HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-4-1, Page 4n iE mmn neer Irr'mrr Ani 'the Prnpne�er42al kledieiaeAcl: AVeeetabl-eparalton ferAs•i' 'similatiing fl elbedandReeulas• f ,l-ieeihe Stamachs acid gowelsor ea • Promotes,Ditestimacerilit nessandRest oritaiastrither Opitmaior'phine norNiaeraL. NOT NAInC i1TIC. .eiicrfreefOldRA �:Gc.ELPllt>4I iiinpiriit See-, iiicklicSeffsa atiseSerdA J s itrt R�pGs��k•J,rda,a: liftraNi- C1rn ftal iii iligfrrjsc7t 'tans Axl feet Remedy3orConsfipe, lion -Sour Sietaacil,D•im'tl eat d1l t s.eaatrulatga I'elis'isli•.' n ess and LOSS Or 51Ef.b', •racSimile Sigriahireof, iZtsf Ir+1 Tes CsamoR CoMPANY\ MOAtTRFAIVIE $YORK 1 For Infants rind Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria AI way _ears the yv l � 9•il�•, 1g,�1at1./6.3. of t1 In 'or het Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. t.•rl .Ir .tat W a':cT�rai'"� 1 YNe c srAUR COMPANY. NM.11 YORK CITY. EX SALE FARE ood going and returning April only. •,y .,040.0113.0410.1004104.4.4040.14.1040.04443.4 aomoseata IItalian ReoiF encs Move. BASLE, Switzerl.nd, March 30.— the sixty-seven Italian regiments of Italian infantry departed suddenly holy. Como yesterday says a press iespatch_ It was announced that the :coops were to take part in target practice, but it is lea arted they are 'eally ei1< route to the Austrian fron- 2nd del• - r--- FARE AHD O E-TlIill0 6aood going April 1st, god, 3rd and 4th Return limitApril 6th, 1915. Return tickets will be issued between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron .Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. Tic'ietsaud huller paederasts at Grand Trunk Aiolet offigts 1 i. J, DORE, Arent. Ali _ DINT 3y AIM% Ct OLLLT The loose coat that flares over the hips is the very newest and smartest nue for general use. Here is a model that can be made. available for motoring and traveling and also for all utility purposes It is made with raglan sleeves that ,ceirel mean no difficulty with the fitting. earearareaaseeeeierieziseeeaaaraerciaemeeeie rs Woven Wile Fence Mow Manufactur= CI'S Prices, either Peerless or Mos= arch makese buy at OnC as these prices will not last very long, 6 Wire Fence 2& per Poch 'L .t rt 25c 8 ., bt 28e Lumber and Cement 10,000 Cedar Posts on hand —also Anebor Posts. Cess and Anchor pests Let me quet.e you my low prices on your Lumber require- ments, whether large or email orders: Also Cementti A J. C , ,TWORTUY END a-TOIVMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA 'Tape's :.liapepsin" makes Siete, Sour, Gasry Stomachs surely feel fine in 'five minutes. If What you just a is souring on your sto each or lies like a lump of lead, ref?sing to digest, or you belch gas ar.'1 eructate sour, undigested 'food, or have a feeling of dizziness, 3zeartburl„ fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach -headache, you can get Lieseed relief in five minutes. t a ach trouble forever •om an.d -o st Pot t Try gee'tieg a large fifty -cent case of :1''ni o's D apepsin from any drug store. Tea realize in five minutes how need - loll; it i. to suffer from indigestion, •• meta. or any stomach disorder. iso . rise: est, surest stomach dac- e 'm world, It's wonderful. i1 re CrA FLETCHH R'S S o , For the medium size live and three- quarter yards of material twenty-seven VTt2.37f COAT, Inches wide will be required, with three-eighths of a yard twenty-seven Inches wide for tamping. This May itdanten pattern is cut. In ,sizes from 34 to 43 Mahe:- bust measure. Send 10 cents. to this offs, , giving number, 8206, and it Will be prom Rtiy forwarded to you by mail. If in ha:- a send an additional two cent stamp for letter postage, When ordering use coupon No..1..,e.