HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-2-4, Page 5THE TIIVIES CLUBBING LIST 1915 Times and Toronto Globe /10•11 3.75 Times and Toronto ,Mail and Empire 3 75 Times and Toronto Daily News 2 85 Times and Tornto Daily World. 25 41/- Times and Toronto Daily Star., ... • ..2 85 Times and London Eveningor Morning Advertiser 2 go, Times and London Weekly, Advertfser 75 Times and t•ondori Morning Free' Press ...... ....3 5(3 Times and London Evening Free Press .... 2 go Times and London .Weekly -Free Press.. 85 Times and Toronto Saturday Nigh i : so Times and Farmers Ahvocate...r... ...... 2 40 Times and CanadianFarm 85 Times ad Toronto Sun .., ... • •%... 8o Times and Firmer and Dairy .......x -85 Times and Montreal Family Herald & Weekly Stari 85, Times and Weekly Illustrated Glob • IA) oe • • • • • 85, Times and Weekly Mail and 1 Times and The Country Gentleman • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 25,, Times and Canadian .Poultry. News,. . 35 Times and 'Montreal Weekly' Witness.. 85' Times and. Christian Guardian Times aud Prespyterian 2 25 Times and VVestminister .......... .• .2 25 i n.1.; and Presbyterian and Westminister.;......3 25 Send your remittance by money order; post office or express order (not by bank cheque unless exchange is •/ added.) Exeter Times Printing Company, Limited Exeter, ISM feereeneeeed • riVigt • Ontario Trusteesm s ften You may n, . Last hr u h. have every confidence in the friend whom you. T appoint 'as the ,offinill4ld trustee,' but you*" hate Migny Lifetimes , zlq..voic: in the serene tion of his successors: This strong Trust Company is permanent and fulffis its duties far more effectively than is possible in the case of a private execu- tor. It is ever on the watch in the interests of its clients and through its Officers and Management it deels the pulse of ;the Awn., clad world as no private individual can. Call or write'for full information. THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. Erlie GEO. GitenONS, ICC., Isresilent JOHN S. MOORE, Manager 3 , Conservatives Organize ' lOonservatives Of 'the !new riding pt outh Huron met 110 Clint= on S'at- Imlay ton organization. Chairman for 'the different Tidings were named aa trollows.--lSeaforth, Robt. Wilson; Mensall, Teter Cantelori, ; Exeter. .3 TW. :Taylor ; Bay field, Dr. Woods; Mo- NilloP. John 'Scarlet ; Tuelrersmith. Morton; Usborne, 5 .flunte,r; Step- hen. 3olin ; Hay Wm. Conant iSta.nley Johu McNaughton ; Goderich ?Township John. Middleton; Hallett, Wm. Wien; Ciintoa D. Cc nielen, Th. se deilth the riding officca-s mimed nt lest /annual meeting -i.President, Retry Morton Of Kippen g•Secretary. R. N, Creech, oe Exeter and Treaeurer, T !B. 'Carling of Exeter.a'aonstinites the *executive. Thee Conservative candidate dor next election Will be ' named et si coisvention to be held after the "forthcoming session' of be House or Tommons. 3. .7 Merrier. Mein the Vreseeit member, Hy. _Silber, M.'? la sand ltd, Mon Men% a Peel svere the .aliet speakers. Other ,spealiegs were 013 sdri le, (Jensen ye, tier; 0 red zex inkhaVestera Ontario ; . ex -W a ern 14AL David Oant:elDn o Cinnon; Jobe. 3Sherritt, ex -M., re of Parkhill T. ifl. itlarl:ng or Exeter ; Dr. Thompsan of .Ji G. Richardson, elierkl•• aen iStariley ; Wm. Cons' ti or limy ; ev TaYlor, o laxeter John Lobh reeve Goderich Townebip, and Mr. -1101 =an or Egmontiville. Al. WOMAN'S efIESsAOE TO WOIV1EN. If you are troubled with -weak, tired feelings headache, backache, bearing eithewn sensatioes, bladder wealtness,cous- tenenition, catarrhal coo i ditions, pain n the *ides regularly qr irregularly, bloating eft unnatural enlargements, tierise of lolling ortnisplacemen t of ildernal organs, ifilervotisness, desire to cry, palpitation, lhot flaslies, dark rings wider the eyes, oar a less of interest in . . / e y flo write and ask kr my simple method,of *me treat/meet, with ten day& trial ietuirely free and postpaid, also references *.o Canadian ladiee who gladly tell hove *hey have regained health, strength, an litappiness by this method. Write to -day. litddress: Mrs. M. Slimmers, DoX,* Incisor: Oat. TsR TIMES Crediton Mr. Dyer andtleatiliditer, lArs. Walter 413endod the funereal Of the forniern) son-iohlaw, Mre Hawkins of Wynne - Mr, Thtetbeto1 Morriston, guest of:.