HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-2-18, Page 8THE EiCETE riM , tutriteslarvdrsonuAiaz x8w; bur mats .111011=111111111100,aallimill.11.1111 r 1.wo WMore to Secure Uithetii of Bargains Our big stock of Graniteware, China. Stationery, Notions etc, is on4sale. STOCK M S BE SOLD. Watch our windows, and inspect ect they stock inside. A big slash in Hand=painted China : suitable for Wedding and 'Birthday. gifts. Saturday Only Two Cans, Talcum 25 cents Two String Whisks 9 cents Papetries, 2 for 25 .cents ,. .,■:� r: Win,:.-a�",.;...�7,�. >... �?y. e.1.F, s :. 1 POWL3LL'S BAZAAR .I''E:SOLVE D THAT E MANE A RIGHT To WEAR, A FEATHER list OUR CAP -E'VE 07' G OBD CR.00EP.IES.•; E BR,OV'V.l-LSI" THEM E FOR You AND'v4E iA E m_AD© ,,1r E cr A FEATHER IN 4HT' (%(. HIs CAP :. WE HOLD IT NOTHING SF-ioRI -or A CRIME To 'SELL PEOPLE Pool FooD To PUT -INTO 1'HE.IR iSToMACH5. OUR ,,GR.oCERIES ARE P.URME, FRESH, WHoLESoME. ALTHOUGH THE QUALITY BE HI.6H; WE KEEP THE PRICE " DOWN Ai' ::LOW AS MANY CHARGE YOU FoR POOR •GRoCERiES. BUY° BURS ONCE --TRY THEM-- "YoU WILL CoME To US FoR EVERYTHING YoU NEED.... Bim Reductions on All Ladies and Mens Fur - Collared coats During Our Big Sale Best Needles, 2 packages for 5c 3 Coate's Cotton Spools far 10c 12 yds 10c Factory Cotton for $1.00. 15% DISCOUNT ON MENS & BOYS SUITS Buy your Suit this month and save money. FLEECE LINED UNDER- WEAR 40c Penman's make. Mens shirts and Drawers• each 40c. WHITE WAISuTS 50e Worth in the regular way $1.25 and $1.00. 1001 yards New Prints at per yard 8s cents, Good Pins per Pap* 1 cent 15c Tooth Brushes 10 cents, , 11 yds 86 inch FlanelIette, good, patterns far $1,00. 20% DISCOUNT ON ALL BQYS & MEN 3 OVERCOATS You save dollars if you want an overcoat this mouth. FLANELLEI'TE BLANKETS 11-4 Ibex Blankets pair 41,45 12-4 n n a .$1.05 8 FOR 25e Ladies hemstitched handker- chiefs, good size and splendid quality iawn. New Wall Papers 5 to 25c ber a roll. 15 Per Cent Off All Dinner and Toilet Sets. Look Over This List i bars Comfort Soap. 25e Shredded Wheat, per package. 100 4 bottles best Extracts. 25c Forest City Bak'g Powder, a sealer 20c RoyalYeast, a box 30 3 Cans Corn, Peas or Tonnatoes 25c 4 packages 10c Corn Starch.,,... 25c 3 pkgs. Selloggs Toasted Corn Flakes 25c 3 lbs. best Currants 25c 2.1bs. best Baking Soda....,.. Sc 2 Cans Good Pink Salmon 25c 3 packages 10c Ammonia 25c Come often to our Store month. J. A. STEWART PHONE 16 this Ottawa was dark on 'Sunday night last fearing a raid by ;aeroelaiiee nM the lights were turned out 'at the int for the first time in histore. A m nm ry report was received. at. the .Capitia! from Brockville about ',ten' o'clock stating that several teroplezete, were • "headed that wily: At, eleven o'clock the authorities• had all the street' lights out; arid at the same time 'tt!y lights on the ,Parliament ground:! Were turned off and outer lights ob. It turned out, h w soured,eo ever, that some americana hail been cele'bra'ting on the other side and hid sent up a ,nt eteber of inflated paper baleoea w'a're.: were crried over Brockville in the direction of Ottawa. , Market Report -The following is the report of the 4xetrr market corrected up to Thursday, Feby 18th ,Wheat 81.50, Oat* 62c... ' Barley 70 to S5e. Buckwheat &Oe: :Peas $1,55 to $1.80 Flour $4.15, Mow Grade' Flour $2.00{ Bran $28:00 per ton ` t Shorts $30.00 per ton Sugar Beet .pulp $27.00 'New Laid Eggs 28c. Eggs over 10 days 20o, Dairy butter,24a. Creamery 31c. l Ctrickets. e.live 8 :Dressed 10 Ducks, alive 9;; dressed t2' , Turkeys alive 