HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-1-14, Page 8THE EXETERTiri S URS.DA'Y", 141th; llpi THE VEST POCKET DOCTOR, easily carried, easily used. Nameless . Pleasant odor, and no bad after affects, NAMELESS will be mailed to any address on receipt of the price 25 cents. We will refund the price if it fails to relieve you after having used the whole bottle. DO IT NOW. Send 25 cents for Nameless., COLD IN HEAD, THROA3' AND LUNGS Are among the. Most Common Ailments of Humanity To - Day. These Affections Lead to Asthma, Flay Fever and'Consumption, finally to .the Grave.'' There are: many so- called 'Remedies, a trial: of NAMELESS CO F ;REMEDY will so relieve and clear your breathing k apparatus, .like the lady writing from Mich , . "r��end me 4 bottles of Nameless, I can't get along without it."" Watch This Store for Bargains, All This Week and Next Week. 1 POWELL'S BAZAAR 1 R WOWED You eAN'p 4E7" PION EY ANY !E'AS'IER, THAI ao� To DEAL WITH ©,4s. We want the people of this community to con g;., in and do business with us only, because it means dollars to them. Buying at' a store where you pair: morefor the same quality or get ;, poorer goods for the same price than :we will give, is letting your dollars take wings.4nd ,. fiy; away. 1rut around all you will, but you must -come to• our store to fine the best quality of mer- chandise at the best . *possible price. Felt Foxed Shoes 18 Pairs. of Ladies Felt Foxed Laced Shoes. A warm and com- fortable shoe for the $1 5a cold weather at • Millinery All hats in this:pepartment will be sold at, greatly reduced prices Seq what we have to show you. Union Sheeting, 72 Inches wide. This is a splen- id quality., -The Colors are Grey and: 'ream $5 Cts at per yard •. Mens Overcoats We are showing some special values in mens and boys over - was thsse days. Let us i• show you a dandy at ail Childrens Sleepers In sizes 2, 3 and 4, Warm and cosy sleepers made of fine fleec- ed lined material at 60 - 65 & 75c Cod.. Underwear For men in three qualities; It is made by Turnbull "' which means the best in underwear. Per suit $3.50, 4.50 and 5 00, Tea Pots Holeproof Hosiery A bigassortment of plain and, . fancy Tea Pots, direct frond the potteries with stands and hot water jugs to match, Hanging Lamps Eight different styles Of fancy" hanging lamps. Some have the round burner good value at, 6.75 The kind that gives satisfactioin. Six pairs are guaranteed to Wear six months or new ones are fur- nished Free of Charge. Aprons Working Aprons for the morn- . ing in dark -and light colors In sizes 34' to 42 good value ?c :: ; 4. ' L • PO ALE PHO • f`or sale in lilansb!ar,•d, • one ,. Tia;rte.r /tiles' ,les south Lanlr•'boa of ... r., 1'11 •�Ox66 ikKi�- oen ?br t� tttlikh s r cit e and waodahed Vella, fall plough g •done' ea I ,r Jia b .:ecru istxrtreyteid *Ina`„falrtn.. John h'oth.. tit . M FOR C3ALE--A. very comfortable, ono arid. a half storey tit free (rouse sit0a- • tedt on the corner of Wi11ta•txr aaid.fVio- tort atr . ,w7 eet5 ose�sss r LC, St o f to ,b A Aral 1915,` App1y'to W�ir�,. icer or Gladrdan ard' Stahl/ bnr Y ter. 'Chipping' Da,Y ,C1141 ' pp n& til i 11 d ty; Ise been, i1i a isd „from). Qrirda Y'ol l'j'lritl7suisl ' of al;•61'. Aflltietr xk h g'.,' t Market Report -The following is the report of the , 'r ter market rected up to 'January:113th, Wheal! $1.18 to, 1,22.; Oats '48 i ( i Barley 60 to 63 Buckwheat 65 to 70, Peas 1.00 to 1,25. E.lo u;r (i3.40. Mow Grade Flour $1480. than U7.00 !Der !ton. 1.fielms $29"00 per ton. ( I Fresh Eggs 42 Eggs aver 'ter, days! 260. Dairy butter 24 Ito 26. !Creamery butter 31 I t°,fii:eke r s alive 8 Dressed 10 Ducks, alive 9;: dressed t2 Turkeys a leve 14; dressed 16 Old Toms ,alive 12 ; dressed 14 Geese (alive S. dressed 11 Dried apples 4e. Potatoes 50 ,to 60. lI s *7.25. , , .t ,T,.T .;--r 4140.04**•*0.