Exeter Times, 1915-2-4, Page 1Huron. ec Middidsex Gazette •.FORTY-SZrdOND YEAR -No 2130 EXETER, ONTs CANADA,, THURSDAY MORNING JONES AND MAY PHONE 32 Our New Spring Goods are here for the Early Shopper. ' Buy early and have your New Cloths Wade up for Spring 3 Ever 'thn Bou rat at the Old Prices. New a)ress Goods In Blacks, Blues, Browns and Green, Fancy Plaids and Checks.' All the newest fabrics shown New Wash Goods A big assortment =of New Prints. Gi'nghars, Chambray's; Galateals, Duck and Drills Crepes Will be real good for the coming season: We have them in all colors, Plain, Fancy and Embed, 15 75c a yd. Ratines Another popularFabrics, and a good wearer. All colors to choose from for 25c to 75e a yard. Big Reduction in Clothing. Mens Overcoats at 7.50, 10 and 12; Mons 13 to $22 Suits only one 4f a kind $13 Mens 1.5.00 Suits, a big assortment for 10; Big arsortment of Boys School Suits New Wall Papers A11 the New Designs and Colors are here. From 5c to 25c per roll. Don't fail to See Our New Wall Papers All - inter .` od :,. . AIL Furs at 25 per cent off regular price; Ladies Far Collar Coats for $11 Ladies $25 Fur Collar Coats for $15: Ladies Coats at 5.00 Childrens Coats for 2.00 and 3,00 emaiscoreocaltmenaataaeraite AND See Our Windows For 6raniteware Bargains Starts of hursday orning Prices that will surprise you, as we must reduce soar stock Sample Price = Water Pails, good size, at 40 Cents Big Stock of X=Cut Saws & Axes at Low Prices. r Skates .Sharpened - 15 cents Hardware r��r rware YE,4�r PIiONI; PRONE Heaman's 5 27 - 2713 A. > and Stove atone eater easesseeseeetere newel ef-etaeteeeresaseas S. S, No 3, of f-iJanuS,ry report for .ftephetl, Only (names of those who obtained ei0 per cent. or over are 'pub .iliisbed. Sr. IV- •A.. Dearing, •70; IL Clriebner 72 Jr. IV G. Schroeder 70 ' • .11r, ITU Tress tato r''tn1 Sanders rs 'N, O e 'ii0 : i,, °t"ia,rsons 00a tT3;r. i:I El,r •,rasti h r, , Dearing, 'E. Schroeder. , j ntetr. •CJ -tOltrtstie, 'J't, II.,11 Penhal�, flat. ,Soh,- *seeder, !Sr, ,I"rimer S; Dearing,. it ,'Jory. Jr. .;Amer, Ii,. Dearing 'Noe on' toll 31. Average 27t8, --Ida , 'hi. late weharid, Teacher • , ,-,,,, a '' Patriotic League. Notes vrevidusly acknowledged $143'L;titi 1i, • Walters 1.001 (E. Txieble ; •'t 1.0,0 Wm. Creeeh , 1.00 1 1f. (]t,• Sou -Cheat / 1„ 1,a0f1' '111oneur We IT,:•., 1.,00 IS. Davisr ' Lao, 1I. J•'W(I:;l.-e fu:i10 », t $1414.0 A meeting or the Patriotic Temno b will be held in the Town. Oral text Ivra)f da r evenitg• at, 1AL4 naps 190911A ANNUAL 'MEETING OF THE 1.+9- + BORNE & 121DT3I7BT IlitiTU,AL !i• FIRE INSURANCE CO ;The 30th Annual Meeting of too 1s usetf foe filling the ,g:lo, The cost Mr. H .T;; Boston w{IS se -appointed of the 5 ,h•p- motor Tuns at about to the Library Board. i Osborne and l:Iiblrert Mutual Dire In- 19 U to; $125 per year. 'ea counteract Leavers and Iioulsteri hat ( tee surance Co, was held in the Public) this is the Tact that the services or Council hold its naeefings on ' the Hall, I ar7uhar ,on Monday, tet- a }tired man are dispensed with. A second :end fourth Fridays of cache ruary 1st., frith a very large number of policy holders in attendance. T(he. Vice -President, Bobt. Norris. occu- pied the chair and in very feeling. terms referred to the death. of our worthy and Jtighly respected Presi- dent, M'. Robt. Gardiner, showing that the great Loss was not the com- pany's alone bat the entire com- mutai4ty's,r he being a that. of stir]': ingl :worth and great' capabilities...Al- thgugh junio r /member of:the Hoard b'.' ad risen quickly to tae "higrest offibe the' Board could. bestow. Never stinting but rather saerifidi'r.g 'fila timein order that "'.he might to the rudest' extent perforin any duly which FEBRUARY, 4th.1915 Hydra Meeting at Kirkton A� emeses aatie meetii g of repro- seLatattives • eit`s the vedette municipal- ities betweeneSt. Marys and Exeter waa held in Rirkton on; 'Wednesday, Exeter .Council The. Council' met in the Town Hall latonday evening, L?