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UHT/USDA-Id 'APRIL 81h, 1915
ammoomminsum Crediton
Mrs, Bhv, J. S. Born of ;Pridgeport
is visiting her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Jobe Wind have re-
turned home from Detroit..
Messrs, Chas, and Chris. I?'Inkbeiner Me. D. Prior, of. Clinton with rela-
of London spent the holidays at their .fives,
respective. homes,. Kr. T. C. Jones, of Ayr, with
ds. n
Mr. A. Moore, of Wingbam, with
fri ends,
'Wilbur Luker, of , London, with
Oir Goodwin, of . 'Goderlch. wil'h
Harrdsy Fuke. of Parkhill with' his
Llo3id.:•,Rivers, of Forest, with his
Victor Sweet, of ;Windsor; with his
parents, '
Q1fr. R. Bissett, of London, with
re.Ia ti yes.
arise hath Hooper, of London, with
her mother.
Mr. Stanley E,, Fisher, of London,
with friends.
Mr. Chas. Hsndman, of Buffalo.
with relatives,
Robt. Sweet, and family of Clicton.
with relatives. •
Miss Mabel Walters, of Hamilton.
with relatives.
Miss Nettie Passmore, of Toronto.
with her mother.
Prlvo.i•e Fred Mellott, of London.
with. bis parents.
Mns. V. Ratz, of New Hambnrg. vis- Mr. Harold 'Snell, of London, at
ited her deughter, Mrs. Cl IF. Zw•icker. Mr. AIbert Fords.
Mrs. Rey. McDonald. of. Kendor. vis-
ited at the biome of her, sister, Mrs.
Chas. Zwicker over Sunday.
urges. and Toronto Globe . ,., ... , ......' .:f..3.75
Imes and Toronto:Mail and Empire...:.;.. 3 75
Times and Toronto Daily .News'...:,i..2 .. . .2 85
Times and Tornto Daily World....:. 3 25
Times and Toronto Daily Star 2 85
Times and London Evening or Morning Advertiser 2 go
Times and London Weekly Advertiser :;...1 75
Times and London Morning Free' Press `..3 5o
;Times and London Evening Free Press....... .... 2
Times and London Weekly Free Press ....1
and Toronto Saturday Night
and Farmers Abvocate •
an d Canadian Farm
and Toronto gun
and Farmer and Dairy
3 50
1 85
1 75
- 3 25
....-........ 1'
Times and Montreal Family Herald & Weekly Star
Times and Weekly Illustrated Globe
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire
Times and The Country Gentleman ......
Times and Canadian Poultry News
Times and Montreal Weekly Witness
Times and Christian Guardian ... .
Times and Prespyterian
Times and Westminister .... .....
Times and Presbyterian and Westminister
•' F:
Send your remittance by money order, post office
dr express order (not by bank cheque unless exch1.1;,:
Exeter Times Printing
Company, Limited
Exeter, - Ontario
......... _, a _a.;; ..
RelieveYout'f«, Mita
'•}iof the vuoa-.
ries •inci-
dental to appointing an individual .as' trustee of'your estate; such
as -
Will he Iive to fulfil the trust? • Will he faII. i1I• or be away.
when most wanted? Will he negleet his trust for his own affairs?
Will he prove unfaithful?
These are all possibilities. But you may' leave -them out of
;consideration in entrusting the ad'n anistration of your estate to
this strong, conservative Company.
CalI or write for all information desired.
Set GEO. GIBBONS, S.C., President JOHN S. MOORE, Manager
• lDellcious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm
tender little Stomach, liver
and 'bowels.
Look at the tongue, mother! if
Coated, your little one's stomach, liver
andbowels need cleansing at once.
