Exeter Times, 1915-5-5, Page 8AM UP! 1NEVE E RE$01., TED THAT WE HAVE PREPARED -Folk 1' -HS Se:ASONS REQUIRE MENTs. OUR NEW CLOTHING IS uP WITH THE SEASON AND THETJMES` .WE WANT To BE THE. FIRST To SPRING ALLT E NEW THINGS, {, WAKE UP, IF YoU HAVE NEVER BoUGHT YOUR CLoTHES FRoM US AND COME To THE STARE THAT KEEPS WIDE–AWAKE MODELS AND PATTERNS. WE WERE AWAKE WHEN WE BOUGHT oUR LINE or CLOTHING AND GOT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. WE CAN, THERE– FOR, GIVE YoU LoW PRICES oN UP _ GRADE SUITS, AND WE WILL. WE Do NOT WANT YOUR TRADE oN CLoTHING oR ANY LINE JUST ONCE, BUT WE WANT ALL of YOUR BUSINESS ALL of THE TIME, AND IF YoU DEAL WITH US WE WILL MAKE IT PAY YoU To Do So. BOYS SUITS Our New Suits for Boys in natty norfolk coats and bloomer pants is what the boys are after, Tne materials are fine imported Berges in brown and gray tweeds. MENS CLOTHING Your New Suit is here awaiting you. You will be sure to find one that will satisfy you. Come in this week and try it one. NEW SILKS Our silk values were never better. Beautiful black messaline 36 inch. wide at $1.25. Black Shantung silk 36 in, wide at $1,00. Ivory- Habutai wash silk 36 in, wide at 75c - $1.00. Faille silks, all colors 36 in. wide.$1,25 MFNS SUMMER SHIRTS In fancy colored stripes, also neat black stripes on white grounds, Every shirt is fast color, sizes, 14 to 17e at $1.00 and $1.50. WHITE BED SPREADS Some excellent valves in Bed Spreads in large sizes at $1,50, $1;755 and $2,00.. Heavier qualities at $3.25, $4,00 and $5.00. MENS UMBRELLAS With sterling mounted handles in the newest shapes. The cloth is a mixture of silk and wool, extra value at $1.75. LADIES BLACK PARASOLS The cover is a silk and wool cloth, We were fortunate to get an as- sortment of very pretty handles. Take your pick at $1.550. WHITE TURKISH TOWELS The best value we have had in years. Fine weave and good weight in two sizes to retail at 30 and 50 cents. SEAMLESS SQUARES We can offer you Seamless Squares in Tapestry and Velvets in pretty oriental and floral effects at very low price. CURTAINS AND CURTAIN NETS Dainty Lace Curtains for Parlors, bedrooms, dining rooms, etc, at $ to $5. Also curtain nets by the yard in White Ecru at 253, 35c & 50c ay KOLORFAST MATTING For porches, bedrooms, halls, etc, in shades of blue, green and brow The colors are absolutely fast, at per yard 50 cents. LINOLEUMS Inlaid Linoleums in two yard widths. Also Nairne Printed Linol- eums in 2, 3 & 4 yard widths in very neat tile and floral effects, NEW LAID EGGS - 20c CASH; 22c TRADE J.A. STEWMFT PHONE 16 Ford Touring Car rice $590 'Your neighbor drives a Ford—why don't you? We are selling more Fords in Canada this year than ever before—because Cana- dians demand the best in motor car service at the lowest possible cost. The "Made in Canada" Ford is a necessity -not a luxury Runabout $540; Town Car price on. application„ All Ford care are fully equipped, ineluding elect- ric headlights. No cars sold unequipped. Buyers of Ford cars, will share in our profits if We sell .'30,000 cars between August 10 1914 and August .1, 1015; MUD Snell Dealer, EXETER', tee THE EXETER rIMItS Market Report -The following is. the report of the 'Exeter market corrected tap to Mae 4th„ 'Wheat $1.0 1 ' • t ';i Oats >6c Barley 65o Buckwheat 70a Peas $L50 Flour $14,00. • j Low Grade Flour $2.0Q •' •.;l Brau $23.00 per ton ! '' i ;shorts $30,00 per ton Sugar Beet 'putp $27.00 per ton. Butter 24c to 120o Creamers butter 33e Eggs 20 to 2'4 ICihickecs alive 8 IDreseed 10 Ducks, alive 9;; dressed 1`L ;w Turkeys alive. 