14 f dressed 16 O1d Tbms, alive - 110., dressed 13 Geese..trliver 5. dressed 11 , ' _ t,• Potatteie 60 to 60. , ,, Dried Apples etc.1; Hogs $7.54:• • , •'. r`• r' - per ton. • • 00000}•OOO•000OOPo♦00000•♦ * 4r • m400000` 000000• • :The Lenton season opens this week. Dirs.'Quebec• visited in 'Ailsa Craig lest week Miss Mailock •'d attending • eth j; mill- finery openings in Detroit. • ;ee • Mr..J. G..Dow shipped a car of hi'or- ecs to'Montrcal on Tuesday: Mrs. J: • W., 'Mallett:~entertained a number of friends Tuesday ,evening Mr. ii5lich. Fletcher shinned .. load at rattle to the Toronto market an • Saturday. 1 'qrs. Nelson' Sheerer and Mrs. Frank Boyle were in London on Thursdaet, of last week Miss DI. Homey, R.:. N., has taken charge of the general hospital at Velankegan,.111..'' Mr. and Mrs. Frank lord and child. from Saskatchewan, are visiting the, former'S mother, Mr. E. Christie attended the, con- vention of Agricultural. Societies in Toronto last week. - Miss Jean Seldon has returned to Ingersoll to. resume herrstudies, after visiting at her home here, • Messrs. Jas. Walters and W. May returned Saturday ,alter spending, e week in; Hamilton and Toronto. DIr. Victor Snell, of the London ,Itoad south has been under the dote. tor's care but is improving nicely. Rev. P. Nicol and wife of Seracoe,1 are 'visiting with their daughter Mrs, Sharp, at the :&resby,terian manes, Messrs. Fred Elliott, of IIaileyburee and Iteg. Elliott; of Norwich, are vis- .iting their mother, Mrs. B. V. Elliott. "LOCAL.. 1 Mrs. McQueen, t'eturned to her home in St. `Thomaa „..sen 'Wednesda�t I after visiting her dati�er, Mrs. (Dr.) e3 liieGilliWouddy. ,,' 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. Brown, oJy' iSpargbill, Alta., are the guesisi of .M nd •kDirs4 1 A. J. White On iSalabatlt e ast the Latter had two^ of • thcite ; children christened by ,Bev. Mei Sharp ',Mrs. T. L, Cochrane, of St. T'honiaa, returned home Wednesday- after vis- iting titer dau'g'hter, Mrs. McDonald, the Iatter entertaining on. Monday af- ternoon' to ,a .four. o'clock tea In her honor. 'AI .. Fined $25'id Costs -Arthur Kestle, Iv of t1iO4 second concession of Stephen •appeared 'before Magistrate Petty, of Henson on Friday evening last charg- ed with keeping unsanitary conditions and`'improper care of 'aniimals on h Ca premises. The two brothers John and~'. Arthur I cstle'' own a fine 'tundi'c acre • farm on the second concessidia but it is olaifined' 'the farm has ,not been properly worlked and the live Stock not properly cared for, the stables being :-far from kept clean The ',charge was (aid by Constitrble Ur. W. 11. Moncur gage an address Whiteeides and,at VIE, trial a mum'bet: in Caven . reesby,ter'an ...church on of wititc ses•were examined with tis. Itxida3 even lie'laet on the • !ware• result that the 'defendant eras fined stating that this is Armageddon As $25.0Q' and costs, iii all $32.50.,, • prophesized in the B3i,blz The base- Men's B,dneet-A men's fuissionary went of the ,0hurcli was tilled:. .. tianauet was.,held. in James, istreet The !Parkhill Gazette in .its report Methodist ,churclrbn Tuesday evening', of the, Exeter -!.Parkhill heckiy game ing and beneficial ,'affair long.to be Played in. that:. place last week said reinetnbered. hey 'those ,who had the the lexetei teanr:were a gentleum;an, privilege of attending. The "bssement 11 bunch, good 'enable sports and will of 'the ohuroh was beautifully decor- aiway s receive a;' courteous .welcomeu ated with ;curtains, anti colored,. here et; any ,future game, , - ustreamers of crepe. paper. The tables Mr. L. Day • t1neeeteek .lost the tee also were very tastily prepared and cohorse threvgli' spinal mentngi'tis{ a^ very . sumptuous 'repast was served in courses by ;the 'ladies :of she. Wo- ihe horse eras *.