Exeter Times, 1915-3-4, Page 5,
.i •
utfoRDA. Isloon• MN, 190
4 4.
would urgo the fanners of Canada to do their share in preventing
reoplo cf Great:13ritaio. from suffeling want or privation." ,
EON.. .MA1T,i7f laUltiiELL, Minister of Agriculture.
•.• NY,
In the pact erea.t Dritain has eneetorted inatense quantities of these staple foods from
uscia, rrance,LeItlitun, Cerman3r and Austaia-Filingary as shown by the following :--
eleeeternerse Irrateortte
Yecas 1913-1913
Where.. 27,,e20,6e9 bush. ,
iteeee'2,334 "
15,1.22,2e3 "
teen 7,e21,374 "
r 73,053 "
le elver C29,G53 lg
Potteoes 4,72:‘,593. re
Ordarts 271,0e9 "
21.1,509,766 lbs. .
Eggs... , „ .121,112,916 doz..
Butter rnd
Cheese 91,7e5,23:3
The ra)ove mentioned sources ,
of ,streeey of staple loads are
tow, in the main, cut elf as a
result of tee wr.r. Great Iltitain
is looking to Canada to supply
a large .:12,tre.. 4: the shortage..
. Beery e ;teal termer has la.%
duty te pertorm.
f;'" For el:arm:110n and bulletins write to
0^ •c: • ••••• •••
1io1s of butiliels rather
than millions of acres should be
Canadets eine
The there is aeundrint reason
to expect leiteer returns from
the seine area is conclusively
ehowe wiaen, e compare the
average production of the
present time with the possible
-Production. Note the following
brief Mete which shows the
aeerage in. 101:4 and possible
productiori per ecre.
Average Possible
Fall : e0.43 52.
Spring Wheat.. 14.84 33.
Barley 16.15 69.
Oats__ lle.30" 91.
Com, Grain70. 200.
Corn' Ensilage -
12.,». 19.
Peas' 15:33 37.
•Potatoese.......te19.40 450.
Turnips:. :421.31 2000.
By "possible" is rneaat the
actual results which have been
obtained by tier Experimental
Farms end by many farmers.
These "possibles" have been
obtained under intensive culti-
vation methods and conditions
net altogetb.er possible on the
average farm, yet they suggest
.the great possibilities of in-
creased production. By greater
care in the selection of seed,
more therciegh cultivation, fer-
tilization, bench drainage, the
average could be raised by at
least one-third. That in itself
would add et Least $150,00%000
te the annual income of Canada
from the farm. It would be a
great service to the Empire, an
this is the year Li weleh to do it.
Inc:- case Your Live Sleek
Beeseing shick are to -day "Canada's most valehlele aseet. • The.one
eontsta,nding feature of the world's farming is teat there will soon be
"'a great shortage of mea.t'supplies. Save your breeding stock. Pion
to incineete your live stock. ' Europe and the United etatese well as
• Canada, will 'lay higher prices for beef., mutton, and becea in the vex!
• • near future. 1>o not Satrifice now. Remember that live stock is
. the orgy heels for peoseerous agriculture. You ere farming, not specu-
- aline. ..
je •
••..• •
te .
Times and Toronto Globe, • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • e 3.75
Times and Toronto Mail -and Ernpirp 3 75
Times and Toronto Daily News 2 85
Times and Tornto Daily World .... 3
Times and Toronto Daily Star
Times and London Evening or Morning Advertiser 2
Times and London Weekly Advertiser ....
Times and London Morning Free Press.. .... 3
Times and London Evening Free Press .• ...2
Times and London Weekly Free Press • . • • I
Times and Toronto Saturday Night ...............4.3
Times and Farmers Abvocate • ... • • 2
Times and Canadian Farm • • •
.•.. •
••••••• I
Times and
Times and
Times and
Times and
Times and
Times and
Times and
Times and
Times aud
Times and Westminister.
Times and Presbyterian and Westminister. • 3
Toronto Sun
Farmer and Dairy
Montreal Family Herald &
Weekly Illustrated Globe
Weekly'Mail and Empire.
The Country Gentleman
Canadian Poultry News, • • • • . • •
Montreal Weekly Witness . • /
Christian Guardian ...... 0 • 2
Prespyterian ...•.• .•••••2.
