HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-4-8, Page 1• Huron, & Middlosex Gazette ; TORTY-SECORD YEAR—NO 2180 EXETER, 0,NT, CANADA.. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL, 8th, 1915 Easter Cloths 1 JONES A'12 MAY Easter Hats! Ladies' and Misses' Ready = To = Wear DON'T goitho GARMENTS - We can fit you out frowthe top of your head to the soles of yonr feet All the New Spring Goo *r are !here for your inspection. Come early and have a look or 'a try on' Tailored Spring Suits Some of the best in black;I•tiavy, copen, brown or tan. Every suit peqectly tailor- ed with silk linings. Prices, 10, I5, 20, $25 Nifty Spring Coats FOR LADIES AND MISSES A real nifty lot of Coats in the seasons Newest Styles, Cloths and Colors. No two alike. Prices, 5, 8, io, and $15 Summer DresseS, A nice Summer Dress at 4 or $,5 is the easiest and cheapest. See what we show, Ladies White Waists The best we have ever shown. A big assortment, 1, 1,25, 1,50, 1 75,2, $3 Thames Road Pastors 'Honored Ratv. COLIFLETCHER, Present Pastor, nd REV. HENRY GRACEY of Gauanoque, a former Pastor, 'receive Honor- ary Degree of Doctor of Divinity from Knox College; Millinery ! Millinery ! FORGET YOUR SPRING OR SUMMER HAT You will find our Show, Rooms Headquarters Childrens Dresses for Millinery House Dresses Every,kind you can..thiukof, prices to All color4o show ydu, for large or smal women, 1, 1.25, 1.5o and ,$2 each mat everybody, 50c, 75c, 1 and $2.. Linoleums I 2 3 & 4 yard wide, 20 pieces to show you Carpets Brussels, Tapestry, Wool, Uni9n and Carpet sqa.w ' Rugs xoo Room Rugs to choose from, 5 up to $4o each JONES AND MAY MINI•01•1•1•11.MINME.M.I. 1.; ; House Cleaning Helps USE FOR RENEWING & BEAUTIFYING Chi-Namel all shades 20c to Si Campbell's stains " 15 to 90c High Standard Pt " 20 to $1 Mellotone flat colors 15 to 2.50 WASHING MACHINES t,2.50 to -too WRINGBiEST; $3.50.to $5..09,2 CORTA(N STRETCHERS $1.00 to1.25 STEP LADDERS Shelf lock 85 td5:CiO2"- 0 CEDAR MOPS 75 & 1.2 Polish 25 and 50c Bissell Sweepers from 2.75 to $4.00 Vacuum Cleaners 8.50 to $12.50 Dusbane 35c Linoleum Varnish 20 30 50 Carpet Whips Galv. Tubs, 75 85 95c Wash Boards 25c to 45 Mops 15 ane1,36e, BOY WANTED — to learn tinemithing and plumbing`, PHONE Heaman.'s Hardware PH‘E 27 A and Stove Store 2" Serious Runaway Accident On Saturday last while Messrs (itOO. Geddes and Joh_o, Northcott, of Sex- ameele were 'hauling !a load of steel xailroad rails from Ileac Exeter ,station up 'the London road their team be- came frightened by a couple of bug- gies being driven past them rin the road at a rapid rate. Mr.. Northcott was theown out of the ,yvagon„ one ,wheel of which passed over boU legs near the ',ankles. At present writing et Ls not known wthethfer thes are broken or not but both are badly- cut - and bruised. Mr. Geddes escaped with a severe shaking alp. I p at,rpsON—DAVIS-- A quiet but pretty wedding took place 'in the ;Trivia Memorial church on Wednesday, April t7t1t, tat four o'clock in the atternoon when the Rector, illeve D. .W. Collins, united in marriage, Miss :Clare J. Davis, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. X), Davis, ot town, and Mr. George !Clipson, of In- gersoll. The bride was dreseeed in a blue tailored travelling suit with hat to 'match and wore the v. -omen( gift a beautiful pearl pendant. They left on 'the evening train for Toronto and other points and on their return they Iwill reside at Ingersoll. Among those present at the ,wedding were Miss F, Davis, of 'Wingham and Mr. Frank Lewin of Ingersoll. The Times joins ln congratulations. - THE LA[J JOHN .TAYLOR ' 1 Mr. John Taylor, of Exeter North, died on Saturdae, April 3rd, aged, 80 years 11 months and