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Exeter Times, 1915-5-5, Page 5
1'TIURsl)A?F, 441-; h°, lei I THE TIMES CLUBBING LAST • • 1915 Times and Toronto Globe...... .. -. .... -75 Times and Toronl ogMail and Empire ....+ , • • ... 3 73 Tie ' s and Toronto Daily News`► . • • ..... •' • • • 40 • • • 2' 8-5 Times and Tornto Daily World, ..:...•. • • , , • ;;r.,r•'3 2'.gr 1'11 y Times and Toronto Daily Star. ..,..., ,*'.., .,,:, 85 Morning Times and London Eveningor advertise2 go Times and London Weekly Advertiser_....1 75 Times and London. Morning Free Press. ....a 5o Times- and London Evening Free Press . .. ' . 2' go Times,. and London Weekly Free Press ....1 85 Times and Toronto Saturday Night ..•••• • 3 50 Times and Farmers , ;b'voc"ate • # • • • , • . • , • • a` 40 Times and Canadian Farm....... Times and Toronto Sun..A• «•. Times and Farmer and Dairy . • • • • • • • • • • 1 85 Times and Montreal Family Herald & Weekly Star 1 85 Times and Weekly Illustrated Globe ...... it &5 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire Times and The Country Gentleman Times and Canadian Poultry News'...• Times and Montreal Weekly Witness ,.Times and Christian Guardian .. • . - . • •••2 45 Times and Prespyterian 2 25 Times and W estminister .. , , • • • • , • . 2 25 Times and Presbyterian and Westrninister...•.....3 25 Send your remittance by money order, post office' or express order (not by bank cheque unless excha-i ;a i ; added.) c 1!. ........ 185 .t ,...I 8o 1 75 -.3 25 1 35 185 Exeter Times Printing Company, Limited Exeter, - Ontario • WHIT not give your tad the same training ? • •'Whet was a growing lad,ssndcame ' npoa•mehy, vords in nay, reading that 1'di&,,not understand, any mother. in- stead of giving me the definitionwhea ,.e3 applied to her, uniformly sent me to, the diction to learn it, and fn ibis' - way-Tiprnduauy learned many things besides'tyCe'ineaning' oe the individual word in question•—among other things, how to use a dictionary, and the great pleasure and advantage there might be in the use of the dictionary. Afterwards, when I went to the village school, my chief diversion, after les- sons were learned and before they were recited, was in turning over the pages of the `Unabridged' of those days. Now the: most modern Una- bridged-theNEW INTERNATIONAL— gives me a pleasure of the same sort. So far as my knowledge extends, it is at present the best of the one -volume dictionaries, and quite sufficient for all ordinary asi_v. Even those who possess the splendid dictionaries in several volumes will yet find it a great convenience to have this, which is so compact, no full, and so trustworthy as to Ieave, in most cases, little to be desired."—Albert 5_cook,I'h,D Professor of the English Language and Liteerature, Yale Univ. April 28,191L Wa T for Specrg,es,Pageo,Alustrations,Etc. , pfwUESTER s 88WI62,nm I.TIOE4L pxarIOgrABX For Over 68 Years Publishers of The Genuine Webster's Dictionaries; } I ` iE[ENSALL;..i• ' Mrs. Whiteside , ha(s ceeld ; hen . house to 3VL'rs. Holly Lilly. ;1.1 : r. mir. H. B. Ingram. on London, has sold 3f,<1:welling on Oxford street. 'Wessels. Milton Ortwein kand James iCa1Kn°'have purchased new autos. we are pleased to report that Mr. v`n "IL"IL;'MIo'Pherson is improving g nicelS. Dir. and Mrs. W. C. Davis, who have been on the sick list ares around'ligain. Mr. T. 'Sharp has started is black- smith ;shop in town, thio making 'the third. • . . , They onction sale of the .effects of the late John Hawkins will be 'held on Friday of this week. Set Advt. tBensaIl's total iafssessreent in .