HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-5-5, Page 11 FORTY -.SECOND YEAR--- NO 2209 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY, 5t1t. 1915 • LADIES READY TO .WEAR DRESSMAKING ALL COMPLETE -FOR YOU. OUR READY -TO - WEARS ARE ALL WELL MADE AND NICELY TRIMMED.. . . JONES AND MAY PH0$E 32 Coat and Suit Sale Only a few left to clear out at a big reduction Nice Coats for $5, Swell Suits for 5 to $10. A good of colors: range Skirt Sale 6ad 1 ourn Here is a snapfor you, all , u 5, Y skirts on sale for only $3 75 each, plain blacks, blues, tweeds, checks and plaids. Ladies' Dresses A real fine choice of House or Street dresses in all colors and materials, nicely trimmed, $i to $5 Children's Dresses From r year to 14 years, all colors and white, 75c and $1 buys a very swell little dress for the kiddies.. MEN'S AND BOYS FURNISHINGS New Straw Hats We are showing the very newest styles out in Straw Hats. All the new shapes and straws are here, don't forget to see them. , New Spring Suits Over zoo Men's and Boy's Suits for Spring just in ; they are very nifty and right up - to - the - minute, Nevi Spring Shirts The. Nifty Shirts are here in soft cuff and col— lar or the dress cuff. Colors are white, tan and fan. cy stripes. We are showing the New Country Club Shirt in white and tan for outing. New Collars and "dies A Big Variety of the Right Goods are here for your inspection Collars of all styles ; ties in every new design and color. New 'Wash Goods Now is Time to Buy Your New Wash Goods We are showing a big variety of all kinds and colors Snowflake Voiles PIain Voiles Plain Crepes Dace Cloths Fancy Crepes Linens Fancy Voiles Striped Crepes Galateas Striped Voiles Serpentum Crepes Ducks JONES AND MAY ether Use a 6eW Perfection ail Stove $8.50 up Oven $2.50 up Wicks and Toasters LAWN SUPPLIES from $4.25 to 7.75 $L25 25 to S5c - 25c Mowers - Grass Catchers Rakes - Grass Shears Screen doors - $1.00 to 2;25 Screen windows - 20c to 45c Screen wire 15e per yd Screen Door Hinges 15e per peir Poultry Netting 3}c per yd up Dustbaue - - - 35c Ready Mired Paint 20 35 and 65' Ohi-Namel - 30 35 00c Campbell's Stain 15 25 and 45c O Cedar Mops - - 75e O Cedar Oil - - 25 50c Renewal Polish - - 25 50c Strong Step Ladder - 05c Hoes Shovels Spabes PUONE }lemon's Hardware . YHONE 27 A - and Stove Store 27 B ` S, 45, NO., 2, H A Y BBeport of S. S. No, 2. flay J or Ap- sr. IV -Inez Tool iy 86; Barman. ' (Willard 81. Jr. III' --Eddie Willard 84 IWilhe 1Murir 5' 82; Eddie Aldworth 69 Benson. Tnekey (35; Sir. 1I - Ernie Milliard 00 ;'Peter Case 85. Jr. ,.Il. Annie 'Willard 71; / abella 'Murray^ 87; . Percy (Campbell 73. Jr.. I (A)-- •.'Gxetta Aldworth 71; Tituniab 141:ur Y, I Prank I3 1 v ' e,3 Jr. z 7o a i V dfon era i'r x t tl ] s g' i \ ) iAliccWillard. .165; Osear. 'Tuckey, +e,3, Only ,the Mote's of those *So 'ob- tain 80 per cent er ,over are, entered. Number on (roll 18.; aggregate !atten- dance 273; average 'attendance 17 Anna R. Dow, teacher. Siemon-Charrette -•• Another teresting event took place in the! Ro- man Catholic church, Zurich, on April 27th, •whets 'Rev. Fr. ttrocder united, (, lnarrLagc Bliss Agnes, daughter of 1ltr. aintt 'Mrs, B. Charrette, ,Salable fano IOay, and., ar,r 1;"rederiek Stenion or 7tlrieh. Atter the eerem.on5' �t pleasant time was spent at the home Of the bride's parents 1 Patriotic League Previously acknowledged 41r. 1i. Walter Miss M. A. Earri.ou Mrs. Geo Rook • Mr. O. 