•••e••ea.•••••e•d40• 1 • • • LOCAL s• •6• 444*• ••••�?• 4 ..kir. F. Boyle was ip London! old Friday last, Mr. 'Geo, Blatchford spent the week. - end in Loudon. ,Miss Veniia Tuckey is visiting wish, 1 riends in London.. Dr. Campbell spent 'the ,week -end vis:t:ng in Goderich. Mr. 13. Wo V. 7.3eavers was in Lon- do(n on 'Friday last. Miss ]Iay Farness, of Lucan. spent Tuesday visiting at her 'home here.. ,Miss C. Hooper is spendin;;; a. wee1 with }her cousin, Mr. O. Hooper, of Mr. 'Rd. Robinson, 'o'f Lloydmine ter. its v'isi'ting at the home oll Mr. Ts mice. a Walker. ' One Of 'the local boys was in Loa(- don on Tuesday for exami(na�tiort • foil 'the 3rd. contingent. The hockey boys are vetting . dint() shape rand some good games may be Ilooked for ths winter. Dr. Mair, formerly of Staffs fund Ifensall, has decided ito locate inMit- chel/ and ,will open Ian' o,,ffir.et fib'ieire (kir, Gordon Redman of Marlette, Mich.. has (returned to his home af- ter visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Elliott:. A branch' line of the Hy /Amami tele- phone system has been rare up the London Road for two and a half miles with ,seven new subscribeafs. - 1dr. J. II.: Scott addressed- ., 'the I'surig' Men's Class of ,Slain u•tree.t church. last Sabbath afternoon and gave a splendid inspiring italic. Mr. A'. S. Deavitt, carrier or R. R. No. 3, Exeter, desires to thank " the. patrons of his route who so kindly remembered him at .Chr:stma;s time. "Messrs. Geo. ITosskin, of 'Woodstock, and Nelsen, of;Aberdeen 'Dakota, vis- ited their sisters, tllirs. J. McLaugh- lin and Mrs. M. Amy on Thursday of Last week. An installation. service for the teachers and ol'ficers of .Tames Street Sunday School will he held cert Sab- bath evening in dorrectfon with. the regular service. The remains of 'the late Mrs. J. Foster, whodied in the h.ospita? at Doindon, were brought borne and is terred in the Kiz0rton cemetery on Tu•eisday afternoon. ,. 'Rev. IC, 'W. ,Down,`. 4'ho ii visiting his &pother in 'town, occu pig rl the '`pul- pit in James Street Methodist! church old Slunday eventing and preached a very acceptable sermon. The I'aikhill .Gazette says. -"1'h9 goose -bone, the wood clsuck and • the ms:kr ,een •doing .almost es 'Munn sing re �z#her conditions a;• t he German military ccnsor i1 r - lin," 'Ain Exeter •m'u i!s i:n the tolls a la!rn!e charged with setting 'fires to Lumber n1eis,ixi the yards of ,(iib Cleveland -Sarnia; Sawm:'1,is Co. on the night' or Sept. 8.th, 1914. The ease was ienler ed from January 6th until Friday of';thas week, when the evidencewill ho le card. ' se ,” When ordering new or renewal pap-, ens 'for ,this year The T:mese can save you money. We club with all the,. ini- I portant dailies /and weeklies.. A Teaoher-Training class was org- 6Y.antzed in James aoec't church or:. Tuesday evening with 'tiventy Mem- hers. The pastor Rev, W. G. IL %Ice Alister will conduct the class .with Mr. rM, Pfaff as assistant:.- ,M. Joh4r . FlaSvksthaw received 'n' nalstyrsfa12 in faze dov e s'vtewtJk •ole Saturday 'evening and bruised" her h.p and she is conf%ned to her bed in eonsequenc(e. Her 'dau,ghler. Mrs. Livingstone, of Tordn(to, was sent for 'en 'Monday' And lls sv ting om her. - Mr. Lee Blatehford, ' of Dkdroit, wno has been at the' home of !his parents, stiffering;`Tvith appendicitis wars taken to Clinton ;hospital on Man day to be operated ori. The operation was successful and he is making satisfactory' progress `His wife and mother accompaniect him to Clinton. County Council meets this month and the interest :will..centre