„lar. Ind .Alas. A. Moidock, • tribe .alfathodisti church or this Place have organized a teacher 'training class or twenty-seven Members. b s class willla.ke tip the study on nesday evenings under the inetrucs tion or Bev, Jeffersee. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wrath of Peace Itiver are be guests 'of Mr.' 'and 'Urs. nyllits3sT4°Z7i.iler elYdn't` Stilidar at 'her haran irt Datheyeihd, , The Methodist choir of thre'ehlhee were pleasantly ,s n ter ta tee d on 'Fri - to a , O niaagy. diveningi last :thy eir. ,aled Lawson at tm heir hoe ba Exeter. Misses Louise end Idaolinen e tertained the 4 W's isew•ing cinci sleighing party Betel-44Ten. e eF Misses Mabel ,•inentel and Brown spent dim eveek-eed with, gni' latives in Zurich a Miss 'Pearl Heist, left: this week ;to speard a 'rear months With her sister in Bad A.gees• Mich. Miss Edna Finkbeirser has turned fp Sebawing, Mich, a.Eter. visiting her 'motenerr Miss Clara Heist has returned 'to tier !home 1 Killraanaugh, Mich., af- ter visiting relatives. Miss Bolden of Pigeon. nficii. the guest or Bir. and Mts. Ily Matz. Mr. and 'Mrs. Shluckter and iclae- :niter of Pigeon, Mica., are •Vientiiree I elati.ves Miss C. 'Browne' Or Sebawinns, tea visiting her pvents. For .CountrrSchool Boys The boys/ te the:Second Book, ihk. Third Book and the Fourths Book of the various counfry selools arouest Crediton, !also all big boys and youna fellows who have left school, also all !ethers who earnestly dealre that their boys shall be properly and beanr ifally instructed in how to take care , or their bodies. are urgently invited to ititterxd two lectures; No. 3 and Ne 14 of the bailed of Personal Parity and Sex Hygiene°. to be given in the CrecTitoo Public , School on Friday. Februarei 12th, at, '10.30 a.m. and 2.130 p.lra. sharp .Let no bop be deprived of this golden Opportunity of learn - hag lessens, wonderful and terribly needed, about the splendor acd snoredness or his body. It is oE eternal im- portance. These 'lectures wilt be dr -- livered by Mr. Arthur Bean, of the Department or Education, Tor - 'onto. Mr: Beall is a specialist or thira teen years' standirg on this =h- i eect an an expert in addressieg boys. All such boys will, of course bring their lunch end wilt be At school ,,before half past ten. WHALEN. Mr. end Mrs. George •MilIson area Mr. and. Mrs. Hector Wilson at- tended the oyster supper of toe Can- adian Order of Foresters in Grin ten Friday night. Hector Millson assist- ed with the. programme and 1 woe much applause dreen the audience. Mrs. D. Ifedgsori, 'of Ilkoecjaw. Sask., is visiting relatives here in Cetera, this month. She ,spent over Sundays with John Hodgson of this place. Mrs. Hopkins who resides on the Kinslea farm near here still remaiii ver ill'and under the Dr's. care. .Despite the weather on Suncley there was a Iarem 'attendance. ot Sabbath school. ,and church here. Tide Pastor.. Rev. D tcbrok'd't,rettthed4L 'very, inn teresting• seinv:from. the text. "0 Lord revive. Thy words in our midst. - !Quarterly sacramen'i eernik will be bold • ode Sunday afternoon, The chase e. has anrchaseri a r.ei,v individual .com- nnion through the nastor from Toronto, and it will be in use on San - next: at the communior- service. rirl Daisy Miasion• Band will meet nt the home oZ Mrs. T. Illorlev's On Saturdays G11EE.14W AY Ms. Arthur Beall of the Education Dept. rea ye. inters:1i ing :sad mace e e t he Me thodist elm rs h ei ft er ruib a- a 1 01 evening. I Need :Sunday win he' the eadrameol 'service id the Methodist church. The paste: will preach at 10.30 (Ian, Sun - thy echool will be withdrawal,. nine W.M.S. "At Home" Met Fr ides W:10 3. grand auchees in spite of the eel y cold wea Hier, - err. end 3Ire. Cliffe, of Thedfortil are visiting friends here • iMiee Ethel Oliva,' spent last math 1 Vri it h.'grandfather Mr. P. Baker, ler (nand Bead. 