$322,- 000 and her taxable assessment about $*i0;t10o. ' Mrs. A. ,We Eli* of , oronto, ; is visiting her parents, bfr. and ;Mris. T. Neelands. _' t it f (..:1 -Miss Lily YoungbIut, of 'Waterloo, has been visiting her 'sister Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. r ' ; , Mr. M. 111. Dent, who spent: a num- ber of weeks with his ;sister, Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, has eeturned -horde. , Rev. E. F,; McL. Smith ;wasp in Lon- don last week ;attending the, .Presby- terian Synod of London and Hamilton. Wm. Murdock bas ;disporyed of his. residence in Egmondville and is mmov- ing back to Bewail having purchased H, Ingxam's residence on Oxford St. Next Sabbath evening the Odd - fellows will attend !Divine worship in St. Paul's church when the s Rural Dean, W. J. (Doherty- will address, the. brethren. ( • rt ' Mr. Thomas Welsh hab arranged to erect three fine dwellings at the east end of the village near ,the London Road and is° lalready getting ,the; ma- terial on the elicit. , Kennedy -r Petty — On Easter 'this' ;April 3rd, at six o'clock, a Nappy event took place in SteMark's church. 14.tinneapolis, Minn., when 4V1isis Maid M. Petty, fourth ;daughter of Geo.; ,P i'ett3, of JlensaIl, was united in; man- enage';with Peter_ F. Kenneds', of Win' •n.ypeg. Rev; J. E. Freeman, :I). T), officiated. • Mr. and Mrs., Kenaede have taken up theilr residence . In Winnipeg. , i < ' T :W INC1iELSEA Mrs. M. Patrick, of London, visited, her mother, Mrs. Ironwood fpr, a (few dans. Spent • of ..nt Miss May Tlodgert, •Exeter, i,.p the; week end with bliss Rhea God - bolt. • `M as'NeIlie Medd, who hes been. vis- it]gn her mother for thepast month has returned home. _ Dir. Weston Horne has . engene4 with the Winchelsea screamers as ass s:sfant butter maker for the 'summer months. • The ''individual ap- The painted toadmieister an o, e. I� t iv C� is' tate g 0 es ,,, •,- . . " much time and atteuti�an;. to ,his trust.. The anxiety r . or ��^^pp �pp a ss the danger 1lJ1Jl.�t � . I ceaseless, g • 1 s i through 'inexperience is 'great. ' „ of mistakes thri yfriend with onerous duties that.. can be..better, Whx'tiurden your fr *performed! by this. Coenpany? The fees are no.;;greater. and Fthe • mans ementmuch more capable than can be ,eXpected of any executor,pri- vats however willing. THE: LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED � Its sole,. business is -''the fs::the:�lts 'cat administrator td appoint,:. • ,:.. e nl's efficient fulfillment of . every. trust committed, to its care. aref �.. :Calk in..and' consult us. 38Z' RICHMOND STRET, LONDON,' ON' ' get, ,,,EO. GeBBO1iS, ince President' ..4 , JOBN S. MC c RL, J auUkle • Crediton Miss Lather Zirrilber is on the sick list. Mr, and; Mrs, Russell Huxtable and nephew, of Hamilton, motored to town on Friday to visit relatives.. Mr, Sam Brown was in Windsor for few days. Mr, Ed, Smith, of Berlin,, Inas in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Preeter and fam- ily. accompanied by Miss Clifton, of Zurich, visited Mr. and Mrs, 8, Brown on Sunday. Mr, Chas, Finkbeiner. Elimville, visited his parents on Sunday last. Mr, and Mrs. Israel Smith, of Ham- ilton, were the guests of relatives for a"'few. days. Misses Salome and Lillian Finkbein- er, of Exeter, spent Sunday with their parents. Messrs, Geo. Ellber and Nelson Shenk left for near ,Cobalt., where they have received employment; as fire -rangers for the coming summer: Miss Greene Spent a few days in Brantford. Mrs, Hy, Eil erhas returned from Ubly, Mich., were she visited with relatives. Mies Elsie Geiser arrived home this week from Toronto, to spend her Bummer vacation, L1REDITON SCHOOL 'REPORT The folloeving is, the 'report et Loom ir Crediton P. S., for the month pf April, tames appearing in order of merit e Sr.• IV—Eldon Becker, Eya Oese treicher, Gertre Winer, Daisy English. Lila Lawson, Alma Hest, Ruth ;Heist Jr. IV—Earl IHaist, 'Aaron Sweitzer Laura Eilber, Garnet Suns, Erma Braun, Alma Penediot, Pearl Lawson Gladys Wolfe, Irvin Finkbeiner. Sr. III-W;lbert Sims, 8everne Wine er. Lyla Kuhn, Melvin Sims, ,Trellis ,Hodgins, 011ie Guenther, Fred Hill, Melinda Edwards, !Willie Appleton, Mose Gainer, Fred Eilber, Pearl Motz absent. :, 1.. Jr. III(—Sam King, Royal. Geiser, Ronal lIIaist, Charlie lHorfnxan, Nola Feist, Mary Holtzman, ,(Harold ,Hilt, Harold Taylor. r,catrice 'Heist, Vernon Beaver,, d*trs. V. Kerr, Teacher., -� Following is the report for the month of April of Room ,I, Crediton. The navies are in orders of merit. Sr. II—Milton Finkbeiner,,. ilierbie Beaver, Maleeda Shenk, Leta King, Vernie Redden, Melia Sweitzer. Jr. II -Phyllis Winer, Gordon Bec- ker. Irene . Lawson, Thelma. Pas for, Melvin, Edwards. Jr. I— Toward Beaver, Veep. Sims, Lester Mcisaac, Esther Eilber, Bea- trice Shenk, •JElarve Benedict, Fred. Feist, ,Vera Edwards, Lorne Geilser. SIrs, Pe. I --Edith Sweitzer, M3rtle Sweitzer. ,Clara Gainer, Lily King. Jr.1Pt. I—Gertrude Link.: iA Class -Gertrude (lariat, Helen Mc Isaac; Stuart Kuhn, Elgin Woodall. B Class—Ruth Sweitzer, Sam Law- son. Helen . Orme, Jim Ta31or, «Dora Edwards, Arnold Link, Lela Haien M. M. {D Merl teacher. 