HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-2-25, Page 1.FORTY-SECOND YEAR -NO 2130 .t' Huron Sc Middlesex Gazette EXETER, ONT CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY, 25th.1915 A Successful Year Local a JONES AND MAY PHONE. 32 NEW SPRING AND SUMMER .WASH GOODS eery Yard British �h Manufactured � Oar first display of Wash Dress Goods for the coming Spring and Summer suggests the thought that these fabrics have reached the zenith of their beauty.4.Oolors :are, well represented in all;hnes. White and Black will be very.'"' strong, with stripes` and colors predominating. Early Buying is Advised on all Import Goods White .Wash Dress Fabrics Black and white in White Brocaded Crepe all patterns White Cleopatra Crepe Plain albite Crepe Over One Plain White Voile Hundred Plain White Ratine Pieces to Plain. White Pique choose White Striped Seersuker from Plain White Rice cloth Colored Wash Dress Fabrics - Plain Colored Crepe Fancy Colored Crepe Fancy Checked Crepe Fancy Striped Crepe Windsor Crepe Fancy Colored Voiles Fancy Colored Poplins S .ndown Suitings Ladies and Misses New Spring Suits and Coats We are very fortunate in having our N'ew. Spring Suits and Coats in early. , , We are showing a beautiful range of styles, colors and cloths, which Nvill do you good to see Come in and have a try on. Ladies Spring Coats Some real swell garments in plain colors, Fancy patterns and checks. 5. h styles are real new and the cloths �T e =the best that w.ePuidEproeirr w Ladies Spring Suits From 34 to 42 sizes, colors are black navy, toper, brown & tan. The styles are right u to.date in everyrespect, g , 1?., p Afr:sttk.fined:'and nicely�trixnz,ed. Men's Spring Suits Just to Hand. A new stock of Mens and Boys Spring Suits The nifty stuff is here for you, Spring Dress Goods Ail the new cloths in the season's most popular shades are shown here all at the old prices. JONES AND 1\IA FEED YOUR STOCK AND POULTRY NOW IT.�AYS TO* USE oyal purple Stock Fovd 50c and $1,50, Herbageum .25c and 500 International Stockand Poultry Foods' 25c, 60c add $�{.75 Salts, 10 lbs for 2fic Sulphur, 10 lbs for 25c .Salt Petre, 2 lbs for 25c Molasses Meal $2 per 100. Calf Meal, 1.25, 2.25, 4.25 Plumbing and Tinsmithing Order Your Needs Now Heaman's Hardware Pu.ONz; 27. A and Stove Store.-� PHONE ,7 B imam WHALEN. last week with the' latteris uncle, Mr. : lC 1 b i illson, at WIhiite Oak. Miss Annie Barkley amyl iI°t_��s Alva :Long, of near , London, are-visittillrg friends around ;here. MeV. M"ti'lson, of tlrrnsalJ, anent! 'Tue9ilhe ;tenet with, 'hid•""sae 'Hector. 1ivIrs. Thee. Morley sent a few days this week with ,her sinter, Mrs, Hugh qkc, near 'Reeler, Ibis. David Pa>c~Iliin ole 'of '1 I:, Merin, , Spent a !few days this 'wetait with her sisltere around .here.- s • S, 'i'larenee ;Vinson, l r m; ti> w; mrLc;k 11.•r., and :Mels. Jahn Wtrigli t 'anent with his uncle Albert at Lucke:ow,. • The' organ%zed' class are 'putting 'up p. ,splendi program uncluing talent (from, Granton, Woodtham and other. places on Friday evening, Tile, pro- grani will include dialogues and reeri- rtations and two pantomines. It prom- isee to be ,yers'�; inh restitng.; John !Cartliy, is 'hired ;with' Hector X llson ':Coit 'tthe :summer, ,, (Mrs, Wm.11lorles •eni.ertaiiied sleigthload' of her friends from Wats- lora 1a;st w ek.. I -+i ; L. (NEWS rltO3I HOME iii hent "t1he evening shade is falli,n' ,at rhe closing of the day, An' o feller rests from iwbor, smokin' at ,his pipe of clay, There's nothing does liimi so 'much good, be fortune up or down. Aa the+,little country paper from hi,s Old Home Town. tt ain't a thing of beauty and its print's not always clean, But it'straightens out 1i temper when a feller's 'fzelin' mean ;' it takes the wrinkles off his face an' e. brushes off 'the ..£row n that little comtm�ie paper from' :his ' • Old Lorne ThiAtia.., It' tells of all the paities'and that atls 'of Pumpkin ROW,. ',Bout who spent Sunda};' with, wbo',s „girl, and `hone the:`crops'il grow, An how it -keeps a fellow poster.. wino's up and who is down, That ,,little country' paper ,From his Old Moine ',Gown. t Nowt I like •to read the dailies and the , story papers too And at times the yeller novels and some .other traish—don't you. net t. when ('want some other readiu' that'll .brush. away a frown, f want that little paper from ni Olcl' Horne Toavn,-Denver Cost.. ,BORN HICKS—In Centralia, on Febe. 16th, to M. and Mrs. A. Hicks a eon DOYLE—In McGillivray. 