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Exeter Times, 1915-1-28, Page 8
tee: "LIVE EXETER C&1'ArtR�3 RE1ZEDY Is an Imitation of None, but is Imitated by Many. The Title is the first and best part with many such preparations, but NOT SO WITH NAMELESS. NAMELESS is fundamentally different from other preparations in that one can use it in or out of doors with the same safety, Nameless relieves most cases almost insta t1y�. Tryit for Sneezing, Stuffed Head, Sore Nose, Sore Hacking, Spitting, Coughing, WaxyEars, Deafness,Neuralgic hedache Lung Trouble, InflamedEyelids, Asthma, Hay Fever, Piles, etc, (VALUABLE TO FARMERS AND POULTRY MEN; use it•for turkeys and chicks for Lice, Swelled Heads, Gapes, etc, Volumes might be a tittersabout the cures affected by Nameless. We know of a case of supposed Consumption that was cured by Nameless, " HERE'S OUR GUARANTEE - — Use a bottle (not halt) of Nameless for any Catarrhal Affection and if it does not releive, we will refund the priee, 25 cents " No RED TA,PE," Only honest conviction. NAMELESS is prepared only by the Purity Mfg. Co., Exeter, Ont., and sold in Exeter at Powell's Bazaar. AZ A WATCH OUR WINDOWS SPECIAL TWO DAYS'' 'SALE GOING ON WINDOWS CHANGED THREE TIMES A WEEK If you know Bargains, take a look in our Windows. Changes,- Mon's, Wed''s, & Fri's., all thni January. ;UST ONCE MORE TZESOLVEb Th'AT THERE TS SOME°, PRETTY , PAR ;LING`' PICKING LEFT IN OUR P ,CNDTD SroCK, A N D WE HAVE JUST MADE A. FEW MORE SPARKS FLY- OUT ©F pI THE PRICE.TTSYOUR. , �I % CHANCE ///////:);',(/ v dam— . it/f7 ..r ?t$: • <�i• cr,� 1, © 4t.. `•. A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY MADE. IF YOU COME iN To OUR ,STORE, WE KNOW THERE ARE PENNY — SAVERS FoR YoU. PENNIES MAKE DOLLARS. YoU CAN SAVE DOLLARS BY DEALING. WITH US, BECAUSE WE HAVE MADE THE VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE oN OUR GooD GooD,S. WHY NoT' WE ARE HERE TO STAY, AND WE DoN'T EXPECT To Do IT BY ROBBING oUR CU SToMER S. C ME TO tUR 16 ANNUALSA'LE IT STARTS AI - f E FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY AND LASTS 28 DAYS I4ESE PRICES ARE FOR FEBRUARY ONLY Ladies Fur -Lined Coate, reg. Sale Price $29,00 LadiesCloth Coats. regular 10.00 to 15. Sale Price $5,00 Mens Fur -Collared Coats. reg. 10.50. Sale Price $12,50 Ladies Fur -Collared Coats. reg. 22 to 28, Sale Price $13.95 If the Prices do not Tempt You, Come (n and See the Quality Back of Them 20 per cent Discount on all Boys and Mena Suits 10 only Mens Suits, small sizes Sale Price $3.00 10 only Ladies Rain Coats, Sale Price $2,00 20 per cent Discount on all Mens and Boys Overcoats 15 only Small Mens Overcoats Sale Price $2.00 8 only Boys Reefers worth $3.00 Sale Price $1.00 LOOK OVER TILS LIST 1000 yds of New Print. Fast col- ors. Per yard Sic 1I Yds 12ie Flannelette, "good patterns" for 61,00 500 Yds. Pure Linen Towelling at 8i per Yard 12 Yards 30" Factory Cotton for $1.00 Eighteen Pairs Mens Overalls at 75c each Penmans Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, 40c a garment Girl's Sweater Coats 50c each Fancy Table Lampe. $2 value for $1,25 15 per cent discount on all Dinner and Toilet Sets OHGl " SOV.Ing OjpOrtilniUleS FOR THIS MONTH Good Pins, per pkg,.. lc • Best 5c pkg Needles 2 for 5 Coates Best Cotton Spoofs.....3 for 10c 15c Tooth Brushes 10c 15c Cord Beauty Pins 6 on card lOo Pearl Buttons extra quality, per doz......5e 100 lbs. Extra Standard Gran. Sugar $6.65 a bars Comfort Soap 25c Shredded Wheat, per package 10c 7 lbs. best Oatmeal, 25c 4 bottles best Extracts..,,...,. 250 Forest City Bak'g Powder, a sealer 20c Royal Yeast, a boYr . -.. •... .,........,... 3c 3 Cans Corn, Peas or Tomatoes .. 25c Maple Leaf Salmon, per tin ................ 22e 4 packages 10c Corn Smith 25e 3 pkgs. Kelloggs Toasted Corn Flakes 25c 8 lbs. best Currants 25c 2lhs. beet Baking Soda 5c 2 Cans Good Pink Salmon ... .,,. 