HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-2-18, Page 7ENGINE1 R SALE 'flew Wheelock 18 X 42 I• Automatic Valve Complete ope.ratieg condition, flywheel, frame, bop, cylinders and all parts, Can be shown ranting at present time. Wili sell at less than half cost pile°, 8, FRAU WILSON I SONS 73 Adelaide St, West, Toronto ,2 isnresrset40=1=454116aidinagarrailF _ NEtlpf, IllEillOOLE WEST ,c,RhIWEEN ONTARIO AND BTU. TISH COLUMBIA., ,Items 1m Provinces Where Many Ontario Boys and Girls Are At Dauphin, Man., flour he 'ganged $1 a bag Gime the war started. At Minnedosa, Man., rats are be- ' coming a pest. A man kilaed 9in one day, Eetimates ot the Calgary Board of Cncittion for 1915 call for an outlay of $577,000. Minton, Man., with a population of 200, had 14 rinks in a curling competition recently. A catfish 14 inches long came out of a Winnipeg hydrant while a rink was being flooded. ' Ten per eent. 'of Regina's, Engi- neering Society enlisted in the dif- ferent contingents. A. Borowaka of Fork River, Man., has refused $10,000 for a fence fas- tener be has patented. May Riehards, a 19 -year-old" girl of Gladstone, Man., has been miss- ing from her home since Oct. 26, Frank Bouvette, of Pembina, Man., received a letter from. his son, Whom he had not heard from for 32 years. Winnipeg has $44,153,270 worth of property exempt from taxation, out of a total assessment of $190,082,- 890. An unknown person sent $600 to the Methodist City Mission Board • of Winnipeg, "to help make up the back salaries of the Mission work- ers." Regina's street railway had a defi- cit of $96,000 last year, but its wa- terworks department had a surplus. of $23,000. 'At Morden, Man., Tu Tol, a Chi - nee restaurant keeper, was fined $50;f4Dr allowing a customer to drink a blittleof beer on ;his premises.. • Members of the Bricklayers and MasoniaUnion of Calgary, say their, membe,rs earnecL on an average, less ,than $100 each last season. Tile General Secretary of the Al-, ber tleqcraperance • and Moral Re- forni League says that, in 1913, Al- berta's drink.. bill reached a total of $12,000,000. At Pilot Mound, Man., there was a, patriotic rabbit shoot, As a re- sult 500 rabbits were Shot and sent to the Patriotic Fund headtwarters at Winnipeg. • Citizens of Regina are agitating for an independent audit of the city's books, and two men have of- fered to put up $500 each towards the expense. e At La,wrenee, Alberta, a coyote wasjseing -chased by five hounds, wh011it jumped through a, farm- house window and took refuge un- der a bed, where it was killed. A man named Hector McLean was fined $10 and costs at Battle - ford, Sask., for selling bottles Of maple syrup from the labels of which the word "mixtiire" had been erased The balance of his stock , was confiscated. "' Edmonton's finance .committee re- commended these reductionin civic. salaries: Employes, receiving $84.0 per annum •and under, 5 per ee.nt. reduction; employes receiving up to $4,000, 10 per cent.; employes receiving over $4,000, 15 per cent. Alex. McAuley, who clieci at Sel- kirk, Man.,' was an old employe of the Hudson's Bay Company. He acted as guide to Lord Dufferin and the Marquis of Lorne when they visited "The Great Lone Land" as atuests of the H. 13. Co. in early days. . In the Red River Canon of Alber- ta, skeletons of, many extinct ani- mals have been found -which are estimated to have lived three milo- lion years ago. The largest would have been 35 feet long and 16 feet high. FROM DAWN TO •DARK. Dr. James L. Hughes, Toronto. I love the vital glow of dawn.. And song of lark; When lig'ht's ,triumphant majesty • Shines out the dark' When softly out`of grateful hearts Mob flower and tree, Of joy, and peace, .and greater growth Whispers to me. I love the happY, busy hours • Throughout tho day; When in the sunlight men may work, And children play; , When by achievement of, his plans - May learn to see New visions of a higher life, , And thus grow fres. love the Sunset, when the Light Paints its goodbye • In colors of exultant hope • A.crOss the sky So grandly, that all nature turns ‘‘. To see the west; 46i -a We in all its varied forms ' Prepares to rest His -wife.. He is very pepulax with his wife of late." "And him a flirt. Hew does he do it7" eelled hina -up the other day and said 'Hello, darling, and he recognized her •Voiee and replied; €You have evidently made 4i. Mia • tar0 t X am feet at'1ug 1 hove the dear ear' eseeeteet, 1110 al; beauti- ful wife in the world, and she is the eulY wean I permit bo oall sine • ;ilarlingl" ''" DEADLY ANAEMIA Nine Women and Girls Out of Every Ten • Are Afflicted With • This Trouble. It is an