14; dressed 16 Old Toms, alive 11c., dressed 13 Geese ;alive b, dressed 11 ; _ Potatoes 40 to 50 cents. ea Dried Apples .05e. i 1 ' Hogs $8.25. I ' ...,........•............... . **NIS** LOCAL • . ...... Miss B. Rosie 'spent the week. end La London. Miss Kathleen Stewart in visiting in. Londoee ltiiss Hamilton spent the week end at her home in Goderich. Messris. P. Fray ne and T. Ilartoc are remodelling their homes. Mr. Roy Davis, of Lonaon, visited his parents at Exeter North. ,_ Mrs. M. Sheere is erecting a new verandah in frout of her house, Mr. 'W. Greenly is still confined to his. home with ;rheumatism in, hits ankle. Mr. 'W. Amos, of the Bank of Tor- onto staff, London, is holidaying at his home here. Miss Viola ,Hooper ,,pent a few days this, week with friends in Exeter - St. 'Mares Journal. Messrs S.Maftin. W.J. Heaman anis Dr. atlsGillieudd3 have built new garages this upring. Mrs. Jas. 'W'estcott, of Douglas, Man., who has been i11 for several weeks, in convalescing. Miss Jean Seidon Mals returnied home from Ingersoll where she has been attendee; the (Collegiate Insti- tute. Mr. Enos. Windsor, who has been attending Toronto University, has re- turned home having completed his studies for the term. Mr. J. G. Dow on Tuesday shipped five loads of horses to Montreal, one load going by express.: Mrs. Eedden is moving into \D1rs. Easterbrook's house on Huron street and Ms. Ern Davis is( moving into the house vacated be +DT's. Redden, The prospects for ;the apple ,crop are not the brightest this, year in this cobimunit5 and we are told will not average half a crop. J. W. 'Powell, the Edison!;dealer here shipped two Edison Diamond desc. phonograph outfits to Thorndale this weds-. J. W. is a hustler. Or. G. F. Roulston has purchased the beautiful new red brick residence on Alain street ,from• Mr. Jolla Ped- lar. The deal was put through by A Hastings. On 'account .of the meeting of the Ontario Dental Societe, Toronto, the office of Dr, Kinsman will be, •closed from Saturdas, May Sth, to Friday, Mas 14th, inclusive. .-„.Mr. Chas. Snell is moving' the frame house on Andrew street across from the English Church rectors onto cue of his lots ;south of ,the. foundars and will have it fitted up -and remodelled'. Dr. L. L. and Mrs. Foliick and children, of St. Marys and Mrs (Rev.) Baker and daughter of Woodham, were the guests of Mrs, E. Follicle on Sunday last. Mr. and' Mrs. Francis 13latchCord and family, of Usborne, moved to town last week into the ,fine brick residence on 'William street recently purchased from Mr. C. Lindenfield. We.:welcome them to town Rev. T. W. Blatchford, or ;Centralia, will preach in Main street Methodist church next Sabbath, the pastor, Rev. S. W., Muxworth5 conducting Epworth League anniversary services at .OentrKal'Ja, , The elecond degree team; I. 0., Oe F. went to 'Hensel! in autos lastr, Fridas evening and conferred the degree on a number of candidates. After the business part of ,the meeting the brethren were royally entertained. to refreshments at 'P. 'Wiggins' coulee- tionery. At the lodge rooms of ,the Exeter Odclfellows on Tuesday evening sev- eral candidates Croat i:Iensall, one from Lucan and is ,number from town received the work of the, Tliira degree put on by the Exeter brethren. Af- tenvards refreshments were !served and a very sociable time .enjoyed. Mrs. Lindenfield and two children after spending a few days at Zurich left 'Monday evening to join Mr. Lin- denfield at •Parkhill. M.r..Linrlenfield was here last week and moved his household effects to that place where •he has gone into the hardware bust ncss with hie ,brother, i The recent 'showers 'have