12th ton on P+eb3' Sth. to Mr, and Mrs. Matthew .Doo le: a son. ' GIIINTEIER—At Crediton on reby, 16. (to Mar: and =Mrs. Mat, Gidether c. s_on, tem mn MARRIED ARMSTRONG—CREWS—On Wednes- day-, Feby-., 24th at the Ja2hes street Methodist parsonage by 'Rev. W." -G. 1I. 'MeAlister, Miss Helen Pauline Crews to Mr. George 1, Armstrong, both of Exeter., - IiIN•G—WHITEFORD—At the Jaynes S t. ,i arsonag*e, en I+ e b3. 17th,. by ;Rev. W, G, H. McAlister, bliss Etta !Whiteford, daughter of Mr. and 111rs. Wm. 'Whiteford, of town to ')lir, Wilbur Ring, of,IIani;oma, Son of Mr. 'Ja,s. EIngy of, lforest, DEED ' ELLIOTT .Citi E.z.etes.;',en &aturdar, ,February "�di!J><, !Me.s. Benjamin Val - i lac ,Elliott iia ,liner .yell. eer. 1 Mr. W. O.. Medd le inetallisig sorer; Mr, Geo Vosper Is viseting relatives new 'machinery at"Winohdsea. He is in town thii:s we el" 'pinking some imlirovenxeuts and in- Mrs, F. A, May will be nt%tome the stalling • some of the most moderns: Bret Thursday .ofeach. month. • pas,teurizinr;and cooling vats. These 1flr, end biz's. l.', Gillies were in Ioa,, improvements will make the WinchiJe don over Sunday, Mrs, Gilles remain. sea. creamery up -td -date in every re- ill for a few days, Mrs. John A. Gregory, of North. Rat, tleford, Sask., visited with: Mrs, Thos: Prregory last week, the business amour sing to $131,2,30,581. lair. Rd. Davis Who bas been confin- During the ,em ,sears Mr, Medd has ed ,to the ,housefor several weeks pmeen propxaeOA' the, 'business (has with a lame back is epi valespiu x . ,grown every ye* with, onlynone ex Feption. In -1906 the business amount. ed 'to a little over 10 thousand dol- lars and hats, -grown until lust year it reached over,131 thousand, a remark- In compan,; with .ynee 1tlay Arm - able growth, and during that time! strong She left for Tomato this week. i the money recalved by the creamery Armstrong—Craws—A. en et ti� ed - ,:has been very nearly. three-euarters, ding took place at the .'ladles ,street ' of a million dollars which. has been: parsonage on '\l'adnesd:iy . iti ternooa, t distributed throughout'th(e commune laeby. 24tn, at 4 pen., when Miss Helen' ity, tT,ast year the total pounds; of 1Pltuline Crews and $1'r, Georg,. I. batter manufactured were, '502,062, or, ial uone five' tons of'butter per .week The largest output was in the month i of June with 7c8 )15 pounds. The 1 big.hest price for butter'wa,s retained in March. 31.10 cents per pound; the average price being 2'0.10 cents. Th'?s splendid reeoid has been made possible by the excellent .management ani.c•o- operation by the patrons. The cream- ery has an establ'is,h,ed. trade. 'with; some of the 'best .wholesale and retail produce dealers in Cauda and its but - !ter is handled• by; the best stores. in Toronto, Ottawa, London, Hamilton and many other places. During the year the patrons of the creamery con- tributed. $292,4.1 to the Dairyman's ,t'atriotio Fund. - . , , spect. The u.nnual meeting of the. •'patrons of the ereamer0- le be,{sig held 'to -_day (Wednesday) at •l irkton. The orea.mery • had a 'mast successful year onl .ons - QSfrs. Me reath, or 1Jiicknutte h14 been yisiltiing her pax tints, Mr. and Mrs. 1:. Alrmistrong for several days. ' HOCKEY` : The 'Themes Road hockey teem de- bated the Exeter Juniors on the rink Here last Saturday' evening. The, ice was sat .w1iiejx alffected the game somewhat, The score was 2-1. Fol- lowing zeas the line-up, Thames. Road •goal, A. Cole ; point, R. Gardiner; co- ver, P. Piaassmore rover, F. Dann; centre W. Essar 1 aright C. Prouty left, R. Passmore.Exeter -- goal, B. Piper point, W. Statham;' cover L. Treble; rover E. Snell; centre iDr. Campbell, left, En Harvey; right; Whedon. lOz":Thursday evening of last weak the Clinton hockey team played the ire'turrt game here'::and:it is a eh,ame to tell wljat theydid to tb,e locals from 'the standpoint of the score. But the game was ,not• . what the score would. indicate Fxgsn a sPectator's en oint: it.:x^..