••.• •••••• •••2
• • • • • • • • •11. • • I
• • s, ••••.. I
• • • • • • • •
• .0. • • • • • •
... • •
Send your remittance by money order, post office
or express order (not by bank cheque unless exchange is
'17 "
Exeter Times Printing
Company, Limited
' ": If you are troubled with weak, tired
ifeelirigeheadache, backache, bearing
c !iIiiiivn Sensations, bladder weakness, cens-
• itipeaow, Catarrhal conditions, pain in the
fd&A regularly or irregularly, bloating
•' . er unnatural enlargements, 'sense , of
,Eillingormisplacement of internal organs;
• InerVonsfiessi desire to cry, palpitation,
' het ilashes,', dark rings under the eyes,
or a loss of interest in life, x. invite you
to -write and ask for my simple methed of
keine treatment, with ten day' -trial
entirely free and postpaid, also references
to Canadian ladies who gladly tell'how
• iitseY have regained health,!strength, and
at bless by this tnethod. ; Write.t-dity.
orread : Mrs: M. Swriniera,'13cur. • Sq.
indaor. Ont. '
Efase, of. Toronto, )9 heine
Lig -lber PairOn.ts, Xr,, 4114,141'43. :V'fr!blisl .144 .a•t,tende,c1 t.b.oireddig
Miss Swan, nurse, has returned
from a pest graduate course in a. New
York ;hospital,
:Miss Maud Petty has returned from
•Toronto .where she 'hos been *visiting
her sister, Mrs. L. Scott.
Mark Drysdale has purchased from
'A. MODiturtriie the vacant lot betweerr
this residence and Mrs. IL Cook's pro -
vert y on King estrect end intends to
build; a fine residence.
C. A. McDonnell, it. "Arnahly• John,
D.SteaVart and W. Harburn thave
been appointed a commiesion to ad-
just and equalize thr assesanlent of
Wednesday, Feb, Sith Itettbrn
°nein:tore. eldest; son of Roland Cud
more, of Hensel!, Wan united in "mar -
nage to 111,Iss Florence MoDoivell or
Toronto. Mrs. ,Otidmore and daughter
• Mr. and Mrs. Hodson 'of .Albeita
have returned to their borne after
home after spending k few mocths
evith Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Clarke.
• Mr. J. lieltzmare is attending the
convention in Toronto this week,
Miss kate Wenzel has- returind td
Detrait after visiting her brother. 4
Mr..Ohas. Zwicker ha engaged the
services of Miss Greene of belrareford
to take cherge of his Millinery dept.
iVirs. Wright of Lendon is visiting
her mother Mrs. Henry MotzSr.
Mts, Joe Edwards, Sr. he 'very ill
with an attack of pneumonia,
Miss, Gladys Deering was in town
Misses Pearl Luther and Thompson
have returned to their home in Den-
ield, •
The Misses Mills of Woodham visit-
ed their aunt Mrs. Wm, Sambrook
for a few deys.
Rev. E. Hecker attended the wed-
ding 'tints son Harrisbourg at Beach -
burg last week.
A couple loads from here attended
the hockey game played in Exeter. on
Monday evening, between Crediton
and Exeter, the score amounting to 7-
4 in favor of our, team.
Mr. Sam Brown is attending the
Temperance Ooevention in Torouto.
itlits Miller spent the week end in
Mr. Dan Ferguson spent Sunday ,at
his home in Wirehair'.
A Box Social will be given in the
Town Hall 'sin Friday, March 12th, un-
der the auspices of the Y. P. A. of the
Evangelical Church. Don't mist; the
grand pie gram which will be render-
ed. • Special mention must be made of
the Flag Drill, Dialogues, Readings
and the Mixed Quartette, "Mortgage
the Farm " besides other special num-
bers. Admission, 10c for all those not
bricging berms. Ladies with boxee
Miss L. Welsh ef Toronto spent the
week end at'the Parsonage.
Rev. T. W. Blatchford preached an-
rliversary services at Mount Pleasant
on the Fullerton Circuit last Sunday.
and Rev. Dr. Fothergill took his work
on the Centralia Circuit.
