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Exeter Times, 1915-4-1, Page 8
THE EXETER JI<Mah. RoazED THAT ViiE LEA 1-E. PROCESSION ION OUR LINE Or BUS'INrl ‘s ECAWE WeVE Oaf THE c o S AND WE '''$FLIT.K AT 2,6 WE STRIVE To PLEASE OUR PATRONS IN TWo GREAT BIC WAYS:—FIRST, BY CARRYING THE BRIGHTEST LINE of DRY GooDS THE MARKET AFFORDS. SECOND, BY SELLING THEM AT PRICES AS LoW AS SUCH HIGH QUALITY MERCHANDISE CAN BE SOLD. CoME, SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL, NEW DRESS GooDS, HOSIERY, WAISTS AND EVERYTHINC THAT WOMEN WEAR. IT WILL PLEASE YOUR EYE, AND THE. PRICES WILL PLEASE YOUR PURPoSE. NEW DRESS GOODS We are showing many beautiful fabrics in the new and popular shades. The prices too are lower than what you would expect. Be sure to see 'em. NEV :V AISTS Two very pre.ty styles in embroidered voiles, with rolled collars and long sleeves, Very sheer and dainty, each $3,00 LADIES TAILORED SUITS Let us show you our very Attractive Styles of Ladies Tailored Suits for Spring Wear. This week we are offering Ladies blue and black Serge Suits, well tailored, some are silk lined. They are worth from $14 to $18 Special Price for this week $10.00 EASTER MILLINERY You will find our Show Rooms filled with new creations for Easter, Every day New Models are placed on our display tables, See them. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY For Men, Women and Boys, in silk, lisle, cotton or cashmere. Remem- ber, six pairs are guaranteed to wear six months or new ones are furnish- ed Free of charge. "PERRIN'S GLOVES" The kind that give satisfaction. You will want a new pair to match your new sprng suit, per pair BIAS - FILLED CORSETS $1.25 The real reason that "Bias Filled Corsets" are so generally liked is be- cause of there extreme comfort. Try a pair and be convinced. The Popn- let Prices are 1, 1.25, 1.50, and $2 00 For Men MENS HATS FOR EASTER The coming Holiday and Spring weather means to most every man the purchase of a New Hat. We have mamy styles at ......... $2.25 NEW SHOES FOR EASTER Several popular styles for Young Men and Men in the best leathers. Come in and try them on. NEW TIES Just to hand for the Easter trade. Neat and Natty silk ties in flowing ends. to retail at ............ cents NEW SHIRTS The Newest Cloths for 1915. Why not have one to wear for Easter. Priced at 1, 1.25, $1,50 PHONE 16 A{'7T Market .Report} --The following Ts the report of the Exeter market corrected up to March 31st Wheat $1.,30. Oats 55e. Barley 700 13aekwheat 75e Peas $1.'50 Flour $4,011 Low Grade Flour $2.Ul Bran $28.00 per ton Shorts $30.00 per ton Sugar Beet pulp $27.00 per ton. Eggs 18 to 19 cents, ,hairy flutter 20 to 28 cents, Creamery- butter 35e Oktleker:,s alive 8 Dressed 10 Ducks, alive 9 ; dhessed 12 Turkeys alive 14 ; dressed 10 Old Toms, alive ilo„ dressy]. 13 Geese alive !i. dressed 11 Potatoes 40 to 50 cents. e Dried Apples .05e. liege $8.00 00000000000aaooa00000e aeo 0 • LOCAL LADIES & GENTLEMEN It Jour 'hair its 'thein, :failed or Adis- colored, or it you're bald, if you would make ,your appearance attrae- tine and eouthful and benefit ,your health and comfort, be sure Sou so e. the Dorenwend :Company's wonderful display of quality hair goods at the Central Hotel, Exeter, on, Friday, April lath, Switahte, Braids, Trans- formations, Pompadours, Wavelets, etc., of uns•rrpasssed quality hair land workmanship. Also Dorenwend art hair -toupees for bald men, inol•xding the famous sanitary Patent strictures You are offered a free demonstration of any style. Remember the date, Friday, April 10th, .. . To -morrow is Good Friday. School closes .Theirsday evening for the Easter holidays Mrs. John Hueter ,hias been ;on the sick list for several da3n. Dl:ssl Bissett spent the week -end at her home in Exeter.