HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-1-28, Page 1w :FORTY-SECOND 'YEARNo2130
Huron, ccs M ddlosez Gazette
For the balance of January we are offer-
ing Special Prices to clear out all inter
Goods. This will be a saver for y o, as the
same goods will be higher next winter.
For one quarter off 'Selling ,Price. A
good stylish lot to pick from.
A nice lot Silk and Net Waists at only
$2.00 each.
A big lot of nifty suits to clear out at
nearly half prico.
Only a fewfeft at just one, half regular s.
Price. Ea4h one: a bargain.
$12.00 for a goad one. $15 00 for a
better one. This is a snap.
To be cleared out regardless of cost.
Come and get a real live bargain,
New Spring. Goods
The new Spring Goods are arriving every day. We . will soon
have them all in for your approval.
The first shipment is here and you will
find them very swell in Patterns, Col-
ors and. Fabrics.
300 pieces of the New English and
Canadian prints. Every color in differ-
ent patterns will be found on our coun-
AI1' 'TriiieclIa fs
Some Real Beauties to Choose from.
with the exception of a few lines at this
store. Prices owing to our heavy stock
are the same as this time last year.
Home Necessaries
Connor B. B. Washers
Champion High Speed
Perfection Washers
Wringers - -
- $10,00
: 8.00
1.75,.Reg. 2.50
t.7,5, 4.50 and 5,00
Look at biiese prices;,;
141ops 75c.,;, and 100
Polish 25:: and 50c •
Hockey skates for girls
a " Boys
`! Men
$1.00 to $3.00
1,00 to -2,50
2 50 to 3,00
1.50 to 5,00
Straps 15c
Pucks 10 apd 25c
Sticks 15 25 40 50 $1.00
Tinstnithing Plumbing and Heating
'Tungsten Lamps 35c Phone 27A.
Children Cry .i].dro Ori
Fire a f "
Exeter Council
Fire st9i�tng fit" Ali% ueodayi tllze ,Coaanoil met ixl, atAhe Tatvrx
ni.,ght fTom ltd unknow , caue, dam- ou Friday evening til% 22nd; ins
a cd, thra hi rdw•a a store. of A. B, Reeve Taylor tock and subspribed
laindsay 8fI the 'general stogy oP the necessar71:i::::
oath or offlee. "1'
'a IJntis { the cel frq.1 bushier minutes of the previo21:30.
s meetang w
blast; QJ tb 'town, to the eateelnt. aa." dead and conlixmed#
about $50.IwoQ and threate;ued n&gh. ! Theis ;icing thefirst meeting•
boring btxl•ditaSs with destxuct%on un- the council attended by stile Ree
tilcontrolled,by tli efforteof" all the since :kis iI1ness he , eotMgratulat'e
available flrc-fighters. A1beTt Rick- the council on their' election ar,•d ho
enc discovereit t.1 a blare a'rid rang'tihr, ed that, the same serv:%ce would b
alnrxln. T1he r 'le 1Ze stood 'apt :the rez.dered ens in thi: last 3*ear alnd th
+r!';oor or the :tile hall to watch ilio harmony and ,good tivlll would pre
Brigade etaztt, he was struc1 by the nai17
tltrouglzout the year. It wi
ewerving woe 1 WZ the 'hose reel' axd� not be necessary to keep down, th
S itt a wall, suffering
erp"enditure' the same as last yea.
Ales, Hie in�urrest wero as we are in a better position hav,,n
it tended by'1�r. Race, rrduced i,he debt considerably. Las
year we had to keep down the ex
p t l! the trente.zn and vci• penditnrc rind hou1c not de as' w
unteer helpers could do trhe two stores
would have liked on account o� ou
t „lly 1 razzns before long. heavy debt. There will have to , b
Help ry s eel from Forest, bat more cement walks put down a'nd.