� elk i,.ra,.,rb..., ,,....,.a.e 1!ialri® e<oubeetleYbe.,..,e.9.1,..9 d#setior4 Address xieswxs ..... MM/ 999.is i(*MM41;,'91.e,../MY .'.9..a,e i...9♦/lie: *.ions.I.114,1.I CIW'AOO. March 29.—,Wheat developed surprising strength today, influenced to aeo:tsiderable extent by the fact that lauropean eonditions apparently tailed to justify recent Ropes of an early peace. The niarltet closed strmee, at 1970e to ti ttee net advance. Corn finished 114e to '£%e ula oats with a gain of ac to 3e, arei provisions varying from 5c deellne to a rise of rake. TORONTQ GRAIN MARKET. Wheat, fail, bushel $1 40 to $,.,, Goose wheat, bushel..,, 1 30 1 35 Buckwhea.t, ballet . 0 90 .... Barley, bust:ei .,.,,0 85 ,.. Peas. bushel 1 50 1 60 Oats, bushel 0 6t 0 65 Bye, bushel , 1 20 .... TORONTO DAIRY MA KET- M.tter, creamery, lb. sq., 0 35 0 37 Butter, creamery, sonde0 33 0 35 Cheese, new, large013 cheese, twins 0 19% 0 1514 Eggs, new -laid 0 21 0 22 Honey, new, lb. 0 12 ,.. GRAIN AND PRODUCE. TORONTO, March 22.—Quotations on the Board of Trade are as follows: Manitoba wheat—No, 1 northern, $1.9%, lake ports; No. 2, $L501/2; No. 3, $1.55%; ase per bushel more on track, Uoderich. Manitoba oats=No. 2 C.W,, 681,cse; Na. 3 C.W., 6644c, track, bay ports; No. 1 • feed, 65 ie; sample oats, 643,®c. Ontario oats—White, outside, 60e to 62c, Ontario wheat—No. 2, per car lot, $L48 to 31.45 Americatf roigr$--1io, . 3•' yellora, D-ra@l shipments, Toronto freights, 783c. Peas No. 2, 32 to. 32.05 car lots, out - sial.', nominal. Rye—No. 2 difteide, $1:•16• to 31',37.' Harley—Good 'Malting barley, outside, 79cto32e, Rolled oats—Car lots, per bag of 96 lbs„ $3.40; in smaller lots, 33.50 to $3,55, Windsor to Montreal. 'Miilfeed—Car lots, per ton ; Bran, $26 to 327; shorts, 323 to $29; middlings, 333 to 334; good feed flour, 338 to 339. Buckwheat -52c to. 63c,car lots out- side. Manitoba flour—First patents, 37.70. in '••1 bags; second patents, 37.20 In foto hags; strong bakers', 37; In cotton bags, IOc more. rint,»in flour—CC-Int:r, 90 per cent. pat- c.,ts $5.95 to 36.05; seaboard, 36.05 to 36.15. rornm.Rl—Yel'ow, 98-1h. sacke, in cal. lots. 32.20; small Lots,. $2,30•to:.9.40.' WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKET. WINNIPEG. March 29.—Wheat futures opened unchanged to 1%c up, oats ?,c to •zr higher and flax unchanged to le higher. Following the opening the mar- t:et was generally firmer and fluctua- t ons were within narrow limits until near the close. Trading was Light, and without any stirring news from the other side of the Atlantic, a waiting attitude prevailing. Inspections were 454 cars, as compared with 395 Iast year. Prices strengthened just before the ••'case, futures closing 14c to 2%c up. oats ' c to Ic higher and flax 34r, to lc higher. DULTJTK GRAIN MARKET, DULUTH, March 29.—Wheat—No. i hard, $1.51%; No. 1 northern, $1,50%; '"n. 2 do., $1.437A to $1.45%; Montana. No. 2 hard, $1.49%. X''1"" tHLhWAPs $ICKNESS CATTLE MARKETS UNION STOCK YARDS. TORONTO, March 29. — Receipts cf live stock at the Union Yards -were 1829 cattle, 961 hogs, 121 sheep and lambs and.'139 calves. Butchers' Cattre: Easter quality steers and heifers, $7.75 to 38.15; choice butchers, 37.25 to 37.50; common, $6.S5`25; to $6.503 36.86; to $6.50; good cows, 35.75 to 36; medium cows, $5.25 to..36.60;;canners . and.cptters. 34 to 34.50:, choice ballsat.