HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-3-4, Page 8a71IU03 3DA'Y;. AR,PR 4th; IOW annane i REra5OLVED THAT' WE HAVE TO BLOW OUR, OWN I-1 ..rR,ia HAVE dor THE 600Ds Ib BT4®W AEoU`r AND Wr ARE PROUD OF I1'. WE DID N'T OET ouR11 FINE STOCK, 13Y AN ACIDEMT WE..KNE/ J!,WHAT Ta.BLO fit'' rY IT IS JUST AS EASY FoR ONE FIRM To "TALK" AS IT IS FoR ANOTHER, BUT WHEN T COMES To BACKING. UP OUR STATEMENTS WE ARE "THERE WIT!-[ THE GooDS." WE HAVE A KNOWLEDGE oF l-{oW To CoNDUCT OUR BUSINESS FoR THE BENEFIT oF oUR PATRONS AND WHAT OUR PATRONS ARE APT To REQUIRE. WE INTEND To STAY RIGHT HEREATTHE oLD STAND, AND WE KNOW THE BEST WAY To DO IT IS To GIVE HoNEST PEOPLE HoNEST VALUE "FoR THEIR. HONEST MONEY, WHICH WE ARE DOING. NESV DRESS GOODS Our counters are full of every- thing that is uew iu Dress Goods Alt the newest weaves and col- ors are shown here. Many lines of Dress Goods are scarse this searon. early buyers will get best choice. SMART HATS FOR MEN A. shipment of Mens Soft and Stiff Hacs have just co me •to hand. The styles are a decided change and we feel sure you will like them. NEW SHIRTS FOR MEN See the splendid assortment of new shirts that we have to show Your 'prices $L00 $L25 $1,50 MENS RUBBER BOOTS You will want a pair for the wet sloppy weather. We sell "Miner" Rubbers. Every pair is guaranteed to give satisfaction. LINOLE U MS The patterns are new. The quality is Narrns. They come in 2 3 and 4 yard widths. Make your selectio now and have it laid when you are ready for it. STANDARD FASHIONS the Spring Number, also March Fashion Books are on our count- ers. Come is and get a Standard Fashion Sheet. One hundred of them are given away every month. UTA SILK In 'White only. This is the best wearable silk that hes ever been put on the marker. Try a waist, length of it 36 inches wide at per yard 75c. 12 YDS FACTORY FOR 51.00 We bought this at the old price That is why we can sell it at this price,. 86 inches wide fine thread, good weight. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY If you have not worn this hos- iery, try them this spring, Six pr of hose are guaranteed to wear six months or new ones are furn- ished Free of Charge. WALL PAPERS A few rolls of our New Wall Papers will make a wonderful difference to the appearance of your home. See what we have to show you at per roll 5c to 30c, SPECIAL For one week onlyfrom March 4th to March llth we will sell 20 lb pails of Pure Lard at per pail $2.49. A. STEWA T J. PHONE 16 Market Report—The following is the • rener' nt thy+ v rsrter market corrected up to March 3rd, 1915. Wheat $1.35: Cats 1x3 Baxley 75. :Buckt:vheat 8 )e: .l=eas $1.55 to SLuq :Flour $4.00 Low Grade Flour $2.0(1 'iron $28.00 per ten Shorts 30..00 per ton Sugar Beet pulp $27.00 per ton. New. Laid Eggs 28e. Eggs over 10 days 200.; (. Dairy butter 24e Creamery: butter 34e Ciickecs alive 8 Dressed 10 Ducks, alive it; dressed t2 "Turkeys :neve 14; dressed 16 Old Toms, alive lle., dressed 13 Geese !alive t. dressed 11 Potatoes 00 to 60. Dried Apples .05e. Hogs $7.25. nonesteeeeeee•eeea+•••o•••• t e••.•11: Mrs, Susie Egan visited, in Clinton during the past rt eek. The present war is costing Great Britain ten m'.11ion dollars a day, Dr, 11. G. Johns, of Chicago, vis- ited his brother, Thos., in town for a few days. Mr. Thos, Spline, visited his mat en at Varna for a few dansduring the past week. Mr. Fred Gould, of L trathros ., vis- ited with relatives in town during the past week. h7 iss Edith Collins, of Ancaster, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W 'Plenhale ever Sunday. Airs. Wm. Cuomore returnect inonie last week after visiting with relatives in Kippen and Seaforth. 6 e .40.0000 LOCAL R. N. Rowe FURNITURE DEALER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER PHONE 20a Exeter, Ont. CURLING Two rinks 'of l3ensatl curlers drove' down on Monday and played Some friendly games with; the Exeter cur - text. In the. afternoon they won two games by good margins bolt in the evening they lost. A bonspiel was held by the local curlers on ''the '!rink last week, Vilest and .Second prizeswere donated by the President, W. 3, 1Teamen and by $. T. Wihite, respectively. The results were las follows the first name being the skip of the twinning: rinkwll First Round T. J. 