HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-5-13, Page 4et' en -Rea eneree,•:: rt! ChB& Cry f�r Fletcher's The Kind YOU klaVe AInVan'S BOUghte and eirhiele han. beett in, nee for Weer 30 yeatee Ilan berme the Signature Of and. has beeu made under Ida per., heftor",„;•• SOnal enporvision einee its infancy. C•oroox4ro AlIoNte no One to deceiVe Tod in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jteeteas-gOod." are but :Expo! ements, that trifle with and endanger the health of Ulan '3 and Children-Experienee against gs.periMe.Ut. Ss What is CASTORIA CaStOrlast haroaleeS Stebetiterte fees Caster Oil, Pare- goric,Drops and SoothingSyrtips. It is pleasant. It contains neither °Senn, Soothing nor other Narcotic substanee. Ite age is ite guarantee. It destroys Worm.% eand allayS Feverishn.ess. For more than thirty years' it Las been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, • • Flatulency, Wind Colic, an Teething, Troubles' arid , • Diarrhoea. It regulates the StOnuecle and. Bewels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sledlie The; Claildrent'S Panacea -Th e Mother's Friend. ALWAYS ors the, Sii,gnal zeov: tt In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Aiways Bought CEN:ALD Fe COM PAN -V. P.MV4, •6;:b et. Itie. ,4rerA ORK 47.171.. DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY Toronto -Chicago- . toronto.ltontreat For Chicago Leave Toronto 8.06 a.m., 4.40 p.m. 1L4o p.m. daily Solid Hour's' Eneoyinerat. Malor W P Dillon MOD„. of Ot- . • • .'T.J1 g RX,ETERT4.111:. All Aruneurarle ia Cenetentittopi( are being keot uneler the' (Closest ser- veillance according ii'at Bentere. despatch reeeived /MA,* '1*.szkisil capital by way of Athevese ePecial deepatels from: REIMS saYe that former Premier VelliZ010$ of Greece, who le 110VT at Cairce laae been recalled saddettly to Atha= ts view of °Yeats whieli are impeding, " That the threatening eiteation ex- isting betWeen Jaoan and China has been Stirred no by German emis- saries, is the statemeot of a high n'apanese official, now in St,. John, Queen Wilhelmina has forbidden her busband to continue driving his automobile ecross the Dutch frootier with the obeect ot dining with Ger- man officers in Belgium, says the ()riche Paris. • Ten persons were killed Thursday night in au explosion which blew up a powder factory at Fontana Liri, Italy. The explosiou causad. a panic in the village and troops intervene'd to restore orders To .prove that be was no ordinary beggar, Charles Uges, 55, arrested in New Yorkfor begging, clevoure4, aa rolls, eight scramble& eggseoteva bowls of oatitteal and three ups.cla coffee. His capter, Detective Daley; 2, paid the Wile'," eee, ;Prince De Ligne, president' ofethe Belgian Rece Grose, reports that ,Geoe :era], von 13issing, the German govere- or sef Ilelginnneleen. ateaceeeeseed ei rhatf itstpowersevand,.seizeell Oends amounting, to 2.0e,e(10 fiance ($40,000.. 4 It is learned from Antwerp that the Germans have posted. neeroclam- ation on, the Aba.ediuge' there, declar- ing that Belgium has been wizened by Germany as from. May I. It is runxored that the French Gov- ernment will introdute a bill prohi- biting absolutely the raanufa,cture, sale and transport of all , alcoholic drinks during the .progress of the war. , 'Lieut. -Gene William Henry Beau- mont de Horsey, who Commanded the famous, Light Brigade in its charge at Balaklava, died in London on Thursday nigbt at the age of 89 years. A despatch to the Geneva • lOyibuee NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK ImpOrfant EVersts Which - HaVe Occurred During,the