'Allister Wellevoed Gill, who hal been viALing Ine emeinn, Miss Gladys AWOL:. Lite returned ,beerge Mr. b, nugash, erica the week -end at home, , ,e1r, 11 Curtis has returned from. a pleesatit Veit With Anoingeri fridisds, Mr. Ear/.Webb is hired With gr. 0, Woodburn. LOCalS Treble 'IS IsPerullaa lew deiya in Lon41on. Mr, Itolstrt Roweli.fre leas been.' vting With reletives and !frier:fig Siaborne aid. Mr. Netson Prior, , cf..' l'ortage bi 'Prairie Visited <luring the poet %vete with. nfrs Tilos. Brior, of town. Infr. jas. jeelrelL c± llexecer. left feet adhursday for Pt. Sduran, where he wil/ 'make hie ho.ine witialna on. 111 STERLING LIVES A GIRL Who Suffered As Many Girls Do --Tells How She Found Relief. • Monday eveoing and 'hvere, the gueete or Goderich attended tRe• dance or years and 1 used to faint away every Miss E. Saunders and Miss Doty, , SterIing,..,C,.:7;."1 am a girl of 22 month and was very ter, Miss. Ha mitten. a weak. 1 was also 'Messrs, 'Masi DYer, °Of rlintote, a dd bothered a lot with female weakness, it Lloyd Rivers, of Forest, were in town for the dance on, Monday and !worm read your little book lithe lied here Tuesed ay on account.° ot 'Wisdom for Wo - MO traies, au:fling. . omen,'theransdhIasdawbheoewn Mr. Win. Westeatt,, or Ushorne. has port based ;from lie. D. Wood the h., lox helped by Lydia E. residence on Claronistreet'occeptect Ov Pinkham's Vegeta- Mr. 11%.,Bell land gets possession ttho . ble Compound, and 1st .'at March. • • decided to try it, and it has made me feel be held in jiireies . NJ:soot Methodist ' lilte a new giri and I am. now relieved church on Tuesdar,', evening, Feb"- of all these troubles. I hope all young ruary lethe Addresses by Rev. Dr, girls will get relief as I have. I never James Endicott, 9eopral Secretary or felt better in mylife."-MissBElarerA.A. •Foreign missions And others. Music', under the direotiongoe Mr. Philips. PELOQuIN, Box 116, Sterling Conn. , ' A., Men's ;Missionary ha ra ef massena, hasne take,..,,Y- • Er.tcrtaineti ne• annuli bayieneh. tendored hte Young Ladies' nibl. EoPinklidnds Vegetabler CoMpound Claes bythe Troung Men's Bible close and I highly recommend it. If anyone Taines‘ street, °Mir& on Tuesday Wantsto write to me I will gladly tell everang was a decided isuccees, der her about my case. I was certainly in epite the disagreeable weather fit a bad condition as my blood was all turn - the day. The teachers hrul officere ing to water. I had pimples on my face and al' feici- friends were also enter- and a bad cold-, aod for five years I had tained and altogether nearly two. hundred sat down to the tables when been troubled with suppression. The an abundant supply of oysters, ice doctors called it 'Anemia and Exhaus- tion,. and said I was all run down, but crearn. eteosupplied the wants of. the Com - inner retard.? Afteresupper an interest. Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com- ing eirogram. considtiog•Immo pound brought me out all right." -Miss and addresses was .given,with Mr. LAVISA MYEES, Box 74, Massena, N.Y. G. jones; teacher or rine nIerals Claaa occupying the chaie s usual happy Young Girls, Eteed This Advice. and efficient roaamere The evolving Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging -down sensations, f ainting spells or indigestion, should immediately seek restoration to health by taking Ly- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. sleet and rain continued mast off the dety. Monday.bight. there was a bad windstorm with :heavy SOOW Which tied 'nenthe xailw-ay traffic and fit was late in the afterrema of Tuesday was a very enjoyable. ona for ,alt present. Reeruits Wanted ve-. Secruiting Tor the 33rd and 34th tiena.ntry Battalion. has not gone ahead as rapidly as was anticipated, accerding to reports re- ceived at' headeuartees from different stations in the divleion. An extension or time