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Ittntrit8DATt OteVidinar, 28t4, 1915
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clxeter. Times Printing
Company, Limited
Exeter, - Ontario'
Next in IdipQrtAnee....
*_g• proyision to ensure p
to . Makma 1
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• carried out.
The interest of this Company in any estate which it is era-
, • ,
powered to administer is strictly impersonal. All things are done
with the sole .aim of fulffiling its trust with the highest degree of
efficiency and faithfulness --in closest conformity Witb the expressed
desires of the testator.
Consult with us regarding the administration hf,your estate.
All information cheerfully furnished free.
SIR GO. GIBBONS, S.C., PrPgrrleMe r JOHN S. MOORE, *onager
r 2
Mr. Wan. Basscov INAS returned from
se visit to Detroit, Micdx.
Morris' Stamp or the Cartad-
da:o west is visiting relat ves Dere,
Mrs. J. Galster 'nes returned from
ea. visit witn, friends in Exeter.
Miss Maida Routledge of Dat4n,wood
tts visiting leer friend, Mass V.
,l'ad Lamont shipped twocar
loads of battle to the Buffalo Market
last Friday., . ..t.
Rev. Ee Burn of Waterton, ,Ont
laSSisting itevnnir. 'Brown
sgelistio cLJflpaigfl.Tb#. Seinrices wiil
, +coati:nue every eir'eniiig in the -Ecge
'idle language: Rev. Ma- Burn is one
of the -sweet singers. 62 Israel, be -
aides being , a. splendid preacher..
Everylecidiel la cordienn invh9ft, to
:attend these services.
deidets Hildebrandt and fantity
• ,
have moved froni Goderich to Zurich
and occupy the house at the flax
'm ill.
The annual :meeting of the Zurich
Agricultural Society was held in the
Town Hall, here on Wednesday after -
'neon. The finances „of the Soda.,
are in a satisfactory condition, a hale
ane e of $31.9.3 remaining', in the
treasurer's hands. Following is the
result of the* eleotion or officers lor
the year 1915; President J. Ptraffl
let Vice Pres., C. Eilber ; ",21ed
tares.. W. F. .Caldwell. Direetihrit 3,
Dedher, • Ji., L. Ha Itadex, :Alfred la
Reichert. James Green, H. BL Neeb
Casper Walper, W. B. Rattler, Pete:
D,eichert, 111-eKrugeri. Auditors Jao.
fla teeter al:Ad/Venda Smith, Delegates
ant Agniculthral Fair iconVentiOn to
be held in; droronta ,in Februe,ry, •J".
P.farf and Pe Deichert,
Was re -appointed secretary , trehatirer
the -society at anincrease salary
know a wornan's trials.
••1 knoseher need of sympathy and help.
If you, my sister, are unhappy because of ill-
' health, andfeel ungt for household duties, social
pleasures, or daily einploymeut, write Mid tell me
pist: how you stiffer, and ask for in y free ten days'
trial of a home treatment sttited to your needs ;
with references to Canadian ladies who gladly tell
how they have regained health, strength, and
happiness by its use. I want to tell yott all about
ells successful inethed of home treatment for
yourself, :rig reader, foryour daughter, your sister.
or' your mother. I want to tell you how to cure
yourselves at home at •triging , cost, and, without
id from any one. Men cannot tinders tan d vronica's
sufferfugs; what we women know from expr..