Dater aanceltist„ also the extension , of the water
mhe da Iia partly covered b' mains ott (Moron street. Another mat
3nsura�nce c ; ter will be the hydro-electiio Tiro"
ftae- seeon4,"- ptory oP the Lindsay position which wilt of necessity en
building was.. occupied 'by the 1V•tr. goge your attention, T1e rate last
meal's InstiitOte. Many valuable 13".'
ap year eves the high:est in the ltistory
ergo( beton ,zclg"te thttsronganizat oe aged of the village.- I would suggest to
most of the iUsio, • tteIongltg to tiip, the council not to wipe out all or ,the
town baand, 'Fvhich, held it practices debt ;but part of it this coming
there, * r '!turned 'cry the top year,, I would strongly recommend
story, )the lavas hbddfellov-s *and that this council hand over to taha
Orange Lodges . had their rooms, S,c'bool 'Board every 'cent that is due
These 'were 'also totally destroyed, them. I claim that the sc3iool money
s a !hindrance more than a gain. It
would meant a difference of only
two per cent The School Board by
putting the money in the bank would
draw three per cent.whereas ';the
Meeting; of oard held in the Town couna`_1 could borrow all the n oney it.
{af 8. -p,m `Wednesday Jan, 20th. All rc1uires at five per cent. To this
present, Tihe , following was duly' Coonc:llor Hind took exceptior, statim
submitted and- pproved.- there would be nothing gained and
Signing deet ration of office, F. a loss of two per cent and more thae
'Wood, L'"Arra trong and R. N. Creech. that the School .Board would re:euire
Per A. E. 'lt'u;ke and le Arrastrdog to appoint' a Treasurer of their own
that F. W.'Gladman be {secretary, which would entail more expense as
pro tem , : now the one treasurer acts fair '
.Per F. Wood and A, "E,, Fake that bnth, The Reeve stated be would bring
S. ,Martin to be chairman, this matter up again in December,
Per A. E.Pince and R ,QV,. Creech; t,The Reeve stated that.tie had re -
that village. be treasurer. • I commended that the. accounts of the
Per F. Gladiola and F. Wood that; Treasurer should be 'audited month -
J. Grigg be Secretary,•. ' 1 ly and the rcpart presented every.
Re-ppointmant on 1914 committees' montn. This would Le much. Less work
per E•! N Urg„enh and I. Armstrong. for the Treasurer and would, es-
Reports of Cams.• E. Puke. wood pedite matters when is costes to
measured anid , ound correct, scour -
Per F. Wood and L Armstrong
that the regular monthly rneetirg be
held on 3rd ni foruday of each month.
Per A, E. Fuke and. R. N. Creech
that L' R. Carling be Library, repre
_ Adjournment N. N. 'Creech.
Adjourn&' session', held forwith;
moved. "and seconded: by A. E. Puke
ant, F. Wood that ag'esolution of sym-
pathy= be sent.. "iii J, •:Grigg. Secretary
-With .a:p 'r elf suer".orf'^ eretices,„,, , eared,
hopes' for`=comptete restoratioi:n eta
, .
F. W. Gladman, See'y, pro tem
bbrawn a a sc the
three broken..
The flames. had a good start and
inspieo a
:were practically n
e was a 4ahzon o,
Exeter School Board
The hockey fans o'f'..town were
given a great surprise Iasi Thu sdey
when t'he local team banded the fast *est any remedy: -.Carried.
Parkhill bench their first defeat by The Striking Committee appointed.
the score of 5 goals to 3.. at counLoile meeting of January 11th,
The game was fast from start to beg to recommend the following corn..
finish Exeter scoring the fire' goal nuttees for the year; the first singled
after a t."ew minutes pla;,vby a fine eentieinan or eacli com:mni!ttee to be
piece of -combination and the first chairman - Special Roulston and
A COM muni.eation+was opened and.
read, from the 13e11 Telephone Co..