Week, ' ;The Busy Woricrs HappeningeaCa-re-• fully Compiled and Pit • e Harely and Attinetive Shape ter. the /leaders of Our Paper -A . For triontreal WEDNESDAY. LeaVe Toronto 9.0a.m., S.30 p.m. and 11.45 pane daily Smear Roadbed. Prighest class or equipment. F;Al liarilralars and berth reservationsat Grand Trunk ti,ollet.RSiess, N..7. DORE, Agent raiser tawa, of No. 2 Canadian General Hospital in France, is dead. No ear - 1 ticulars as to cause are given. Something like, $2.,000,000 is to be spent this season• on the work of im- proving Toronto, harbor 9.14 water:. front. Nearly one thousd inen will be employed. Hon. J. D. Hazen, Minister. ofMa- rine, underwent an operation,. at tbe eseemmee Royal Victoria,. Hospital, Istotriteenr, 1re or st day The 'operafion was stated • to be entirely, saccesefule' ' Regulations have been promulgat- ed in ,South Africa imposing severe restrictions cri the sale-- of Heeler, especially to members of the Union of South Africa and the Imperial forces. Sir William Richard Gowere, M.D., widely known as a writer on -medical subjects, died yesterday in London. His contributions to naedical science embraced many topics, chiefly in re- lation to disease of the nervous sys- tem. arthers! amr.ra..iomszvmesm.oneasaoa..moa....ea44ruver....ssiss.r..== Woven Wile Fence below Manufactur- ers' Prices, either Peerless or Mon- arch makes9 buy at once Jas these prices will not last very long. 6 Wire Fence 28c per Rod 7 it 61 eee I{ g 1.g. a.; ene Lumber and Cement 10,000- Cedar Posts on band -also Anchor Poste, Cedar and Anchor pests Let me anote you my low prices ein. yo Ur Lumber•receniree, rneuts. whetter largee ors email 'oedema: Also Cements CLATWORTHY GRANT()N areireetteareseeas Walter Runciraan, Presideet of the British Board. of Trade, announc- ed in. the Commons that the Britisb ' Government had rectinsitioned the entire supplies of meat from Austra- lia and New Zealand. In the Khori-Dilnian regign of the Caucasus, the Russian' feteops; after two days' Dghting, opeeiYd a deter- mined offensive againA ',Purkish corps under Khali Bey, and com- pletely defeatedOthe enmy. Fire broke out in the Palace of Justite in Madrid yesterday. Owing to the failure of the water pressure the fames spread rapidly, and the entire edidce, -which was erected in 1,758. Was ablaze. A -judge lope his, Children Orr FOR FLETCHER'S C A S. TOM! 14., OVER ea YEARS( EXPERIENCE TRAtiC rifiAR3S DESIGNS CO3tYRIGHTS _ ' Anyone sending a sketch and deserlptIonrini? Onlealy ascertain onr opinion free Whether an Invention is probabitpatentable„ :Comma-nic4. tient; strictly confidential.' IIAPI0119103 ea Patents tent free. oldest agency lei seaurtng&atents. rece$17. 8Vcci4ti5tir-4 'Fitboub 0ttirge. lathe Patents taken 't rbuh Watt & Scientific hinerkatt. A baweiceneir illustrated weekly. Larges+i eir. comfort of any adore Journal. Terms for CAtia(1103.16 yoar, ‘ostage prepatd. Sold. by ut newsdeiders.. • .• MUNN /4. Co,36aaroadwabtlew York % %ranch valcet sr St, Vrasblexten, C. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOIRIA. TIIP:OSPenr- nirseelD. hem, aged 78years, t aseedieneayilest eieningeate here home in:Abet' gene, :She hatiabeen rozidontot Clletham fpr 35 years. •!, • ! Another grandson./ of .01adeton5 iS mentioned itt tbe lateeteceenalty list. He is Lieut. teharlee Maidetone ,•of the Flying Corpe, and is reported as missing. Great Britaiu is about to prohibit tbe exportation of coal and coke to all cOnntrieS abroad other than Brlea ib Pessessions and protectorates awe. allied countries. • • • • • no The Lortd.ort, Morning Post's _Am- sterdam