ience, we know better than any doctor;'and
thottlands have proved there is hope even for the
' 'hopeless its tny method of home treatment. 0 you
. ,atifier from pain In the head, hack, or bawels,
feellngof Weight and dragging down sensations,
.•.• •
tank:nor displacement of internal organs, bladder
irritation with frequent urination, obstinate
constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly
..ear Irregularly; bloating oreninatural antargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia extreme
nervousness. depressed spirits; melaiseholy, desire to cry, fear of sometting evil 'about to
tappen, creeping feeling tin the, spine, pollination, hat flashes, weariness, sallow commexion,
with- dark circles under the eyes, paiii. in the left • breast or a general feeling that life is eat
worth living, I invite you to send to-dsy for nlY complete ten days,' treatment entirely free ritulf
tpoitpald, to prove to yourseff-that thee* ailmcan ents be easily and surely commeredat, your %ink
'mine, without e expense of hospital treatment, or the stringers of an operation. Wonite;ri
everywhere are escaping the surgeon's knife y knowing of. my simple, method ofniveme
treatment, and when ytiu are Cured, stiy Sister, I sealt inity ask yon to pass the good word along
itesome °thee etifferen ety home treattnen t is for ana-yeting or old.; 'no mothershf Daughters,
rivin'eXplicin a Simple home treatment width speedily and effectually ctireS 'gretit-sicknesS
. hinnotosien irregutarities, headachesp and laSsintde hi young vrdthen, ,and, resteres; Pion to
solemnness and 'learnt, Tell me if you are worried aboutyour daughter. Remember it costs you
sreibing to give iny method of 'home treatment a complete tett tiars trhil, and if you wish to
continue,. it eoete only a few cents a week to do so, and it does not interfere with otleqs dailY work.
lithealtk.Worth risking ler ? Then:accept few•generons offer, write tor the free frentmentsuited
your needs, Sttd I will send it in plain Wrapper by tetunt ellen. To neve unit yeti tau cit did
:this offer mane the places that tell your Icemen, auttettfirts to site. .Writetard ailc for, the. fres
lirestiesent teodsy, asyou may not see this oLke szaft dd , 41,
• Crediton
'Miss MAY Armstrong has returned
to hen poem in Exeter after visitiog
frtencis in town. '
Mr. 13ailes was in London for the
week -end.
Miss Mabel WeInZei has returned
horae from Detroit.
air. Goetz of ,Dasiewood, was en
town 1Sunday.
Mrs. Hanich arrived home after
visiting relatives in Bright.
Our hockey boys played a very
interestiog game or hockey in Allea
Ornig on Monday evening, With the
team of. that plum. The score amount
ling to a tie 7-7. Messrs., Illureay
LioltamanD and Sill ;Mote lead tbe
mi,sfortune o5 bovine., their Laces cut
but are able lo be out. ,
The Kwastika Circle met at tau
home or Elsie Kienzle on Monday
evening and had a very pleasant
Rev. Becker has returned home af-
ter condectang revival services in
Miss C. Hill, left yesterday for
Detroit where he will take up a
course of nursing in Grace Hospital.
Dr. Stevenson of London performed
an opera.tion or appendicitis, on
Lorne Fiakbeiner on Tuesday last. At
present the patient is doing nicely.
' -Among the eveek• visitors we notice
Mr. Bep. 'Quarr3 spent a ;roe days
lin the village.
„ Mr. jghn and Torn Vosper, of
Mitchell, are visiting relatives and,
ds4this wek ein and arou sd
Mist; Fraser' a St. ;Thomas, is the
gueste of Miss Hepburn. ,
or Da,stiwood, is, the
goest ''of,nirs. S. Brown, and visiting
ixiihtives in the village -Ills week.
intdisi Hooperspent e. day ,with her
Inlet, 'Mts. towslaugh.
Mr. John iColdwill spent several
-days it Toronto on busie.e.ss.
Jim. Godsave spent Saturday in
Liman on business. -
•Mr. S.:Essery or London, called on
'friends one day last week.
Mi. and Mrs. Neil are guests at
Mr. A. Maquires
/The Patriotic Concert on Monday
night last was fairly well atteoded,
and proved to be an occasion of great
interest and paofit. Suitable music
was 'furnished by Miss L. Elliott and
the lame:ratio. Male Quartette, and an
excellent address was given by ex -
Mayor Graham of London. Mr. Gra-
ham vividly described the present war
situation and pointed out clearly
the duty of tCa3aadians to aid the
of. the Empire in every ' way
Possible. The proceeds amounted to
ti ,Tlee Centralia Baseball boys ie -
%tend holding a box social in the
esehool Nall on Friday evening, Feb-.
rnary 12th. A good program is being
:Miss L. Slain is spending a few
neeks• with friends at .Kippan ai-1
other places in that; vicinity.
ar• ivr „ A ;
, WhO Was zer-
ariusly injured in a runaway acoident
weeks ago is able' to 'be moved froul
h• er bed for a shont time each ,day.
