HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-4-15, Page 1v ,eORTY-SECOND YEAR./.1021,30 s., Huron 48c laiddldsex Gazette EXETER, ONT, CANADA4 TUURM D A Y MORNING, APRIL, 15th. 1915 JONES AND. MAY PH°N@ 32 New Silks for Spring Silks are very strong for this coining season in all the New Popular Shades. Faille One of of our leaders, Colors Belgian Blue, Battleship Grey.Rus- sian Green, Sand, Pretty Primrose and Navy. Duchess Si ks` "'''�► A very swell silk with a beauti- ful finish, Colors: Belgian Blue, Rus. Qian Green, Sand, Navy, Brown, Blue, Rose and Cream. Ladies' Suits and Coats for $S.00 A number of real nifty Sults and Coats, well made and silk lined. A. nice range of colors to choose from. All to clear at $5 each Raincoats For Ladies In oll colors of Tans, Blacks, Blues, Greens and Tweeds. From $5 to $15 each For Men 200 Raln Coats right from Scotland, heavy or light weight, all colors in 'lain or Tweeds. $7 t0 $15' enat'ab �V aTe aI1 ♦T ob nI: at gd..1b WASH GOODS FOR SPRING ING PLAIN OREPF STRIPED CREPE FANCY CREPE PLAIN VOILE STRIPED VOILE FANCY VOILE GALATEA DUOK VESTING MILLINERP *trans New Hats and Shapes arriving every day. Always some- thing new in our Millinery Deparl - ment. .I/7. 'Z1 moi► HOUSE CLEANING =You will want some � T�`.�, RUGS, CARPETS, 1 V �' LI NOLEUMS, CURTAINS or BLIODS We have a big choice to show you JONES AND MAY House Cleaning Helps USE FOR RENEWING & BEAUTIFYING Ohi-Namel all shades 20c to $1. Campbell's stains " 15 to 90c High Standard Pt " 20 to, $1 Mellotone flat colors 15 to 2.50 WASHING MACHINES $2.50 to 10.00 WRING -ERS $3.50 to $5.00: CURTAIN STRETCHERS $1.00 to 1.25 STEP LADDERS Shelf lock 85 to 5.00 O CEDAR MOPS 75 & 1.25 Polish 25 and 50c Bissell Sweepers from 2.75 to $4.00 Vacuum Cleaners 8.50, to $12,50 Dusbane 35c Linoleum Varnish 20 30 50 Carpet Whips Galy, Tubs 75 85 95c Wash Boards 25c to 45 Mops 15 and 353 PHONE 27 A. Heaman's Hardware and Stove Store - ( ' LADIES & GENTLEMEN, If your 'hair is ;faded or die - ...colored, or 'ir you're bald, ,if you twould make sour appearance aittrac- hive. and youthful nodbenefit your realth' and comfort, 'he sure .sou' sae ;the Dorenwend Company's wonderful tdisplas of quality hair goods at the »•lbentral Hotel' Exeter, on.: Prides', Apkil `16th •'Switches, Braids Trans- formed -hints'. Pempttdoui`3, 'Wavelets;. die.. of uns•rrpassed .lualits hair grind -•workmarisiilp. Alec Dorenwend art .Jiair-toupecs for bald men, inol'xding the famous sanitary patent strictures You are offered a free demonstration of ens 's(tyyle. Remember ;the date, ;Friday, April 16th. Field -Marshall Sir • Johae Erenc'li, is quoted Se saying that plenty ,or stman, itiom is the chieT requisite: of the ,Ale , lied a.rnries in France rind Lig'Igiinxi Por' pitching '"nlreiarl, rid asserts. its bel et that Gerrnatry trfeeling the need, of adequate sapplie.s raven more than, the Ile aaso lieves he be ` Allies. y v I 'thief the war. will not be of long duration:[ i Ikaa NOTICE • Exeter, April 12th; 1915. T.li4 nese Library will be ,ope.e on. Saturday. the 17th inst .for the.' pub- lic to receive books at the, usual hours. The Library sill be open on Mon- day, •Wennesday and 8Satu,rday even- tings The Librarian has 'been requested to enforce the rules heretofore adopt- ed and further to prohibit all talking at the reading tables. Gentlemen will observe the requirement of removing the hot on entering the, reading room Bs Order BORN WHITE—In Stephen, on April '4tli to Mr. and Mrs. John White a son.), FORD—In T]sborne on Aprii 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Ford, +1a son, (Harry Verne). - MARRIED I?ARSONS_FRAYNE—In Exeter, on, Wednesday, April 14th, by Rev. W. G. H. McAlister; arise b •argaret Jennie, daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. Tames Fresno, to 2dr.. William. Roy Parsons, son of Mr. and Mrs:, Sam- uel Parsons, all of Exeter. 