{tb., 1st, al entberrs all present/ except Conn.: Ilartoa• who was absent owing' to i• .ers. . Minutes of the Jest t...:, t1 e -were, January 271,1t ,tor the purpose of tone read and con1irmetl. sidCaenmuaixcatibn tiro i i e sac and Ey the aniseed of hydro PitVtrcr ttelevncixe Leo, re. ;t0.1.: at ce• a 'et r and I-lydre Radials. 2n xansw'er to tire. elrr3c's let cer L: i rad Mite ;eaten getter tr al d Meet,. ¢23rd lnst:;sta,ting that thele MI Be rcl ing was hO to better rural districts (would be in Exeter in • ix r C .ya existed u ontitrio titan the one pee land tween rS t, .ata1S and Exeter- At .tht the I7wouncouldentake the c:.tle_p ith same time it:syres one of the most i{i- rl7ommunicatian f) jid; c's .°'* ^n adeluately s r�"d.tlf hydro should her Humaine Society a•Ling `or, a , a paying prroLsttion In any district donation, heaver Ro fsto '-' it • it it ought 'to Wain this. Monate the sum i 4 a `i,d Mae representatives of the hydro A li ` ' sC • commission Ni. -.4p l:,.xigi,ueer ,Castor. To !Application ,fe 'n,•i' . A :1 supply to power Iine from St. Rfarye Dyterlbeerabee at r l 15 ^'r for to Exeter trout Leluir' a 13000 volt y line which wopid carry 500: •h,p. ] he ley rant -14.4a s nil oy 1 eau1 tnn ttna t. cost Would be''abeut $1500 per mile 1915 at a sr • 0 :ed Consumers cazitlot get their grower Hind and 1 r , +,. 1I• UV,. from the .high voltage nue. Ting.,11'Iawson be t • ° 1 - , ,'i t 'roust he a step down ,station, the audit the on "s r rc ^n cost ofavbich would be approximately at a salary aft CO pee am an • $4000. There tare two points to cos- that x bs- • 1• - r:„ Terni eider in, 'orrivita;; `at •the cost to the same and. ' se + 1 it ren .1: user, the service -charge and shier to the eo ecil et to ire r"^e n; power charge Hy the service charge every month ; the c .er' -`1 t o: i'y - - Is meant the cost of construction. Mawson of his appointment- -, Jar ariaintea:ince, depeeciatiot, and inter .vied. est on investment and is, estimated for Beavers and Hind that the Clod: the rural aloe at $100 per mild pet lay before the council at our next gear: To this is added the power meeting the amount of money that enlarge -which es111 ren from $30 to see have to Taise. to meet the expend - $50 according to the .cosi at the start- iture oxer which we have no control ing point, For a:aura/at. at the pre:,- so as tbe various com(nTitteee may est time the port -at La.an i3 $47.4) strike 'the expenditure for 1915,. - and at St. Marys; $30.00, The figura Carried. 'mooted Tor Rirltton using 50 n.p. walt 't Beavers and ITind that the" tender $70,81, a high late, but necessarily of ?