correspondent says he leaps from Berlin that: several. German sul3ma.rines are now in the -Adriatic operatiog on behalf of Austria. a . Frond °lee to two inched, of snow lovered the greater pert of Menl- o -ha yesterday morning arid' gradual - y melted, This moisture -will be of to at value to Crops 'On *the proviece. The Kreuzzeltung state% that the ostal authoritlei of Lueetaburg aye decieed thee- read matter show - .g the itseription "God Punish ngland". shall be refused teansrals- i on, . Dr. E., 1. Billion, in a cable from 'ome to Tbe Landon Telcgrepla says hat Prittee Von Buelow's final words .o the ;etalian Genverinicent were de- ivered Sunday and, he is &wilting arders from Berlin.. • . The Lottclon Morning ,Pciet says the Cape -Mans. been done Splendidly. JYtit they ate Mad with rage because thee say they have found one of deer Men crucified. ,This iS net caere carte' 'gossip; es .gerliseat vouebee ror the fact?• , Ark,: em„ • AILING WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Mr&DouoetteTells of her Dis- tressing Symptoms During Change of Life and How , She Found Relief. Belleville, Nova Scetia,Can.-"Three years ago I was suffering badly with whatthe doctors ' called Ch ange of f, Life. I was so, bad thaell had to stay in • bed.' Some friends told'rne to take Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vege- tableCoMpound and it helped me from the first It is the only. medicine .1 took that did help „ me and I reeorninend it. You don't know' how thankful and grateful I am. I give you:permisSion to publish what your good medicine has &hie for me." -Mrs. SIMON DOUCETTE, 'Belleville, Yarmouth co., Nova Scotia; dailada. Such Warning symptoms as sense of ssuffocation,hot flashes,headaches,back ,- 4ehet*eadof impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation: of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu- latiet,•Constipation,,,variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent woe' men who,ere epproaeleieg theeperiod in life when evotaan's great' change may be exPected. Lydia E. ,tinkhani's'Vegetable Com- pound' inirikeratea arid strengthene,the female organism and builds up theeveali- ened nervona syeteirt. It has citified many wornepeetsfelythraigli this crisis. ' If you want special. adviets write At? i Lydia E ginkheMMedieille CO; (confi- dential) Lynn, Mass. Tont letter Will` 'be opened, read, and answered' by a' Woman, and heldIn rstriet confidence. THE MARKT CIII0A.00, May 1.0.-4,„ also minors , that some harin had 011ie 410II3rasIdent. :Wilson put sudden odditiotfahstrgin (Wax on the wheat market, wl418 yalitm,vre tendiog downward owing to eMititined uncertainty as to Whether the LuSitattia tragedy would involve serious disturbance Of diplomatic and rade relations. The market closed unsettled, but with the greater part of the losses overcome at %c to 11/40 Under Saturday niglit's level. Corn finished 1/4c off to 3/0 up, oats 11/40 down to Ike advance, and provisions showing 5c4 to 205 decline, Corn received good support, and at no time manifested heaviness equal to that In wheat On the temporary decline that dld take place shorts covered freely. Re- ceipts' were light, an Argeogne relents buiusta Oats followed other grains, but failed to rally as well as corn. Stocks ap- peared heavy and the weather was on the side of the bears, Sympathy with the decline of cereali carried down provisions, but packers' buying was" turning the market upward again at the close.. Migher prices for. hOgS scorned for a while to have been 'completely lost sight of. from Vienne saye that araareay eprps wider.Archduke