II) days. Several weeks ago the •deceased met with, an accident, falling and breaking his .hip Other complications set in causing Ins death. Thic deceased was born in the County of Eric, Ireland, and ,when 17 sears of age he came to .Canada and before coming to Exeter farmed in Ilibbert. He was married twice., "His first wife died ,in Exeter ,27 years ago. Ile is survived by his widow, aed two daughters Alice and Mars Ann both at home also one brother in. Stratford and one near LSealorth. The deceased was e Presbsterian and. the funeral Was theld on ,Mondae . to the Exeter ceinet&re connected , be IteV. S., F. Sharp. , Illeit. wornep end ahildten or every agega all firalead.Vall•Otderlies 11 perfeet, laxaeive.,,Sold,orily by, W.,;8/ 'bele, the Reran StOrE, 10e„ 25e. 'to ' I30c boxes.' .41011.• MINIM MI MI • III II NI nonN MAU—Ale Zurich on Sunday, Mardis )28ele, to Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Rau, a eon. 1110ERSLA.KE—In Usborne on Sundae APtil 14'th to Mr. and Mrs, .Charles Kerslake, a son. MARRIED .41)/ARRIOTT—TIIOMPSON. 'Ae; the Parsonage, Woodham, by the Ilev. a W. taker, on March Alet, 1.91.5‘ ' Miss Annie. F. Tbointeon to Mr. Martiott both of BlanalMed, Treelei „,Menieneitl chiireh*Orretpril" lth; Rev. D. W. Collins, Mieentlara Davis, daughter of, and Mre. Dan. !Davis, to Mr., Geo. elipson, of Ingersoll. . • DIED NIXON—.&t Granton on March 28th, +Andrew Nixon aged '48 "'icon, 23 days. KYLE—In Tucker,smith oh March' 39 William Kyle, taged 73'..'eedisi. and, 9 monbhe. mA.N.Lqn—In BAttex,,X9TO ia at eyes:done 3eLl4;Jebn tt1;001`4... 80 yeoro, ff, 16' daYS. t • DR. COLIN FLETCHER Rev. ;Colin Fletcher, pastor of the Thames Road Presbyterian church, was on Tuesday evening honored with the degree of Doctor of Divinity by Knox College at ,the convocation in Bloor ;street Presbyterian 'Church, Toronto. Two members of Mr. Flet- ehereg congregation were among the successful. stadents at linos col- lege the returns of which w -ere pub- liphed Tuesday. Mr. R. D. Taman, B.A.. son of ;Mr. and Mrs. 'W. A Turn , - ball. of *Farquhar • heads OP ,Second sear plass with first class honors, and DR. IIENRYr RACEY, • also winning the Prince of Wales Scholarship. 'Mr. W. A. Gardiner, B., A.. son of Mrs. Robt. Gardener, also of Farquhar has completed his second sear with second class _honors: The congratulations of the community are extended Mr. Fletcher on, the honor that has been conferred on himl and wh:ch he iso well -merits and also to the young Men who hiave,made. such a splendid showing. At the convocation Rev. Henry Gracey, o Gananoeue, a framer pastor of Thames Rd Church :also had conferred upoa him the, bone degree of 'Doctor of Divinite. Exeter Council The Council net in Llie Council ebambers on March 30th. Members all present. Minutes of previous meeting were read aLd confirmed. Communication from the General Accident 'Assuraoce Co., of Canada, re liability under schedule 2, :of the Workman''s "CoMpensation for Injure les Act. The same was filed. Roulston and Hind that the 21•0.. Gordon Bedford. 67; Willie Denis 165; Clarenee Morley' 64; Louie Bleke and Brace Rivers equal 63; Drew Knight 62; Roy Fletcher CL Jr, IV—Honors, Viola Jones 82; Ed- die Davis 79; Thebna Coianor 77e M. Harvey ; Clyde Beaman 75; ,Pass, Czar Harness 68; Cora Sanders 68; Wray Uedden 67; Willie Brosen. 85; Edward (Taylor .62; Vera Marshall and Vera Sw.eet„ t61. • Nn. fen roll 135., average Attendance :33.5. .-Learre. counts be masked :,s read and cheenes 0."Vosper, Teaches', issued in ,pfti;th,ont. ?rhos. Iry.rld, • 00 Mt V ,cemetereelabor, '3.50: ,Joe oDonald, -cemetery' labor 88; 'ele, J. Denman, -cemetery. acct. 45c; .T. A. Stewart, do., 12.07; •Ross-Taelor CO., doe 2.00; F. Kerr, brick and lumber, cemeteiryk 80.30; John Rowe, sand, cemetery'. 