HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-1-28, Page 4annoionr. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Mud You Dave Always Bought, and which has 'been In use for over SO years, has borne the signature of and has been Imade under his per.. sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you inthis. A.11 Counterfeits, Imita,tions and "Just -as -good"' are but Exper, talents that trifle with and endanger the health Of lids= 5 and Children -Experience again6t Experiment» What is CASTORIA Castoria is a, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare.. gorie,. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substanee-. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it flas been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea,. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, asshnliates the Food, giving healthy and natural- Sleep. The Childreu's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR1A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought 1THE CENTAUR COM PANT, NEWYOK CITY, GRANDTRUNKIV SOUR, ACM STOIVIA.OHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION Double Track All the Each "Pape's Diapepsin" digests 3000 grains food, ending all stomach misery in five minutes. Way Toronto-Chicago—Toronto- Montreal Unexcelled Train Service Highest Class of equipment Winter Tours to Calif. -Florida and Sunny South Fast Trains -Choice of Routes Low fares now in in effect Time itt In five minutes all stom- ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul , breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stornachlrem- edy in the whole world and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by •getting a large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize, in Eve minutes how needleea it is to suf- fer from indigestion. dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the cguiekest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. Dist. Pass. Agen , o For fail particulars consult G. T. Ticket .Agent write C. E. HORNINING. • Toron FOR SALE At Granton, rowest prices Eemlook Lumber Rough Pine " Dr3ssed and Match Pine Th t Set d ard Match Spiuce - 0. Red Cedar Shingles 13, White Cedar Shingles Red Cedar Fence Posts 8feet Bed (.`edar Fence Posts 9 feet Bed (:edar Fence Posts 10 feet All Styles of Woven Wim Fence and Gates _ Dine Lake Cement Marys Cement Ei Jeka •AsphaltRoofing at $1.25per square A. I CLATWORTIIY GRANTON,••••••• • A. profit of 300 per cent. is reported. on the capital stock of the Fordi Motor 'Company for the year. ending on October 3Ist. . - Annual Meeting Meeting Hay Town- ship Fire Insurance Co. allee 40th annual meeting of the members of the Hay Township Fan, :eters' Mutual Fire Ins. Co. was held in Zharicht on Monday, the 25bh, of Januar-9' 1,1115 at 1 pga. The following synopsis of the annual report iead to the meeting. During the past year the compauy insured property to the amount of $1, 1e9,7185-.00 and the year closed with an liesuraiacse of $4;921.055 in force : assests amounting to $1.84r 757 96 and 45u,7b2.50 cash in the bank. $5,38 9,27 was paid for losses during the year. The election Of Directors was by ballot. The three retiring !directors were W., T. lCaldwell, 13. Suretrus and J. ,Sisrexus re- signed aed the remaining two with Neeb, John ietaff, A. Rennie and 'Oscar Kropp were' nom...seated to lid the vacancies, Tihe electien- resulted in W. T. Ca14yei,li Neeb arid John e-faff being eIeCte.43. At* a subseueci meeting, Wm.Donsit was elected Ries- ident and John Sherrttt vice-prese- dent. for the ensuing, y,e,ar. Foolish to suffer from tomack,Ills What's