Herb Langford, at Grantor. ,eVho,
cutAnne-eat his •thes; off: with an axe
while trimming' a, treeniin the • twee:
last week is imProving
• Miss Edna Gunni...g is speeding this
week with fidends in Loma and,
Emit:Asbury. '
Miss E. Mille and bliss M.. Henry. or
Woodharn were the guests of /Ans.
S. Gunning on 'Sunday.
• /flee lee hanVest has ;Started mind
here. Jones Bros. are hauling to
Granicth, while Hector Willson, is
putting', in his supply else. •
/The 'girls of the Daisy Mtss.iofl
Band • :met at the home or 'Mary
Brooks on Saturday an,d made a nice
Earl Johnston, was the guest cif
Ilector Millson on Sunday.
Ray Dobbs or Saintsbury had a
woodbee Tuesday afternooni and a
lance at 'night.
Annual Meeting
;The apnual meeting of the Kirk -
ton Agrcultural Society , was lel&
in Aberdeen Hall on 'Wednesdan at-
ternoon last. The President, Wma
Atkinson occupied the c'beitr. 'There,
was a good attendance. The Secre-
tary-Tref:Os. report and f:nancialstate-
as tread before the ;meeting.
vh'Ittaireastiowed•tbe society to be indi
vernee'flihrishing condition. They
rellegtichrig are the officers for the
ensuing '• yeairehf President, 'Williams
-Atkinson, lst. Vice-iErre,s.. A. Brethour
and. Vieeniares.,, John KelIand. Dir -
tors, &den Coie, R. Berry, Jttrnes
Stepbens, R. Peyntetr, A. Berryleine
R. W. Switzer, S. Routley, W. Brock
swer, .8. DOupe, A. Francis, J,
Woodley. Auditors,; J. More, A. Me
Driver. The society' deeiden to enter
in the field crop competitions again
this yeer with Fall Wheat, Barley:
and Oats as the varieties of wain
to. compete with. At the close of the
meeting the Directors appointed. A.
Mamie, Sec-Treas. The President and
pecretary were appointed to attend
the cohvention of Faits to be held
in Toaonto Feb. 2nil and 3rd.
SQUIRE — At Woodham, on Wednes-
day, Jan. '20th, to Ms. and Mrs:
'James uire a daughter, Ila
leriell HIED
WILSON — MUNN -a. At Hensall, on
Jan. 23ehe Miss Beesie, only daugh-
ter of Mr. and "Mrs, Alex Munn,
Hay Townsnip, to nth. T. G,
M.D., of Moorefield, Ont.,
Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1015,, Chas.
Edson. Carr, of Pori; Huron to, Miss
, l'hera Luella Myrtle, daughter of
NT. and Mrs. D. L. VanAlstyne. of
Sarnia and formerly a Parkhill.
McMORDIE eet London, on Ton.
13th, Robert Monlordle, aged ,70
tED •
EO:InOM01; joo;mnee,3 13
tro./:,74% god'
' 22nd .Viola May, infant ciaeirehrer
OLUNESS Allsaraig, soriddi
Jan. 100 10I5, Mary MclitIlen,
widow of the late Donald Cluneen
• •••••e• •• • : •,• • ,
The renewing was taken trona
the Pioneer () teat :week and spea ts
tor' C4Sette
-In terse and strikiag teram Rev,
W LL B. aleAdister of Exeter cella
upon the Leader ot the Ontario Gon-
ernrnerit toput this Province ia tea
proper niace„ in the onward roarch or
uocial progreas and:moral reform. His
appeal is entitled "The Day," and
appears in the "Canatliaa White Rib-
bon Tidings" It is so sowed, and
sureng that We: haye pleasure in Tee
prodticing it In toll. XL runs -is rot.