Eugerfeehas ereieed: Moravitz; nen milas froenatbe.Sere bleu frontier,' advaneihe ' against Serbia. ' The formal militia ceder Authoriz- ing the establaliniei3t under reg - mental seoervision of dry; 'canteens fel* each military, melt tbe Cana-, ,dtaninilitia forees inetrairting .wes kneed yesterday. • Surrounded by nate& enere, Thomas Alva Edison on Friday night receiv-. ed the Civic Forum inedal„.for cliss tinguished pubtic service at a na- tional testi:mania/ in arnegie Hall,: New York. . It is officially anuounced that a naval engagement has taken place in the Baltic, off Liban, between ,Ger- man and PeasSian wars1. Ne de- tails ein By the • will of tbe lateeSepater. Fulford, of Brockville, $400,00e) is to be paid, in October next to. the, Breckvillee*enetel 1-1<ispital .for the „ppepo se of eerectiuge a,n ct' maintain te g ate Ag,e.d.Woneen7e • eerei erenetenr-o.'W.L70-111040 - l'ne aapaneeenkirmorean ermine same., which ran ashore on the goast •!of loivereCalitarnia. on Feb, 4, has ben refloatede 'aceeirding teeepfficial• aniiouncementeatet Tokio. Victoria, p.m., i34,6 beere'Peltaindei. m artial eetwi pee te eresuft 'neceetiewe •ed attacks, noon 'hGorman ',.e.Stablish- , mentAhy inob b ;lit ok yeyenge for tie° iihking Of th&Lusita;nia. ., The Liverpodie authot4tiks,bidpred, that all saloons be closed at § last 'night), in. setilase,quencee, of, ;the .antieneritien rietseein SundayeeeThe ringleaders of 'those diseideril were lee off, leniently tea eourt,V Efforts are 'epiag, made .to locate„, break in the Pelee Island cable, .which ;has beep. teat of use several weeks. Singe the ',eteleee btnie;: resi- dentt g,c;Cthe '15i dm_ 'fitteee"beeri with- out eibinnidin'ciliftlee'e thee mai:xi.- ..land. TORONTO' Citizen MARKET. Wheat, fall, bushel $1 50 to $,... Goose wheat, busheI„1 40 Buckwheat, bushel 0 85 .... Barley, bushel ' 0 80 ,... Peas, bushel 1 25 I 35 Oats, bushel 0 66 0 81 Rye, bushel 1 15 TORONTO DAIRY' MARKET. . , Eater, creament, lb.„sq0 32 0 33 Cheese, new, large '0 19 • .••• Cheese, twins .. .... 0 191/4 .0 191/4 Eggs. new -laid 0 22 . 0 23 Honey. new. lb 0 12 `WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKET. WINNIPBG, May 16. -The good crop prospects generally caused a weak open-, ,ing on the local market. Vutures open•1'. ‘ed? 1/4e to %c lower, after which there wa,S a, temporary rally on short covering. This was short-hved and before noon 13,1aV touched 51.567/a, July $1.521/4, and October 31.1914, or .20 to 2%c under Sat- uietty's close. May oats opened rAo lower and July 1/4c down. •Flax opened unchanged to 24,e h'gher, and ,eased off later,. 'There *as no trading to speak of in. cash., . Baxley was steady and flax quiet. s Inspections 150 cars, against 316 last year. In sight today 225 ears. 'Futures -Wheat closed t1/4c to 11/4c low- er, oats %,c to 34c down, and flax ific to %tc lower, •• MONDAY. ' , . , . • !, • Gedil Murpley, agedel'T, son of Vell-e liana' Murphy, of Sitacoe,;•Onteswee.. drowned on. Sundeea wben a -leaky. boat in which he: -Wae plying•sank. Firre of undetermined Origin 'lila $25,000 damage to the Richard Smith and Sons' lumber mill in Niae. gars Falls, Ont., early Sunday: The wife of Jos. l,avasseur„ wbo. conducts the Hotel at Jubilee Point, Rice 'Lake; met death -by drownieg Saturday When the canoe she, was paddling was 'ict'ver turned. in rough, ter. • A crowd of nearly five -hundred. persons led by a nm-ber of soldiers in uniform, in Victoria, B.C., Satur- day night; gave 'strong expressioneto indignaticin over the drowning of the, Lasitania passengers. • On hearing of the Lusitania catas- trophe, the