the. use of suffering from, heartburn and, the other disagreeable END .7.;TO1VIACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA 51"apes• Diapepsinn makes Sick, Sour, Gas..g Stomachs surely feel fine in five minutes. if wt. t you Just ate le souring on /our S'.)111aCh, or lies like a Duran of lead, -refusing to digest, or you belch gag ai,d eructate smite undigested, food, eg• have a feeling of dizziness, hearth . nautitea, bad taste nice h and 'stomach -headache, Yo11 can get deseed relief in dive mitaiteg. . Put an Id to gtomach'trotthle forever hr get,- g a large fifty -cent ease of IfYape's I',,ipepsin from any drug store. in five- minutes how need- less it . to stiffer frOna indigestion, i'yOpep-• or any eon:Inch disorder. the tickest, surest stomaeh doe - ie eSorld. It's Wonderful, ijldreii.•Crr FOR FLETCHERS things caused by Dyspepsia and Indi- gestion, when we otfer you the privilege of using Rexall Dyspep,s:a Tablets entirely at our risk, with the distinct understanding that if they don't relieve your storuach (trouble and make your stomach comfortable and your disgestion easy, they will cost you nothing, If they don't do all you, expect them to, we want you to tell ns and let us give bask. your money. We knotg what they, have done for others, and what tLey are made of. That is whir we have con- fidence in! them. Among other thinge; they contain Pepsin and T3ismetth, two of the greatest d gestive aide 'mown to med- ical science. They soothe aril tom - fort the stomach, relieve heartharn antt distrss, proMote the Secretion ot gaStr c jui•se and help make the; bowels regular. We beteve 'them tte be by all odds the teest reinedy for religestion or dyspeps'a filial, mettle. Wa bereV.i you Will say so. too, Once yott Smite Irsecl them. If yoti don't, they 14r11 cast you nothing. Sold only at the more :than /.000 Reatalt iitores, land in 'this :town ogly at Our it*re. Three sheets 25, 50 arid $1.09 CHICAGO, Zan. 25. -Decided tension on the bnYing Side and &fiiTlTpg off in the stock op hand at the principal doe reieetie centrea helped to key up the price of wheat today to the highest record yet during the European war - 51.46 1-2 a bushel, May. The market closed unsettled at 3-4c to 1 1-4.0 above Saturday night. Corn gained 1-4c to 1-20 and oats 1-80 to 3-4e. The out- come in provisions varied from 6c de- cline to a rise of 2 1-2e. TonoNTO GRAIN al A RI -ET. Wheat, fall. bushel...41 ;i5 to 5.... Grose wheat, bushel.... I 51) ...• Buckwheat, bushel 0 80 .... Barley, bushel 0 72 ..,. Pea', bushel . . .. • 1 60 I 75 Oats, bushel 0 53 60 Rye, bushel I 05 .... TORONTO DAIRY 111ARKE'T, Butter, creamery, lb. sq.„ 0 31 0 33 Butter, creamery, solids0 29 0 30 Butter, separator, dairy0 28 0 30 Cheese, new, large 0 le .... Cheese. twins 0 16 - • • Eggs, new -laid 0 35 0 38 Eggs, cold -storage o 30 .... do. do. selects 0 32 0 34 Honey, new, lb 0 12 .... Honey, combs, dozen. „2 50 3 00 GRAIN AND PROM Cr. TORCNTO, jan. 25.—Quotations on the Board of Trade are as follows: Manitoba wheat -No, 1 northern, •51.53, lake ports; No. 2, $1.501/2; No. 3, 11.4734; %,,c per bushel more on track, Goderich. Manitoba oats -No. 2 C.W., 69ci No. 3 C.W„ 67c, track, bay ports; No. 1 feed, 66c; sample oats, 63c to 65e. Ontario oats -Outside, 550 to 57c. Ontario wheat -No. 2, car lots, 51,33 to 51.35, outside, according to freights. American corn -No. 3 yellow, all -rail shipments, Toronto freights, 82e. Peas -No. 2, 51.85 to 51.90, car lots, out- side, nominal. Rye -No. 2. $1.09 to 51.10. Barley -Good malting barley, outside, 71c to 73e, Rolled oats -Car lots, Per bag of 90' lbs., 53 to 53.05; in smaller lots, 