HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-2-25, Page 4-711 1 . 1.1- 11 - _
11� -1 . .11, " ..... .
7 -1 I - 11 �_ - . . . - , I , - I " , '.,'. .
11 - .11-11---l-I.I.." -111 I .-I.-.1-1.1- ... 1-1-1--- ...... .. .. ... .. 1-111-11 . - . -, . - INERP"PI I .111 , �_ .. 11 I , . � ,
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Ole - K , I ,::: 1. I .. THE I `1:1 It R T I N' 0 - I, gup
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0 1 11 I 1-11, 111- I � , - wMill * �. - '1_10� . . . - - - - - --- , - -
rRy 11 _I- 1. .. . I I'll - I .... - .. I'll ..,
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1. ___ _. -111.1 ROOM BE THE MARKETS .i W �
lxwuwqn�l . - . . � I �` I I 11
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I I 1W.&I"W "I , 11� ... r"Corwo" . � E MOLSONS BANK I , .
I ' 4 '
- I . I . , f, W,
chudren Cry for Fletchee* I Disbelieves German .., ' ` I , - 5i , I : ,4G�NKRAL biNKING BUSINCSS ,, ,� I
. 'T4 __l3U3fnd!51 *1 I . . ; i .
,, I , Story of Russian Pef i 't NOT GIVE-,, UP � �� . iri*NsAcreo I
eat., AlON" A 1Y-IZe*0. 21 , ..
IL I I the imble Ili I'll 14 11P , � W i6tcviO , I I . I I � , � �
x , I I daby wl?"g to. "Itt, fact 1111�rl, ; . I I", 1�,�- . - I A
as .
11 . I . ��, t1l, w� dull' . : Ir
-1� , ----"- . re as, ia willIteg.r . W . I I
I r I " I Thoujh'SiCk04Suff,6r1ig_lAt. INCLUDINQ I I
I I I . r ,,,, b,t,hy.o,,,4,,,���eotm4�,1,,!,coi,ant of t Yl i',', - i'll, -, � L i , I .
� ! In ' ' ('01TAL ' - UIL I - 01F ORICOrr
* ore, � "' Last Found Ift CIRO -An L&TERr
00 men 1.9.9 , f'. 3 " �
'A . the further. de0!nu In ;,','i , .O,a tj",rdda ,� I I � Help tiii Gi 1. . " .
....... '%Arere Captured In East Prussia, Is 01 Market "'! ' , AN.0 ..
"I'll, . � . reaturo of the sll) . "be ' L Pinkhatn's Vejita,- I 1113ANK MON9Y ORPIM% . :L
. I t ,,the eaker leeling iis and br11N.! d,, I I I
, I' �"I, ,'�'," . .
, I I, I I-,Qiiowe4 By Statement liffla � c1lifned, 0/40 to 40 I oj�. I .1,,. xbouand I I . '. , 1� I i6EkVfr ====lt . �J I-
I 1- I r, , Fur * s Come tO An U1 Ild' - for corn Is ALI;-, I'Mour 1inclianged with ' ; - . ,* I I I �' . 11 �
stilt HA. � I .. 1. �
. ,� I . . .
I � 1, ,d ,the 310ye- buslnesi� Quiet,' 31111teed in good deluaad . . � I � I -
,,"I I, � - -------- I SnoNy. a" Imll . at firm Vr1.qQ2k, putter strong, Vq-tIll:_ ,'-- I v ,, I - $808000000. Savii 's Bank DepartniiNtt I I .
� , - I ,,` , Richmond, Tit. - "VIlell'i�*,tia, " . 019
. I . 11 r - , __ 1110DIS ot,SlAv Troopa. . T45RONTO GnM& AXAJUMT. I ''. � ' 1.
. �
� j The Uind *Zo_t_t HaVe Always lr>ought, and whieh has been � . .. 1, I I E. Pihkbarnls Veg-pt*hlo , , .
. I taking'�ydla I At sort Branches
. : British Wheat, fall, bushel._;$1 60 to ;.... � .-Ill
I _. in use lor over 30'yel has borne the signature of LONDON, Feb,., AS',, ". The Gooso,who&t, bushel .... �I 6D .... I.. I Couipaimd, I was, � . . L' ,
li4 _ J�4,& 1 J#t t
I . .. and has lbel made under Ids Per- newspapers' print ti�6,�6'hhictlng YGr- Buckwheat, bushel .. . Q 9D .... fiz I I - [I. � I elepst alln.wod at highest current rl �
� , .1 - � . . . I. . I . . 1 I � I
�. . I .
�L � slons of the re e Barle),,, bushel _......:l, 0 9D .... .' ,,, 92 Branches , I
, - .. . I
. I � �1, sonal supervision since its luftniI lole the Russlang, back Peas, bushel ....... . I. I W,f_ 1 90 staftii, heartb � 111�� EXF,TH':� BRANCH .1
: 1, 2 . � the Germans di 0 nt battl�� by which . '. 0 , `-� InC,anada I .1
L . W no one to deceive� you inthIS, CWts, bushel .....� . had �� a-
. � - A ���w I A_Uo �. . ..., 0 63 0 70
�, 42! zil 11 ;111. , m6nageir
14 01 st Prussian frontier,, but ...., b�� ............ 1 2D .... .. 1"T W. D .
L, 1�,'Just -as -good " ax*'but over the Ea , 4e� 0 , . 0l,AlRX8 . I
.&H CoUnterfeitS, Imita . T ble4. and4as s6iix- �'
i - I 4ons and t nelliIed 0'aceePt the RusJ 1, � i � I � I . !. -
�. � 39.tper'�unel that trifle with and enda they are I TORONTO JDA-lity NIAAkE41P, 11. . I , , - . L , ..... 0__1
I . I that the 'Russians fell ' I treme y nervous liwd, .. - - �� I
`�_ I -ExperienCe Aga&st ]Dxperimel , slan version , Butter, creamery, lb:.s,q,'. 0 33 0 35 . I � .. .