25c 3 packages sec Ammonia 25c A STEWART PHONE 16 Market Report—The following is the report of the i',:tetee market corrected up to January 27th. Wheat $1,32 to $1035 0 ats n5 ,Barley 65 to 70 Buckwheat 75 to 78 .Peas $1.25 to 1.60 Flour $3.70. Low Grade Flour $148.0. Bann *27.00 per Iton. B1ao is $29.00 per ton, ;New Lard Eggs 30c. .Eggs aver ten days 22e. Dairy Butter 24c. Creamery 31o,', Giuoker.s alive 8. ;Dressed 10 Ducks, alive y;; dtressed L2 Turkeys a Ise 14: dressed 16 ;Old Toms, alive 11c., dressed 13 Geese: alive S. dressed 11 Potatoes 60 to 60. brier Apples 65. Hogs 17.25. ..1.4.40+.®®s®®mss. seeeo®eo..*o • LOCAL • •••®®®® Mr. Nelson Sheers spent a few nays in Sarnia this week. a Mr. W. Bannerman, of Winnipeg. visited in town th's week. Miss Evelyn Gill, who has been visiting in town. returned to Toledo last Friday. Miss Jessie 'Manson entertained- a number of fri'tnds on Thursday even- ;Eng last. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Jackson, of Alberta, are visiting with relatitives in this vicin':ty. I11'.sses Vere., and Olive Straiten. of Orossweil, Wch., are visiting Nr. and dlfrs. Wm. Fletcher Mrs. E. Benton, and two children, of Exena„ Sask., are visiting....,. fury. Benton's brother, Mr. Ai, m,.. FVrazef: There was pi' "gervLee in Cavern Yresbytt'e:eii' church last Sabbath. it eve r -,,,g owing to anniversary sect. at Thames Road Church. Naaven Sunday 'School have recent-+ ly remodelled the basement of ' the thure,h, ,adding a .number of doors for the d,Ividing of class rooms. Reeve 3. W. Taylor,, of town and Reeve F.'Eller:ngton of Usborne, are in Goderich" this week attend:ng tb,e County ,Counc'1. Rev. G. W. Dewe}, of Blenheim„ has accepted an 'nvitation to Trinity Methodist church at Stratford, sub- ject 'to the voice of the Stationing committee. Several representatives of the Hydro Commission have been in town the past few days collecting data with reference 'to a hydro radial through here. 'Mr. Jos .Northcott, of 5e2.sinit.h took a sieig;bloaci of young people out to Mr. Geo. Ether ngton's of IJsbor;ne, on Fr:day evening and a 'very pleas- ant •time was spent, Special Notice —"January White Sdc" commencing 'Thursday mortu:'ng Jan, 21st end lasting two weeks, at ]re's. •W. D. Yeti's. See Ad'. in ainothex column. Mrs. B, Clarke was the lucky win- ser Of the bag of flour given away at Leavitts moving •Picture Theatre,• last weeld'to the' patron drawing the lucky number. Mr, George Blatchford,'of tThhorno was in London on Mo..days end was accompanied home; by his father, Mr. F. Blatchford, who has been -receiving treatment at Victoria hospital. Next Sabbath Rev. A. E. Jones, of Stathroy ,will occupy the pulpit of JamesSt. Methodist church, the pastors Rev. W. G. H. McAlister, con - doting anniversary services at Stcat hroy. A number of citizens are In K:Irkton' this Wednesday afternoon attending a public ,meeting in conneeaoia wi;tb, a hydro radialfrom iSt. i1•I r ys to. Exeter. .Mr. Ga.by, 1ingineer is .to address t'he meeting. Mr. and Mfrs. A .E+'. :eyrie, of Carrievale, Man., are visiting with relatives and friends in 'town. Mr, .Priya formerly Conducted the black- smith Weep south of the Town Hall Their many friends are pleased to renew their acquaintance. on (friday, February nth;, a free exhibition of mov:rag plc/Lures for the school children at 3.30; .peva., , tired, for the general public at '8 p m,'in Leavitt's .moving picture theatre." No admission fee. Dr, 'IVfeNally, District: Officer of Health, will be present and address the meeting. iWr, Fred Mellott left. on Monday for London ;to join the 33rd regiment/ and to go into training, While there are a numberfrom this vicinity who have joined t.he; colors, some on the contineet end others in trair:ng. Fred is the first who has gone die net £road