ueferturiate feet that nine women and girls out of .every ten are afflicted with ananniase-which means bloedleesness-4n one forM or anothee. The girl )in her teens, the wife, the mother and the =tree, of middle age all know its miseries. To be anaemic means tn be with dark marks Under the eyes. You 4i.s breathless after slight ex- ertion, Yon feel worn Out . and dos pressed all day.. You have no de- sire for food and often cannot digest *hat little you'de take, Headaches, backaches, and sideaches Make life miserable. If you sleep at night you do net feel refreshed in the morning and are utterly unfit for the day's duties. If neglected, anomie al- most surely leads on to deadly eon- Samption. Renewed health can only be obtained through the use of Dia Williams' Pink Pills—the most re- liable blood enricher ever discover- ed, These pills actually make new, rich, red blood; they 'bring bright- ness to the eyes, and the glow of health bo pale, cheeks. They have literally saved thousands .of women and growing girls from the grave, and *hat they have done for others they ean do for you if given a fair triad. Here is the proof. Mrs. Wm, Kierm.an, Wateous, Sask., says: "I have used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with wonderful results. I suffered tor upwards of two years with aim. mia in a severe form, and was doc- toring all the time with no benefit, I was so weak I could scarcely walk. suffered from severe headaches, and at times from backaches that were almost unbearable. The trou- ble affected my digestion, and this caused additional discomfort. Final- ly, through the persuasions of a friend, I began tale, use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills., and I shall ever be grateful that I did so, as after using nine boxes I was fully restor- ed te health. I would earnestly uege all anaemic women and girls to use Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills, for feel confident from 'my own experi- ence that they will renew their he alth." • The:se pills are sold; by all' medi- cine dealers ormayhe had by mail at 50 •cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. - FORMER "EMPRESS OF Now Completely Equipped as Hos- pital Ship. No passenger steamer on the Pacific was better known than'the. "Empress •of:Indiat' ef the'PO.P.R." Pacific fleet, but in the last six mouths this vessel has suffered so many changes that she would not .be recognized by her old. friends. When the -British Admiralty first requisitioned her, she was painted a dull grey and her fairy-like char- acter was almost -lost in the trane- formation. Then the Maharaja Seindhia, af Givalior and other In- dian princes ',bought her and fitted her as a hoepitel Ship, and as such, with the new name df the "Loyal , - fee" she left Bonsb.ay a• short time ago, repainted white with Jong black strips on the water line and on •th•e, deck line, with large red crosses amidships. . His Excellency the .Governor and Lady Willingdon paid a visit of in- spection to the sli-fip shortly before her departure. Deck space, which w as made for holiday seekers: with idle hours is now mostly covered with beds for. injured soldiers, just as all the available cabins are Serv- ing as private wards for wounded officers. On the mein deck of the steamer space has been provided lo fill the purpose of wards. Cleared of everything unnecessary the main d eck is .well suited for this purpose; for it gives two wide strips of .space on each side ,and gives accommoda- tion for a large nutheber of beds in most pleasant positions on the steamer. Here rows of beds have been fitted and all the require- ments of a hospital are installed. The work of reconstructing the in-, terier of the vessel was pet in hand soon after her ,aarival, and -thie work, con pl te.ds.' -the fitting Up of the Wards, etc., bass been 'carried on under the supervision of Major S. W. Watson, Major J. R. J. Tyrrell and Major C. W. E. Kerr, of the Indian Medical S.erviee, •Between, the two wards a small Oerating room has been nonetructed and bas been completely equipped. Then here and there wherever space could be taken small wards have been arranged, while on the top deck number Of private wards for offleers have been prepared. Altogether some 500 beds. are available on the vessel. MUD OF INDIA.'S MOSLEMS. Offered Loed Kitchener His Sere 'vises as a Private, Widely ,travelled and AG well known in the best English and French circlesas in India, the Aga Khan haadone more v.aleable work in connection with the present word erisis than any other Indian, puteetate by feely and wisely using his great position as the acknow- ledged leader Of the