•,r1., $anefia[ purpose men's .Miiss onary Society, The Speak Wo - grey. :'his me , ";x tVo horses ,,,,that er of the evening was Rev. Dr. End'i: ; .\Ir..Day has lost within the' past,,ie�v r issions of two weeks and thn: Ions. is a 'heavy Toronto. who gave of Foreign ei;ceptioiallp one as both x ete files animals, fine address on 'missions relating sev, `Che Chili ners are ,off again. to get ( eral of his -experiences while ti Mee In touch with the new styles foil -sionary in China. ►S,:veral male! set- spring. Thoua .all other r tsigns fail IeGtions were sung. At the conclusion this is one sure slap that spring •s a vote of thanks was tendered to the coining. Aimong •those who left for speaker and to the ladies, and •a meso-. Toronto this .week are Miss Ethel miction passed that the congregation Sweet, Miss.' Olive nuance, ',bliss E. seek to raise their contributions to ,missions by at least: fifteen per cont, and also aim at keeping a tmissionary in the foreign field. FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER Kerslake. A young man canvassed 'the,•town last •week with a wire attachment for the protection of brooms ,and we tinederstaindhe did ai very good. business selling his ware for almost any thing. .be •could. get. We -know where- be • sold his article for fifteen and t25 Mrs. Graham, who leas been vise itiag her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Lin- denfeld, is vatting ,with, relatives in Zurich. Miss Ethel Bissett left Tuesda,), to visit•her-,sister in Norwich 'preer to attending the - aniliinery openings in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.; S. J. Hogarth have returned from a few days visit with friends in Toronto, Hamilton and Guelph. • Dir. and Mrs. Garnet Fray;ne of the Thames Road very pleasantle enter- tained a number of friends last Fri- day evening, Challenge -The Exeter Juniors chal- lenge the Seniors to a game of .hockey to be played, on Monday night, Feby. 22nd 7 ILO Lt o'clock The Thames, Road hockey team and the Exeter Juniors played, a game of hockey on the Exeter rink 'Saturday eve..in„ the latter winning out 7,'to lr. Arm Broken -On Friday afternoon Last Mrs. John ]?arsons, of town, had the misfortune to, slip on the icy,pave- anent with .the result; that her areal was fractured. lkire. E. A. Follicle addressed; the Jtttres street :Sunday school - on the Horne 1)epartipient on Sabbath; after neon and her remarks ,were! .verj' helpful anndinspiring. Dfr. J. It IIind gave an excellent' address to the young men of hir. Bart ver's class in %Main street on Sunday afternoon. There was a good oaten-, dance of young men. %fr. and him. John M. Miller, of 7libbert, announce ,the ,•engage- ment of•their (laughter, Arend Mildred to Mr. John Ballantyne, the aveddln to take, place this month. Visa Medd,' Of Winchelsea, will g:ve a report of the recent convention of the ' Adult 'Departnreet ,of Senrin;, School work held in.'l oronto,. at Jatees street church. this,• Thursday, evening, Annual Meeting OF WINCH] LSE A CREAMERY, cents andelse where, bee -offered- it for Will be held in tan cents ABERDEEN HALL, KPR iTON Mr. S, Merlin is 'th)s week moving ON 'WEDNESDAY, FEBY. 24th into his ties ,new none on James Sr; At two o'clock p.m. when an excel Dir. Martin has had erected a innate.lent ,rogram of interest to patrons and da. TO new ho -me with "all' modern con-, _ymen'tviil be given. The re= veniences. The fine hr:ck residence on Andrew :street ,which, be, has lust va- cated wilt be occupied by h s ,son, 11Ir•.