'White W. W. Taaann R .G.lSeldon Geo. Anderson W. J. Neaman H. Gould Semi Finals I Beaman a Bye H. 'J. White R G Beldon: Finals H. Trick Geo. Burdon W. Schroeder D. Russell C. B. Snell R. N. Creech', W. 3. Seaman He J. White skip 9 ;skip $. Beaman and White won their own' Mr, 'Frank Sweet, of Barna, is vat- prizes ,and they fixed it up by •.ex- ittiing in town. • changing, Miss Rainllton spent the Week end at her 'home in Goder.:ek, ' HOCKEY Miss, Ella 'Dicke -ore of int. Marys, >A h 1 d last One of most interesting 'lt'ooltes' the visiting Mrs. Thos. '8issett. games of the 'season was p. asp as ZYhe new postage 'stamps will latelySaturdayevening when the Juniors tied the Seniors. The game started come into use about' keret), 15th, snort's after 'seven o'clock and there Mr. and Mrs .J'.. A. Stewart left was a goodly crowd of rooters present. on Monday for a trip to New York. this time. the Is3 mpathy being all with Miss) Grace Oke, ' of Cain% ie the Juniors. The Juniors scored the visiting with relatives, around, town. first two goals and the fans went'iwild The. Exeter Band is 'moving, into w tlh enthusiasm. When time was their new quarters at the, Town Hall. 'called *the game was `a t>4e •three all. Miss Laura D;11ing,of Rensll, was Five inlnutes eacvas decide./ h 'wa3 the guest of Mss Jenne -Pray-ne dur- on during which le.me neither side ing the past week. scored. Another five minute , : sceorod riod was played and the Juniors Miss Olive •nuance has returned, two goals 'in quick succession. Before home after attending the millinery 'the game was called .however, the openings in 'rororrto. Seniors had again evened up th,e score. MODEL FLOUR cannot be surpass - One of the goals scored b3 the !Seniors was in dispute being scored while ed. You can pay 'more money bat you some of the pla3ers argued with the can't buy better flour. Harvey Eros, referee. Mr. R. E. Pickard and son Clarence, visited with relatives at Brantford,. during the past week. Mrs. H. Hutton and little daughter Evelyn, of Brantford, are the guests • of the former's sister, Mrs. T. 0, ✓^outhcott. If its bran, shorts, feed flour, chop of all kinds, dried sugar beet pulp, corn, chicken feed, or family flour you want, see Harvey Bros. Rev. Rd. Hobbs, of Toronto and for- mer pastor of James street Methodist church, has been quite 111 but his condition is improving. Rev. S. W. Muxworthy, of Main St. church and Rev. W. G H, McAlister, of 'James 'street church will exehange pulpits next (Sabbath morning. Mr. and Mrs. 3. G. Jones and alien Rooke returned (Saturday after, visit - Ina la few days with Dr. 'and A2x9. J. P W Rarriston, of :Detroit. 'Idr. J. Grigg, who has been confin- ed to his .home for a. number of weeks is progressing slowly and is able to ba around !the house a little with the aid of crutches/ • t Mr. John Bell has this week taken possession of the old Treble farm. just south of town whit the recently purchased from Mr. D. Wood. Mr. Bell has some fine farm property con- veniently located. March made a very lamb -like ape pearance, one of 'those beautifully clear sun -,shiny days that we all en- joy. However, a number of us would just about as soon have seen real lion - like weather because the anticipation of a. rough ending does niot exactas appeal to us. The new "Carnegie Library is near- ing co'mple'tion and will be opened to the public in the course of a few weeks. The interior is completed with the !exception of fitting tip some of the shelving for books. As soon as this is completed and the books ars ranged it is expected that the build- ing will he formallx opened. !MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $59�`- Prices of other Ford cars are wo-passenger Runabout $540, Two passenger CoapeIet $860; Five -passenger Medan $1150. All , ears fully equipped, including elec- tric headlights. Prices F. U. 13. Ford, Ont. Buyers of all Ford. ooars evil! share in our profits if we s '11 30,000 oars between August 1, w - 1 4l -i.. l4 and, August .1st 1,1�1 AH �l j -i ord cars are on exhibition at, l XI TER• -M1Io Snell, Dealer Wes., Snell, Ass't Salesman The members and adherents of the Main street