;-i sh c oss listless doesn't,
l' lee Zl ..4 }
�'. is py;eat,•nr,act.��tnx�ly,' or'is•8ever-
l' lash, stomach •'sour, 'lireatle bad; has
Itaore,tl.roat;,,diarr .cea, full of cold, give
+ es teaspooxifui "
l 'ofCalifornia Syrup of
arlgs,"' and' in a few hours all the foul,
tleonstipated waste, undigested, food
'end sour bile gently.: ;moves out, of its
'little bowels without griping, and you
shave a well, playful child '.gain. W Ask
our druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of
"'California Syrup of Figs," which con
'#.ainsofull directions for babies, chil-
ren of all ages and for grown-ups.
i ^ _G --RA-:-.
- Leroy E. Westman, of Toronto Un1
•hversity, was home recently, prior to
cleaving for Ottawa, where he has; se-
cured a responsible position in the
.Inlacd'I3,eparernent. a
• Andrew 'Nixon, of Granton; tate' of
the south boundary of i3iddulph, died
tat his home on Sunday morning, Mar.
8tlii, 'at the age of 48 sears, after a
prolonged illness. The funeral which
was private took place from Granton
eaterment being 'made at St. Marys
seoatetery. • The deceased is su.rvivedt
.5 .his sorrowing .widow and two bro-
` Ethers, John and George and one, sis-
ter Elizabeth, • .
Farni •'for Sale
T..' property of ,'the' late Themes.
eta•rc r3'
Brit k house, bank bane and frame
iibs.rn4 3 good wells, windmills good
roreh, it+: ebout '8 acres of good k d•
.+vtood bushcontaining about 600 su,
agar -maple trees. Soil slay loam, well
.,drained• and fenced. Farm id
:.mood state 'of cultivation, one half
Erdkmx.Centraliats,Stp�trian ' '.; • .
i,' aZ,. datian" ('sill -,.be' giVt n .to '.
based, 4 ;'.1 c\ •.1, ;:.
For fermi+ and particulars apple to
�' ' : t['sco, G. Essery Madman &Stanbury
Cetstralis. litarieters Exeter
Miss Vera Ogden spent Sunday• with'
Mr. and Mrs. James. Ogdennear Elini-
Miss . Elsie Gunning is visiting dur-
ing the school ;hole:lees w:itxh he un -
ole Arthur at Kirkton.
Miss Annie Hudson, our public
school teacher 'returned to her .Nome
near St. Maryts on Thursday.
Walter Pollen. of Woodstock, spent
Easter heere with his d u
a t
titer T'Ior-
erice at .Tits Frank Guhniags:
.''''lir. andK'Mns. Samuel 'Stevenson,• of
beeites;_ ;Wilre presented with 'a Daily
bby on Thursday last, April let..',r'
Quite a! few have been indispo§ed
frgm the; ,g.tippe'and bad' colds,.. bet rare
put again ;ready Cdr the spring .work.
Mr. and lairs. Dale' anti Mr. and Mrs
Hopkins desire througb sour corres-
pondent to thank the people of Wee -
len for their kindness and help, given
them during the recent illness,oa Mrs,
Dale and Mrs. Hopkins.
The members of eibls• 'W.b'LS; held.
their mandrils meeting at Min. Geo.
Sxuire's on Thursday Which was well
attended. Also the Mission Banes
were entertained b5 Miss Myrtie
S wire on Friday: The children .held
tiioir Easter 'meeting and had (a col
,iiectionof over ten dollars ;for the
`thank offering for Easter. ;.
S bite a number around ''here took
advantage of the Easter excursions
and visit:cd with friends and relatives.
'at 4 distance. -Among them were
-Miss Hilda Gunning and Misr Lottie
B*uire with their friend, Mrs. Ben-
jamin Butler. formerly Bliss' E. Mill -
son. at Ingersoll ; ,letr. and •Mrs. La-
vid Johnston'with the latter's sister,
efts. John Asbtor. at London; .bins.
Satherlis and daughter Gertie with
heir family in London; Mr. and UM.