'W. . Horner i47.r, S. Fitton Mr. F. W. Gladm•an Mrs. /rollick Mrs. David Johns Miss Ida Armstrong Little .Canucks, . Rooni Total - -- Notes $1717.22 1 00 1.00. 1..'00 1.50 1.100 1.00 .t00 5.00 1.00 5, 2.25 $1732.97 BORN TAYLOR -7th con. 'McGillivray, on April 15th to Mr. and Mrs, Albert E. Taylor,a son WESTLA1 E -In Usborne on Salm.- day, May lst, I915, to Mr. and Mrs Wm. Westlake •a daughter. DtTNN-On the 2nd concession of lLa- borne, on Sunday, May 2nd. 19,15. to Mr. !and Mrs. Gee,, AV. Dunn a son. 1 ' WEIDEN.TL MMER- In Oakville on April 21st, to lir. and Mrs. W. B. •Weidenhammcr, formerly oC Exeter a 'son. 03 ITTENDEN-In Blyth, on Friday, April 30th, to 11Ir, and 1Mrs, D. 1). Crittenden, a daughter, (Dolathaa Monte) MARRIED BRIw49ON--;DD JT1A7:ttME At 'R, 0, church. 'Zurich, on April 20th by Rev. A. A. Eondot, 'Mass , Emma. Duchartne, to Mr. Louis Brisson, both of Vey Township. SIEMON- CII!. RBETTE I .t R. a church, Zurich, by Rev. A. Strocdcr Miss Agnes ICharrette of ;the Bauble Line Hay, to 1111:x. Frederick Siemon of IZuri:ch. l3URtDON-l1.6 ZLDWOOD 'At the rectory, Forest, on Saturday, April 24th, by Rev. D. .t Cornish, Mr. t tier ,Georgey Dyer Burden, of Exeter, ,to i cod Miss; Meta ,Illzlc v , J° rt. SPO Frank. , . ( c t DIED SXIYATAR6)-On Lot 25, con, 3, Tuclt- orsunth, on Saturday, April 24th,. Margaret Mustard, ;Aged ,71 years and A leo. thy. BISS.ETT-In Exeter, on 'Tuesday, 'May 4th, ,rinnie Marguerite 'Bissett daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I issett, aged 22 y'•earlo, 7 ,months and 11 days. Exeter School Report Room IV, Sr, IV -Honors, Clifford Mallett 82, Verde ilI rtleib 7?.; Irene Zwefle..76; Harold Beek 76! 11I :r37 Day 75 Eu- gene Dost{ X6 V. r.i Jones 75; '!'paste Mervyn. Mum 74 ; Blanch Kann 73; hklidred Hardy 69 , Verda 68;k1/. , Wiilhams $8; Vioic't Mallett 67; Gore don Bedford .66 ; Clarence X1orles 63; Bruce Risers161. Jr. IV '-`,Eionors, 'Maurice Hervey 83 Eddie DaviVi. 82 ' Viola Jone 81; C 1 de Keanoan 75 ; (Pass. 'Wra3 %ledden 74; Thelma iConnor 71; -Cora S'a'nders 169; Edward Taller 68 ; Willie Brown 67; Czar i1tarness 65; Norman Norry 60 Tic on roll 35; average attendance ca 32. t). ,Vosper, Teacher. ROO11:t V Jr. IV -Honors, hlildred 13arvey 82 Blanch Senior 77; Greta lHtaraess 76; Edward Yellow 75; Alice Vincent 73; Vetrde. Ttmecliffe 72 ; Paul Collins '72 Stella sanders 591 {Cora Ford 63, Sr III -Honors, 12argaret Nuntz 139; Verna 'Walker 83; Idella Davis 81; George Minds 81; Hildred Horton 801 Lizzie ,1iartleib 79; Earl ,Bussell 771 Mabel. 'johns 716; Josephine „Da- vis 75; baooths T3al,kwil1 74; Mabel Houlden. 747 Howard Dignan '71; F. Vincent '74; Beverley Acheson» 71; Charlie Ford 167;. Kelvin. (Redden 65; Perla Sanders' 164 ; I6liidred 'Wood 63; Philippa ',t3arress S3 Olive Bedford; 63 Bella Gould 161. No. on ecu 37; average 06. J. S. Murray, Teaeher ; Room VI Form Ill;Jr.-honors, Frank Barr 84; Jas. 