HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-4-15, Page 8I�I 1D2OPS U b +g.t ;nzs stett .: ij- , , „• :, : , ,i, RESO`L.Vt.D THAT THE BIC DROPS CONIC IN OUR PRICES WHEN,:. WJE FIJ ,ST MARK OUR GooPS. OUR MOTTo IS QUICic SALES AND SMALL PROFIT!' WE DONT WANT OUR Coops ON o yH,WC S • SHOES! SHOES! To MAKE OUR SHOES MoVE FAST, WE NoT ONLY BUY THoSE WHICH LooK NEAT, FIT SNUG, FEEL CoMFoRTABLE AND WEAR WELL. BUT WE ALSO PUT THE PRICE RIGHT DOWN LOW.. WE ' CARRY, EXCLUSIVELY, MANY LEADING BRANDS of SHoES, AND WE, oUR- SELVES,STAND BEHIND EVERY PAIR WE SELL. WE MAKE GOOD oN EVERYTHING WE SELL. BEGIN DOING BUSINESS WITH VS AND YoU WILL BE OUR CUSTOMER ALWAYS. STYLE CRAFT CLOTHING FOR YoUNG MEN Wear a suit of our Made -to -Measure Clothes. We carry a wide range of cloths and patterns. We guarantee perfect fit and can save you mon- ey, ask to see our samples. LADIES TAILORED SUITS Our Tailored Suits for Ladies have the style and the finish that is only found in Tailored Suits. Every suit is smartly cut and well -tailored The prices will suit your pocket book. LADIES `PEN ANGLE' BLACK LISLE HoSE They are a perfect finish. even weave, good black, seamless foot and great/ wearers, each 35c or 3 for $1.00. MEN'S SOFT SHIRTS in 14 to 10a in, good washing light prints. This is a splendid quality print/ and extra good value, any size, each 135c. MEN'S SOFT HATS New shapes in fedora, telescope and other 1915 popular shapes in fine quality fur felt at $2.25. WALL PAPERS New designs and coloring in many new effects is what we have to how you. The prices too, are not high; per roll, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25c. NEW SEAMLESS RUGS Woven entirely in one piece, in many beautiful designs and colors, in a Iarge variety of sizes, We can save you money on rugs, we bo'b early. NAIRN'S PRINTED LINoLEUM,S Many new patterns in this sanitary floor covering for kitchens, halts, and bathrooms. Also six odd lengths to be sold at bargain prices. STEELE BRIGGS SEEDS Why not have the best ? Giant White Sugar Mangold, Royal Giant, Yellow Intermediate and Yellow Leviathan Mangolds are our big sellers. Bulk, 20c a Ib. and in 1 Ib. packages 25 cents. Try ours, NEW LAID EGGS — 18ac CASH; 20c TRADE A. STEWART PHONE 16 T R E. 1 , Murket Report -The, following is the report of the Exeter market MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 Prices of other Ford cars are Two -passenger Runabout $540, Two -passenger Coapelet $850; Five -passenger Sedan $1150.. All oars fully equipped; including elec- trio headlights. Prices F. 0. B. Ford, Ont, Buyers of all Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 30,000 cars between Angust 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915• All Ford oars areon exhibition at; EXETER—Milo.... Snell, Dealer corrected op to April 14tth, 1%15' Wheat $1,35 a Oats, '05c, Barley 70o Buel.-ivheat 7.4o. Peas $1.50 Flour $3,9,0 j it 1 Low Grade Flour $2.001 ' 1-1 Bran $28,00 per ton Shorts $30,00 per ton Sugar Beet pulp $27,00 per ton. Eggs 19 to 20a Futter 28 to 30. ' (Creamery butter 35e ,{'i,tiickees alive '8 (Dressed 10 (Ducks, alive aa, &eased 12 , . Turkeys alive 14 ; dressed 16 Old Toms, alive 110,, dressed 13 Geese (alive 8. dressed 11 , Potatoes 40 to 5.0 cents. , Dried Apples ,05o. Bogs .8.50. a r t • 4 LOCAL Mrs, Ed. 