HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-1-14, Page 5I IURSDA , MIX antla 10 CENT .‘.`CASOARETs" ,YOR LIVER AND Boyargo Care Sick Ileadaebta CollettPatton/ lailieuttnese, Sour fitomeoh, Batt areath-Candy Cathartic. Crediton The Latest Ultimatum Meaans. T. :,Ek aladnaord Of Inger- Gott, deerGott, attention bleatee 'Soli,. J40(1 ,A.. Robansen of tile West Your berahea Vali/ant-I% hen% lane In Oils vieiglity• lattaajta 'UP tiotine Viol llaS a toad or two tO• 'Ban rAtitle. ; ', ;, itudo rOlar lartvate sear.7 Mss 'Birdie Hoyle thak retarnea Ocoee neer- deter Gott, at Oameil iPtaa attar lanantaing tato Oaanka: la Una listen vfell to Lannon, ate eleata aecorapauted. .Itoate pee oat I go/ concerns me mutat, 'ba Masts Bataan Iltawkailtinat Aleinoelf and Shen:Ian:Oa alLa s I. S.eaton entertallaied a raw ' NO odds ItoW bad yoor liver, etom taiende oo Motnidan avening. TOIL kaow dear Golta I well Yataa aelt or boWels: how much aour head tatites al, Annetta, oa Nortvion, is Ylo^ triennia aches, how xoleereble you are from anew evitfi relatioes in, nova. 'Und from ' taein lieur of birth constipation, indigestion, biliousness Po latindetY aattee"nooa lest .whila E quietly let you rule. de Ileaten ' andeologglah bowelseoaou. alwoas get a °mettle ot young itelictwia ware toome „ Vile a rinedeotetreade 'earth, rellea 'With 'Cabal -044e .'"TheY, imme,... fiug, out. #1.! j4.14v.kOtirekt AeO, ktkel ouv-,'Und''Ven' le fokilt.'indo soltilaitanal dia.tely cleanse aod eegaltite the etoratenee goiren land apee,t tnrow-Lag but tndyer o WW1 Of Itnego,ne talttle dans,* d:noel &Me:in:tap tbe ab !mned ilean Wong, e. eabelow rate .0 eteentearee-,4yott 141 'Ae pi/oak, - • - ot )30 j noll;,r0MOVO the sour, fennentina food oopopeatte out. The lionne Nan teor 'halt 'I alatlaa splia de glotry• an rt trona the liver and carry oft ate Omar; nteinateal'aott 'It titolatledat ' - • :.a.°4,11, stiPated waste Matter and poisoata ' Ilea; S. at, atuaworther will" cone an every Way 1 *rind( ta from the intestines and bowels. A 'aintie• 'the aeries Of diaimursep in' Bible) itletti heart ta You vats true, n acn ' • an-Oent box from your druggist Will ICharaoters tim the /Vain Street Mot* and owy „claimed, ,nleas4lhisneot 0,1.aft.e, keeP Your fiver and bowels clean; 'oldeet ,Ohareth, next tailndae? avellania-' In the (greet deeds 've dot atemach sweet and betala elear ' for Stetject "A Giant SkOan " . Xou could 'not leaf 'a 11?ettell „friend& an Sky or. Lend, or Sea, .' Dan Kaiser Vilhelra ittone.b•etr !two" WOODLIAM De Land of 8/teem:MAY. sr Meonths..0 They Work Walle y,ou sleep. • -el- ,taat STEPHEN COUNCIL 'The' W. AL St vesits the Auxiliary so ve e e ao,, near Gott, es a t latakton thits week .- The newly eleoted 'Cotineil ot the The Rev. Mr. lash, ot Qwen Sound Township. of Stollen held :tbe, tient. gone a Yea". exefeltent eddreas en `PlantdratiOsu stisigo"uldVeillip ,g'i i:er4141.°,no„;lita teeeseeteg in t.i* Towb Hall, Oxediton, the .0,range "Hall on tEridaY enelaaane an atontlay, the lltb. of January 15 He apoke ,on 'the euhaeot "Rana° aaan It you. deaa Gott, kVill (111 /lie do To mee't their bit ter enaa. • -• at 11 o'clock ext. The follow,ing mem-1, anenBilinguel Selhoolea, :Tag aletteaand nea. aotnnia mate ageen, s Mens we present. .Paealet, 'W. it, gon,416.11411 iiS a. aken, forailblen ,akita ajna,you !and( 1 rill pilltalhann he: '• BIliott : Deputy-Keeve :Mho Love dna most convinellan, aPeaketta calling; ems o 0- Ameet ' Couneillora Thos. alawhinney; Aleaane l' dt. : - ., ; • . ; • or everntor /- , . )1, ' ..... But /iaten Gott, it /mist Ite qiiiesk 'abut help to Otte you send, • i 1 Or else I bat to ;stop 'a:tateek Cala 'only talby delfelret ; , So four end twenty album 1 gin ghat Sy -law No. 217 eppointing Isiiits= L,,,, ...... .-: • . -.' t . Banal-Officeos aaving "been read \three the .Theeninonia. 