Djte'l:er'and a great deal 0 cretlit'.te due him, 114':" ow FURhi,TURE CEALER FUP4 RAL -'DIRECTOR EMBALMER PRONE 20a . Exeter, Ont Miss Margaret Muxworthy lea re- turned • home after visiting in St. Thomas. Smith - 'Sri 'McNeil of Falliirton,- will hold an auction sale of cattle on, February 4th. See adv. ou page four. On Tuesday evening next the Posing Men's Organized Bible Class of James street church will , en- tertain the Young Ladies Class to thrid annual banquet. The teachers; officers and orchestra have also been invited. D. Hartleib-who is charged with setting fire to...the Cleveland -Bartle le Sawmill Company's lumber. pileatieet September; was up in court at Sarnia. again on Friday afternoon, and has. been 4urnedi•bver. to. Judge ;5t dWia;tt.'s court. He sill come up 'this week and twill either the 'erred •then by ' the judge oriieuzanded to 'jail.air 'the• spring assizes'c"Soine interest':ey"evi deuce as expected iii 'this -case. At James Street Sunday School last Sabbath Robert 'Eta,,kes t afternoon the diplomas and seals were. distributee to those whoa had attended Sund'ayt School= each •Sabbath. during .. the• year. 'Twenty-seven' :diplomas. were given fori'tire first year's attendauce, 16 `seals tor. the •2nd; yeas:, '6 Con the the 3rd, 'and 19..,for, the fourth, 'Na 3 class of girls were each present- ed with a handsome pin by the super- intendent 'for. having the most per- fect attendance during the year. We examine by looking into the eye with thi Retinoscope the latestimproved method The R sh and Grind of daily living in these advanced times, has plac- ed upon the eyes a thou- sandfold stlainr.to -which our forefathers were not subjected. The glare of artificial lights, the strain of constant application to business and the thous- and one, other things that that go toward injuring the vision .early in -life,- makes life,makes it imperative that ae take better cafe -of our eyes than was neces-,, sary even.a few yeaas ago, Have then tested at 1'e altar intervals and remem- ber that an ounce of prey vention is worth a pound of faire. W. S. Howey '1 vuggisf Sc Optician Exeter, Ontario'' FOR SALE roe, SALT" — Three end a half acres of land on Huron. street. Good location for building with road sur` rounding property. Rock well 300 ft. deep. Well fenced and land in good. candition. Apply to'Miss Wood of Jones er, May, Exeter. An organization meeting of ,,,51?he Liberal Conservative Associate, tsar Dom'nion purposes will be het? rtat Clinton on January 30th."` ,1111r. Edgar Down, civil engineer', of Winnipeg is spending the. winter with .tis' mother, Mrs. J. Down. Mr. Down and Miss Down are spending' tints week 'with relatives at Granton and Si. 'Mares. Despite the very stormy evening. of last Wednesday about thirty Mem- bers of Mr.J.G. Jones' Bible Class drove out to .Elimvilie and ,gave a patriotic entertainment in the cbuiet . The class sang several pat- riotic songs accompanied by the James Street orchestra. ' Addresses were given by .Mr. Jones, Jos. Davis and '11. Jones. After the program; refreshments were served by thin ladies. A very pleasant evening was spent. HICK'S FORECASTS The First Reactionary Storm Per- iod in February is central on the 1st. 2nd and 3rd. A change to wanner weather will pass from west to ,cast. over the most parts of the ,country on and touching the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. attended by falling barometer, cloua- iness and rain—tne rain turning to 'snow over central to northern.: sere tions` or the country. The moon ;twill be on the celestial, eluator on the 3rd, ,moving toward its south, decline ation. Winter lightning and :thunder especially southward, will, be natural. on and touching' that date, bun -See- i den revulsion to severe cold , should - be looked, for within a few hours' Of these electrical . storms- .This change to rising barometer and cold, clear- ing weather, Will reach, most parts of the country, ,moving from west to east. from about the 2nd to a,e dth. 