lowr3; •-• '
No ;tiny like to -day has ever
Tha best and theworst are In a
teeth wrestle. Tha. farthest flung
deettle linesthat ever havebeen
Ordered have spreadein Europe. The
seven seas have abisorbed the blood
of 'the bravest Men; Two of the fore-
most men in OnittaTio are the Hen. W.
f. Hears. And Mr. N., W. Ithwelt
They were well onn. Bleased; is the
man who is well ;born. In the an- '
cestral specked 'behind 'these two men
stood the kind Of men who have
gtven us prom the, human look -out
our legaciee et ehunieh and state. Both
men face a supreme Issue to -day
They are ,leaders of [nen in a day
that peculiarly lends itself to the
enthronement of the righteousness
which, exalteth a neticin and holds it
strong in the exaltaficin No men nor
set of 'men attempt to justify the
wastage of Inuitan lire and its ac'hieve
amine through; tbe ;manufacture end
sale oft alcoholic_ linaor. We are tired
of the drivelling platitudes from ttone
Who ;hold briefs- forthe trade about
efforts t� roinLrniz encl daily with
this 'alcotisolfia fien;deianthere will On-
tario march in 'tan world temperance
array? LS ber, plede in the front or
rearf Ohne fotemost Will sae be
relegated tO the rear? Is Renee.% and
France veritingdheadlines •for Ontain
lot 'Will the vain:ea Lord Roberts,
calling to, the brave: free and strong,
be smothered by the men • ot tne
traffic?. Wilt the doneinaton of the
"Bosses", who .speak from inside the
traffic and without, control the
Premier of Ontario?
Will these political shepherds in
Ontario riverride,and veto the senti-
ment of the great t•Ki,tchinen who is
pleading for sober soldiers Trona On-
tario to fight the Empire's battle of
righteousness in Europe. Asia, and
Africa? It remaips for Mr. klearEG to
say. It is for kr. Heanet to decide
between* the one side God the other.
No man in Ontario ever had the op-
portunity that is Mr. Hearst's. The
W eight of ,heavy ,destiny is upon hie
: .These are days in which Oanicia is
paying less attention to politics than
at any time in her•history ; days in
which .ebivaIry is chivalry without
the :vain trappings; days for patriots
to do and die, if necessar,v. but never
to trim' nor compromise. Mr. Rowell
has declared his position and takeri
his stand. He will =rah abreast;
with Russia: so tar as 'the limitation
:of the Brill:We North America Act will
permit.- He will jean hands • with
Mr. Hearst' for the: forward martin
Surely this is patriotism and in the.
eyeof the mere politician costly pa-
triotism. But in these days when mon
are offering their in:stance, lives and
limbs, for the- better things of this
life it is, no ,nime d.sailiaten to ,. the:
polititeiatinvitte haatenee or
'Ile fleshapots Of Vovernment patron-
age. This, abovenailaelse, ts the day
of patriotism and righteousness. 'The
day has dawned for a tforwaad united
inarch along the whole- line.'
By Lydia L Pinkharn's Veg.
table Compound and Wants
Other Suffering Women
To Know It.
Murfreesboro, Tenn, "I have
wanted to write to you for a long time
to tell you what your
wonderful remedies
have done for nae. I
was a sufferer from
female weakness
an d displacement
and I would have
such tired, worn out
feelings, sick head-
aches and dizzy
spells. Doctors did
me no good so I tried
the Lydia E. Pink -
hare Remedies—Vegetable Compound
and Sanative Wash. I am now well and
strong and can do all my own work. I
owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vege-
table Compound and want other suffer-
ing women to know about it."— Mrs.
H. E. MABEN, 211 S. Spring, St., Mur-
freesboro, Tenn.
This famous remedy, the medicinal
ingredients of which are derived from
native roots and herbs, has for nearly
forty years -proved to be a niost valua-
ble tonic and invigorator of the female
organism. Women everywhere bear
willing testimony to the wonderful vir-
tue of Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable
Why Lose Hope.
No woman suffering from any form
of female troubles should lose hope un-
til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a fair trial.