'We ' t:ruOt ha .nua -no rangier as quite ,L.I.E avian` To 4441., de -111-11Hela raan - • • '6 ' dio ola,v,o, Unel„puterne ware 'in'to mean, ptaae-- tutees be aessed and signed. b,y , lc:L nteeve • and clerk end the ,seal ot the a aneseda rettave eye corporation attached tbereto, - Card e" mot- Via Ra'Penwadatien is an afaan le_oou dondis, I'll db. my.balra, ated 'The following tealers • -weetee Penn h alineaen daase..),, e • : . en , tte a In tell de varld de. fact. _ , passed- h'. Green, grl. aaae r Free t The Peetor atenouncea thet re Atoka Beneaf you don't. den I Moan tank,• eareeni grl. N.33,. 23.a31.5 ; The a.loapital larniak next Sundan alleintan dal t Wa. Tt Is` o haattie act. .. , a • .1 . I , Den Var 'est an:ce I veil defellera U,nd aar loam anger rise! Lind (send mein aepplia ships to twaga A fight' hp in de Skies. , treera step o ger Neeb and David Webb. 'Attu. ''Ins kindly manner, ger'tleautanty beexe eagle had 'subscribed to the necessary' 'nag etativenremor and ready wit. As a declarations at office end property tote 'nu hits vieit to ;this comet:lunar gualifications the minute% at t! tave,ave waited ita .'neerabetestip • previous meeting were read and adopt the orklea here on Sataxday :eveni,ngl ed. Moved b$ Love' seconaed Neel/ Locals ;or, end Mrs(' nolat 'Westlake nioi Stria tford, ‘11 1° U1111. t lhoMe !bete. *Mr, land ales, Corbett or Haa Vie/tea a 'few .da,oa Loodoe, ,trecotat.n. aro ;in si11, ioper, or LondQu isLds vssitr Tells Hew Lydia E.Pinklam's Vegetable Compound Re - Stored HO, Daugh- 'ter's Health. 1Plorprelowa,,,-.,!,From-Akiimpavialo Wy?Eir old danghter bad fenutle 11.11111411e1411?) tiviseeobgt:,;,ehit3hellio'ne-d4,, erthl_daseePia:ylidEs. ela ,v1,37Attia, blinke.thconatinrin'a. lataund bad 'been of g+e6,0e4r to me, so tlenole,d to have ber, giaitt it a trial, • taballobteiLleliscaanwaof taktbenneV4igaxvee: cording to directions on the bottle and she is cured of this trouble,. She watt all. run -down when she started tilting the Compound and her perieds didnot COmeatight. Sbe was eo poorly and *reek -that' r often hal to laelp her dress -heitself, but, non, she la regular and is jgrowing strong and healthy."- Mrs. natinniat HELVtG, ?lever', Iowa. • • Hundreds of Mich lettere expressing sgratitade for the good Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound has accone- plialieti 'are eonstiortly being received, ttirtfaing tha in/lability of this grand old aamel4aarete.;:ie: , • • IT' you take' Iliad° not drag along and continue -lb seiffei day in.andelay out but ananeentakaaLydattE. Pinkhora's Vege- tatife Co4attada envoi:teen's remedy for ' Ifor Sick Children, grant 5.06; 3. Boyce laufttect, "God Calling to Man". Thits coramitssioner 2.00; Sundry persona ;service will he evangelifetle r • e,ownship election eapenses 99.3a ; A a., Baker rep. out. 4,00; Munietpal Worid bannhaa 30.an Dr. F4, „6,.. campboti re a., realer 8,00s; D. McCurdy rept bridge an.00;IL Englieh Tile Eittn; James Tome work on road 1j°; .A. Iliad - /glue, salary ea colleostor 70.00. IThe the Town ,Crecliton, •on ationda,Y abet da,y tot March 1.915 at1 p.m, 0, OROMARTY On December 31st, a quiet mar - triage took place at -1,Thames Road Inanze, Rev. 'Colin Pletcher officiate mg, when Miss Bessie, youngest dau- mound' adjourned to taeet agaM en, ghee/. of ex -Reeve Jana ea moeareea • of the tabh con, of Hibbert, •betoone the wife at Mr. Irvine Davison, Of ICirkiton. Ihe young Couple, were ac- companied by the groom's' brother, and Miss Pearl atacey, a coastal on ;the triele,, Mr. and bars,,Dawson have taken up their tialode on the groom's farm near Kirkton, followed by •the wishes of a large oirele of friends. ;HENRY LIBBER., Plerk,, THAMES etOAD Ao the eteenual meeting on too 'Thames Road coogregation onMonde) leveldngit was tereanimeasla reeolven • OW/Witt 'draw the Lea :meefate on gantiatry atinto. The Annave,reary WUL 'be held, on Sunetaa the 25t1a,„whet. tktev. aonterviiie wal preaoh, DASHWOOD • • tallo eaa.colo Goetz, of Marilee. City, Niche returned to his Inmate on Frit- • day last, aftereeisitig hi lexotheri •PENTRA,L1A. Mr. K. Goetz. , •• es. Mrs. Wing, who died en New Years day was buried on Dec.„3rdas.,in the Bronson line cemetery. 'Rev., Grenzebach of tide place offintating. • Wadded in Dashwood on VIteelbeesday Jan, 6th, Mies -Tale •Vincent aaf this place and Mr. I,eonard.ataurne, of _Zur- ich', Rev. la, Graupner officiating. / Mr. 'Atex Zienneer is 'being congrat- nlated ton :the arrival of h new Porn ;It4lita:Ifanalit. • e • • ids BmmaaCaltas. ;Who has bee.o viaiting tf,riend,s et. ITheaford ha i re- turned bome: • At the annual 'meting of the r:ate- payers of U. S. S. Noe 16; Rano and e peer soon be qbete enstored, • atenhen, ana. George Kech was. re- alm letwqrate League es to iha,ve ts elected to the fboarde. Ifor anothe eleteate on Eriday eventeg on ehe Sub- er term. jeeet, dtteeoeved. that gaegt, men ,tnake gaea.t evenes rather ,t4hen great erea to •tercet men. 02he kateriotic League intend nemeg ••ean epee= en the aeax auture. totaitur.cley last a -daughter evaa •ii)orn to fair. anti, Ms. .j i. eaolwill. a Reeve W. R. .Elliott leaves on State =day tor Torontu where he will un- der go an opexation ;for, 'stomach. torounle. • kr, Clarence .Duplan returned, to jaollege in Loodon on Monday. " ,Mr. John xitl, tea purchased nee ittnese next west et Lianletaa: 'Store *tat hate :moved hes itateity ineonien ' Ales. liewelongh has alloyed entet•nate, zwit" or, otr. Alettnirets honse. aane W. eal. q. Auxtatery meet on aluesday aaternoon at tale home of 41)1.ria. Baynhattes an no. a good. ate aenaance. /two pep name. evere acto- r& to the 'Lee oe Meranteoat: We axle Intact to „toga emit, air. OA. taoaater 18 elowly „tecovereag trom. ps ate,ack ot Plena/sly, ena, hope .12,e, RUSSELDALE Dia unlmatura now dear Gott, Is son of (Many /mare, Mein nand is settled up to clean De wlittle aorld off ne floor Beeamte oou •vas 'm•eixt batedner, Gott An exianaohanse s gen,. So belp aJt vonce, -or tenset be .De 4raperor o aleffen. Ontario apples have again won the grated sweepstakes prize at the New YorkState Horticultural Society Show at Rochester, .against all ?etempetateaas 011 tae continent. The ettey • waa three boxes of Northern Spy appie,e, grow o and packed by W. L, Hamilta or Collingwood. The second highetet score went to Leslie Smith, dB We WHALEN. The Daisy 'Mission 73and of • s elourah held 'there regular meeting at the home of &Iris. V. Gutua lege theirpresident on Saturday after:moon"! David Johnston, Jr., took a sleigan load atom bete over :to The meetird mail'othe children had an enjoyablee -time: There we're 26 preseat. •ne- • Mreand. Mas. Thames Gunnieg, Mao and eMrs. • Albert Guienteg and , and 411rxis; David nohnstoh (silent- Thuraday evit.h their Uncle and Auie Mr. and ales. Wm. Kirk, between Kirkton and - Russeldale. Say Donbts, of • Saintsbary, is in this vicinity with hs clover thresh er. Much difficulty was 'ea-petienend gsnetatwing the machine through 'tie Wilson and Delbert alroieet. <gene / • Saturday in St. iMarys; . • ZURICH • The organizea class met on Mon:- .• day nigikt and Orranged acr a concert I Hay 'Council held ito airet meeting to be held about the lat. of Aforcht for 1915 last Monday. , What might have proved a eprious Miss Esther Zettel of Berlin ' Is accident aappened on aueedtan just as spending a few weeks ot her home I the people , welne teaaing for their here. ••names, when Frank Squirehorse. ran Mr Wmt Eilber, at fitIewara,, 'W.V. away. Rita sistee.---, Lottie, .Verda and, visited trelativ.ea here for , a e fan'. Myrtle were in tihe cutter. . No ' days lost week. •:et peason had hold .of (the lines and the Mrs. ,Iho Regier has ,purehased tne online' got cleat away, upest the: 100 acre farm, known is lot 23, °Oa; Ceetteraana In *Ballad out Ilfiatle got' 111, Stephen Townshite, from Edmund sereou.sey inataad. She will an con -1 • •VValper, of .Dashwood, for the 611m fined to nerabed for some time. The Measns. William °leek, Jame te Thad of $601.0.00. Possesston mill be. given Dthella ' 'escaped wittt but slaght in- onaetpreil 15th, en tjur pelt. Alex Roy, and Gordon Dew ore oar. oarateet Dietz, eecently ipur- ,.