1, Use Rexall Orderlies Lor 'Chronic Constipation; the are gentle in ac- tion. 'mild and 'natural. Sold only by W. S. !Cole, The Reran; Store, 10c.1, 250.. and, Pe. boxes, .�• GROMA'RTY A Patriotic Lecture and Concert will be held in Cromarty Presbyterian Church, on Friday evening, May 7th. under the auspices of the Red Cross Auxiliary. The Committee in charge has bsen most fortunate in seouring the servi- ces of Rev. T. J. Charlton, F.R.A.S., of Mitchell, whose lectures on the European War are so much in de- mand throughout Western Ontario. Mr. Onariton is a genuine Irish orator —what higher tribute could be paid him? The lecture will be interspersed with musical selections by the famous bass soloist, Mr_ Cameron Geddes, and Knox Church Male Quartette, of Mit- eheli, with Miss Bessie Bain as accom- panist. With such an orator and such art- ists present there is a treat in store kr all,who, attend. These entertain - ere are all giving their services free and should be greeted by a full house. The proceeds will be devoted to the purchase of Red Cross Hospital sup- plies for our soldiers. BRACES.' Miss Bessie Bain, of Mitchell, spent a couple of ,days with her aunt, Mrs. H.• Currie, 11l'r,•Bert Pardon has •returned. to Detroit; e after..:sevenaL' . weeks' visit. with: his•unclenM•r.; Neil Gillespie, and other '-relatives,,.: :',Mr.'HughlBrtwn; ofiExeter..visited •relatives in'the • village and ,vicinity during the past week. Mr- id Brown,of Ottawa, spent r Da s Day id week wiih hie sister, Mts. 1), Park, who has been ill Our faithful mail carrier, Mr. A. d 1ioberteon, who has been off duty for some tie with grippe, is slowly re- covering. Miss play Hoggart.h spent the week end with relatives in Goderich. PILES CURED at. HOME • by Abse New tion Method.• �`P If yott 'suffer, from ..bleeclingr itching, blind or protrudizrg Pules, send me your address,'.a,�l I flux:-, will tell you.how to cure y -a self at home by ° the absorption treatment ; and will also said, some of this homer ;treatment free '.for trial,' wits ,referencest from your, own locality, if re- quested, ildmediate relief and permanent cure assured: • Send no, money, but tell others of this offer:: Write to -day to 1 trs3 ..81111111104;x )3oAi Sly �ndscfr ' EXETER TIME ENEMY CLAIMS VICTC Y Austro -German Blow at Russian Left Succeeds. General ?dackenzeeds Vigorous Of- fensive L+'ast' of Cracow Is Re- ported In Berlin and Vienna to Have Crushed the Russian lying --Germans Are Still Striving to Break Through Line to CaIais. LONDON, May , 4.—News carne through last night from Berlin and Vienna of an Austro -German victory In Galicja, but the mart has not yet been confirmed. Desperate ef- forts to turn the flanks of the Rus sians have hitherto ended in failure, Ilut a drive against the Russian right In wc,stern Galicia, according to the reports .of •the enemy, has suc- ceeded ' i piercing the Russian. flank Along the Valley of the Dunajee. The; German,. otliciel clespatcb claims that 8,000 Russians were taken pris- oners. The oiiinion°,ben is that this new clove maYeproveito be a serious check to the Russian' advance in the Carpathians. In "west Galles, accord GENERAL' ° MACR'1t NZEN. ing to the Berlin statement, in the presence of Archduke Frederick, General Von Mackenzen's forces, af- ter bitter fighting, "pierced and everywhere crushed the entire Rus- sian line. Berlin is celebrating. the victory to -night, as is the custom there, though it is admitted that the flags have been flown before full details are to hand. The line between the Vistula and the Hungarian frontier was about 40 miles east cf Cracow. The