Mr. John Essery is in Toronto at-
tending the Alliance Convention in
Massey Hall.
Mr., Hiram Collins of London spent
Saturday here visiting friends.
Mr. Frank Kent, who has been laid
up +with la grippe, is able to be .out
Mr. Thomas Grundy, who spent the
winter in Ottawa with his daughter,
is home again.
The Clover Leaf Mission Band of
the Clandeboye Methodist Church, in-
tends holding a social in the basement
of the church on Friday evening next
at 7 o'clock. A good program by the
Mission Band.
Mr. W Miens Lee is able to be 'out
again, after being laid up with la
grippe some time.
• Mr. Harold Bice of Detroit visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bice, the
latter part of last week.
• Mi' William Reid, who is visiting
his daughter, Mrs, Wesley Neil, bad
is collar bone broken.
Mrs, Wesley Neil, who has been
laid up for some time, is improving.
Mr. J:hin Revington was in London
one day last week and bought a new
Ford auto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bice entertained a
number of their friends on toriday ev-
ening last,.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Kilmer spent a
few days last week in Forest, visiting
Mr. Kilmer's brother.
The W. M. S. held their monthly
meeting at the home of Mts. David
Collins, and the Ladies' Aid held their
Monthly meeting at the home of Mrs,.
W. Abbott. Both meetings were
Well attended.
The W. AL, S. will hold a sewing bee
at the home et Mrs. Herbert on Wed-
nesday` of this week.
• Mr. E. A. afeltenzie; our general
merchant, Pi haVing hi8stoe papered
• 1( 1 •I -In -At
401,01,AHA. KlUE:A./Y1Fa1il
AeeNuAz kBBTIN,as,
The, annual Meeting of the, patrons
oL Winchelsea Crearneer wale Ude.' Jo
Aberdeen 1la1I leirktene on Wednese
day afternoon, Feby eetet as mention-
ed in last week",s Times. The ettencl-
ance was geed considerate the etate
of .the reads. join). Delbridge was
elected, ehairman. The• auditor -ea eee
port was giventlay Mr. John Delbridg'e
additioo to the ,egetres emend laist
week 'we give the following: Duarte
)te nearly a million and ,a mar
pounds et mem were; eupplioa •to
Winchelsea •ereaniene. .theixseb
figures being 1,452, 9e3 lbs. Tee Wein
ter Made totalled e02,0e.e lbs. an la -
crease of thirty thousand pounds over
1913. Durieg the year 100 lbs. ot fat
Made 11.0,0 lbe. of butter. The pat-
rons get the mitele aver -run and aee
paid for eery pound ot butter made.
Tied cost ef making the butter, haul-
ing the °ream and. all other exeunsee;
was les etha.n the and a half cents'
per pound, the .exact cost being 3e36
cents. .
In discussing the report, the pro-
prietor, W, G. Mead, sad that thts,
splendid recoed was due to the laea.rte
co-epereeien of the patrons wite tba•
creamers*. No absurd peomises o bigl
prices have been made, but good pi• le
cea that result from ealle, steady heti- I
„nese 1hase been „paid t he y ear mune,
It. is Wort:thee great deal to the tarrnet).
to know that tee creamery he patront
lees le sale and, thee he is sere et
his returns every month and oftener
if he meshes,
The Obairmart, Mr. Delbreige, eve
teered to the splendid reputatem bf
Winclielsea. butter in all the menkets
where it is sold. Ile bespoke the
same hearty support for Wineh,elsea
Ceeentery tbie year am in the past.
Mr. Henry Delbridge and 3. 11.. An-
drew were re -appointed auaeore.
Teo makieg charges of 1015 are to
be on the same basis as ie format
years, and are .not to exceed tour
cents pee pouria and to cov'er allex-
13ert Riekwood, of psst*-., 'On0
representing, the Ontar:o Dairymenef
Association, gave a fene address of
three Parts ; let. Tee nrcossity of
Production; 2nd, The., advantage of
Cow Testing; Sete .Causes of Varie-
tians in era. One poet Of interest
to creamery patrons naleilet be men-
tioned. Ile sad that should a large
part of the 'milk be made into eheese
for war supple-% the rprtce ofbutter
would necessarily ris,e, because of the
lessened output af better.
ele. Ira Marehell, a patron: of the
creamery, exhibieed les milking nee -
chine and eeedumed an nterestina
discussion regardng it rterite
Another patron, Mr. etneloy Jeb,ne,
spoke on 'Dual Puepeee Cows given
intereetng deta le in connection witn
his own eord•oe Siserthern and Seert-
horn Grades, showing the meets:in
or weeding out unprofitable cors.