—Seaforth. News. Mrs. D. Johns and daughter, .Lilla, left Saturday for Sarnia to visit for a few da3s. Mr. C. Harness, who has been ill ter several weeks with pleurisy, is improving elow13. Miss Hunter, of lienal!, v11sited with Mr. and Mrs. John Hunte! dur- ing the past week.. Air, Jos. Mills, of Toronto, was' the guest of lir. and Mrs. 'Chas. Hooper during 'the past week. Next Sunday is Baster Sunday Spec:al themes and music will be delivered in the different churches. A moving picture show was held in the Opera kiouse on Saturday evening showing pictures on the British navy, Elmore Harness last :week enlilsted In the •Mounted Rifles of tliie. 33rd Battalion, third contingent, at Lore don. 'Mr. T.rueman Elliott ;has accepted. a 'posi•.tioa as tailor with :Mr.. S. Gid- tes. of Blyth and left ,last weak for that place. Miss Madeleine 'Carling, Messrs. E. Windsor, Thos. Penbtale and ;Clair Wood. are home from T'oronto for. tb;e Easter holidays. Mrs. Samuel Smith of the Lender. Road south, left -last Wednesday ever... - hag on an extended visit to Toroeto, Montreal nad New York City, • Tommi, the delivery horse of J. A, Stewart last week departed this lif. after faithful service for mans years, Mr. Stewart has secured another. "MADE IN CANADA" erg Ord°, r p .. o r ice X590 Prices of other Ford cars are : w'wo-Passenger Runabout $540, Two -passenger Coupelet $850; Five -passenger =c+edan 110. All cars fully equipped, including elec.. tris, headlights. Price8 F. 0. B. l+c.rd, Ont. Buyers: of 411l Ford cars will share in our profits If we sell 30,000 Gars between August 1 l 1914, and tt 1, 1915. Ali Ford :ars arra on evi•hibitioii at EXI-1,TCR —n1-10 Snell, Dealer April April Fool. Mr. Artemas O'Neil, of Birr, ,pure chased a horse in .Exeter the ,other day Miss Jane O'Neil, of Birr, ;has re- turned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Victor Snell. Mr. John Bell is this week' moving date the 'house on the farm he recent l5 purchased from Mr. 0. ,Wood.t Q'ui'te a number in town are on 'the sick lilt among them being Mr. (Vane, Sweet, Mr. Jas. Sweet, Mr., Roht. Sanders and Mrs. Jas. Snell; Air. Wm, Balkwill, Sr.` who 'hoes spent the winter visiting in ,London, recently suffered a paralytic stroke and is in a very ;serious condition. Mr. R. E.. Pickard and ;two sons, Clarence and Allan ,leave this ,week for Frobisher. Sask., to prepare dor the spring work on their ,section of land. Appropriate Easter services in the Main St. Methodist church next .'Sab- bath. Tail pastor will preach morn- ing and evening, Special Easter mu- sic, consisting of anthems, duetts, solos, will be rendexk.d by the choir at the evening service. Miss Edna Dow, graduate nurse of Toronto, is home visiting her .father Mr. Alex Dow. Miss Dow has volun- teered to go as a nunsetwith the Tor- onto University contingent a.nd has been accepted. Thee will probably leave for the continent about , the middle of April. Mrs. (Col.) Wilson and daughter, Marjorie, who have been visiting .rel- atives and friends in this district for several weeks left last Xihuredae for London. Mr. W. R. Pollock has resumed his position with Mr. ,T•, l•3. ,Scott in, title Exeter c,&amery after taking a course in the dairy department o the O.A.C, at Guelph. Miss Stella Gillies drew the. ,lucky ticket at the moving picture phew Saturday evening and was the :,eel a:lent of a couple of placers of hand- some. china. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and 'Dins. Milton Russell of the 2nd concession oil Hay on Tuesday evening by a number of young people. Mr. William Snell 'shipped a load of cattle to Mr. Clarke of St. Thomas. The load was one of else finest lee. Jabs shipped in five years being purchased by Mf. Clarke. Mr. J. S. Harve3, Buper,'+ntendant of the James street Sunday School, vers pleasantly entertained the off',- eers and teachers of the ;school at hs home on Pride,' evening last. A most enjoyable time was spent by ill, Mr. Fred €haddock, of the Maisons Bank staff, London, and a former res- ident of Exeter, his father .Diaving conducted the old Leathern hotel, has joined the third contingent as stenographer to the paymaster. Tuesday evening was Last ATaiters night at the Masonic Lodge when tet% 1?ast Masters exemplified the ivacond degree on three candidates. On April 26th thle lodge expect the , official visit of D D.G.IM. Dunlop of Coderich and on this evening the ,res;• Lodge rooms will be opened. It is •said the new rooms are being fitted up vera elaborately. Mr. R. Phillips ,hos made arrange. rents with th:e Associated Boa.rd,of LtoJal Academy and Royal College of 'Music. London, Eng., to have their ex drainers cal at his studio in Exeter tviten travelling through Canada and will •examine some of ;his pupils They are ,sent out from England: and are expected here,,about the and of Slay. Among those from a .d,stance who we Mendes to attend the we re lu•r: on aIo da,, funeral of the late Dr. ,Tl. A. Amar w, re Mrs Ewing, of Tabor, Alta,, W:11 J„ of. Stainer; Mr. _Tilly, who has spent the winter at Ashville., N Car of era ; Mrs. .Trebblecoek, of Bowe ret i iv;lle ; Mies Harrison, of 13e rfalo; :qrs. Ifarr:s, of London, and Mr. Ven - stone, of Brantford, besides a number of reletivee ream :lictxillivras, Mrs. I:;w:iig will remain for some time, The Loge Miesionare Soeeity a" C;i- ren Pbe Ie r an church held a ver,, successful tweeter and entertainment Iii the oj;r i s lt;ru'e 1 -St 1 l% 1x,3 after - noun and c , unnut;, The main rlc,o: of the: building crus tastefully decorated and in .the afternoon the tadi•e.s sold ranee articles end home-made candy and conking and lunch was served, fn the evening a dranir entitled "Voi- les f'ai'rer" was pat on by a neinber of s t tins people from Ilan gall. .The play was much enjoyed by tunes, pre - :wet the different nrtisi`s takin;r their Gluts w;th• non)) credit to Clirrneelvaa. 1e wart vtei°t- interesting end irrnai:sdng •tied biouaght forth rourals or righter. T;rt 1 etor (renestrn elr;o eddel vers rotten ;o the program p1:aeirig sc:ve'raf •,:elect:oiiu that were much'enjoyed,,.. THE GOVERNMENT'S PROPOSALS REGARDING, LIQUOR TRAFFIC IN tSASRATWEEWAN MOU Pointers At any rate we are going to join the army of ;fly swatters. • 0 9 It's a trifle chilly yet to eat a cold lunch on etht woodshed ,steps, • * * Better seed means better probe - tion. ,clave eau the seed ready! « p « * 'Who was it thht said 'he liked Wet- ing carpets? 'W'ell cheer up you'll likely have a chance A « * « The results of the harvest willde- pend much upon the cultivation and seeding of the present 'month. * « « « At anj• rate spring or no spring, the new spring bonnett will make its ap- pearance next Sunday. Tibe weather of course will regulate the number on. parade. * * * E The Premier of Saskatchewan is ,the second Scott who .bias been the in- strument in enacting legislatio's that strikes at the root of thee liquor traf- fic. It was a namesake who brought in the 'Scott Act through is )111011 Huron to -day enjoys its no -licensed bars. David Llos,d George, chancellor of the excblesuar, calls liquor Great Bri' teen's worst enemy. On Monday he said "We are. fighting Germans, Aus- tria and Drink, and soarer as I can see thea greatest of these three forces is ,drink." Great .Britain's enemies are our enemies and it looks lila some hard fighting in Ontario before t,ha greatest enemy is con;Yuered. . . « Thee new War Tax stamp may in- crease the .revenue .but et ,any rate It leaves no 'doubt xn; cthc mind of ;this users that there will be ,axi, increase in the work of stamping letters. The public will soon have 'thrust upon them an increased nuisance. In place of the double stamp ;a single etamp could just have easily been provided that would produce the same results at a Much greater convenience to the publio. • :-i ,6 : «. i * * The deatlsknell of theliquor traf- fic has been sounded in Saskatchewan by Premier Scott, on behalf of the Provincial Parliament and makes Saskatchewan the first Province: in Canada to abolish the bar. The proposals put in brief and con. cre'te form are the ?following. 