• Walter Gunning disposed of hs chased a lot from ,Mr. al, Lipphard a .driver lest week to a St. Maras leu,yer 3ust ieouth of 'W. H. Bender' e •ne , . and sis looking. fox ,acotlaer. al , resenee and will 'erect a hadnee neo • looking 0 • two weelos course at the JO. A. C. Glielpte, . . Mr. Jan Meat hai 1 as at 'present ,ser oualy .11. '• . Miss .B. Clark, of anontort, ia renew- dwelling on it !next ispring. ate i./.. busy already getting material on tae nog old ,acquettnea,nces. in ehia. vicer.ity „Mies Ida Melvilte is ,' visiting Eat- atroa'ne• etede tit, at. .maarys5. ..•. . J. Sterner teas sold the 'black •- ,aojase Grace, _Raley/epee is C1 Arthur sratth IsInop oppaate the Town. Hall to flie.• alleDonaidelnetituto•at Guelph. . Arthur W. Morley, of. Grand Bend, W evil' open a shop in Zurich, it .111.r. Wm, Cornish, of Herbert, naek. The are a lot of 'peo'ale' ari this: as a guteat ot thle home of Me. en& a 'taw,: week?. arr. Moiaan has ' • also Aire. 'Iltos. Laing. ' Purchased tile .aw.elliag•-now occupied acterannwho' eriatiot offard to 'Ibiet stake add lafredtton . . bY Dian 'W. ' Wagner from° the .esatte Pe.ritaps' (cadet' of you feel. the b you , , of (the late-Sainuel Rennie. ; ' ear., it at, ear taiinla some or.),Ou%irin't Mria. George Brown, of lailmanaughe Mr. 'Rebate Roinaaolta,ston, senior tor 26 !soe'r.' as you are sick:year wage. ' .51.ra. 'A. Brown, of Mee/thee/I, watt., 13!airther'bf the Vern ;16.f R. la jean, ee istop ateanworxfatid debts •begineto As vanaing xelotive.s. an :town for a few days, he tv..ot ace awn,' no 'Solli,• dierIatat the: familY ansie • toile up: one •seesi.ble illtiatg .for yell detnee irriday mareang at the age ea to do as isoaa as youL feel xten-down lee., Heade ale win visit there tee '69 3reate. He leaaete his Wife aied six and warn out no Matter :what the toterapaned beck to his haute by Bare. a few months. 190010Thsildreit," three daughiters and tbree. cat.1%e, is to take aoloethereg. nese aa, ; 'William, junior partner nind true k as. Sou cam to :huildt uP etaenga Mr. 73aile.s spen't Sunday in London. manager of :the, Do.minion House ; alto th and ;healtb. (Make yourself mere, ' Key. Becker is conducting revival (Dr.) IVIacKinnon, of the village; Mess colaTortaale and , provide again:at . Victoria, alio% :Pearl, Welling -eon et eerietts 5ic/K.01,5s. . eservicee tat itailveatort this week. tRev. • an, aattialeler of t.hot place' will occupy the ; 00 , hotae, :pad 'Orland, ott , (the haolsana "Va ‘claath 'b'elboao thaae as dna other JP vial') It in the Evangelical chorea , Bank, ealloton, all of (wham were Ines; too4ioaan that will do ;an aantai: • V a.nday next, e towerds iseviag Yoe( bealtle ana thas Sue- eat when deatth came. Mr. • &planate Mr, and Mr.& F. Clarke sent *ale born in Belfaela Iaeland, int 18ao belpirg yau to save ,your Moneys ea gay in All,sa Craig. end ;when e yoang, plea Ile. eeenee. neaaa (iliac Oil litarensior... lt is a ,'„, Mrs. Mary Beaver arid faire. Gott- glinted to nanoda, Whete," he engaged mediciee 'that gets einht at tihe trete- "'tried Gainer visited in Bleehelen last in the hotel 'business at the Ilu,ron tIa aLla• Innen" it 'ha' toaling the' oara ains. Johu Bromtn, ot inilreenatent ;11:U(3411i:he' taiGn°c141,4e4;11:tahga eid4 eilel3v;75aaoeusea:4111:tetar: "8 er'ri°hilig Ile 134°°d. ad. giviug :week. . , ; new stre.iegth and health to ite whole • So visitirtg relatives in town. neas enterptesee end anally purchae. 1.3°I.a• It gloseni'L (la thia ha' metal* Itobert Williaran Mr. A. Ileidetroaxt, er.er eittat we are pIeese dE aleoh'ol Oa ''Jaa'bitt Itermitg drags be- • Mrs. John Bedford is on the s;ok , ed the 'Dominion Hou.se, :where hp .re - cause it coatalne. none' 'Its etrength ' ' .31;et. knained until his dettah. In the aorty a health givtag power is due to ears ea las bus/aims ' activity . en Pure, Oltie oil and the Itypophosphite-s 'enrich he accutoula ted tree,Ith land Iota tendoased by .stieeesertil positiorks wars conettlexted, a pract.eal I., entese the eve, tar ita food value) and, the roan. The amain) took piece !row :the other. 