. Mr John Dellnidge el:seine:tee the:
Dual Purpose Cow _from the stand-
point of the, Hereford, etaenaing there
are 'milking stra:ns ,amcnig beef tytice
of cattle, profitable both for the dary
and foe beef. II: enn,phasesed thn pro-
per care and Reding- of calves.
Ai vote of teanits to the .speakere
brought the meeting, to e. close.
Exeter Council
• Continued from page 1
therefore that the luspeeter'e eecten-
ineentletion that tbe .eteeine 4bOttld be
rem at least once a week end kept in
proper erder will be carried out The
eespeetor points out else that too
dra nts e uie eberooge overhanl-
ing d as a waterworks eerv'oe for
eire protection•eyeuld be of no eahie
ig tee ettiraets could not be readily
used. 1. -fleet teat you.. will see that
atrangements are made lioe keeping
them, in entere, in botter condition.
T.he et:me:Leal extingatehee, of wiricb
you have two, the Inspector found to
be nselese and I hope the recoil:men,
dation exiled° in xegeed to -these will
also have attention.
Hind and Beavers 'that the 'report
a the 0. le. Underwriters Men, be
a.ccepted, the scene be kept or future
T. B, Carling, Clerk..
. tete Fothergill, of Fullerton,
preacb.ed 1,,ere on Sunday and at the
close or the serviee tbe coni-
gregation arranged raethode wb,erebe
provision will be made for taking care
of Mes. Hopkins and errs. Dale who
are eick in bed, Mrs. rlopleins very
serinnelye Two. of the „ladies will go
cane evening.. and reetiein the iceght
while others will attend to the do-
ties:,of ehe dey and in this way the
sick and the !fullest will receive care
and atteettion. Mr. and Mrs Betaken of Krasnoselz, on the River Orliza,
are an .English family wish no rela- about midway between Ostrolenka
iteves in flee cauntry and so the and Przasnysz. 'Frantic efforts by the
&larch 'well prtividei theta with tee Germans to cover their broken lines
necessities during the ness.
culminated in an amazing 48 hours of
Mrs. let1i Brown aria daughters, of close quarter fighting for the passes -
Centralia, spent Sanday here with) sion of Przaenysz. The Russian cav-
frit rids. ef.ss leable Branton, of airy was well up on the flame of the
,Granton spent a few days of this German 20 -mile front, • stretceing
week the gnest Mi s Deem Morley. westward beyond Przasnysz. The en -
Miss Morle' and "Mss Breeden visited emy began pouring in fresh troops
the lattern uncle, Rev. Blatehford, of from the frontier and attempted tO
Centralia, on Monday.
maintain the battle simultaneously
Tbe concert given leers on Fr:dae against the chief Ruesias strength.
evening by the Organized elms was advancing from the Nareve The op -
dneocoindedwassucc;I:olst.e Astlothrmouyehatheg:31:1-
fiercest character without the pessi-
erations throughout were of the
number Warted. out. The program= bility of manoeuvring movements,
was of high order and won great ap- owing to the great numbere en both
enflame Tee prorcede were $30.00 sides. The Russians steadily shot
Mr. and Mrs. leobt. Knowl e of r.e.ir and charged thesis' Way through wit -
Grantee. spent Friday here the guetes
iage after village, while tbe Germans
of Me..and Mrs. Albert Gunning,.
Russians Have Won a 'Decisive
Victory at Przasnysz.
Two German Army Corps flave Been
Driven to the East Prussian Fron-
tier Cavalry Brigade' Aeemn-
plished the Feat of Breaking
Through Von Hindenhurg's Cen-
• tre---Enemy Hard Bit at Mesnil.
LONDON, Mereh 2. -The Russian
operations around Przasnysz have
beeu completed, according to a state-
ment from Petrograd, and two Ger-
man array corps at that point lave
been hurled beck on tbe East Prue-
sian frontier.