$ s for 6:511; corirman Bulls at $5 to .36. Stockers and Feeders. t•P' •;l`. Feeders, 800 to 900 ,lbs„ sold at 36.26 to $6 80: stockers, 530 lbs. to 760 lbs.. at 35.50 to 36.25. See Rice & Whaley's feeder sales. Milkers and Springers. Less than half a dozen milkers and springers were reported on sale. Prices, were reported to be nominal.. Veal Calves. Choice 'veal calves sold at 310 to 311.25; good at $8 to $9.50; medium at 37.50 to 38; common at $6 to 37; easternrough calves at $4 to $5. Sheep and Lambs. Sheep, ewes of light weight, sold at 37 to 33; heavy ewes and rams, $5.50 to 36.50; lambs at 310.50 to $12, ' Hogs. Selects weighed off . cars were reported at 33.75 to $9, one firm selling 7 carloads at the latter price.', MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MONTREAL, March 29.—At the Mont- real Stock Yards west end market, re- ceipts of live stock for the week ending March 27 were 1100 cattle, 150 sheep and iambs, 2500 hogs and 1500 calves. The supply on the market this morning for sale consisted of 900 cattle, 100 sheep and Iambs, 1600 hogs and 500 calves. On account of the continued'.small sup- piies of cattle coming forward, and the fact that a large percentage of them consisted of cows and heifers, a stronger feeling developed in the markt for steers and prices as against a week ago show an advance of 25c per hundred pounds. This was Easter market day, but not- withstanding this fact there was no dis- play of cattle, as In former years, but the average quality of the stock was good, and, as butchers' and packers' sup- pIles on hand were small, there was at; iarproved,;de,gaad and an active .trade was dote AS feww small lots of extra choice atdei's f0i' the -Easter trade were an .the ;;market,..whirali 'Were 'sold'ht 33.50, 38,75 and 39 per hundred pounds, while ordinary choice steers brought 38 to $8.25, but the+,principal demand was foe good steers, at $7,50 to $7.75. The feature of the small -moat trade was the increased offerings of calves, for which there was a good demand. A few extra choice veals brought forward for the Easter trade sold at Sc to 90 per pound, live weight, while the ordinary run of stock sold at unchanged prices. The market for sheep and lambs was quiet, but prices were firm on account of the limited supplies available, and sales of small lots of Ontario lambs were made at 38.50 to 39, and ewe sheep at 35.76 to $6 per hundred pounds. ,A few spring lambs were or, the market, which brought from 37 to 310 each, as to size and qual- ity. The tone of the market for bogs was strong under a good demand from packers, and an active trade was done to selected lots at 39, while Sows sold at $7, and stags at 34.660 per hundred pounds,. weighed off cars. Butchers' cattle, choice, 38 to $8,25; butchers' 'cattle, medium, $7 to $7.75; butchers' cattle, common, 35 to 36.50; can- ners, 9.75 to 34.50' butchers' Cattle, choice cows, 36.50 to $61.75; butchers' cat- tle, medium, $5.50 to 38.25; butchers' cat - tie bulls, $5 25 to 37; milkers, choice, each, $7b to 375; milkers, common and medium, each, 360 to 365; springers, 350 to 355;' kheep ewes, $5.75 to 36; bucks and culls, 5 25 to 5.60' 6 Iambs. s.s $ 0 to 39; hogs, off cars, $9 calves, ,$2.60 to $10. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO, March 29.--Cattle—Recolpts, 316,000; market unsettled. Beeves, $6 to 38,75; cows and heifers, 33 to 37,75; calves, 37 to 310.25. Hogs Receipts, 24,000; market higher; light,. 