has accordingly been granted. London bad turncshed more than the number asked/ for; but some elf the smaller towns hay& sot been ..able to keep the 'pace and in. conseaue rice n special effort is now Put forth to 'se- cure as' many'. more as possible in an parts oe division. •This 'special appeal Is expected to bring results in Lon- don during the present week. This community has had a taste o: vo.ried weather in a merleed degree eloring the Past Week. The. closing days of last week were' very cold With .the' mercury .playine with the low figures of the thermometer. On Sjinelay it changed arid a 'storm or CENTRALIA. We are pleased to learn thet Ikrze HENSALL The present good sleigaing is mak- ing business good for our merchaute and .our grain buyers are getting in large supplies for which. they are aa usual paying good prices We regret to report that our esteem ed resident, 2rXr. Robert Stewart, is and has been Cor the past week or two very seriously ill, but we trest that with good medical attendance end home care be may soan expeller:ea a change for the better. nhe relatives and friends of Rm. William 3InEwon'e eldest •daughter, Mrs. rouslie, or 'Winnipeg, will re- gret to learn that she recently suffered the bereavement or • lieu little three year old daughter, Mar- garet, who died a diptherift. A vera interast lei.; meeting was held under the auspices of tree Rabekae ElltLondon dg well, after the before any trains arrived in town . A of the Oddfellows mien for the dacne Monday evening, were large attendance cod the woree ext -hal‘ iot is oin critical operation he underwent in number of people •who crena 'to towa officers were installed. There was a Wpoets LO be able to leave the hos-' stalled here for the ;day f tb very ably done by the Goderich Tad - alelleeliy- Hospital, Toronto. He ex- pitop Saturday. ' •- passengers and i part; et the crew . Al ;see 0 e test Afterwards all repaired to P: Thei'Ladiehl Aid is to meet at Mra. o nattrain, whc..i e ;nft ipa Weggins' resturarit where a Splendid Jadaes Nejnes on Thursday :afternoon. the morning vere' in, tW on for supper, repast was served. . and Mrs. Ralph spent Suada' in y,the fiaarriving about , six o'clock. Mrs. -Wm. McKay was in Dungan- MXThe snow-plow'neCt the track tete: the former - hc'Eaeenj;r• ahauasyhusband. Mr 'so41 t` at Mr. John Cohvills. , non last evetsP ne r,, i We regret that 'little Wendel Will_ times between Lonsion end Clinton. William McKay, pi -amoral of our the doctor' care and hopes aka may, on Tuesday.but there was .ao 'freight public school. On Thursday Jan. 2.1st. a very ds, has' some time bean , ender The passenger ee.rvice was resumed happy event took place in Carmel SOOD be her former happy self again. moving on this he. ' 1211 Box Sacral i- The Centralia baseball The London Advertiher last week Titn0reaS inthemorning, Wilson,dillolv: revible*afr eh ooys willt hold la hem social in this eentaitied the picture of Mr. Fred who is well and favorably known in School Hall on Friday evening. Feb- Keel-. cel Crediton, together with the this locality, having taught school ruary 12th. A program consisting of followines-'One Of the best -I -town near Hensall, 'was united in marriage solos, readings and a plev entitled trap shooters In Ontario is Fred to Miss tes.sie Munn, eldest daughter "Who's Who." Miss Lillian Elliott.. K", rr. or Crediton. Mr. Kerr is one of or Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Munn, of solist, Mr. H. -Nrarey, Comedian, and Canada's crook, Shots, and re =urea- Hay. The bride was charmingly •at - J. H. Dupla.n will assist in (the pro- nament would be complete, without -tired, and the happy couple were un- grom. After the program the Wine him. He haze nist returned from .sev- attended an were quietly marrted in boxea will be sold. .Admiasion lOcts, erat• shooting tonrnameets ' with the church, anterwards driving to the ---7.