hell Oid along vegetation wonderfully and the growth at this ,time is•;,seenethtng re=' markable. The tress seemed.; to eprieg forth into blossom and, most ,oi the fruit trees were heavily .;loaded, In less than a week after the grain had been planted it was springing up out of the ground.. The grass !tats had a splendid growth. Mans . pexsorus have. their gardens fall planted. The officers 'elected in the 'Main St. Mission ;Circle ,werte ; Preteidetrt, Mas Ariel Beveriese VicePresitlent, Miss Margaret Muxworth5 ; ;Secretary, if"iss Greta: Mawson; Treasurer Miss 11Zlldrfd Slee wood. ; . ;Car, tSecretar;r, axss Derrjrr,cliston � Supt. p t of life boxes, Miss Alda Westlake ; 'Watch ' tower committee, Miseete Blanch Cane ,Olive McDonald', 'Viola Tuclnee, Edna 'johns t pianist, Mies 'Marion Bleach - Terra,: Asst., pianist, Miss X4targaret Officers. Elected -The • Auxialia ry' of the 'W. M. S of James; street Metho- dist church held their annual meetieg on Thursday of last week.. The ;soc- iety is he e flourishing condition hav- ing raised over ,1200 during the, year besides forwarding a bale to Edmon- ton. The following officers were el- ected for the ecomiarg yeare President, M,rs. C. ea 'Hooper; let Vice Pies., Mrs. 'Wm. Bissett ; 2nd Vice 'Pares;, Mrs. C. 'B, ;Snell; Rea Seine, Mrs W Johns; Vor. Seey., Mrs, 3. 13e11; Treaty Mrs. E. Rowcliffe Supt. of Chris- tian Stewardship, dors. Johntston, Mrs. Thos. 'Harvey was appointed del- egate to attend the Branch conve'nton in London; Adjourned Vestry The adjourned Vestry 'meeting of the Trivitt Mem- orial church was held in the School Hall last week with the .motor,! Rev. D. W. Collins, presiding .The audi- tor& report Was read by Mr. N. D. I-lurdon which showed that the total receipts for the blear amounted ' to $1729.09 and expenditure or $1703:58 leaving a balance in the treasury of 125.50. A statement of tae 'finances was orderer to be printed for distri- bution. The following will constitute the officers for the ensuing year;- Rector, ;Rev. 7). rW., Collins Recor's Warden, 0'. 1. a Sanders ; People's VWrarden, L. H. ;Dickson ; Auditors, N. D. ;Burdon and Thos. Boyle ; Lay Dele- gates, N. D. Burdon, S. Sweet ; Select Vestry; L. 11. ,Diefisson, C., 11. Sandeifv, T. Bos'le, N. D. llurdon, ,Sam'1) Sweet, Thos. G. Sanders, Dr., McGillicuddy, Geo Crawley. Sidesme,n -S. Sweet, T. Boyle, T. G. Sanders, Q., Dyer, Geo; Crawley, Rd. 'Murphy. A vote of thanks was p'aislsed to bet,tendered: the various organizations of the church, after which the meeting adjourned. SMILES INSTEAD OF FROWN Don't you blame and censure rate,. For this, world is. just the place, Where you may, if you so; wish, Show a bright and smiling Pace, In Life's 'mirror jos- you'll see, If your smiles and not your ,frowns, You; bestow on all m,anka ad, For each has his ups and .downs., Don't you think your sphere In life, Worse than others and feel blue,•. For they may be, who can tell, Just that 'moment envying you. Life is just an echo, dear, Seniles for smiles, apd 'frowns fur frowns, Sa be abeave and good and true; For each has his ups and downs,. Don't you sit and ponder why Your life's bitter and not sweet, For each 'fmorn a new d'ay's ,borne And with cheer it you ;may .greet, If with loving, lavish care, You send forth our smiles not frowns. Chasing shadows, from iced hearts, For each has his ape; andedowne. Don't sou let the past ,beguiler You=to mope, nor :mourn .nor. sigh, O'er its ashes of remorse, Never shed a tear nor cry; `Up Ind take new hope again Radiate sour smiles not frowns, Let them drive out clouds so tdrear, For each has his ups: and, downs. Don't sou let your courage ,fail, In, the thickest of the !fight, Stand sour 'ground and try again For the day ,wlll follow night, And life's sunbeams sou will ,find, I1 sweet smiles instead of frowns, You have showene•d upon mankiind. For each has his ups and,•,downs. HICKS' FORECASTS The First Reactionary Storm Per- iod is central .on thei '4th~ '5th anal Gth. It is at .the Moon's last qu'arter ;and at the entrance of the. Ve'nu'e period. It must also be. 