Pope was grief strickep and indignant, and Is reported to have said than "the crirainal sinking of the vessel was unworthy of a civ- ilized Christian nation." With eleven passengers aboard, the gasoline launch NiDiSSiti.g waa StrItek by the dowolactun.d Canadiam steamer Ionic, about ave miles above OlyesSon •Saturday. " A load oe'eseeon ' the' lanitch preevented it „fined tint - •oaanias :Ghar1d„Opeyailient,.'13 3eats,ol4t of f round' uiion- 'c11fpni1iUt1geter atid."expoSifee- in ,4arNme: %,1\1"0/:flaitOa`cire;q4iiel):•,' Sat - ,04,a3,,,„ , said 'away feorn: °PA alk gthle ftinr''dalys • Wit13- foo . ;reee IA. d, er• " ' , The first notice of alitilication divorce since last ses.sion has 'been given at Ottawa. It is frem Cicily Ethel Maud Ferara,, of Shellbrook, Sask., who will Apply _to he freed died Frederick Feral* now in the emtentiarys Aenry, McNeal Turner Bishop of the, _African Methodist' EPiscopal• Chtsrela. in Michigan and Canada, died Suddenly; from a strolte of,par- alyels in Windsor yesterday, aged 83. He was a .friend, pf Abraham Lincoln, and, a Member of the Geor- gia Legiele,tures ; liguOp ILIPADVANCED: . . tee t a. • Second Readiag Gli46 Measure to CheckeInteraperance _ . . tiONDOleTeXae: IneeteThe.Hou.eo.o,f, Comp:tea§ leet eveniag: Peigedn'":01e• eecond reilfiag of ChaeLellee,Teztlae :Enclieeletee Lloyd Georjes bill:Olto- anaentin the:Detenceent Realm. Act. The hill Origieuellyv-OkV-deSinned.''' to placka'''beavy.'strtavon; witnetie spirits and beer, but ender preseure from the Irish party ite -previsions were. • amended to giniagetheepoyernment • eontrol Of tho seineoficeeersIn arees where munitions leo yea.z. are leeifig .made. • ree- a • • .. eso e 'Under the hill'eecentral committee will be set'up fe'e dud. Beige' laud. It will ase.-6,4.:t,renetinisniendas, tions of localecommetteei oeioy ters aetel eq)elenten in the districts af- fected ifecte. ' '": "`"' •-• .. Mr. Lloyd ,Geqra;fiA,S,Pti,9,4ie4,tteto appoint a comenitteaitn,loquirefentd the ch a.r get of d run kenne s se. ate (mg, workmen. anclo'all, 'parties; including the Larberitea, :head elPiessedellsein satisfactionviol the bill. - • Cunnieg Child.. •• • "What are -yea' cryfti,g ter, little CATTLE MARKETS ' ,UNION STOCK YARDS. TORONTO, May 10. --Receipts of live stock at the Union Yardswere . , 3154 cettle, 771 hogs, 53 sheep and lambs and 366 calves. The hulk a the sales of steers ail& •ifelfers were made between $8 and $5.40, _With seVeral loads at $8.50. Read the sales and quotations given by the several com- mission salesmen. Stockers and feeders also were in de TUESDAY.- ' LieutseGovemor Brown opened the j fourth session ot.the third Saskatche- wan Legislature 'yesterday Uftern:o.on. A despatch from Copenhagen states that 15 German submarines ate being built at Kiel for lige in the Baltic. '• Rev. F. L. Farewell, 13.A.4 has bbeii appointed principal of theLa, dies' College at Whitby, Ont., in sup: cession to Rev. Ir J. j: Hare. , It is estimated that 10,000 Gq•Ar. Mans frora Italy. , crossed the Swiee. fiontier Saturday and Sunday. Four thousand =need at Ltigeno alone. W. B. Northvale M.P.; has offered his spacious hoine and ,grounds in Belleville to the Govelentient for the; nee,ef convalescent wentided girl?" . - 1. "So I can get what I, want." , , superhtiMan. can man ,"And wbSt,..4440;iit.§..ttn e,;‘aiee'eu,,e !eI netneeelookeese b.01if • 11.5* "ri !Iv( PIv na e 'snalenbt,inteeehkiet.r Ther . wiled:0" ,cyrAf, > nee • , census '49ea, nee e?