'Willis I'rilday. Was • 0 in London on Mr. Thos. Daemon left on ;Monde,. for Sa:rniia. Mrs. R. N. Creeon was in London on Thursday last. Dar. S: 13andford lost a valuable cow on Sunday. Mr. W. :H. Levett was in 'Toronto last week on business, Brio Burden is learning the bar- bering with F.M. Boyle,. Mr. Frank Rooke. of London, vis- ited tri town on Monday. Mr. Blake, of town, has .purchased thle residence of Mr. Chowan, Mrs. Geo. !rasher hias been under the doctors' care bat is convalescing. Very soon ,you evill-be awakened by the sound of your neighbor's lawn mower. Miss Vera Dtuxworthy left Monday for St. Thomas to resume her duties at Aima college. Mr. John Broderick suffered a paralytic stroke hist Friday and is, in a very serious condition. •bfr. Perriatt rendered a very ac- ceptable violin solo in Trivitt Mem- orel church last. Sunday evening. Misses 'Pridham and Hamilton have returned after spending the holid,a3s et their respective lhames in Goderic;h. Miss S. Gregory has returned to Chath,un to resume her duties after spending the 'Easter bolidacs at &her borne afere. Mr. Geo. Pedlar bas been under the doctor's care for several dais .at the home of :his brother John, auffei'i.ng with aleuris3. Scboo( re -opened Monday after the Easter holidays. al'uite a number, .of the .youngsters started off to"achool for the first time: The Boyer -Vincent Stock Co. pat on a p1a3 "It's n. long way' to Tipperary' in the Exeter Opera House ;Tuesday evening to a. fairly good 'house. .W hen little ones are .peevish; give Rexall Orderlies ; constipation is often the. cause. Sold only by W. S. Cole, The Rexall Store, 10c., 25c., ''& 50c. boxes. Mrs. Passmore, of town and Mins. Westlake and Mr. Fred Ilunkin, oe Usborne, were in London oa Satur- day attending the ,funeral of their. cousin, Mrs, Downing. Rev. John Holmes preached' in. Jas. street 'Methodist church last Sala:- bath' ab=bath' morning and in Main street in the . evening, Rev. Mr. Muxwort y preached in James street iniatte even- ifng. The Seeretare's 'report at Tames •St. Sundae school last Sabbath afternoon showed the average 'attendance forttbe paint, iq'uarter to ,be 305 an increase. of 13 per cent oven. the, same period last year. Communion service was dield In Cavell Presbyterian church Last' Sab- bath morning.Nine new members wero received into the c0.'brch. In tble evening 'Rev: P. Nicol occupied the pulpit. Mrs. E. J. Christie .,and daughter. Grace, who 'hive' been spending ssev- eral weeks !visiting Mr. and Mrs.: C. Luker in St. Catharines, !returned home last Saturday. lir. Christie went to London to meet theca. - A (debate will he -held ,ity tae Elinn- ville'Methodist church this, Thursday evening' between' members of the Sunshine and . Eiinevillc Organized Bible classes. The .subject fox debate is Consolidated or Rural Schools. Th'e blackbirds ,have ,been flocking in during the past few days. They are a nnisbnce both spring end ,fall to a number of our residents. They are perfectly well acquainted with the old landmarks end noire them :their head -quarters while on their journey. Daring the past few days Lbisi sec- tion has been visited with some) gen- tle. warm rains, which were very much' needed. The fall wheat boas come through' well and is looking fine. Already the grass is beginning to Look green. The farmers as yet,havn been able to do very ,little on the lane. The Adult Bible .Claes of 'Caner! Presbyterian church was organized last week with t,b,e following officers President, John Roweliuf•.re; Vice- Preselent, Mrs. John. McLaughlin ; Secretary, Miss J. Brown; Treasurer, rause Connor, Teacher, Mr: B. Strang. A number of committees were also ap- poiintod. • Two Inspectors were in town on Th'urasdayof last week •'and made a search of tl:E Commercial •hotel. and found what they claim was whiskey Mr. Newell took the bottles and broke them over t'be astove. ' Wes Bissett, who was watching. the stables was deflect •'in. ,A label from one ,of the bottles was secured. bred urallacombe, of Hensel), has shipped 30.o ,tons . of onions t'hi's sea - sera Th'sthelargest eihiptneiet ever 'made/from• H nsall in ond year, This wtl . 