53.25, Windsor to Montreal. Buckwheat -78c to 80c, car lots, out- side. Millfeed-Car lots, per tom bran, 525 to $26; shorts, 527 to ;28; middlings, 532' to 534; good feed flour, 538 to 542. Manitoba flour -First patents, $7.30 in jute bags; second patents, 56.80 in jute bags; strong bakers', 56.60; in cotton bags, 10c more. Ontario flour -Winter, 90 per cent. pat- ents, 56 to 56.10, seaboard, in bulk, on track, Toronto. Cornmeal -Yellow, 98 -pound sacks, in car lots, 52.10, in small lots, 52.40. • WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKET. WINNIPEG, Tan. 25. -Wheat and oats opened at new record prices this morn- ing. May was sold at $1.43%, and July at 51.44%, which showed an advance over Saturday's close of 74e to 'lie. Oats were 74c to %.c up and flax was ins Ic to 2c, Further advances took place on wheat and oats, while flax held steady. • Reports were current again today that. the government were buying; further large contracts were said to be carried thru in addition to those of. Saturday. Broomhall's estimate of only 36,000,000 bushels exportable surplus from the Argentine, as against official estimates on Jan. 2 of 73,000,000, had an influence. Spot' wheat at Liverpool being l*E1 higher for No. 2 Manitoba influencei wheat, teash, nsarkets were quiet, exporters not be- ing inclined to buy unless in fairly large offerings. Further export sales were claimed to be worked today. Inspections 141 cars, as against 1,45 last; year, and in sight .220. Futures closed %a to le higher, cash 34c to 11/4 c up for wheat,' oats 51c higher'and flax Vac to 23fac up. , MONTREAL GRAIN MARKET. MONTREAL, Jan.. 25. -The e over-,: seas demand for ; 'Manitoba :spring wheat was fairly good,letit °Wing -tit the strength in the Winnipeg market' and the fact that the pripes, bid were practically the same, as Saturday's" exporters would not accent them and business was quiet. On the other hand 'there was an active trade done in coarse grains 'on spot including sales of 200,000 bushels oats and 30,000, American No. 3 mixed corn. The tone. of the market for oats is strong and, 'higher prices are expected in the near future. There was no change in flour;1 for which there continues AO be a' steady demand on domestic ems -elate but the export trade is quiet,. Butter was active and Wren: Cheese was quiet, but steady. Eggs were stronger 'alid"lc to 2c higher. DULUTH GRAIN MARKET. DULUTH, Jan. 25. -Wheat -No. 1 hard,' $1.413,; No. 1 northern, $1.40Ya; No. 2 51.381/4; May, 51.411/4. CATTLE MARKETS UNION STOCK YARDS. TORONTO, Jan. 25.—Receipts of live stock at the Union Yards were 1825 cattle, 2675 hogs, 715 sheep and larabs and 54 calves. Butchers' Cattle. Choice heavy steers, 57.75 to $8.10; good to choice, 57.25 to 57.50; good, $7 to 57.25; medium, 56.50 to $6.75; .common, 56 to $6.25; choice cows, $G to $6.25; good, 55.50 to 55.75; common, 55 to $5.25; can- ners and cutters, 53.75 to 54.50; buIls, 55 to 56.75. Stockers and Feeders. Feeders, 700 to 800 lbs:;' 56.25 to $6.50; stockers, $5 td' 56.• • L' •i• Milkers and Springers. ,, • , The market for,rnilkere and springers was (Mite strong, from what it has been/ for some time pait. A moderate supply, sold at 555 to 590 each, and two extra• choice cows sold at 5100 each. Veal Caves. Receipts were light and prices firm. Choice veal calves, $9.50 to 510,50; good calves, $8 to $9; medium, 57 to 58; com- mon, $6 to $7; grass calves, $5 to 55.50. Sheep and Lambs. Sheep, light ewes. 55 to 56; heavy ewes and rams, $4 to $4.50; culls, $2 50 to $3.50; lambschoice light lambs, 53.80 to 59.10; heavy lambs, $7.50 to 58; cull Iambs, 56 to $7. • Hogs. Selects, weighed