36.65 to 36.90; mixed, 36.60 to 36.90; heavy, $6.40' to 36.90; rough, $0.40 to 36.55; pigs $5.60 to 36.60; bulk elf sales, 36.75 to 36.515. Sheep • e,nd Lambs—redeetpte, 10,000; market firm; native, $7.25 to $8.85;; learlings, $s to $9.25;. lambs, native,; 2-65 to $10.. i Quickly Yielded To Lydia E. I inkharraps Vegetable Compound. Baltimore, Md. --''1 am more than. glad to tell what T.,yciia E. Pin?sham's Vegetable Com - pour ane. I suffered dreadful it• painsnd anddid id: Ca 'was 'ely irregular. I became alarmed and sent for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, I took it reg- ularly until. I was without a cramp or pain and felt like another person, and it has now been six months since I took any medicine at all, I hope my little note will assist you 1`n helping other wo- men. I now feel perfectly well and in the best of health." — Mrs. AUGUST W. KONDNE1t, 1682 Hollins. Street, Bal- timore, Md. Lydia E. Pinlfhhtn's Vegetable Com- pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to -day 'holds the record of being the most succeaeful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands 'of voltintary testimonials on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fact. For thirty vest's it has been the stand - and remedy for female ills, and has re- stored the healthef thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail- ments as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, timers, irregularities, etc. If you want special aadvice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med- icine Co., ( confidential) Lynn, Nass. Your letter will be opened, read and. answered by a woman and bold in strict cosfdenee. BLACK SEA CLEARED. Russian FIeet Is Now Bombarding the iiosphorus Straits. LONDON, Marsh 30. — The Daily News has the following from Fred- erick Rennet at Petrograd; The absolute c e:.rance of the en- emy's ships from the Black. Sea has been promptly followed by a close bombardment. of the Tu? Nish defences on the European ane? Asiatic shores at the mouth oZ the Bosphorus. The news of the sound o Russian cannon echoing through tho streets of Con- stantinople on Palm Sunday has awakened great joy in Russia. It is known. tee Black Sea fleet was recently engaged in vigorous pre- paratory work, The Asiatic coast has been searched, fo • mine -layers and several 'sunk, while all the Turkish transports were either destroyed or captured.. The • f bslau; in its flight back to the Bosplulefi> d struck a Turk- ish mine near th i coast and was dis- abled beyond repair•,,_ Tha Hamidieh was the last fight_ng,.ship to venture into the open sea. The Russians, at dawn yesterday, it is officially announced, began shelling the forts spread over a dis- tancd of four or fivemiles on each `side of the Bosphorus, aviators regis- tering the effect of •fire and disposi- tion •of the Turk_sh batteries. Only, a few. torpedo boate attempted to • emerge ;into the sea, but they were driven beyond range into the chan- nel. Russian shells were dropped accurately over , a wide radius, caus- ing•inuch destruction. The bombard- 'sent will continue. It 'is known the Turks are poorly 'supplied 'at the northern end of the Bosphorus with engineering person- nel and equipment. Besides, they are `anxious as to the number of shells for the guns. It scarcely is likely the Germans can spare any effective tal- ent from the Dardanelles. INVASION UNCHECKED. Notice to • Creditors; In the matte;' of the estate • of Jahn Jacobi, of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, far- mer, deceased. Notion is hereby given•»ursuaxzt to Sitatutes in that behalf that. all ored- ::tors and others 'having claims tag- alnst the estate of the said, Johu Jacobi, who died on or about March 13. 