'represent about . $72,000 Other ippers ;'have sent out about o all t Cate >5s a] l in in hL' t tel , g to MI g yup rte b.bont $83,000. We understand : at greater area ,of' lend• than, ever 4vM :k i own 'thus, ispring, EXE:TE1t •r1Mt. S• Dl'rt9...Pipen of .Ana Street, ask under the doctor's care. Rev. Mr. rellagd in cor:fine4 to 'his home through ilines.% Mrs. `White of William St., ,visited in Centralia on Mendes ,bar: E, Rowcliffe ,is confined .t0 his home with muscular t•Iteumatisai. Mrs. Irwin, of Norwich, is .visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, :`i'ltos., 13i* sett. Her sister Mis„ Annie Bissett. continues quite i11. Mrs. 'H, E, :Wilson, of London, who h>as spent the past eeartin California, is visiting with kir, and ,Mrs. Wm. Welsh, London Road .North Rev, J. Knight, B.A., AD, .of Char- ing Cross has ,aooepted the invitation of the Bengali Methodist' nhu,rela to becoine their pastor at the beginning of the con:feredce• Sear, Mrs. R. Blackwell, on Tuesday dig- posed. o,f cher 100 acre farm being lot 4, 12th concession of McGillivray, to Mr. P. Flemming, an, eastern town- ship farmer, ,for $8000. Possession. to be given at once. The mans friends of Mr. ,Ed. L. Triebner. of Stephen, ,wbo bas been had up all winter with sciatica will bepleased to learn ne ,is improving and thlat ;he was out to ttown on I ri day, this .being ,tap ;first time; is five months. , .. The Exeter 0ddfe1lows will cele- brate the anniversary of thle.Order by attending Divine worship in Main St. Methodist church on Sundae• evening, April 2'iith .when the 'Pastor, Rev.. S, 4V•, Mulevortbe will:deliver a spec- ial sermon. A water bicycle has been fixed, up be- Mr. Jack Ilurdon and, th e, boys !lave been enjoying riding it on the river above the dam. A float ,alas been attached to the front ;of a bice cle and a float on, either side. It is run by a propellor from behind worked by the pedals. It is very interesting and works fine. The boys also have a canoe of their own! make: At an auction sale conducted by the Western Ontario :'Consignment Sales Company, held, in London on Wednes- day of last week Mr. ,Tay :Smith, of Spriing1i first Farm, 'got tlbie longest price .for Sbortliorns,,John, Raplee, of Exeter pas ing a220 for Diamond Cres- cent calved on October 2, 1913. The sale was one of the most successful ever Meld in. London', ••ILr. Smith was sales, manager. The 'marriagg took place in Toronto on Wednesday;; Apra 14th, of 11lias Elizabeth, Jean Bards, of the Metho- dist Deaconess i'Training School and daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. S.. Bards, of Exeter, to .Mr.. James George, Stuart Stanburs, B.A.,law partner of . kLr. F., W. Gladman, ,of town. The nuptials were ,perforated by Rev. J. F. McLaughlin,, ,gf' Victoria College. The mans friends of .lir. and airs. Stanbure ivili,,joiu with the t Times in extending ceagratulatioas. Goieg Into Business-- 11Ir. Charles Lindenfeld, whpttfor, twelve. Tears has been, iempioyed• with ,.lir. J. A. Stew- art in•.tile generaleetore.busineas, left on. (Monday .foal Perleill where lh,d'and his, brother havepurchased .tbe gen- eral hardware business of rhos Houghton, possession at once. Mr. Lindenfeld had non;iderable expert ience .in the blard*.a.re business before coming to Exeter: handling the gen- eral' lines for: about sixteen yearst so that itis new'venture is not entirely new to him. With his excelleet busi- ness ability an .friendly ':manner he will no doubt meet with success. He has sold ;his fine rridence on William street. to Mr. lfrancis Blatchford. of Usborne who.•gets possession tha be- ginning of May.,,,,Mrs. Lindenfeld and family- will. remain in, town ;for. a few weeks. 