Methodist charch !held their annual congregational bather%cg on Teursday evening of last week. It was one of the most pleasant,even Ings in the history ofthe church' this being the largest attendance that has ever been present at similar gatherings. . An abundance of choice provisions was provided by the ladies and the wants of the inner matt were well taken care of. ' After luncheon !the different organizations and de- partments of the church gave their reports !showing that the c'hurcia in all its branches was composed of real live organizations with finances in, excellent condition. The following colored views. The adinasion is 15c. reported; Junior League., Sr. Leaguer, Took Possession—The new firm who Aiiss_on Circle, W.M.S., Ladies Aid!,' ;Young Mens" class ; the different de- partments of the i`iunday School. Ruarteriy Official Board and Trustee Board. The . reports • were inter= spersed with music. A treal sociable time was spent by ail, Although, 'Exeter has boasted of building many beautiful thomes each summer for several years past the demand for houses was never greter than, it is to -day and every available house i'a occupied. The bn !ding pros pects for this acason are vers' br.g.h,t,` which, epeaka well for our town as most places are reporting bu'id:.ng operations Sow. The improverae.uts to the school are to be gone ahead with as 'soon as spring opens up, con-, tracts already being ealied for. 1u addition several -new ;houses will be .erected, Mr. A. E. Fuke is prepar- ing to erect a new shouse cross -corner from. the English. c.hurab rectory and Dr. Itoulston Will erect a new .reran dense on ''the opposite sills of the street on the property Le recently;, pu chased from Mr. T. J. T<esitl,e. li'tr. C, Be Snell has purchased the frame house hem M.T. Finis 'crud will ;rove it to one of his lots farther up the street" Mr. J. N. .lioward is proper - it a repari*,e Ito build and Mr. W 3.,,Beer„wilt erreet two lh:otteve on William etre•e1:. Me. Puestord intends ren'iodelling the house lately vacated by Mr. F. 'Wella We iti:derhtend there are a couple of other houses under con sid..rat"on, While Exetet 'has not been making+' rapid !stride/3.1a her population the :Imitable ''building lata of Lnetea' are 'beenmin:g ,Cewee everyi+aar. Ws. !lave 'Mana beautiful t+.onies' but th large final 'table Wirieh 1xsad. fosse; amostorla,te tent Deis dozeai is fast ,d;iee appearing, Following. was the line up. ht.—goal, B. Piper, point, C, Pick- ard cover L. Treble; rover, J. Sen- ior : centre Dr. Campbell, left E. Harve3 , right, W. SnelL Srs.-goal, E. Torrance, point, 13. Rivers, rover R. lSouthcott. rover E. Soufhcptt, cen- tre, M. Southcott, left, A. Pickard rig!ht,�Whedon. H. Bissett gave good satisfaction with the bell. 130Y' WANTED—Good smart boy wanted to learn shoe making. Pro- gressive .Shoe Shop. MreEllisYnung and Miss Fit wimors of St.Thon)Fs were the guests of Mr and Mrs McDonald this week. 'Mr. Geo. Armstrong and bride re- turned (home from their wedding trip to Toronto and other places on Mon- day evening. The report of the' Treasurer Of the Exeter Patriotic League and the Exe- !Crediton turned the tables on the!Exeter hockey ..teane on Monday even -1 ti tug 4hen they came out and defeated the boys 7 to 4. The game was won -ter school report are being held oyer to (the last few minutes ween the viel- for next week: itors broke the tie and scored three Mr. and Mrs. C. Pym' entertained goals In short intervals. The game' Dr. Roulston'a Su.ndayeSchool class, of was played in two half Lour periods!. which, Ernest is a member. on Tina- and at tfhe, end 'of the first half the day evening.A ver • sociable, time score was four all. Bales of Crediton• was enjoye. �' • t refereed the game. Miss Antic Easterbrook, who bas • The Exeter Jnnio'rs and Seniors will been visiting here at the home °altos, piny off the tie to -night Thursday, Wm. Westcott for !several weeks has gam., co'mmjencing Ont seven o clock, returned to•!h,er.hnme°in Exeter—Sea- skating; after the match, f forth Expositor.` -- i Rev. S. F: and lairs.