1. To at once issue proclamation cutting the ,hours of retail liquor sale to 7 o'clock in the evening, beginning 1st of April. 2. To, convene the Legislative As• isembly- as' early as possible :in the month; af• May and submit to the Hcuse . a measure of which theout- standing geatures will be the Omn- i bolr- tion of 9.1Vlir and club, licenses from 1st July 15, until the endings of the war, enc ,, g, taking over by the Gov- ernment of,, the Whohsale liquor: business thrpughout the province im• :mediately. ;, • 5. That provide In the measure that following the ending o'fwar, the bar and slab licenses shall not be rt. vived except as the result of a ref- erendum on the question to be taken at the time of municipal elections held after peaceis declared but not earlier than December 1916, a major. ttx vote to decide, and ,the provincial franchise to be adopted 'for thin• refer- endum; the government to provide most carefully framed safeguards ag- ainst any irregularities such as per• sonations, false declarations and the use of liquor or any other improper influences ; and far the more secure discouragement of improper practices appoint a public prosecutor to follow and p3•osecute infractions. 4. Provide in the measure for the maintenance by the Gonernm•ent un• der a commissioner heaving status similar to that'of the provincial 'dud- i•toi' of a liquor dispensary or dispete series in cacti city- or town where, at present wholesale licenses exist, to he known as Saskatchewan Dispensaries for sale of neuters which' must not be consumed on the ore::Gees and under strict •regulations SS to auant;tie,c s'42 of package, etc., the question of esLehi ishin g such di e.p ensaries 1u, towns and villages where at present wholesale licenses .do. not exist to be determined by a .ncferendum of the municipal electors to be taken at, the. time of the municipal .elections, iii. Provide that in th'e year 1919 or any subseauent eta.r, on presenta- tion of a petition signed by twenty - Live per cent of the number of elec- tors who vote at the next prececdang provincial elections, a provincial ref- erendum shall be taken to decide Ilia vont nuance or abolition of the pro- uoscd dispensaries, All •clir-:per.sarl's taken over • or opeacd to remanr :iii operation ur•.til aforesaid referendum riee:des, , ,, t t• 10 CENT "CASOARETl3" FOR LIVER AI\TD BOWIE; A I Cure Sick -leadaehe, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Sad 'Breathe -Candy Cathartic. No odds how bacl yattr liver, stain ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how :miserallle you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always got relief -with Cgscar©ts. They imme. It is 'announced that the newwar tax on letters and post cards. will be- come effective on and from thee 15th of April.. A stamp has been issued on which? are the words 'Wer' Tex" and this stamp 'must be ;affixed to each letter or post card ,in addition to the regular postage, In event of failure 'to affix the war stamp; after the 15thl such a letter or ,past Bard will be sent to the dead letter office. The Ware Tax stamp will not be ac- cepted in ans case for the prepayment of, postage but should ordinary .stamps be used for the War Stamp it will be accepted. . et..;, e • - "VIM" (This stirring poem is being inclo'aed all .garments and packages sent to the Canadian soldiers in the hospitals pad at the front by the Canadian Red Cross Society ) Did Jou face the trouble that :came your way With a resolute heart, and Cheering Or turn your soul from the light of day With a craven heart, and fearful? Oh a