Indian Mos - toms and the spiritual head of a, widely -distributed section of the followers of the Prophet, the Is- mailis, When the war cloud burst he was in Zanzibar on the outset of a teur to meet his followers in Af- rica, and he immediately telegraph- ed to the coin -mils of the Ismailis Bis Highness Aga Khan. within the Empire and on its bor- ders directing the members of the coneaunity to piece themselves at the immediate disposal of the local British authorities. Not having had a. military training in youth fitting him for a commission he offered Lord Kitchener his services as a private stating that it would be a profound gratification to him to stand shoulder to shoulder with his fellow countrymen and British troops. The authorities justly felt that his life was too valuable and his influence too great to permit of its acceptance.. FAR SUPERIOR • TO CASTOR OlL Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can give her little ones. They are absolutely safe, pleasant to take, and never fail to cure ,stomaeli and bowel dis- orders. Concerning them Mrs. A. Sauve, Sheerway, Que., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my three children ,and cam truth- fully say that I know of no other men to equal them. They are far superior to Castor Oil and I would not be without them." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by 'mail .at e5 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. TILE KING OF ITALY. A Real Leader and uide of His People. In spite of his ministers, who wished to keep him in Rome to con- sult about war matters, -the King of Italy as soon as heheard of the earthquake was off to Avezzano to study the catastrophe on the spot and see with his own eyes how best to minimize the disaster. When an earthquake .wrecked Messina a few yeaxs ago he and the queen were everywhere and their example quickened endeavor and mitigated misery. The King of Itaiy takes his posi • bion most seriously. He thinks a ,king should be the real leader and guide of his people. He has learn- ed four or five modern languages thoroughly and is well read both in literature and ecience. In person, though well shaped and good looking, he is very mall, not more than 5 feet 2 inches in height, hub, resenting the dispen- sation, he has taken every care to increasehis strength by eartstant ieexeercise and is now a very fair ablt, t In private Ufa the King of Italy is really a eharening,coenpanion, ut- terly without pose or itffeobation, meeting every one. on the frankly human level, He often says that, a god book and a long automobile ri.de are about the keenest pleas- ures of life; but he has made self an admirable horseman and soldier and his duties as eoldier etba monarch aeave him little time even „fee such innocent pleasures as au- tomobiling 'and reading. : The little King of Italy has both heart and head. He is determined to, leave Italy greater and richer and hapthier 'than he tfound her and elready he hits done mi:teh, , Kind words are the brightest of homo flowers; ,they make a paradise of the humblest 11,02110. Kidney Disease in Every Symptom WHY MRS. MARK FO.VND • Quiet: RELIEF IN DODD'S ' KIDNEY KEES, New ItieinsiViek Lady Who Suffered for Six Years Tells How She . Found a. speedy Cure. • Aliscou Harbor Gloucester Co., , Feb'y 1501-; (Special) --'Fur some five Or six years I was tion - )led with backache. I tried many tonics, but kept growing steadily worse, un bit 1 decided to try Dodd' Kidney Pills. They gave me almost immediate relief,'' This is the statement of Mrs. A. Mark, well known and highly re- spected here, Asked to' give more particulars in regard to her case, Mrs. Mark said: "My trouble started with a cold, and gradually grew worSe. I had stiffness in my joints and cramps In my naiades and suffered from nen: ralgia. I had heart flutterings and headaches, my •sleep was broken and unrefreshing and I was always tired oia nervous. I had dark circles un- der my eyes, I was irritable and of- ten dizzy and had a bitter taste in my month in the mornings 1 also had .ettecke f rheumatism. "It .just took. three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills to fix me up." Every symptom. Mrs. Mark men- tions spells kidney disease. That's Why she found such quick relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills, HOW BRITAIN TREATS ENEMY. Prisoners to Rave Old English Man- sion to Themselves. The London Daily Mait says the British Government, at a cost df $100,000, has converted Donington Hall, Leicestershire, one of the most beautiful old halls in England, into a home of rest for captured German officers, of whom it will ass •commodate