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E.Pinkluoni Medicine Co. (co3aile
dential) Lynn, blass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held in strict confidence,
Miss G. Almon has gone to visit.
netro't zriends.
Mrs. Thos. Fall's and Claude, can-
t/on friends hre r
eSaturday ente
an -
Mr. end Mrs. Redmond. of liensall,
visited an Mr. A. M. Wilson's last
Mrs J. Lowe is in with la grippe.
Miss L is visiting friends
in Stanley.
Miss M. Wilson Ls recovertng from
a severe attack or Bronchitis and
The W.M.S., will hold an at Home
at 'the, Methodist °march on Tuesday
evening the 26th, inst., T•he, pro-
gram will consist of musie by the
pale chorus and others, readings:,
recitations and a drama entitle
"The Greatest 'Nein". Lunck will
be Nerved at the close. Admission 1ne
Vo one appears' to have drawn
attention to the reroarnable fact
that th.e Kaiser was exactly Bea cal-
endar months old on 'The Day"
(July 27. 1514), having been hoed on
January 27, 18)59_
The prophecy runs, "Here is wis-
dom. Let ham that bath understand-
ing count the niumber of the Beast;
for it is :the nuoaher oC o man; and
bis number as six hundred and three
scoee and six." Mete. xiii v• 1St
A Real Nerve And
Body Building
We believe ReecalleOline Ott Emil-
e:1On is the best remedy Made for tone.
ten- the nerves enricihing the blood
itg up 'waisted tlissues renewing thealt,h
strnegth and energy—the beet meda
Witte you' can use ifayou are run down.
tiredLout nervous and deblitatecl, no
matter wthat the cease. Tt dcserat de-
pend for -its good effect, unon alcohol.
air 'formitg drugs, because it
•Contailns -none, It :may not Ma:kei you
dent beftter it a few hours, but it will
make yoa 'feel 'better, we are sure,
as noon Jas the tonic and food prope-ra
ties. It •contalitis have a Charm to•get
'ento the 'blood and, through +the blood
into theerest of 'the system. Pure
Olive 011 and the Hypophosphites bave
long 'been 'endorsed by successful pley-
'siciaca, :but here 'fo 1l finstl time
they are con:deiced in one preparatiorl
whidle as u .r.e.rve-food and a builder
or health and strength, we 'believe has
has co equal. - -
you docat feel well ;begin taking
Rexall Olive Oil Fannizioc, to -day and
build your health ard atrengthen your
eystem against more serious
To vonvalescente, old people!, puny
children Bind all others 'who is week
rf re -doe ti or ailing, we offer Renal!
Olive 01 Emulsionwith our personal
gu:arantee that it it dp,a't make you
well tared istrcing again it 'will to.st you
nothing. ia we didn't have the at.'
Most ;faith, Sri it we %mutat-tat offer It
with title guarantee Mor even recome
meta it to you. We are mire/ %hot
°toe yOn have used it ',you will trecorier
Mend lit to your triehtds and thank us
tor haviree recommended it to you
Sold only aft the mere than 7,000 Rex -
all Stores, and this ;town only by
ue MOO,
NV, S. Cole, .-iteter, Ont.
0: agS _ Se°
there hi is TV,esell Store -in nearbi every totOr
end enhein the linked Statoa, Canada and
t There11;iitneigareatRxeIJ
4Avieag 1°*'°°°41t erY'huthen
eupe�iifly esigl'eda- diti Partieuter
for whi teeorninort ed,
ThS ilteetali Stares ate Anistilen's dratted
- pot stotts
The AilsanCraio, Hockey team pas
here Thursday 28,th; at 8 p.m.
Owen Atkinson, of town. is qual-
ifying as Lieutenant at London, and
will join the third conticgent. •
f/1he attention of the Street Com-
missioners has been called to the
Byelaw prohibiting the durapiag of
ashes ori the street whitah areatus no
uns'ghtly mess both now and in the
'T'he Boyer -Vincent Stock Co. play
ed in the Opera House on Monday
and 'Tuesday evenings of this week
and received a fair patronage. The
audience seemed well satisned with
Mr. Cookson. of Blenhenn, visited
with Rev., W. G. El. and Mrs, leicAl-
ister, of the James Street parsonage.
over Sunday. Mr. Cookson is Super-
intendent of the Blenheim Methodist
Sunday ec,hool and on Sunday after-
noon addressed the sCholars of
James Street school.