'keptein 'mind that we are now entering the• annual time when the: solar ieste, or focus, in its swing from. south to north, ds bear- ing directly on the :central regions of Our country. This fact alone is pro- ductive of More tornadic storms :than ant_ cause, bringing, as a rule, a cri- sis of risuch istorms in ,the month of atlas. As we pass into this reaction - ars period, a low barometer center will begin in the west, change to warmer will develop at that same, time and place, and on and touching the 5th and eth, decided storms of( thun- derr, wind and nand will 'runt their re- alar course eastward across the country, 'These and all other storm centers that pave ,pvter the country early in ;may. ,will be .follo•eved by ris- ing barometer' end sharp changes to cooler. Frost will be probable for two or three nights, with .the; rising barometer and clearing skies. that come behind these. lstoress,. The first Regular Storm period is central on the 10th, -]..evolving the Sth to the 13±.: Disturbing. causes and vihat to look for. .-The . Moon is on ,the equa- tor on the S•ih engin conjunction W Sun. and Earth ,on the ,13th. These causes, one et ,the be;ginining and( the other at the end of the period, ad- ded to the Important fact that :a Venus Period is now in ,full 'force, will render this period more ,or less critical. A rapid rise of temperature, and corresponding .fall of barometer about the Sth will be admonitory, of very decided storms. They Will first appear in western parts, ;spreading eastward during the suceee•d,ing day's of the period. A series at wind, thun- der and aainstorms, for several .td.ass in. succession may _ treasonably be looked far tiririeg this, period,. The 11.Iobn's' canjurietitln with Sun and Earth "bra tli'&' 13the will prolong low baromatiee jirfsstre, high temperas tare end humid ,attire+sphere. , Vicious electrical stotrns, possible t tornadoes; and Venus downpours of rate, will probabi'J' toted: ii daily cycles, Lor sev- e,ral dries, leading up to and culmin,- ,ting talkiest, the .13th. These periods of daily thunder storms, which ,u:a ualls•f,repeat themselves about the same hour, for rseveral d'a.yis in ;suc- cession, are vases more threatening and violent, when a Venue period Calls centrally in the month of May The .daily cycle of such storms! •from about the 8th to 13th wilt 'be ch.aracs terized by ;black, ominous clouds, very intense ,electrical dispiayls, down pours at (rain, ,with ooc isianal rhail' storms and • atreaspheric tv il .nce A^ mounting to "torngdie storms in var.' loos localities. • A. decided ;rise at the barometer, stiff' westerly winds, arid change to ';roach",colo, indleat:o.g that the daily storm cycle 'i,s. et an end, Will d'ppeat •,!britt the 13th;. Frosts. in T1flJRS,DAY, MAY 55th, L9W5-l 'l.