�. . . lufau.5 and Chadreu , " fighth�g an , -i - ro'strated., that Itt it I . I I I , 11
. I . -
. I . I - i I _. III.,; : I
__ ,
11 L
�, , , .q1 . p - to. ` y I I I; 7
back in orderly faSbioll, I .Butter, creamery, solids. � 0 30 0 Sl lli;: given - .
�1 AW& 10% 0 - f Cheese, new, large.:__ Q I& _... , .. bad ,!,,14 � 1_
"' , effective rear guard act'i n Cheese, twins ,.,_,,,_'.l 0.18ya . 11',�ii� 1 'Id I IN-&
� I As against this is the renewed Ger- 0 141& feelings u . .
. '-� nif -s tv*ASTUM , . . new -laid'_...... 0 31 0 33
-r I'Iggs I I
I ,,-- I L [A � I ',a. ' "
I ,� h man claim. of I oo,060 prisoners, and a bavel been all" I �
5 , All I. I %.I e
I I . 139gs cold-storag6 �'l I., _. ' Q 29. 4W so
r; Castori-,t is .% harmless substitUte 101' Q-tstOr 011, Pare- . , r n array of caPturea munl- Hone: Y. new, lb ... 1,(:...,!_ 0 12 .,... AsIt was.J.,-I , la"D CANADIAN.uANxv
It , stagge I g . f �;" L ; TJL.LIJL:4 I
I tions. It is noted, however, that Ber- kloneY.�'coiu.b�, doz�.In.._ 2 50 S 00 ., L A' .
l'.' .. - -- I gorie'Drops and Soothing SYraPs. It is pleasant. It; L I ,. III StMMgth-,JZt: , ltl I
�'. :8i1P"my:
� � r opium, BrarpWne norl'otber Narbotie lin says: "The pursili't'. has come to GRAIN"AND. rpoouc,s. � Z -, - -_ -
econtans: nelthe � " L . I .:� ..
3 I,ww I did d( .
, vers say TORONTO, Iieb.'22.�Quotationq ifeet 4g4, WE 'gr4sit
I isubstance. Its age is its g,aarantee. It, destroys Worms a d British obser .. I
, I I *as by,a- ,,,,0F.,,C0MMERLCE ,
- .,
- .
.��. I than t]Arty years it, this means that another costly Ger. I louill. no P*p, 1 . , , - '.. . .
�. � sand allaYs Feverishness- For more . on the Board of Trade are as follows: eftorill, �,'I.c at hikht aiid I I . " .
k� man rushbas �alleu short. %a,nilto ,� wheatxo,.� , A . northern,
6 .�', ery bad�hi the'moinin& QV.O�LT_D, D.l President '
lf, I bas been 171 constant use for the relief of ConsdPatiOn $1 , Dori 6 of cours.e,fl _ ' ` ' ' " . SIR EDMUND WALKER.
J Flatillency, '"',It Teething Troubles M Prederick�Renuet, The Daily News' z; No. 2, $1 61, No. S. I'll 11 .
�� wiud Colic, $1.63, 'Ac per , btTahel, indre on track, andbidasteady heada�le. ,1,,�' ' GendralManager JOHN .AIRD, As4lt Gel M-uI
-1 it reguhates. -the Stomach and Bowelsn correspondent at Petrograd aays,: lJoderich, . .. - � . , I 1 . .
� . 4 3DIarrhoes. .$Since Baron Burian was giVeII ' I -Aftbr'taking the second,botl T no- I � 1ll -
, :1 Xanitoba cats-xa. z c,w_7zy2c; 'No. asinot so -bad i
i- II Ct -1dreu , -00
ri I oed, giving healthY =41 natUral 151COD, W - C1W, 69%_c, track. .
44 assimnates the IV ntrol of the Austrian Foreign Of 3 . baX pbrts; No. I ticed that thebeadache w .,
- -
�1� ,U -Is Panaelew-The Mother's Friend- I face, With his policy of close 00 -Opera- feed, 6wo; sample oati, 66c to 69c. ' ' - I rested betteri and iny nerves were CAPITAL, S-15,000,0 RESERVE FUND3 $139500,0011i "
, . . . Ontarlo oats -Outside, 63a to 65C. . I I I. I
I Stronger. I � .
I tion with the German General Staff. 0 tari0:-.%,heat-4b;p,, 2, per car,lot, $1.5.0 . continued its use until it I I . � I I
� . - . � . * I'M, , CS S, - , , " , , , ,
l" - , . ., , , i the- procem lj�,.'�.eeu qqt_iq,�,;%41ji. � of t IT65 outside, aci6rdins to freight I made a new. wo=6 of me, and now I; :1 - .I, I . I � STN1`E* 14' ",
' 0,$ . I I , I
, � "', UE RUIN _.. %MM t" , a�L ZaWiAcan corn --N 3 yellow, d -rail r I 0
=._ � - C-% , S T, 0% vm% I A- ALWAYS- the inerging of tj� Gprl:�' and Aus�
P1, - _'. 1" e", A ." � - -my q Ights, 83c- ly can hirdly realize that I 1111i'able to do . FA__ , RS
1"4- , I , ta,jan forces in the east into one al . shiprn�ents, Toranto ,6 � Somuch,as,ldo. Whigoevier I know any, I I I I - I � ,
��, .�� � I � 11-ku . �' a a ,,. 0
. . -
kit - - , " - 7i , ?9Bdexa. the W�Altl I , . , a -I ,,- VP,,k', the I �'jt � - N 9I 2, $2"tp, I 1 $2� . 05. . car -Iota, ol . I 1- -. 'hna 1i of, C810MLnCe. gx,Wn1& ft I -
__. - ,
,,.SjgnfLtUT'e Of... MW mpll , ,, _ sdQmomi,nal � O..'' �; , , ftsilem,
M i, "a Ithethe lbsfC � .:. I woman in need of a good medicifi 9 .,Iffielt 19hiT %U , evift*
�1�_[%_."iN",14� �� 1_,�:' , 4 1 i.- 11 � � - I �,, I the Aus- ; It - I ,
, . !!!! , fgwug it Is shown that Ye -No. 2, ;3.2n�-to ;1.2S. � ijhly - Finkb;i:n?s'Veg- ' ' ,
. I � .- , -Good malting barley*, itAsId. b* praise Lydia, E. -
1� �.�Mil` � trians are in North Poland under Barley -1 I , , e. V'6,kwlr facility for the transaction of their banking business, inchidift,
"t 0 1 85a to 8se. I -1-0 etable Compound." -Mm- - __ . I I
. 'I'll 11 lotzk re- : , �
k" - . � I I ., . .Gepman.cQmmand. In the 10 Rolled' oats-CVr lotsy per bag, of 90 te"' ''Blafill: sales� noteis!