John n'forles with the former's sister
Mrs. Wm. Lingard at Sarnia; Miss
Bertha Batten ecd nephew Laverne
11'forley with her sister Ida or ..rs(,
Wesley Archer at London.
Don't forget theentertainment in
the Methodist dhurcxh on Thursday
evening, April 8th to be put on by
the Organ ;trtithieeible.'Class . The char-
-deter' skte"teh "Wale Miritster's Bride"
" tecotving ,great praise Whercevteg
lib hies been put on and no doubt} the
young people of Centralia will ,Main -
tarn their icputatton as entertainers.
Visitors in Town
Among those *bo spent the • boli••
days in town were': •
• Fred 'Tucker of Clinton, with friends
Miss Swartz,Id lla
Idella ofand
L op, vis-
ited her parents for a few days.
Mr. 7!rager Brown, of Berlin, ;spent
Sondes' with his parents.
Mr. Bredshaw; of Toronto, spent .a
few days with friends Mere.
Miss Liilu Geiser, of London (spent
the -week end with' her parents.
Mrs. Lir;k and daughter Ella ,visited
in Exeter ,for to few days.
Mrs. Ba4ver and son Edg'ar have re-
turned hgtne after spending the 'holi-
days' with friendly in Detroit.
On Saturday evening last the home
of Mrs. L. Wein was ,the scene of a
vera pretty event when her youngest
daughter Carrie was united in. mar-
riage with Mr, Fred James of London.
The bride was 'tastefully gowned in
white efigidow Melee. over pink silk and
carrier shite carnations. Miss James.
s'.ster of the groom, attended thebride and wore a dainty dress of
white embroidery, carrying pink car -
rations. Mr. Sam Wein brother of
the bride, assisted title groom. The
young couple will reside in London.
We extend congratulations.
There died • in St. Marys (hospital.
Detroit, on Sunday last; Miss Kath-
arine Wenzel in her 62nd ;ear. The
remains here brought.there to the
hone of her brother Wm. Wenzel.
and wera'`interred in the Evangelical
cemeters 'on 'Wednesday afternoon at
2 p.m. She is survived bs cwo bro-
thers, Wen. H., of town and Andrew
of North Dakota.
Mr. Duplan took charge of the stat-
ion at Ilderton on Thnrsday last. Mr.
Liekorisl • is tee. ving here until a
permaP rt al 'what nient is made,
Mr. 11 unlet leipl..tr and Mr. Percy
Sia,ipeol, epeiat'Eisler in the village.
Mr. Fred F • i t has is visiting his par
Pnts for a fee days.
Mts. John Colwill spent Easter at
tier mother's in London..
The Easter Song service by the choir
on Sunday night was enjoyed by -a
large congregation.
The four sone of Mr. and Mrs.
Blatchford spent Easter at the Parson-
age. Cap_ T. L. and 0. Victor returned
the former to Toronto and the letter
to'Listowel, on Monday, but Douglas
a'bd Ewart are.reniaining a Few days
longer, .
Miss. Hazel Hicks, is home for the
holidays`, •
Mrs. Brooks and daughter visited at
Belgraye over Easter.
Two, of }tev. Sal ton's, boys are spend-
ing the holidays at Mr. E. Oolwill's
It is to be hoped there will be a
splendid crr.wd on Thursday- next to
hear The "Ministers Bride" under. the
auspice! pf the Organized Bible Class.
141x,'. ted' 'Mire ,. W;. A. • ;Miss
B. Blatci'iford, and Mr: Jinks; ofnIi>lar. Hens -
all, visited at the Parsonage on Good
Rev. F. L Foreweh, Field Secretary
for S. S.:s aria .E. L.'s, is topreachhere
on Sunday Evening next:
Miss Flora Hepburn spent the holi-
dayr in London.
Visitors Out of Town
Mr. Chas, Gra.fime, of Detroit. with
Mr.Wm. Leavitt.
Miss ,Mas I) arriesis; of LOU,''Sp'elit
Sunday at 'her biome.