'While regretting .to lose tbem as citizens theial.,many friends ,will wish for them aeatere succesis in their new .ytndertalkix1g., ,We also welcome Mr. Biatchfoaa nod ,family to town. Mr. Thomas Jaokson, Sr., of Clinton, passed siva, at :his:home in that place on Thursday, April 8tih; in, his 84tie 3 ear. The deceased was, a resident of Clinton, fo.r over saet3.;years and for over thirty years :conducted a tailor- ing and clothing Business, whio'li', ,was taken over by his sons who conducted it as Jackson Bros.. nd later or,8•aniz ed. the Jackson Mfg;' Co. 'Mr. Jackson was, interested in legal affairs and occupied the positions of maser and councillor of they tows for a number of years. The direct cause o` bis death was piiei inonia.' Mr. Jackson was married twice, his first wife pre- deceasing him some twenty years ago. IIe is survived by' hat second wife, three sons and three daughters, W. Jackson, T. Jackson. both of Clinton. Mrs. J. Allen, of Ottawa; Ors. C. (''. Rance. of Toronto,: Mrs. Lang. of Soo City, Iowa and. 3s,mes, of Winnipeg. The funeral was held from' St., Paul's Anglican church on Saturday after - room. The Jabkson; • Factory in towd was closed down for a couple of d'aas. in consequence. • MORE POULTRY NEEDED Canada is short fifteen .hundrea thousand berry e,veraging one hundred eggs per year Canada in 1914 im- ported two hundred thousand doIlara worth more ponttry than she ex- ported and imported; eggs to the, enor- mous amount in value of $2,500,000 in excess of her shipments abroad. These are the sompwba.t surprising. if root alarming statements made be the poultry' Division of. the Dominion de- partment of Agriculture; from which also emanates the important BIJOU n- eement that Rritain took from Bel - glint, France, `ttussia, Germany^ and iAustria-Hungari' in the available month§• of 1914 three million 'dolfers wortb of poultry and. 136,000,000. dozen, or ea; teem hundred and thirty two million eggs. ;si eliclent to hive two ill i1110.3 two bemired and f;hirt3• , five thousand six hundlred 'nal ale - tee people two eggs apiece .for' every' day' in the year. Such facts must surds ' convey a world of meaning to , poultry •breeders ••in :Canada. •Thr: se facts are further tmpbasited by the atatement that the 'overage egg, y icld per yeas'. wallah ,We eta further issar per, lien in tale countre , is but 80 eggs red -be ekperts••could, by careful: sel- eotion, feeding and , housing be in- creased Io 1a° eg�ggw'teen Milli! per year. As the head of 'tihsdivisiop; at Ott•iwva rerheyks. "It tomd be a o`'prof:Male thing to strive for." A' number of bulletine Oct rite the on bearing g stib J s be hind by writing it, the Publica"ttoh Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa. T U1tSDAY+ 4..01IL !flay; A915 ;Notice to Oddfeilows-- Members of ilateter Ledge of Od•dfellows . are nee quested to meet at the Lodge room et ,6.15 p.m, on Sunday, .April 25th to attend Divine worship. in Main street Methodist church. Visitors coiidiails welcome. EIENSALL ',PROPRIETOR PAYS $400 TN )FINES IN 'PAST THREE WEEKS IIeneoall. April 81b—In the last three weeks the Comanercial Hotel here 'rats paid $400' and ,eoste for tell- ing liquor without a license, .. ,The first fine was $100 • and ,costa and a warning from the magistrate and in- spector. To -can's fine was $300 and costa and a jail sentence promised if the Of- fense is repeated. Inspector Torrance laid the case be. fore `.Police Magistrate Andrews,. of Clinton. and the proprietor made the journey of twelve miles and settled the case,—London Advertiser, • EGGS WANTED — Will pi4 iSc cash or 20c trade for N w"1 Laid eggs.