11ZACINTYRE—SANDERS -- ]n. the Presbyterian church, 'North. Battle - ford, on April 7th, by Rev. Mr. Monroe, Mr. .1. 'W. ,Mcfu.tyre, ,to Miss Grace Sanders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sanders of town, STAN'"13URY-1IAItDY— On Wcdnes'. day, April loth, 1915, by Rev. .7. In McLaughlin, of Victoria College Toronto, 'Elizabeth Jean Herds, of the Methodist Deaconess Training Sichool, and daughter' ,of Mr. ,and Mrs, 8. Hardy, Exeter, Ont:, to James George Stuart Stanbury, i3, A., barrister-;ttl.law, Exeter, Ont. JACKSON -In Clinton. on April 8th Thomas Jackson in :his, 84th sear. R,OWCLIVI+E°—ln Usborne, bn April' 12tb, 'William John Rowoliffe, aged 34 Sears and 4 months; • : ° FORD—In 'Osborne, on A.pril Othallara ry Verne, infant son of. Mr, rind Mrs. STarry Ford. l3UICTAI3L E -4n Stephen on 'Sat.irdas April0 I.larold 10th, noses infant 1 Bn of Mr. arid Mrs. W,'Ilextable. ,DIED Hydro Meeting Mr. Castor Engineer of the .'hydro Electric Commission was in town on Tuesday last "interviewing a number of prospective nears of hydro power. In the evening Jt:' addressed a public meeting in the basement of the: new "Carnegie Library, Mr: 13 'W. 1' "i13eavers ,was appoint - to the chair and uitroauced , the speaker. 14Ir. 'Castor said he, figured on( Exe- ter takifng aboat'200i h. p. end in the surrounding villages all told ',bout '350 lt.p. Of The amount contracted for the town were fable for only' three -quarterly of it. Thus if Exeter contracted for '200 h,p. the would' be liable for only' 150, If Exeter could Use more than 200 hep, the . prise would come doSvn. The proper way to hlnndle drtrdro power is to buy it once and sell it twice. Whatever b.p is purchased ,from the Commission is for a 24-hour service. The town then sells it for power in t;hte day time and 'for lighting at .niglbit.Thc' town, however, have not thesetting of the rates. These. are set ,by the comimi,ssion. So eruch is charged for domestic purposes, Iso !much for-comu nrercial, for street lighting and,power. For house lighting so much is cihlaxlged for tfloor area land, over thati so much per killowat hour,' The lighting char- ges would be considerable less ;than at present and consequently much more would be used. There is . no extra for meter.11r. Castor said the. 1 charge is so smell ^t.]itR: When a hbuse- bolder gets ,1.1'1,w -first bill he is so sur- , prised he begins immediately to use the service more freely and will iru stall different electrical appliances Mr. Castor 'stated there were a number of prospects for power cus- tomers in town and that we should be able to sell them power any -where j from ,$'30.00 to $50;00. Power Jess 'than $165.00 per hip. is cheaper than steam said the speaker The cost of [building a line to Exe- ter 'includes the cost of a distributing station but does efbt. include .the/ cost of wiring town. ' The town would I have to be aeeviesel completely for street lighting purposes and this as- pense would have, to be paid) by tbre town. The bettertibl` lighting sys- tem the more it ai•ill cost. An estimate will. ,be prepared and sent here to be voted on bynnhe pect- ple. It will cover all the .eiist. The question:: was`. asked whether or rootthe houses inn yto,wre \would have to ' tie rewired:'• Any , •thous,;. properly, wired that will passe the inspection will do for hydro power. The average seven roomed house ,would cost about 330.00 to wire. Letter from. France The following interesting letter was reeeiyed• b3 Mrs. S. Fitton from the firing line in France, written b3' her nephew Mr. Roy Drew. The weather here is getting fine. Spring will soon be here and then something doing. 