Exeter Times, 1915-2-11, Page 1• f
*oninr-SEcoND YEAR—NO 2130
Huron & .1Vticicildsex Gazette
Our New Spring Goods are here for the Early Shopper. Buy
early and have your New Cloths made up for Spring
Everything Bought at the Old Prices.
New Dress Goods
In Blacks, Blues, Browns and Green,
Fancy Plaids and.. Checks. All' the
newest -fabrics shown
• A big assortment of, New Prints.
Ginghants, Chambrays;..Galateas, Duck
and Drills
Will be real good for the coming
season. We have them in all colors,
Plain, Fancy and Embr'd, 15 75c a yd.
Another popular Fabrics and a good
wearer.. All colors to choose front for
25c to 75e a yard.
Big Reduction in Clothing
Mens Overcoats at 7.50, 10 and 12; Mons 18 to $22 Suits only one of a, kind $13
Mens1.5.00 Suits, a big assortment for 10; Big arsortment of Boys &boa Suits
New Wall Papers
AR the New Designs and Colors are here. From 5c to 25c per roll. Don't fail jo
See Our New Wall Papers
44, :44
Inter Uoods to go.
All Fars at 25 per cent off regular price; Ladies Fur Collar Coats for en
L t 5 Fur Collar Coats for $15: Ladies Coats at 5.00
Childrens Coats for 2.00 and 3,00
, •
See Our Windows For Graniteware
Arts Thursday Morning
Prices that will surprise you, as we
must reduce our stock
Sample Price Water Pails, good size, at 40 Cents
-Big Stock .of X=Cut Saws Sc. Axes
at Low Prices.
Skates Sharpened - 15 cents '
PRONE Heaman's Hardware
27A and Stove Store
. • .
Mr. Thomas McCurdy, or , the
Thames Road, 1.7aborne, has. purchase
led the 'farm owned -by Mr. George S.
Leary pa.r6 of Lot; '20, Smith Thane:ea
' Road, containitg 63 acres. Tina wilt
be a valuable acquisition tp Mr. Dice
• Cardy's fine home land farm. Mr. Mc -
•Curdy wilY take. immediate possession
—31r. john.Ratcliffe has ,sold his 100
acre farta„0,Lot 7, South Thaanes Road
to Mr. W. EL'erniek, who willCake
Vossesslen in the dining. Th:s ie,the
old Russel. horne,stead, beici4 one or
.the best 'rm. in L'Sborne.
• re... aide has -now 000 hetet; in TJAVerne
• Township and One in- Hay.. • '
• :ie.,
Patriotic League Notes
rre,o015.60y abknowledged 1414.,69
S. Fitton L. 1, 1.00.
Urs: E. Sanclena4j 1.0d
Mr. Glade:tan, ' 11,00
Miss Vesper i* too .
( Miss Armstrong' 1`,. 1.00
1 Mr. T.Sweat 1.60
Little Cane cks, Moore
Dr, Browning , 6,00
111/r. J..Grigg ' •• 1.00 '
Mr. L. DaS'. Jr., CAtX
Ifooper kit+
Tea Itoni Jan." 30•16.57
'.Iea Poona rally 611x •
Total , 1480,60,
The Toronto Globe of last Thansa
day contained the following editorial
whieh deals with the wheat is/that:on
at the present time. "It .was announced yesterday a.fternoonj that whean
had gone Pkemporariltinsane," on the
Mimeo market. It scored a ew
higit level of $1.55 there. The chide
price for Ontario winter wheat on
the local market' was $1.55 It is
freely asserted that these prices are
not the result of European( bids for
export wheat, but of manipulation en
the part' of men who are forcing up
.the pr ,by .holding Lor a epecula-
tive rka $2...I Th eir fganihk; Is •
ststedleY tbeIaction of Wheatigrowerisl
4eie .'4'04 there, who refuscAo rnar
ket , their grain at the .'preseitir:
remunerative prices,t and declare .thalt.
the world's need will frirce• epasuraiia
ultimately to pay $2 a bushel. There
has been lao $2 ;wheat since 1 tits
Pritnean war when the same basic
causes now operative resulted ir, un -I
heard of profits to grain -growers.