'Morley 82; Betty 'Brown 82; W. Lawson 79, Wm. Ortwein 78; !Reginald. Taller and .Cyril Doyle eq- ual 75; treeess Verde Vale ;74; Jos. Bradt 7g; ,11`8ildred ;'Sorry 72;` May El - worthy 72; •Ruby Davis 71; Hazel Cookson 69; Lavergne Harness 67; Georgina Flatter 0.3; Ronald Witwer 51. tillers at Toronto, Form II, Sr. Honors, Bertha Ruse•el Mr. H. Smith, of Zurich, has plu- g ; ur-85; Stuart Stanbury 85; Florence No.'. chased the mxidwa5 'at Grand ,Rend, rr 83;81G; eorge Redford 83, K.arri,e from the estate of the late W. Clarke. Davis Diary Eltvorthy 80 ; Grace Mr. Smith is moving his fara9.y to Creech ,80; Murray Scott 78; Pass the 'Bend this gives>lc. !carry Seldon 73 ; Lyle Statham 71; Severer new autos have been 'pur- chased by residents or Dashwood. Mr. J. Kellerman has puirchaced a Ford; Mr. P. Molsaac 4a Maxwell and 'Mr. D. Allen 'an 'Overla'nd.. Locals Mr. 'r. 3r, *Ash', general merchant of Varna, died on Monday ,evening !isrr, 'wes, Clump.ivusited his els. ,lean the effects a Meet poisoning. ter. 'Mrs, T. 73. Shantou ,during the T,.rs, W. S. ,ldotvey ri se npante1 by. past wee7k:her two children are visitingvisitingher par - Mrs,. Mrs, Vanalstyne and [son Garnet, of Parkhill, visited with Mr. Victor Van• a1sty ne, over Sunday. Mrs. Jas. 'Walters,sti who was strick- en( with a severe • ,att'ac'k of paralysis last week is .improving, Messris. Thomas Darman and Frank Jy,reet, ofSarnia. spent the week( crud with their .Families in town, Mrs, Sta.nbury, Sr.. went to 'Lon'1on on Paturdar to v'sit her brother. Rev. J: 4. Stuart for a coeiple`el weeks. Thai fauction .-le er the otffoets of the late John ttiswlens V11 he held on Friday of . this week. week. See Advt, Mr. Origeld Tern. of T,ondnn. hos pnrchased the recd.,nnn .on 'W1lll�m a+r'et lately occti.pc,:d by Mr. Rd. G'die3a: 'Dr. Will 7. Knight. Fermi rly of Exeter, ie in France renderinv tiro fr'RStooal (service to the wounded at the front Mr. (Horton was in Loddon' on Wed- nesday and was .accompanied home.' by •I'Vrrs. 'Horton . who has been illi a London hospital for about five wee Rexell Orderlies are free from harsh drugs and ere the nicest laxative' For children, Sold on13 by W. S. Cile, The 'Reaatl Store, 10c., 25e., and 50o boxes. The Womens' 31srisrsionary Society or the Methodist church of the Exeter district held their convent`o'n nt Elim- ville on Wednesday. A cumber from town, attended; Mr. Harold Swan, of Toronto Uni- versity. in(versity. a former teacher at Eden, and son of Re -v.: John Swan, formerly- of Mensal'. has enlisted with the- ar- Mildred Rowe 100 ; Margaret Gladman 69; `.Dorothy :illallet't 68; Ferrol Hart- lieb 167 ; 'Lorne Brtmaeombe 67; Rath Lamport 736; Florence Harvey- 65; E, art Mallett 64; Ethel Housden. 63;! F. !Eeainan 163. No. enrolled 46; average, 44.5. ZT. DI. Itn.srean,.Teachher ROOM VII Glass Il11.4tiono:.4, 11. T3 sett• :89 11L Ford 83; i0.'::Webster 82; R. 'Davits 81 ; H. 'Dignan 78; M. 'Rorney 77; 'A. Sanders 75; Pass, J. Barr{ 73; E. Nun- ez 73; R. Northcott 72; J. White 70; A. Acheson 67; D. B.remacombe 66; E'. Acheson 64, Class II• -Honors, V.:Collingwood. 87 E. Keys 86; M. Nelson 85; Es Horney 81; H. Gould 79; W. 'Spencer 78; E: Hunkin 77 ; L. Fanson 76; Plass, L. McDonald 72 ; W. Makin's 66. ?Class I -.