On the western battlefront there
has been little cbange durieg the day
except in the Champagne distriet,
where Gen. Joffre continues the nib-
bling- process, forcing the enemy back
a few hundred yards a: a, time, and
then consolidating his position. The
beefiest fleeting was near Mestail,
where several strong German coun-
ter-attacks were repulsed.
Frederick Rennet, writing from
Petrograd to The Daily News says:
"It is now known ;that a Russian
cavalry brigade, headed by Cossacks,
Pierced the centre of Von Hinden-
burg's army last Friday at the village
February report for S. S. No. titres
attempted to form again and started
counter-attacks. Their southern line,
however, was gradually bent back-
ward by the assaults sustained from
Wednesday until Saturday.
Stepthen. Only names of thons. who "By breaking the German line and
obtained 60 per cent or over are capturing their foremost depot the
published. Sr IV -Uma Deering 7e; Russians have divided the northern
Merle Tr:ebner 75; lIceerte campaign lato two parts. The Gee -
71 ; Tom Witte J. 1V- Glaey; mans on the east have abandoned
Schroeder 63. Jr. ILI-Vivhn their initiative for a stubberu defen-
gertie ett; Nertnan nindere 76; Lloed 'Bien against_ the Russians moving
Parsons 68; ,Etbel nest:cater 6e. Jr. westward from the Niemen battles.
Us -Frank Persons, Sr. - .Jernio "The main Austrian army had been
Dearing 71; Gay Jacob 71; Eteel forced into a dangerous position.
Dearing 61; elareid le ahale, Herbert Russians from the Stryj Valley at -
Schroeder. Presnoted te Pt. 11-Reeb tacked from the west and rapidly de-
Jory, Stella Dearing; Al.:ce Preseca- feated all the enemy troops between
tor; Jr. Primer -Rosa Dearing -No. on Donna and Stanislau. Another Rus -
roll 30, averegeettendance 27.3 •sian column advanced energetically
MitrciiancI, teactair.
'Names in order of merit. These
• '' WINCHELS'E.A. .
meneted have been e.bs.nt for one
or more examinations. V -M. Strang
Miss Floesie Coward is in London K. Sanders. Sr. IV-ial. Dougall. E.
attending the millinery openinge.
e., , , , Cann. M. Dew*, I. elitehell*, C Mor'.
. Mr. Wm, Iloceert eLle a very sue- Sr. IV -L. Oke. Sr -fl 1-G.. rkeMr, T
cessful sale On Thursday lr
1st. The entaell, . a.,. Strang* 'W. eves*., Sr.
haramer was wielded by Mr. Thos. -
III -E. Cudraore, .14.e. 8
Moir, Ile 'Wood
Cearmre.rown.m. RolC. Lyde*. P. Harris*. Sr. 1I -A. Mcer*
-venue is vOsiting at ' sr. II -0. Down, V. Dunn; Sr. 2-
the home of Ms. and Afre. Samuel G. ceemeee J. Oke, MeMeir, Pr:mer
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher
Lave returned home after visiteng
friends in Crasswell, Mich.
Mr. Wellington Batten hes opened
up it barber shop in Winchelsea. 'Sue- 'WOODHAet
cess Wellington.
Messrs. Harvey Ifodgins and Frank (Too late for last week.)
Smite, of Saintsbury, spent the week Mrs. Wm. Basinger has 'returned
end with friends at Plugtown and teem,.
Sunshine. • Miss Lena Rentley las been cesit-
• Joe Barley is on the sick Est.
ES ing at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Jas.
many friends wtsle for a speedy
' Routley.
veMr. C. 3. Bell, of the Ontario
eaMrli: Mills and ewe oft London, , Branch of the. Dominion "Alliance
anent the week end with. bee Lather spoke to the congregations last So.b-
Harry Strang, L. Dann, 0. Wcode No.
on roll 31; .average 22.4.
E. C. Case, leacher.,.
Mx. Geo. Pullyplank.