11 .. . I CL&�, 9i46 X. Tulip St., ]Ridnu0nd,Pa- the ffiscount ai1d.qq,1lec#Qn of sales no s, I .
�� r 1,000 Germans were I .� Q - . . �, I ili��i I
i� "I . . �-,! . � -g ��alse .ove lbs 0.40I �&51); in smaller,lots, $3.66. . . . � 2 " ., ; � I
I I . .b - I .. among the prisoners taken in the last WI`n'dsor . to Montripl. . I Women HaTe Been Telling Women free of, ll
" . 11 . I - ' . Ue supplied .arge, on application. I � I
111. ,'. el , . . �
1, ,�;, . . ! " I In the eastern Car- Buckwheat -95c to S*c, car lots� ithe. . ..'' ! I .
4 lo it - -1 1 engagements. Millfeed-Car lotsl ton -. Bran,�2q; for forty Yegrsllow Lydia KPinkham's _,_
- RE �
WI I � , � _ .1 .. � � I . I I .
ll� g�z I 1. pathians.many of these were new shorts $30; midd.)Ing,z, *35;; good fee� i Vegetable Compound has restored their 1, � I . i , 1, . 1, i:
, ,, I . : J .
11, - .0". , conscripts in the Hussars, and mostly flOUr,'$40 to "4;.xnl carsi $'A real h ILth rhen sufferIl femaI6 HIS- I I � ',', . I .
� , - tt,. , I es V 1.
"', - . 'ET . � were about 19 years old. This Intel Manitoba flour. -First patenij%, ;a i6 ,., and - 1 , I .
ti'.�,,,� #
� ` gg . . . n 3 to doun � .
, Pf I pearauce %7 , I
�: al Jlte bags; aecofid' patents,.,. &.50 I This ab ts forthe enormous dew
ti r . change of troops gives the ap bags; ,strong bl�%kdrw 47A0,; -in CZ1 �
x I., 14 UZ)v for over 30 'Years , . . of unity to, the enemy's joint strategy, bags 1, � toln fol it fjA coiLst to coasiL If you are � ' Exeter'Branch- H. J. � WHITE, � Managpir,, '.�
��"' RE * , 10c more. - � I � . � k
� "I", The Kind You Have Always Bou,ght __ 1, which is not borne out by the actual . Ontario flour -Winter, DO per c�nt. pat. troubled with any ailment peculiar tO t I 1.1 ' 'U'REDITION BRANCH - A!. - E. KUHN, Managert - 17AW ,..4
' fli: I ents, $6.5D to. $6.80, seaboard, in bulk; Wonien why don't you try Lydia E. . I . � .
. � -ra4 2-, � In wrAw � CO M FA NY, N MW ".0f K C !�VA% situation. $6.55 to $6.80, nisigs, included,, Toronto pinkham's Vegetable Comolound? It I
�,�. "Across the entire length of the freights. I .� I � . ! Ill IIIIIIIIII111"W
- -
� , eastern front the idea of out -flanking Cornmeal,-Tellww, RS --lb,. sacks, in I car will �pai yjl to do so, Lydi&E-Ph*- I
�. C
�:, either end of the Russian line is whol- lots�, $2,20, in small lots� p.50. -h ' Medicine 0.0'Lylin, UM&
�' 11. am., I . Clearing Sale J. A. MASON
�1. � ly out of the question, but, possibly, 1YINIS-WEG C41LMN MAREET. . ARCHITECT '
�� n_� remains an effective obstruction. NVINNIPEG, Feb_ 21-A considerabl . iMENTS 425 Dundas Street, Lol Gual
i � � - "The German movement In the break occurred in wheat prices, M y I- V
.. I . teed cost. of buildings; no extras,
.. � � I I I'll I I'll Ill I 1111,111,111' north has ceased its aggressive char- ran. -Ing from $1.64% to, $1.56%. July from
, I 'O
� , � l�! �� ]� !I apparently aims at fasten- $1.54�' to ;1.56% � 3Wr. Thos.Gameron has received 16- years New York experience. Pho **
.: a �!'� � ! - acter, and . .- -, oatsr from 66%c to fiTe . . -
I 'I !'I & I ill X, - .1 for May. Way vli�eat opening transac- structiones to sell by puiblio ituctiou on 2725. i
, , 66" Anyone intending to build wiu a4
", , 1W .. Ing its troops among chosen defensive I
SIM= Im "NA I tions had a range -of JiL Lot. 16, fCon. 10, Usborce on
c;- - . ' 1 - positions -above the Bobb. river and. Wheat broke -this morning 322se an .VLay well to write me. No'6barge lei Col
I �; . " are (00, MW �
� Double Track All the L � westward of the Ossowiec, especially and 2%-c on July; oats were *c.lower I .THU149DAY, FE -BY 25th. 1915 sulation. � . I
� I in the curve of the 33obb west of it.s on Way and %e, lower on July. Flax .� , 99, of One o'clock sharp the follol 11 .
- opened 1V
. � ,uc to 2a lower. ,
Ie . junction ,with the 114arev- The Rus �Tlhns sAda �
1. Way .ti Liverpool cablesI 6d to 9d per %& valuable property.
I C J. W. KARN, M, D. 4 IM,
f sians are now attacking this posi on Quarter lower, and the favorable progress - .