(-fonts, T. Stewart 90 ; J. Lright 88; I. Larnporte 87;1V. Bloo'm- field 88; L. Snell 85; Is". kSt6nbrry 84 E. Sanders 83 ; F. Scott 82; 0, Glad man 80; G. Sanders 76; Bass, D, Bedford 73; N. Lindentield 68, No. enrolled 39; average •attend. 38. I, !Quackenbush, ,Teacher- 1100M Teacher1400M VIII'( Pt. II -Honors, R. Creech 91; C; Mitchell 89; W. Von. Wascinski 82; E. Mallett 81, ; M. :harness: 81;' .Pass. G, Beaver 73; IL, Elworths '67; E. 9uidersox 67 ; H. 'West 66. D. -Honors. 0. Brown. 90; M. Bis- sett 89; L Mitchell 86; H. Nelson 58; 11. Bloomfield 83; 'R. Hanson 78; L. McDonald 77; Pass, E. Northcott 68; T. Cookson 85; E. Russell 60, 0 -Donors, J. Bloomfield 91 ; G. Brock 87 ; M. 11Lurph5 85; V. Kellett 85; G. Webster 83; I. Mitchell 82; II. Sanders 77; %I''+ss, V, Roulstbn 74;, E. Vilncent 74; I Lane 73; G. Wells 6.4. No. on roll 46; average att. 42.6. Ida Armstrong, Teacher DEATU REMOVES 'YOUNG LADY The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved(in,the death of hiss Annie Marguerite. Pissett, daughter of Mr. and Sirs. . Thomas Bissett; of town, who departed .tliis life on:Tuesday evening about richt o'clock, The decease lass, not been ad'ans all engrossed in the, great Bur- well for over s year and for the past oilcan struggle where t0'tnada's her- oes .t rig on e 1, o .re.. e and those bearing unspeakable bur me Phis cra.ms tut time o ntcr the political ,field with ,a new struggle. should bedenounced Libc rale and •onserva -ivre James and Deter Fray ne 1 Mess Della Oke 'incl Mrs. John brayne attended the funeral of Thomas art which o. at Poplar 11111, Caxadoe '1'p., on Friday or es' week. tdeceased. eras in hi:. r2nd year 'anal to survived h 'd and one or. Iildniond at •s 1 Irk is, .a •clan liter of. .the Into Robert Fray in' or Exeter and is well known to mao3. of ourreaders. Dr. Quackenbush and,ia'n, assistant Performed a successful operation on hire. John Trout, of Elimville, on Wednesday of last week and is at tree of mritin•g_doing nicely. . ' Gladliian`+`"Sta'i'ibury aetiEf fh' th7' Admiei trator of the estate or the late John Jacobi of Tiny . • township, have sold the farm. near St. Joseph to. Mr. '`V. S., Johnston of Zurich, for a good figure. Mr. Alvin Grigg. of` Pembroke;, vis- ited at the home of Mr. J. Grigg dur- ing the'past ,week. Mr. Grigg has a successful business at Pembroke and his 'many friends in town were, pleas- ed to renew his acquaintance. At the 'Co.m.'uaunion service in James srteet Methodist church last Sab- bath evening little Beatrice .Madeleiate daughter of Mr. kind 'Sirs. W. Ti. Dearing, or Stephen, was christened by the pastor, Rev, Mr. McAIieter. Inferior Lightning Rods- Warning is again being sent out from' the de- eartment of Agriculture against in- ferior lightning rods. Beware oC the man with the iron -centred rod and the man who eyries that twisted cables are dangerous. Prompt Payment -Mrs. (Dr.) Amos desires most sincerely to thank the Order of Chosen Friends for the prompt payment of the death claim' of her late hrtsbancl. The payment was made in full within(,two weeks of the filing of the claim: Hurdon-Hazlewood - Sir. George Dyer Tiurdon, of Exeter, and 'S:i'iss Meta llnzlewood, of Tort Frank, iw9.r' cturetis married Saturday afternoon. at the Rectory, the Rev ' ). J, !Corn;sh offici.ntittg. The bride was. aecom- pan'ed by Miss Ella. Northwood, of. Thedford. Mr. and Mrs,.11urdon will reside at l'ort .Frank.