Miss T. 'Yaeger and lady friend.4 of
Sit. 'Marys'et her home.
Miss Eva Williams, of Zurich, with
M`.as `Blanche Atkbson.
Mr. Harold Glenn, of Chatham. with
;bis parents in Usborne.
Dr. Ross Thomas, of London, with
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Dore.
Mrs. Leedham, of Pt. Stanley. with
her mother, Mrs. Makins.
Roy Davis, of London, with bis
parents in Exeter North.
Mr. Gordon Manning, of Londesboro
with Mr. and Mirk. S. Davis,
Mr. and llrrs. Ede Crocker and Mea-
ns. of Toronto, with relatives.
Misses Emma and Edith Heideman.,
of Berlin, with their parents.
Mr. Goldie :Cochrane, of Berlin, at
the home of Mr. Wm. Leavitt,
Mrs. Colleens 'and ;daughter Veda,
of 'London, with Mrs. McCoombs.
Mrs. Link and' Miss :Ella, of Credi;
ton, .with lair: and 3ars. W. Kuntz.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huston. on Lon-
don. with Me:'and Mrs. Jas., Tay ler.
'.'Ir. Austin 'A. Rice. of London, with
his sister, Mise Lottie ace, Main St.
Miss Laure J•ecicell, of Uxbridge.
With hler mother; London Road North:
Mr. and Mrs. 'Bert Martian, and
family with Mr. and Mrs W. J. Uea-
man. .
Mr. Earl Spackman, of Guelph. with
this parents, Mr. and' Mrs. H. Speck -
Mr. 'Carman Powell, of 'Clinton, witb
his uncle. Mr, Tucke, , London Road.
North -..: •
Prilafe Earl' f'Jiitsons, of Ottawa,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Mrs. 0. Becker,' of New Hamburg.
with her parents, Dr. and • Mrs.
Mrs. Wm. Foster and two children.
of Toronto, with her father. bare Jas
Mr .and Mrs. R, H. Pemprascs spent
the Easter Holidays with Mrs. Clarke,
xb Andrew Street.
Among those who spent the Easter
holidays out of town were
alas. Wm. ;Vale in London.,
Maurice Senior in Toronto.
Miss May Wood in London.
Mr. E.. .Torrance in Clinton.
Mr. J Fyn• Willis, in London.
Miss Ella Phillips, in Toronto.
Miss Lula Martin in Wroxeter.
Mies Gladys Bissett in Listowel.
Mr. ,Chas. LindenfieId in Parkhill.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Gillies in London.
Mr. and ham. Lawson at Parkhill:
Mr. Laurie at his home in.Thcdford.
Mrs. Blatchford and Marion at Lu -
Mr. ani Mrs. Fred Bawden in Lon-
Dr. 'CarnpbeII at his. home in Tor -
Nr. Jles. Hern, was . in London on
Mrs. W. S., Cole and son Harry, In
ti&. C. no wood {spent Monday :in
:London" >
' 'Mr, fa Z.'J3nrdette tvith his parents
in Detroit.
Miss Ida Marchand spent Saturday
in London.
Mrs. tanbury spent Saturday last
in Bas field.
Mr. 'y, el. J. Hern with his brother
a;t Norvyisb'.
Mrs. (Jas. Murray .with her daughter
to iroronto.
Mr. Aber Renslake with' friends
et Londmesboro.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Statham. and
tennis, in Acton.
- Mr. and Mrs. E. Howald:"and daugh-
ter. in at. Marys.
•M;ss Jessie McCullagh with rela-
tives in Windsor.
airs. E. Jones and cbildren weredin
tondoil on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. T., C. McLeod with
relatives in Biddulph'. .
Mr. end Mrs.' W. H. Levett spent
Good Friday in Ilderton.
T'fr. and Mrs. J. A. McDonald with
relatives in' St. Thomas.
Miss'. Velma Nast-erbrook with airs.