nearly three hundred.. There are about sixty acres of parkland, with spacious lawns and charming views across the valley of the Trent: The house is finely ap- pointed and contains a dinieg-room with carved oak panels, and a carved and polished elm ceiling, a smoking lounge, equal to that of .a good hotel, six bathrooms with hot and eold water, and a shower bath; also a medical ward with a doctor and -constant attendants. Electric light has been installed and all the compartments are heated. There is also a canteen from which the prisoners .can obtain wines and spirits of all the principal brands. They will be waited upon by Ger- man valets, ,shaved by German bar- bers and served with food by Ger- man waiters, captured in the Ger- man ranks. .Alongside the hall is an old cha- pel with stained glass windows, in which a German priest will conduct services. Beneath the window is the text of "Peace on 'Earth, Good Will Toward Men." . The Daily Mail „says cynically: "One must suppose that the War Office has really at heart the idea of reforming the Prussian officers and by letting them steak in the sug- gestions of beauty and peace, show- ing them the difference between the at.ltur' that watched Louvain burn and the culture inspired by a sun- set in the valley of the Trent." KNOW NOW And Will 'Never Forget the 13xperi- mice. The tea or coffee drinker whohas suffered and then been eompletely relieved by ehanging to Postum knows something valtiable. There's no doubt about ,it. "I learned the truth about coffee in a, peculiar way," says a western woman (Tea, is injurious because it 'contains caffeine,' the same drug found in •coffee). "My husband, who has for years, been ,of a bilious temperament, deeided to leave off coffee and give Postuen a trial, and as I did not want the trouble of making two beverages for meals I concluded to try Postman; too. The results have beenth'Est while my husband has been greatly benefited, I have anyself receavedseVensgreater b enefit. "When I began to drink Post= I was thin in flesh anetvery nervous. Now 1 actually weigh 16 pounds more than I did at that itime, and I am .strdnger, physically and in my nerves, while husband is freeefeem all his ails. . "We have learned,our little les- son aboutaioffee and we know some- thing about Poeturn, too, for ,we have used Postum noW steadily. tor the last three, years and we shall continue to do so, "We have no more use for coffee —the drug drink. We prefer Poe - turn and health." Name given by Gantscliat Postune. Go., Windsor, Ont. Read "The, Road to Wellviale," in pkgs. Peettim comes in two fel-me; Regular PoStuin —must, be IVAll boiled. 15o and 25o packages. Instant Poritum—la eoluble -pow- der. A teaspoonful diseolves quickly in a eup of hot water and, with eream and sugar, makes a a eliciotts beverage instantly; 30e and 500 tinS, The cost nor cup of both kinds is about the same. €€Therisieo Reason'' kr Posies:it --sold by Grocers.. ED.!! V. lloiv i Sick Woinall Wiliviv JOT HIM? ean Rewainiitli e A malrilgclijuhtele"rle'ltil'ielSit:):;:::014:leine war READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. 'For years 1 was thin knd delicate. 1 lost color and was easily tired; yellow pallor, pimples and blotches ou my face were not only mortifying to My feelings, but because I thought MY' sldn would never look nice again 11 grew despondent. Then my appetite; failed. 1 grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visat to my sieter put into mY hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She placed relifille/ tip011 them and now that they have made me a well.woman I V,'011•14 110t be without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a wenian's nature. They never ,oace griped me, yet they .estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keen—my blood red and puree -heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to -day my skin is as clear and an - wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Handiten'e Pills did it all." The above straighforward letter from Mrs. J. Y, Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is Proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh - ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. GERMAN WAR MASTERS. • Theologians .and. Schoolmasters in the Firing Line. Great .satisfaction is expressed in German newspapers that so many pastors and students of theology are voluntarily serving at the front. Of the 168 pastors .who have been called to arms in the Kingdom of Wurtemburg 90 are serving at the front, and of 170 divinity stu- dents at the Wurtenaburg Univers- ity of Tuebingen 150 have donned the Kaiser's