is t'he selection of a Warden, According to the.. custom which . bas prevailed for years: of seiecting, this Wardership from each political, party alternately the office this year will: go to tLa Liberals,. Several mems Ment:oiled for the .office are Mr. John Leckie, reeve a13rdssels,''Dr. Milne; reeve( of; Blyth, and Mr. John M. Gove!nloek, reeve 'oil' MCliWcp, el giaie't iwedd;ng took place at the home of .Mjr.. and Mr,s•.:Robrt•r Gard -1 iner, Hillcrest Farm, ••:Usborne pn Wednesday January' 6th, when th:ei.r1 daughter, 'Margaret' Lindsay, was un- iced in marriage to -Mr. `William J.1 . Reid, of 'Toronto. (3Tviiig to the Ill= ness of the• 'bridle's ,fathhr•' the i�.ed� ding was of a .Ajule'@ aniatiire ocay "; the -immediate ;Ilelattferes being pres-4 eta. The oeremonk'whs performeci by Rev. Colin 'Fletcher, hsisi7st'ed fRev. Dr. Turnbull; •sof Toronto. PplTN(D A sum f moony al Boyle's ;barber 4sh'op. Owner imay%-heave same: by proving. provertyr'and pay:u,g for advertisement -- •Apply.• 'to F. Boyle, < PUPS FOR SALE ;I'Tvo Fax terrier Pups,, three' months old,' , D, W. Christie, R.,B t4 -1T Crediton: ,O' nge of Sh,pp'int •'day Jones ler! have :changed :their ship. ping day to :Fileflay,eibeg !suing with ['rid , ,Jan., 22nd,.,- and ,conc:nuirg each Friday ther4(alter ,,,, PRY I'. DOUPE', Licensed Auc- tion r. Salts conducted, in any. 10- cal:t Terms mod,erete- Orders ,left` at Ts office will he promptly` at- tend, to. 'Plane' ,116, 'Eirkton,, Ad - fires ,ICirkton p..0; <Ddy1e and 'Flete:tier shipped ja (load of cattle to Toronto 'on LS�altlurday. Its a long way to Tipperary, but its not afar 'to get the Rest Flour MODEL. Call or ,phone• like ; sni19i, Instructions (have been Issued !for` organization' of two odditiorbl' Bat �tialions of Infantry from , the, first Division, 'which includes ,the neurit les -of Essex, Kent, Lamptoal `Elgitn; (Middlesex, Oxford, Waterloo: Wel- 1!ington, `Perth, Huron fund (Bruce, with headquarters at London,'!Out., These will ,form :dart sof the 3rd. Contingent, :Canadian Expeditionary Force, end will be 'mobilized • and trained at London. Ln. t,-CoL A. Wilso at present in command pf the 33rd. Huron Regiment has been ap'poinited to 'the command of the ';view Battalion C. E• F„ and enlistment of men will begin in' ra (few. 'days, it ks exepcted. Recruiting station (for Huron County will likely ,be at Cliint- on he (the (moat (central point in bhp,. cwounty.. (All desiring to join •will, re- quire Ito report at ,thein owl ex- pense, 'if accepted, 'they ,will 'be at once put on the pay roll, the pay cloy{ (a Private is $1.00 peal ,yl with' an additional i0ats.field +allowance,. also 75ct,s. per day - for . -subsistence till !mobhgzation., a Wil ay ER ee ed s ED'WARb 'J ,� ] 7 CxtTS01T, "Licene ed Auctions:cir,'S•ales Conducted in any locality; live ;stock a (specialty , Ord- ers left /it Times Office will. receive prompt aft ent on 'terms moderate Address "Science Hill, p., R, 'No. 1, Phone 45-3 Kirktoni ,MEET'(NG OF "HURON COUNTY' COUNCIL The council ' of the ',corporation of the !County or Huron wish meet tie the iCouncil Chamber, in the Toilet.. of 'Goderich, on , Tuesday the 26th, inst. a(t the tour ,of 3 o'cloc', W'. '1.dt o, Dated aattieder,Ich •tiltsLANJJ;..1211,. dap.' of January, 1515.,; ANNUAL ,MBETZ;\ yr ;OF ,THE EXETER AGRJ,C,.$0,CILT'Y • The annual meeting bf-.the. Exeter Agriculttral doe:ety will be head in the TonIlail, .G�.e'1,er'; on •Ianuary 15th. 1915, at one o'slocl�i p, rxr.` for the "purpose of.,eleoiing Breis-,- (.dent, V ce-•,(Tres den'! ,and Directors,,- for the ensuing year n,d 'transacting other. inarartant• 'bua'ness. All mem- here and interested .parties should attend the et..ug .; ,;