HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-2-18, Page 4� I I �. 7 7� 1, 11 I � I -- . , _­­ —0,­­qq: 1111CW�"7 !OF I 7 , 7—_7� 7�7�: ; I 1, .1 I i . r, 11 . 11 I .1 � � I .11 � � . ` I �.,. ,- � :: 1 .1 I 1. . I . �� � , ,, ', I .. '1141-11 1. . I . . .. � I - .1. .. � � I.. �� .� I I , , � . 11 I , i I . ." � I .. _W , I . �k, I �,�. ,, , :_ I , ,,� � %',� ­1�1 I I'Avii-,��, , , � I , �._ . I � . I I : . 1. �_ . I I , �� .. 1. � � ': ,,�4 1.1104* �, ,. 1:11 I- 11 , I 1%, 1 L .If­�'. 1: 11 il , i ,,� � 7-.�� " ;. 1, �` ,,, ;, � �,.,:, � � .'' . , , . ­ �­, . I I - I I., I I I. ,. I . �, . , � ,. . . � 1, � I I I I " � � I . I : . �**, I 'I . - ,.� , ­ I : ,� � . ., � , ,,�', ) . . , I I � : . I : I I . 1. . - , � . . I . I . � � : ,�, � � I I I I . . I , . ­'., � 4 I I , . I I I I . . I I I I I - . I I . . 1,; I I � , . r 11 ,� ,, I I . . , I � I . I . ,. I I .. I . . . '11�1_ .1 ­ I I I . �, , �, . . � I � I : , . . � � . I . . .1 . I - kl . I , . I I . . . q . I ... � . . . . �. � I I � . I I � . I . . I I . I � I . � �. :, I .1 I c., , . � " . : . 10. .. . " � . � ­. Irtir MX FT VU .T I M I ul. 11-1 I .1 I I 1.11.1 I I- ;. ­ - ­:­ .. 11 --:- I �� , , , , r : - ' , , , � ' ' ' . r I I , . . I . ­ ,, � 11 I—` I'll - 4 .1� , " . , 4, .. � ,l 11 1, .! . � " � I ,. 1� � . 1� , I �,� , , , , �, � _1 " , : I r! � , ! � _� 771 . I I I , , I I I , . k . I I I I � �� 1� " . I I I ii4 � r . . . I I I I I I I � � , I I . , I I , . , . , I . I I . . I I � . , . I . A 111HUOSPAT, FL0131tv,&RT istle. low . . .. � I . . . 1 41* . 1. I I .11 I I � .. -10; � 1 � I_ll.,, ft- -, I 11 I . . I I � ­ . . . ­ . I I . I I � I ­ � - - - 11, I 1, N - ,) , ", 7 'n- 1. I I ­ . I . �. I ;1 I . . I � I I I I I I � - 11. I I - � I . � . . I I I I I , I : . � � .14 , i - ., _ . . __ ...... . . I I I � ­ I � I . .1-1- I I I . I.. . I I., �. I . . I . I � I... . . � � I I .. I I . P W-60-0 §O� 11; 0"Oft r 40 *� "-- '. � .. - I . I . , � ­ .1 - I I I . . I I ���� . . I I . . - I I . . � .- I ­ I 11 11 .. - --- _" I I ' I I ... I ENEMY R GERNOWITZ? 7 Id � � . - : I . _-.1-1--- i no' THE r , S THE I CHARM -1. � I � N��. - I � I I 1 �. I , I I 1wo I 2 � 1. I., I I I 911ftHo"00, , I , rWaftdTHE ,IWOLSONS BANK. V. " - � I'. Ill: � '" Berlin and Vienna, Claim Of.cu- ,; , , , � .1111. I . . I � , ; I 1655 � A GENERA. 13ANK114G BUSINESS � �j !-MMI I -,__ , . I I . , ro", I " � 7;: I 111 i: ii, !0; iii!H. i z � 4 . OF 1MOTHER � .. �7.:- 1 W­.;�11 � . I I It CHICAGO, Feb, 15­1�4 . Tf�ANSAOTED . I . pation of Bukowina. I , f,P,,0,r't,h "'tijS"J", O.".," 11 . I I � I � . I I oil all 11,111,neuse scale t ' . I -"am-- � , . � I- market tod4Y in a hurry, The otItq0me Enhanceli Bk Perfect Physi- llkif,LUDING I I I Nvas a strong close. at 41/,c to 51/40 1 . I- ", L I � ,1�1. . . .,,'It, F E017 I .1 I f.W 11 I corn g."Oned 2%la to gNa liA HW& CAPITAL . CIRCULAR LET�ERS. 0 CR . I 11 1:1 MO. London . Daily News Correspondent, 1.1,111-t"."C to %c, Provisions f1titshed tin- . ,� � : 1, sf 1 :=� ad ight1ling changed to. 15C down.. I - ­_ " . . AND � OAN,K- MONCY Q"DPR% I I _�'. = s 0: Children. Says V OIX Hindeliburg's L I I ­ . or Infantr , , S TORONTO GRAIN AIARX11-7. The. experience of Motherli&Dd REURVE � =========;==, i � I I ,. I I Is i1try, � 1��' : Move In East Prussia Has Result- I 111heat 11, bushel .... ;I 0 to $ ... � Ing * L oifi and marks dis- I I . IL _JL . , one t en, , , : W. most W .e I � : ed III Gerni I 'a ::.. , tiactly so epo& in their lives. Notons. I �? juis Being Badly Divid- Goose wheat, bushel.... J, 60 z � Mothers Know TOM pd -Fierce Artillery, Due] RePort- lauck w1or'At, bit$. a"]. .. - - t), 90 . 1 $89800,000. S vingsi Bank ,DePartmcPt z , : - " , W is prepared 11 ; . � woman bimdred I . or 1111- a I . . ; ME . 0 * III a ; . ; . . .)3arley, bv.shel, .__�. 0 11 ­ � 11 : ed at Ypres. Peas. . bushel .r__­�,., 95 At all Branches -1 I _� I ::: .. . . �111 "I ,,, - __ . il,90 derstands how to properly me for her, I I � Z, , : -.-- . Oats. . bushel .......... i 0 0 0 7Q self. Of course nearly eVerY Woman I , � I I . . � . � ! Gen' e Castoria LONDON, Feb, I.G.-Confifeting - . Rye, bu.shel _._....... 1 10 3iowadays has medical treatment at such . . - . r " I . .1-111- ill. ... ...'. In j re 1 15 - i ;! P , !: i .� , . I . . Interest allowed at highest carreat r010 11 I .� I , I �­ I r�1-4 ;: nimvii�ii;", imarerlerieft; ports come from the P,astera front. TORONTO DAIRV AfAkEF'.1, u man 92 Branches .1 � � .i -, ___�_. � i 11 ti BXETEn BRANCH I fd " 1 1 The Germans claim that Prussia and nutter, creamery� lbk sq.- ( S3 0 35 once with an oftmism, unfitted for the . Canada . '. 