'WANTED -- 100 pullets and year old hens, any breed ;•' J. H :Gret'iva Exeter, Ont. 'LOST - On *Saturday, along the hake Road•:or in Exeter a child's stl, ver mesh purse containing s,mail sum of money, Finder kindly leaves at Times 'Obfiee. When ordering new or rccewal pap- ers 'for ,this year The Times can save. you money. We club with all Elmira. - portant ,dailies ,and weeklies. o-. 'FOR SALE -A very comfortable one and a half storey frame house situa- ted on the corner of William and Vic Coria .Streets posesssiora 1st of April• 19.15. Apply to Wm. Micers or Gladmar. and Stanbury Exeter, e PERRY F. DODPE, Licensed Auc- tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly, at- tended to. 'Phone 116, Kirkton., Ad- dress Kirkton P.O. 1 EDWARD J. ,FEIRGtJSON, Licens- ed Auctioneer, Sales conducted in any locality; live tock a ,specialty , Ord- ers left ht Times Office will receive Prompt , attention ; "therms moderate Address Science HI1, 11. R. No. .1;. Phone 45.3 Kirkton. ANNUAL MIEETING • Notice is hereby given that the, Annual Meeting of the 'Osborne Se Hibbert Mutual Fare insurance;'Co.,•; will 'be held in the Iia11 Fe,rgt4'i"li,a.r,' on Monday, February lst. 1915, at1 Ler the purpose of receiving*til reports of Directors and Auditoree or the past year and for the eleeilion or two directors and two auditors end .for other business. The Directors whose term of office expii,res, but . who are el:gi ble • for re- election ere, Thos. Ryan and William Brook. . W. A. 'TURN B U LL -Sccretary• Fairqutbar, January 8th, 1915. ANNUAL .MEETING The Annual Meati, ig of the Huron Weather Insurance Mutual Compary, -will ' beheld in the new Town £J'iil in the ;village of liensail, on; 'Friday, ;Tannery 2'Jth. 1015, at 1.30 p.m. The businessof the meeting will be to receive ''tile .annual reports of the Directors and Auditors to appoint' three Directors and two Aud:tors,and and 'other' business that may tie, colli •sidered for the good and welfars of the Company. The Directors who ,re.• tire' are Messrs D,: Fotherin,glha,rn, M. Geiger and Fleury Raw, ell of whom. are 1liig'rble for re-election. Al, Geiger,. ;G.. Smit•tie Pre,side'n't Secretary' Dated` at Zurich thi,s 12th day' of 1 '4-ausiarx MIL/ • M. M. DOYLE HAS TAKEN THE AGENCY FOR THE FOLLOWING LEADING.AUTOMOBILES OAKLAND , OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC & HUPMOBILE INTENDING PURCHASERS WILL DO WELL TO CALL BEFORE ORDERINGT M. M. DOYLE 7e Ste;inped Goods Stamped Gowns with Floss 79c Pillow Cases Trap"Cloths Linen Centres PRONE 93 JANUARY White. S1 ae -at Mrs."W D . Yeo's Ask to look at our gondw ide, tor- cheon lace 5c a yard, a1 the lace 6 ydfor 106 Towels {THURSDAY MORNING) In order to'mak e room for our New Springy Goods •which'are arriving. We have decided to put on tor two weeks, A Special White Sale. Muslins Crepes Vesti ogs Cottons Gowns Skirts Drawers Corset Covere Fancy Linens Aprons, Collars Hdkfs White. Waists Emhroideriee Insertion Laces Have also odd sizes of Mens White Shirts which we which to clear at greatly reduced prices. See list below. Mena white linen collars, all styles !Oa This week some white Flannelette and white table linen squares will be added to oar White Wear Sale • Mens White Shirts �{ 14ir,-:'8 lei; at 49c. 3 14; 115;11 15i; at 59c. 2, 14i; 6 15; 2, 15i 16; 2 16i at 79e. .Choice Groceries always on hand. • .A. Call Solicited -or Mrs. W.D. Yeo White Spreads A number of pairs of Good L'ice Curtains No two pairs alike All prices Having taken the District Managership for the Ford .Automobiles, I ,beg to announce that a shipment of Cars will be here in a few" days: Call in and see them h e �. MILO SNELL, it VVES SNELL Dealer Asst.� le Sa srnan i•