„a northern sections are ,very probable for two or three nights, )following' the break up of this storm period. Lawn Mowers Sharpened AT CONN OR' S WE CAN SAVE VOL) $. By buying your coal from Us, We bought before the heavy freight rate and ',war tax. $7 5o for this month, delivered. Sole Agents for D. L. &' W. Scranton Coai KESTLE ROWE &. WOOD PHONE 4o Exeter, Ontario 111111111111111 EmszargosommemmEmai HOUSECLEANING :' TIME MAKE Housecleaning Easy by buying a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner from us. It will clean' your Rugs and Carpets better than beating them and with much less labor. Then get crottle of Sunny Polish to clean your furniture, and if yon see you need any new furniture, we have a big stock to choose from, R. N. ROWE Embalmer & Funeral Director PHONE 20a maarromanciammaugarm POWELL'S BIG VARIETY STORE PHONE 55 MAY is a sale month with us. We start THURS- DAY with a sale of GENU- INE CUT GLASS .STRAI- GHT water glasses --at the ridiculous price roc.,We have only 6 doz•,, if you want them, come quick. Also a new stock pf Gra- niteware just arrived at '.roc 15 and 25c, good stuff. Sat- urday, try alb of our Week- end chocolates at 29c per lb you'll be surprised. ' Post cards (all . except locals)5 for 5c. Watch ()fir windows tor Bar- gains, y time you pass_ SPE, e LS all this month. POWELL'S TIME LIVE BARGAIN ST'OR'E a ..1111.11111111.9 Seeds for Sale We have for sale a choice stock of Government inspected Seeds esp3cially selected for PURITY and GERMINATION, which we offer at very close prices for CASH. Our stock comprises: Fancy No. 1 Red Clover, Alsike; Alfalfa, Timothy Seed, Kentucky and Canadian Blue Grass, Orchard Grass, and Seed Corn. We have a large stock of Alsike and Timothy Mixed -an extra nice grade, and good value at $4 80 per bushel; Fancy No. 1 Red Clover, $12.00 per bushel; Timothy Seed from $4.00 to $4.50 per bushel. it..`711 and inspect our stock—it will pay you! We are in the Market to Pashase All kinds of Clover, Grass Seeds, Etc,, for which we pay full market value. A call solicited. - C. Zwicker GENERAL MERCHANT Creditoii, Ontario EGGS WANTED — Will pay tgc cash or 2 l trade for N w Laid eggs.— J. A. Stewart, NOTICE llo the Farmers and (Horsebreeders Free Vaccination against Rheum - afloat ,or joint ,ills, If sou :will notify us :within forty- eight hours after your colt( is born we will ,vaccinate it as a preventative a- gainst rheum.atis,. Free of Charge. DR. CHAS. JOSE AND SON Veterinary .;Surgeons KIRKTON, Ont. Phone 26 Rupture Expert Here SEELY, WHO FITTED: CZAR 'OR RUSSIA. ;RECALLED TO LONDON Owing to the demands for his ser- vices F. II. Seely- of Chicago and :Philadelphia, the noted truss expert will be at the Tecumseh ;Hotel and will remain. in London Friday ',only, Mas 7th. Mir. Seely says: "The; Sper- m.atiec Shield as now used and, approv- ed bs the United States government will not only ;retain any case of rup ture perfectly, affording immediate and complete relief, but cloves the 0 pening in ten days on ,the average case. This instrument received the only award in England and in Spain producing results without surgery, harmful injections, medical treat- ments or prescriptions, Mr, Seely has documents from the United eltates Government, Vira,sh'ngton, D.C., for int spection, All charity cases ,without charge, or if any interested ,call, he Will be glad to show same without. charge or fit them if ,desited. Any .one ruptured should. r•etnember . the date and take advantage of thiel op- vartunity, ee UNDER GROUND WiICe-You are vers fussy 'about lour food, Henry. •Ma' poor, dear first husband used to eat uncomplainingle everything 1.cpoked for him, �vhcze h.� end oo . k Husbands-Yee,,kt 1 tis, n oav Children C FOR rl. arl � A El'CflI4R'S � 'TOR P Western University, Loudon. Forward Movement Greatly Enlarged Faculties ills Arts and Medicine: Vastly Improved Eiuipment,-Libtarse Laboratories, etc. Seven New Scholarsbips Record Enrollment,+ Ineuiries Solicited E. E. Braithwaite, Mai, ,P',h•. President. "A Man's iAbility Ls Itis Passport;°e Frank Weaver 'Pirofessor o.