§. J.Phillips moving into the residence yacatcd by Me. W AIartin' Several buyers for the Militia de- part!ment were. ih.lawn last Friday purchasing cavalry 'horses. Seven horses were purchased while a great, many others were turnod.down. The, animals purehaesd were fin:, types and good • size. Thera , •Wa:r a big crowd in 'town and many were inter- eted in the judging of- tlhe houses.. gular Creamery ibusiness will be dealt with followed by Dairy addresses and discussions. Ladies are invited to at- tend the meeting. ZRORN GUENTHER-At Crediton, on Wed- nesday, Feby. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Guenther, a son, KUHN-At Ciedi.:on, on Sunday, Feby. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuhn. a daughter. BED,A1irD-At the Bauble Line, Hay, on Jf eb3 ,3rd, to Mr. and ;,'.re.. Che s. S. Bedard, a son,. MARRIE]) ' i y,, WOLFE-PLAlt'F-Ai the Methodist parsonage, Henault, by . Rev.' ;ilobt. Hicks, one Wednesday, Feby. 10th,, Miss Sylvia, Pfaff, pr Dashwood. to 'Mr. 'Wesley ,Wolfe, of Crediton. D?ILL E R -IV L''IL-1n Christ ' Church, Clandebooe on February ard, Charles E. Miller, ;to Miss Ada ,Belie,. daugh- Iter of Mr. and Mrs. Jt.s, Neil, o 11icGillivra3 . STLEj?' R -ISAAC -At the,(Metbodlst We look into the eye. Rev. Bluevale, on Jan. (27„ by. ltev. J). 1), Thornpson, •Mr. Albert, Steelier, of .Corbett, to '!ill's Della WINTER �� I 7 Isaac; second daughter of Mr. 'and !Mrs.' Wesley Isaac, of Stephen town 'hila formerly p;,' Exeter. $TADA-.STEIN13ACH-At the home of the bride's parents, i11r. and hers._ 3. C. KaLbCleisch, Zurich, on Fehr, 10th, by Rev. W. 0. ilfiiller, Miss 1'r; bteinbaicb to Mr. l,tidolpht Ji'. Stade of Zurich. FLAK13ARle-BRENNER- At Dash wood,' cm Fcby..'lOth, by itev. Graupncr, Miss Bertha Brenner, of ]Dashwoo d tvMr. Henry l lax! aid of Gurich W ILLERT-W &D1.L14--At the home' of the bride's parents, Mr. and firs Casper Waiper,'iurieh, on rehruaCe-- ,1.0ih by Rev. W. Ct Miller, Mies ell. ` Wml.per to 10'.':teen Wilkie, tit: near Dashweeel. ' BIL' -4L- L'A.0'EYY_At the retidenca of . the: bride's parents, on Wednesd zS. lfeby. 10th; by ,1tev. ]Jr. h'othergiil. Mr. Norman Ileal 'to lrcne,datieh- re:r of 11Ir,, and.Dlrs, az 0. lacey or ltttsseldale. beside the family reading lamp are doubly enjoyable if one reads easily and in pyrfect eomfort. If reading by lamplight causes your eyes to smart br burn or gives you a headache. you should consult Opto- metrist our at once.., It does not pay to neglect these warnings. Trifling def- ectsofvisionthatcould be eas ilycorreeted if taken in time often causes serious trouble if neglected. W. S. Howey Druggist & optician DIED Exeter, Ontario DIG HRSDON--In at robe, 6;:h, Willis rei eicaarctson,` ages 114 motirelitfinSm. stREMINMEMInsti y ears ,; Valentines and Cards 1c each Come and see for yourself. Then tell your friends Tipperary Edison records on,sale. M. M. DOYLE HAS TAKEN THE AGENCY FOR THE FOLLOWING LEADING AUTOMOBILES OAKLAND , ©LDSMOBILE CADILLAC & HUPIVIOBILE INTENDING PURCHASERS- WILL DO. WELL' TO CALL BEFORE,: ORDERING . ,.