Austro - Germans have been defending it stubbornly ever singe; the beginning of the Carpathian fighting: • The general British comment is somewhat reserved pending the Pet- rograd version of fie operations.. •'. • : The •movement i e : western Galicia. is•,'probably of the ;gfreatest import- ance ofany, action since General Von. Hindenburg's great drive in the north. -` The Russian army in the Car- pathians is in imminent danger of being cut off. The Russians have gained the southern slopes of the main ridge and have worked their way well into the eastern Beskids through Dukla and other smaller passes. Regarding the operations on the western battlefront the London Daily Mail's correspondent in Rotterdam telegraphs as follows. "The Germans continiie their at- tempts to creep forward towards Ypres. They attacked southeast of St_ Julien Sunday, but met with a fierce resistance at the hamlet of Fortuin. Tbey have made desul tory attacks northeast of Ypres and also against French troops. "There is no sign that the Ger- mans,intend to abandon the offen- sive now that they have had time to rest-. and to bring up fresh troops. Despite the appalling :losses which they suffered in the grim struggle for possession of the road to Calais, they have not turned from their purpose. "A German observation balloon .which drifted across the frontier near. Sluys and was brought down by the, fire of Duteh soldiers, was found' to b'e unoccupied.' ;The wind on Saturday broke, ..ale most by itself, the German attack on }Bails 60, which had been timed to cobncide nvith' artillery, fighting, west ofr'St_ Julien. The Germans liberated t back however, floated which fumes, , behind the front of the German trenches_ Better Times Coming. NNI4.—Sir Thomas May WINNIPEG, Shaughnessy arrived in Winnipeg from Galiforilia with his party. He expressed the opinion that Canada would rapidly recuperate from the present depression; in fact; he said that, he sad, already signs of better conditions. Britain Failing In Duty? LONDON, May 4.—In the matter Bel of financial relief"'for g ium , Great i3rifaia ,has netdoneher, duty, ace cording to .John Galsworthy, the aur, tiioil, in issuing an appeal for cone tributions on behalf of thenewly or- ganieed British _national committee for ;Belgian- relief. Britain Snaps Meet Steamers. LONDON, May 4. --,-The British Government. by an order -in -council bas commandeered' the whole neat -carrying capacity of all British steamships trading between Europe and the Argentine and Uruguayan Republics. ' The action was taken . under the defence, oa the. Realm Act. rr CAUSES OF CONSTIPATION —Lack of exercise, irregular hours and diet, nervous strain, all tend to produce constipation with its train of evils—indigestion, nerv- ousness, sleeplessness, and many ills even more serious. TRADE 11AI4C A cl The gentle but sure laxative TO RELIEVE CONSTIPATION—One tablet crushed lathe mouth (they are pleasant to the taste) and swallowed on retiring is usually sufficient. Where a pronounced action is desired, let this be followed by one on rising. If the cause is obstinate, however, take two tablets at night. aexall Orderlies are Made in Canada and sold in (petal boxes at 10c, 25c and 50c each; i at Resell Stores everywhere. Get a Bos Today en the Money -back Basle from 411 T. �tv `(RUWCA• TL,oi Dn oO,.R[.0UrO cn,O1pn.A,:.1. "1:.• vuxT' 7,5. d/ 4 LONDON CONFERENCE TO MEET IN ST. DMARY8 IN JUNE The program of London Methodist Conference, which holds its 32nd an- nual session at St. Marys, commenc- ing on Thursday, Jure 3rd, has been completed. Rev. E. E. Scott, of Tor- onto, will conduct the devotior.at ser- vices and will preach on Sunday even- ing. June 6. The stationing com- mittee is to 'meet .in Epworth Hall, at 2 o'clock, on Monday; May 31st. Epworth League and Sunday School anniversary will be observed out Tues- day evening when addressee will be delivered by Rev. A. E. Lloyd, of Lon- don, and Mr. Geo. Stanley The ministerial session ,bel;ios on Wednesday, June 2nd, when the• tran- sfer committee will report and a come .mittee on conference relations will be appointed. A meeting tinder the aus- pices of the Laym,ens Association is to be held on Wednesday evening, when Rev. Dr. T. A. Moore and Mr. N. W. Rowell, M F.n., will deliver ad- dresses. The lay men's association Meets in Epworth Hall, on Thursday morning, when election of officers will take place and addresses will be given; be Mr. F. H. Holtby, of Ste Thomas and Mr. H.