Wm. Wesicott at Seafort'h
Mrsoe Allen and Miss Lottie Rice
friends in .Cromarty and Staffa.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ,Powell with
relatives in 6t. Thomas and Sarnia.
Mre. S. Snell and daughter Miss
Hazel spent Thursday last in London,
Mr. and Mfrs. L. J. Pentaalc and
cbildren with- DIF. ar,d Mrs.Mrs.J G.
.`V tripet�'+� ixt- Ilarraie '
.Ibis. 'clsall Sheers' With his brot'h'er
at Brantford. Mns.• egheere arid , little,
daughter. Jean., Who have been vis-
iting at Stayner returned, with bim.
Mr. B. 'W. N. Grigg, of Waterloo,
spent Good Friday ,at the ,home of
Mr. John Grigg.
Mr. W. Amis, of London, at his
home here. Will has been transfer-
red from Stayner to London.
Dr. and Mrs. L. L. 'rollick, and 'two
children, of St. flares, with ;thea lor-
mer's 'nio'ther, Mrs. E. FoIlick
Mrs. R. B. Samuels and daughter
Mary. of AIvinston, with the former's
parents, Mr. and •Mrs. Jos. Bawden.
htr. Wm. Davis,: of Hamilton !and
Abe Davis, of London, with' tb(eir par-
ents. Mr. 'and .hirs. Wm. Davis, of
Exeter North. .
Mr. and airs. Josh Inwood ' and
daughter, of London. with` Mr'. and
Mrs. S. Sanders. The lattter two will
remain several days.
airs. Mcaliilan and daughter Eatb-
lyn. of. Glencoe, :with Mns. Wm. Haw -
den. •Mrs. L Salkeld, of ' Godcrich,
also spent Saturday with Mrs. Bow-
( Mr. George Ilolman and :son Gor-
don, of 'Egmondville spent Good Fri-
day' with relatives- and friends. The
latter has joined the third 'contingent
and is in training at ,London'.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Collingwood and
three children, of Hamilton, Mrs. Geo.
Colwill and tbree [children, of 'Carghill
Mrs. Wm. Wilson and daughter, of
Petrolea, and Mr. Edgar Harney, of
Petrolea. all with Mr. and Mrs. 'C
II. Homey.
Miss Vera Maxworthy, of AIma Col-
lege. St. Thomas, is spending tba holi-
days with her parents 'at Main street
Methodist parsonage. Mr. Orville
Muxworthy, Messrs Leibert and
Floyd Jones and Miss Jones, all ,of
London, spent Sunday at the parson-
• by New Absorption Method.°
If you suffer from bleeding,
itching, blind or protruding
Files, send ane your address, and.
I will tell you how to cure your-
self at home by' the absorption
treatment ; and will also send
some of this home treatment
free for trial, with references
frons your mit localityif re-
quested. Immediate relief : and
permanent cure assured: Send
110 money; but tell Others of
this ager. Write to -day' to, Mrs
M. Summers, Bos P $41 Windsors
tIensali Spring Sow
The Benseli Sprung Shaw held on
Wednesday of last week was a great
success,. The ishawing of horses and
cattle was good. There was a inrge
crowd present end much interest was
shown in the .differetn classes. The
Ilensall Band enlivened the proceed-
ings with several excellent se1tcti
Following is -the list of prizewinners:
Clyde of Shire stallion foaled th,
1912 or before,- -- Wm. I3errs. "Lord
Armstrong": T. '.McMichael and Son.
Clyde r e or Shire stallion foaled to 1913
or Later -Wm, Drover, Robt. Dell, jr.
IIarness Ho'rse's
Heavy draught team -Alex Sinclair
John .MoGregor. ;.
Heavy Draught Brood Mare in foal
Wm. Drover. Alex Buchanan, Wm,
Heavy Draught br Agricultural
Mare or gelding -Wm. Brown, R.
T3ell. Jr.