asking to have poles placed on
Victoria, Gidl.ey, And .Andrew street
also asking the 'edtznoil , to appoint
someone to supervise 'the work. Hind
and Harton that the reluest be grant
ed and the Commissioner supervise
the same at his convenience:: -
Pommunication •from Chas. Barber
R. !San askrig-for .it;il'orillation; re 'tar
bite • water•'"wheeis'tcliichx they, ti-)
stalled same years ago, being aux
ions to know if it fa'servingbhe
purpose. Beavers and Roulston that,
the Clerk write to Barber and Sons
and to state that the only trouble -we
have I's that a lot of water passes
through while standing causing' tors
much wa,te and if they could sue. -
Patriotic Lagrae Notes
Previously acknowledged $1365.1 +
Donations. $';'
Airs i W. Mace '1* rjn+,iipeg 10.00
R. G. Seidon ' ,. 10,00
L. Day 5.00
S. ieudmore 5.00
C. J. 13. Snell , 1,•00
Jas. Stewart r 1.00
T' a. room reo. Jan. 10 201t0
Tea room' reit. Jan. 23 14 00
Totalltecespts x1432.59
Ottawa;:; Ont. Jan. 1915
Mrs, A. Hastings,
Dear D'fadam `'„ k•
1 wish ! tO',•e', cess my sincere!
titans to you' and the citizens =oP
Exeter Poli''teIke kindness you have
shown ixcsenclL g tee a wristlet watch
ns it is ibmething every soldier needs.
I assure you.it will "be a comfort
for' me to know ; that the prayeirs of
my ''friends' at home will be witch, m�
through this great struggle and I
hope that we Canadians can reeider
a good account of ourselves when the
time comes for ue' to go into the
lilies and 'fight for our country. • I
beg to remain ',very sincerely yours
Earl Parsons
Adcitional locals on page five.
Mr. A. E. Puke spent the week-en�dr
in London
W. 3.leatnan (was ,`in'London
on Monday.
Miss Beatrice Clark, of London is
visiting Mr, and Mrs. J. 'It„ }lied.,
/Mrs. John ;C,, Dignan is at present
111 'at the home of, ber ,t atag�htcr in
At' a /wetting of the Purer' Country
Council in Gode,rieh on T; sesday,
Govenlock, of :McKillop was elected
Warden for the ensuing` year. Mr.
Govenlock is a Liberal
The London[ Advertiser of Saturday
contained the picture of Mr. Wm.
Beaman, father of W. J. nermat,p
of town, who was elected presidenit of
the London Liberal Association.
amt*.'I'imp ,tlern has •purchased
Mr, e F
. ��+` s fine h ck• srde co
+�� n rt rt e ,
on Wil(tam, street, iltaw Enke intends
building oo. the old bend's ;1satoperty'
cross corner from the C,riyitt • Ien-K
Orial .�reotoJry'.
period was full of brilliant plays
Barton; Tublie Works, Marton and
both teams trying ,hard 'to score :and
Beavers; Finance, Beavers and Bind ;
hsoundcdamg oal just
u hr-betoro Eire, Water and Light, Beavers and
g g Bind. ' R'oulst:on and Horton that the
1•-,1• same be adopted. - 'Carried.
The second period started with a ,s. communication was read from Sir
rush and .Parkhill did their utmost Adam Beek in answer to a len-
to score, some fast work on thein ter written 'ham on the '13th Inst, re
forward line made : the home tearer dvdro-Electric. Hind and 'Beavers
look upwind right our boys show- rrat there 1
ea great form in rushing and back- l y of S r. Adam Beck to
checking and notched two goals in
the clerk's letter re hydro power for
short order, 'then Parkhill tried all
Exeter be recorded in the minutes
kinds of tactics and at lest .they and the clerk acknowledge receipt of
scored and after some hard checking same thanking him for prompt st-
and rushes ES•eter came baele with! tcaiti.on. - Carried.
a score making 3 scores to their L.
Hind and Harton that T. 13, Carltug
In the 'third period the I'ar'.khtll be 5 salary
Cleric and Treasurer for
goys got off with a Iuick start and 1915 salary .to be $400,00 per
cor<.d in a minute but this was their annum -Carried. The clerk asked for
an increase of $25.00. The Reeve took
ancb heavier and at last the visit exception stating that this was no
time for increasing salaries as • 'be
had read that a number of mon ai-
palities were cutting down salarke
owing to the war
Coulston 'and 13eavere that W. J.