..'' I I I and ha-ve moved against the Germans , m�.de by, the eI1IA;3l. fleetp In the task of �TORSESrl horse 9 years -old, glen4
, -T6mntclago-Toronto- I 11 I - farther west on the road above Os- opening the 'Dardanelles -was the lu- I - . purpose; .1 honse 7 �year old, gen. 42S RICHMOND ST., L011
I , I I , - trolenk-a to the Prussian frontier. flueucing ' factlot" Washington's Birth- purpose; 1driving mare, 7 yr. old, ONTARIO. � 1Y
I Montreal . "Ll"I day eelpbrations caused a right quieter , .Z�::,. �!,� r.,
I I "The of �.:,:.!�,�:-:.,-:�.,::�,:-, quiet and r '� I filly rising 1 yr. SPEOXALIST IN
! . - t distribution relnforce� " --`i�-.*�] ellable , ( 11,.�
�. d in the future n�arlket Viere was heavy .j.;j.;j�"$.:...:. 9 SU7rtGZRY AND GENITO-UMNAks
1`1 -Une:scelled Train Ser7ice % � I ments was greatly impe :;:;::�;.,-.1.�,-, old. 1 eldingeiisirg one yearl old.
, ,
' ' .0:;.� I I
. I . Highest Glass- Gf equipmelbt P. e men have now reached trading, may preViqu6 to. noon being x�l::::l I— _�::'.-.` DISEASES
I, snow, but th . , I". 91TTLE-4 Pat Steers, cash: one, OF 3I AND WOM34r,A
�., � . . � frittry "Umirgr .. their assigned positions. Snow on the $1.56%. and July *1.5G1,I Way oats,were ;.:;;..::: : cow due at 11ime df sale; -1 Holstein . . . I
I branch lines p -vy handica �' ..Eer due March 3rd; I Jersey colv
. 66 -VI bid, and. July,,67%o bid, vEhich show- �:ii �
, roved a hea P .-"
, *1 .. - ..,
rb � during the first retirement, when the ed steady an the former month a.hd 2Ac .1 'STON L. (D. 0. JD. 1). FA
� Winter. I ours to Calif. I— *trl higher for Jily-' . ��� ... "*;,��ll.l.l....-'..I.i�i��ii..-?�". - ,March, 12; 1 -cow due Mar. U; I DR, G, 1r. ROUL .
I I . . strength and enveloping character of There was'nothing daing in export ' - __ -,- eo-vr due Sfar. 17; 1 -cpw due May 12; D E NTI 8 T
, , "�1!7.,---�:::.�l�'.,",��".'.�,�-�*,, ,I � 1-4 ,
, III -TC>RONTC)� circles. N'Vhile there -was a firm ei . ii .. .." -:;::::.:-::".", ..�. 1 renewed C0`w ; I ,fGrToW -001r; tWO , I 1.
!, :: .. .;IN . -�*,','�.-���-,
, .. .. ...
� �, N-lorida la'a Sunny Soutb the German advance -was realized. iquiry -�i:i,i . I-, �,':.`, .: �1�1"�c,.'�':� ��
� � In Centre of Shopping The only track which remained ser- for cash wheat, there were no offerings. a �, steers Tising.�2-,yewZs old; 1 h -I ris- Honor lGraduate of- Toronto ITMiTAW
�� I Fast T ra'l�ns-Choiice of Rontes c,ad Busfne_-� District. viceable throughout was the main Buyers of both, eash'wheat and oats were % :: . I 'N ..... ing 2 years old; 11. calves. sity Office over Dickson IN "4111
I " .11, *
V1.1 - ." :20 Closed We -
. . I.,. " 1, Mgfi,�N', -1 I
w . . I tndifferent and hesitating, In view of the "'i . _;.:�.il-,.., ;,p. .�w ,
� Low fares now in in effeO, I .."-..i.,.-..-......,i.i;.-*:,,�i��.,..,- :: � ling's Law office.
2.Zv ROOM_= Udtb PrivatI13 Baths line through Wirballen, wh ch has. en- . .R . B:OOS sov, Nvith litter at 'toot.
.. , the old world. ..... ..; .-1.i;:1 -.,,,-
�., 1, , . . .. trend of events in� i:i:�*i:"."'.��.'.�i.�.:.:.;,...;.;- 1. - _g.: I day af
.1 ........ . 1.
I I , Azm Am�ic&x rLAN snow ... --11 . �e I sow ,diue to ftirow A,Xar. 20.3 21 . , ternoons. Phone. Offil 14 -
, . - EUR0r1!;.3LW Inspections'en".§iturday totaled 330 i%�:;i:!:::n" ,N 'd as 5 b. . .
_"_ gineering protection against ::-1i.i-:. X, Resi en [Alvs
. �* .:X . . . . . . . . . . : - r,hoats. I
'Restaurant a �::.�,.�,��,.::jj:-'. ;--:,3r,�.,��.-,,..---
,� A la 0 .-...,,�� ....... .. ....
. " :;;Sft:::-:
, I arte drifts, so as to keep traEac with Eu- Ws,, as 'comll fed ,wtt'h :m cars last i��,`�*.�.,`. �
.1 yor fell vartkulars eenrult G. T. a. Me' Act Ageat �-�,�*i*, ��.'�`,`.-- :
1. I - , � ". - I SAM. K THOUPSON, �OP- during peace times, but on, Yaar, and. in sight toda,v were 500 cars. . :�,-�g;:;g�:-%-,� '� I IMPIX4 BMi NTS, - I Wassey-Harris. I .
't", �, . rope open _1.1.1-1.10�--m-%�:-, �. ,
*35to 1. � . ....,:�,,.:",R,:.:::�:-1 ���
,:o �, thiI trains which attempted to bring I �1, .., blu&r, it) ft, out, rearly ne--*v, ; I mow- I � .
; '. .�. ,� .1 �
. � zf�%��"._ '..,:*i�...:-:;'
" I.I.2 .*!:j-%:...'�!.'
-0. E. HORMNING. .� .- . .�� . � 6 10 4 t- -xiakie � . &, ])X*
, - � , ., �.�i�..,i: ;i� er. 6:41%. c,t#,;.Pn I
. .A. � ,�,.,-n:.,:�,& 1 tulif- -DR, A..'R, KINSMAN D�A
�:, 1 .1.. h anch-lines, alpilost (0 � : .�, �1, , � �, ; . �1. - Mlk- '_ . . I . �
,�,, �, . . , � Dk&. paw. Agent, Toronto troops across t e br. -.,, ,.&TTLE-1. 9!CF-A 11 . ,:-�g . , ;. pue. , 'Torsato Us
11 ; � . .4 ..