off cars, 57.75; selects, fed and watered, 57.50, and 57.15 f.o.b. cars at country point. In some instances, for choice light butchers' hogs, 100 more than the above 'prices was paid. MONTREAL LIVE STOO'N. MONTREAL, Jan. 25. -Butchers' cattle, eholce, 57.75 to $8; do. medium, 5650 to, $7, do. common, 55.50 to $G; cauners, •I4 to $5; butchere' cattle. el elce eowik 86.50. to $6,75; do. medium, $5 50 to 56; Cio. 5500 to $7; Milkers, choice, earth, $70 ttti: 580; de. eOrronon and mod urn, each, 660 to 165; sPrIngers, $55 to 500; sheep, ewes, $5.25 to $5 50; bucks anti cults, 5.1.75 to $5; Iambs, $7,50 to $2.25; hogs, off cars, 53.40 to 58.50; craves, $3 to $.12. • EAST lib 14' vitim Lay '41'1) 't(. EAST BUFFALO, Jeri; 25,--Cattie-Re- ceipts 3100; -slow; prime :steers, 58 65 to 58.85; ehipping, $7,85 t� $2.30; latitchere, 56 to $8.25, heifers, 55.50 to 57,50i. cows, 54 to $6.75; bulls, $4.50 to 57. Veals--Recelpts , 500; active; ge to 512.60. Hogs -Receipts, 15,000; heavy , stow; light, Active; heavy"57.20 to $1.25-, mixed, 51.85 to $7.60; yOricers, 57.60 to 58; PISS, " $785 to 584, roughs 56.25 to $6 56; stags, 55 to 55.75. . • BlreeP and,Lattills-Recelets; 10.000: afi'ee 1 TBEXEERTIM GARRISON IS iSOLATLE French Have Dastrovel BricicieS In 1:1;.ar of Sf. [IL/Ole(' Germans Claim That They %rave In- flicted Heevy Loss oie the Alpine Chasseurs Itt. Alsace — Kaiseee Birthday To Be Celebrated By a Zeppelin Raid-Tentone Ordered, To Take anr ' LONDON, Jan. 26.—Completion of the destruction -VI' the German beigeS erossing thAtease atSt.'Mi- liil, tlakel'ed.by th6 French, and ;in- flieting of heavy losses on the Al- pine Obasieurs in the fighting in AV sace, claimed by Berlin are Outetand- ingleatures of the official reports re- ceived in London yekterday ftom 'the • western front. ' The French guile get the range of the German bridge ,positions last Fri- day and since then have been ham- mering them effectively with the re- sult announced yesterday.. Unless the Meuse freezes or ,the Germans, in the fa.ee Ot-a violent fire from the French batteries, which now Italie the range perfectly, are able. to replace the pontoen structures, the garrison will be entirely cue off frona the east bank. • ' SimultaueousIy gettish troops, who are now holding theedestroyedsvillage of St. Georges, debonelted from ;their position and ceptured,/ part of.. the German defensive ; line p thegeast and establI.shed!theruselvea,on grpund of great strategic value.; Meanwhile the Franco-Belgian dercesito the east of Lombaertzyde-are steadily pushing, the Germans back; and with the sup- port of' the advanced position of the British to the south- .are in a position to press forward eetill more rapidly becatiee the danger•of being outflank- ed is removed. Of surpaesing ifiterest is the re- ported plan of the Germans to make a spectacular raid larZeppelins from Bruges on the Kaiser's birthday an- niversary on Wednesday. Orders have been issued to the 'allies' air corps to be prepared%) feel airshlp raiders on the Flanders'. front, and particularly in Paris. Eaela of two new -type dirigibles,, rePerted trans- ported secretly fiairce'reiede1dhshafen, Is equipped with &I -tombs, and each carries a hydro-a.eropane as, a scout craft, with a ciPecial platform on whiela aviators rdaynlight. • Artillery duels -cif, great yiolence,are reported. all along the western front by both the Gerinata and Freneh staffs. • • By order of the Kaiser,,Thann has to be taken at any, cost, and William II. has sent hia.second son thereto tee that fteig ,done.. That probably. accounts for •the eXtrenaely .heavy litiliting taking plate egg a.'result .of the Gerraan-,advanceefrom.Uffholz on Steinbach. and Hill. No,; 425, and the • advance on, Ilartnianns-:Weiler Hill; possession of which zwii enable, them/ to approach Therm frieze ,the rear. The, French laoldlethe cresteand a portion of ,the,weicide§-sieles-ofeelie hill; and, the fighting leasi been hart& to -hand in the battles iii*.the forests. The positions have ;been .elaborately• prepared by the Germans,: and • the French effort to dislodge them from tliefsides of the mountain is progres- ing: very slowly indeed. Both the French ,and the German" -attachsentimental•as "well as -Strate- gical' interest to the , possegsion of; Thann. It -Was h'ere•that the fOrmer set up the first adminlitrative tations in, thei ice* France,. and' now the Kesiteeyta et his • heart. on -get- ting back the little previiicialgoven. Although • not dolninated as it would be if the enemyheld Steinbach or Hill No. 425, Thann is Within reach Of the German runs posted in front of Ceplay: - Despite the heavy., floods, Which have hampered 'the operations direct- ed against Altkirch, the French have made a substantial ed-tance tide:week by occupying the localities of Bach- weiler and Uberkumen, on the Rhine Canal northwest of Altkireh.-: 5 aguospAy, AiN11)41tX, 280, ELLavrttE Abr, W. jaque* spent a ten' daYs lo Galt visiting his uncle, Mr, S. Jellies who is in the hospital receiving treat- ment for a °anger en his face. , Mr. P. Morley intends extending his farining busineut nail has rented eighty acres from Alin. D,1 ,Ilicks for Pasture next spring. Ur. T, lierdman was busy last week hauling pressed hay. While the snow Is on the road rho fanners are making good use of it. Nearly everyone is breaking colts, is. a good time for the job, Afr. Thomas Magladery, lff P. `for Temiskaming and a so,n of'Thom, as Magladery, of Parkhill, is going to the battle front, according td rumor. If he does he will make the, third MettilSer of the Legislature to ,vollieteer. The Other two are. Dr. A. F. Ros.s, of Kingston; andMr., Don. 111ot...oath,' of Tort Arthitr. , !While moving* hag press and gas- oline engine from the farm 'of Mit' Alhere'llorey on 'the 10,tl3 concession 'of Logan, Mr, Frederick 'Wurdel, one of the hest known residents of Mit- chell, ;had his back broken )and may 6i6e recover. The +engine tipped off M s' load, and' in, trying to pry it ,back ;With a :Iran Mae 411e4irdel exerted too Much force and the Fail broke, al- lowing him to be pinned; beneath •tlih engine: Re was quickly rescued. bat, 1E1 MI:* -1,11 a crittical condition. .:Britain Wilt Sthp. Ship. LONDON, Jan. 2 6.-Ltlialess 'a Pogie tive guarantee is given thatthe cargo of foodstuffs on the Arneriban'stearaer Wilhelmina, which sailed from New York Friday for Germany, will not reach the German army, it' is likely 'the ship will be stopped'by the,allies., Because of the alleged general prac- tice of the,, German euthorities .in ferierailitars- us e anyifoedi- ettiftseigis ata,ted that the British. ciats ,w9u1c1 not regard the gonsign- enenteef, the. 'food ship ..to some in-. 'dividual , or., firm any, proof that its, ultimate, destination is no,t the army.' Under the conditions. that are alleg- ed to exist in Germany, it it believed here that it is virtually impbssible to guarantee that any foodstuffs destin-. ed for 'civilian use wilt reach the con- signees. . . .., • Have You Renewed? The season Lor the irenewal of your papers is agian here. The date on the taddreisa label, of your paper tells you when. yciur leubseriptiteasexPires. If the date printed (thereon is past, or. your subscription is ,;about to expire, you would confer 'a favor hy sending‘ ,21 renewal de your subscription per re- turn mail:: If your renewal has 'al- ready been sent us, please "disregard this notiee' +and accept our thanks for your earlierremittancee• • We axle prepared to club with most papers and magazines. • " LUCIA* •The annual :gathering of the con- gregation of Holy 'Trinity Church tc celebrate the fifth anniversary of the opening of the new church was held in the ,basement receittly. A sumptuous supper was served, after which a presentation of $125.00 in gold; accompanied by an address, was made to •the. rector, Rev. Wm. Love in - making the presentation Mr. H. Bodgins, the rector's warden :sail, "We feel ita privilege) and pleasure tobe permitted to make, this publics acknowledgment of our gratefulness and we ask you to accept this as a remenlbrance of our recognition al your faithful services." In • the musical pare of the • program, .51r. E. Carson, of London: Allan Roberts, of Parkhill, sang two solos each, most acceptably, Miss • Staialey's recita- tions elicitedrrounde of applause and the addresses of the visiting clergy were short 'and well received. 'The peobeeds of the' sup,epr amounted tc .44LIicrr.o was turned .on at _Lucan at .6,30. „Friday evening and following :axe ,interesting cerennany, a..iarge ptlidie'Meeting was held in §ta•Mey's intra house; Where addresses :iwere hoard from -Engineers Easter • and .Jeffrey, of the Ontario Hydro-Elec- teic •aGlommission. The switnh, that made the connection to flood the Vil- Sage with - light was turned by Mr. Themes Collins, ofClandeboye who es eoneiderably past ,his Inuadredilt anniversary, but who took great pleasure in ithe part ho played in turning on the wonderful .powere, 'A number of eeeihs and councillors ixoni near -by municipalities , were present .at the': ' meeting, among them being_ representatives of. tirauton and ,War Sunimar.3i:24. inste,rddm, Wialeed/Ceiyie • p -e -:rile- , despatch to th#. ,,ee4eal news Lrom A tact to pass by -the;cfttikl5 Cewor, luotes the master of •hlie'lifiteli Steam, tract:vier Erica, wha,,,,,,,,saW-tiie: engager ment in the North. See;•*aa sayiog ,44,te one of the British ships wagetiaelagede though not seriously.' The lteihnieaktYsi has made no :wither report ag:ciekitiets oastialties uffered or the done tekthe 13ritisit ships. 'The state-"•• raent,' definite' Ord' clear -cot; that no British veseelessaa Shale would not have been 'madt),A SirDavid BeatitYc, had it ;tpit been11i9J Bar1in pe,raistig in, spreading story that. the British ,Wat'e'qiePttlsede-jafter the, skxng ,of•;Whilt the 1)atch slcipper;''*ob • telizs'44)ilittl, Ito say:'0air+5 fhb e;d7(.7, • 61:171:s. 81* • Aklieti the'. khe ,Sey4litittiMie 'Sit" ':bailly,ilajhagea ?dr 1.0 reteiire'reclinetieideitni,' 'GC-etineasei has orilY twoshipesittow inI :fiostantig4e'dne loanable oe taegng gtireg in e the Brillisit coaete,,,e„,,.,tii316•atifiprr ed opponents. Th'ar Iiihe'lMiter.l •Der 'Tann and the Derffing'eT.'•' A lay attemPt to repeat the Scerbo.re' •exf, petittion vvith gbips J var"al-ar.ai."111-sirtion."111.-at-aria-ku" --„---. F. . ,.. L = : = = r '..--. Z- = - i = =-- :,.. 11114rWsted TIHE 1855 MOISONS BANK = A GENERAL BANKING austivess _ _ = TRANSACTED s 1.0....... I ciacuLAn LETTERS OF CREDIT - = BANK MONEY ORDERS i _ 4 = . - r= 1 r.