ent pays in-
terest, .which is usually, however,
fully .covered by the portion of the
bond interest payable on this lat-
ter sunt. Thus, if the balance loan-
ed the investor is sixty dollars and
the interest charged him six per
cent. and the bond is also a six per
cent. security, the interest charge
is fully met. The advantage, more-
over, of this plan, is that the de-
positor -investor will be drawing big
interest in .his deporsit, probably six
per cent., this being the balance
accruing to him after he has paid
the interest on the loan out of the
bond interest.
Investor Fully Secured.
The time was when banking
houses desired chiefly the wealthy
man's large account, .and small de-
posits were not so very acceptable,
but this was quite a while ago and
conditions are now entirely differ-
ent. But soiling of bonds on the
instalment plan • is still somewhat
of an innovation, though some
'firms have been doing it for several
years. Some reliable Canadian
bond houses specialize in this very
kind of investment and have spe-
cial facilities for economically
handling this class of business.
Certainly it is a rare opportunity
which is offered the sm,a11 investor.
Sums of ten dollars per month and
upwards are received on deposit
at a reasonable rate of interest;
and just as soon as a few payments
have accumulated, the depositor is
given ap opportunity to invest his
money in securities which will yield
him twice ordinary bank interest
And. that, too, without in any way
impairing his capital; for the usual
form of contract provides for its
tertninoioai at any time the deposi-
tor desired, .when he will receive
hie fall cash balance without de-
duction, and wthatever securities he
lta's purchased. If the latter have
been carefully .selected, tihiere
should be no trouble in. easily con-
ve'rtung them into cash.
iI:A.Y 16.
Lesson VII. David Spares Saul. -
1 Sam. 26. Golden Text:
Luke 6. 27.
L David in Saul's Camp
• (Verses 5, 6).
Verse 6. Ahimelech the Hittite -
He is not mentioned elsewhere.
Uriah was also a Hittite. The Hit-
tites were the descendants of Heth.
For references to the Hittites, see
Gen. 23. 2; 26. 34; Josh. 3. 10; 1
Kings 10. 29; 2 Kings 7. 6. Our
chief information concerning the
Hittites comes from Assyrian and
Babylonian inscriptions. They are
also mentioned in the Egyptian
Abishai the son of Zeruiah, bro-
ther to Joab-Abishai and Joab
were David's nephews, sons of his
sister. They were famous as war-
riors (see 2 Sane. 23. 18; 3. 30; 2.
18; 10. 14; 18. 2. 5, 12; 21. 17; 1
Ohron. 18. 12; also 2 Sam. 16. 9;.
1 Kings 1. 7; 2. 28-34).
II. Saul in David's Power
(Verses 7-12).
7. Came .to the people -That is
to Saul's army.
His :spear stuck in the ground -
See lesson for May 2, verse 9.
8. 18.Hath delivered up -See 1 Sam.
10. Jehovah will smite him -The
king's person was inviolate. He
was in Jehovah's hands. David
knew Saul ought to meet a violent
death, but he dared not lay his
hands on him. (Com -pare Nabai',s
sudden death, r Sam. 25. 38, with
Saul's death, 1 Saar. 31. 3-6).
11. Cruse -A small cup or jar.
12. A deep sleep from Jehovah -
A sleep caused "supernaturally."
(See Gen. 2. 21; 15. 12).
III. Taunting the Bodyguard of
Saul (Verses 13-16).
13. Stood on the top of the moun-
tain afar off; e great space being
b,etween them -David was taking
no chances. He trusted Saul . no -
more now than on the former occa-
14. That criest to the king -Ab-
ner recognizes David and upbraids
him for his effrontery to speak
even to the, army of Saud. "Who
ore you but an outcast, daring to
call on the name of Saul l"
15. Axit not thou a valiant man 1
and who is like to thee in Israel 1 -
David returns Abner's insult with
biting irony. "There is no one, to
be sure, who can even approach
you in valor. Yet to what extent
did you protect your king 1" (See
2 Sam. 2. 8 ; 3. 31-34, 38).
Thy lord the king -David still
recognized Saul as lord and king.
16. Worthy to die -In Hebrew
the phrase is : "Ye are sons of
death ;" that is, practically dead,
so fan as any protection they could
render the king.
A New Apparatus Gives Very Ac-
curate Readings.