1 am always glad to receive papers as it is pretty lonesome over here witbout any news. although, the men who l',andie the mail deserve great credit. The service is fine. The. next Pew months, I think, will determine the length of the war We could only tvait during the win- ter, but now-- Do not underestimate the German power. You have no doubt heard that the German Infan- try os no good, That is not so. I have seen quite a• number of German prisoners and they seem to be a good lot of fighters. Some were oung but the majority about 30, This war is no joke, ,but a fight• to the finish and for one I am glad "The Canadians" are doing their part. We are fighting a nation which has made elaborate preparation for "The I saw and talked to a man the ot- her day (Tor he could speak.English fairly well) and he •told me that the Germans came into bis town anti or- dered him to shoe their• horses. Ile refused and they said they would hill his family iL:ie refused. I3e•shod the horses and then they, led bun to his owc. anvil and out his 'hands off. They' raid so that he could not shoe British horses. It is hard to believe these things but after seeing it and hearing the man talk one is compelled to. I received a parcel from England to -day. from some people .I rnct while there,• containing a •cake, smokes, chocolate and many other things which were very welcome. I tell you Canada, would do well to follow the example of I3ritou for hospitality. , The town I am n is ruined. The church has only the walls standing. One house has the front blown out but the floors are intact, 'as thbugh someone had pushed the front put... One thing tlse boyo in the trenches do not like are the German " Star shells, These shells light •up the night like day and Hien the snipers. get in their work. During such times the boys lay flat on ;the, ground. The • lted Cross is wonderful doing great work. The other day' there was quite an engagement in which, a large number were wounded. Twenty -Cour Boars .atter being picked up on the field. They sv'ere. in a• • hospital in England, 9retty quick work Eh1 7'he• •.A.11ieshave net been ,idle dur- ing -411e ,i,he winter months. and if the Censor would Allow it T could" tell .yoa loony thiegs"they h lye `'areortiplisthL.d,,, tyaoney+being no objebt, i• � IThe artillery oseis rumblitig, tatty t and night. It sounds lake a terrible i thunder storm but things will soon be lively aroundoyheDtrb,w. l' Exeter Council Th'e council met is able• +council chamber on April 91:,h1. All 'mem'bers present except Dx, iRoa1ston, The minutes. of previous • +meeting were read and can,filrate& Mr. 'Grieve made application to the council asking to have water installed in his poultry yard. Hind and Hea- ton that the application of ., Mr. Grieve for water ,be left to; the 13'ire,' Water and 'light Pom.—(Carried. Tte application from ,the (firemen to have their rooms put in ,snape was left to the fire, Ligbit and Water" committee on motion of 'Barton and Beavers,,,; Beavers and Iliad that we fu.rnis'b+ III-. Howard with sufficient tile to put across the troad provided she,' has. them on 1'jand. .Carried, It has come to light that boys, and some fairly sized ones at ithat have been tampering with the service, boxes In connection with the awater, works system and if there ties t any more damage the council will t be forced to take action. in order to stop ll. Thfe Public Works ,Corn. reports as follows re 'fence around park on 'Hu- ron street. We recommend that the fence be taken down, the ,wire to be carefully rolled and kept for future; use and the poste given ,in payment for tasking down ,the same. We ,wish it distinctly understood the public must not use ,the park an a driveway and thlat two 'signs be ,posted In park to this effect. Thos. ,Barton, i0hai'r man._ On motion of Bind and Beavers that the same be adopted.