1915, ,are required on or before the 20th ,stay of Aprw;l to send toy post pre- paid or deliver to Messrs, Uladmaa & Mxtanbury, of the Village of Exe- ter, +9olioitora for the Administrator of the said deceased, their eilristian. end surnames, ad;dres,ses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of I their claims, the ;statement of t'lieir ace counts and the nature of the seeu.r- lettee, if any, held by thiem. Axid. further take notice that cuftt ' lase mentioned date the said Admin- istrator will proceed to distribute the. assets of the deceased among the par- ties .entitled thereto, having; regard. only to the claims of which{ Ise „,shall; then have notice, and that the, Ad niinistrator will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribu- tion, GLADMAN ST:ANBURY Solicitors for Administrator Dated at Exeter this ;27th day of March, 1915. Austrians Striving. Desperately . to Hold Back Russian Flood. LONDON, March 30.— Desperate efforts are being put forth by the Germans • and Austr'an,• to delay the . vigerousa advanc,.:ofthey r Russian forces. ,.In the passes of thet.Carpath iane-fierce,engagements a,io'ii'.g;"a wide front areestill going oil. 'The west.: ern passes. are in t ,e hands of -the Russians, who .are pouring out on to the plains of note. !an Hungary, The eastern passes' nava no. yet been forced, but the e, tea iu this region is hard pressed ; vigorous on- slaught of the s. In East Galicia and Bai. e situation is unchanged. In Poland the Germans aro ,. surprise at- tacks in the Necking the Russian adve 'riin reports the storming a. ;a of Taurog- gen and 305 el Despatches ;,est news- papers say le:., e is raging with undi.,l;. .l;e in the tlszok Pass ti.. Nieuport • yester- day by Ger. •- .1. very lit- tle danea€'e Saps and i. e means of gaining ; , gonne, according :c .an out in Paris ye .id day the sapper. arilo'us is their t:. allows himself to L, I defatit~airly Inti toe shovel. Between .nu the Aisne the ; e gonne air : 0 yards of s;., "d 5.2 mines, ,,1g about 16,0', 0.;. Ineidente •,,tt. Of French 're ground 'and • plode it are Notice to Creditors In. the matter of the estate of ac Margaret Ag Jacobi. of the Township of Hay. in the County of Huron, wi- dow. deceased. • Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that ,all cred- itors and others having claims ,ab ainet the estate of the • said Margaret Jacobi who died on or about li'.eb'y 19th, 1915, axe required on ,or before 20th day of April to send by post prey paid or deliver to Messrs. • Gladman, & .`.itanbury, of the Village, of Exe- ter, Solicitors for the 1, •Ek•ecutor of the said deceased, their christian and surnames, addressee and descrip- eions, the .full particulars of their claims, the statement of tbuir ac- counts and the nature of tate secure attics, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after said Last mentioned date the said Exe- cutor will pxoceed to distribute the assets of the deceased emeng the par- ties entitled thereto. having .regard only to the claims oc i,'u_cb, h,,.:i'±;::1 then have not'ce and that tate saki Executoe shall not be liable Le said assebe or. any pert the:u..,., to any person r_ 1..':::,._...i se whoee clean; notice t.atail not bare heal rceu.•vea by him ct t:; t_ W. of such distribu- tion. GLADMAN & S.TANBURY Solicitors for Executor. Dated at Exeter this 27tif day of March, 1915. Notice to Creditors In the matter of tae estate of Jane: Gilley, of the Vliageof. Exe- teT..County of Hurons married wo • man, 'deceased. Notice t hereby given pursuaat to &batutes'in that behalf" that all cred- itors and others Taving claims ag aiinst the estate of •tsbe' said Jane Gidiee, who died on or about March. 14. 