coat. It, appears that in the German army of the Argonne there is an entire eompany composed of theo- logians. From all German univer- sities with theological faculties the theologians are -fully represented in proportio.n to their numbers. Very few of them care to serve as 'of- ficers or N.C.O.'s, and are said to prefer serving in the ranks, where their influence among the ordinary soldiers is ,stated to be very great. It is •computed that 40,000 school- masters are serving, or nearly one- fifth of the entire number in the empire. Sure Thing. Willie — Paw, what is hollow mockery 1 • Paw—A hungry parrot, ray ,son. A SAD TRAGEDY It Often happens—your sore corn is step- ped on. Why not use "Putnam's Corn Extraetor." It (-...res in one day. Ab- solutely no pain :with 'Putnam" Use no other, 25e. al all dealers. Arthur—"Do you really believe the pen is mightier than the sword?" ...4ine.—"Well, Yon never saw anybody sign a cheque with a sword, did yell?" Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In cows. Guard well the door of your lips that no unchaste word, jest, or story,. or slander or subbing re- rnarks, no irreverent or untruth- ful statement shall pass out. Fairville, Sept. 30, 1902. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sins,—We wish to inform you that we 'consider your MINARD'S LINESIENT a very superior article, and :we use -it as a. sure relief for sore throat and client. When I tell you I would not be without it if the price 'was one dollar a bottle, mean it. Yours truly, CHAS. F. TILTON. An old tbacieelbr-says•there is but 013t4 thing sweeter than young dream, and that ia lo-esrake up and find yourself single. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. time. There is a story which is, to- day repeated in ighland troops of a funny inoidh thab befell one Johnny Ross ef 93rd Sutherland Highlanders at :.ckow, in India, during the greaseenitiny. Before falling in for the assanit on the implies palaee johnny and George Puller, with some others, had been playing cards in a sheltered eorner, and in some way quarrelled over. the game. They were atill arguing the point when he signal was given to fall in, and Puller told Ross to "shut up." At that moment a spent bullet hit Ross in the mouth and knocked out four of his teeth. Johnny thought it was Puller who had struck hina, and at once returia.ed the blow. "You fool!" said Puller, "It wasn't 1 that struck you, Yeu've got a bullet in your mouth!" And so it was. Ross put his hand to his mouth and spat into it four front teeth and a bullet. He at once apologized to Puller for hav- ing struek him, and added: "1.16w shall I manage to bite my cartridges no w Those were the days of muzzle - loading cartridges, which hadto be torn open with the teeth when load- ing. _ Lumbago's Misery Ceases Every Aching Muscle Cured JUST RUB ON OLD TIME "NERVI - LINE." Not necessary to drug inside! That awful stiffness that makes you yelp worse than a kicked dog will be cured—cured for a certainty, and quickly, too, if you just rub on Nervi - line. Rub Nerviline right into the SOTO spot, rub lots of it over those tortured muscles, do this and the pain will go. You see Nerviiine is thin, not oily. Therefore it sinks in, it penetrates through the tissues, it gets right to those stiff, sore muscles. and irritated nerves that make you dance'with pain. You'll get almost instant relief from muscle soreness, stiffness,. aching joints, lameness or rhentaatisna by rubbing with Nerviline. It's a sooth- ing liniment, and doesn't blister, doesn't burn br even stain the skin. It's the most harmless cure in the !- world for Lumbago, Back Strain or! Soiatica. It takes away the ache at once and ends your misery quickly. • Now quit complaining—don't suffer another day—Nerviline, that good, soothing old-time liniment wifl limber you up mighty quick. Get busy to- day, the large 50c. family size bottle is the most economical, of course, the trial size costs but 25e. Any dealer artywhere eat supply Nerviline: Delicately flavoured -- Highly concen- trated. WHY WORRY 1 Choose your variety and ask your grocer for "Clark's", He—"My dear, the bank in Which My money is deposited has gone smash through--.—" She—ef 'What a mercy you've got your cheqtie hoolsat home, love I" • ssioard's Liniment nur4 Pipette:els. ;MAW( & woman sits up for her husband in order to be prepared to sit siown on him, FARMS FOR' SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Le YOU WANT TO !WY On SELL ruit.4. F, Stock, Grain or Dairy Farm. write H. W.,Dawsoa. Brampton, or 90 Col.. born Ck., St., ,Toronto. H. W.. DAVYSOK Colborne St, Toronto, NURSER/ STOCK. ‘1.1 TRAWBBRRIES, BASP33ERRIES, PO- TATOBS. Catalogue free. McConnell & Son. Port Burwell. Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. JJEARN BARBER TRADE — ALWAYS euro employment at good wages; fes: wiseks required to complete course write for full particulars and catalogue to -day. Moler 'Barber College, 219 Queen East, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. C ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETU.. Internal and external, cureA Wih- eut pain by our brine treatment. Write nesbefore too late Dr. -Hellman llertioal Go.' Limtted, CollInawood. Ont. Jumped at Conclusions. Beetles -- Heavens, man that wasn't a collector you threw out then—lie was a. customer! Waller --It was the second time I saw him here. A customer never comes here more than once. LOW FARES TO THE CHICAGO EXPOSITIONS. Via ,Chicago & North Western Ry. Four splendid daily trains from the New Passenger Terminal, Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. C.hoke of scenic and direct routes. Double 'track. Automatic electric safety signal.; all the way. • Let us plan your trip and furnish. fold- ers and full particulars. B. H. Bennett, Gen. Agt., 46 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. "I am thoroughly ashamed of this composition, Charaes," said the teacher sternly, "and I shall e'er- tainly send for your Mother and shOwler how badly- you are doing." eight,". said Charles, cheer -- fully; pend fer her. 'Memadder wrote ib." • 1SS TE tp to the Minute. Cur rairee—A wife, is an expensive 4.1:s.. Blanque—So is an automobile. Cranque—eSure. But you can get a new model every year. INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis patent solicitors, Montreal, report that 137 Canadian patents were issued for the week ending January 26tb, 1915, 110 of which were gra:nt- ed to Americans, 15 to Canadians and 12 to residents of foreign :coun- tries. Wanted Full Information. BOGS (Lot. 'office boy)—If any one -asks for me, ihaIl1 be back in half an hour.. Office Boy—Yes, sir; And how soon will you be back. if no one asks for you 7 Sore E6yrn1flaatne IeddEbyyel14!_, sure to Suit, Mislead Wind q • kly rejieved by Murillo yes ,UyeLCIteme ',No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Epp Salvein Toe s 21c. ForBook el i hale Freeask Druggists or Marino Eye Remedy Co, Chicago ' "Before 1 agree to undertake your defence," said the eminent sti,thinal lawyer, "you will have to teeml!lm b ez otheh the ew soileof.) ,t01.0,1t 0vl.youi D dy r e ac - used cused of having taken 1" "Yes, sir," replied the ttecused nia,n, "I'll eot ntefllTXz to conceal the tfa,ot from you, I stole evety cent of it," s all gone but about a conple ,c101) a ," "Young 211 an," ,s a iti bbs eminent lawyer, buttoning his 'coat about him, and putting on his gloves, "you'd better plead guilty end tlirose yourself on the mercy of the ieeurtb." "r1I do ib if you say so,VIM are you going to tihlrge pao tor the advice 1" "Two idellarei” MInattre Liniment Curse Mstemper. ATENTS OP INTENTIONS PICEON, •PluEoN di "DAVIS 7lus St. James St., - Montreal -Write ler Iniolmation OILERS New and. Second-hand, for heating and power purposes. Water Plumes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. POLSON I 7 E. rivi pAR KS TORONTO Engineers and Shipbuilders. VrillirgSPREFizia -IrgallESELZAZCY-U2'7. THE Scientific Treatment OF BOILER FEED WATERS Comprises knowledge of the water conditions, application of the correct reagents, careful supervision as to quantity and regulation of treatment. Such thorough, scientific handling of Boiler Water pro- positions, results in the preven- tion of spate, corrosion, pitting and foaming, and consequently a great saving of money. Individual analysis of water from your own boilers by our chemist will be made free of charge if you are interested in ridding your boilers of scale. DEARBORN CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. Engineers. Chemists. oenerai offices and Works: 1220-1230 DUNDAS STREET, Toronto, Canada. %Lee ,mfeete.„ 11115121EMMIE, 5:5?, Just a Scratch DUI* it needs looking after. Carbolated "Vaseline" will help it to heal quickly and prevent risk of infection. First aid treat- ment with CARBOLATED Trade:II/ale Made in Canada It is a most effective antiseptic dressing for cuts, bruises, boils, and skin irritations of all kinds, such as eczema, poison ivy and barber's itch. Also good tor corn. Avoin stroserrtires. insist at, "Irnro, Ilna" in orleinel peekageti bearine tin: name, MANTIPAInli ti(t Co., Cemolitiated. Pew eine et an cbmi..v. inn aeaeral stun, tad .5 ad PcOstoSt cliEsteRothatt. ?Aro co. (Consolidated) 1850 CHABOT AVM., MONTREAL