Thames Road hockey players were
out Tuesday afternoon practising on
the rink n ad Fred Wilkinson, had the,
misfortune to have his fin,gers step-
ped on by a skate cutting them so
badly thanit required several stitches
to close the wounds, Dr. Quackenbush
dressed the wounds.
'5Ir. S. Jefferson, of Crediton, •ad-,
dressed a un:on meeting of Main
Street and James Street Epworth
Leagues in James street church on
Tuesday evening. Mr. Jefferson is
the Secretary of the Social &donna
and Evangelista .department and his
remarks along that lane were vera
Auto owners will soon be called
upon to renew their licenses. 1914
markers being good until the end Of
January. 'This will not entect many
local (MUM'S however, as most oars
are stored away for, the winter. ,The
new schedulecof rates has been iss-
sued and range from $6 to $25 accord
Ing to horse power.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brook, of Us -
borne, have the sympathy of the
coraraunity in the loss or their infant
daughter, Viola May, aged 6 months
and 4 days. The little girl had
been ailing for a few weeks and
passed away on Jan. 22nd. The ruin
trot was held on Monday to the
Exeter cemetery.
The annum ineetune cYE hen Exe-
ter Agricultural Society was held on
Friday January 15th. There was n
fait attendance and .considerable in-
terest was manifested id the pre -
meetings. The society is are an excel-
lent rosition financ;ally and other-
wise, and) is in .splended shape to etio
coed work daring this year. Mr. E.
Christie was re-appoitited President,
Mr. Sohn Moir, 1st. Viee and Itir,
W. D. Sanders, 2nd, Vice. Aire;
Seldon was appointed Seeretary and
W. 3), Olathe, `treasurer, The •follow-
ing were appointed Directors ; Paul
Coates, B. Williams, John Allison, J.
Jeckelt, Hy. Snail, J. Decker, G.
Jecigh11,11. Smiih,J. .Daokex J Del-
bnielne, '1.1erilife le, W. 81' iio t, , Boer
.deld C. „ Sanders 'Dantean t e „ktatt-‘
itoes, The , presidat Tl 3. 03li5ti,4
a provincial director, Will attend the
atnts.,1 donvention , in Torotatcr ou
thteruary 2iltd aad ande 0
Exeter Council
Centitnted from page 1
$25,00 and lf the y oannot meet ne
fairly Jn regards to rental it wail be
in the interest of the town to take
a phone from the Hay 0o. instead
the Bell Co. --
•tOlerk wan instructed to a*
for applioattien , for the folowing.
Assessor and Weigh Seales, and. teed.
CI'S for Printing applications and
tenders to be in the Clerk's bands
at 7 o'clock on Monday evening Feb-
hary 1st,
The Comessioner was instructed to
,see that no ashes were plaoed on the
streets as it is a Tiolation of the
village 'bydaws'and. the same will he
enforced if continued.
The nouncil adjourned to meat 0
Monday evening, February 1st.
T. B. CARLENG, Iflerk
rina iSzargv.
In Centre of Shopping
and Business District.
250 ROOMS. -100 with Private Baths
It la Carte Restaurant
'The council met pursuant to sta-
tute, Present R. Rayoraft. Reeve ; E.
Hodgins, S. ET. Hodgins, E. Thomp-
son and Timotny Mackay. Councillors.
Eac'n member took the Statutory
Declaration of office and qualification.
and took their seats. By -Laws No. 1.
2 and 3. appointing salaries and al-
lowances and canfirming the ap-
pointment of municipal officers and
commissioners for the respective
electoral divisions were duly passed.
Orders were passed for the election
expenses $77.40 ; F. W. Farncomb, C.