1915, are 'required on or before the 20th day of April to send by post pre. pall or. deliver to Messrs. Gladman; & €'tanbury, of the Village of Exe- ter. 4olicitors . for t :Executrix, of the said deceased, their 'christian and surnames, addresses and de,scrip- ctons, the full particulars of . their claims, the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of t;b;i seeur. tetues,, if any, held, by them. And further tape .not,ce' that after said last ment,oned date the said Exe- cutrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the lie -r- ues entitled thereto, having regard only to the cleans of whish she shall. then lave .notice and that the said Executrix shall not be liable for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose elaime notice shall .not have bean received bay- her at the time of such distribu- tion. GLADMAN & STANBURY solicitors for Executrix Dated at Exeter this 27th' day of March. 1915. The .Private Executor iseldom gives the best of his time to an estate in This care, therefore it frequently suffers. 0 Estates have been dissipated ' through inefficiency, neglect r; and 'sometimes actual dishon- esty on the part of private in- dividuals acting as executors. t This strong, soundly man- aged Trust Company is always available, never III, never away. Its officers are export in the management o.2 estates. The •faithful executionaa, of trusts is their one concern,.. r•. Consult us regarding the handling of your estate: All: i 6 :':farms±1oil. •ehe -.. etfu]I titian iahe d. Tho Judd a Western Trusts. 0 3 �'. . 'linioitd r' ✓,ata traIun *APRIL et, 1§0, t. lIi 11I Ili pl 111 111 Vriii ill'"191 '111"'ill''111'9i"'II" llImIII" "'ill' ile e , BANK - t racolporatexl TIM 185$ MOLSONS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS 'tet,, =: TRANSACTED INCLUDING ' t CAPITAL ANI d CIRCULAR LETTERS OF ORIEDI'l' a BANK MONEY ORDERS J, RESERVE 8 800,000. 9 = Savings Dante Department _4 At all Branches .. interest allowed at highest current rate o - 92 Branches In CanadaEXETERIBI(ANCIX _— W. D. GL.ARKE, Moris.ger y711..illi..:Ili..dm"Ii6.m... rlil6udlln.11l"dl ,..mmilhnlllndm"1mm"ii u, timi ..,in llc HE CANADIAN B , ° Nit OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O.,L L: D., D.C.L., President ALEXANDER LAIRD General Manager JOHN GIRD. Ass't General MMFanagu CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUK $13;500200D1 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian 13ant i of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is .given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as, satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. S2 Exeter Branch— H. J. WHITE, Manager ' VREDITON BRANCH ti'. E. KUHN,' Managei'. Notice to Creditors In the matter of th.e estate of Charley Webber Morisiy, late of the Cita of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba, (formerls o'2 tae Toevnsh,ip of Ste - peen, Counts of Huron, Province of Ontar'.o; farmer deceased. Not!ne is 'hereby given 'Ptu'suant to S'ntures in that heh^1f that all cred- itors and others Hiving claims la-' gn'n^t the estate of the, said Charles ',/Esher Morish, who died on on about Norr :leer 24th 1914, lane requested on cc 14:Lore :the 9th des of Aprfl 11915, to send b3 past prepaid or de- liver to Messrs. Gladman '& Stanburs, of the Village of Exeter, :Solicitors for dine Executrix of the said dmceae-' ed. their christain and surnames ad- dresses and descriptions the full par- ticulars of their claims the stater, went of their accounts and the, na- ture of the securities if any. - held by them, And further take notice that after such last mentioned date tae said. Executrix will proceed , to distribute the asisets of Ube, deceased among the parties entitled .:hex -eta :heaving regards on,1e,'to the .clai;ms: 1;..: wench she s.h:'ill ;then ,lave i toe. and .that the, Executrix avill not be liable for said assets `or , any part thereof to any. person or, persona of whose plaims notice shall not' have been received be .her at the time of such distribution. ,GLADMAN & STANBURY, ;Soiicitors for Executrix. Dated et Exeter this 9th das of March. 