Then, as (cow, the Dardanelles were
closed against the passage of the huge
wheat crop of Southern Russia, wbieb
is exported to help ;feed the countries
of western Europe. Were 'the fleet of
the Allie,s; to open the Dardanelles as
a. result; of 'the bombardment now in
progress the eighty mullion bushels
awaiting passage would, pour out and
prices woold go down es rapidly as
they thave gone up. Then following
figures oboe( how abnormal Ontarte
wheat ,eluotations are as, compared
with tihe, merle week dutringthe past
itwelve years e Fall *Fent, this Week
,$1.55; samo week 1914; Vice .'13,`.l70
Etia 88e; '10, $1.10; 09 $1.01;
'08. '3&o; 07, 74o; '06, We; 95 $1.08
04, 89 1-20; 03, 72 11.2c; '04 78e.
n the inanketing of wheat, as of an
ether conamodities, the ,Inan, ;who
stands out lor the last cent;Irielpterit-
ly* overreaches hirnselt.'. !HAders of
Wheat in Lthis Provinee nta$;get '2 ir,
they sit tight, , but theyre innob
more likely to inspire 'soma sort" of
Governmental action •looking to the
prevention of 'extortionate
And it action is .d,eckWed upon it wiII
affeiit; the grain-fahl.War with wJcav
in his 'banal iti o lesPdAgree •than
'the wibetet ghmbler whp‘is'‘146faig on
o,' 'rise d'xIM'KleeS Inot • bW11: 4, Met& Or
rain. 'Gambling in f0titi4strtrS WHY
Solfle tra'S4 be vtrited as irtni '
.against the " ' highest interest.
Exeter School Report
Sr. ttia-114nors, Day ;
uartleltt -75P Pass, Harold, Boyle qt..;
Irene Zuefle 76; Clifford Mallet 73;
Mervyn Ca.mm 73; Vera Jones 73; V.
Mallett.10-; Eugene Doyle '71; Hilda
Williainas 439 7 Mildred Hardy 09?; 13
Cann 67; Heat lieleteher siXtY-six; W
Davis 65 LCIarence Morley 61.
jr. 41t Honor, VLola Joaes 781; E,
Davis 77. e Pass, Thelma Connor 74; M.
Harvey .72; ,Cly de Beaman 68;• Cora
Panders 65 ; Wray lledden 60; No; on
roll 35;1 average attendance 03,7• S
0. ;Vesper, Teacher,,
Boorc V,
.jr. 4th---BonersIlildred Harvey 83
Blanche Penitir• .Alice„. Vincent 76;
Verda Boweliffe 71; .Edward
Yellow 69; Stella Panders 694 Paul
Sr. 3rd-4onors, Verna Walker 81;
Marguerite'. Kuntz 79; ,Ilildred Hor-
ton 'KU:Mabel Johns 7S; Idella Davis
77 • ,ElorenOe Vincent 77; George
Hinds 75 ; Paiss, Earl .Russell 74 'le
Harness. 74;I Mabel ileulde4.27 ; Dor-
othy Balk:Will 74 ; Josepline Davis 74
Belle Gould. 73; Beverley Acheson 71
Charlie For d 71; Howard Dignan 70:
Kelvin Redden, 69; Olive Bedford 64;
Ernest Well / '• Bert Gilleapie 62•
Lizzie Hartleib 61; Jesss713ewey 60
No. on troll 3,7 ; average attendance. 34
J. S. Murray, Teacher
Form 3m jr.--Honors, Frank Barr
; Betty Brown 81; Greba. Redden
76 ;I pass. Wm.. Lawson 74; Mildred
Nom' 73; Joseph Bradt 72; Verde
vale 72 ; Cyril Doyle '71; :Georgina
Hatter 70 ; Wm, Ortwein 68; Wei.
Webster 63 e Reginald Taylor 60. ,
' Form 2, Sr.—Honors, Grace Crecbh
PA; Bertha Russell ;83; George) B•ed-
ford, 453 ; May Elevorthy. 77; Florence
Norry 741e.Murray Sett 76; Pass. C.