11N� 1I 1AX1e*!rab1N�,1Zn 9 , 0 S1 . i; . Alwaya putter, creamery solids.. t 30 ARKB, M""4390t* t ; "' U ,av%nlrat4%1heV4odantrR ultiz, - now cleared 01 I :, � 0 is . . Tengtl� and when it is over I . I .. W. D. V � I . . . F i� 0 Bukowina, are, t the triga of st � 1i I . Cheese, new, larg.&_..­- I - I I I . . ,nn t Uel6maellsand e her system has �recdived a shock from .. : 'I 5or i! enemy and that Anstro�Hungariaii Cheese, twins ........ ­* 6'1s�'.. ... - I �._ � 1-11 ­ I . . I � �,.`, � - , Bears th6 forces have entered the capital of , r,ggs, now -law ......... -4 33: ID 3-5 which Will bard to recover. Following ,. 14 � I .Iki,,� - � . I Bu On the other hand the Eggs, cold -storage ........ 0,2D'', :'Q 39 right upon this comes the nervous strain M= .-4, . ; I — � . , kowina. Eggs, cold storage. ,selects"O'll? - 0 34 1. . I I A . I 11 'usa axis, while adinitting a retire- T,roney, now, lb .... __­ 12. .... of caring for the child, and & I . . �1, I N — � -are ' r distinct I 1 ".6 1 11 1: -1, TgAat to the East Prussian frontier, 1 50* , a 00 &ango 1� the mother . . ;, ` � , - A menti - 9� � .. A with the GRAIN AND PRODUCE. .... . I If ., Promioll(e—sD�LgTte,sfffi(mm,(Qlcerrid,. t1oney eombs,,claxery . ..... results. , �Z. I 1: � , are apparently :mUsfied I Therala . I ming than L ah� . � __ � L liesSa,iid,RL'st.Coatahnldfftee.' nothing more char THE CANADIAN BANK - I . I trend of OPeratione. ORONT'O, Feb I . �'111 I : � OpiumMorphifte nor?lrwal Of -trograd T . 1,5.-'Quotationt � � ��, 1. � Mr. Frederick Ren3at, Pe Lhappy and healthy mother of children, . . , � : I Daily he Board of Trade"'Ar6 41 foliows! 1 ' _.' I i .1 � NOT WAR C OTIC. it correspondent of The London on t -n end indeed child -birth under the right - ?"! - : , 11 News, in a spee ays 1. , lWaniLoba, whoat-No. I northel .. !: __.— . - COMMERCE IV' . $1,.6614, lake Parts, No. 21, $L64%; NO. 3 OF i :I i 4 Ial despatch s r,oniliflonaneedbe.noha=dtobeiathor V -&187d-A1_qAW2MMr I 'ho explainable thing ill, ,� Z* 11 I � . I � " "Since ,� great German forces $1,oi,11,,, %c per bushei more sa track b,wity. The .U)2 � . V -thall the evidence of shatters . � I � P. & fie&- . . .. .. g brought their last concerted sweeping Godericb. I that, wl d , I WALKER. C.V.O.ILL.D., D.C.L., President . I :: '4zan= * . movement across East Prussia to the Manitoba oate�-Xo., 2 C.W., 74,, '11; o. .1 SIR EDbW" �4 1 1 1 , C.W., 71c, track, bay parts; No, I feed, Merves and broken health resultingfrom ' ,-�. � A06414 I t borders of Russia the conditions fa'c- i unprepared condition, and with am- ALMLANDER �Am, "".Maiiager JOHN AIRD. Ass . It General MmIngeft, ,d&k&&* He; sample Oats, 680 to 990. Or I �, i � 1 �.'-.� - 4 "s- I , , , I n have Imposed , a radical . � 1�, I I . I i� : . I Ing them Ontario oats --Outside, Pq to 65c, ple time in which -to prepare� wo : I I � t I frIt"alkA W change in their tactics. The central Ontario wheat -No. 2, per car lot, $1.5( men a ,;� . N : triiL � , I %I if, &Id- ; aim of the operatiokja was -very clear- to n.60, outside accorcung to freight. . will persist in going blindly to the i I � I - 01- "lip I I ly, d�fined lip to t1f0:Voint-,.w,,heu-Ahe .� Ameriedn cori;-Tqo. 3 31�110w, a I . I `50 ,,m4,,.� �"T-��­ A%'.. il-raf, " I 1! �*,. CAPIT4411 V U0110AU-91 zo,FAE 4� �., -v - I- 1. � I.? 1 ,14, � - " :_ . RYE;, F10,101 $13.15QUIP0 . .. � .. .. N WOR YP�� _i. I . . � . Every woman at this time should rely I I . I [I. , I . . � A g, ,ship elghis, & 5 �-_' a. .� z. .1 I I I " , . 1 -b -s-, Russians succeeded in. drawing out .-ents, .Toronto fr . , ; I tt I upon 7 S 11 � . 11, � � . , I AP65-.&Reluedyroruolls � � I from the gap_ bet- . , e . � .Feen swift moying side pominal. a most valuable4cuic and , , ., 0 P I ..., 11 .as I compoupd, I )UN X I ,,, I :! � � _ No 2. .$a to �29.05, car lots, out- L di'6 & Finkham's Vegetable I .1. I R "4 � I I , 1i lion. SourstomadINDianilm, ; rth-,and � � R?P_L_ �.2, $1.23 to,,;1-25�, . I , , - ,,&,N, -a R, , AIA11116 L .1". I , .: 1W&=xq=161"%%UM*h,. . ,,,,, - cdlum�ni ,.'f the enemY 110, I . . Ba , 4,No �� 'tor of the female I 1 - - � - . i � I " o'. 1.11, - ar&tSR, � ,,* C rley---�Good m6itihEj�"%rley, outsida, . invigDra �r 19", �,. - Bank , south which were b9ginning to pass . . I I 01 ! I nman&LOLS& � ; , J Acco�nts 1��y be opened at every branch of The Canadian � I . ; I .— 9, FOr OVer beyond them on both flanks. Tbe�Ger- He'to STc., a - � : Aijll to Rolud oatq_'Car lots, per bag of 90 lbs., In Phrly hgeree, . 0 , 11 yacSimile SIWVU]VW� mans now find that they have T2 I - Of Commlerc� to be operated by mail, and will receive the same:, � . .