_ 1, . I . ,. - �ame to a. dead -halt against thet ;�'A .11 - -1 I I . . ' . . AW,
,. . �t, I . :�., j. "I, manure,sprea eI 1107 .
, .. 1. . - �. . I 11 -.-':, I- ki rlynew'; I ro - z - �
. I i 0 - .. ,r ,
. : A -MI -1. 11 Hcner, Oradqqte U
. I vator.; one -It: ,elve hoe; see0er
. all ":::..%...,..-.,.... ,11
- , i -.N. _Z.
_ � -1 - � S,:�K I I ''. �
P t , I I , - � _ I . - I I . , "', ".."N" I � - I er'Aft' . . I' _.. 1;
.. deafl Masses of s . ... �%. .�Xi:,` . �. ". .Aaa
� �� )�ow_ The men had. I Y, ,� I
. .
-1 - 1 . , �, � � ,, i_, to climb d . I � . UMON STi� YARDS. :i,.:::�::::..,%::;�;-.�l.;5:*S��i:�� � 1 disii,.2 islel:, of harrolva: I scuf fler; I . ��!'
7*� , I ' . . . Rx- ...,.-,��-1'011 ii ,�* - To
�, own .and wade forward. I - '.' � �_. i�. ��' ...
� . ' -'-,.I....";*� .:.. I ., DENTIat
" I :,1-X.--,:.' � .
, -,�k�e�..,;�i�i:.�.'-�..,;.-.,-,...�i��:.�,*�,.,.:,,'�,:::.:., 2 wal,W.��Iplows -,'I'Twid plo%v Maple ".
�� " 0 ft, H I N1, "The infantry usually took abouj� 41TORONTO, Feb. 2��.-Recelpts of I -.....--..".,��-.'i��;�.-�'-.'; I:. V`:.,:.-1.--:..;-- . k
� . � * "' . .` '
- , Z4,e*... o ."n�!::!�$,
. ;.:;.;�:;:;�;;:,-�ffi, -,
" - . *. .&i',':�%--k-,.`*i Teeth extracted without 't4
. fi - � I I 7 .-,-� -.%-.g,q -, . .." - .0
TrIq 9 P.J4 three days to cover a distance w1lic Ifv stock at tbe,:'rnion ards were � .. .�i.�.?,, -,g g%-& s�- �i:,,., Leif; 1 gang plow; I Itew [Gookshutt . . im 6
� f . e . ,gravel -box; any bad. effects. Office ovo,rl
4�1 F A %`i EE141 0 in the open season -would require bnly 771 cattle, 571 li,ogs, 84 sheep and . Ading -plow; I hayrack; 1 lihan & Stanbury's Off! . ce main "
.1 I
- "'%R S"'ALE I
� .ry . twelve hours. Motor wagons in the lambs and 29 calVes. I I pig rack; I stone boat; 1 truck -ill I
li, - countryside, away from themaixi line, . , Butchqrs" Cattle. ijon; 1, ivagoc box.; I pr. sleil 1; ]KxetO.r- I � . . !..a al
.11 almost all failed inthe snow, ! � . 'Choice butchers, �7 jo $7_4�; good, $6.25 light -wagon; 1 top buggly, r -early new 11 -
. I W ;6.60;mediuin� butchers, $5_96'to $6.15; .ii:�ii*�i.:.:i.�.i.,..:..:,-j::,i:i:i:3". � .
ol ,At Gran, ton, lowest prices G�y JUIDIC CHOLLET * "Operatio ..��iii�.�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *��i::,:ii;��,., .:;.:,...* _,,*::;�!�, _,.` 'i
ns in Galicia are develop, :::i�..�i��!�ii�:ii��ii�.ii.,...,:.�:k.� -..."i'; . g, cutter, Iladder; anumber of lit -
` - ' "
.:,.,.:,. .K-";--pj��:., -.&:!.;S- antit f .1
I ... iii�iii".*�- ,,.,,. ..:;�&,.Xc;,;nx
� . common. $5 to $5.50; choice cows, $3.50 to 1 -1*..`. -N:.,
� .:.'..:Z1.:.,,�Z;, ..!:;::::!:!:: foot ,white,ash gates; a 1:1ul, ny 0 W'. BROWNING 31 D;, M, fh'
a I . ... 1-1-:-., -.��:.%.:. . .
.1 I Ing Into a most interesting '.situ�tion�. -$5.75; good cows; $5 to $5.40., xnedlum 1". :. i 'el.." ... I I --- - 1--- i I
. ...
Heimlack Lumber . The Austro-!G6rman combl is cows, $1.50 to ;4.80; canners, $175 to - '.... .. basswood lumber,, I hay :r( . , 14 P. -84 Graduate Victoria'
I . " The Tery long tonfe that flares at the making a determined eff oft on the $4-20, heavy bulls, $5.75 to $6.25, light I ., I ton ,&Laing mill; I pulperi a nu,I. sity Office and residence Do=`I
Rough Pine 0 bulls.. $4.75 to $5,50. 1 11 ber of .pul.lies, forks, hoes, afi:OvelI Labratory., Exeter� I-
. Dri�ssed and Match Pine lo,trer e6ge is nmon the newest to River Dunaietz, south of Larnow, to "' Stockers and Feeders. You're coming, too, aren't you, Cow .cI oro.yv bars, wibiffle�'trees,i, Assoolate Coroner of Huron M
11,1ve appe.vred. I seize the railway at Zuklicayn. Three ' Feeders, 700 to 800 lbs., sold at $5.80 to C , lgrainb4g�
I � ; to see us about orde6g those neck .�s,- _.. 3;
1 PressEd ar,d NzAA Spraco it t,,; worn botb for street costumes broad infantry assaults xere beatenj; medium feede;s.eLt $5.25 to, $5.75; � I!, . yokels, hair . .