` M. iii. DOYLE ew., B : �sess Opening MOTTO Honest Value. Reasonable prices IWISH to announce to the the public that I will open a first class Shoe Shop fully equipped with the latest and best. machinery for the Manu- facturing and Quick Re- pairing of Shoes and will be located in Exeter on Main Street, one door north of Bedford's Groc= ere. I will be open for business March 1st, and solicit a portion - of your patronage in this line, and will be glad to quote you prices on made -to - measure shoes in which t will specialize and I will guarantee satisfac- tion on all work at sur- prisingly low prices. The feature I am sure ,you will appreciate is - My One Day Service on Repair Work and I tt,ni sere a trial will convince. The Progressive Shoe Shop WM. J. SMITH PROPRIETOR JHICKS' FORECASTS Third n - T d Renetionars- Storm Pere lediscentral or. the 21th, 25th and 26t1e. On ,ard touching these'days all cere_u1 observers will wee 'that the sky will; tti:'ten, %vitas .viii turn to soutlir ends, ;allowed by ,falling barome•te;r. change 'tie warmer with returc, n - rain a:ndi snow deleting• p regressively over. '1±e country' Irurri west (to east, Another decided spurt of cold, with rising -barometer and ,north west tv nds r will follow these Storms. Make Your arrangements accordingly and see h;iw far you will miss it. A.'; a rule, the atmospheric tidete fellow the 'mom in it& •deelinator.•s,aiie th rind soatlh of tb.c equator, ca.tiaing' ,southerly winds acrd 'wt armer When itis et north deck, •raUsu; end northerly winds and cold er when it is'south. But under stres3 of special combinations, there are .ex- c; es-c, ]itions to this rule, whet( sweeping boreal 'winds rush southward before_ the Moon.is far from its north. dedi- natioc, Such promises fto be the caps at the 'close of this third reaotionarr period, orbefore the. Moon' reaches the celestial eluator going sou't'ard. Cold, disagreeable weather wi:.'• pre- vail over most parts of the eountiree as February comes to its close. Use der the; infiueece• of an oucoining xe-, r pular storm period, change to warner - vi t. -falling barometer,- will be noted in extreme westere. parts of the coca try- about the 27th.' and 41?tt .004 Notice Re Dentistry Persons lc need of nlatework iat the near. future will kindly cell soon. as; a,Cter',a low months, only a ?verso limited amount of platework will bo accepted. , , Dr. Roulston. Horatio Reynolds Seed Dealer tied .Clover,, Alsike, Timothy, AiiEle.it 'Alfalfa and `bean's bought(' Imported Red Clover and Timothjl, Seed !for sale ;, a also choice .b.onae grown •Buckwheat and Alsiker •. (Will be at heeme to take in seed! every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. (and Saturday Highest prices paid. Address all cop diunicatioes to H. Reynolds, gay. Ontario. R. 11. :NW lr - -_. , _,_. WANTED TO RENT -50 acres or less. 'Fair buildings, mostly seeded to grass or garden and or-, chard - or would trade a first, class 1-4 Section it2 Saskatchewan. for further informatioc apply a2 '!',''nes Office. • • Metropolitan Hotel ,Rates $1.50; per day. Single Meal* at all hours 40 rents, ..W 1MI. MITCHELL, Props FOR SALE -A. very comfortable and a half storey frame house situua ted on the corner of William and Via tori. Streets Pescsssirn 1st of A?r IC ,., 5to 1 rn. 1 Apply V' icer 1JMiters of Pp y Gladmac and Stutnbury Exeter.; , PERRY F..DOTJEE, Licensed Auo- tioncer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders left at ti.'u les office will be proiniitly ate tended to. 'Phone .116, Ku'kton,, Ade dress Kirkton P.O. l , EDWARD D J 1r l ir rtODTecate-, r -a conduct d n any ed sluctioriee , Sties es c i locality ; lave sterile a speelelty , Ord- ers rd-• ers,lett .kat ',Gimes Office tv,F1' recevtcr protpt .attention; 'terms 'elecl,erate,. Address !Science 1.1;11, E. R. Nte Shen°, 45.3 riiirl:ten.