'for its toeia value. titre.. for alatmay tre,ndenee at a <anent on' Seta- the first time they ate conaltined 'cloy la Ineemoon to the Goabeet Lime ;red the teal nerve blood tiled: /body lOeenetenate The pelleattreto were Mr. build:111g: medfatre-a. real t• tten.g tha Mit II. Lippert'. Atr., alhas.' Iletainan d to tell tette 'about You elattat need' toe:hesitate in air. la. Kallieleisele and Mo. . Henry usiog it be.rentse if it doesn't do all Yungtilata • ' ' ' we sey, lit will erg isatiety you it every Way, it will cost you , cot:halg. ff et dose.o't make you 'strong and, evoll tgair, came book a nd got your .neoney. It wilt be given to you, withn eat word or queation. Said ''ooly at the 0101.SO talon 7,000 II•exall .ntotee. ata. LA tina to:WA oulo flay! tet, You Can't Earn Money When You're Laid Up he eecond was seesion of' the tainien govereenteet has been ea II - ed for Thursday, February 4, •oriv atrium al:easter in tenerour.o ng th elate eaid 'there was tzoonnotoaceloton an regard to byeeelectiens, Tee pee• - lgx:am OA outlined prev:ously w1t eon- atet la I m os t exclun,ve I y of •busineso • connected with the war, the provis- too tot supply Ler alto forces and ;tariff taltaegee to overcome 'evenue dee ' taioileneres, 'The teat Llott tbe Heusi, as to meeb on a Thaesday daposes of the (rumor litat .Lhere est tn Mew apeakttr, lf you want spedal adylee write to Lydia E.Pinkaam Xedicine Co. (confi- dential) Lynnollass. •Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a Woman and held in strict confidence. • THE' -billet/Tat COUNCIL • -The Conatr Council of the Bounty of Huron for 1015, will be composed as folayasna • Ashfiel&--)C. Stewart, Reeve1 e -Bay fieldaaaentes Thompson -Brussels-aoho Leckie. arBly;th-aDr. 'W„ J. •Milne. nainton-Janes Ford. Celborne-Samuel Bissett. xeter--S. 'W Taylor, oderich townslep-W. H. Lobb. Ceiederichao R. Elliott, Reeve, J. C ,Laithwaite, Deputy Reeve, Grey -R, W, Livingstone Reeve: John &own, Deputy Reeve. Eenuadl-T. B. aludsoe. Hay -L, Kalbtliesch. Demmering, Deputy Reeve. Howick-R. Harding, Reeve: ullett-J. Fingland, claillop-,T. 131. Govenlock. ;bloods -S. Shortreed, eafortan-J. A. Stewart. Stanaenataa tiephen-LWW:,R, piliott, Reeve; John Takae.: 110.111/tY ' Inciteneneatft-H.';Unieht. • Turnbeory-ea. Malveye • treaereie-eanea Elleeipaton. aatawanoin, cast -J. te, Campbell. Wawanosb, t west -D. la aluaraY. IWIlegharo-S. alitahela. AV/Tercet/era-Goo. Iteca. IIENSALL alan and Mrs. McNaughton are here from the West visiting their relaaives the Drysdale% and Gases, and intend spending some time tn 'tied vicinity; -Mr.' end Mrs,. R 'Cudmore, (ware visited hy all their sons and daughters 'during the Christeas end New Years' holidays' and 'had • quite an old time family around them, all af 'whom tvith' the .exception of the youngest daughtie are 'from home fill - good. poninons.•-• Mist Maud ,Alc- Allister, has returned to Melina after apeacling het:days witt, her 'oar:mita Mr. rand Mrs. C. McAllister -At the meeting of the S,pring Bank Farmers • the -most interesting ,nras a tialk by Mir. John Elder on lits trip through the Western Provinces .dur- ling iihe past ;summer. he (having tra- velled over 5,500 miles duaing his sanserice of eixteethree .days. -• Mr. and Mrs. C. A.. aleDonell have re- turnediron Forest, where they epent a week with relatone and (fronds. • -The •genteel meeting xef (the Eouth Children Ory FLETCHER'S iFAZ, I A lau,ron Agricultural Society will toe held in 'Hensel' an Tteeselay, nenuary 1, alists EmilyDunn is Moine' from the .West on a vis;t: icind her mane rela- tives and triende ete pleesecl to meet aer a:gain. alr. Joseph Hudson. of Guelph, is !spending holidtans event. bipareuts Mr hod llirs. George Hudson afr,s. T. 'Welsh and ;daughter, Mitss Dorothy, have been viellting, ealatives and triends in London and Strath- rot-. tains. James W. Bonthron has re- turned ttione Waterloo, where oho bad been vint:ng her parents. Mts. James Paterson, of Toronto, and Mass Mande. Ortweiet 0.