- 0, ! v to s3.50, in snialler'lots, ,';3,65, Once childless , % �� J 11 Z-,yfA—,V,-", : , combinations - of lZussian' col- "�" Montreal. ­- , . . : . Winftor to are now children be- ' ., 11 careful attention as is,given to all other departments of the Bar&,.sk � �, T1dCE1,-­'.VRCoMw�y\ � - !Mbnts inside the fringe of Russia and Buckwheat-S5a to S7q, car lots, outside, . I � I pii)XTREAL&KEW�YORIV �: I mnife.ed-Car lots, per ton, bran, $26' cause of the fact %� I . '.I i I �� . I . Thirly Years in the bare, thinly populated plains I � business. Mdney may be deposited or withdrawn - in this way as. o 4 1 , - : st Poland. The gow that Lydia R Pink-� '. . I Sm . I - shorts, $28; middlings, $33 t6 $35; I" . � - I .. of northeas determined. 'cars, $1 b��s Ve g e ' Sati . A qi main- Ned fl6ur. $39 to ;4s; mixed . , personal visit to the Bank � : I fight that the Russians have . , ta I ble - sfactorily, as by a : N I I � . ­ more. I � � . �� '.... tilned at an angle between R a -First patents, $8 ill Compound m ake a : I . , __Wba flour lute women nor I ,I t> I . . : . and Poland along the line of Lyck lute bags; second patents, $7.50 1XI 0 1 . . - ags; in cottoln healthy Bud ieni�, a Exe'ter Branch- H. J. WHITE, Manager , I � .. . I Grajard where they still hold the as b. strong ba,kers% ,�T.?D; . . . . ; ­, I glt 2' I . -ordination- bags, loc more. . . I -Xanager� t,j r�r!fl 5-W I '. . k 1.141,�� '_ ' ' ' UREDIXON BRANCH � 'A. E. KU11111, * W. ,!". ­�.......%. ­ ..­� cendency, has prevented co - � � ,.. . ­.. I I ontarlo flour -Winter, go per cent. Pat I . . Ly � you want special adTice write td . 4^ � 11 of attack by the German army that. ants sa.so to $G.SS, seaboard, in bulk; dia ]E . - I . . I - I a � I . . crossed eastwards on the borders of $6.80d, bags Inclulded, Toronto freights. . rinialam. Medicine Co. (cold* - - Ex -act Copy of W7aPPer- .r.. ­N�A.- c-m�A­. - v..K ­�. -lb dential) 14UR, X&S9. Your letterwIR - � — 1 4 — - I I � Poland, and its northern partner Cornmeal -Yellow, 98 . sacks, In oal .. . I , 4 11111 which is now held up against the Rus- lots. $2.20; in small lots, $2,59, be opened, read and answered. by a WTNNIPEG GRAIN MAREET. J. A. MASON ;.i;) I � slan defences on the Nieman. . woman find bold in strict conAdence. Clearing Sale I � � I - I ARCHITECT I, This arrest of the German combin- wINNiPEG, Feb. 15. -May wheat sold � . o - =-_ ation has led to.a noticeable scatter- today from $1.52 to $1.56:/4,, and July was 1. or, FALRM STOCK. '& IMpLE,MENTS 425 Dundas Stieet, London,w Guarew � , =_ . '' from $1.54 to !PM5674 . .May oafs sold from teed cost, of buildings, mo extras; I , , . i::''i�'',:��l�"lili,:,I�l"��Il� - I I., Ing of their operations. Numerous 67c, to 691,11c, and July 1�rom,e$*Ac to 687se. . - years New York experience. Phe ww . I, 14 , 1:1 1 I . I . - detachments from their southern The top prices were toij6hed''In tbe.. first . . .ar. Thos. 'Cameron has received in: . I . I I .. ill � Rus- ng'. 'Wheat ppene � I. "I 1� �� 1� 1� I— � army have been drawn by the two hours of-11;adl d . ,� ....... ­­. --.,.-,. ­ . structions to �ell by pujblin ,auction oxx 2725. e intending to build W'111.�d, 0. I _- - V.. __-_ I sians towards the right bink of.the stronger and'first trades 1-n May �had a TO TEST SANITY. JLot. 16, Con. 10, Usborce on Anyou � I. h ­ - �: range ofj%4, Opening tigtifes.for, May. 1, I I well t6 write ine. No charge for cow� 01 tit vVera $1.0 , �o 59%, and for iulylpl.54'.' I � m I 01 _,,� _­ I ! I Narew, where they are engaged In Alienist Will Examilic Girl Who Slew MY 25th. 1915 k sulation. . k� . . . . . � - I - �b-Agy_ accurre'd lr�orii the qpen-� .JEWASDAY, FI I, Double Track All the .� separate fights on a broad belt of Sharp advances' I ' I I I, - � ; . *w V marshy forests, particularly along InL,, and prior to noon May sold at $1.59YA Charles A. Massey. m � ef One o'clock sharp 'the tOl1O1ViE9 o� Way - .. . the Rossage tributary which joins the and Xuly was bid at s- .1.56%, showing an 0� -1 ­� � advance of 414a and '11-%96 respectively, TORONTO, Feb. 16. - "We find valuable property. - . . . . . . . . ,, __ .1 " Warew at OstroIenka. This enforced These advanees,'however, .were not fullY that Charles A. Massey came to his. . 'jj�ORSES-1: hor . C J. W. KARN, M. D-� C, *-� I, _. r ___ � I - old, gen, I ,' . T'orGnto-0hicagC,­Toronto- S_�_ dissipation of the enemy is entailed maintained. Ca,dh demand Was fair for * -,- ._­ --- 1, ".. No. 2 northern wheat,!,and lower grades, death on Feb. 8, 1915, as a result of - se 7 year old, ven 4215 RICHMOND ST., LONDON, 'a" I "Or' ONTARIO. r ;, ;4 also by, the tactics of the Russians in With some few offerings coming 4 0 I _ -yr. old: . 