Mr. Luther Rowcliffe and hes lady
friend spent. Sunday ,at the home a
The entertainment and Box Social
given in the Orange Hall on T.hurs-
Mr. 'Wesley Heywood. day under the auspices of the. Chosen
Mr. and leers. "Wilbert Batten were Friends was enjoyed by all. The
"At Home" to a few of their eriends Chairman, John O'Brien, kept the
on Tuesday evening. audience .et geed ihumor by h.'s sallies
Its an old easing of our forefathers of wit and the you•ng people of the,
'Early .to bed and early to rise, community greatly. ilstinguished
Makes a man health,y, wealthy and i themselves by the vere efficient and
wise" Tbes would be a good exampleexcellent rendering of the drama w.
for 'the Winch,elsea been to follow. announced on prograrreme. The
ehairman complimented the young
••••••- ---
Ixteple on their iraarked ability. Miss
HAIVIES P,OAD 'lett, of 'Wiarton, sang several ape
eropriate selections wlech %vete great -
Mr. Peter N. Moir has purchased: ly enjoyed by all. The boxes pre-
Mr...Andrew ailmon's farm consisting sented by the young lediestevere ar-
ot 140 acres on the north, iside of Hee tistically decorated and errang.ee and
road. This rilaltes Mr. Moir emong elicited. spirited laiddieg 'when pet up
tine largest betel ownens in the town- at ‘auction. •t
Mae leen AlcDonell, tif Hansen.
put 1 CrAoztietrhah
ehip of Usborne. The deal was elaswtarsedpooelgf
through by 'Mr. Thos: Cameron:
was the guest of Miss Jean Allison
over Sunday. •
Me. Albert Neil entertained it num-
ber of friends to e social hep on Fre-
day- evening last and it very pleasant
time was spent.
, A. wood bee was held at Mr. John
Selves on Wednesday afternoon arid
a 'dance was held jai the eveninge
Mrs. Ed. Ferguson, of Anderson,
was the gueet ot her brother. Mr.
0. Cann, On Stirsday.
Mr. Dan Kiestaan, of Chiselhhinse,
and lady friends 'spent Sunday with
tern and Ales. Bert Frani
hopes are entertained of h,,s recovery.
Mr. Fred Stephens spent a few
days last week. in Toronto.
The Pop Corn given under
the auspices of the junior Epworth
league was a marked* success. A
Tees( pleasant 'afternoon was spent.
The Juniors •displayecl splendid ability,
In the rendering of the programme
which consieted of recitations, drills
ahoruses, etc.
The 'W. M. S., gave e splendid en-
tertainment to their friends and. sup-
porters. Lunch wee served after
the .excellent programme was render-
ed. The Ladies are to be coneratu-
led, Rowe eas engaged with Mr, "seed on their succesetul "At Home'
Clues. Monteith for the year. I
The Thames Road hockey team were:
out to Exeter practising Tuesday afel Have You Renewed? - The season
teritoon. They are trying to Inaaket for the renewal or your meters te
arrangements for iseane gamma in tiler agian bore. T,he date on the addreee
near future.• label of your paper toles you when
The entertainment given in Thames your subscription expiree.. If the dete
Road Presbeterian cnurce heeentlY printed thereon is past, or if your
by tint scholars of S. S. No. JO. tuna- euhscelplion is about to expire, yeti
ky kissisted by otners, will ba Put 00 would eon fel- a favor by sending e
in Ileesall on March 12th.' renewal of Your subscriptiorx per re- assassine,te Ener Pasha, Turkish
A Box Social wen, be !held in -Fare turn mail.' If your renewal has al- Minister of Wee, and Talaat .0er•
Other Hall on Bridoe evening, Menet reedy bete sent tee, please disregard Turkish Minister oe the Interior. An
12th by the vasobau eons. A fine this notice and accept our thanks for attempt on the fife of Titiaat Vey
programme is being arranged and Lila your earlier rOnlittanee. We are; was reported from Sofia on Feb. 20,
Centralia bops Will ;pat on it play prepared to club with most papers lee was fired at by a man.la the street.
bA0 was natujured,.
along the left bank of the Pruth and
threatened the rear of the main Aus-
trian quarters near Stanislau. The
Austrians are now trying to retrace
these routes through leolemy towards
The following official statement
was given out by the French War Of-
fice at naidnigbt:
"Rain and snowstorms have hin-
dered operations at several points in
Champagne. To the north of Mesnil,
however we repulsed several strong
counter-attacks and maintained all
our gains. We inflicted heavy losses
on the enemy in this region.