(r. P. AreTarrgart for ase of weioht high until they couid be assured o: `scales for 1915 at a yearly rental power being, used. on the Exeter side . of $5.00 be accepted provided that Da this line was wilt it was the in- Mr, McTaggart pay the fee for scaIee tention oa. the. Commission to have inspection. Carried. ' a stop down station at Woodbam Messrs. Martin. l ladmnn ,and Frnke. which would serve an eight mile rad- a cleputati,on 'from the Exeter Pub - Ins and also one at Exeter whit» lie School ].3aard waited on the coun- cil re changes necessary for better In regard to the lnedro J2'th l It heating. better lightixa, better` les a elepaxate proposition to the Hydro ventilation~ ace" ` a larger school as Power proposition. They do not tiers- ores,ent coedit orss could not exist and essarily go together. They •may Dos- wished to know what notion the silly go on the same rign't of way bur council would ieke in this matter. this is not of xnuon conseTuerce as They would re:tuirr $7,000 besides the the 4tydro eomitnis-.ion has now 'the dusual grant which in all probability/ would be $e,000. The council • 'were' quite favorable to the scheme and thought' it would the a good idea ifor the school board to gall a • , public meeting and lay 'the whole matter before Bern Las they bacl 'before the council; after whtnh the ratepayers wc.uld be in a better position to judge the merits of the, ease. The Present building was erected. soma For example the 'figures quoted in 44 years ago and was probably a •1'•Lnae /Ailsa Craig were- 4Fx0,31 per h,p, par .:sa. mnie oa the school arebiteet.nse of year .:for 50 h p, or $54+12 per • .h that time, that is to say it fails jn al- ,pema,r year-, "en: *sv In•,P.. Bef e... be most every ,paeticular to, meet mode log retie to Co}IS1bi'r the £ /sib„htr ern requeremcnts, �f`he„ school ace s of a line being a reasonably cheap are long, narrow, dark lead poorly proposition five must know the amount ventilated. It contains neither teach- ' of freight and passenger service ot ers' room nor laboratory. These with ithat 'district especially the amount other serious defects call• for im- ' of freight. It is a r.•ecogn[zed fact that mediate action on tbe part. of the on our. railways the passenger' ser- I3oard and •1.f not done it might cause ( vice does not pay .for itself at • the tbe withdrawing of the payment of present rate. The deficit must be paid the government greats until soote out oPa the earnings of the freight assurance is given by the Board department. that they either modify and improve umers cannot get their power the present building or erect a rnew from the higL voltage li e. It. utast school, By' reading. the foregoing you come tfram•the step-dowvn station. ,`i'�ne Will at,,,,at a glance the, postiion oe plan suggested to : farmers was to the. Board. co'fora 2 ,h.p. and to instal/ Byelaw No. I. confirming the ap•- a'aiventract h.p, motor, and to have a mit pointment of auditors was read the er which, would indicate what was necessary number of limes sad finally used over, the: 2 h,.p. A 2 lop -:will. do passed on motion of Hind and Beav- ordi,nary =i"<.rht work but for /inlet.; ers. a silo slowly with an clevaeor a 5 Communication fuss received .from horse power is needed, but double 1)_, Quackenbush, Medical Officer oa that amountis needed if a blower Health. The same was c:e•`erred. ' right oC way on our :Highways (tor a port er line. So that tae radial line will not help out the power line ex- lcept that it increases tea load on the line and -taus reduce the cost. (The cost of power depends on how much load. Bence the place to 'have a hydro line is where we cringer the largest load. It tan load Is double the cost is`materially reduced, 2 h.p, contract would enable a far- mer to heat one or -two ms fiigbt kit) lamps at one t me Gor Tbe light- ing cost practically uol.hicg if power is used for tther purposes. Dr. Copeland Of St. Marys, occupied the chair. 