01 " 11 � out. stol shot which we, the jury, be-, Purpose,' - I driv n_ ma2,e, 7 ­­ ­_­ - I- - -i- No. I nortb- 0 . * MOIAITal �rl. i i:� Q - - I the Suwalki region and further north. was -a good enquiry far d by Carrie Davies, and qur _ reliable � I illy TW 11g I ;7r-, SPECrALXST IN I, _� I I ". There I lieve was fire Uept __a I 0. -a Service �� - .1 1�1_ -�111111 " - 5---- __ - ....__ "If Von Hindenburg hoped thathis ern. with nothing offering. Demand foy that the aforesaid Carrie Davies did 'Ic. 1 gel � . Ume--celled 7rai ----.--. 11 ----.. vigorously begun advance was to ,cash oats of lower Fft�gdes than �Tb," 2 afore- I di'g"isi g one, Y,O old. ( SURGERY ANiD GENITO-URINARY ", t. Highest Class of eWulpmaent- A�___ . C,W. was good, with ligbtiofferings. En. feloniously and with malice ers, cash; one. r)ISEASES or, 3TEN AND VOXEN,' I V bt kill and slay the said Charles I � I - " ri_r achieve such complete success that citziry for , -1 HO)stein I 0 I . - tro &jarl1_P cash flax was keen, but there thoug . co,%v due at t1ime df sale ; . --- 01 � % 1� W. It, . could spare some army corps for the was practically nothing. offared. a to 3%0. A. Massey." I . heIter Alue Xar:6h - 3rd ; I Jersey co-tv . I. W I spring campaign against the allies In Closing figures wet� Wheat SY4 1%1^_q roh, 12 ' � , the west, then the plan has failed. Igher, oats ?/so to Ic up, flax 2%c to Atu6 XAfaich, 12 1 coNv due Mar. 1.1; I DR. Go F. ROUI-STON D. X). 0, D, ]).a "finter Tours to Calif. b The above was the verdict reached ' - 01 P � lqvid oii cash. by Chief Coroner Johnson's jury at I co,%v du&',%ar. 17;.I,coNv due May 12; 0. t . More likely he will have to send sub- . ue last night in the inquiry I ,,�.. . . �. cow; two . DEN.TIST I ; . , L4� . � $, Florida and Sunny S&Uth MONTREAL GRAIN? WARKE.T. the morg 1. renew6d cow; 1 farroir ' I . 01 . stantial reinforcements to link up the . -mpathy intO the Waliner road tragedy on: r ­� i1er r�%- Honor ,Graduate of Toronto lUniT.0.6 . I ' steerg xx'- ' '2 ziYo old; I Itel i'last Trains-10boice of 1z.outes In Centre ct Sbop,Vbig broken and scattered lines into which .�NIONTREAL. Feb. 15 -In sy sing j ye � and Badness District. L. in� 71th the break In -prides th-theWinnipeg Feb. S. Some evidence of the girl's 'Ing 2 �_nai;s , old ; 11 calves. sity Office over Diekson & 0&z1a � . T�ow fares now in in effeev .% the Invading army is now spreac' iiiark,et on Saturday early -1 -cables today ,condition and history -was submitted, HOGS. -,,I, sow with IlLtdr at ftot : c losed We4ow g5a Rooms_sao with private saths btif er civarler 'MaX 20- 21 day afternoons. Pbonq Offi4*- 1W the trackless country -along the Na'- Were weak, witli bids 1s..p. but Dr. Johnson told flib Jury that'it I sow `6e�-'Xo tfario - ,, .,, - , ' . - ___ 'JOW6,r . . � ErTx.-Ex_,q A_ -D AxFmcAN PL.,, -,i rew, and rendered- still.. more difficult' I on, th6 reiie*aq-'itrength to . . __ _�K . Residence 5 b. , 4W . , q I . . -4 tbenifto consider,it. �He t . ... i - . 1� , h ! .. I 51or faU partiemlan consult 0. m 3�. meizet Agent PL ta carfe Restlttrwnit I by a soaking thaw�; it, ls�. naturlally a ..,day late. cables came gti'%*�'itt ain wd-' was not for' 0oa 9. , . . - . . . ! I r '. .. 11. . we.tz sAM. ". TsorApsou, pRop� barVer to a fank attack in force vezibe of ffd Vy 9d Per cludrter, and the afterwards said that the girl Would .1 nX.P.tEXJ�NTS - I iblasAey�-Harrls. I .1 -, .: I I - _j '. ..! � � Prices bid for No. 2 northern for way be examined by an alieajst as to 'her binder 4 ,ft. cu't,'tcearly'.nc,&-; I mow- I — --- - C. E� HORNI-hNING. I - ­ � the1narket. Ths- - "The Government . URI-' Pf,' . I against the Russian ncrthern coin ,shipment were flat on nar'ket mental condition. - er 6 I I lo, - F --s-- ,enk, Toronto i ._ was the I Ti. cut; one 191t..hike; I �c. DR�, A, R. KINSMAN .U.JXiW, D,DA Dist , �tg munication. With the central cam- featurit'-of t'h8 local .' 'her.men . ­ dex; oce strcrtgeF feeling in lociLl'bits, and pricag will see fit to inquire into .tal- *��tor; one 'h�_4ve hoei � See L - ha'. Honor -Graduate, of -Tor=%* UBMP I J - paign in Poland the immediate pros- a&mnced Ic ,ver bushel, With a fair condition," he, declared, "and largely manure spre er, =arly new ; I roller exfiity� , I . , � ! _L*._1_._'_LiwTA I -1 - . . - - - I ;, ri a 0,4 , . I pects point -to a suiac6ssion of separ- arnount.of bu'!3rxiess doing i c i'l t . .n upon the findings of that investiga- I disc, '2 iset of harrowi�l I scuffler ( I . .1,iffi L , � . ate, stubborn battles. Under the cost L , d B ; t I)ENT19T 'I __ 11 I No& the feeling is .firm, but the demand . depends whether Carrie Da -vies 2 walldhg,�Plows; I Twi 1plow laple , 4 . ' B31 PIRB both domestic and exportLaCCOUnt 19 t1on , I . THE CALL OF TaL ' even