° Berlin, aecently, :spent holidaye With thela pat...eats; M. and Mrs. J. W. Ort- tvetn. aties Maggie Mucharna or Ora,nge- vine, tee been vanting her pareOts. The elcating and curtano rink is be- ang well patronized and lfrs. Charles Their, cif :Cal- gary, are 'aineting 'their many rela- tives and. „friends. The Mame' Buchanan, of Tucker, smith are tainting ' their parents, arr. and 111rs Alex. Ihtehartain alas; J. 1najp af London, ao; one panied ty her son, visited her pare eats, Mr'. and Mrs. IL W: Fulton, lest • Oweek. 40, Tete funeral ot Mrs. Anne Itaxneen aged: at years., held Priday otternoon io Perklon Cemetery, was very lerge.- attended, Man; I) II, 0,i1.14,0,15„ 01 Lon, don ; aties Elizabetn, at home, end Mrs. Jaekson, of Peolthill, 'nee tree. Otters, 3&ud .7rt men el fairito n, ia paon. • . ,t Misses ets 1w I,44 '14'44 tSweet spent the e 1 4 Clintote. Mrs, Egon has aeturned alter send- ing New Year's holidays in London:. Mrs. Key.) and cbildreo halm returned tome tatter vestien,g in era, 'Mile' Sarah atteeot 'left 'Tuteatli,o" London prior to retotniag to Tore ori bo VI 4 IfiSaaa-Otta tajtd/ 'army 'Innateaehave .• ' returned home hater visaing in Port gUIroni : Bliss Francs Davis, of Wit:wham has boat 'visiting bee. parents for tha , past week •brisises Enema wad Banat aneinem30 bave Onturned to Berlin after visitiag fflj parents bre. Mrs. A. Hastings ie atteading a meeting of the Womao's" Institute in Zurich Wednesday. Reeve Jahn Taylor wale ,able :to be met ante/. being confined to the house tor Iseveral weeks through illnesa. Hookea .matele on. Thursday everang between Onediton and Exeter. A good game •ts promised. Admission 15 ets, allr, and Mrs. Hooper et the Lake 'Road hao •retiureed niter opending Neve 'Years with; their brothere Alma, Mich, Mr. and Mant Reheat Dinney, of ',la, email/ bete ;returned to Exeter and nava .taken tb.elr residence ott nn street. Mass T. Moillhatgey, of Lucan, Was laathialine O'Breen, or mt.10armel and Mess Etta Haxton, of Strath.roy Sune deyed ;at Dlr. al. 111', Doylen, 13013,N 'CiOTONISH - In Stephen, or. Sunday, Jan. 10th, to Ma. and Mrs', Oscar Corntsh, a son. ROWCILIFFE - in Exeter, on aan.- Waxy 8112, to Mr. and Mrs. William Koweliffe. a son. 'BELL e- Ifaborne, on; Saturday -a, Jan. Otle, to liar. and Mee. Thies. Bell, a daughtex, PE NLiALE - In Stephen ant laridao, January 81,11, to Mr. and airs. A$4. Penhafe, a datu,giater, CA.LDWELI, - In ,Gentralia, on, Sot - =day, Jan. 9trh, to Mr. and Mr.st •'Caldwell, a daoghte.r, WALTERSt-At '14th con., Hay, on Dec. 30th, to tar. and Mrs. Herma Walters, a daughter. REICHERT - At Zurich, on Jan. and, tto Mr.rand Mrs, Emanuel Reichert I a- `son. erAtt HIED REED - GARDINER - At the .hom.e of tbe bride's parents, 'Dlr. and alr,s. Robert Gardiner, anallorest Perm", Usborne on Wednesday, ' January Otte Margaret Lindsay to • Mr. William J. Reid, of 'Toronto; • by Rev. ;Colin Fletcher, assisted by • Rev. Dr. Turnbull of rorontot ELLIOTT--D0LT, At Samoa. On Ttiesday. 'January. 126h, ' Miss lithe' Ho/ tad an ell ter if Mr: Alya mtc Holt, 0 Mr. Herman Elliott, sou t.f Mr: bp WI:: TilinflaS Mott of town, • DIED JU.EINSICON At Zurich, on nine nary Eith, R. fEt. nalhaestort oa the Dominion, House, aged 69 yeare. WING 1.- At •the home oa Sarah Geiger Hay township, Catherine RVing, aged '.82 years, 6 months and 13 due. GARD3NER Uecorne Da So te anday Jan. 9th, Robert Gardiner, aged 62 year's' 5 monabe and 13 days. Fuheral on Thuraday at 2 octook to Roy's cem.etery. Letter from England Continued from page 1 a:01dt at a rained to the ordinary dbiiU'routine. We; hone to be ready for tae ascrutan fully trained by the eaa9Y 'spring. Our company were re eber disap- pranteel tes we tare not getting oua 'Claresatbaraa leave until Jan. 9th. Far haneela 1 Wall baae a good time bane thaying prokod up h crowd of. debenit folks heth. in feat 1 Teel Tike a. natine of the Plaice. The good people tean iscairtel,Y tlo xtough !for os "Kiitiohe'neriis boos.' The enly thtug its Met I would bare toyed *In d,nop !In at dear seta Goforth' at Chafettmas to nheer "Me Ain Fiala" up a bit cis they ore mire the teeS lonely with three 'tut Les away. You will hear tebot.e ereatt noting to 'east thlria. What do aou tbenkt he 'had fatty t ene 'mese about threa or four weekwhen le got news that Harold ;hada alberaticial breakdown axed volun.