• E. 'Huston; of Exeter. The general session opens on` Thurs-1 day afternoon when the officers ,are elected. reports received and the first draft of stations brought down. The board of examiners brings is its•;finst, report on Friday 'morning. The an- nual memorial service will be, held. at 10,3c0'. Reports of the various com- mittees will be heard, commencing at 3 o'clock, Public reception of the ordination class is (scheduled for Fri- day. evening, witb addresses by Rev. J. E. Reines, of Ridbetown, end Rev, T. W. •©oseiis, of London: Saturday is set aside for .Lurther re- ports of 'committees and mieetings of stationing committee, Historical 'Soc- iete and Theological Union. On Sundae the ordi(nkation 'sermon will be preached be Bev. Alexander Langford, D.D., ,and the ordination service will be conducted by the pre- sident-elect. The Sunday School ad- dress in the afternoon well be by Rev. Dr. James Bussey, of Atwood. Stf Marys pulpits other than that of the conference cburch will be occupied by Rev. W. X. Hager, Rev. W. A :Wal- den. Rev. W. L. Biles, Rev. Ht, T, Ferguson, Rev. C. F, Clark, Rev, B. J. Uren, Rev. E. W. .Edwards, neve James Snell, Rev. David Ween, erd. Rev. G. W. Dewey. On Monday, besides committee re- ports there will be held the educa- tional anniversary, Final report of the stationing committee will be made on Tuesday. June 8th.:Chairman ,will be elected' and general business con- cluded. Music, of the . devotional meetings will be, as 'usual, under;, the direction. of Rev. W. E. Stinson, • of Stratford. CENTRALIA Our new station agent, Mr. Bishop. Pr 'London, will 'take 'up ,his; duties 'here in a few days. Several ladies from Centralia are in attendance to -day (Wednesday) at the W. 11 L. S. conventioe ,at ,Elimville. Rev. S. W. i\luxworthy of Main St. Methodist church, Exeter, is to preach• anniversary sermons; for the Epworth League, next Sundae avenins. That the tilde of prosperity has not ction of the begun to ebb in this se a province appears to be proven be the fact that within a few 'days three of our citizens, Bruce Mitchell, George Essery, T. Willie, and tiiarry Wilson have provided themselves t h new autos. The first Mentioned is putting his to the test by a trip to Owen Sound. z PERT' PARAGRAPH$ If- we Gould• recognize our own fool- ishness as easily• as we can recognise that of our next door neighbor it cer- tainly. would help some, There are• people who get on rapidly in the 'world: because it always seems to theii'r• that theirs plus yours' equals theirs. A thick- purse' has a Lung rang eta lee easily and accurately aimed. reoafers are geniuses out of a nodi There 1d this one advantage Abet deathbas. over taXea--deiittt;. Bever. comes but once. • Xrs•tmia-zavvuzrz.a•:'v.�/ YCIU CAN FOLD YOUR s When the ladies crowd your stove. ' When they come in double file, Thronging through your open door, Seeking bargains worth their while, Which they read about before. Don't you then Feel awful glad YouP ut in That little ad.? TO A MOUNTAIN DAISY. Wee, modest, crimson tipped flower, Tbou's met me in an evil bour, For I mann crush amang the stoure Thy slender stem. To spare thee now is past my power. Thou bonny gem. • • r • a The flaunting fiowers our gar- dens yield, High sheltering woods and wa's ma un shield; But thoubeneath the random field, 0' clod or stane, Adorns the histie stibble field, Unseen, alane. There, he thy scanty mantle clad. Thy snawi° bosom sunward ,spread, Thou']lfts thy unassuming head In humble guise, But now the share uptears thy bed And low thou lies! —Robert Burns. W19 I�c� D11M Te112C0 Between stationery and sta- tionary ? A difference of one letter, .r But if your stationery' is well printed, up to date ..and businesslike .R ;. 