1915, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of ,John Northcott, or the Village of Exeter in tb,e ;County of Huron, gegtleman. deceased. • i' otice is hereby given pursuant to statutes in that behalf that- all creditors end other who .hlave claim against the etate of John North- cott, of the Village 'of Exeter, who died on or about December 17th, 1914 are requested on or before tae fifth. day of April, 1915, to send by post prciaaiu or aeliver to Messrs, teladman & Seanbury. of the Village of Exeter, solicitor for the Execue tors of the said deceased their chris- tian and surnamesaddresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars of their claims, l:he statement of their ae. counts and the nature of the securi- ties, jl; any, held by thorn.. And fur ther take nptiee that after such last mentioned'' date . •the •.Exeentors will ptoceed to distribute- the a,sse,ts of ,the 'deceased abaer g the•parties en- titled •hereto having t'egard only 4.0 the cl ines "of Which t(Iit-y &hiall then have notice and that the said Execu- cors shall not be liable for the said as, sets or any other part thereof' to any person or persons of whose claims ro• tice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution GLAIJ1iAN & STANBUltiC Solicitors for the ,Executor Dated at Exeter this 13th day of IN:areb, 1915.. • 4 4 4 4 CENTRAL STEAM: D.ONT., Ontario's Best Pract= • ical Training School • We have thorough courses and experienced instructorss in each of our three departments. COMMrECIAL, SiEOBTfA,ND and TELEGRAPHY e Our graduates snceced and you should'read '- xea ,aur large free cat alogues. Write for Lt at once.; It 4. 5tuLI1C11DATs. Principal • J. A. MASON ARCH ITE CT 425 Dundas Street, London,' Guars teed cost of buildings; no extras; I. years New York experience. Pho m.1 2725. Anyone intending to build will well to write me. No charge for can; sulat on C J. W. KARN, M. D. C. M.D.C.M. 425 RICHMOND ST., LONDON,' ONTARIO. SPECIALIST IN SURGERY AND nNITO-11RINA.RY DISEASES OF AND WOMEN, DR G, F. IROULSTON, DENTIST ilfl Honor G_aduate of Toronto, Unlvefei- eilts . Office over Dickson '& Ca - 1°nb .s, Law office. Closed Wednes4 d;:,, afternoons, 'hone Office ,U osidence 5b, sell LFL, A, B. KINSMAN I:..D.19, , D.D.01I Honor Graduate of Toranto U .ersity ; idad Teeth extracted without pain, s apy bad'elfectie Office over Glade roan & Stanibury's ,Office Exeter, JW. BROWNING ,DE. D., M. *A s P. b, Graduate Victoria UBivera sity Office and residence Doneinioal Labratory., Exeter: .Assooiate Coroner of Huron ;,ib D ICRSON & CARDING - Barristers, Solicitors Notaries UOUsoi veyanoens Commissioners, t6,olieikslclls for the Molsons Bank etc. Ial Money to Loan at lowestrates ofi terest. OFFICE—MAIN STREET EXIET'Z .4 I. R. Carling B. Ae U. He Diekea,lj w MONEY TO LOAN i We ;have a large anlhunt of ,drill ate funds to loan on farm and vile lage propertiea at lowest rate of :IOP tereet, GLADMAN & STANBUI la Barristers, Solioitora, . Iain ,•Hii�' Exeter, : , Tile U borne and 2.• bbon Farmer's Mutual ,Fire insur- ance Gomm Head Office, Farquhar, On —.m. -t3 President ROBT. NO'RRISi• Vice -President , THOS. RYAN .LIRECTO'.aIS, t'i W1MI. BR0,CL, wiMr. ROY, • .T, L, RUSSELL , l J. T. ALLISON - AGENTS JOHN ESSERZ Exeter. agent Uri borne and Diddulph. OLIVER .BARRIS. Munro aeept .fI6 Ciibbert Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL ' Secy.Treas. Farquhar,` GLADMAN & BTANBUEY i. Solicitors. Exeter. For Infants and Children. The Did You _ Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 14