Exeter Times, 1915-1-21, Page 1OUR REMEMBER, if you live to be 100 years of age, that t eyes you are now using are the only eyes you will eveir' have, therefore it is up to you to give them the best cage possible. Our years of practice with the System of Looking into the Eye with the ., iRstru- lnent called the Retiniscope has given us valuable exper- ience in detecting and.measuring eye del is and we ame in a position now to give you the very l est service in the fitting of suitable lenses and spectacles.u We G uarantee Satisfact- ion", to you S. FITTON Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses Exeter Bargain Store LACK EASON ALE bra madea big 'p (chase of travellers- rani 4 S last;week and are placing thea on the bargain counter at wholesale cost This means a big save to you. Sweaters, undershirts mits gloves braces hand- kerchiefstowels etc Forty eight carpet samples: ‘Nill be put on sale Saturday morning. Boots shoes and rubbers at the lowest prices. ORTY-SECOND YEAR --No 210 , & Midd. t sex Gazette EXETER, ONT, OANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, J.A.NUARY, 21st, 191 wasommommiiimismin JONES AND MAT PHONE 32 JANUARY SALE For the balance of .January we are offer- ing Special Prices to clear out all winter p Goods. This will be a saver for you as the Sameoods will be higher' next winter. g g ALL FURS For oneuarter off SellingPrice. A good lot to pick fro. LADIES WAISTS A nice lot Silk and Net Waists at only $2.00 each. MENS AND BOY SUITS A big lot of nifty suits to clear gout , at nearly half prico. Z DIES COA Only .a few' "left at just onehalf regular Price. Each one a bargain. FUR COLLAR COATS $12.00 fora good one. $15 00 for a better one_ This is a snap. MENS & BOYS OVERCOATS To be cleared out regardless of cost. Come and get a real live bargain, New Spring _ Goods The new Spring Goods are arriving every day. We have them all in for your approval. soon NEW DRESS GOODS NEW . PRINTS;r ; The first shipment is here and you will 300 pieces of the New English and find them very swell in Patterns, Col- Canadian prints. Every color in differ- ent patterns iffer-ent:patterns will be found on ()lir coup ors and Fabrics.. • µ teles, $I.Q8 All 'Frim fried Hats' Some Real Beauties to Choose from. J. JONES AND MA -- HARDWARE PRICES • at this with the exception of a few lines store. Prices owing to our heavy stock are the same as this time last year. Home Necessaries Connor B. B. Washers Champion High Speed Perfection Washers Wringers - - $10.00 - 8,00 1,75 Reg. 2.50 3.75, 4.50 Viand 5, 00 • 0 CEDAR MOPS Look at these prices Mops 75c and 1.00 Polish 25 and 50c HEAD QUARTERS Hockey skates for girls .: " tt Boys 16 Ladies it -./ t.'Men. FOR SKATES $1.00 to $3 00 1.00 to 2.50 Z 50 to 3,00 1.50 to 5,00 Straps 15c Pucks 10 and 25e Sticks J5 40 50 $1.00 .,;. and Heating 1lnsmltlaing Plumbing e , , " Phone 27A Tungsten Lamps35 � •.; 1 v„ •. D C{ A. A1VI I -I E • FOR •S tIRIA AST F 1'4rt iETC4i It:: 11 Patriotic League Notes .rtreviously acknowledged $12313.89 'Itobt. Sanders 2.00 Henry Rowe 1.00 Mas. E. Sanders • 1.00 Mrs. Fowell' 1.00 Mr. Beaver 1.00 T. Brook 1.00 W. l3. Levett 1.00 Jo mels Gould 1.1)0 Dr. Ilyndman 1.00 W. Penhale 1.00 J. Grigg 1.00 Donations. ` a bins. E. Heywood 1 00 Mr. T. Resnick 6 00 Thigh Spackman 6.00 J. G. - S+tanbury 5.00 J'' G. Jones • 6;0,9 - :Wm; Hborper 10d° ltins. E:Bawden ? : I1ltdo+ r.R, .1I,6,I1 Appreciates Remembranc A xn'eeting rtt arepresenta ivea" ifxonol mild 3 a y�s, Eirktoai d Exeter is call Dear Secy al! P{aL�siotict%eaguer 'r4 (Deax Jl�adam , t r t adz 'ta .facet at Kilrkton ,in the laitealrl 1 dettitr+q to ,express tmry sincere: ,ftaltll a to oonsidt±r tJte 'floatage. of a.l hhaenky rte you ark rho members of Lal; oada.from Exetei to St. 'l>'Iaryts, a the Exet, Patriotto. League for 01,1:4 hays been made and we the kineteess you hravt, shown iln endentittaaind the .estimates are cam- r sendiltg 'me the, parcel of .woolen, pxotAd.n,nd that .from thle lr`tart isuah goodks. I asetu're you sthat J. �ap'prerr a piroposition would prove a paying,* late your thoughtfukness very knT tXrr road* Would undoubtedly tap much as the knitted goods are' just one a rise bestt farming districts ins whaut I needled fdtnd' 1 know that 'all Ontario agtdthe then t:f0002^•f ,ga;ve tjhuls section an oui}e .gra,leful.xe;st..!woeere th�eixboys ngmrftsltd • ad`-uel: let 'f at.,h sa `been waniedc fol fniany tninirstered to tin i(ra a 1i4ke manner.. yeaTe ' It will'' ajwayl�l be a source of pride] 1We' nderstaof the pro'posa,i •is to ter Sae to ,know that tithe good,'wis:hey; contiVn`ae.''thtme` 'oa& 't�htou h to Grand of lmy ,iri,ends 'a•t home ae om.p:tnty Pent e, nd iia +Bile gvent oft a radial me and 1 nrolre thtat ivvbe'n I, comet road r Huron county to link it up bank (:).'P.) I zv;411 have done •my part wift4411.1e4ounty read. t with the rest of the Cana-diar4s wha Su kite; proposition would give eue going to the f t• and tihat wei Exet ',hydro power from St. Marys, will have +shown ourselves capable of and ',#ucerii h power along 'fire route, renderilrg a good �accour�t when, tier As the ,paeaent franchise with the ' afety o.1 the Empire, dr mands it. Set ee&io Ljght Ca: expires at, tjbte, Again ,tli`r_;king you 1 .be• to hrema'•nr end o1i, tlrrs yeas, the cou'nail will en vexly 'sincerely yours .EARL PARSONS I'ARLI•AMEN'T TO DE ASKED FOR ONE HUNDRED MILLION Eait]:mates to be submitted th Parl- iament in the comiing session ,will deavd}x' ;to 'make some definate hr� trangOn eats for Rahe necuring of hydro power1;and the proposed road from; St...Dgeryis, woiuld' be the m^anIa to the61.a.and meets with ge'nerral, apiiro'ytl.. `En,gi!neer ,Gabyi of the Hydro Com- e ion*.will be present at thecoinprrse as the principal feature war m sung and outline the proposition.' ap'propria'tions.. Itis learned that the ---�--- *total to 'be a4ted will ,bcr a hundred Million dollars. This will carry the service to the end of the ealendar year and 'provide all' money chat is necessary for the pay of those at the front and ..for the exuipreeatt and maintenance of the troops being rais- ed at home. As has been intimated before. all the big pubL'c .works in p!ra.tcess ni.fl'be 1eiat going, ,our economy will be practised in re- gara ro the bur& of the smaller ones, "which loom (large in successilve appropriations from year to year. 'AA1 '!&GAI.tNST EXETER MAN iS 1AGA1N POSTPONED The 'ease a#;aanst D. Ifartletb, the Exeter"°man who was charged with setting:,l'iit?e to the lumber piles oil the 101, veland-Sarnia saw mills was continued, a the police court, Sarnia on Friday last, before Magistrate Gormanthree witnesses being exaasr- ined fox :'the crown. T19ie 'fjt was C,hie'f of 'Police, Forbes; "a ho isbowed books whe:re tuft - report". dt awreport.:dt th'e fire had been turned •, Cbmin Back The Boyer -Vincent in by the officers. This was on i:hla IStock Company which presented '•A nitzhlt of„September at 11 o'clock Hidden :Crime" here last Novembez The Milt witness was Manager �will' appear at the Opera .kfouse, Barr, of`ithe mals, who gave evidence) Exeter for two nights only, nein iasr da the `eallte of the property. en- , dangered iby: the blaze, and tb,e loss,)Monday and 'lnesday, Januar, 25-26 with two new pier'. "The,�Vl�Srzlpool^ which >was placed at $0.-01,.060.Q• p14,000. Ther andauctions "The Sporting 1 argon," ales pro dotal value of the' mills was,was,placed j are w presented complete in eft ( every detail as the company carry Mr. 'Kerr also testified as ;to:Where all • special scenery for each ;,piny. Don't -miss seeing the cew ;VandevilUe between acts every thing Lew. .up- to -date and 'clean. Order, your seats now at •Howey's Drug Store. ,',Prises 25. 35 'and 50 cents and nee the show you know 'te 'be first-class. • 7-.Ct>1 GREGATI;DNAL MEETING The ,ar anal• congregational meeting of igaven• Presbyterian church was held,' en . onlay .ac vet 1ng,> ''£lie •audlnt ire rt i7 nd' x npettse th` Women's ,lission.arSocre� Society;. -the Legie Missionary Society, Snday.': Scool, Ladies Aid and Mission band: showed the different branches or 'the chutrch to be in a flourishing McLean is a'ti present Mee hospital at condiitio'An, The report or 'the. Session, Midland, but Parker swore that the showed.a !slight increase. i+n+ mem-I man Ilartleib wa,s the one be saw be.rship. ,The ;members of the Ses- ;tinning away from (the'a;rclis at t'lto son were zee -elected ars follows. - time the blaze _was naked:- Rev :S.F, Sharp, •F.. !W„, Gladhnan, The case was then adjourned tine J. 11. Scott, W. H. Moncur and B. tiI'next Friday, 'whenmoire witnesses h'trnanh• +'li'1ihe ''Boardof 'Managers ,are will be examined. J. H. Greive, James Jeckell, iEd; Ohrintie and Dr. Amos. After! t'he, bus:- - "- ness mee+tt(ntg the ladies provided henna Locals and 6a !very enjoyable time vacs spent. the .second ' fire had been .started, but head gone out. This was a bout tone i hundred land-t1:i,fity feet to the east land (right in the centre of the yards. It in certain that a inuc;h' ]arger blaze Would- have resulted 'if this. fire' had not gone out. ,This fire ;.,had been kindled Withpaper, over .which had been placed fine' etiakks; The little pileewas under l bne corner of a huge. lumber pile. The : ''` l zviitness •w, -.,l.: 1C-: