HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-3-4, Page 1'FORTY-SECOND YEAR—'NO 2130 Huron, & M d.d. ,dsex Gazette• EXETER, ONTr CANADA, T'HU`RSDAY MORNING, MARCH, 4th•. 1915 JONES AND MAY ewJ IN READY = TO = WEAR PHONE 3,2 FASHIONS Our Ready -To -Wear Department is:getting bigger every year and we endeavor to keep the Up -to Date•Goods in all lines, Come and see our display Ladies' and Misses' Suits and Coats ; COATS For young or old, a real nice showing of Colored Coats in novelty effects, long or short, A specially fine showing of blacks and blues suitable for all ages. WAISTS A big bunch of waists in Lawn, Voile Crepe, Mull, Silk, Net, all sizes. SUITS In black, navy.,. copen, brown and tan, all sizes from 16to 43, Every suit tailored right -up-to-the-minute. Wear and fit guar- anteed as we sell the Northway Garments. SKIRTS Blacks, Blues, Checks and Plaids in the best styles and cloths New Dress and Suit Materials i_.__. In the New Materials for Spring we are showing a fine variety of weaves in all the Popular Spring Shades. We are offering values that may be impossible to repeat on. Here are a few Broadcloth Wool Poplin Lace Cloth Gaberdine Silk Poplin Rice Cloth Serres Wool Racine Crepe °lot ticks inVoiles all the above pe Dee Chene s Shepperd Checks Spring House Cleanin The good old days of Spring Cleaning and Renovating will soon be here and you will need something New in House Furnishings to fix up the home: You will find us Headquarters for House Furnishings Y o .. > .. I LLt'1VIS • CURTAINS &cc Lirioleums 2, 3 and 4 yd wide ''Lace Curtains $1 to 6 a pr Tapestry Curtains $2.50 to 7 Roller Blinds 25c to $1 Curtain Nets 150 to 750 yd Curtin Scrims 15 to 50c yd :. ROOM. • ' RUGS " . . Over 200 To Choose From Union Rugs, all sizes Wool Rugs, all sizes Tapestry Rugs, all sizes Brussels Ruga all sizes Axminster Rugs all sizes Wilton Rugs all sizes JONES AND N1AY. all 0 EVERYTHING = IN HARDWARE Flashlights See These Prices Reg. $2 25, now $1.05 " 2;00 " 1,65. " 1,75 " 1.40 •. 1.65 •.,, 1.35 1,40 " 1.10 "' 1.25 " .. 1,00 A; full line of Bulbs and Battery. Every one should have one at these prices. Right goods and right prices STOCK & POULTRY FOODS Royal Purple - International - - Resbageum - Calf Meal Sulphur - Salts . , Salt Petre - Molasses Meal - Linseed Meal Oyster Seell - Grit . 25c 50c and $3.75 '-.7.25e. 50e and 3.75 - 25c and 50c • $1,25 Bag 6 lbs. for 25c 10 ." " 2.., " $2.00 Bag 4.25 " - 00e " 00c " Everything for :Poultry and Stock TinrmithIng, Plumbing. and Furnace Work L'ring in your repairs and order your supplies for Sap ' Iakin . Time All accounts are past due—we need the money, r PHONE eaarnaf'S Hard ra re PII0NE 27 A - and Stove Store - '7 B Emazaszmsemapenamassisegazile Exeter School Board 1 lA meeting of the Board was held tithe "Vown, II• i11 ole Fobs. -22nd ill '8 parr, .Previous 1:e.' a `in:itutc,a were, ,approt . S Per F. W. .Gladman; and I,; Ariel - :strong Chet public, meeting., h,avin;g 3 ,. relay ratepayers, ers, ,:been held 1 Eby 15 end the , p y tl. )assin '' i Gouno , d favorable t o tire 1 IEouri ,le " byelaw wi'tlhout: submitting iaame ,to • ;the people the Soar d"ihen p ecce:d to ;Advertise for tenders •and proeecd witty e wont.,. , ( 3 r Various corre,Spondonce from trete, firms were tread wind' laid upon the table. 1e. Pee 13. W. Gladntan end Ir Ariia- strong that .advts for texiders for rIt•ed n he d li be rnsei the remodelling, al e soba g feeders to fir $ •s two cele, local palrrx , be• in the h;a'nds of the IC'h,aixxuan S," Martin,, by ,Monday,. 'March l8th tat 7 ,m.., Plakins ,and Ispecificat°ons to be' s? r, . Co.'s office. seen taf.:,h e Ross l,as lei. s o. s oP. r „ Per U. N. Creeek and A". rake the LollowrrgeCCOuxibe Paid, J. Mar - Son, aupplites,34.56: Per I. Axreatrong..adjournment. eon, . 'N• "Creeeh, Sees° pro too. Mrs. John White, Widow of the Founder of the Exeter Times Died on Tuesday ( i ;Calf, LATE MRS. JOHN WHITE On March "anil'there passed away 41uie'tly to her heavenly ,home Mar- garet A. Millar, reLict o.f the late John White, founder of. the Exeter Times. Mrs White was born in Newton- stewart, Co. Tyrone, ireland, on Nov- eraber 191h, 1826 and came to Amer- ica in 1846 living in Philadelphia un- til her t earrvage in. April 1850, after- wards coming to Canada and ,moving ,E to Exeter'in 1873,. the year the Times paper was founded. Mrs. White was A ;tuember of Main street Methodist church.and a ,devout chris•taan from early :lite and as she advanced to old age her devotion deep- ened and her life • Naas, a 'benediction to her family. Sb,e possessed a high sense 4 ho;nor. and • integrity, a love for .the ' Word sand the, house of God, tonalty to her man ehareh and. &elf - seen -Mang to her family. For some sears the deceased bad been' in failing ,health, and during the past seven .months ,has been confined to her bed: by beelpiessness but this! was borne_ oto the 'end with, marked cheerfulness and ehristian fortitude. She ever manifested a kindly; consid- eration for others end possessed 'the love which v,ews human actions in the most favorable light. Bereft of her husband 'nand :two none within. a few months 'she bore the heavy trial with ol;riistian fortitude, There remains to mourn hler lose two sons, Will J., of the Dept. of. the Interior, Ottawa J. T. at Outlook, Sask.and. two daughters, Matilda Margaret.J'. and Margaret V. Wickwire at :home, The funeral will be private and will be held on Friday afternoon .at two o'oloolr., Exeter 04nel' ( The, :council met in the ;Town Hall on Friday evening, Feby. 20th. Pre- vious minutes were read and con- firmed, T,he following communications- were tread in answer, to the clerk's letter asking for .prices of 4 and 3 in. water pipe :i Canadian, Ames, :Chalmers: Co. $31.00 per ton; National Iron Works, $30.40 per 'ton ; Gartshore, T.hompson $32.00 per ton. Hind and Hartoa that the above communications be referred to the Fire, Water and L'.ght Oom.-- iJlarried. '(communication from the Ron. Mor- ris Door, Belgian Counsul at Ottawa,. re the Belgian R.,lief Fund. The same be kept Lor future reference. Messrs. Senior and Johns, auditors for 1914 brought in their report which. was a very comprehensive document. Pap lotic League Notes Thesante was adopted on motion of Previously acknowledged John Pedlar - John Scott Ed. Howald Jas. :Stewart , IS: Fitton ' Dr. Hyndnian J: Grigg Lawson & Trick )C'has. Lindenfield Wallace Fake Wm. rsitathena Robt, Sanders 23, W. F !13eavere S Brooks ihest:er I•Iarsee Hies E. " (Sanders Geo, Hawkins Edna nad Joe Follicle T. 0. Southcott Hubert Walters Wm. Rivers Mr. Bedford Jesse Elston 37.r. Leavitt F. W. Glarivae Tea 1isow "gaol Beavers, and Herten. $1529.31 Mr. H. E. Huston and W, D, 3,00' Weekes a deputation, -gaited, en the 55300 council on behalf of the Public Li- brary Board re taking over the light- ing, :heating and caretaki,r.,g of the new Library. Beavers and Marten that the muni- cipality take over from .the Library Board and be responsible for the ,heat- ing and lighting of the r•ew Public Library and the same he looked after by 'the street commissioner.—Oarr.led. Mr. Cole. intern:owed the council re trees on.tthe north side bf,Tohn,etreet claiming that they were, a nuisance and asking the!: they bee removed. The matter was left in the ]idols ef 'the .Public Works corn • " By-law No. 9, appointing 31e. Mtwt- eon. monthly auditor 1 ad the neces- sary reading end finally passed on motion of Herten and 1-bn 1. By -lain No. 10 to crappie,: N. the rev and treasurer to borrow money on the credit of the 'municipalit3- was read the r.ecesisaty 'member .of times and finally passed on . mar dtioof Bcavcve $1565.01. and Itouiston. . 2.00 1:00 ,T.00 1.00. 1.00, f2,00i 2;00( 2,00 1,00 14.00; 2.00 2.00 1.00 1300' 2.00 1.00 1.60 L00 15.0a 2.00 6.00 1.001: 1.t)0 16.70 A box containing pneumonia jackets bandages, 'hospital ,shirts was Bent to the Red ,Ckose tsoeiety and one box containing knitted goods has ;beer. scat to France. . Hind and Barton that the audi- tor's abstract be printed in both pa- pers.— Carried. apers •Carried. • Re request of Mr. Wexler in re- gards to imposing a license.' fee . on note -resider.,, junk -men, we aeeomrnen C that no action be taken. Hied and on tnutas:aneltwer of;' these; -would L.72 keen d rn sufficient. in -case of.re to heave allowed th fire to get headway enough to be beyond control, I hope :Continued on page 5 Obituary MRS. CREDIO STANLAKE Mrs. Credic Stanlake of the London Road North passed away on Monday of this week after being ill only to couple of days. She was 55 years and 6 days old and is survived by her sorrowing ,husband three boss and ou,2 girt The funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon to the Exeter cemetery. JAMES DOUGALL DIES SUDDENLY Jas. Dougall, son of Mr. Henrc Dougall of the London Road North., died quite suddenly on Frday even- ing last 'the result of bursting a blood NoTLCE TO THE PIi23LT*: Having `hence i'tx'fdf nett tb$ sohie of any •customeris ,that ,pay tcpmpetitoxs etre trying to. influence the 1?ublio to believe that •'I have not ',evade ,oboes Shoes but have just .'held posita s. salelstman`, I wish tto state that anis s tt false report and if you will c 1 will gladly (hand you the nor address of {'herre where 1.r, e span: the past ten years making a —Ns leaving worked my tvay' ell through the factory .Prom cuttifng,to f'inijsit,a,ng and of lame as Quality pawn and ,Aetet. :Sept. •, :A. aida1"•' villn tierce ;9 Rise n ? ability Bad, workmapshiP{ THE ry'15,o;G ESSIVE SHOE 1s .np r W..J. 1Smit;h, P,AQP. • 1:ih is announced by is pfepft gf Agriculture at 'Ottawa, {Anti : the, *facet: edition 'of ten thousand e¢pita,s of tuffs Agricultural War Book is ex ardsted.q Another and larger' edition ra it=ling:' printed to provide copiers to meet ape plications that lapse £oi isomtj ,'1i??e been aoeuanula•tisig, Coal, Seeds& rod tce iiAVING taken over the business of W, H. LEVETT, tve•purpose handling the same lines es our? predecessor. We have gust re- ceived a shipment of Gov't Tested, No. I, Extra Standard Clover, Timothy and Make Seeds SOLE THE D■ w. Scranton Cool 'Your Trade Solicited KESTLE, .ROYVE e WOOL Sucesssors to W. H. LEVETT THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE IVien:s Shoes .in Gun Metal, Patent, Y ici Kid, ranging i1}. )pries from X12.50 to $4.25 per pair. A Pair of 5Oc Socks Free with every parr a' ASTORIA. Shoes sold during March. The new. Spring styles are hese. in ell the leading Styles and Leb theder, ranging in price from $1.75 to $3.50. Our large stook is sure to have•just.theshoe you want. Just Opened—Er ibroide les Just opened a carton of Embroideries, worth to -day 15c—our price is 10e a yard. Ovefogaas., Sweaters, lilts and Oleves AT WHOLESALE PRICES, Spring ode -to -ensure Suits We have our Spring Samples for made -to -measure suits ready for 3 our inspection. ingsgssneageatteareig vessel in his :Lead. The deceased was working for Mr. Wm. Be11 in 'Hal tp., and had been pumping (water when he took a dizzy spell and went and lay on the hay. Later he walked to the 'house and removed one of his boots' When be lay back on the couch and shortly ,became uncons:cion s. A' doctor and his father• were imme.di:ate- ly summoned but he never: 'regained cot ,sciouc,,nese. :Besides his sorrowing' parents two sisters and six 'brothers survive,. all at home,. who : have the sympathy of all. The deceased. was in Ids 'twentiety year, The 'funeral was held to the lienall cpm try on Monday. SIMON CAMPBELL On Friday last itir. Simon Campbell of town ptosed treaty zit 'the :age or 75 years and 2 days. The d ceased had x, ': r dens. e, lied few..l only been k'rel.na, o y been a resident of Exeter for about sig .yeais :moving to town fro`rn the Thames Road. In -1851 the deceased, with his parents. moved frctin the County' of Larnarlr Wird settled on the Thames Road. Being , strong, active and. ambitious young Man he teq!z an '1'tc lathes', of Woodhi, mhave dicer active part in ',making the wi.lderues, e ;helpful ful to the league in nittitng Beavers that the site: ba aocepte d, that then was into ` tthee beautiful; y Ai Arrangements have blen made for Roulston' and xiarton that' a bs•-law eosin'tee that we nowee.. Ile mar - bo epax.e d for the purpose' of bar- ;rigid Pl;s,s Elizabeth' Turnbull, •:aha a patriot:0 address he Rev, 1J. 