- CAPITAL '*. AND , • RESERVE $8,800,000. E ri 1 Savings Bank Department _ At all Branches E E Interest allowed at highest current rate E = EXETER BRA.NCII = w. ID. cILAIRKE, Manager g - 92 Branches ,In Canada - illIt.,.111,,,1110.illoallt•t Illnolfraullion1111•1116.111,..111istilimilletellimIllmillmlibolnAl THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O.,LL.D., D.C.L., President ALEXANDER LAIRD. General Manager JOHN AIRD.,Ass't General Manage* CAPITAL $15,000,090 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,00a BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch' of,The Canadian Bank. ,of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the' same ,careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. 'lyidney may be deposited or withdrawn in this way 'as • satigactorilY as by a personal visit to the Bank. Exeter Branch— H. j. WHITE, Manager , DREDITON BRANCH - A. E. KUHN, Manager. r- • Reid Wee it;Sucieess; giii.'netts would 'itivTte,''inevitable itraptiten. The "Illatiher lies, at Athe hotelnn eL'. 'the North: Seat to-dafghee cause -,she Was too slow to,scape the :gritish grOhoencls, IleFr speed Was 24 know." ;No ;German hattleAtp sias a des ailed aSpeetl-4efmore than 22 'toots, evil ortlYtti.f:'/*'-sojt The late, 'Dreadnoughts ritake''Sceeibeekei4 /23 knots. el3r.itain has ten Irdet)h.ertlis,ers sane 410, :oj s tea Ming over' .20:,' knots ;4hit these slt:p.s 'could either bloki,,auct,the Germane j/ave. nytrhaul Or evade every ship possessed etimeelled.tOtakeoriv'npriiate auto- :1):74etil9140911Yolthe Derffl etitttiman .navx a nger ixobile.faetory i ' at;:- hiding in harbor for six months and rtr where hnndreds tot ,3Ditteh workmen. have obtained ettplettnetif,doing its best with mine and sub- ; liasa:1:1317?141;teicyll.hPr.01.eei4sa.he,Britistii,fleet , German Magnate On Trialli!..* 1.011uply, Jan. 26.—A detipateh to ''The ,future nf • ,Germany" The r•o.at frota StOckluilm teaiti:' "Amperot was: wont to say in happier senSation has been caused. In cora- &Ye, "is on the °dean," Ilaviti.4 aercial circles here brOle news that learned by sad experiteCe• that the 3enater Fessehl,L head of - the great ocean, 1.5 nut his elen8out4 the Kaiser firm of L. Possehl hes been.' saw turns :t� the air. Blain Gehevia. arrested for hig1o,.treas00, Pthii,eherge.„„comeS news -that two sitper-Zepireltta Ate"•!::POSPOP:di*001-0, 33014ruitt, oeing trading With the; etemYte ipped with the' lat:est devices,. and trie4b,y,,Oart4P10.#14).,,atigi:11)P:iiiigg,;141;41.474r t batekte-S• • 'tiele-gliteOlver . .bled. there In AMSTERDAM, Jan,f16.—,Te'Brit- ish air raid last week, imillie:toWn of Essen resulted the,. 'destruction of 400 war autetnoblies,;;-p.cOritia to a corresfaendent Of The fiencielablad. These cp.rs were in a mad:eine shop which was Wrecked by the, Britieh bonl The loseetd this large slaciP an,,its elaboratelequipment, tle ,etarresaine, dent, continueS, has been perique' t.,E, Exeter Ont. v.'0',6!'.vv.,e.tf4,""',114:6. tsoit:Sta;004,625Nr:;;'03t titittus. atid. a Orel:wet:friot end ,otb.ro, no. vo., also. ern so 46; Itoeepo ste elieration tor A desettAt. utaat ot the Emperor.' ,•• 10 CENT "CASCARETS" . FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick - Headache, onstip at i o n , Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath -Candy Cathartic. No odds how had your liver, stom- ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels -;-you always get relief with Cascarets. They imme- diately cleanse and regulate the stom- ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con- stipated waste niatter and poison from the intestines and bowels. A 10 -Cent .from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for months, 4They work while you sleep. r 4, , Auction Sale Edward Ferguson, 'Auctioneer, will sell for 'Smith & 'McNeil, on Lot 17; Von. 13, Fullerton, 1 1-2 Miles east of Mt. Pleasant, on TIHURSD,A.Y, F El3BITABY , 4th, . Coname tieing; at 4. o'clock sharp the following -'- 20 poWS Donaisting of fresh Milkers. Springers, 'and Farrow 'These cows are a choice lot, right in every way and in first-class ieRnt dition, encliwill•be sold under a plan. antee. TERMS - p months' Credit on turn ishing apProved joint ,notes, or a discount of '5, per cent. per annum! oft 'for cash in lied of notep. 