— J. A. Stewart. GRANT INCREASED tribe Arts and Medical Departments: of Western University will receive, a government grant of 515,000 , instead of $10,000 during the coming a'e0; The Institute of Pallas Health. which' Is also part of the University, beim ender the control of the board of Got- ernons; will receive•'$20,000 as compar- ed wjith' $15.000 last 3 ear. During the past year attention h'as been especially given to exuipping the Medical laboratories with ,up-to-daa apparatus, so that, for ill een purposes, thee are now believed to i w ,'. rally on a par with those of the oldei. universities. The Arts staff and library have also been greatly streng• thened, and a number of new sabol- erships inaugurated. The Universit3 will icontlune to push vigorously its "forward move- ment" b3. adding to the faculty and einprov:ing , the equipment In all dee partments, and has reason to believe th(at . it will have an earoaysent of students for next 3 ear which will even surpass the 'record attendance of the present saolon. , i ,• ----o----- WINCHELSEA Lost—A pearlof priceless worth Finder' will be rewarded be •returning same to Win. Vale, butterraaker. • Miss J. M. Spence bas. ,resumed her duties as teacher. , Mrs. Daniel Coward and Miss Mere garet have returnedhp ne after spend- ing the Easter holidfss in .Toronto , The ',debate ;at Eliunville• has been postponed till Thursday evening. Ape ril 15th: Don't miss it, `Tis Thu.iadas morning When, the coefee's in ;Elie ,pot, And' the 'oatmeal's steaming root, t When the breakfast ball has called our littlta band. Then I sit me with delight, . Under earls candlelight, With the Times of Exeter in m, hand. • Round the board the 'men,folk wait, Sas ing grumpily "It's dato", "You must snide too" my ,aunt begins to scold. Sister whispers "Please do berry"Then 'inam, ere begins to ;weer. She. suggests "M3 dear, y.our coffee's getting cold" tetherhints, "The Wine Ickes gos- sip, dawgnterl" r Brother growls "Jack London's Fitt) got.he" Thus to intercept m3 j combine, . But I clutch the paper With an absent look and ,murmur: "Don't bother 1 I've just got aeJ• other line." . rs's o ' • they all Firmer. CROMARTY quite. a number of the farmers in this vicinity attended the horse ,show in Mitchell on • Tuesdae. Mrs, Joseph Moore, of St. Mars s,'is visiting her 'aunt Mrs. Donald Park of the village. Mrs. Park is at prey sent suffering from an attack oL 1a,. gr: ppe• , Master Herman &peere, who bas_, been on the sick listafor some weeks past is convalescent. and will soon be able to be around againA Gerahum Speare, of Toronto, visited his mother over Faster, Miss Margaret Miller, of Owen Sound returned last Saturday after spending a mouth 'with•'her brother Mr. S. A, Millar, of the village/ •,'1 Mr. Lisle Purdon; of Detroit, 'area Red ; two weeks with his uncle • and grandmother Mrs. Gillespie, of th'i. village. Mr. Simon Mitchell, Reeve of Wing ham visited with his nephew Mr. Simon' A. Millar a few dela last week. tDASHWOOD Mr. , Wesley Wolfe has purc}.ltsed• the barber busir,es.s of Mr. '6hlamais, Klump and has taken. possession. June 3rd this year promises to sur- pass any'th'ing that has been attempt- ed in ''Dasthwood in, the way of n cele- bration ele-brat on. if the plans of the Sparta' committee axe "curried nut. ' The cal;thumpian parade, wih,ieh, •hlas been a b'.g feature other years will be bet- ter than ever. Other ,interesting. events to 'make they den complete with. interest ,and entertainment are under cons.deration. !lir. J. E^ fleury,• Principal of our - Pubi.,c School, . was .taken :suddenly ill nettle visiting af: Ildertor;. dur:ng.the Easter hol.•dpys, with ennervous break- down end ,since'has tad 'several- ser'' lens ,apells. and at times,' little • Bops was• held -unit Cor his ,.recovery-. i'f's- eas'.1;. 'Tieirfun and. Ree+beat Goetz .eta the-.'Sciiibol, i3,oardnvi,sil d hila, last, *mt,. cur's• other of v+ 'Dalt!), m London rtes.