--t —wee)several prizes., At the loet ;St. Thomas . DRAM Gun Club tournament. he cal -lied off - the gold watch donated by George • McCall. a that city, for the winner 03ert Greiner has improved alightly of the• live bird event, w,hicli was Coopers Epworth League ,visited opere to the world. The !Ceediton. shot Weedhadn Lealrile' on Sunday evedirm. wired 14 out of 15. In a recent tour - Jan. 24th and gave tee programme [Omelet at Algoma, nelich., he carried A yery enjoyable and profitable ever. n(1, the biggest caite.prize 'of ' the Log was 'spent." • ' tourney in ' depot, where they took the morn. log express for an extended trip. iA large number of relatives and friends assembled at the train to see them off and. Wish them all happiness. The bride was the recipient or many handsome presents. Din District Deputy Grand Mast visited the Masonic Lodge here on the clay bird avelet, making only 17 misses out of 300. Monday everang of last week. tie 8 comPli out 0..r 200. He seldom missee a leheot efficiency of their lodge work. After mented the brethred on thr At Poled. O.. recenlln, he only missed efficiency tOurnamect, add he cah alwa.ys labor a pleasant social hour was ‘en - be ,depentlad upon to carry off some ioyed at tbe Mascot resteurent. of the, prizes. Weetern Ontario is the mDaeisktaryictalDldephuistysGuritaendel.traltieur. v7sinti..... home oZ many good trap shooters. but sag Oddrellows lodges. They visited few of them a:4os the reputation and Goderich end Dunefanuon last week, honors teat Fred Kerr is credited at which places they had splendid with."' ' Edgar Mills is putting in ice. Cope- land Bros., commence text week. • I Miss Flett is via:tints at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hanes. Miss F. Mills vielted et; the home of MISS Henry :over Sunday. Mrs. Wynn e Sr. had the misforture. to Lail last week and broke her Miss .T3. Berryhill, awhile easiting at thee:home or her undo Laudoc,. Townthip Met with a very 1-Jeri:dun" aceiderit while °driving. The bores: ben ceme frighteried an1 ran away throwitig :her out of the cutter break- ing aerie at 'the elbow. The muse - cies and tendrobs bereg 'severely bruised and mana,Ted. Acsidents may happen but 1 pre- cautions ahould be taken. There is °:.e tad dog on the I3ase Eine which will persist in ruoting out and acaring horses. (000Per'S Congregatien have do- cided to give the Combination Servioe a teral„ Preaching servith wJl com- mence next 'Sliteday at the .bour or 2 o'cloelc, sheep. n3abb3 t b Schopl immed- kiddyi:aner preacting service. Sam innental eervir.e at Woodhull!' next Sunday, at 10,30 ra.m The rase - or will preach on the subject: "The Enrolee. re! Ilirsbaxed". l'he ;Quart ern/ 'Official Boarfl will meet .at Coopers on Monday, Feb. nth at 2.33 p.m. ene-• So Car only twentyeeine moil have enrolled hers out of one ,hundred. and (any asked! tor from the netht Middle- sex Reg:moot, A number of civil - cants were rejected, but even with theca the snowing° ie fax frorxi esatis- faeLory.-Strathroy D:spatch„ James Alexander, a veteran blac::- smith oE Ailsa •Craig d cud 'Thursday Morritcg, fol. I ow i n, r it abort, lleess. 13, bad, been o riceident or Ailsa Craig for more than' fotty years anti was wide. ty known throureboilt tire eerround- , Eng 'district, Surviving are Ids wife ' arid twobrothers, Jolin aod. JobasCoa, meetiriga. ' The annual meeting oC .the tCarene1 church was held on Wecitiesday- even -- HICKS' FORECASTS tog. There was a. good attend Inca , . and much interest displayed. • The The. Eitel:. Reaular Storm Period 'ex - various reports. were •quite . antis re 0 - tends mime., the eith to the titl,. fay - tory and,' show, a enod rind progx•esstre work is being, done a/0ml all lines or ohm -el.. effort. 1,3 Drake and rercy Clarke beve at the foundation of this and all oth- purchised the Commereiel Hotel build- er storm per'octs. The Venus eluinox in' sind entire•outfit from W. rerkans is still in full force, with Moon in and take possession on February, tbe ifegats center on Sunday the 7th. Die- -turbine; Causes And What to ireolf For. The "Vulcan irnluence." lies al perigee on the 71,11, at last quartet, or: the Oth. 