—Parried. Beavers and Hind—Resolved that this council respectfully urge upon the Dominion Government the. neces- sity of declaring its policy -,witihf re- spect to railway subsidies and 1 that said policy be so expressed ,that . -it will allow Provincial Public service commission with power from the Provinces .similar to ,those given ,to the Hydro -Electric PotVer Commision of Ontario to anticipate. said subsidies and proceed with the immediate con- struction or:the roads.—.Carried. Beavers and Iliad -That by-law re license for picture Show be amended as follows : "Any person conducting a transcient picture show witiitn the Corporation shall pas a license fee of $5.00 per night. Mr. Geo. Mawson, auditor, brought in his report for the, month, of 11laxch`1 Rind and Barton: ,that the dauditora _. report for :March as as now ;re'ad, beaer cepted.—iOarrled-' " e�, Hart -6n and Beavers r s ithatthe lac - counts be paid as read W. J. Bissett, pt. salary 43.75 ; Te B Carling, •dot, 33.33; John Ford, do., 37.50; .James Connor, do., 30.00; John tiorry, labor, 87e; Thos. Creech. do., 2,00; . Si' as llandford, do., 2.00; Thos, Welsh' 1.75; Thos. Flynn 1.13 ; 'Walter Westcott 87 E. J. Christie, ,re band ,43.05;. ,Geo a*. Mawson. auditor, 10.00; Exeter Elec- trio Light & Power Co., •12.3.15 ; Geo. Mantle, coal, 14.60; Lawson & Trick watch 8.00; Bell Telephone 5.10; E. A. Follick, meals to vagrant, 1.00 ;, T. Newell, do., 2.00; W. J., Bissett, ticket for vagrant, 1.65; • Thos. Houlden, pumping 50c. clerk., T. B. Carling, Mr. Wm. John Rowcliffe of Ils- borne died at the home otIns parents, Mr. and 11Irs. Wm, Rowcliffe, ;4th concession early on Monday morning. The deceased had not been ,well .for some time but on Sunday evening, he telt well enough to attend church, at Eiimvrlle. IUeart trouble was the. cause of his_deathl Ile was 34, 3 oars and 4 months old. The funeral was held Monday afternoon to the Exe- ter cemetery. A Sunday School and Epworth Lea- gue Institute for the Exeter Dis- trict was held in the 'Main street Methodist church on Monday of elite week. Sessions snare held both after- noon and evening and delegates were present frote outside appointments. The principal sneaker was Rev. F. L. Farewell, B.A,, Field Secretary for S.nnday 'Schools and Epwor.tli. Leagues wno gave several -excellent addressnh Cull of interest and inspiration. Other speakers who belted to 'malee the In- stitute a success wer:, 'Rev. 0. Wi Baker, '13.D., of Woodham. S.S. Secy for the District ; Itev. Ti. tIlieks, m'0 Iiensall and Rev. S. Jefferson, , of Crediton. The Mair street people served supper in the basement of the en orcn. A very preety wedding took place at the 'biome of Mr. and, Mrs. ;fames Fresno, Jamas street, on,Wednesday,' April 14th, when their' daughter. Alargaret Jennie was united in mar- riage to Mr. William Boy Parsons, son of OTr. and Mrs, Samuel Parsons of town. The ceremony was perform- ed at six o'clock b3 .Iter. W. G. II. A1cAlister, iu the presence of the; im- mediate relatives Of the contracting parties. The bride entered the par - tor leaning on the arm or her father to the strains of the