-a.Yelfedi-pieien ; Or deal wIeh'fectS'iSta5-0M.' It s‘17:tr,1yls I Row muchthey,'hatian't grown. . A PERT PARAGRPH• mand at strong wanes, in sympathy with' the ,fat cattle. Milkers and springers were firm, but Unchanged. Calves, sheep and lambs were all about steady at on.* last quotatiuns. There were not enough hugs on sale to give an In- ,telligent report of bow the values are going to range. Butchers' Cattle. ' Choice heavy stecrs sold at $8.30 to $3.60, one load only at the latter price: choice steers and heifers, 53 to 53.25; good at $7.75 to $8; medium steers And heifers at $7.25 to $7.50; common at $7 to $7.25;* choice cows at $7 to $7.25;. good at $6.75 to $7; medium at $6 to $6.50I. canners and. caters at $4 to $5; bulls at $64o $7.50. Stockers and 'Feeders. Heavy steers, 800' to 900 lbs. each. sold at $6.75 to r.50, anti one era choice lot at 37.90; light steers, 650 to 750 lbs., at $6.25 to $7.25; stockers, $5,75 lo'$6.25.' Milkers and Springers. Choice fresh milkers and extra quality forward springers are, worth from $30 to 495 each; geed at $70' toil*); medium' at 1$60..to $70;,conunon 'ha medium' at 5, ,to $65. 1 . Veal calves.' . Choice Calves sad -at 49 ter $10; good at $7.50 to13.75; medluin at $7 fo $7.60;,corn-: moo calves at $5 "tol.$6.-' No.t. many choice' calyes are being offered.' • Sheep an'i Lambs. •. Sheep, light ewes, 53 to 58.25; heavy Owes and rams at $5 to $7.50; yearling lambs -at $7 to $10.50; spring lambs at $6 to 511 each. Hogs. Selects weighed off cars sold at 59.45 to 59.25, the bulk of sales being made at tho latter price. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. moNTREen'e. May 10. -At the Montreal Stock Yards, west end market, prices showed an advance, and a stronger feel- ing prevailed thruout the day. Receipts were rather light, and, owing to the small number of good to choice steers for sale, packers turned their attention to other sources. A number of carload lots were purchased in the Toronto market. There was a good demand here, and an active trade was done, with sales of full loads of choice steers at 53.50, good at $8, and smaller lots brought 25c per hundred pounds more. Sales of small lots of choice bulls Were made as high as 53, and choice butchers' cows at $7.50 to 57.75 Per civt. Common. mixed cattle brought 15.50. .. :A good deal of our difficulty in get; ting through with the day's Work' ariseeffonn what evedid r dicIn'tseitt. for dinialer3lest night, .; • • •• , A eoft snap is apt to lie found to be having great nniny People 'Sticking tolt . . - • lf ell were pad • decerding to the merite of eaelx adjuffiehtedlby hina sell lel I's don litf ul if 4licieeeiVOiild enough to go arouncl._ Nobody exPects, eyerybody to net to heaven, but ,each ki1deve "OnenVinni will 'Melee the rifile e, •a, • A.11ayerFes ufc pel`ty Veit , The', eine *lie jey rideethe nihst gets oinCh- .ed the oftennst.. rld leen, ! Aefellon- whe„altlias ' en PYP for the main 64fiee'e soon. lettes !tinns' to 6Opper all the others, , There is a large sharer* eut poPula, pore who seern to think that dignity engirt to make Up fot diligence ba this world. Owing to the continued scarcity of sheen.the tonel.of the market is -.very strong,. and prices have scored another sharp advance, with a good demand, and sales of small lots were made at 57.50 to 58.26 ech. Spring lambs sold at from $7 to 39. A strong feeling developed in the rnat ket for hogs todayi, and priees adven`detl. ‘25c•pl,pwt., Owing to the liigher 'prieesT at To onto 1a0 Week, and the smaller; supplies ccomingmforward. Selected, !Igts, sold at $9,50 tais$9275. sows at 57.50 to 51,75, and Stags at '54.75 to $1.35 per ewt, weighed off cars„ TBURSDAY, AY ,Il'"111"111"411'"Ill"'111"111 9111119 Ineerporafed ,cAPKAL, ANO PESEIRO $89809,000: essamme, 92 Branchen ' Cisuoda 'e . • .0 OOP A vIENEKAL BANKING' :w41SINESS ONS .BANK TRANSACTED IncLuoina CIRCULAR 1..E1TEns of CREDIT; RANK,imONEte ORcEeis \.