1104CI EY On Thnrsdav evening of last we,tlr a game ot hockey was -played on the Exeter rink brtveenAilsa Crifigand Exeter, the visitors winning out a to 2. 1' was a genie of spinner • (ra(m stare to finish. The referee made "n was. entrusted to him. nothing wa.s ,Hess of thingas from 'toe Mart and too big for him to grapple /with, troth,- had little or no ..^.ontroi oC the ing too small to command bis at players, The visitors had come 'to win tendon acid he hes seta ingh . tanri- and the referee /was nut to give {,Barn dard of what was right and just for everything. Ile never saw an offside Itis felow directors .,to follow, unless made by an Exeter player. 1MIr. 'Norris inhis,,,address ahowa:d the ,Company still �proiressing on n. Stied basis there being a, marked in- crease in the number of new . risk.' amount of iitsurance, and assests. The Secretary Treasurers' and : Auditor's leper/ sho ve:1 that there was: leer]ed'i+ttes before time, luckily with no one during tbn year 077 policies covering odd up, The referee had the .poorest three of the Craig goals being scored Tram offsides. Slashing, tripp:ng and whalloping were in order and not. a roan was ruled off. In the last period it developed into anything but hockey. and the gamer was called a fats n:tin- an insurance of $1;I►1a,10(3,00 making a total of 2310 policies coveringan in- tturenre of $5,208',050.Q0 at !the gloss,' ot the year. The wars lasses amount -- ed to :i6,174.05 tt h&ets were all: prouipt- 1y raid when sans/Ottery claims, weal:, establislxed. There t;3:ttae'a,s 1 balence fu t:31 Bank of Commnterce at 'Exeter, efface,; etc., of ."c1'ti,703.24, The two re tiritT' ,,'1heCtors Tiros, 113.kan and 'Wm, ,l;aba-, werct're-elected •-1';xcteT hockey game /list ,/vas ex for three' years and 'jean 'T,. Animal,. hockey slanderous and hit • , ,the was eleeth'.t Lot one year to rut out truth. -at a very /wide mark,Mao the term of our late president, ;Ail hookeyr+ fans, of ]Exeter were,.. tau» were elected by acclamation. Messrs. lighted with, the .fine exhibition of Jelte Ha'y, nal J ab..J3 tilautyte rv0zo hookey that was put up on that cape- t•e-elected auditors tor 1915. ale)), and these same;just, tans net 'control of any genie scan. h'a're. At the beginning of 'the game liiarl 9outhcott was Struck in the cheek with the puck cutting a nasty .trash but he went on ar-d finished the genic -Leach, of Ailsa Craig was, the ref- eree. L Tale 7lnrlrh:Ii Gazette of last wcett contai1;cd a male up of the Parkhill g 1 t t Ike doclosersnr oCt t:Le aniruar, m*Wenn about as ,d.sgusted when dirty work is indulged * del cd in. We 'Were, nor, aware are'f. r` 11 e dz c e d ra-crtrangccbcc that any of the :::tryorlthCli eleoy's` ]eH tvheii. 1(00. and Til( : /vas duly oleet'ed town cut a Li atiYeeiitui r, ';• the lar esidcni: Thos, . Ryan Vic' -fret ab t sorest spots we'..iLnai ne' was the ideate Vi " A, aurn1 ilii ores re-appo%nt ' thought of 'Easing to the Rxeter.1alely= e& Scereta3ry,, Tacos.