'LV.,Col ]ices in J'am.es street church, on Fri day March 12th. BOB N BOLDS—At iRoe,ervillc, on Fay. '2-5t,h ' to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Boles, a son. Cr1 25111, toetMr. an x sx S3'l} tht LLeirrzt counts 'submitted art t and tltede thea venue J. V. Cann; a daughter; ;Gil- nr ctirsg of the conn ,i ba paid. T, liars Margaret p rowing $7000 for %naprovereent to +prt cleeeased him in the year 1i!73, school, the eaid.•debcnturca to be ae- leaving: taro (tati,ghters, 'Hire, . John paid in •f.fteen annual. installments Stewart, of the N. B. elf Leborne ;and bearing 5 per cent and t:lt'th the clerk Mrs. David 1laeknc,, or Beg'pi, Seek. enthorize Messrs. Carl. ng $c Dickson Later he was Married, to Iles Agnes to prepare by -law. --Carried, Pringle eyed to ale union were na- no Finance Conem'ttee brought in dad, two ,.Son. ,ond two daughters, Ar- thur on the old homestead and Ed- ward on the• north 'boundary 'of Us - borne, bars /Dr.) A. inmate and Miss Tian hies f Son., deet. 1 „40 ; H.iia DIED Huston, Insurance, X410.00; "S, Hardy pA1liFI3ELl.—ln Exeter, our rridar, do., 10.00; .1 atelier,do;, 10.00; 0 1.. February 26th,. Simon ,Campbell Brooks, do., 10.00; G, Mantle do,;, aged 10 years rind 2 days. 34-41.1- :! I1' WHITE—In Exeter on March ' 2nt6, received iroiar O mmu aicat;on was re , 0 c of the t el. t t ,;. t A. 'White, n ar axe , e 1141rte As.•o- ttd x •tv s d e g C r C dian l a a the n late John White, aged e ya,ars citation. re +:Teter Pero Dcpt.,,ae tri- months and 23 days. «r r 'round,. ttl ' several. lone fire Ire recto. f i r IC l ri obs.11-Tn any J.p. z Ton. 0,6 matters on which he has eettrateerace+ 1!'e'bs. 28th, James Dougall, isou oft nd 't might drawn . cue ton unfavorably e . . y. north :t)ougall. of thc•7.,ond0'n l., id tent:on to Cie tact particular t north, in ,ht'.s '2Oth 45enlr. '„aet.tl:e au,i1,ery Eva: eti,g'ne;a. mean. , ..ch 1st on141ax In ':lI•a , e I,i1.1 1J` 5s . '..e t 't.M G V,V a . N. a : t zytt. 4 Sarah Wilmot beloved. W fca of 'i41r. teal.laytg flex::. o td allotted before nearly t..alf kri hour' tOedrib i "tttnlake', >lged 55 3ieare +E,i before i' was ti'r n:ng grid ot: 6 th,3 s, funeral '1"bur iday at 2 p.m, alis eft t..,is riirca,s.'on the' • +tt,G lost was. fxftreri 4!••.••••G4•C9.•.'•fY4' 000 eee400,e 04444,0eateteaaePSav*elM}44 0,000 0 • PHONE"Sf A • w• ' • • e • • • w•• • • • w • • • • • ••• •• Vere, nares, both, of Ttamilton. In 1 religion Ayr, :Campbell was a 1"re:sb5- • urian aeyd ,n poi tics a Liber°al.. Zia • was a ..m t n who never realised d to take ••, an. atotive part •'n any tda ng .that per- tainrd to tie tc•ilfac el' the opuntry. 40, A kind kind. lov't' parent 4tn1.'a rno'.t , „: xs c . 4 tn..d lr • l: iv, • ;1) r. bli n •ne ]lox y o ; xy. I ell and lois many acts of ltixtdzicss iv'11 •. be loin 'tcnie'nb •.red lee t,bma people pit; .. _ the e sie lobos hood, llesal'a 3 's widow • tel Irantly,iary F. 'Ail'V Ped by ttvo ,ii.,.• W. W. TAIWAN atch T I.s Space ext N •PITO E 81 A' y 4, tett ' for • Ta ad's *` •• 4, 4, i' 4, • • SPRING• dti •, , • , and rt, b.rat•.t_, r . tt t,.,. ,an a icrs,.r •$lt( q : , ; : The fun:( r:,hi .of Iltbber(. I 0 f lift. taws l : , n ,; ., :11.61 .Pt a•r x r 1 privateaind v. Girl WAS p '11 .N tiny afternoon to' the Exeter ce n terei * •sir • 1*••*i**a.+swe+k• * 040 +hr',.d1..+A►ti ' S Si 4