1 such as we can supply s* you, Your trade will!' notbestationary. . 1 ionery,Letterileads,. ea's, Statements,. Circu-. 1arr; Etc., Keep ,Business' ON THE MOVE. 'kind "We iv a print. That's the 2URI0.11 The' auction sale of the effects .of the late John Hawkins will be held. on Friday of this week. See Advt, Mr. John Gascho has moved; into the dwelling of Mrs. A. Faust., Bliss Pearl Buchanan, of Toronto, is visiting with relatives here. Miss Mars Brown has returned home from Berlin where she has spent the past three months. Mr. Geo. McBride has purchased: the flour and feed business from Mr. Ii Hudson and has taken poslsession. The farm of the late ,John Jacobe consisting of 92 acres, was recent/Si sold by public auction to .Mr. W. Se b•ohnston for the suns of e;4300. Mr. John A. Curry, of M'Toosejaw, • eldest son of ,the late. Wm. Curry', of the Parr Line, Hay; and nephew of Mrs. Jas. Green, died on. April 26th of progressive paralysis, at the age o:f 40 years, Peter Randall, a Zurtch boy, who is a sergeant of the M chanicaL trans- port of the first Canadian Contingent, arrived in London recentl3 from? France, where h' received injuries to his right leg and foot,..wvhich was bade le crushed by a team running- away,. the heave wheels passing ,over ,that member, Zux,ch is inaugurating It water supply system for fire protection. The work of sinking a deep well on the fire hall premises will be started at: roues. Also the building of a ,large cement supply tank twelve feet 14 diameter and twente-five feet high, which will be built next to the firs hall. A gasoline engine will be used to pump the ,water into this large' , tank, and when filled it should. holt enough water for all purposes. Brisson—Ducharme An interesting event was celebrated in the. Romani Catholic church on Tues,day,April 27th when Miss Emma daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ducharme, Bronson Line, Hay, were united in the hole bonds of wedlock. with Mr. Louis Brisson, of, Drysdale, a son of Dir. Aserich Brine son, of near St. Joseph. , by •.neve Al .. Roddot, ne Drysdale. After the: ceremony the 'we,ddina party and guests repaired to the home of the; bride's parents, where they were roye all entertained. Mr. and Mrs. Brise son left on a short wedding- trips e,f,4 ter which they will take ,up housed keeping in Drysdale where Mr. Brim son conducts a ,general store, GRAND BEND The auction sale of the effects of the late John 13aivkins will be held on Friday of this week. See Advt. • A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Geri omette, Grand Bend on Weclnesdiay, April 28th, when their daughter Lane ra L. was united in marriage to lira Gordon Turnbull, a ;prosperous fnrmeei of Hay township Promptly at six o'clock thewedding party entered the parlor to the strains of Lohengria s( Bridal Chorus played by Mrs. Cooke The bride who was given away be her father was tastefully attired in a travelling suit of battleship grey, serge with cream ,silk blouse and black tulle hat with rosebud trine rnings. Rev. J. E. Cook, 13.0, spoke the mystic words that made them man and wife. The bride was 'abl3l assisted by Mies Maurine Rave1Ie and 1issElizabeth Young'ung and thegroom: was supported by Messrs. Russel Wanner and Peter Ravelle. Follows ing the ceremony a dainty wadding breakfast was served to the guests t twenty-five. .Ch,:ir abou numbering many friends wish them a long and happy married life. ' ;fi,USSELDALE (Too late for last week) T'hel auction sale of the eiffeets of the late John !Hawkins will „he held' on Friday of this week. See Advt. '. Mr. Sohn !Cole had the misfortune to lose a horse last week. Mrs. Geo. Melville is spending a. week with friends in Bewail Rev. Mr. Ititohie and Mr, 'Meld pow are in London attending a mute ing of the Synod Dias. Francis and daughter Floreuq a Mitchell, were the guests ,of Mtn and •Mrs. Alfred Dow on Sondes.. rsrr. Baum, of Guelph, is at, pxesen#. Visiting ,friends at `Royston 1•ardes', the home of Mr, and. Mrs. John Roya The many friends of ribs. John, (Luse set, Who • has been confined to the house through illness will be gladto learn that she IS convalescing. t 1