- of Ltha:` aon'paliy Mr, Sohn Essery, :o11 .Ltaborrne,, It-' It ers, and t.tose were evidently !era painful. As far as we earl recollect ,not an Exeter Lean, was stilled off tit, 'Continued on parse 5 ✓ ( No. 1, Centralia ; °;and Mi', 0; Ifnrrie of Fullerton, R. 1L No, 1, Mitoaell are the agents .at the Company, month: lime- of aneeting 7.30 p.m. up to the feast of Mar, • J1 13, Carling Clerk. fPhe Huron !County Council at its session. is Goderich, passed a grant of $1,000 a month to the patriotic fund as long as the Connell deems it neeeeeary; also arn000, to the 13el- i;ian relief fund, the money'y to be l.pent burin; flour and other .,teees- 'ities m•ide in the county. Messrs.. Mc- , Gam and Iris i ., 'rcprea,.nting (he 'temperance people of Huron. each eaoke to the Council, 'asking for a rigid enforcement of the Canada Tann- verance Act.'A special committee was formed to look into the /natter and 'report in June. Patriotism ani Production Com paign The Dominion Departmer-t of Agri- culture is co-operating with the One 4• Mario Department in a series of e Agricultural Conferences which. are ,d, to be held throughout this Province ea the aobject to explain and discuee, • conditions• in countr:e,s tvhere 1'/e stock' and sgriculturel production wilt ea be affected by Lhe war. Agrieutturar ;specialists who have made a study dl these conditions oral are capable •o@^ showing their effect on Canadian opportunities NV- be present at t heel, •ur.nfereitces and give their view's. e an Huron County ttvo conference- Will be held on 'J.'aura3ay; February 11. in. the ".Loftin hall, Wh1 ham, aria. on 1riday,I.rebrnary, 12, is the Tbwo 1[all, LSeaforth. the speskers ,at the, both meetings will be Air. Willialto S. uir•rel, T3.S,A,, Associate Professor of. Field Ifusbandry at the. O.A.°O, Guelph, who Will eliscu,s "the Duey and Opportunity oC the 'Caaade n Fate /Tier" \vitt/,' relation to live stock, and Pant l.rr . Angle, I3.S rh, of .. Si tmcoe. who 9u 'b"litre,. . iV stock i)SS. 6 disallsS 1 C will D ,eventr+g'Meeting will be Acid, ons eea � it la hoped tdlte ¢attruadricn. on both • ucceste-a . at each pleee win be large ftnd represontalive of.'tl'e l>rou"res ivti d 81 aT formers and live elk breeders 'et ' this county, It @will Irty any note 0 interested in these subjects 'to ate( ten+.l ,xnd gather this valirnblc in'orr.ua tiers„ olgotossualtionemacammistasex T ttc t i ing Eyelids o 56 er cent of The slightest hint of it the Railway wa en should not be neglected. in .. kVe test eyes free of charge, • and recommend ;glasses ol�lly 11t�1 watches'? when absolutely necessary. Calland let us show you the Hamilton and explain why they do. WITY Indicate eyestrain. Fl T Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses MMIaalMeMBEZNEJ The Exeter, argain Store Here are a few -of our prices for this l loi1t111a Sewing Cotton or silk 40e dozen spools. Boys ,Braces -'^3r ,ers:for•25c.. Meus•braces 2 pairs for 25e - - 5 pairs men's wool sox for $1.00 . Big variety cf rits and gloves Balance of our sweaters at less than wholesale 5 childrens coats worth $3.00 for $1.00 each 60 pairs sanlple,towels to clear at off reular price 24 pairs corsets in draf color regular $1.00 for 05e Overcoats at cost price 1. Rat lined coat regular $45.00 for $22.50 Ladies cloth rubbers sizes 2: to 5 for 70d is oots shoes and rubbers our specialty. .-Seeeneraataes-odeleattealaaaa as- ease(' •fie"rv, eaiia @44.04000 9®•00@4@@aseele aetee4✓i•04' Q84 -a4 ee-e- sa*Ood 40eb000d►,$• * o PHONE 31 W. W. TAIIA N A 0 d 0 4 0 4. a 0 0 0 • 0 O 0' 0 a • 0' a t* 0 0 0 0' 0 W. TAMAN PHONE 81 A 444 f shire with you the Profits on his Immense Stock of GENTS FURNISHING This • will be a genuine Stock -Taking Sale hen prices will be �+•� }nom �}^� y •� �y • g � 7 (� Slashed in two. o m l 0' Er <A 0 .e. • Now is the time to saveV~ money is @ i your oLP arcicred. ; clothing, Ready -to Wears aiid 'Furnishings of all kinds, � i ° At The trendof � prices i a� �w r d - 4r but not , m We are ing someBig r ,n. ' b M.4 . • flying