- tee'red to go, th-ere, nomomon %slain:do, a relief: end "..whs gladly accepted lend la, I reenact, just landeng: tjate.xe by now. We tee iso talankftat as his pprOsextee than ewill be just the very 'Maio thellottrepiel /couple Wall want, .Taan tst leenne %ledges 'Position bout 150 miles axiom the nearest white twat:nat. with a Vasa:land ill. 1 sir .enxions for her end yea ;proud that a sister and brother of mine, tate :engaged in fail -;neent diaticult and araing isollaierane. Ooontput deley•-in no ...amen a.rma than Kfolg Georgle'.e. However. we all have our deity to do, Mine its, a, bit tli.ftioult, IMO I tete not infeiffeetual.,You wUl bo pleeeed Id know that my; i‘seotion is ptaciticalla tee-to:tat most elf. (hem having lagned tb littlu eoltanne Piengo oar.d which "0" have •eigned end waneseed Wale Mane ewe, hand, end,1 eman te keep On eat' or: con" I gob o tint hundle lea Woollen ooi- iatts, 60Olta hksittlOtS, Ottl, worked by 'the Goaarth, ,,itediree, from atm. Porker, tit dietribitte among tbe, chaps, totth a quentaty ett those Ittale (lode wielele I mentioned above, With k:aulest repack; and wishes inala to :neIr toothter end !bleat', Labile Cone, In L. Barnee DON'T think of the Edison Phonograph toet as a reproducer of topical songs or band Selections. Its great value as a home entertainer is its versatility, Take the present popularity of doming. with an EDISON in 'your home, you may have a delightful dance as often as you like, with music that a millionaire could not imProata v.4 YOU, can have all the latest dances -Waltz Hesitation, Ono Step, Maxixe, Three Step, Boston -played by the finest beads and orchestras, with the tempo set by the masters of dancing so that, YOU get the exact rhythm, Oe -if you prefer the regular waltzes and two-steps, you may choose from many when you have the Edison, Or -you may have a uight at the opera -a vaudeville or musical comedy evening -and on Sundays, enjoy "the hymns that live" as. sung by soul inspiring quartettes. There's a winter's entertainment and a winter's delight in the reSe new _LAMSON PHONOG H (THE INSTRUMENT WITH THE DIAIVIOND POINT) J. Willis Powell, Main Street, Exeter. Relieve Your Mind th riesie nwc4ir: dental to appointing an individ:nal as trustee of yqur estate, sueh as - Will he live to fulfil the trust? Will he fall ill or be away when most wanted? Will he neglect his trust for his own Affairs? Will he prove unfaithful? These are all possibilities. But, you may leave them out of consideration in entrusting the admenistration of your estate to this strong, conservative Company. Call or write for all information desired. THE LONDON 86 WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED 382 RICHMOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. S.M GEO. GIBBONS, LC,, President JOHN S. MOORE, Manager 6 ...1moda.0•••=••••• HIGH SCHOOL REPORT' Following are results of examine- norts during December.- POR.S.I Ge3ar1otry-.1'. ,Triebner ,a8, 1. nee., Dee:tell 75, G. Reath 74, J. Allison 69, Brekenshire and L. ,Oestrieher )6,8, 1. Creey and S. Kleinfelde 65, MO.Phemon 61, V. Geiger 59, M. Hanlon 56, E. Brooks 51, Pickata and Windsor 50, I. Sweet 49, Brown 38, Parateas 37; Hawilens 35. Algebra --F. Trieloner 100, 3 Allieoh 94, 13,rokenslare and I. Mac- Donell 85, S. Kleinfoldt and L. Oes- teacher and 1. Sweet 81, L. Fink., betner alf), G. Keene 29, MoPh.erson 76, V. Geioser 74, M. Hanlon; 72, I. PreerY land Pickard 59, E. 13robks 57, Windsor 53, Brown 30, Hawkins 29, remote Chemiatry --- S. Kieiorecit and F, Triebner 71, J. Allison 49, G. gestic 67, L. Oe.stricher 65, lirokenishire 54, Pickard 47, lte•Pherson 39, Brown 3a, I. 'SWee't 57, al. Hanlon 35, Hawkiais 30, Windeter, 27, 33, Brooks 22, French Authoos Brokenelaxe 8,5. I Sweet 85, rillerthonson 60; Packard 75. 