fat urd r. Leal; 1 gang plow; 4 iteiv, lCocksbutt Teeth extracted withoO pain. @* . m__4 of trying natural conditions, quiet. A fairly active trade continues to will be tried for in e, 11 . V__'V XL�_ nemY be done in millreed. There Is no change In the girl's' - statement, read by riding plow; I hayrack; I gravel -box; I ", R "ALIE B.3s, the, Empire is calling jou when not in contact with the e any bad effects. Office over GI&4* . F, &..Y t 81 an infantry column with only the bar- ' fix butter, for which derdand is fair. Eggs d Massey I pig- rack; I stone boat, I truck wa- 'man & Stanbury's Office XLain ft Wh�. dont' you go; , . fair. Dressed bogs w Inspector Kennedy, she sai 4- Awl . bol(r up 3 o7ar head, . , , 'I ' est necessary transportation can cover lower. -1 � . . eak I er,,. 25c. per. cwt. had made improper advances to her. gon.; 1 wagon box; 1 pr. sleighis; 1: Exete)r. - i % t , i, I , A.A ,At 0 ranton, IOWesi, prices ,Co;m,-- weal, or odme Nvoe; scarcely six miles a day. MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN mAnKET. . — , light wagon;1 top bAggy, mearly new I Heroes are irantL,d, not hearts fall OE "The *Russiaiis arc doing well In . . . ek Attache Insulted. . �L cutter, 1.1adder: a number of 1,4 the Carpathians, and in western Gall- An`NNrDAF0Ll$, Feb. 15 -Wheat -No. Gre . Hemlock Lumber dread, 1 hard ';1,53%;- No., I iiorthern, $1.48% iroot -white.psh,gatca; a quantity of 1, ., Wt BROWNING 3f. D.-, iff. No Sarcl.y Tou'Ve, not biding under the cia they secured the strong position to $1.6hil LONDON, Feb. 16.-Reuter's Tele- . ,�; NO, 2 do., ;1.45y4, to $1.50%; ,basswo6d'lumber,, 1 bay ifork, I Clin- IJ 0 P. &I. Graduate Victoria UA!rkx)l Rough Pine " . %v of GorIice with control of the Tall� May, $1.49%. I � gram Co. has received.,the following ton &Lning mill; 1 pulper; a nul* sity Office and resideneel Domiubg I :bed. . .. . I ' 10.,3 yella.w, 1.3�4c to 73%0. despatch from ita Athens correspon- ber of p 1 Dr�ssed'and Match Pine ways. The Germans and Austrians Corn -N n lies, forks, hoLs,' ehOW14, Labratory., Exeter,, . -L.d , , , Kitchener is calllicg 3ou together lost heavily in their efforts I Oats-Xo. 3'*hite, 571/2c to' 57%c. dent: . cow chains, crow baxis, wjbitfle� trees,i . Aissoolate Co,roner of Huron .4 . rlour�rancy.' Patents, ' $T.40; -.first "Difficulties having arisen in re- ne, - I . I . lresEEd sr,d Watch Spruce Wants �ou right row to reach the eastern Galicla-.11fa,plitha' clears; $6.55; second clears, $5.. . k yokles, ,chains, ,grainba . gsj - -1 f,� k -0— AJI the -man in 3oxi � region. In the Stryj valley the Rus- , Bran-Unalkanged. :i ,,, - I gard to the fulfillment of the Porte's Obeel barrow. . V. I . - . . � , . ----.:. . I � .promise of satisfaction to Greece for To fight in this X917; sians made progress south*ard across 11 1. , A quantity ,of Wat'golds, Timotby D B� C. Reet Cedar Shingle--. . some laad the heights covering the Nunkacz ; .the insult to the naval attache of the FSeed ;ahA Mxod Bay' � . : I JQKSON & CARriING . I I Get .%our guns ready, also . Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Gow I Heroes dout' tarrj .un'der the bed, road, and the Germans are now on CATTLE'MARKETS' Greek legation at'Constantinople, M. VARNES-S-1 set &uble breaching I ' X, B, White Cedar Shinolb�- f 11 I -.Ranas, the Greek Minister, felt com- bArness;lrearly'neiw; 1 a6t back bandl veyancers Commissioners, 4011OU40 4 tl- I the defensivo under the Koziomoka." � I I Canada's c3llinmv, Ypres, long the cockpit of the b UNION STOCK YARDS.: pelled to lea,ve-. Cianstantinople Sun- Aarne&�; I set 'ploug% harness; on46 for. the. Molsova Bank etc.. 1'�l _101— - .TO)) at - I I - 1 lay, leaving the secretary of the lega- Net )single barrjes�g; a number of col- Money to Loas at lowest rates *� fto . Wants you; to -go, fle of Flanders, again is the centre of l . ., . . Ped (Ceda-r -Fence POAS 8 t�­ r Why'are Tou so . of a terrific artillery duel, -according TORONTO, Feb. 1,5.-Recelpto . tion in. charge ! bf the aff airs of lars, isiVeat pads, blanketis larld x6bes. � terest, ; I I . I J ' , _: Unaccountably slow. 11v3 -stock at tb� jjl]�on Yards were Greece. "' ... I � it Daisy Churn, 1 DeLaval icreani OFFICE -MAIN STREET, H2:,RTZv, I Red Cedar Fence Posts 9 f' ' Your kingl,ind yotir count I ,to official reports received froML Paris 2921 cattle, 415 hogs, 412 sheep and __._.____�____ . I . -A Ty " and Berlin last might, * . I I' -1 i . . . . ,tepa.rator. 1. R. Carling B. A� Q H6 Diskio I lied Cedar Fence Posts 10 f�- , Will triumph no doubt P. � Terrific I engagements continue on, . lambs and 152 ca, VeS. I L . FOWL -3 Turkey Hens; 42 Wro - . -4— 1 And viciory Nvill be � 133utrahersl Cattle. I . ... . 