° Music, London, Ont. • • 'Teacher of Organ and all branches, of Piano Play ing ; Voice Culture an! Artistic Singing a Specialty. le yearn practical experience. For Terms apply at S. Marlene Son's Music Store F. W. HODGSON ' t Carpenter and Builder Plans furnished; Estimates given fre=e; on aft classes or 'buildings. 3-18-tI 'PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Aueet tioneer. Sales conducted in any Io-: cality. Terms moderate Orders left: at Times office will be promptly, at- tended to, 'Phone J,16, I ekton., Ad- dress Kirkton P.O. EDWABD J. ,FERGUSON, Licens- ed.Auetioneer, Sales conducted ie. any . locality ; live rstock a ispeci,alty , Ord, -a ers left at Times Office will receivte': prompt attention; ]terms moderates Address Science. ,Hill, R. I3,, No,, 1, Phone 45-3 Kirkton. PASTURE FARM, FOR SALE Ole ]2,.ent, i,. ;fay Township, 'Con. 8. Ape ply to Wm. ;Blatchford, 3,.10 Morley! Ave. 'Toronto. ,I10t131: P011 SALE , I House and three -:quarters or ane Beene of land on 8incoe ;street, Good.; Well. Apply to Devi,d Gllits• 1 A Lesson From the Aeroplane 1 1. HE force that makes the aeroplane—a 'heavier-than-air machine --over- come the law of ravit the ro ulsive ow gravity ispropulsive power of the motor. Stop the engine and gravity exhibits its law. Ip much the same way the pro. Advertising is the propeller. The tip' pulsive power of advertising makes merchant is the pilot. His business a,::,husiness triumph over dragging•., is the machine. His community is down tendencies, personal inertia, his sustaining medium. quiet times and general busindss If you want business to soar, depression. start the motor of advertising. To, the People in and About Exeter The pilots of every dominant and progressive business in Exeter are using the propelling force of advertising in some form or other. The most powerful form of advertising is newspaper publicity. Advertisments Save Your Time and Money northern sections are ,very probable for two or three nights, )following' the break up of this storm period. Lawn Mowers Sharpened AT CONN OR' S WE CAN SAVE VOL) $. By buying your coal from Us, We bought before the heavy freight rate and ',war tax. $7 5o for this month, delivered. Sole Agents for D. L. &' W. Scranton Coai KESTLE ROWE &. WOOD PHONE 4o Exeter, Ontario 111111111111111 EmszargosommemmEmai HOUSECLEANING :' TIME MAKE Housecleaning Easy by buying a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner from us. It will clean' your Rugs and Carpets better than beating them and with much less labor. Then get crottle of Sunny Polish to clean your furniture, and if yon see you need any new furniture, we have a big stock to choose from, R. N. ROWE Embalmer & Funeral Director PHONE 20a maarromanciammaugarm POWELL'S BIG VARIETY STORE PHONE 55 MAY is a sale month with us. We start THURS- DAY with a sale of GENU- INE CUT GLASS .STRAI- GHT water glasses --at the ridiculous price roc.,We have only 6 doz•,, if you want them, come quick. Also a new stock pf Gra- niteware just arrived at '.roc 15 and 25c, good stuff. Sat- urday, try alb of our Week- end chocolates at 29c per lb you'll be surprised. ' Post cards (all . except locals)5 for 5c. Watch ()fir windows tor Bar- gains, y time you pass_ SPE, e LS all this month. POWELL'S TIME LIVE BARGAIN ST'OR'E a ..1111.11111111.9 Seeds for Sale We have for sale a choice stock of Government inspected Seeds esp3cially selected for PURITY and GERMINATION, which we offer at very close prices for CASH. Our stock comprises: Fancy No. 1 Red Clover, Alsike; Alfalfa, Timothy Seed, Kentucky and Canadian Blue Grass, Orchard Grass, and Seed Corn. We have a large stock of Alsike and Timothy Mixed -an extra nice grade, and good value at $4 80 per bushel; Fancy No. 1 Red Clover, $12.00 per bushel; Timothy Seed from $4.00 to $4.50 per bushel. it..