• pank DiitiiiiiI At ell Branches ( laterost allowed hieleiet Orton idit40 :,EXETEBokBRANCH ANS :'4Y. D. 1••••411'211‘16, Metritesster 11111in 01111111111110111 V111111.11111111,11111/1 111111"--111,._116.__1111 _1$ HE ANADIAN OF COMMERCE ZSIRMDIVIUND WALKER, C.V.O.,L le D., BeCeleepresident ALEXANDEWLAIRD. General Manager JOHN' AMT..: ASs't General 314inagegc' I CAPITAL $15 000 000" • RES,ERVE FUND 113 500.0011 I I I I, , RANJW BY "MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian.Banle of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same. attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as. satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. 524 Exeter Brineh- H. J.IWHITE, Manager 1:1.1 DREDITON BRANCH - A. E, KUHN, Manager. , MTV ,ese4e, • Notice to Creditors In the 'matteo,of the estate of Robert Allan. of the, Township pf dlay, iCounty. or,"Rtilron, Fanner deceased. - • ' Notice is.liefeb,3 gtv,en pursuant to Statutes in ;Host hehelf -bleat all cred- J, A. MASON ARCIIITECTs 425 Dundas Street, London,- Guars la teed cost of buildings; extras; It years New York experience. Phe nent 2725., , • Anyone intending to build will di well o -write me. No charge for einem sulet on 'itors and othees Jaavi.pg claims e-• gaeist the ,e.staie of .the settl. leobero Mldi rho 'died on or'abetet the 17th C J. W KARN M D C.11 cif, September, 1914; 'are requileed pn cse teti the29th dayteif nine, 1915, to 9 . • senl. be post prepaid or liver to to Messrs. Gladman & Stanburs, of the Village of 'Exeter, Sol:citors fOi' elle Executors of the said. deceas- ed. 'their christain and surnames 5d - dresses and, descriptions the full par- ticulars of tbar •elainisP the stater. men , of their ace,ounts and the, nae tureof the securities if any. held by them," 'Ahd further take notice thateafter such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to •distribute the assets of the deceased ,amopg •the.parties entitled thereto. having ,rhgend' Mile to' elm elai.ms of hich' deee then have notice apd that` the 'Executors will act to liable fee ,Said 'ans'ets or any Pars „ellereoket9, pereein :or persone ot Whose Olilma"'neilie "thalf not. -have. -been neceivedThe them et the ttrae• of 'euch distribution. ,GLADMAN• STANBultlf. • Solicitore for Executors. • Dated at Exeter ,this 8tie-,da,y of May, • 1015. {, t,. ,t4:;,!in'tyy I Butalefs', cattIe:1 Choice, 58.60 to $3A51,i, de., inseam, 57Y50• to $8; do., common;' $6 to"17; 54.50 to 55; butchers' ,citttle, choice coivs, 57.60 to 57.75; do., 'medium. $.5.0 to 57; do., bulls. 56 to 58; mincers, choice, each, $75 to 530; do., pornivon and medium, each, $65 to $70; enringers, $55 to $60. ' Sheep. ewes, $7,50 to $8; bucks and. .ctslls. $6.50 to $7. i,J....ambs, $9.50 to 59.73. Hogs, 59.50 to $9.75. . I Calves, $1.50 to eve ens •• • Constantinople Bombed. 1 . • ,;•„ASCOT'S HEIR • Im,ported.• No 9646 (12805) . , Geprge Marein, Proprietor and Mgr. • Enrolled and Inspected Monde.e wilt leave his own ;stable net 20, con,i13, Hibbert, and go to Clieselb.u.rste then south to Ed. Ma- Dotegall'e foe, noon; thence to' bis own stable for ,night. Teeedae to Arthur Campbell's Thames Road, for noon; thence to his own stable for night. ,W,cdnesday ,,to ltd. Jellies' for moon, thence te W,ilpn Olawhine for night; Tharsdas. ,to' Mat Routiey's tor noon, thence to S. Routlee's for ,nightFri- dap to John lelland's Blanchard Cor nooinathence' to Frcink Ramie' -Fula lai•ton for night. Saturday to John Batler's for noon; thence to his own stabld where he will remain!nuntil the following Blondes morning. Terris One foal $15; two noels 28. • • 425 RICIIMON D` ' ST. LON DO, ONTARIO. SPECIALIST IN SURGERY AgD ENIT0-1Th1NARY DISEASES OP AND WOXEN, 1.