1. eera 71, af. Hanlon 67, Wind- sor 61, Parson's 59, Hawkins 59. French Gratarnar - I. theery 86, Birokensleire 8j 1, Sweet 5,0, Pherson 76, Pickard 62, jt%1. Hanlon 60, Haw,kina Sb, Pot:eons 52, Wand - ear, 30. FORM II Geometry -Strang 95, Smith 04, D, ,Bxfookis 92, Thomason al), 0; Mac - Db team' ,E8 • Bladman and Senior :79. L. Taylor 79, al. Huston 72;, 11. Rowe 73. A. Dorton 69, Rowoliffe and L Senoers 69 Ia tette 67. •Dougall and ey 61,Kuntz an IR. Hanlon 52 Abbott 50,, A.. John% 49, johns 44, Davits ,43, Lalng 2, Elttou 0, Hanlon 77. Geographer -- ,`Tilionason 60, Etrartgl 77, Laing 76, Manson 73, Davia and Smith 72, D. Kuntz 70, Madman 44 ; Koweliffe 63 L. iSander e (01 Doug-' ell 61., R. Rowe .60; A. Johne 5J4 Horton 58, Fitton 57, D. Brooks t' 55( E. ,Elkervea 51. Atritattnetic - G. Hatton 97, 2Willto omen -enema n Lor 39, 5 urea -1g r,6, J. Taunnson 185, GI 6,1. Itowcliffe 70. Leing6 9, 67, ,Dougall 61 Harvea jil, Dav L, Sanders 6�. R. Rowe 58, Se an. Brooke 53, Jobne 5aa Horttoxi A. ( johns .45,'Taylar 413a Hanlon Keetie 43, Simith 49 ;McDonald 08 'L. ,A. abott 35, 'D. I(untz Eittort • Grammar - It. IttoWe 50, W. 01.14,- tpore .3). Brooks 69, A, Horton 66, 11. Hanlon, W. ;Satre an eade Gladman 66, W. Inensoe eand Mae- Dotaald and C. Delta, '65, L .Sandexe and, L, Teylor 60, A. johns and Waite &math 5/6, a\x, iSenn:or 54, 3, Dougal? 51, Fitttou 50, 3), Kuntz and E. Row - crate 49, E. laartvey, Oa 0. Keene '84$ G. :Banton 40, L. Jolene/ 36, 3, Laing 33, le Abbett 28, Pretneli-xt, Ttowo m, J. Tb,ompsoti 764 Gladmen 75, atreeet 68( aleaseo 63. Davie 61 A. Ilortion 57, tilartiot 53, /Megan 51, ;Mans 50, famclers 49, 0. Keene 44, aetior 48, 'Kehte and, L. Jaime 32, Hervey 25, G, Han- lon 21, Villon 20, W. Sextb 12, E. itleatelitte 11. PILES CURED at, HOME, ct' by New Absorption Method.e If you suffer #on% :bleeding", itching, blind. - or prOtruding Piles, send. me your adtpaSs.1, I will tell you how to *re,yo'fur self at home by the absorptio treatment ; and. will also se some of this home treatrnek, free for trial, with references from your own: locality if re- quested. Immediate relief and permaneni cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer.. Write to -day to Mrs4 M. Summers, Box P 84.3:Windsarf Oat'. 4'4 FORM I egatera - Xt. alilfs 97. n. Harr) and M. 'Shap 95, F. Wood and a Anderson 94, E. Tuckey a8, and an Moodie 433, C.4.. a g ar Gt. Harvey 81, L. Welker Erogartb And Stewart SO., 131. i6ate8 78, L. Keene 77, N. Pickax en G. °nee G. Oirtwein 68,,t13La Walker 53. 1,4 Senders 60, PLead 40, G. Davie asr, Sitaptona&G. Parsone 29, Melaell Efl, B. Tu. e. 16, H. Laing J.5., Fe anginas 12. aa. aritlemetio - rialexteetesetr" Bstee 93. � Maras 78. De See -wore 80 Walk-er 52, L. Keene 78, P. Wood 74, G. 'Carling- a3, 31. 11Poode 681, M. Sharp 66, M. Hogarth and Ft, nrells 65. G. 'Oirtwein 64, G. Harvey and Ea. ' Claate.s 63, alt. Picka,rd etnd G. Davits 62, G. COISe 61, H. Eser at 59, H.. Laing 51, T. Ford 45, .31, Walker 37,131, Neil 36, E. TackeY .34, O. Parsons) 29 F. Ifiggine '27, L. Sanders 27, A, Shop -ton 1.3 R. 'replan- 14. Ari11 Id. 0 TThris El. Emery aa, V. Stewart 36, Ge Case and L. Walker 84, P. Wood and AZ. &harp 85. G, Carling 82, 'M. EOgarth 78, F. Eaggins 77, la Ford 75 L. 'Sand - ems A. Shapton and N. Andereon 73, 0. Harvey 71, G. Oetwein 69, Me atcodie 38, AI. Walker 64, .(114 Laing t 68, al. Pickard 61, B. Tuekey 484 C. latr,sotes '47, air. Neil 33e / atemora Work -G. 'Carling )98, L. Walker , 131. Sbarp and M. Walker 16, L. lae,stle 92, C, Harm, B Loma and P. *Waled ,88, 11. Stewart, rt. nous% U. Esse* and H. 'Coates 86, Ite nekey V. Ford 82, M. Pickard a F. TFgglins M. Moodie 78, tjts4rgrf1ui land A. &Melton 76e M, Nell and'an'allaaanaer °St N. Anderson 66, 0, Perste." , tuckey 62, L. Sandeta wetin and G. Dente ,40, Arithmetic Sr. (Cona.-2W oott 73. Reed and al, Banal )%1. Itycid 51, A. Mack 25, Cj.Po atommereal Law -- 'Sr. Cot Wed. 719, :an tatil 68, ;0,, F W. Norehoott 45, II. Iltivere 13ub, nese ,Corr p and o t Cote.- Ill. lipid 72, 01, Vora need 66, Il. !Invert.? tia 'W Shoo/hand ar. Com. . No11110011 .81, 6. 1 *Peed '73, 11. 'Rivera 62, At flor113:1nd ar. Com 77. L. Kestie 71, E, Tt Pettis 89. , ,„