Davis 72; Lyle Statham 66. No. Cr -
rolled. 30:in Deeember, 37 in. January;
average forDeceraber 34; for January
Mr. Fred Mallett, who is in Lon-
XI.• ...insman, Teacher
don taininee tor the 3rd contingent
was home over Sunday dressed la :ais
Blr., and Mrs. Parish were down to
Londoel one day last week attending
the funeral,of Mrs. James.,TOlor, EiS••
ter of Mrs. Earish„ •
Mrs. W. A., Turnbull, Farquhar, Ana
Mrs. B. W. P. Beavers visited their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.. Eacrett,
Brantfora last week.
We hRTO been Wormed by Mr. T.
Sraale, of LTsberne that the, Exeter
Falk. School was erected 34 years
ago and, het 44 years aa! skated )ast
hfiss D. Dickson enterKrted to
pink tea on Monday afterndan and
also • entertained in the evening in
honor oeher guest, Miss McArthur, of
London. • -•
•Mr. L. Day lost a valuable horse
last week from spinal meringitis and
another is seriously ill with the dis-
:ease. The disease is not effaet:Ag, his
dairy herd in any, way„.. .
The Dominion -Provincial Terapert
Ann convection will be held itt Mas-
sey Hall, Toronto, on .March Srd,, 4tia,
and 5th. The prospect is Liat this
wit]. be a monster gathering
'The Young Men's OIast4 in Main Et,
church will,be addressed next Sunday
afternoon by Mr. 3. R,, Hind .on the
subject "Afrbung Man's Duty to the
State, the Chum:, and, Himself."
Usktorne Council,
met' At the To. Hall ort.Set-
eirday, Feby Otb. IA.II tine enetetbere
were present. The minutee, ref the
Tat meeting were read and approved.
, The auditors' report was presented
US,' Mr, Henry Strang, who compli-
mented 'the I.'reasurer aced the Clerk
on the .anality and accuracy ced their
Work. The report was adopted arto
ordered to be printed for distribu-
ByRaw No, 1, .confirming the ap-
pointment. of officers and fixing: :sal-
aries was posed, signed and .sealed.
Wm, Moodie was again: aPPointed to
manage the grader at $4.65 per day
4or himself and one good team.
"A. few eccounte were pareaed and or-
ders issued in payraent.
Pounce adjournel to c.oet :Saturday
Morph: Oth at ore o'clock.
The South 1 u Coura,y Orange
.Lodge met in town on 1:tiesday. Re-
ports showed a membership increase
of 152 in the year. Der/in, Lucan and
:London weee oted cn ,e.s places for
the celebration of tee •clean Twelfrie
and the bretarer. decided in favor of
Lucan. Officers were ohoien as fol-
lows:a. CountyBlaster, J. W, Hodgires,
o2 Liman; D.0.21, George Vanderburg
chaplain, J. P. Shepherd; recording
secretary, Peter Cantelot, o Neilsen.;
sereretary, R. G. Murder;
treasurer, A. Cantelore; lectu.rer, J. 13.
Armitage; deputy lecturer, B.. Mce
Murray: D. o: C., De W. Watson, The
lodge granted $25 to the brethren. at
Parkhill, who lost their lodgeroam
and :urciture in the recent fire there.
also $10 to the Lakeside Children's
Home, Toronto, ,
; . •
Mrs. John Northcott, of Simcoe at
is on, the sick list.
Miss Heywood, of Eliravilie is vis-
iting with Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Coa-
tis of town,
‘Boom VII
Sr. 2nd—Honors, ILSeldon' 93 ; Se
StaxiburY 91; M. Gladrnan. 4.6; 1B.
Lareporte... 85 e G. Long e.4.: M. Rowe
81; F. Hervey 78; F. Ilartleib 73;
Bass, F. Beaman 74 ; H. Dignar. /3; CI
Webster 73 ; L. Wells 66; Xt. Dayis,
35; 0.93rimacolmbe 60
Jr. 2nd—Honors., M. Homey 184; .M
Ford 81; T. !Bare 70; 3. White 77;
Pass. R. Northcott 74 ; E. Kuntz 73:
C. Acheson 72 ; 311; Elesett '70 .„ F.Wal-
tars '68 ;:A.. Sanders 6; ; A, Acheson 61
T—Ifonors, Neson. $, q1.1.