Three year old heavy draught filly
or gelding foaled in 1912 -Wm. 112codie
Ttwo scar old filly or gelding foaled
in 1913-R. Northcott.
Agricultural team -D. Fatheringham
M: Clark,
Agricultural mare in foal -T. 11. LEol-
de., Frani( Bean, John Roweliffe.
Three year old agricultural gelding
or filly,, foaled in 1912 -Alex Buchan-
an.Two -sear old Agricult.aral' gelding
or filly, foaled in 1913 -John Roweliffe
',Wurm.'s special for best heave ear -
:aces -learn -Alex Skialair.' ` tie ,r
Hemphill's Special for best import-
ed brood mare -Wm. Drover.
Palmer's special for best agricultu-
ral brood mare --T. H. Soldan.
Ortwein's special for best : 1 te.ave
draught team -Alex Sinclair.
Judge -Geo. Charlton, Denfield.
Light Horses
Standard bred carriage stallion 15.3
and over -N. Contine, T. Murdock.
Standard bred roadster stallion 15.2
and ander 15.3 -Wes. Harvey, T. Mur-
dock. R. Cameron.
Carriage team -W. Weido, A. Belot: -
Single carriage -Ed. Wurm, C. Eit-
Roadster team -John Decker.
Single roadster -M. Elliott, G.
Hudson's special for farmer's single
driving outfit -A. Reichert.
Wiggin's special for single driving
outfit -Robert Munn.
Brook's special for best groomed
horse, any class -'Wm. Brown.
Judges -E. Christie and R. Welsh.
Bull calved after September 1st.
1913 --Oscar Klorp, R. D. Hunter.
Cow or heifer over two .eeears-R.
D. Hunter, Wm. Pepper.
Heifer under two sears -R. D. Hun-
ter, Wm. Pepper.
Sweepstakes - Best bull, Oscar
Klopp ; best female, aged cow, R. D.
Scruton's special for best bull un-
der one sear, any breed -R. D, . Hun-
• Aberdeen 'Angus
Aged bull -T. H. Soldan
Bull calved after September 1st.
1913-T. H. Soldan.
Cow or heifer over two years -T. H.
Soldan and and.
Sweepstakes -Best bull, T. H. Bol-
den; Best female, T. H. Soldan.
Butcher steer or heifer -W, Pepper,
Wm. Dougall.
Judge, Jas. Cowan, Seaforth.
Mr. Burton Crozier is improving
Mr. Fred Doupe is i11 M his home a11i
Mrs .Fred Stephen Blas slightly im-
proved .
Miss Henry is visiting her mother
Lei Stratford
Mr. Miller is visiting at the home of
Mr .and Mrs. George Hazelwood.
'Colds and La Grippe are ver pre-
valent in this section at ;present.
Results of Faster Exarnin ;tions in the DiLFelent. Sc oo;13 ia, S No, 6, USBORNla S. S. No, 5, US130RNL - i ;"tea
Promotion Examinations 60 per centTire
following is the per eentaa o
to pass.
Jr.. to Sr. IV-L..Tottes 65; G. Bar-
nard 63; G. Johns 01; E. Horn 59.
ISI to ,Tr, 1V -T. 0reery f18 ; R. Medd
88; 3, Barnard 82; C. Bell 80; It
Stale 60; M. Cornish 56; F, Rout-
ley' 56; W. Skelton 49; F. Heywood
48. Sr. 11 to Jrr,II1-M. Cornish' 87 Sr. 11 class -Elmore Isleinfeldt 70
R. Johns 78 : 'R. Delbridge , '61;• • Eel Tom yellow 60; Grant Ford 52. Jr
Johns 33; T. Heywood 50; J: Wilson II class; Percy McPalls '54; Fred
'M5. Ford 48.
taken :a the 'examination Bead irx S,
S. No, 5, Usborne, IV' class-•»43lberii
Boulter 72; Victor Jeffrey 70: Laura.