E.. costs re Ryder Drain. $22.50; Sun
Office, bal. of ;contract for printicg
and advertising $15.00; J. Herbert,
refund a Twp. rate, he having his
buildings destroyed by fire $25.00;
Police Village, returning officer and
rent of hall for nomination $4.00;
other sraall sums $10.00. It was
unamimously decided to continue all
the old officers of 1914. The Coun-
cil adjourned to meet again, Mon-
day. Feb. lst. 1915, at 10 a.m.
W. D. STANLEY, Clerk,
Farm for Sale
Tee fproperty of the late Thoraae
ketery •
Briik house, bank barn and frame
(-den. $ good wens, windmill, goad
Girth tee i bout 8 acres of good t d•
wood bush containing about 500 su-
gar maple trees. Soil ?Jay loam, well
drained and fene,ed. Farm in
good. state of cultivation, one hall
mile from Centralia Station.
oGeeno,txGaii!ssery Gladman &Stanbury
For terms and particulars apply to
Tnen to suit
Baristers Exeter
Mr. Joseph S'etrondee has bouglit
another twenty-five aeras oa farad
from Mr. Henry Roeder. The land ad-
jeios bhuInr.dr'Secdh
raocedreesr's, who now own,e
Williaxn Gossman lett Wednesday,
morning to spend a month with
friends in Pt. Huron.
Mr 'Theodore Keller of London spent
Sunday here with his sister. Mrs.
Wm. Rothermat
be K. 0. T M. 'met recently and
elected their otficers -for the coming
year: '13 IM. Broele.nstdre is Command-
er and: Henrh 'VlTillert is the Record
Keeper, The Tient is in a good con-
dition financially. The mesessments
have all been met and; a nice little
balance is in the treasury. The mem-
bers now feel that they ought to
get hustle fox. a few new
Mrs. Aken Marriott, who has been
suffering from, a felon on one ol her
fingers for some time, had to have
the troublesome member amputated,
which wag done on Thursday of last
week by Dr's. 13alfour and McKinnon,
Recently sortie boys were skat-
ing on the creak at Mr. Moore's farm
and went itto the house over • the
cistern and while there one of their
number. little Clifford Link , fell
througlh a hole into the Cistern. Im-
mediately the boys got a rope and
let it down in an, effort to draw him
out but were unable to to so. lie
clung to one or the, braces an the
&stern until they went tor help
w'hich wag full a mile away. ;On ar-
riving on the scene Mr. W. Stade
with it means strengtn and wisdom
drew Clifford to the top and the
boys took him name somewhat cold
but otherwise none the Weirge for blis
thrilling experience. It was well that
he bola on as he did otherwise No
would have been drowned.
MISS Hilda Snell visaed friends
Hensall last week, / . •
Mrs. R„ J. Armstrong and children
are visiting friends in thie commun-
ity at present time.
Wililani Gosstaan hos purehased a
piece or and from Mr. Jonas 'Hart-
Mr. Arnold Stephen, has lett for
his blorne in 'Walton after spending
etwx.elays with friends in thisne
to -
iMr. L. illorenz who joined the
Voluoteers at London, •withes to bet
ref:nee:0)mA to/ all his frind.
Morenz is In the best et spIrths, and
ernetous to get away to the
old countrh.
10 CENT "OikSOAREln"
ForSiek ileadaohe, flour Storoaoh,
Sluggish Liver and Powele—They
work while you eloOP.
Furred, Tongue, Bad Taste, Indigea.
tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head.
aches cone from a torpid liver axt
clogged bowels, whieh cause yOur
Stomach to become tilled with undi-
gested food, wilich Sonrs and. fermottili
like garbage in a swill barrel. Tinethe
the iirst step to untold misery—Ina,
geation, foul gases, bad breath, yellOW:
skin, mental fears, everything that fel
horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret
teenight will give your constipated
bowels r a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep—a 10 -eon. iox
'from. your druggist will keep you fee1.
ing good for months.
' Tam fCALL I
Hark to toe call, 'tis duty's 'voice,
Her cell is loud and clear
Let 13ritain's sons, in all the earth
Arise and give a cheer.
The call is made, but why so Mud?
What is the great demand?