'and extreme south, declina- tion on the 9th, r ad:1'n coasts heti mountain regions will have growrime searrn tonditiond by the i5tia, and Ilth on 'Monday, January 2otb., alter n.1;1 growing aloudiness end 'stoners t illness about five years. -Deaeased lvas born in the , County Dowin, Ire - Fail ng barometer, chaage to warmer wird. rain and snow°, will grow a e- eo land' P.,!26 and earne to this cove.- ..tent ,and "Mae. as they lass eastward isflueilln;01-11103:1 ef;er^ctebeeahareatnesPlenx!ditblf and entilliward ecross atm •cortntrr niarye where ,he was engeged ir. ,shor, from the 71-ai to the 10tb. Unease' mak g, he eext moved to toe Thames storrds will be err:ening the central 1 road, tisborne where ,he resided, tin Missiseippi valleo aboat the 'able and ' coming to iFetlttlit in 1587. Here ho Oth, w:!th barometer rising and coil coiltIictcd ti slicenanking business col oteat!op; weatheredvancing from the SOVS31 years when be retired. About west, and 'threatenina, stortn.a ap- rive years ago he 'had 4t strokit and proach:ng the Atlantio const state.. has been in a very (able state ever g-Phue, three 11:atinciive Phases or clime. 0 Za euiet unassuming &epee; weatber will prevail in these ox- tion, he took little interest in pub. toes at the same time, Each Isere 'lie affairs but was a ',stenrich friend t et will have its tura at each " 0? and much beloved be his family. He them, esthe changing ;conditions tas a etalineh Freebyterien. The move iirrolin west to east acro.se thi, funeral took place Thursday from the country. re -...Menet. en 1 Ponsell Isnlioe 'Cemetery MeV. R* tflcks, B.D., of Henson, hat recorafed a, unaidatotis inviLatton 'from the .soarierly board or tee London ell re et Methodist IChnreh Wiedeor le beanie their pastor, subject to thi, poroVal of the stationing odinnitttoo, .Arr. Hicks spent four sears, with the 'above coagregation. 20th. Another knee tlme xesident of Her oall past over to the great (mink/TRY Children Cry FLETNER'S 0 A lr (0 IR I. A HOCKEY Contineed fir= page 1 ice unless akompanied by a Parktill player, While Pete Haw,key decorated the boards on sea -oral oceaaions, We have the spectatore to back us up when we say the PerIchill --Exeter game 'was laet, a• little rough perhaps coving to hard baokeebecking 'but pot OndUly So, n Aid altogether was a, good exhibition or hockey, both teanie putting un the hest -wook. The ° re- port must have been a pipe dream hy the editor or •manufeetured from whole cloth. Az.iapelogy is in order. Below we reproduce the Parkhill report. - On Thursday, jaresney 31st the Parkhill Hooker Tealin took a joy ride to Exeter to ,net the team of tilatii/ town lei a genie or hockey The 'Parkhill boys were withoat the services oE two of their xegula.r playe ers, before( the Fiarkhill dearn got on the loenehe Exeter crowd was hurling abusive langaage at them and ging the Exeter team, to beat them upt rhe Parkhill team took no 'notice a thie at irat, but when the game started and the Exeter players start- ed 'mixing it up the boys saw that R was up to them to take the dirty work and say .nothing. Vrie Exeter e6aue tnp just about the dirtiest exhibition of hoarier possible. Sla.shing, tripping hammer- ing in fact anything ehort of murder ,i<thas-incladed in ttreir style of ° It was easily seen that they ,d?ivere bound to wan the game if.' they had to lay out an the opposing team Sone o( our' boys tired of this and began to do a little rough stuff them- selves and you ;should have heard the blood thirsty yell or. the fans when. Hawkey tripped an Exeter man 11te game ended 5 3 in favor of Exeter and the crowd went home satisfied with their .slug.ging pets. An an exhibition Of mestreatheg and abusing a visiting team, it *VMS huge success. Exeter will be here a week 'from Friday aud Dorkhill teem intends to show them a lesson in sportsmanship and decency. Farm for Sale LOT 7 CON. 1. SirBPITEN' Tee property of the late Thomas ['nears' Brit k house, bank barn and frame