Hicks 60; Arnold Ford 65; May. •,1:+'err' ;
84; Ethel Kleinfeldt 63; Charlie Jefe
fray 62; (toy Perkins 60, III ehiets,a
Charley Fisher 61; Oran .Qlolr • 5Se
Ams' Fishers
her 54 • Charlie Prop
t 53
6. S. No. 2, t'SBORNE
The following is the results of the
Promotion examinations In S. S. No,
2, Usborne.
Jr. IV to .Sr. IV--Tbtal Marks. 725;
mamas to pass 4,35 ; Ulric Snell, 502.
Sr. II! to Jr. 1V -Total 'marks; 725 ;
marks to pass 435; Elsie Knight 513;
Beta Pollen 477; Cecil Stewart 471;
('Wilfred Turnbull 448.
Jr. 111 to Sr. III, -Total marks 650
marks to pass 393 ; Laura .Knight 445;
Arthur Rundle 442 ; Madge Donee,
405; Iva Williams 397; Gertie Stewart
395. ' M.,. e1. _t.....
•• Jr. 11 to Sr. II -says( ao5 , Marks to
pass 363 ; Carman Donee 430; Mark
Cottle 388 ; Arabella Hankin
ii 1st to Jr. 2nd -Willie Allison. Shel-
don Francis, Sim Pollen. Ethel Stew-
Primer to 1st -Wilfred Allen, Ed-
gar Rundle, Charlie Campbell. Char-
lie Hodgert, Gertrude Knight.
M. L. Coward. teacher.
S. S. No. 4., USBORNE
7' he following is the result of the
Promotion Examinations of S. S. No,
4- Usborne held March, 25th 26th; and
Sr. IV W. Thompson 74: C. Davis
68; A. 'Harding 68.
Jr, IV to Sr. IV= -.Total mark( 72 i
to pass 435. M. Skinner 4'52; , V.
Hicks 459 -
Sr. III to Ja•. 1V -Total marke 725.
to pass 435; V.:Coates 511: F. Ford
Jr. III to Sr. 111-Totai marks 640 :
to pass 384 ; E. Webber 358.
Sr. 11 to Jr. III -Total marks '625; to
pass 375; W. ;Coates 453; M. 'Coate
Jr. 1I to Sr. 11 -Total marks 590; to
Pass 354; A. Thomson 305; E.; Thom-
son 279.
Sr. I -G. Hunter; Jr. I-0. Ford
V. Ford. Sr., Primer -I. Harding, G.
Thomson. M. Luker, H. Hueter
F. A. Mas, teacber,
Geo. Mawson, timelier* •
Following are the results oe tba
promotion, examinetions head Marcid
251h, 26th and 29th, 1915, in, Room le
Crediton Ont.
From Sr. 11 to Jr, III-Oharlid
From Int. 11 to ;Sr. II - Maleeda.
Shenk, Leta King, kTerbie Beaverj,
Milton Finkbeiner, Vernie Redden,
Idella Sweitzer.
From Sr,. I to Jr. II -Gordon Declr!
er Chancre) 'Irene Lawson Thelma
1:as lor, Mel sin . bdweeds, d')xgllls Wineelal °•""` y a
From Sr. Pt. 1 to Jr. 1 Howard
'Beaver, Lester; .'u sing(,\ Aa is gj:ntlta'eteselh ; ty
beiner, Esther Eilber, Fred it'aist.
From Jr. Pt. I to Sr. Pt. I -'Myrtle
Sweitzer, Edith Sweitzer.
Matilda M. Mihier, teacher.
Following are the results of Pro'
motion exams held on .March 25, 26,
29 in Room Il, Crediton P.S. Names
are in order of merit.
From Jr. IV to Sr. IV -Eldon Beck'
er 84 per cent ; Eva Oestreiieherr 71;
Alma. Heist 68 ; Gertie Winer and D.