• Sjharp are via -1 INCREASE DEBENTURES iti]ng in Toronto, -.Mr sharp attendi•eg ( AND WIPE OUT SCHOOL DEBT; the Temperance eonven`tion. On 'Sun- day next Rev. P. Nicol will conduct” 'During the earl' part -of,last year the services in iCaven Psesbyter5an church, Try our sugar beet pulp for stock feed. !When soaked it comes right back to its natnral condition—Harvey Bron b New ;Business Opened—Mr. 'W. 3, Smith les opened up. a shoe shop lin meant extra cost and t.be School the north half of Bedford's store, Board.were not in itmniediate use of and Las installed some new :maohic ''heir anoney some of the councillors ery for the Manufacture and „spotr1 sureeslteds for econoear andmy in slexp nial- ef boots and shoes. 'Mr. S'mitie hasa had considerable experience 'la thus' crease in taxes- and a. portion of the line, debt could be wiped off. This was a public meeting was called to discuss :the financial situation of Exeter. It was learned that the town was a feu thousand dollars in ,debt to the tSchool. Boars! and was s and means were /i is- cussed to liquidate the, debt. It was at first s.u6gested to consolidate - it and iss.ue debentures, but as this James sitreet Sunday School are purchasing 'several new instruments: for their orchestra which is ,growing in number andwhich is a valuable addition, to the rnusicai.part of the program. It is also the intention towill want the balance that is due provide a piano for the primers thembythe town together with the scholars. $70001 that is to be raised 'by deben- Mr. E. !Mew's!, of Seaforth, who tare. This means that the town this for many nears has conducted th.e E. sear hnust raise the extra money by Melina' dry goods store but who ,dur- ing the past . Lew years has retired, from active management, has -sold oat to Mr. J. f eTavis1i who has managed; the levelness and hereafter it will be conducted in his own name. done with very -gratifying results. The financial statement at the close of 'the year showed a:`balance in the treasaira of $2087.25 with .a liability due .the lSeh.00l Board Of $4168;44. As we understand it the School Board nearly- athirty mill rate. The money that rightly belonged to the School Board was raised by the town and epen•b by the town and the average citizen was little interested whether .it was anent by the town or School The James street Sunda'; School are Board. If the Trustees of the school' looking forward to a excellent, en- had asked the town for nine thousand tertainment on F'aada3, 'evening : of dollars instead of seven t!h'ey .would this week ivlien"Mr Chas. 1f Verit3, have gote it 'just as readily, and our of Br'antford, a ,former' ' resident suggestion is that instead of seven oL Exeter will give the stoat of ,Ben thousand dollars being anima by de- .!;fur "illustrated 'vent some extra• fine benture that we ielsue debentures for nine 'thousand dollars and square up the long standing source of;.contecl.,'on between the town and. school. In the face of 'the present conditions wit". the extra tax imposed by the Ontario House and the war tax as imposed by the Dominion parliament we believe this would be a sensible and more satisfactory Way a disposing with this'matter. ` recently purchased the produce big- ness of W. 11. Levett took possession on Mandan March 1st ander the firm; name of Kestle. Rtowe & Wood. They will continue 1 he business as conduct,. ed by Mr, Levett. The members of the uew-firm are well known and we bespeak for them every -success. •4, FREE! FREE ! FREE! AT BEDFORD'S GROCERY STORE, a fine Porcelain Dinner Set given away: We give coupons on all. CASH r'S'ALES. It pays you to save your coupons, We want you to come and get a dinner set tree,whelher you have been a reg— ular customer in the past or not. Get. Their Prices = _ Start Now A few coupons entitles you to one dish at a time and so On until you complete the set. We will continue keeping this pattern for one year at least. We carty a full fresh stock of Groceries, four varieties of flour, cured meats fresh and salt fish.' Fifty twenty lb pails of first class family lard, While they last $2 6o per pail. Produce taken as cash. Be sure and get your coupons. Every one making a cash purchase is, entitled to the coupons. Ask for them: BEDFORD'S GROCERY, EXETER 0 m. m. DOYLE HAS TAKEN THE AGENCY FOR THE FOLLOWING LEADING AUTOMOBILES OAKLAND , OLDSWODILE CADILLAC &. HUPMOBILE INTENDING PURCHASERS WILL DO WELL TO CALL BEFORE ORDERING Ma 1YL DOYLE WANTED—Married couple to' work on farm in Saskatchewan, man • to drive .team; woman tto take charge. of house.' Good wages and permanent employment .to right ,people, Apply;. to R. E. Pickard, Exeter, TENDERS For Remodelling School Tenders will be received by the Exe- ter School Board for any or alicof the following work in connection with the school.