-ro eet Stan- dard. 1t looks as though June 23th les the date to .he ;set for nn` �:lrct.'mi hi the Dominion government but with ,Can eats. Rev. and :Mr,S. E{ ,A.+ Fear at Teeswater. The district meeting for the 'Meth- odist cbur�ches.of the gsee ex:'giefriet Will be (held in, James street chortle on. Ma3•19th.. 'I'trof, P. G,: A. Wright, of 'Jdnifin College, London, occupied the pulpit in Trivitt 'Memorial church last @ab-, bath in the ,interest of the college., The 'scholars are how on. ,the, home stretch for the midsummrer .iexamis. The test exams for the ,Lower; School w y. were held last week. The he �aat>ls start the middle of June. ,_ Mrs. Hemphill, of 'Wroxeter, spent R. few days last week .the guest or hlr. and Mrs. 'Se Martin. 16r Eemp- hill and Mrs. Braun motored down on Sunday and were accompanied home by Mrs. Hemphill. Baseball Organized The annual baseball meeting .Cor .thea election of officers for the roman, season was held on Monday evening at F. M. Boyle's barber shop. The putting or a team in the South .,Huron League was discussed and it was' decided that If the South turon League west kept going Exeter would.enter, The sub- eot of ' a town league was brought p but was not given muck eonsider- ion as there are not enough players form 'a league. The officers were lected as follows: President, W. 3, Beaman; 1st Vice, T. Boyle; 2nd. Vied W. S. Cole ; Sec„ Trees, Leon Treble; Manager, LT. Bissett; Executive, the officers, II. Windsor, and Mascot., Harold Boyle. Exeter's ke`aZ this year will be nearlyi,all .new biro4 T There are prospects for.a !five or sire team •eirini.t. Lnwan. ;is anxious tot +"f ter the league and. there xis 'a rumor that '1'{arkhill would ;also lila to ,flet' Stephen Council 'The +oounoil of the Township o Stephen, convened in. the Town '1LIII, Crediton, on D o d the 3� day of i xt as , th i d Mae', 1915, at 1 p.m. All inefnibersi were present-. The minut'eis'.of the previous meeting were read and .a- dopted. 'r iWe b-Lov -That theconrt xaf �. e ix -t vision to hear and deteriniae appeal,* ., against the assessment troll b,. •held. in, the `Town gall, Creditor', on: Wed- nesday, the 26th day of, May next,. et ten o'clock a.w. L nrrie+I Love -Webb -That J33 -law No, °218 to appoint Township etCVeers and by- law No. 220 to license, ,re gulater - < i9d r,overn transient. traders, each have ing been read three times, 'be pas!Set1 and signed b3 the reeve( and .clerk -and( the seal of the corporatism -•attached thereto.•-'Ciarritcd. The following orders .'w'er'e passed, Laren Stone, McOlinchey's sstatute la- bor, 8.00; Post -master, Crediton, .Sar stamps, 1.06 ; A. Ireland, grading '3.5% 'Wm. Yearley, grading 3.50; Chas: Kienzle, grading, 97.40. The council adjourned to neat' ag'ai�i for general business ore 'Wednesday, the 26th of May next at 1 p.m. At 2 p.m. gravel contracts will be let; 'bye auction. Iy . Eilber:, Clerk, 1.4 +"( THE EXETER BAG -.AIN STORE SAMPLE SHOPS JUST OPENED 200 pairs of Wornens low shoes sizes 3, 3% and 4 it patent, tan and kid, oxfords, straps and pumps going; for half price. The lot in- cludes a few Men's, size 7. MENS HEAVY