I prbeel barrow. . I 1, I I -
-, I c- - oivns. and this skirt back Sat stock�ns at $4,75 t6 ;5. . I .
" c and for Indoor g urday wiShea-yy losses. At -'*:,'.* � Milkers an'd Springers. . CIRCULARS mid , BU51- , A quantit:� ol' xac:golasi, Timothy ' � IN
� . . � Seed land, Aaxed Hay. ' '. DJCKSON & 0ARrANG ,
I . . can be ofilized for different costumes the other end of Galicia the Austrians .,Prjceq,were unchanged for milkers and ,. .
� dar Shingles and h� different ways. . in great numbers have occupied Sia� � G �iii�gjp�s; the values'ranging from $60� to NESS CARDS? - HARNBSS-1 set double' breall Barristers, Solioitors Notaries VdP
�B� C Red Ce I 1. Isl
. I -gleS As shown here I-, is niade from silk nielau ' They are the army which va�s 480`�621E. , * ' - _- , � I hainess, ,r.early �new - I set back bancl] veyancers Commissioners, Soliduko
. ,W, B, White Cedar Sbin recently hovering nea!r Roumania. - . Veal, Calves. III I set ,Ploil6l� lari,ess; one for the Mollsol Ba.uk' ete. I W
� , Ile I nn(l coOon ep(I Wit it is just ns They are measuring their strength in ; Choice veal calves sold at $10 tq sio.50; -Step hi and talk i*,t 0-V18r.' set aWg1e harriess;. a number of cols Money to Ma a at lowest rates at W
ell .1(Japt,-(1 to taffeta and to char- this region for a struggle over the _,00d,'$S. -to . $D; medluTP,. $7. to, $7.50., com- , . �.,., � ' ' ,- "," lars, iliweat pads; blankets Und Tobes. tereat. .
0 1 mon, $5 to $5.50;.ea4tern calves. $� to 45. 6r It- 1iA"_T,l � � I I ! 'A ,
Red Cedar Fei-lce Posts 8 feet w control of the upper valley of the . . _ 4 _ . . . . %..��t., '....., . .* I il Daisy Churw, 1 DeLaval cieamm� OFFICE -MAIN
� , . Sheep atid Lambs. I . . , , , STREET. BXIBTXN&-V
� Red Cedar Fence PostS 9 feet � � - � I Stryi. � I Choice light lambs �s6ld at $8.75 to M . ,;� . I r . 1. R. Carling B. A,, IL IL Diskmag. �
... ... "The Russian position to the Car- and 'a few extra light weights, ;9.gTi -to . - I I .
.: .- - � FOWL -3 Turkey Hens; '42 h.eI
* i�7_11._�_ I . .
.-- .;�j--_ --*.;45: � .
, � .- � . -1
:: , B od Cedar Fence Posts 10 feet n ...'� $9.50; heavy lambs -'and culls, $7.50 to 1 �. �,
, , '. -
I I --Tf��_, - � and ftyourZ pullets.1
I ., %, pathian passes grow,stronger. They . - _
I . U.,�. - $8.50; light sheep, §5.75.to $6.25; heavy _,_-.4I � I.
. .4>- i ;_, ,: �-�:-:_," hold farmly the Dukla, La Bortch and heep, $4.50 to �5.60. _ t . I � 'MONEY TO LOAN
- ��.. -.1. * . I
::,.-_:".,�"_:�_,_.-_-�_ ;, ' I TII OF, $ALE
,;-n.'' . .
. r ' -.*.- .-..-.-.*..'---,;:I ; . Uszok passes, in the northwest, and s 1 � .
' -.,:::�:�..r_-,_%. Hogs. , - - All sums of $5.00, an4 under caslkj We' hive a large amount
. � .' . 4 - -. I
I , *�, -.:. ;� IF YOUR of PrIv
�- ; _-�..,.r. - - 0= IS CROSS
I All Styles of Woven I � ...... ;�P-'!..�.. .�-._-_... -en JP ' -
. _.. . . . . after phar Ighting they have� tal, . I..
.�`;*. _ .p f Hods were steady in'value. Selects,
I I ... --,F-:-,f�.,..1; -. - *.-, .. ol tbac a;uaount 9moubbs credit. Oil ate funds to I*= on farm and YM*
I ":,. --4:�-.,Z�:_-...- ,;�L-'..'. the heights to the southeast of the weighed off ears, sold at, s7ii;6. and $7.65 FEVEMH, VION9TWATM .
.1, i- _�.' ,;�L I ftrnishicg approved! joint notes, or. a lage properties a' lowest sate o! 10,
Wire Fence and Gates ,,, `,'�f'�:-.:-'r�%v ::-,:,::�: Tukholko pass, on the Munkacz Stryi fed and watered, and.$7,25 f.o.b. cars. � 10
I .,.*._��.;- -'.*Z;P ..:, _'... - ,t ofr for cash on terel I ,.Ad
-, -,. ",:' " '�'- . .- ... ioad." MONTREAL LIVE STOCK.
. ... -.-�-_-,., - . . "I )discount of 4 per ,cer
.: . . . I
------- 0- �J ..*:-:,.'.-'..,,.1Z`�--.- .. .: GLADMAN,& STANBURS. t!-9
�� ':-Z: :,.-'.'-.-�. - z.!� ... I .. Montreal 4credit amounts. .
�___ I ..*.,%: 'MONTREAL, Feb.'22.-At the Look Mol If tongu6� is coated, Positively xi'lo reserve as �he Pro-
..!:.!.L��;� ,.. .
, , . �.-..:�;�- - _4 '. tock Yards. west,end market, owing to Io .
! -5 -; .-,:---I- -�
Blue Lake Cement ..7.�, .s - Barristers, Sol! itors" main ft
. ..-...* -, - �.. ZEPPRILIN RAIDS CALAIS. the moi7e seasonable weather, the lighter all- p Exetqrd - IJ
- E ..'I - _; cleanse little,60I with 01C I
'... '.1�..1r.ii... - . rietor,hasaold,.4�% foxzn.
- ___ --' * I
-:__1_, i`_,,�1�.'-.7..:',_ ""', ` . . :,.".