Keys 91 ;'E. •'.HoterBY....• '89a. V; eCelling-
wooa '89r E. Ilififirin '88e. Gould 87;
L. l!elcDonaldIfii ;Pass, W...htakins 74;
W. SPencer 64: t ,Noon roll. 36.:, av-
srage attendance 35._ ;
I. Quackenbush, Teacher
Room 'VII 1•
lir. Pt. --•TIonors, I. Stewart 8,9; K.
el"tanbury '86.; E. 'Sax:Amis., 85; • V.
Bloomfield 'N.; L. M. Snell '83;
Bright 8,1; F. Scott 77; Pass, I. Lam-
pert 74; N. Lindemfeid 71.; FL West
al j D. Bedford 69; L Elworthy 674
E. Mallett 65; C. Glodenan 62.
.(Sr. Pt. t 1—Honors, W. Von
ski 2.5i' R. Creech 84; Pima( M. Har-
ness 73 ; R. Fanson 7.0; G. Beaver 68,',
L. McDonald 60. - . -
C. Class—Honors. R, Bloonifield 8t4;
13:: Brown 81; E. Russell 76; Pass, H.
Nelson 74 ; I. Lane 73;. M. Biesett 71:
E. Northcott CO ; L Mitchell 65.'
B. Class—Honors; IL Sanders '8,7; J..
Bloomfield, Et5; M. Murphy 78;. Pass,
G. Brock 73; 0, Weaver 63. No. on
roll 42e average attendance 38.7.
Lda .A.rinetrong, Tescher
The Exeter hockey team went to
Clinton last Wednesday evening and
in reporting the game the tlintont
News -Record aays: , "There was 'a
goodly ,crowd at the rink last night
which enjoyed the hockey contest,.
Exeter vs. Clmtoe, The -visitors were.
a gentlenra.nly, bunch arid put np C a
wood game but they .only scored two
goals to Clintoc's :nine, The line-up
was. as follows: Exeter2-Goale E. Tor -
ranee.; point, R. Southcott ; covr E.
flaqty; rover, Rivers; centre, E.
Southcott; left A. 1 icard; glbi C
Eftekard. Clinton—Goal, S. Byam, pt
R. Runaball ; pover, M., O'Donnell;
rover, N. Clef; .pentre E. Graham;
right, J.Carter ; lelt,,M. Draper." Dr.
Bxtght gavel good satisfaction es ref-
The Exeter hockey ;beam went to
Parkhill on Monday evening and al.•
"Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oke, of Centre.,
Ea. returned home on. Friday after,
a few days visit at the :home of the
latter's mother, Mr. John Botterill.
Gould's Corners.—MitchellAdvocate.
Mr. Thos. Halewood received word
on 'Wednesday or the .death of ]ib bro-
ther John at Rinkton wh.o passed
away at one o'clock. The deceased
was 61 years old 1a.st August. Par-
ticulars next week.
The remodelling and rcpairirg nr
the rooms in the McDonnell block
over Cole's drugstore and Powell's
Bazaar 'for the new Masonic Lodge
roorns is being ra.pidly pushed;' Mr. S.
Sweet having the work in hand. ;
The auction sale of the house hou ef-
fects o1 the late Mrs. T. Snell on .Sali-
urday last wars....7„ success,'*he sale her
ing conducted by: .Mr. 131:nS. Philli
The house and ex acres ,,al. land was
purchased by )rit. A. E.4.ndrew .for
Mr. W. nodgeri will hold an auction
sale of leis farm stock and...implements
on Thursday, February ;25th.. Messrs.