` :sod-- enie to P g g watch' and. the 'Exeter" fortnards pat up the 'music bit could not penetrate the trenches of the visitors. ( The charge was fierce at tilm'e,sbut with visor and cuirass the goalke:epe.r reLa- forced greatly by point Rumble turn: till the bullet -like shots of the enem„r The bombardment of tbie. Exeter goal was more successful and the sharp shooters found the range df the nets and on twelve occasions the rubber bomb found its mark., The explosive. reports from the :fans were not as deafening as it would .have been had the tables been turned. Tha early stage .of the game Exeter made a tel- ling dash and was successful in scor- ing its only goal of the evening. ,Ti:rs tusele however raged a good pant -.of the time in the enemy -'s 1:erritory,.TJ ie :services of 'the ambulance were not required beet on seveiral occasions some of the combatants were 'forced to retire - for short periods before renewing activities. A shower was held Tuesday evening at 3Lr. Roger4Northcott's in blas for Miss Darling A very enjoyable even- ing was spent. Patriotic League Notes Previously acknowledged $1517.31 R. N. Creech 5.00 Mrs. G. Fisher ' • 1.,00 C. H. Sanders' 2,00. ,hers. Powell 1,0U A friend 1.00 W. Penhale 1.00 T. Jones1.00 'Total , $1529.31 'The regular monthly meet ng of the Patriotic 'League will be held Monday March 1st at 7,30 pan.: in the Town Bail, Resolution of Apprec- iation IWe the 4 :embers of South :Huron Ministerial Association in'session as- sembled s-sembled (having learned thatRev. D. W. Collin, hector of Trivitt Mentor- ia1 ehtlroh, has offered himself is b;:s Majesty , ging George, a soldier in bee' !half of his country, do thereby place on record our profound gratitude for Armstrong, were united in marriage by Rev. 'W. 11. DroAlister The bride was m,ix r,;ed in her travelling suit 'of ,blue wrath hat to ::latch. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong left on the even- ing vening °train for Tlinento and other east- ern! points and on their ii-etura they will reside in Exeter. Both bride and. groom; have many frienda in town who join with the Tiines in extending„ congra tulations. Hing—Whiteford—On Wednesday of Ias't week Rev: W..G, H. McAlister united` in` Marriage at the James St. parsonage Miss Ettie ,Whiteford, daughter of Dir,. and Mrs. 'William; Whiteford of town and Mr. Wilbur Piing, of Jaamiota, •Man., son of Afr', 3'ames King, orf Forest. JYir. and Mrs. King im"mednttely left on a short Loneymoon returning oti Monday; evening when o reception, was ten-, dered them at the home of the bride's parents. A very pleasant evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Ring will make their home in Hamipta. The 'Timers joins in extending coxgtatulations. !Worst He Remembers -If anyone In Western Ontario should know any- thing about driving under unfavorable conditions we beneve it is Dr. Brown- ing who during his long practise bas had considerable experience in this re- spect and ,can tell some interesting' reminiscences of flooded' •.conditions,. dark nights, bad roads and storms for he has travelled inthe worst or. t nem; for many years these conditions being, the last thing to deter him from vis- itirig :his patients, but the doctor says he drove thirty-three. miles on. Tuesday ander the worst conditions he ever •experienced. I+'or a good part of the way the wind and ra rbeat .. Win face anti.atitrea'ro'all§ 'we're:' 'ailmost impassable in many places. i • Presentation—Mr.. W. IL Levett's� employes waited on filen ;Saturday, evening at his office and presented him vita a gold headed cane` as a token of friendship on his withdrawal from; business on March. 1st. ; ;1vLr. Levett is one of the o'id established business men of Exeter having been in business here for over twenty years and during that time notes many changes. He has ,carried on a whole- sale produce business also dealing in coal and ,has been a most suecessful business man. Some of lis employs have been engaged with "ilio far fif- teen ,Sears and they showed tb,ei1 ap- preciation on Saturday by making the. presentation above referred to. In munic:pal matters Mr. Levett eas taken an active interest and Mee f,11 cd the position both as reeve and councillor. We do not know whether Mr. Levett intends leaving town, or not but ;his teeny friends will be pleased 'to :see „himremain a citizen of Exeter. The First :Robin—The first robin to be reported this year