1. the fields between' La Bassee and Choice heavy steers sold'at $7 to $7.25, . I ----4b -- . � And ft.,youtg pullet.s4 . I I . I ''Proclaimed ivith a shout; ' and one or two'lots, at $7,40 and one at MONEY To LOAtJ i I i 11 1. .1 - - � �;, � I Bethune, about Soissonr, and in the TERMS 0,F, SALE All Styles of Wovell,�� :'9ut 53ritain m*9ht pain' . � $7.75; good, $6.75 to_$7,;- medium, $6.25 to - 1 . _ I .. I 'map red. j . q mome mpr � e region of � Pertbes as well as In the $6.60; common,. �6.60 to . $6; choice cows, THICK, GToOSSY HAIR - I All sumis or $5.00 ianA under cash A We have a larg� amount of kviV I. � � Y,; Argonnes, where the battle around 46 to M25; good, $5.176� t6 46; medium ' 4% FRI% ISOM D Wire Fence .nand 6,8`;-,,- . if 5-ou would come out from ander th, Bagatelle is being waged with renew- � 1�6,25. ., .1 � . , AMRUFF. over tba,c a;moumt 9 �moabhs credit on ate funds to loan on farm and viI4 . - . �.. I . Vanishing approved joint.iiotas, or a lage properUea'at lavyest ;.atq PX up . - �., ,; . - . bed. ed fury. ? .,. $5 to $5.2 1 5; bu ,. .. . ".� L c,tockers and Feeders. - ,., ,� . I S ldiscount of i per Aer-t ofr for cazh ou teresk,' - I I I;,- ' � ' ' r1eeders, 700 to 800.1bs.,.aold at $6 to Girlel Try itl Hair,.gets soft, fluffy and ?-Xedit amounts_ . . . . � GX;A.D*AN & STANBURS .1 ! il. '�,:. .. . ' 130ys. ,tlonq� stifle the call of your Important actfons fought�' n. the 1$6.40; medium feed,ers, *5.75)to s6i st,oqh;7,1 beautihil-Get a 25 cent bottle .". . 1. I I—- . . . . . . . this vq.st str�uggle you have a part. " , - I 'iiletorohas sold, . � . . I ,� Blue Lake Cement 11 -aft. ., . . . () . lo� 4 'I Positivel'y pq ,resjarv9, A� . I hillsidesand. valleysi of. thv,vo�ges rirs, $5 to,,15.75. , ! :�,, *:,.�:, - I ,the, Pro,- . ,;; 1. , . of 11ifficlerine. Barriatera,. Solicitors, X&*" J% .. St, 2=4aryS Cf;M611t � In I .and in Lorraine are being .- watched- 7-i_ , .ryllikers and Sprinderip,.' . " * ,,�., � 1— , Ws - Xarm. * I I 1 . . - . . 'rhe fight before m, � a' g to theirbearing ,),. �_, Tnodejafo suppi�, not r"n�, of w1lieh ,' . - . Los. Ohmi,roxi ��,�. ',*�n.,11 Exeterd. - -, ,j t 1! .. I ,%y b -e lopg an ,with interest owin ­­ . , . T � .dge�rt�� , - - _. . � . e�e ,o_r'*&oIce - quality. *;e�e, on'r�Me�, - ;­ Nuot. - ., . Rl,ov, , .1. , "­ .. 1. � . I rl. - gr1m. I . , on the adv4mce against the Rhine qa,ues W-�Crer. stead� �a,t Wat ii*eek's Owr Ifyo4 car6 forheavy hair that glis - .ka., , ,. . . � - 1, . ., 'tens wih beauty and is radiant with . , . . * -3 1, 1. . tahons raidging frpzn, . . '' I I . I ' lurf1gl AspbaltRoofi.,,_ v,L Aritons ion blilyfight to win; -line of Geiiinan foftifications,' 460 10,*�qo each.,., �. ;.�;, ?.. �. . 'Come, rally aYOund the national flag German ­' enaed, In' I -V6alfCa1v.as.. ilfe; hai an Incc;mpaihble softness'and � I.. , : The-Usborne andlilbbeft . ,,, � . . �. '.. , I I I I � . � 81A3,25P(-T �qqary With never,a one bebitxd to.;Iag; �-��'�h.'ma�ri6i ,vas'st4a.dy for 46al-calVeii: 'Wfluffi and lustrous, try Danderine. .-1 I . , I the dunei and the, invaders' -fienebes "af-laSt V�6,�Jt,ZvalU6$." 'Oholcle'veals s6ld. ' Just �one applicition doubles the I . I I : q,y it never be thought, and bever ar' being fiercely bombarded-- east of , L I :)dd, ;8.50 to 49-50;,,me�: , t 6 farmer's atual'-fire mur- ;-� -�J , be said, . r . e . at vio to 411�50; g( beauty of your hair, besides it Imme- Fardr-for Sale - . . .. . I I . 11 A. I C-11 ATWOR,Y-1 - Nieuport. . . � dium $7 to $8; comnion,, $5.50 to $6; rough . I '' ., . I "Pliat a Canada man, was undet the I � I I I easte I rn � qa1ves, $4.50 ta.$5.25. , I .'diately - dissolves every particle of . LOT. .7 CON. 1. STEPHEN I . anGe Gompanu . 4 Sheep 'and I Lambs. ' . daildrilff. ' You can not have nice � I . N, 1'k � `-- . bedb H. G. X.� Exeter, Ont. Financiers 111 -Pleased. dhai�e light lanibs adild at $9.76 to,.$9, heavy, :healthy hair It you have T -x, iropertY of the late Tbomas Head C)fflce, Farquhar, Ob - .1 . . LONDON, Feb. 1G. -A neutral ob-. and a fe%� extra tight weights, $9.gii to I . $0.85; 1 heavy l&fitbS and CU11S, $7.6,0,,to dandrOff. ..This destrudive scurf robs. 'rQ-%"ry . I . . I _. 1 � � , . . -.61— server, who has just completed a ,$9.50;: light shenp� $5,75 to 46.25; heavY' tlie�halr' of Its lustre, Its Strength and 11ritk 'Louse, bank barn and frarme . . 4OI I � . ___ __ =--- . journey through Germany and, Aus- shee , $4.60 to �6 I ­ .1 Its- veik Ilfe 'and if no . t o4ercome, It , n,%rn. 3 good twhIls, windmili, goau 1?xesident . 1 . , , APBT. NURRLS,t- '-,, ,` � .. _P, 1 .50. , I . , I Hogs. ,ri.h,tzi; t,bout S acres of good k d- r I I ,, TA -IOU S OFF DANDRUFF, . I JIAY COUNCIL tria, writing in The Times his im.