`711 and inspect our stock—it will pay you! We are in the Market to Pashase All kinds of Clover, Grass Seeds, Etc,, for which we pay full market value. A call solicited. - C. Zwicker GENERAL MERCHANT Creditoii, Ontario EGGS WANTED — Will pay tgc cash or 2 l trade for N w Laid eggs.— J. A. Stewart, NOTICE llo the Farmers and (Horsebreeders Free Vaccination against Rheum - afloat ,or joint ,ills, If sou :will notify us :within forty- eight hours after your colt( is born we will ,vaccinate it as a preventative a- gainst rheum.atis,. Free of Charge. DR. CHAS. JOSE AND SON Veterinary .;Surgeons KIRKTON, Ont. Phone 26 Rupture Expert Here SEELY, WHO FITTED: CZAR 'OR RUSSIA. ;RECALLED TO LONDON Owing to the demands for his ser- vices F. II. Seely- of Chicago and :Philadelphia, the noted truss expert will be at the Tecumseh ;Hotel and will remain. in London Friday ',only, Mas 7th. Mir. Seely says: "The; Sper- m.atiec Shield as now used and, approv- ed bs the United States government will not only ;retain any case of rup ture perfectly, affording immediate and complete relief, but cloves the 0 pening in ten days on ,the average case. This instrument received the only award in England and in Spain producing results without surgery, harmful injections, medical treat- ments or prescriptions, Mr, Seely has documents from the United eltates Government, Vira,sh'ngton, D.C., for int spection, All charity cases ,without charge, or if any interested ,call, he Will be glad to show same without. charge or fit them if ,desited. Any .one ruptured should. r•etnember . the date and take advantage of thiel op- vartunity, ee UNDER GROUND WiICe-You are vers fussy 'about lour food, Henry. •Ma' poor, dear first husband used to eat uncomplainingle everything 1.cpoked for him, �vhcze h.� end oo . k Husbands-Yee,,kt 1 tis, n oav Children C FOR rl. arl � A El'CflI4R'S � 'TOR P Western University, Loudon. Forward Movement Greatly Enlarged Faculties ills Arts and Medicine: Vastly Improved Eiuipment,-Libtarse Laboratories, etc. Seven New Scholarsbips Record Enrollment,+ Ineuiries Solicited E. E. Braithwaite, Mai, ,P',h•. President. "A Man's iAbility Ls Itis Passport;°e Frank Weaver 'Pirofessor o.° Music, London, Ont. • • 'Teacher of Organ and all branches, of Piano Play ing ; Voice Culture an! Artistic Singing a Specialty. le yearn practical experience. For Terms apply at S. Marlene Son's Music Store F. W. HODGSON ' t Carpenter and Builder Plans furnished; Estimates given fre=e; on aft classes or 'buildings. 3-18-tI 'PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Aueet tioneer. Sales conducted in any Io-: cality. Terms moderate Orders left: at Times office will be promptly, at- tended to, 'Phone J,16, I ekton., Ad- dress Kirkton P.O. EDWABD J. ,FERGUSON, Licens- ed.Auetioneer, Sales conducted ie. any . locality ; live rstock a ispeci,alty , Ord, -a ers left at Times Office will receivte': prompt attention; ]terms moderates Address Science. ,Hill, R. I3,, No,, 1, Phone 45-3 Kirkton. PASTURE FARM, FOR SALE Ole ]2,.ent, i,. ;fay Township, 'Con. 8. Ape ply to Wm. ;Blatchford, 3,.10 Morley! Ave. 'Toronto. ,I10t131: P011 SALE , I House and three -:quarters or ane Beene of land on 8incoe ;street, Good.; Well. Apply to Devi,d Gllits•