Englitshl equal, 65; Ruth Heist 64;
Lily Lawson 61.
Sr. III to jr. 1V -Earl Heist 75;
Taura Eilber and Garnet Sims equal
69 ; Pearl Lawson - 67; Erma Braun,
Gladys Wolfe and Aaron Sweitzer
equal 66 ; AIma Benedict and Irvin
Finkbeiner. equal, 60.
Jr. III• to Sr. 111 -Trellis .Hodgins,
and Melvin Simms, equal; Wilbert
Sims; Serverne Winer and Freddie
Eilber. eXual ; Lyla Kuhn, Pearl Mote,
011ie Guenther, Melinda Edwards, F.
Hill, Moses Geiser.
Sr. II to Jr, 111 -Eddie Redden, M,
Holtzman. Beatrice Heist, Harold'
Hill, Nola Feist and Vernon (leaver
equal, Harold - Taylor. -
Mildred Braun, teacher.
Mr. John Farrell, Ontario Immigra-
tion agent gave a lecture in 1irktop
recently in connection with: the "Pat-
riotism and Production" campaign.
'Jaye Women's Institute met on
Tuesday et the home of Mrs.. R. Hos-
kins. Titin. subject 'Ohildren •- their
training as Future citizens" was taken
by Mrs. (Rev.) Hyatt in a very Inter-
esting and able manner.
A number of families have been
moving in the village: Gen. Lawrence
its moving out and Harry White, is to
occupy 'the house he puroiiased from
Miss L. Shier ; also Riehhard Ross and
daughter, Miss Florence, are moving
to Kirkton to take up their residence.
We welcome them to town.
Robt. Hazlewood had quite an ex-
citing time when bis horse .became
frightened in front of the hardware
store and ran away, being attached to
a light wagon with a circular saw.
Mr. Hazlewood tried to bold on and
received a nasty cut above the eye
which necessitated several stitches.
James Howe is smiling set.
La Grippe is very prevalent in: oar
Mr. Whitfield Sweitzer is recover- I Burgh at present.
ing from a rather serious illness.
The Pastor will rreach aspecialser-
mon to the young people next Sunday.
MPs May Jones of London;°p nt the
week end 'with her cousin, Mrs. N.
Ccult is.
Mr. and bins. Abner Fuller of St. Mr. and Mrs. 3.. A. Jones and daa-
Marss visited at the biome ,of Mr. and ghter May are spending their Easter
l Ford.
sst thebbme of
La Grippe is .very prevalent in and
around our Burg.
Miss Dougall of Wroxeter is :visiting
Miss Rhea Godbolt
Miss Mae Clarke rvs visiting with
Miss Maggie Moodie
Mss J. M. Spence is spending tee
Easter Holidays at her btbme in Mets.
Mrs .George Jacques is visiting her
sister Mrs. Sam Stevenson at Devizes.
TZx. Edward .Coward and Mr. Tong
Hogert took in the Mitchell Spring
Mr. Fred Cann and Miss Viola Rune
kin spent Sunday with Mr. andt•llfrs.
George !Coward.
Mr. Henry Smitll was a 'pleasant
caller at the home of Mr. George
Lingard, Monday.
Mr. Dan ,Coward entertained a few
of his friends to a Euchre party on
Mendes evening.
Miss Olive Meters who hats been
visiting with Mrs. Thomas Bell, hats
returned home to Saginaw. 'Mich.
Johns favorite song now is, "The
Stately Oaks of Uaborne How Beauti-
ful it Stands." He is continually
praising the Oaks
The young people gai,heared at the
home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Joe- Cleary on
Wednesday evening. d The Light
Fant:sie" was tripped to the wee sma'
`ours of ,the morning
Don't forget to attend the :debate
Elenville cfn March 12. subject of
debate, ,"tolisolidted School" The
affirmative to be taken by members
of the Su
e Adult Ca
Bible ss
and the negative by the , Elimvillt
('Adult Bible Class
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