- s'elects, fed artd,w�tered. srold at �7.60- produces a feverishness and itching. of I , � I . pressions, of a visit to Berlin,. says., the scalp,: the hair .roots famish, wood bush containing about 600 du. Vi,c_P,resident f 'I' TROS, AXAM' . . HAIR STOPS FALLXY�n . -&I) "The open criticism of . NONTnUAG� iAtR STOCIX.-"' , I . gar maple trees. , Soil flay Aoam, well ', " ­ ,� - 1'eby. Oth. German, ,­ I . . '. quy council met on t loosen and. die; then the hair fills out and i a :.e r r r )IR,8011: . . ,nembers presont. The resignatioD O'f diplomacy by all classes seenied to -bJ0XTRF,AL, Feb. IS. -At the Mont- fast.f Surely get a 25 -cent 'bottle of dr-aine4' fenced. Farm ' , %_1 . J OAK f, 14,v� , I 'SaAA your Hairl Get a 25 cent bl',q.*' actor and of Ge P be.. extraordinary. That the leading real stoal,'Yards owing to'the lins � easoll- good stalte jof cultivation,, one half : ' � , . . . - 11, Schnell eis call able weather aria. lae-4 supplies, a .weak knowltod'i'banderlue from' any, druZ naile'ltom Centralia Station, ,W.N." BRoCK, , , ,., 4, " ,- " , X X t ROX. , I . of Danderine right now-AlsO �jatikwell as auditor, was accepted financiers were not advised of the feeling �devaloped 4X,prices. showed a itore "dJust try it. I Posse,ssion can be given to suit - I I I I . calp. war in due time In order to Call, In docliiiW'of 25c Per 100 pounds for all .1 . " I purr.bAsler. 'L i 'I ,,I, T, ALLISIX-4T . I stops Itching a .. I --- 0 L. RUSSIML Tae folloZving applications . ,,is assexs,,': I J _ ! . .1 been received by 0,6 co"11011 *, G loans rankles in Peir, rabids. That gr�Pa- pull loads of choice steers . . I , . I . . . . . c -L f , were offered a't '$7.'90- arid a few plelcod I I . 1. I For fArmsi and par fletilars -apply to - AGENTS , J : J I Th I :obe, salar� as �td $80.06; 0903'r the country was not informed 6 the lots'sold at $7..1W Per loo poupda. �,Ihz�e � I - ' , � I Geo, G. Essery Uladman &Stanbtiry ' I .11 In, brIttle, colorless and sera?,.,_7e I t p, ,$100; !C, ,sic:mon .$90, 11. Gall, r,nglish point of view, or Was falsely 'was some demand from packers for can- , 11 � . TEN I I I Centralia Baristexs Exeter . JOHN 13881911y Exet�r- ageJA U." air Is mute evidence of a neglet- ., 'Blackwell .15115; HCU., , , I . ning stock andisWeaof bulls were made I . I . I I I .. I I . I �, )scalp, of dafidruff-that awful s,,:,ir�� I ; -.I $75, Goo. Ito -C L0,11* ad,vised, is f6lt bitterly.',' $,i,g6 to $,1.50, and cows 4 $3,15 to � I .1 . _. , , borne and J3iddulph. , - . - � at I - There Is nothing zo destruetivr, f �rukqer $�0.00, For collec , I () "I $-t per awt. ; I . __ 1. , , I .. ­ Have Yow Renewed? ­ The a2gsotr OLIVER RARRIS Mlinro axelit fft I . 6J.5.; ,alld Di lmor li opp $8 leu r ARI A T IFF � . .1 -�! I the hair as dandruff. It robs the ta,: lej4ilbe, o I .A11 nusj)eets Returo. . etdrized . I thlibert FullArton an& Logan. . asq- The strength whibh has chars, . .ON 1, . for the rencAval or Your papers ,bj I I I 11 '/ �. kof Its lustre, It . *Ia 'd 1, I .. I # aglan'Itcre'. The d.a c on 1. , s -orge, 1� ckwell Was, al)Poilatd ket for lam>A, for ,the past two I t the addres.3 I W., A,, TUAJ�BULTI a strength and Its -­,) 1� RALIP AX, Feb. 3.6, Fourteen the ina ilt,continues to be the 4 - I L 31fe; eventually producing a feVel'�r;;�, ;w and Elmore Klapp, collector, - or tbrec, weeks st I I -- "allev guspects" from the first Cana- main feature or *the altzin,tion, and Prices 4 Ontqrjo's Best Pract-, * label of,yottr paper tells you when. I Secy.Treaig. F9i1riQUh&'r­­'1,,4�,' I L mess and itching of the scalp, wl',;-' ;bar auditors' raport.-waa lAd befot today scored a ftirth,er advai , 1, Ir'rc..* '* 96 . I I . .,fl I 41 , roll*)w dian contingent, at Sallsibury Plain- I nce 'of boc * 1cal .. --An,A--.- your sijbsar'Pt'O1) expfres, tf the date If not'. romedled causeli the hair rr,,r.w �.,., council and adopted. The were marched off the 0. P. R. .Iiijer pet, awf." 'which Is Attributed tb the I prtntod thereon is pttsL,, or if your GDADMAN & ISTANIBURV ' - I ts were orderad to bO Pli ; iii-nited , coming forwa`rd. Sales -of 11. . subscription is ,about to ,e,xpire, you 1�, Xe � - I : to shrink, loosen and dio-then ,.'r. � �-'r �aOOOIIA Missa,nable, which docted here,from a" 'r " I - - . scho'01 , isolidiiors, P ee�r.' ' ' A little Danderfry . f .* 1'. 