"We have made fresh progress
near Pont-a-Mousson.
"In the Le Pretre woods we have
captured a blockbouse, Sulzern,
northwest of Munster, we repulsed a
fierce attack Sunday night, In these
two affairs we made some prisoners.
"At Hartmanns-Weilerkopf, de-
spite the German counter-attacks, we
have conserved the ground gained by
The following official statement
was issued yesterday afternoon;
"There is nothing to add to the
communication of yesterday evening,
except that in Champagne tho differ-
ent supporting positions we succes-
sively secured now form a continuous
chain two kilometres in length to the
north and northwest •of Perthes, and
that in the Vosges our attacks made
slight progress at Chapaelotte, three
kilometres north of Celles."
Blockade Complete on U. S. Trade
With Germany and Austria.
WASHINGTON, March 2. ---Dupli-
cate announcements of the proposed
"long range blockade" of the German
allies were delivered to Secretary
of State Bryan yesterday by Ambassa-
dor Jusserand .,and Sir Cecil Spring -
Rice on behalf of the French and
British Governments.
The announcement of yesterday on
behalf of the British and French Gov-
ernments that they will detain and
restrain all commerce overseas with
the German Erapire, is accepted by
high officials in Washington as tanta-
mount to a blockade.
Should protests against the police
of Great Britain andFrance be regis-
tered by any of the neutral powers,
the allies are expected to hold that
their system of blockade is entirely
tenable in view of the action of Ger-
many In uttering and attempting to
enforce and in a measure enforcing
the war zone decree.
The 'detect effect of the general
blockade of German ports will cut oft
utterly the commerce of the United
States with. both Germany and Aus-
Tried To Kill Enver Pasha.
PARIS, March 2. - The Temps
prints a despatch feent 8134 saying
that news has been received "there
fram Ctriustantinople that an unsuc-
eereeful attempt was made Sunday to
Who's \rho.,
•, and magazines,
'Pape' s Olapepsin" makee sink, Solo
Gassy Stomachs surely feel flan
in five minutes,
If what you just ate is seuring
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Welcome, Jittle new yeari
We in you believe.
. Still we can but wonder
What is tie e•eue slee're.
If you're Me the old one,.
We will call it White.
If you treat us better, •
That will be is11
Allied Fleet New Operating Sixteen
Miles alp leardanetlee.
LONDON, Meech 2.--Tcrtific gales;
rendering ItupezsilA0 long-rauge
ing and aerial observation, again
bare caused a cecsation in the bom-
bardment of the Derdenelles. i
Halt was called cn the operations
of the allied fleet when they were
16 miles up tbe channel, and when
the mammoth nevr Dreadnought,
Queen Elizabeth, was burling 1,e50 -
pound projectiles into Fort Ieilid.
Bahr, on the European side, .te
lighthouse south of the fort was dee
roolished by one of the lest shelle
fired before operations ceased.
Delay in the activities of. the fleet
was announced by the press bureau.
for the Admiralty Last nigei. The an-
nouncement matte,: • 1
"Operations in the Dardanelles
have again been delayed by unfave
°relate weather. A :strong northeast-
erly gale is blowing, fine. the rain
and mist is so 'leery thee:long-range
firing and ante:112one 'observa.tion
would be rendered-direr-ult." :
Further announcement by the Ade
miralty says that one marine was
killed and three vcun:idn board
the battle -cruiser Vetreerrence during
Friday's bombe rileacui.
A deapateh from Atbens says that
Turkish destreeers ale reported from
Teuedos to have attacked the Anglo-
French mine-sweeeers i the Darda-
nelles during Sunday night, sinking
two of theei.
The German newepapera now re-
alize that important eveats are occur-
ring around Constantinople accord-
ing to telegrams received in Copen-
hagen. '
The Daily News publishes a de-
spatch from Athena that Turkish
forces are hurriedly concentrating on
the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles,
under Essad Pasha, the defender of
According to The London Daily
Mail's Athens correspondent, Fort
Dardanus, twelve miles up the Dar-
danelles on the Asiatic side, has
been. silenced by the allied fleet.
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