aern. 3 good wells, windmill. gen, eneh s emit '8 acres of good t 617 wood bush containing about 500 sta gar maple trees. Soil slay Joann werl drained and fenced. Farm in good state •of cultivation, one half mine from Centralia Station. Possession can be given to suit perch a ser. For term., rind particelars apply. to Geo, G. Essery Gladman &Stanbury Centralia Raristers Exeter Col. Wilson Honored - & very ssn- joyable dance, was given in the opera house on Friday evening last 'by the benedicts and bachelors oC Seaforth For the benefit of th, Rad Cross and Belgian relieP funds. Before the sluic- ing began CL Alex. Wtlson, com - thander of the 33rd Battelle -Se of the rd Regiment. wee called to the plat - forte, where Mayor Ament, oin behalf of the town and citizens, presented him with. a s-aluable tineepeaca a.nd purse on gold, acCompanied by an ad- dress. Bi•noist WEAVEECA NCB COM PANY The ninth annual meeting or the Huron 'Weather asurance Mutual Company was held in Ilensall or.. Fri- day last. The company has had a very prosperous year. It has fully overcome the shaking up It: got by the great wind storm or two ,years ago. The Pact that it stood this great strain oris resources so well, speake volumes for the soundness of the company and the admirable ithl.Oaer in which it is being managed by fehe Directors and Officers. We quote from the Directors report. During the year we have adjusted ninety-five claims at a cost of $1 1160.03. We have not only paid all cisims ted obligations against the company for the year 1014, but sve 'have said our note for $2.000 heirl by the bank-. at December 31st, 1n1.3, and closed the year 1914, with a neat balance of $,1,009.98. cash on hand. Tho number of new policies issued during the year was 733. covering insurance. to the anaoant of $335.170. The total number rei policiee in roree December 31et, 1914 was 2452, covering in- surance to the amount of $2,e57.205 Nine hundred and forty-one policies were cancelled &ulna the year, cov- ering insurance to the amount oi $95Se785. The Premium Notes held by the rorapany arriourn-, to $11g003. and the asses,sed' residue on said, notes ts $ .01e,60, iS43-1-ari°prgn:nA,WSI:v:vaVs:hor:Tnt nutPreft-edh7rinlar) the pest week sufferino, frent a severe attack or the La Grippe; • Sevce.el from th's kremlin:Re tended the annual meet -ear oP the Hay Fireclinsnrance Co. held at 'the Town Hall in Zorich. Mr, end Mrs, Itheben. Goetz have' returned to their 'horn... after' epend. ing some 'Ain° in Saone vieinee Mrs Gnetz sister, Mrs. 'P. Ar. Humble. Mies S. 1 (:.11 ne- peeeent Nis -tag her sister. Mrs. Sellery nsar Stearn .Dashwood Con (Anna tio n icuool, jan- nary Report -Normal En tra nee rasa re ined in 13r. °and , Ancient Ilistorea Chemistry, .Physics, Algebra, Geome- try and Compositino Sr IT S. Ent -Examined in Gegerarday, Aloe bre. Geom.etry. Arithmetic, .iteralina, nhe-sics, Composition. -E, Pabst.. 781; M. Ehlers 75; A. Greneebach 70; lialgehoffee 'se ; C. leellermana .50; 0. Meld 40x., P., IS, Grad, Exignineet es. in' preceding elev.. L. .33iner llt, .L1tutiu'dt 14.Mi. Hoffman 80, 'Weilt- Fassold 73. A. Irassold ere K. Groupner ere EoShire 64, I, Breditidge 40, . IT, Guenther 32g. .Tr. la V. Mitt - Neel; 930 L. 'Zimmer Et), L. tilieinhag. on F.3. G.• Kellerman 83, nt, N,:e-la Bt. M. Guenther 81, Al. Rook '74l A, mer 73, IL Guenther 70, It. pllrus II. Schraeder .1,6, 11; Snell 73 The marks indiente the aversperenite ego taken.' Those marked with au .1a were absent from part of the mown. TORONTO In centre of Stopping and nu.sireass District. 260 110018.