What is the portent of the cloud,
Now spread o'er all the land?
The clout :s dark with dismal drew],
Its ;dangers loom afar:
The sacred memories of toe dead .
Are calling men to war.
To war,, my God. Oh can it be; ,
The "hell -hounds" loose egaen?
To blot once more both Peril and sea
With Lorror's bloody stain?
Why must it te teat Britain'S sword
Is now unsheathed again?
'Her sons be called to shed their
On bi°d
dtant hill and glain?
It must be for some Inge design,
Unknown to mortal men,
T.he eeaarotelt: when 5
'dwelling now a
Is plunged in war again.
The purpose is, Gods holy gift
Of freedom to retain, ,
With all it means to men on earth
Who dread the tyrant's chain.
The despot is once more abroad,
With all his hellish power,
To crush beneath his sullen tread
"Fair freedom," as or yore. ,
The monster ro.ust again be faced
By men with hearts of steel;
A. deadly -blow must now be dealt,
To make the demon feel.
Thoume lives or sons muse De tan
And mothers hearts be bled,
The world will evermore rejoice,
To know, he now is dead.
Then let the sacrifice be made,
And honor be maiatained ;
The weale once morn be made to know
'That freedom is retained. , •
Then join all hearts of freedom's sons,
Around one common cause,
'And let the battle *hill be wall'ear
Nor in the conflict pause. .
Till liberty be raised on high,
And made secure above,
All hatred on the part of men,
Enthroned in common love.
H. 3. FAIR, Ax-kona, Ont.
Note• -Rev. 11. T. Fair, the writer
of these lines, hae a son in the first
Canadian contingent. now in Europe.
Mr. Pain a I'm years ago was pastoa
on the Elimville circuit.
Another or the pioneers has pass-
ed av ay in the person ot Mr. George
lia,bkirlt-, who died at his home..i.o. the
„Township of MaKillop on Irriday, -the
22ndhaeinst. bfr, Idedeftfik had reach --
td the age of 90 years and 10 moons
His wife predeceased him about a
year ago. The funeral took place
from hs late residence on Monday to
the place of interment: in Harpurhey
The comfortable home of Mr. Are
le Inc Mc:Conde was all astir on Wed-
nesday. Jan. 13, the occasion being
the marria,ge of their daughter, Miss
Nancy Ethel Jane to Mr. Wm. John
Kay. son of 'Mr. John Kay, both, of
Hibbert at half past five o'clock,
woile the sweet trains 'of the wed-
ding march played by Miss May'
McCurdy. sister of the bride. The
groom entered ond took his plam
underneath an arch, of evergreens,
tastily decorated with, flowers. Here
he awaited the coming ot the bride,
who soon appeared reclining on tb,e
arm of her rather. Eighty guests had
assembled to witness the ceremony
'which was performed by Rev. De
Ritchie„ The beide was arrayed in a
beautiful costume of silk embroidered
net over cream dutthess satin, trinaa
me.d with ornaraents of brilliants and
seed pearls and wore thecustomary
bridal veil caught up with, orange
blossoms wench the brides mother
wore when she was married, and
oarried a bouquet, of pink- and white
carnations, the whole making a
charming picture. Her travelling suit
wan or light blue valour Moth with
white hat to matelf. After the con-
gratulations had been tendered to the
happy couple all were ushered to the
dining room by Mr. B. O'Hara
and MT. S. Duncan where
one of the most sumptuous repasts
one() f tbe most stimptuone, repasts
partaken et and enjoyed by en.
The remaining part ot the evening
Was spent in music, dancing and „vote,/
chat. The bride was the reel -p
tent of a large array off handsoine
end useful gifts. an indieation that
she is highly esteemed and bem
loved by :her naan,y friends. 'The!
growers gift to the bride was a
handsome set et ca:n,k runs and to tn.e
Pianist a pearl pendant, Guests were
present from Stratford, Forest Ex-
eter and Henson Mr. and Dirs. ktay
Ieft on Saturday tor Forest and tithe
er paints. On their relurn they will
nettle on the grown's rine form mit
the 12th eoneestdoti of