� � St. bdarys Cement, , . . � . i) It),; I Jorribi Syrtip'of Figs." '. i 1xh0s. 1104m'-Tq�'j ',*jIld1. i3odgerts , 0.1 �, k7 ,,� g .. �
- - - run of",hAttle. and the impro�red qualitYl �IIJ , -.-11 - I . .,., %111- , ,.I��
. . I - '-� ..". `hs Are' N fiep.leiKing In the ma I - ij" �,,';.'�4t- � � �� � , - -11- .1 � I. - I. 'P., ......... ��
�'. , . " � , " 1, L, M _1i,'*.-:, :_",;�i `,.-Z "t." ` * � ,'- FI -06 Ci*IhA Mel Mai , , -
� . fT . ------4I Ili I I _, � . 't .. , 4,-� .-.-! I I - r1l " -IrA10I I
vi_. , _. .fFlj �thereml fjrr. Auct
I; ��f'!- - . . I-, , ,�, .. * .� � I -but pr,#esphove - I., � ",( . . - - L ,.f! t . . ." (
I. - '. . .
I I, i. - : �. ."; . [� MOO. I ci�\ #"Tio Actuat'.4,4 It
... .. .".., i. W Damagb'� , ,p�nge. De,-,.,: 11 . . I, .. ."; '. ; _ -6 ,
..:,. * I :.. � I
I , 1: :;,�'. .-...-.. .. -_` .". - . mand from ,packers was fait fdr carload 'L M . - .
I knreka Aspbalt.uooft � ....... ....:.". � I �1. :..: rest dl ll t giving � 111-14ho, - WrIte ang fillublert
. .. . A Zp,ppe in �);;j .0
..-'.� ::.rgi ,.*. ... , AR ,�'7' I' airl "d'dhoice'!&ers soWat':$7.40 to' � " .
. I il 9., I �, . - . * � P IS, X-eb. 23. others can, '. .
- , 4�p, 4'1,�arde i lie ,iga,11 ., " 1:1. , �
L � 1, 1: ' -- i . , ,
, - "� .. ,11',"Cahloimia Syrup ol . I..: I . F i�
I I n ..'� *_ - , ,'�, .
at $1.2,l -,,quare- . . .I...-- 7- - ':- . 0 ,; d .,','��.Alais :. yeaterdtik, 1'47.56, !;at 'the bi tx..of t -trading was', ,':*cause in . ! ,
11 . . . � . - ....". 11:% I , � - L . i few-Iiinirs all the 46990&%) waste" L f -arm for Sale .. . 6 I tual","'fire insurl�
. .
.- :, �,..'- .. g, according to �n officIA', �done in steers, rawging. fr6m i 4.6.50 to $t� 11 �
.g- mornin
, � - , , *... , .��
I - ... If "
-1 ,..-',l y. .. I tiol 96I i ��, hw) ,�,�
I . " ,,.,�--. .�; j,l,1,l .tbe;,buteber,a,,paid.for,.gr,nalI picked sour: bile iud,,ierl g 1. . . i, � ,
I t:,;".1 - p . A -. .
I I , . .. statement issued last night. It dr6l lots. an. advance of' -250' ge. . moves Qui , and . an&�60#1'
v., hundred
. A. J. CLATWORTHY 1. -.1 .:A,�- - 0 I , Canning I . 11 '. ydi havei LOT 7 CON. 1. STEPHEN[ IIini, , I.,":, �
K . , �. 1. -A' I ped proigpt.1les which killee five per � D8,100 -
. __,z..:-, . pounds ver the above -figu . a well, playful - cWId again.' -
I 7��tPY-.,;,-"%*-.`_'_-�" , sons, all civilians, and cause some un- stock was In deman �Sick T.0 propvrty of the late Thomas
� ... :.-*;.r- .. d, bulls bringing $4.26
i GRAN,rON . i�",:,._*�""`..;� -�;,I . portant material damage. to, $4,50, and cows, $3,15.to $4 per dwt. L childreulmeedn't be 0oaxed to Head Office, Farquhar, GD
' ---*. -:;�!. % 1111
.. � .
�, ,`.'.�,'�%.7 --.'*t*.*. -. . ., . riess "fruit"'fitxative " .4t,. r� . L -
_.; �,. ". . , I A despatch to .the 11avas Agency Sheep and I bs strong, owing to hm- take this ,harm Lin, 1, ',.,,,, III barin. an4 -trame - , .0 IM
. I ,!t: ,,;� .:.: I 1. . am Ontario Millio ` ft handy be- L . .
. ,7. -4�'., Ited supplies coming:forward, iis of mothers keep
L ..'..". :.,... r- L .
.....:;"..". !' 4', " from Calais saya that a�'German di lambs sold at $8.76 Lto $9, and Quebec cause they knoll its action on% we. � h �,r n ') , I , ells windmill, . goau . ROBT, NOM-RUk- -
. I
I .. N ...., I .. - _rLh 'G �� I es of good k d President � .
" '$S:25 to,$8,60, and Wes brought stomach, liver and bowels is pill ".
. . .
. .,...., igible airship dropped a siumber of .stock at . ,�
I .. -,.. I � I : 6 J � 8 aer .
I I ... , bombs yesterday, which did sligh.t �$5.2& to,15.5o per cwt, . . wood bu.,;h eontaining about 600 ou- Vide,.P,resideut I � THOS. Rl !)
: .:.*. I - . age to the St. Omer, Hazebrouck 11I in good demand. Prices range and sure. gar rnaplo t i . Soil ,,,lay aciam, wellL I I . .
11, IGIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS"' ,:* , dam
I I . ."'. - . . from $5 to $15. 1 � . Ask.your drugglat for a.50 -cent bol I 1 WITO(L-43. I r,
7, .. and Dunkirk railroad, line in the vi.: draine<l and fenced. Farm, ia � ,I)II-CA! : I I Lot
TO CONSTIPATED C=, 5 ci of Fontinettes. Train service Hogs steadie, ' fair trade. sows tie of "Califl Syrup of Figs " which -
. r,*itfi a g�iid state ol cultivation, one halt . I .