1.50 A. Cottle, ' cemetery acct., 1225: Thos. Creech, labor and. draeing 3.85; Taylor and Beavers., delegates to Hydro Mee - bit meeting,. Toronto, 17.601 Mr. Wm. Creech interviewed the eouncil re retrieving the old fence around the park as the fence:had had its day and was anything but sightly. Beavers and Barton that the matter of removing fence be left to the Pub- lic. Works Com.—Carried. Mr. Wesley Snell waited on the council asking to have e steel eeaso- line tank installed in the around', un- der the sidewalk close to his building. Roulston and Beavers that the re- quest of W. Snell for the privilege of putting tank on James street close to the brick building ocenpied by him as 0 garage be granted, Mr. Snell to assume all responsibility and in case tank is ever removed the street to be left in present condition. Carrie.d. Roulston and Halton that the re- commendation of the Cemetery Cern. mettee re engaging of Mr. Ford be accepted at a salary of $450 per an- num. Carried. Communication, was received from/ the Consolidated Rubber Co. also the Dunlop Tire and Rubber Goods Co., re fire hose. Hind and Barton that communica- Con re purchase or fire hoan be turned over to, the Fire, 'Waterf4nd Light Com. wiltlit, Power 'to purchase whiet brand they may 'see fit, the amount to be purchased to he 100 ft. . The Special 'Com. beg to report as follows: that we recommend that the. Milk By-law as prepared by the Local Board of Health be accepted, Dr. Roulston, Chairman Special Cone. The Milk By-law was read clause by clause and adopted with the fol- lowing clause added "Ali milk shall be free from chemical preservation," Rouiston tied Beavers that Milk By- law No, 11 having had its. third and final reading be passed. Carried. No person shall engage in the sale of milk in the town of Exeter with- out having first obtained a license therefor trout the Chairman of the Board of Health. A petition was presented signed by S. Martin, Nelson ,Stanlake and the Secretary of Che James 6 trfiee t church Board asking that a cement walk be leed on the north side of James St, east of Albert to Nelson Stanlakeee. Beavers and Roulston that the pose - tion be left in the bands of Public Works Conn for future reference. The Clerk was authorized to for- ward the Milk ,By -law to the INIiiii,s- ter of Agriculture for his endorsation and approval. T, 13. Carling, Clerk. g....4„._• Exeter School Reports Room IV Sr. IV—Ilanors,,:elary Dee 73; vele n.. teftnen Blnem field 89 P'oh'0, 13rOnk ,Hattelctelloele .'z; Mildred. Itanetegie; :60; J. Lara• `r,b; Violet Mellott 70: Verde', Hill 70; VO• 09 roll 4.3 ; '0Yeirulte aLt 38 tatit • tdd Armstrong, Tesehar • • Jr. IV—Honors, Mildred Harvel 85: Blanhce -Seidor 82; ,Alice Vincent ,79; Verde. llOweliffe '19; Edward Yellow /8 ; Paul /Collectsll Z6; Pass, Stea. San.- dens 73 ; Greta Harneee 71; frena Easterbrook 139 Sr. Mt -Honors, Margaret Kuntz 'ID; Hildred Horton 78; Earl Russel 76; Idella ,Davis ;75; Beverly Acheson /5 ; Pass, Lizzie Hartleib 74; Florence. Vincent 73; Belle Gould 73; Josephine Davis 72; Verna Walker 70; Peorge. Rind 70; Kelvin elledden. '68; ,Doro- thy Balkwell 68; ,Citterlie Ford 38; M. Johns 164; P:hilippa Harness 64; Mil- dred Wood 01; Mabel Houlden. ,60;; Bedford 60. No. on xoll \36; average att. 35., S. Murray, Teacher • 7:loona: VI Form III, Jr.—Honors, Frank Barr 88; Betty )3rown 82; Wna. Lawson 80 Mildred Nolen. 78; Grebe Redden 77; Cyril Doyle 76 ; Hazel Cookson • 76; Pass. Verde Valc 74; Reggie Taslor 73; Wm. Webster 68; GladE ys ed - ford. 68; Jos. Bradt 66; Levergne Har- ness 62; Wm. Ortwein, 61.. Form II, Sr.