'Positively ,no reserve, es ieveryi cow will be sOld: Edward Ferguson, - Auctioneer, • Simith & McNeil, - Props. , the Emperor's birtaday is on 011redpepday, and it is •expected that ndeavor will be made to signahae rZeppelin raid. • VIOApa claims ';hat recent betties in the passes leading from Buke4inet. �, Hungary and Transylvania dia.ve becil•d.sastrous to the Russians;' are likely to have a material effect iz ,moderatiug. the attituda, elf Rote-. inapa toward'Auslu•ia-litar.gary. ; IL is jt,imated that the..,Russiam advance intlelinitely postponed. ••,!,the new 4priatan p011tey tn. detendingfllucgary is.oPerating also iiithe north, where. P4rograd rreports .7a •certain amina- rich a:ha activity among the 4i:ustriaLs Carpathian passes, begins Meg With that of Dukla." Tlhe prie- devil operatitins of both the Muscp- cites and the Germanic powers have been transferred tram central Poland the region :north of the' Loweti• Vistula and to Hungary. On both. ends of the .long-b,attleefront of 450 miles the Russians are ,the aggreg- ators, 'and in North Pidatid they coh- time to mike marked advances. ; STRArromp, Ontario's Best Pract- , .• H School • $We have thorough menses and eXperieneed iastruetors in each • of our three departments, • COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND. ' •and TELEGRAPHY Our graditateS steceed and yout . should treed out large free cat- ; .alogetere Write ref, it,* once.; fit,tqmknoLAN. t• 'Principal J. A. MASON ARCHITECT 425 Dundas Street, London,' Guars sp teed cost of buildings; no extras; years New York experience. Pho isr" 2725. Anyone intending to build will, di well to write rue. No charge for idotil sulation. C. J. W. KARN, M. D. 425 RICHMOND RICHMOND ST.,. lON13041, ONTARIO. SPECIALIST IN SUROICRY AND GENITO-DRINARIf DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN; DR, G., F. ROULSTON L. D.S.,D,D.11‘ L. DENTIST Honor Grra•cluate of Toronto Moira* ray Office over Dickson & earl! ling's Law offioe. Closed Wengle! dayeidsaeffltoe6.5b. afternoons. Phone Of DR, A. U. KINSMAN LIY.D.DL Honor •Gr,adnittent, TOront0 UOAES ersity DENTIST Teeth extracted without pais. al any bad effects. Office over GIL. Iran & Stanbury's Office Main ifi Exeter. 4."" W., BROWNINI& D., M., JG o P. 6. Graduate Victoria Uniiri eity Office. and residence Domini** Labratory., Exeter, Assooiate. Cordner of Baron 1 D ICESON & CARLING Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Ow veyanoens Commissioners, Solivitaill for the MoLsbna Bank eta. t Money to Loan at lowest rates of ine tenet. ' OFFICE -MAIN STREET EXETER, 4 ' I,. R. Carliag B. A,1 12, fl. Diskio MONEY TO LOAN A Wa 'have a large amount of prille ate funds to loan on farm and • vile , lago propertiea at lowest rate ef fog tereAr. GL'A.DMAN & ,STANSUBIG ‘.94 Barristers, Solicitors, Main The ll&borlle,aul litbbert .arnler's Mutual Fire lut)uPi- mice Gompanu Head' Office, . Farquhar, On President /tOBT. GARDINES Vice President ,• BORT. NORRIII DIRECTORS IIYcicAKwine N .NT1 - Dtle,nbisleor : R WM. HOY, • - Sortiboi.ulp J. v. RUSSELL AGE JOHN ESSERY Exeter. agent IT borne and BiddillPh. , OLIVER HARRIS Munro agent fo* Vibbert a n d Logan. W. :'A.,TUItNJijLIJ' Sedy.Tteati. Farquhar' STANBERY , "Solicitor*, Exeter. I CASTOR IA For Infants and children. Trio Kind -You ilan-Always Bought Beare the Signature of