11., f reigh t Ott sul)Plic.,q, 1,.00 ; Car st'Alk were madq at,#,,76 to sg * I Would -confer a favor 13, sentlLng a 1, I . �� '­ I 'Itafr falls out fast. gi,. Liverpo�d Sunday, and ItuaVisoned In "InIa8leben Oct- K25 to $8.W per 9wt. #. � tWo havo f-horough cour"es . k a I 11 -i ai�d . . . '104 ,4t-now ­a -n7 time -will su-1t, . . press Co. 10p; ,F. Iless, 81 �fe - 'bandduff- A "110wal of rout 6A�crtptlon per Te- - 1. - I., . .. I I o'. l " hjg. births, deaths and marriages the citadel. Naell man wpff , wenic fcellngw dovoloped in the� Mar- ,** �experLcnco.d ijis.truckors in c4ch I I I � � I . I 11 ­� � , , I Aa* your hair, � , . , , c,dbnecti A ed to a soldier. Souid of them ateof kei tor- hogs arid prl&g declined 200 Per' I I I I I turn mail.' It: your reneival ,haa,al- � . I I . I I : ,.I-10; .bell Tetcl)bone Co.. � I . I � . 0 1 * . Get a 25 cent bottle of Xnowltew, there cwt- . 1. * of our three &partments." *' tleadY' be,eh ,sent us, please disregard . . ter and Ilensall $11.00; 1 German or Austrian birth, but, I .0 .� I I 0 14, i .1 0anderine from any drug store. ',';I r- I I `btir9cs l';xe others of Val.Ious nationalities C-HTCAG40 LIVE STOCK. 0 this notico and accept our thanks for . ­ ,� . It Telepha'n,�, Co., long! diatanee tal are I I I . : rombi,ri,RCIAL, OHORTH*,NDW " 0 � . I !4urely can have beantiful hair and 'w_ I tralfs- 'zusbected.of disloyal tendencle& C1_1lcAGo,, ' r, ch. xa�,.��-,Cattle-Recelots ,*. your earlier remittance, We are CA 'T. .1 of It If you will jast try a little J,'J � DVC.' 3t.72, Van. Tridepatidant 1 29 otio; market, Nveak;, beevesi $5.25 t4' I I slid T'9LEGRA.PlIY' � . # prepared tO club with most papers . S � A , .. I .. ',A one Co,!.Sup ., I Mrg� prin, $81l)o-, cows and lieffeilb, $3.90 to $1.69f� I I 6 and imagazIma. ipor Infants and Children. plics, 12841. . I iterlue. Save your, haIrl Try. ; 'Ale, reli"I"', 4,10; V, I-Jajit, t'le' 230,1 Sit Adain 'Not Seriously Ill, I I Our g and you :. li�. I I I I I .1 � � , . I calves $1 to $10,25. 1 � I . .'' , . , : , " , I , , 1, 14,og;-1tacelptq, 54,000;, market; lower; I I " , . . - I e0,.$d,.56L to 5. a 0 arge � I 461-1. . . I � id" Yea'%* AWYS, I ' � : I 1� ' 'd 60, � LONDON Ont,, reb. 16 -Sir Adani . I.. I � , , : I . :- , nt to the 11uron Children At I It old lrtail'olxx .1 fitec, cat- 0 , �, , , � I . I y liglit, $6,60''to $6"bo; mix 6�s I � -, ­ I I . : I I � NXII � I ." I 009ft, -1 . I . . . - '. i� , '' 4�01.1 C , , . . I " , . heai,y I rotigh $6"O' r Ij� J�a.�fer twicoina 7611.' Beck I# not seriously ill, as, report 0. "d,40 _toL ,$�Lgo" I I � ": co **I , oipij %ft; e F�.ii�'. ,PtgS ,4,5 "';to' $" i;r , I ftlogue& Write f6i, ,I 'at , .. , ` � . . 1. � � . I I . ilk of salaxi, .. " . I . I Bears the, ,�, ; , .�, I I I r ; wpakW(jl, n.orlif-ors salarso for Toronto to-dRy �a 7A to Ks,k I , : L � I .. . � I . . ` , .1 I . ' $;I '"ture o ' Ir. 14, ? _-i", I . � 11 � . I 11 i "Callnell jkrilj� nicet a%za5n on 0 ' sfieep-Recelpts, U0.; xnarket, firitt, � 0 I S .1 �1_91' —7 � I � IT,11ort r, t1lydiroj.'S �151i"tt f ' U , 41 & . - 6. 8 1� , ildren Ury I I � . . 5 10.00; Cr Re is, suffering from a heavy cold, � . I I . � i_ I , . Nk FLETCHER'S, � 1, MZ ohild,�,eno r)r 10.0, but will leave D, 'i. M6�,1,011L,6., I - " - e.; 67�. . 047W4_1--� 1 :, , 84t'"I"' though be will not be present at the ( Frill . � : I [__ I , me On" Aft . olm- Fix an' Is E on GAS I" URIA . . I I& , A nuti�,c, 1K25 to $1.10; ydatilogs $7,9 W, cipal-, 4V � R.. I � � . I ,, t 4' FOR FLETCHER% � � �,*,.I�, *Star".1i 01-hI it 9 0101(s4r. , oponInq of ,the Legislature , , .15 to Rd� - � .. � I I ..'' I - ; .1 .. I �! t � *,'A.8rv;-lainbs ,iiatlyd,,t7 CAST11' ' A - I C A 9 T R I 'A . �:141 ­� I I " I . . 1�� lies%, .Sr., Clerk., . " - '. "I'. � , , 00'0,*O**#'Ttt*Qo*,6"*O**�**O*Qiv . 0 , . L . ­ 11 a.,"�. I ".. . 11 � I I . . 0 1 . I I � I I I.. � I I I ., I . � I . L . I � I I I., I . . I . I . I I .� I '. . I - � , I � �11 I � . 11 I I .1 �.. 1. I . 1. I I., . .."�., I . .1 I ''.. I . . .1 . � . I I r � I I : . I I �. ,� I . 1 I I I . "I I I . L :, ,. . I i , 1. " . I .1 ,. I .. . - 1. . . I., .1 . ,r,. , � I . . I I . � . . " - .11, I . ­;- ­ , , I -1 I I I � �.­­ -1'. .1. ��­',�,.,.�.,.,;._,�O.. � . �, �� , , �!,Flff �,;-, �-� �, . , - :,�;­,� 41.111!e�,;,fi," I I � � . I . I 1, . . .. I I . . . . I . . ,�� 1. '' L I . I . ­ . ­ . , �,:�4�, �, 1 1'. ­ lr,�,­ �' ­-�­­ , ", � 't� _k I � f , I I I � .1 I I , . 1. : I I . ­ ' I ., ­ �­­ ­­- ­. . � ­ , . L'� ��, "� , `,',';- , " " , , . . � I 1. I �� . � _ ;,­.­­­ -w- ,,,, - rwil"vw� � I I " ,4,� ,� . ,, I I . 11, . I I , .", � " _,.� , '�' � , I I . I I 1 . . . 11. 111.-- .11. I I . . , ; -111, I I L . ..� 1. . r , I .. ­ - ­ - . --Z' . �, , -.--I-, , ,,� ,!" i, �.,�k"­­:.­­�L­" -- -L - _Id�, ', , . . I I I ,­�A _­ I ,­ . A�� ,� 'A ? I.L'.11. i I I . , � -:,L `99L- ' ' I,&.�',a . - _�i� . 5 1 , � IL ­'­' .. .. .. " �� 1. 1. I ,.. I. I -..-. ­��� r - I— ..... !­ 1. I .111h&M�_ A '"