I . 1, nity �s, 6ildrea claile froin 0. n ralia Station. I WX. BRO,I" , , � .
9 0 L t sold at'$6.25 a Stags at $4.15 per cwt., contains directions for bable , wm� P.0%
a L over,the line was immedia, ely re- weighed off'cars. � - , , , - : of all ages andfor grown4lips., I 0 '
10ciiefoud "Fruit L xative" can't harm Two, PIECE SK3317. established. Two Incendiary bombs C111CAGO LrVE STOI - - iQI Pol or, nn be- given to ' suit 1,4LG I I .T. T. ALLIGOYL
tender little Stomach, livet . . damaged several dwellings in the . . . purchns#�r . I �,J, L, RU66T . . ,.
I. I and bowelr. niense satln,�to broadcloth and gabar- village. I CHICAGO, Feb. 92,-Cattle�Receipts. For ;,, r I, -41 Particulars apply to AGENTS I'm.
'. . � . 1L. - Flontinettes is a little over a mile 2000; market steady. 'Beeves, $5.51D to ' A I . I . . Geo. Q. ; - * 'iladman',kStal
,:, L dine sultings and to the varioll mate- $3 75; ' r.tockers And feeders,, $3.50 to � . jOHN ESSERY' Exeter. alreWt UJIM.
I 1 ' south of St. Omer,wbich I'les twenty $6'.75; cows and heifers.. $3.50 to $7.65,L . ". . "I Cebtral's) Baristers .Exeter
'Look at the tongue, motherr If rials, of Indoor garmentls. miles southeast of Calais. - calves, $7 to ;10.50. . I .. .. . I L 11 .. I 0- - --� I - I borne and Riddalph.. .1 . I It
. .
�zoal Your little onel!s stomael liver, For the medlum .size the skirt will I Rogs--Re,beipts. 40,000; markdt,higher; .SL Hav�e YOU Renewed? ,--,'The 6I � I Ot,IVE.R HARRIS Atunro agent f40
� . . . ,
I I , � and bowels need elealasing at once. require, 25A yards of material twenty- L I . light, $6.6010 $6,75,,'mixed, $6.5o to $6.75; : , sk,^ rlromj. a . I for,;tb�' rehewal off Your pape lj% Ellbbert-riullarflIJA and Logam I IAA
I I Building Submarines In Belgium. to, $G 60; rOugh,- $6,15 f I Lgia.n,,1I,l The date on the ad V � LL �,J
Wthen peevish, tross,'listl6sa, doesn't Aeven Inches wide� the long tunic the6ii I - 0 0 . 't, . W. A,, TTJBNIIU
� I 'L "Oleep, eat or act naturally, or is lever, ' * : AMSTERDAM, Feb; 23 -(Via Lou- heavy' '"" ;5.60 to $6.75; bulk of sales, #, Onta-1o's 13�,st Pract- 4 F,'tbci or -you'r paper teM you' � fieI , secv.Trea5l. FaYCItI
$6'". pig
- I ' I � * I ., L 4 .
I ya rds, twenty-sdveb Inches WIdeL L - don.) �'T�e Nieuw Rotterdainsche 62 ' ' . , - � your subscr,p.,ou ,L�xpjres. I. e I . .
�, :
: has $6.55 to t ' X,arinbs-'L'Rec�lpts, 8000- max , �
;1'lsh, stol sour, breath bad; �: . Sheep and If the a
I . I
11 ' , ket bigher; nitive, $6,60 to $7,40;;'year- . 6'9 4 printed tliorao-v 18. Pull or if our GLAIMAN & STANPUBY J
. Courant says it learns from Antwerp . Lica I "'', ;dg!i , i
I I- Owe thro4t, diarrhoea full of cold, give TbIs May Manton PatteI i8 cut In sizes 0 ." a I ou L tora. 'V'Xeter'. L 9
Acallfornia Syrup of from 22 to so inch -e. send that German submarines are still be- llngg, $7.35 t; - $S.10-�- I mbs, native, $7.50 *' ".3( NII .'O sub4orip-ttli Is about to exp! '. L solici I
,a teaspoonful of , . es waist m*l I . . I. q. t lire .
" I
� I Ing bulltl� the docks at Rohoken; to ;9. . . . , * ,would ,com:(,r a. ravor 'by seldt"19y a �, I . .
I . ,fts," and in a few hours all the foul, io cents to this office, 9;Ivin,, ,j"ber, Sias ;I I . I , . . # Wo.have 1.1 .;agl1b. courl an4d I . 4
. I , �11 .1 .
I I .. _' � . L
, Belgium, and that When tW-�y at � . ' - � � M
I . ", , �.,t'l to Yol I 4+, trenew-al ()j vour ,eubscAption per Te- -
I, -waste, undigested food and it will he prol . L . L . . Q, I ,, � . I - 1. - liI
I . *constipaud . ,V.s�tiona! completed they will be sent to Zee-. OvMel v vely'n W, aJv6!,rr.b,*ii8t_ t experienced 4i,truetors in each * turn mail. T yuur ranei,�al has�4-: f I ��,` .
I ;and sour bile gontlY 3noves out of it$ by imait. If in h2tte V` I . . I � . i ., I . , . . -4 '''" . ;,, ,
. :
I Uttla bowels without griping, and you (WO, celit stamp for lelt " - .� hl't , brugge or Ostend. . . j M .. I � ..". . # of 611i thr,-.,, ,departments. : , ,* ready been wn,; uA, p Lease �disrcgard � I Li . - -,. .
I kave a well, playful child again.aAalt -Yrder"`�- u`e co"on' , I I - 11 . NEW YORK, Feb. 23,=WlllianL * - I . 4 this nof.op. an(! accept our thmnks for eakov
I . Lt. Hatriss, of the firin, which owne'd. COMMEMCIAL SIIORTRA�W� 0 a rl: (! r ance. ' We aro
your druggist for a 50-cent'bottle of Observatory Erected fly SwIss. your e. r. m Lt.
. F nk in the, X 41. L-Ith � 11
"I ...... ".- Klzo_' the steamship Evelyn,.,'su and'ThL1!',G, R&PI1, CAC) I 0 1A,
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