-100 With Private Baths LogopEAll AM) Aneraoaer Preen. k A fa Carte neetaurant SAM. H. eisomesoe, ease THINKING CAPS. In United States the amonnt spent last year for chewing gum Inoue area $2 1.000.000. • More than $40,000 has been cote trine ted by the people of Cl4cage1 tud.,,julse Uefi,lgtoss, "mvohr% PA; k -rem fight against the reduction Of licenses in Loadoe cord the Iinuor terests over $13,000 yet they railed. The resolution tas• been adopted by the Dent.sylvania State Oratve pledging its thousands oE ;members aga!nst patronizing newspapers that carry lieuor advertisements. Following the • defeat of I caul option at llidgetewn and other large towns in Kent connty the Kea tem- perance workers have started an agh° talon dor the Canada Temperance Act. Many ask svbere the government money will, come from if there is no longer s. liquor traffic to tax. Russia has solved this problera satisfactorily and in war time too. "For the 'first time in the Instorp or mankind one-seventh part of the habitable globe is dry and 170.000,00a people have stopped drinking intoe' (eating lieuor," saes George Reiman referring. to Russia. Miss Reah nl. Whitehead was elect., ed justic oC the peace in Seattle at the last election: According to Mr. Lundin. the prosecuting attorney - elect. Miss Whitehead NI in be assigned to oases against wetuen. , -The Independent Order Gr Railway Employees in their annual convene dion itt Reading. Pa., adopted xesokt- tons favoring all legislation, state and national, which bed a tendency' to minimize or prohibit the menu-, facture or :sale of any intayneating drinks. Tbe Roman CaLhote priest the Rev. Father Curran, apostle of temp- erance to the coal regione of sPerite. eylvanare said, in a ,speech befera the First inrobibition Society in Americas 'The saloon is tbe greatest feeder of Hell that has ever been pernittted to exist." Chief Justice Sir William aroode found Sarrie,s Marabito guilty of mans slaughter in the killing oC Antoni 13onjourni. on October. 3 in 'Whitby, his sentetee being seven years' ins- prisoument. Judge Mulock uttered a most scathing criticism of: the 'hotel keeper who sold Marabito drink, and said that, according to the peace alga good government the hotel keeper should not be allowed to carry eqc business. 2:UR ICH 73 Mrs. V. 'Weil and Mr. A. Forciat of Detrain -are guests of ntr. and lafra. M. 3. Rau, oE the Commercial Hetet Word, was received here of the death of Bad Axe, 3Iich., of •Philip Steinbach, brother' to Mrs. H. Sipple of this'T.he funeral was held on Thursday. • We extend heartiest congratulations to our former fellow -townsman Mr. Alfred Gellman, son of Mr. John. Gellman, Zurich,upon the event of his marriage on Wednesday to Miss Porter of Prince Albert. Sask. ' While playing .hockey on the' nee near 'Zurich, one day last week, sortng. C. Laporte. son ot Mr. Chas. Laporte of. 'Drysdale, bad tne nnsfortune to be willh the puck: The wound keel guired a number of stitches. One dos' i•ecently while driving a traveller with a load or trunks fron? aurich to Blake our local Tiverylaaan Mr. E. Win.= had the misfortune 'tilt' have the load CpSPt while macing some of! the lame snoie drifts on Bronson line. fThe trunks had to be loft on the roadeide until the follow' ing day. Strupp-Foster - A :oder° wedding was solemnized in St. lioninace R. C. Church. 'lariat, on Tuesday Jan. 2d* when Miss Josepaine, 'claugnter or -Alr. and Mes. Alonzo Fester. Patedon. Line. 13ay Township, was united in ruarne.ge with Mr, Leo Strupp of Bonin, Itevi a.. Streder Gradating,. .31.ss 8. Diee trich plaeed the werining maralt. Mr. and Mrd, Strum, will settle down, °sir a farm mar Berlin. .e. IP YOUR CI-IILD IS CROSS, rEVERISE, CONSTIPATED Look 1Viotherl If tongue is coated, cleanse little bowels with "Call, fornia Syrup of Figt„" 14Iothers eau rod easy after giving gocalifornia Syrup of Trigs," because itt fonf hours all the clogged -up waste, Sour bile and fermenting food gently; moves out of the bov,•ols, and YOu havo a well, playful child again, Sick children needn't be' cleaaod to • tales this harmless "fruit laxative." ' 1V1illions ot mothers koop it handy be- cause they know its action On Oki stoma.eli, liver and basVols is prompt and sure. I, Ask your druggiA for it 1i0,,,rtt bnt- tta "California, Syrup of loign," which '• contains directions for babies, ollildrea Iet ail ages and fax grown•ups. 1 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 4