trouble's a ton or a trouble's a pound, Or a trouble is what you make it; But it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts, But only—how did you take it? You're beaten to eartb? Well, well, what's that Come up with a smiling face, It's nothing against you to be knocked flat, But to lie there—that's disgrace. The harder you're thrown, the higher eou'll bounce ; Be proud of Jour blackened eye, It isn't the fact that :you're hurt that counts, Bit how did Jou fight—and why? And tho' Jou be done to death, what t hen? If sou did the best that you could, if Jou played your part in, the world of men, W h&•, the critic will call it good. Death cnrnes with a crawl, or comes with a pounce, flue whether 'tis slow or spry, It isn't the fact that you're dead that counts, But only—how :did you diel • FORECAST.; A Reactionary Storm Period is in progress as we pales from Mizell into April. The moon is in perigee en the first, passing to south ?declination. The vernal •equinox is still In full force, Mars i.s in perihelion and Ju- piter is in conjunction with Mertens and Earth. A low barometer folio -ea ed be marked change; to warmer. with storm clouds, .rain. ba:1 ]end ••thunder reed .not surprise any en., from the let to the 3rd. In central to north- ern •extremes, spurts of late ,,non and sleet are possibleall followed by refedly rising barometer and nobles [ eke 1ST; wee (her wish fro:,t tt ali,ht• The Fret legel r 5f1eree.r'eeset es central cn the 6th, read nee trod, about the 41.1, to 9th. , 7 i'•- turiatte• causes and what.:CO look Cor T'Jat Moen i.s n t extreme soul h on ilia b..!'s and at, ti;•,t-:rivarter 013 ti;+ 11th with Ea rile; vernal NI tame alb beck:'ng op the regular Vulcan e'er:od If yon. l:ve ;n I:ba ssi:ere:tie= tva tarn parts oe the eo,intry, loaf, fen' fniii'cg ba eine ch,arine to wanner e e :-. nes and .prec p:fation, at the 'very lea 'nn:nr of the period ; if in central diately eloause and regulate the stam- •ect'ot •:, eepeet these. condition; from aclr, rornovo the sour,. fermenting food '•1' is 30 Lours inter; if in the and foill uses; telco tho excess bile trosrir asst;. 1coi; fir storm r ni .a from the liver and carr off the con -1 day]neer. 11icaril:'tne char card stipatel waste matter and Toison' cr',nt s-oa: st r;lt pr,•vail in i.he re froth the intestines grid bo'weiw, creme ter=1., a:tosrns 1111 s:tarnt ronrl 10 -cent bon froxri our drtug'Yist wi1T t:Orli :Sill i,o x,n ixr {hex r,:Lrexne east, y n€ cva.(i cue •ir:Tat; :vcai.laer, ri ir. ; b:rra lterep your live', and bowels clean; nine, and c cre:ng winds iii centre; sct, tttrinae'i sweet and head clear for tv:tAcre: mg w-a11 b tier., c0rn'ra :c or t.lris mouths, .';hey work wliilo yotr 6100;,1, r, a asucs I,txr:od.. 1DAit., ti.rat1I0 lof:, itill.` 11' j el COMING TO EXETER THE DORENWEND CO., OF TORONTO LIMITED, Canada's foremost hair -goods establish- ment will disp[ay and demon- strate a sample stock of the lat- est hair -goods fashions for lad• les, and toupees and wigs for bald men at the Central Hotel on FRIDAY, APRIL 16th FOR LADIES:—Dorenwend's Transformation by overcot4xtg ev- ery defect of your own hair will assist you to appear at your best always. Switches, Braids, Pompadours, Wavelets, etc. of the fin- est quality hair anddunsurpassed workmanship, You are invited to inspect these goods GENTLEMEN ! ARE YOU BALD ? A Dorenwend Art Hair -toupee will make you appear years younger and will prove a bebefit to your health and comfort, Jndetectable, Feathew't, Hygenic Have a demonstration of what it will do for you. .member the Date Friday, April 16th ¥LE HAS TAKEN THE AGENCY FOR THE FOLLOWING LEADING AUTOMOBILES OAKLA\D , OLDSM CIS1L E CADILLAC & HUPWIB LE INTENDING PURCHASERS WILL DO WELL TO CALL BEFORE ORDERING M. M. DOYLE HOUSECLEANING TIME MAKE Housecleaning Easy by buying a Domestic Vacuum. Cleaner from us. It will clean