weddings march planed by Miss Corsina Parsons, sister of the groom, and took her place un- der an arch of evergreen and flow- ers and from wEdeli. suspended a Large white bell, Slis lvas dressed in a. beautiful wedding ,dress of tv'hlte embroidered veils with trimmings of satin, and shadow lace and. carriedi a bridal bouquet of white roses. Both bride and ,groom were tinattend.edt The groom's gift ,to th'e .bride was a handsome' pearl pendant: The bride: was also the a'eoipient of many bieau- titul and costly wecicling.prescnts., At - ter the ceremony thic,gensts reran ad to dile dining; room tvihere a dainty repast sv,is served. ')ir..and 11I.tis•. ,i;'arsotis 'chill Yeside; en the fine faze. did" gtooin 'recCntly putalteeed1 on the '2nd 'concession of 'Osborne, tirom,:55Xr, 1+. Blatchford. The Main' ,friends of the tirade and groan). will join witi*l the groom in extending ctingrdtukt- tions, t 4. THEc:REAT WAR VIVIDLY ILLUSTRATED WITN 150 LANTERN SLIDES — -- MAIN SMEET METHODIST CHURCH, ON Tuesdays evening, April 20 fib, 1915 The follrwing is a ,partial list of slides that will be projected upon large screen with a powerful Limelight or Electric Stereopticon The Kings and Statesmen of the warring nations, Types of Sold= iers,--British, French, Belgian, Russian, German, Austrian, Turkish an& Types of Battleships, -British, French and German, Subnm.ar- ines, Torpedoes, Airships, Dirigibles, Zeppelins, Bombs and Sea Mines, Soldiers in the Trenches, Siege Guns and other Implements of War.. Ruins of Cities. Rouses, Public Buildings and Churches, inehesLing the famout Notre Barna Cathedral of Rheims. Maps of European 'Coun- tries, Charts and Diagrams of the Battle Lines in France, Belgium and Poland. Line up of Fleets in the North Sea. Scenes from Ottawa,' London, Paris, Briasaels. Petrograd, Constantinople and Berlin, " Beating Swords into Plowshares," and " A Little Child' Shall Lead a. them," The story of " The Union Tack" told in sictaares. The slides will be accompanied with a nesuriptive address, dealing with the Causes of the War, Steps leading up to &te Outbreak, and Stages in its progress. Also interspersed with illustrated Patriotic Songs, including "God Save the King,'" "Rule Britannia,"" "- Maple Leaf," "Tipperary," "England's Daugkatea," "Soldiers of tlee King," "Throw Oat the Life Line" and others. ADMISSION at CENT The above enhibiiion will be under the direction of the Rev. ;l, W., Baird, B.A., of Mitchell, and is under the atespices of tbe Main Street Church Epworth League. I THE EXETER BARGIAIN STORE Men's Heavy Shoes We have the best value money can buy and. all ordered before the big raise in • price, so that we can give you the very bottom prices. Children's Shoes ti.::. Children's Shoes Good prices and plenty of style. '• vi oigen s Shoes II �`��e�a.ea'se3 kith the assortment Sea' a tae -leo. 1)r4ee The Astoria Shoe for Men '.. Always Pleases CLOTH INC =o* Our . `$ Made=to=Measure Our Spring stock is corn- talete, showing e Slut's excellent values. are guaranteed to fit F. W.F. BEAVERS 4000440AmA404.0 ,..44104m4004M 0Q09440040000A04000440444.4 A e • 4►. • • A• • • • • ••M • • 42 j 4444444tbwa. IF IT'S WORTH WHILE TO BE WELL DRESSED IT'S WORTH ILE TO MAKE THE EFFORT. dM+ The Correct Spring Style: The Kitchener Overcoat ' 40.44 HINK how much it means it to you to have good Nt- ting, stylish, good wear443 - isig Clothes. • 41 • 441 44. You TAKE No CHANCES WI'IEN YOU LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITII US Overcoats,— $io, r2, r,, rS and up Suits,— rp 12. r3,so 5•o and u. lP � ,.. W P1I0f4E 8 a wan M0.4.4, 0,*****4444+4444b+ti464sit.04,►.1+444":