•1 ...r, e • ;n :1 !When, a man gets out ond bustles for hia /Wing be tdoesn't .have much time' DR G. F. ROULSTON, 'ID 1W DENTIST . Jai Honor Graduate of tsit3. OffIce over lug's Law office. day afternoons. Residence 5b Toronto Maya* Diekson Care - Closed Wednese- Phone .011 ice 6an. flat 'rde. Oe• no • • • .12 ,,„ •''' t • `.414 - 1 • f' With, a poug4: 3 di ,e,,ar MO admonition of his elders tbe gleesome graduate staRs out to prove his own theories and incidentalle. te get it the neck. PARIS, May 41e -T‘ firSt attack of the 'War oliettilietantineple id re- ported in an uniOltial 'deatch few= Athetie.. It •is Bald -three Russian aViatorS 'flew overhe city, dropping .Severalhom.bsewhich are believed t9 have caused extensive , damage. The message 'Says ale° that the . Ilitasiati 'Meek Sea fleet .bombarded the, Turkitilt forts on the- left bank Of the. Bosphorus on Wedneeday..., Several Russian Fillet's fell within ebot . ten milea", of Conatantinaple- Ancether Liner Sails.' NI* ,Y,,ORY,,,May Belt- steemeelransylvaitia' Of the .An - eller , galled • lite ,Satarday for Liverpool., aetow leOnna att.etneWa of. the Lusitanda'ae sinking' had been ee.; ceived.; ,.Thoransylvania's cab*, Were crowded, her agents said. There were 879 passengers abciard, al* others Who evanted to go, according 10 the Mises echrld not be aceoramtie If a lot of the disorderly ones could not use the Lord as a sort of waste- basket they would soon be swamped with their own old junk. CEPTRAL STRAtFoltris • Ontario's Best Pritct- 40 ,,e,' ical Training • .--'• School. . , '4.• .• :departments i ,i•f our thx•ee tWe .have thorough coureere experienced instructors in ieaal • io011InnERCIAL, SHORT,Etsteep,' S.' ' and TELEGRAPIICY 2 0 iii: , graduates stioceed aid ,yOii 4 !should, mead otie large free oat- . j irloguesv„Write for 'Lb at once.; DR. A. B KINSMAN pakai Honore Graduate .of Toepato„Naklis! eraityne • • .1 DENI&,141fin el • • TeethehetraCted withoutpain. iiii•"* any tied effeets; °flied over Glad* 'man A*1. Of flee *ails imit, Exeter. ,• t t fel * • t 14 MoVACHLAN. RUEt t Principal. ; dated, for laeic et root'. 1.1%,:e949•41•44.484.11.0411004049410* orm • - W4 ' BROWNING P. 84 Graduate Vidtoria Univnge eity Office and residence, Dwain** Labiatory., Fzeter, 1 AssoiiiateeCoroner of fluscui • -14II D 1CKSON & CARLING 1•"ea Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Sotien veyanoens • Commissioners, &Haifa for the bleilsona Bank eto„. OJAI Money to Loan at lowest rata of iv terest. ' OFFICE -MAIN STREET EliSTSMe4 L R. Carling B. A.: U. R. Dielansi MONEY, TO LOAN , I We' have a large tuntennt of Pits ate funds to loan on farm and vile lage properties at lowest rate of tenet, eseall GLADMAN & Barristere, Solicitors; Main • Extitere „ • Ormor's tavtual.firo lesur+ tt vancttompanu. Head Office, Farquhar, Orip , 41 President ef ROBT. NORRIStare, Vicer.P.resident , THOS. RYAN 0.. .DIREGTORS. .1. idle WM. BRO,CE , • . Wel, BO .1„ L. RUSSELL P., T. ALLISON, , • AGENTS tea' ' JOHN ESSERY Exeter. agent Una bathe and Iliddulph.. T OLIVER aotRis Munro eAsEtt 10* Ilibbert Vullarton and Logan. .„ ;elm, A, TtrENSU41111, Secy.Trea.s. FarVihelt GLADhriN' & ETAEBUDY. , Sieter. ORIA Por Infante and Children. , The kind Yea Have Always Bougit! Bears the Signature t:41Z4 •