your Rugs and Carpets better than beating them and with much less labor. Then get bottle of Sunny Polish to clean your furniture, and if yon see you need any new furniture, we have a big stock to choose from. R. N. RO NV E Embalmer & Funeral Director 1 PHONE 20a LEIIBMININZGEMEIMMEMESBMInii F. W. HODGSON !Carpenter and Builder Plans furnished; Estimates given free on all classes of buildings, 3-18-t:C EGGS -White Wyandotte or Barred [']yenoth Rock, from choice stock, lay- ing 'strain. See Harvey Bros. DRESSI)IAE ING Mss Mars Tone has: ,returned from Toronto and re -opened her s'hbp and will be pleased to meet her former patrons and all new cues who will favor her with their patronage Pat- terns. cut to indi,vidunl measure a spacialts. An apprentice wanted. HOUSE FOR SALE (Mb • RENT 1 will 'sell or rent .tether of ms houses in Exeter. For terms and par- •ticulars apple to John Pedlar. upture Expert Here 1SFELEY, WITO FITTED CZAR OF RUS:IA, CALLED TO LONDON 1 II, frreley, of db:sago 414:1 t bila-. dell h'a, the noted truss expert, will he at the Tecumech Hotel and will re- main in London D'riday end • Sa.tur r'a•c: only April 2nd . ec i 3rd. Dlr. Seim' says:- "The Spersnatic Shc14 a'i now used n,iarl approved by the iter!- sod 1Stat,”; Government w:11 rot only retain any vete or rupture' perfectly a (ford:ng immediate end complete. re - Vela brit closed the oi,r-n:nn ir. 10 cloys on the .,verape carr?. '.17/his etraitxtent received this only award it England; rind °ri Spa:n, p;moriue,ing re - Silts %S thou1 a•uxgery; harrnfitl in- eetf.one, tru'l caI trent:inen.ta or pre - ser pt:tons, Mr. Feeley y has doeurieents from. the € ,. ler!'Stet V.1';Go va-rnrner.t V'.'aca h'niwton, li O., for inspect ion. X11 eha,rrc:y cares ve:tbout charge, at' if any interested alit he will be glaid to Flaw kine without charge or fit t.hrrri if desired. Anel one ruler:need should rrvnrnibrir the elate and take advanlege of this opportunity. 10 CENT "CASCARETS" IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Headache, Sour Si.eeft, Sluggish Liver and Bowels $,lee work while you sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Tndige&+ tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head: aches come from a torpid liver and! clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi- gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery—indi- gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yeliovr, skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret to -night will give your constipated! bowels s a thorough cleansing and! straighten you out by morning. TheyT work while you sleep—a 10-cen,• box from your druggist will keep you ieele ing good for months. "A Man's •Ability is his Passportt'c Fran Weav er PROFESSOR OF MUSIC LONDON, ONT. Teacher of Organ .and all branches of Piano Plas:ng ; Voice Culture iuxc Artistic Singing a Specially; 16 years practical experience. • For Terms apply at 5. Martin & 1 Son's Miele Store IN EXETER EVERY FRIDAY Horatio Reynolds Step I=;=Lltfl' Reel Clover„ Alsike, Timothy, Miele Alfalfa and beans bought, Imported. fled Clover' and Timothie Seed for sale ; also choice hornet kxgwn 13uckwheat and Aisikee 'Will be at home to take in seed every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday land Saturday Highest prices paid, Address alt communications to 1.1. lttyeltis, gale Ontario. IL R. No; 1. -. i'I:11IlY,E. DOtll'E. Licensed A.u+- 1 t:oneer, Soles cciidueted in any los • eal:ty, Terme modes to Order'; left~ cit rinti's else melt be promptly, atm^ tended, to, '?'boric 110, liirkton., Ada .dress 1s„rkton f'.O- e ., F,DWABO J..PEW; MON, Licenx-t ed Auctioneer., ;.a.,les concluded in any' locality ; 1 to soak,i,,.ireesalty, Ord., ors Zeit h1 Time% Of tee will rcceivai prompt ai+ir »tarn tmrsxis rnoderatna Addross i•,crence MN, '13. It, No, 10 V,hon.c 145-3 Eirlcton. i ,,