Bissett be re -appointed constable and
street commissioner 'With. duties as.
defined in By -Law 1\o. 4, of 1914
with Inc following clause. added.
"That l'e take no constable duties
otsidc of the town" 'at a salary of
$525.00 an increase of $25 00: -Carried
Ilind and Beavers that 31rs. JohiJ
Harness be paid $50.00 per annum
for t:he ringing of the village bell
Hind and Beavers that Councillors
Barton. and loulston act on Cemetery
Board for 1915 and F. W. Gladmae
and W. O. Weekes be citizen's repre-
sentatives -- Carried
Barton and FP ad that tr., E.
Ciuston be appointed to the Board o1
health for 1915 -Carried
Horton and Roulston that T. Crena .
he truant officer for 1915 at $I0 (1(1
per. annum -Carried.
F3eavers end Hind that Jos. hawk -
ins, John Moir and Wes. Bissett, be
fence viewers 'for 1915, --Carried.
Hurd and Barton that the Clerk
procure a book for Mr. Bissett in
which he is to enter all supplies soil
and all wa ter. taken from ,hydra nts
and the salsa. to be 'handed to the
clerk to be ',barged up to their ac-
count each Month. -.Carried
Hind and lkxrton that, the Clerk
write the local manager of thief
Berl .`Telephone Co.. in Teftre,ece to
annual rat tai of phone for 'cemetery
,, pointing hat to them that rt photo
can be instailled'''fzein the Pay: Tide. -
Phone 'Co. ,ret arra' arvnital' ret (e.1 oC
$12 00 ' Teale that, 'we e'a,ra'a�ot continuo
paying them 'as aminal rental "at i':
Cantiaoued on ,tinge 5
last tally� the checking became. etas -
rs veli back to detend their "goal
anti the play was in their territory'
amort of : tie t•'vne and it teas near ,the,
end of the period that ,glue locals
ecored making one eaco'In the lase
Parkhill Exeter
ISer.re 1st Period 1 1
Score 2nd 'Period 1 3
'cord 3rd 'Period 1 1.
The line up teas tolloars-
Parkh ilI J4xe ter
McColl Goalas 7 orren9e
I'�anrise pont: Acheson:
C. ;.P.r Hawkey e. point R. southcottr
ardezr Rover lttivers
lfeKKerma centre E. Southcott
L. McKenna It. wing C. Pickard
Holman L. wing . A. Pickard
Referee-Shoetnaoheer, I'ark1ai.11
Ailsa Craig
E3x: t er
Thursday, Jan.
REMEMBER, if you live to be.lO0 years of age, that tine.
eyes you are now using are *the only eyes you will ever
have, therefore it is up to you to give them the best care
Our years
of practice
with the
System of
into the
Eye with
the instru-
meat called the Retinlscape has given els, Valuable exper...:
fence in detecting and measuring eye detOts and we are
in a position now to give you the very b.st service in the
fitting of suitable lenses 'and sp ectaole,g.
Wedding Rings and Marriage" Licenses
The Exeter Bargain Store
Overcoats egular $10.00 for $7.50. $.12.00 for $9.00
$12.50 for X0.75; $13.50 for $10.50; $20.00 for
II" 'alined• boarregniar $4t00, ` half price 22 50.,
22 mens gray sweater coats trimmed with blue, regular
1.{30 for 55e.
Braces, gloves, snits, scarfs, at manufacturers prices.
A lot of sample towels at wholesale cost.
Woniens low overshoes 30c per
We lead in boots shoes and rubberg.
!♦♦♦♦♦♦0e000w.0••loo000440e *O♦eDaA•0♦00♦aaa4••••Oal•♦••*
• PHONE 81 A W. W. T A NY A N PHONE 81
• T
Will share with you the
Profits on. his Immense
Stock of
This will be a germine
Stock- T akin.g Sale
When prices will be
Slashed in two.
Now is the time to save money on your. ordered
•'♦ clothing, Ready=to Wears and Furnishings
• of all kinds..
The trend of prices • is t
but not so with us.We are offer- Z,
♦ , .,�,
ng some i Bargains byti
Buying Now.