—Honors, Bertha Rus- sel 83; George Bedford 82; Murray Scutt 81 ; Florence Norry 78; Grace Cenecie 76; Pass, Lyle Statham 73; Earl Mallettee-12 ; Carrie Davis 71; Ethel llouldei037; Mare Elworthee Gb; Dorno:13rime_combe 64., No. enrolled 37 ; average ate, 35. H. WaKinsman, Teach.r ,Room, VII Sr. II—Honors—S. Stanbure 91; F.I. Seddon 89; It, Lamport 85; F. Hart - lien 81.; G. Long 77; F. .Flarvey 75; Pass, Rowe 74; M. Gladnarta 74; F. Beaman 73. Jr. IT—Honors, M. Bissett 94 ; M. Homey 88; R. Northeott 53; A. San- ders 78; 3. J3srr 77; 0, Acheson 76; J. W hite 75 ; Pass, SI. Ford,74.; E. Kuntz 69; Pe Walters, 61; .A. Ache- son 62, 1—Honors, M. Nelson. 95' • El, Gould 92; V. Collingwood 84; E.Hor- ne y 81; 'W. Meknes 80; E. Keys 70; L. McDonald 75; W. Spencer 75; Pass, eft; L. Vanson 64. No. enrolled 36 ; average att. 35. L 'Quackenbush, Teaener Room VII I Pt 11-13. Honors, I. Stewart 95; ' K. Stanbuee 10 V. Bloomfield 89; L. M., Snell 86 ; Scold: 85; 3. Bright 8.5 m I. Laport ; N. Iendenfiela 78; D. Bedford 77 ; Pane. C. Glad:xi:an 71. A lionors—E. Senders 88; C. In:- obeli 75; Pees, W. Von Wascireeki 73; 13, Atallett 70 ; II. West 67; R. Creech 65 ; G. Beaver 60. et. 1-1), Honors, Fanson 77 Paso. L. McDMcDonald61. 0. Honors, 0. Brown, 85; M., Eis• sett 80 ; H. Nelson 75; Peen'. E. North- cott 68; It Hartielb 65; ,I. Mitehell da Itertleeb 77.e.Vertnjerfee eigeneesee 6:113;nrte.r,.1-TOIllin411.1'f;:g(1 * 61‘219r914 P8'; • 3;, Irene Zuefle 74 Aterty .. Eugene .,Doeles 73 ; 0111104 kallo,,:tt .040:1:$ :d,,r6tisthr 61; Cre WOI's Mn, Mvia gleixzeuit, or Valente, had the =lob:Irbil-le to be kicked lel' a in rse last Sondes fracturinghis leg, Mrs. Thee. Case of the Londoor Rd. North' bad the miefOrtune to fall Iracturing her hip. Mrs. ease is over ninety Veers; of iaoe and the, traeture will be a severe trial to her. While Plaeing hockey Good Friday enorning, W. Brad had the aniafortune to be streak bs th,4 puck below- the right eje cutting a goal's 'WM Ch( alo- q.utred 'three tstitehhe tek nleaee • • • • • • • • • Mr. 2t., HOOP er, of t1e LaIre 1104411k attended the :funeral ti Itts 414100; 0,1a - ter, ItIxo. Origog, ,at aaat week. , • " Mr. W'ra" Miners, who Itaskiloont thor winter in Saskatoon, ;Sask., :arrived (:awn. 'Tu'esda5 eveanig and is visItibee: 1' whhlrelativeS and friends. Mr. a. Archie Tom, on OE Irene -eat ter .3,‘ riglie Tonne of Goderich, ha. responded to the nail of King and • Country awl has .exilbsted with ,the • 26th Batten., 'C,F.A. 7111 Brigade ail Kinzistexie SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF THE BOYER-VINCENT STOCK CO. PRESENTING "IT'S A LONG, LONG WAY TO TIPPERARY" Regular Psices: of 25o, 350, and 50 eta. Advance Sale of Seats at Howey's Drug,store, THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE You are invited to 'see the Spring Models of suits and overcoats which will be displayed by Mr. Frank W. Twiss representathe of 9reene Swift Limited, London, at our store ednesday * April 14th 1915 A full range di samples for made -to -measure Cloth- ing will be shown and because of uncertain deliveries of woolens from the mills this season, it is important that yon make your selection early to avoid dis- appointment. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Our shoes are full of' style and especially low priced. B. W. F. LAVERS IF IT'S WORTH WHILE TO BE WELL DRESSED !Ps WORTH WHILE TO MAKE THE EFFORT. The Correct Spring Style: The Kitchener Overcoat " FUNK how much it means to you to have %good tit - ting, stylish, good wear- ing Clothes. I.7011 TAKE No CHANCES WHEN YOU' LEAVE YOUR ORDER W TH US Overcoats,— $r0, 12, Snits, 15, 18 and up; xo, ix3,30 and up • W M N PHONE 81 a **6444140.4.4......4,0.4•••••••••• r