The number of pounds of steam
per hour flowing past a given point
in a pipe of a given diameter, or
the number of gallons of water or
Beet of gas per minute has always
been a more or less difficult matter
to determine accurately. Until the
recent invention of a meter for this
purpose the problem was one which
involved the use of considerable
The new ,app'aratu•s consists of a
plug which can be screwed into a
pipe at any convenient point and
when so attached a tube extends.
from the plug across the diameter
of the pipe. At equal distances
along the tube are small hetes open-
ing toward the direction in which
the contents of the pipe is flowing,
while at a right angle to these is
another similar set of holes, The
first of these is known as the lead-
ing set, the second as the trailing
set. .
Supposing the contents of the
pipe to be water, the action of the
flow 'meter is as follows: The ef-
Coughs and colds do not call for a.
minute recital of symptoms as they are
well known to everyone, but their clangers
are not so well known. All the most'
serious affections of the throat, the burgs
and the bronchial tubes are, in the be-
ginning, but coughs and colds.
Many people when they contract
a slight cold do not pay any attention
to it, thinking perhaps that it will pass
away in a day or two. The upshot is
that before they know it, it has settled
on. their lungs.
Too much stress cannot be laid on tires..
fact that on the first sign of a cough or •
cold it must be gotten rid of immediately, ,
as failure to do this may cape years of
suffering from serious lung trouble,.
will cure the cough or cold and prove
a preventative from all throat and lung
troubles. such as bronchitis, pneumonia
and consumption.
Mrs. B. B. Druce, Brighton, Ont.,
writes: "I am sending you my testi-
mony of your Dr• Wood's Vol -way Pine
Syrup, telling you what it did for my
little girl. The doctor had given her up
as she was, as we thought, going into a
decline with the cough she had. I was
told by a lady friend to try "Dr. Wood's"
and when she had taken two bottles she
was on her feet again, and four bottles
cured her,"
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is the
best cure for coughs and colds. It is
put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine
trees the trade mark; the price, 25c and
50c; manufactured only by The T.
Milburn Co., Limited'` Toronto, Ont.
feet of the water in passing the '
leading set is to develop a pressure\
in the tube equal to the statie'plz
sure of the liquid, plus the pres-
sure due to velocity head, while in
the trailing set it develops a pres-
sure equal to the static minus the
velocity head. These two pressures
are conducted through suitable
pipes to the meter where they en-
ter cylinders containing mercury.
The mercury eylintjiers in turn con-
trol the movement of .a finely pivot-
ed balance so that as the mercury
rises in one ey^linder and falls in the
other due to the variation of pres-
sure the balance curries a. record-
ing hand whioh indicate's the flow
on the dial land at the sante time
by means of a pen makes a continu-
ous record on a moving paper chart
revolving with a drum. The drum
revolves by means of an eight-day
clock to which it is a:ttaeherh
The meter is capable of adjust-
ment to varying temperature's of
the water or other contents of the
pipe and is said to give most ac-
curate readings extending over a
period of twenty-four hours' time,
for which the recording attachment
is designed.
Odd Effects of Wounds.
According to a recent cable iter
from London an application of X-
rays in St. Bartholomew's Hospi-
tal revealed at bullet embedded in
the muscular part of a soldier's
heart. The radiographer who lo-
cated the bullet could hardly be-
lieve what he saw, for the soldier:
was not by any means dead nor in
a. sinking condition. After he had
been struck he had walked a mile
and a half from the battlefield to act
ambulance. The bullet was not re-
moved and the man lived.
"This case is remarkable and yet
not remarkable," said a surgeon in
discussing it. "The heart being a
vital organ, we take it for granted
that under no condition„ should a
human being survive when the
heart is perforated. In most eases
the human being does not survive,
and the world has long taken it for,
granted that it is impossible to sur-
vive, and so regards any instanoe of
survival as a most remarkable one.
"Yet, on the other hand, the
cases of survival from • wounds of
the heart are numerous enough to
take the edge off 'the remarkable
qualification. Surgeons, could tell
you of a :sufficient number of heart
wounds that have not proved fatal
to make you think a puncture of
that organ not much worse than a
bullet or a knife through the intes-
Could Hardly Straighten Up For Pain.
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Doan's Kidney Pills cure the aching
back by curing the aching kidneys be-
neath -for it is really the kidneys aching
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This is why "Doan's" cures are Tasting
-the medicine cures the actual cau'aed!
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Mr. J. W. Aylett, South Oshawa, Ont.,
writes: "I have much pleasure in
recommending Doan's Kidney Pills.
Last summer X suffered with a lame back.
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