was seen or, Monday on Downie's hill near the river.. IA bluebird was also seen 'there. Probably these little' messen- gers. of spring have been like some of the rest of tis, mistakink. the very spring-like weather of the pout week for, the genuine article., There ooald br: ccrtainln. nothing more like spring teen .we have been enjoying for several days. Is, talmostr bone with neither Wheel ng nor, sleigh-: ing and teaming is`;`dta.standstiIl,Tihe rivers and creeks are swoollen and many fields floaded. with water. Tne cement sidewalks of town have practi- cally ractiearly all been . cleared. The majority of us wouiht like to think of spring, but. someone ,says we gill pay up for it yet. As the little Dueb,man says "O h, 'the troubles 7 aint had already ref". One suggestion we might make is .'hat as winter cannot last a great" while longer the citiietts keep their cement sidewalks free from snow. Mrs. Benjamin Va1laek Ell'ott died at :tier l:pme in town on Saturday morning last at the dile on age of 69 such manifested patriotism, and our years: ti months and 10 days,' The prayer is he may.. be used: of God in this the worlds greatest conflict, 'as ung, in the br nging.'it. of perpetual peace. lir. Collins in thiis self -giving has !shown, a worthy example for all to cony. being a danghtcr of Lieut:, Jas. `Gil'- Added—Since the above a'willct:on, 'j toed 13, N. ,.she ?'sc1 onln one bro't'her i have been. informed 'through offio:ai and he was killed when 19 nears of data, tbatunfr: Collins, though offered age at the beginning of the ')r.me,an; a 'Captaincy, failed to pass it menioal l war on board H: M. S. "Tiger" off examination sufficieimt to Evan:irate, ' Odeasa.. In 1844 the deceased was bis uedcrtal;ng the st;rentiousuess of married to the late Benjam'n Vallnek the long forced mareh,es upon tthe Elliott who predeceasead 2'.r 10 years field of battle„therefore his army sur- ago. In 1'3a0 tho. caxnt to Canada, von would not grant thehealth ter- settling :n London and living ' there tificatt' necestar, •However, With a i:irilil 116:0 whin .ley ••C/me to fxn- eheroic spirit which cannot be foiled, 'ter where 11I.r. Elliott for years enjoy- Mr, • Collins now offers ,himself as ed a large 1.,w practienTh. dece:osed Chaplain to 11:8 hfajestynt forces, see- is aus•v ved by four. •deug,htcrs and Si' hag he is deprived es a regular army ~'oris, Glenn a't the, [Soo; neg. tie Nor- officer. We must higbly command. wieh, 1'e, b , f Art:s•d a; tha i,-; John. deceased ;has been ail:,ng for a nom - heir of years and during her long i1J= riesa has received every care rand at- tention. Sire was horn at Kiegserd. Devonshire, Eng,, nn Aug. 3ra 1823, WRY Ido 56 per cent of the Railway Men in U. S. use Ham- ilton watches? Call and let alts show you the Hamilton .and explain why Twitchingyeti sthey do. Indicate eyestrain. The slightest hint .of it ' should not be neglected. .. t .. a test.eyes (xee etCharge, and recommend glasses °nil when absolutely necessary S. FITTON Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses The Exeter aagain Store FEIRUA SAL Only l8 Overcoats left to be sold at Cost Mens' Wool '=Sox, P1 airs. for - � Siiteees Dress Goodsegular 60e, for 25o•ide •: : 40 Sweaters, Ladies, Misses, Mens and Boys at One Third Off regular price 14 Ladies Black Underskirt at half price 3 Child Coats worth? $3 for $1 each Mens Heavy Sox and Felts at wholesale price Womens Felt Rubbers at 70c a pair Braces, Neckties and. Gloves at -wholesale• Try Us for next Shoes or Rubbers • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • W. TAMAN Will share with you the Profits on his Immense Stock of GER TS FUR NISHING This will be a genuine Stock -Taking Sale When prices be Slashed in two. to Now is the time to save money on your ordered ; clothing, Ready=to Wears and Furnishings ; of all kinds. 40 • • 41. he trend of prices is upward, t but not so with us. We are offer - I ing some Big Bargains by • Buying Now. • • • 111r. Conine for hi's goal and, tanseer - or! Veratoue-er, B.C., Fred: at. Haileye Lion behelf of our- beloved it',itip'rv? bury arid Ern at borne : Meriart hod hoine, Met. ging "ret-anta, Cotamittee In befell”' o" h Ito on„!,and nnie. 'free "uneral Wits (e,14 t t rstiociatititie-W Il hIr- N.Moadnr1 intornicnt sal thin Irxeter •tri