` witty. dila for n few ,dans fast' Seeds for Sale We have for sale a choice stock of Government inspected Seeds esp 3cially selected for PURITY. and GE aMINATION, which we offer at very close 'prices for C&SR::. Our stock comprises; 'Fancy No, 1 Red plover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Timothy Seed, (Kentucky and Canadian Blue Grass, Orchard Grass, and Seed Corn. We have a large stook of Alsike and Timothy Mixed --an ,extra, nice grade, and good' value at $4,80 ler bushel; Fancy No. 1 Red Clover, $12.00 per bushel; Timothy Seed from $4.00 to $4.50 per bushel. Cali and inspect our stook—it will pay you! e are in the Market to Purchase All kinds of Clover, Grass Seeds, Etc,, for which we pay full market value. A call solicited. C. Zwicker GENERAL MERCHANT Crediton, Ontario it, . M. DOYLE HAS TAKEN THE AgENCY FOR THE. FOLLOWING LEADING AUTOMOBILES OAKLAND , OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC & FtlDPMOBiLE • INTENDING PURCHASERS WILL DO WELL TO GALL BEFORE ORDERING M. M. DOYLE HOUSECLEANING TIME MAKE Housecleaning Easy by buying a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner from us. at will clean your Rugs •and Carpets ;better than beating them and with nuch lees labor. Then get aottle of Sunny Polish to clean your furniture, and if you see you need any new furniture, we have a big stock to choose from. ' R. N. ROWE Enibalmer & Funeral Director , PRONE 20a WE CAN -SAVE YOU $ By buying your coal from us. We bought before the heavy freight rate and war tax. $7.50 for this month, delivered. Sore Agents for D. L. & W. Scranton Coat. KESTLE ROWS & WOOD PHONE so Exeter, Ontario - F. W. HODGSON K7arpenter and Builder Plans furnisb,ed; Estimates given 'free on all classes of buildings.; 3-19-te _; k1GGS—white Wyandotte or Barred. Plymoth Rock, from choice stock, lay- ing 'strain. See Harvey Bros, PASTURE FARM FOR SALE Olt Rent, in Rai Township, Con. 8. Ap- ply to Wm. Blatchford, :1;46 Morley Ave: Toronto. 4-t5-5tp !HOUSE FOR SALE , 1 t (Rouyn. and three -(carters of ant Were "of land on, Siuncoe street, Good Well. Apply to David Gillis. CAIID OF THANKS • alters, Martin Salter desires to thank flea 'hideenan p endant F ter , nd tli orres• s,a e Independent Oadtelloiva for their ,Liuomptuess in the settlement of e1 itaa and 'also the Jaynes street a .,eagle and the many friends for ex - expressions of s3mpathy in connectio,i with the decease of her late, bussband. No man can do effective• ,work if constipated—Rexall Orderlies are an effective Laxative. - Sold only • by «W. S. Cole, The Rexall Sf;bre,' 10c, 25.. 50c leaves Ontario. R. R. Nca 1 "A Man's Ablate is. Passport"* Frank Weaver PROFESSOR OF MUSIC LONDON, ONT. Teacher of Organ and all branched of Piano Fleeing ; Voice Ouitere and Artistic Singing a Specialt3. 16 yearn practical experience,apply at&' Fon Terms apply S. Martin I Son's Musio Store ,; I IN EXETER EVERY FRIDAY .7 Horatio Reynolds Seed Dealer Iced Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Millet and, nd, 'beau boughta Imported Red Cover and T0104141 , Seed for sale ( also choice bone! grown Buckwheat aw d Abate" 'Will be at 1iotth 'to take in seed! every Tuesday, ,Wes%nesday', Tbuzgday' sand Saturday Ifiulicat pxice.s paid. Address !4iR • •comaandeatiocs Ito B. Reynolds, ;Dap. Western University,±`. • •ondon. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licenss' Anent tioneer.' : Sales cond.uoted in any ;roe ForWal dM©wen@�t at Times as of. ftew be promp ti q ter Terms moderate Orders left tended- to. 7heone 116, Kirkton., Ad- .Gl'eatI „ CJ„IarA Eacuk'ies in deeds I:irkton P:O, L• c_r „ ry* EDWARD 3, ,FERGl:1SON, Licens-s a iatser, "",,ales conducted an, uiny. .Arts and Medicine; Vastly Iri prared Epi pnnebt iota atarF '. sic. cd Au t n 5et+e l�ev1 Schi itti' ''` s :' ' i ra ,,locCeiity; liai '.oele:e• -' eei,alty , Ord-+' ecofd Letrollmtnl. era 'atilt lies O ff, eregale:a" tiyuixics nl,c;icd prem tott itio t,, ,teitas moderates 13raithwoite In IA.. nen' Address Science Bill, la. 1,3. No. 1i. ',iresidetettt . 111,hone 45.3 lirkton, i...L/