SHOES a` Special Line with:-nst:yve give y' u..the belt etual4y anal the best prices. tIOStE.RY A big range of Wotmnt BIack Cotton Hose, roc pr. CLOTH H I Our Ready - to - Wear Suits cannot be excelled. They are well.tailored and have an individual style and finish, Try one, of our ;Made to - R'T�-- � e Suits and be convinced that t'ihat we say is 100 • • fav 4 4 0 • couple of months has been ,eor f ;nee ors , f 11 _, the f' is r ' ' i l to her bed with a Arse. in atternr. Att • dance upon her. The dicers 1 was: in dens at ho t' t 0 the flower of ,youth beim?.22 y; ars 0 7 months and 11. clays old. She ,wa.s 1 It h ld by A. beloved by a wide .clxcl'e of ,friends C t' 1'1 • and. her early. drill's:" is isine3rely re- `�' gretted. Besides, her parents ,she is lits r_. Ja , 4' survived by three brothers and three l d 01zc and r 3 i ,0. ajstens. The funeral will be held on [miles, n Short service being held the laic J V4 1, I' h • privately ;it the house at 2 o'clock, plea. 1 p followed by a service at the church 1 t I Tit < • The Jaekson factory was clozed b5 s to 1 citt 40 down fora lew dais for stock -talo Koine. lli, V, R • log. I • Iilr. end -, Mrs, D, M 1 spent `Sunday- 0 in'Ilensall with Mr. and; Mrs. 3. eirnp- son. Master Keg, heavers is visiting his The 'Quarterly Hoard meeting e,1 James street :11:Abed 't church was held on 'lloncias evening. Me. �czis i ),minted to attend the District ixii et ins; with li � . M. ',sanders aunt, Mrs,\1". A, 'Turnbull At Parnu- Rom i 11 Mrs. John Bedford, of Crediton, who, as clteiemt:ive, The finane, s. wire has been so seriously .i11 is eonvale,s reported in ,,00d shape. Stewards And 4, ting. • D;striet Visitors were ,elected as fol - 'Che first load or fresh white fish lotus : 1', BMus, Recording steward arrived. arrive lu town rs i _. d. ' . t tt Tuesday L rola Grand S 115,artin, J. May. E. .Rh:inter, 'W. Bend. F. Down,Down,n, F. 'Wood, C, T1 Perkins. Ot, I.+eddy and R. N, rItctl-c ; c'.strir,4 visi- hfl Rd' CZuaizce is 1noving into the tors; E. ,Tory 1lr,s, .(Rev.) J. Cly Nes- residue of Mr, laid Sanders on (Bele tie W. a.I, '.Petxhale, John Pedlar;, 1ld, les street. lDdbru're, Thos, x,it e<`t; .ISP. T'rnyne, Mrs. Robt. Kerslake, of V borne, R. Kerslake, John Kerslake, • E. 7. who has been seriouslyill. with pneu? :c 1a iron •,T. ltouo c. '1l,l.rvec.: ;1'he �1<1 > �,' cal •>�r rtT to t1, C tnoltia is 'mlieli better. tz'Cei .li., .}i'as ,nd,ionin The•' the chair to wind ape the business annual convention of the South of tI � year ed ree,:ve the reports (():aeon i9itnda5 School :1s�sociatiosx Will of the y from the. di fi trent societies, I be held in l�exisall on 'May ,28th. rr a ( R BEAVER 004,00 CSE^g Q� t d�<�"�C° *100 0,V 0040004•000400000-00000000.1# IF IT'S WORTH WIf1LE TO . BE WELL, DRESSED IT'S. WORTH( WHILE TO MAKE 4u THE EFFORT. . v s,2aN. trt4no5ioar• "• •r ' "- n "" `tt3tioN i 4 4' w R 6400644+04, 40404400**** 0:0404**0 iaA*+4ti1+ The Correct Spring Style: The B rl Kitchener Overcoat " Q►, ruNImo. how much it means to you to have good lit ting, stylish, good wear47, - iag Clothes. ' YoU TAKE NO CHANCES 1,VITEN `i'OU LEAVE .YOUR OR1)E'R W1TII 438 Overcoats — r IOi 12, i5, IS and up Suits, -- $10, 12 13.50 and tip WA A I -ONE 81 a.