Nicholson and Lawson are Cleo hold-
ing an emotion sale of Cattle et Cell-
tralia on Saturday. Ste their advts
on paga. four,
at the Quarterly Official • • 'Nerd
though deleated they icid not return meeting in Main street churoh, on
with wild stories of a miraculous es- Monday evening, the Rev. S. W. Mex.
cape from murder at the hands or worthy was given a unanimous la -
blood -thirsty hockey fans. The boys vitation to remain a se' ond year. The
were defeated ten to fous. The gamo church in prospering and the cocgre-
was fast but the Exeter playens were gations increasing.
hampered owing to the rink being so Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Hersiake, of Elgin.
nuwhat they 1136.7e Man., arte'visitieg witch/ Mr. and lams. beenehsuttlr
eed4alteo. than Sehumaelaer, 02 Poik J. 11, Scott, the latter being a reeiee'
hill, again refereecl the game .ac:d a the Scott'e. Mr. Kereleke former:Jr
gave fairly good satiefaction, lived at Dasbaneed 1 a ing• th e some
27 years ago.. Mr. and Mrs. icerelake
The.Exeterjuniora broke the ostricg. Avere murlicd In
do 56 per cent o
the Railway Men,
in U. S. use Ham-
ilton watches?
Call and let us show you the
Hamilton and explain; why
!Twitching EyeliastheY do.
Indicate eyestrain.
The slightest hint of it
should not.be neglected.
We test eyes free of charge,
and recommend;Olasses only
when abSOlutelymtbcessary.
o FI
Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses
The Exeter
argain Store
Only 18 Overcoats left to be sold at Cost
Meng Wool Sox, 5 pairs for $1.00
5 pieces Dress Goods regular 50p, for 256 yd.
30•SWeaters,-Ladies, Misses, Merrs'and Boys
at One Third Off regular price
t4 Ladies Black Underskirt at half price
3 Child Coats worth $3 for $1 each
Mens Heavy Sox and Felts at wholesale price
Worsens Felt Rubbers at 70c a pair
Braces, Neckties and Gloves at wholesale
Try Us for next Shoes or Rubbers
-t,wc,R9 r A.,.-;,,,m941AnNavitYytm,mc,i1 viart:eara
144.. "V° al4.0t.e1
• • PHONE 81 A. W. W. TtAn A N PHONE 81 A Te"
W Wm T
1 N
fk i,,V ill shati.4it.• you ,the''. '''' • -
. • •
f.,,,-',•-, -Profits. otiliiii, immense
r••• •
..:'••••-•• • ',...i.:•-•.. •:-."'... • -:•SteCk:of .-' • •••••••••
... .
This will be a genuine
Stock -Taking Sale
When prices will be
Slashed in two.
Now is the time to save money on your ordered 2!
• clothing, Readyto Wears and Furnishings
of all. kinds
°Lae/oats for Exeter, nn ditonTuogday .11691e 66 their l'Pt63'"P1ti°0!. The trend of. prices' is upward
When they detested the CreJun- Several young lactiee,lei' towar,V411
but not so ith us. We are ,offer -1
lug some.Bi,--
argains by
iore(V) by the score ot 131, to .3. The 'neve eharge ot' •th,e, Tea itoone1*ti
game was test Rollie start to finish $eterday alternoen when the follOW-
not. o playezt being penalitedi etheweee. trig re.ereu will be seee 4 • "reacted ea
'Played in'two halt hour periods. The tot:Miles, Beef Loaf, :Beet Salad 001 -
score at,'.halaf time stood 1 to 1. The • bage Salad and I ieklee, Bread ttred
visitora were a husks; banch but Bat.ter, Apple lie And Whipped Cr, am •
lacked team work. The line uaa.Cred- Ogle, Coffee and Tea. P.rine 25411,
iton—goal, S. VITuerth ; poict, E. G. On Wednesday, Ifebritary e 3rd et
Fehtpr ; ,cover, FRYprft t ,14.03;40,4k;ectiling 1:,,iti,.!.qWtf,,to •
,t,.1461011 grOidbe re r;:' e,. ;
.1161t16101,I"V11 'ci;" Bene,edift, ,13r. when •
goal, '.91.ratte4e': Pota, l'es, t'ev- alisi Agnes Jeenie Russell, was, unit- 14,
C. word; rover, Senior; cab- oa. in! marriage tc. Mr. gar) Evans, a se
ire. Oen:obeli; right, Wheadon; left peospetons Termer of 131a/10h:cid. The
Harvey. E. Delos; of Creditor, refer- eremony was pertextraed by .P,ev. S.
tad tee garne jSharps •
• PHONE 8i a