—masonwork and plastering. cement work, carpenter work labor, carpenter work furnishings, exgavat ing metallic ceiling, painting 'and glazing, the necessary',briels. ' Plans Mad' specifications may be seen on application to A. E. Fuke.. Tenders to be in ttlhe 'hands of the Chairman, S, ltfartin, by Monday, March 8th, li9L5 at 7 o'clock p.m. The Iowest .or 'any tender uot necessarily accepted, ., Auction Sale .of Grade Cows and Heifers Thomas.: Cameron' has received, ser. uctions . J`rom the 'undersigned sell by 'public a.uation at the METROPOLITAN I:IOTEL, ,EXETER, on. THURSDAY, MARCH. 11Th; •1.015 'at one o'clock sharp' the following.:! 6 good grade cows just senewe,d. ; 6 pows due in March and April; 6 cows due leiter; ;2 dr'y !sown; 10 ,heir.- ers 1 to 2 years old; 5 calves. . The !above are a choice lot of ' cows and will be sold under guarantee. TER'M'S -6 months' credit will be given• on furnishing. approved joint notes, or a discount of 6 per cent per annum off for cash; 3. G. Ferguson • Those Cameron, Prop. ' Auet, la - to Amusing Exciting Instructive Mr. C. F. VERITY, of frAntf,rrd, will present the Dramatic Story of Illustrating Same by Fina' Conort•d Views Ever Produced' at James Street Methodist Church, Exeter, Friday E Col mete i� 'he '�, �' Among the. Features will'xft�e T xlrir,:.. and Other Interesting 'IreatutreS, A tar. 1Vl'ustc vvifl'be su.y.plied by M ,Admission q , lei :Glider t he A.uslp;tea of I be 51:11, shr O'clock ' tCl an ' t n L.. t" Race," l m Ca 1.v l . a 5, ¢t etc. 'bn store .f•.r 3'pd -Don't fail to attend "acting ., `.'!' Mr, .R. Bhfflap street 5 , rf 15 Cents shoot 10 CENT `CASCABEToS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELSP: Cure Sick Headache, Constipations Biliousness,' Sour Stomach, Sad • ,Breath—Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, stom- ach or bowels; how much your he'd' aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels you always geb relief with Cascarets. They imme• diately cleanse and regulate the stone ach, remove the sour, fernaenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con- stipated waste matter and poison. from the ;intestines and, bowels,. Al 10 -cent: box from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels 'cleann stomach sweet and head clear for, months. a They, work while you. sleep.. Correction Having 'made 'arrangements Dr. Campbell whereby lee' will remaihe in Exeter.. for some 'time yet, ',..we beg to ' announce that our, notice or the past ,few weeks is 'rv'itlhldra:wn, and that for the present plateworic will be Accepted as .usual, X13. iROPE)STON f, l c MEL M73 Horatio. Reynolds Seed Dealer Red Clover,! Alsike, Timothy, Mitieti • Alfalfa and 'berms bought,' Imported Red Clover and Timothy !need for sale; e also choice .home: >. grown Buckwheat and Alsi.kes twirl be at home to' take in seed every Tuesday; Wednesday, Thursday land Saturday ' Highest prices paid. Address all communicitior:s to 13.: teynoids, s1Ha,Y.' Ontario. 11. 11•. No L • ',: rP ii WANTF,D TO ,11E Ti —50 .acres. or Hess. Fair buildings, mestfy seeded: to grains or garden and .or- chard or would trade a " " tfirste class 1-4 Section in Saskatchewan. for further information apply ` at ' „"C.lanes Olfisro, • ' d ,. •.,., t'1J11R 52 . l:+". Do tJr11:, Licensed. Ano-' t:oneer. Sales conducted in any, lo- cality. Terms moderate Ordersleft r at -T.mes office will be promplaya ate tended to.. `['hone 116, Kirkton,• Ade dress Maarten P.0, • • ]11IY VA1?t J 5111 G LISON; tieez tan ed Auctioneer-, Saha rondtretcld le iiriiy, loetility : live nook tt ,'.lric:rtity r ` VitOrd.,e, ers left 'Trnins O!1 til. vrill receavier Iprornlrt atteetioti.; !terms txi.oderatel' Address Science ITI1I, 11. 13., Not 1,0 .Phone 1454 ,tfirk`ton, , i x •