HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-1-7, Page 8TiiE T E" WIIIA SDt1•T, ,7t UAIt'Y' 70, 1x7!'7 f0� your liberal patronage '� � + I� ►. � ., this year and also to add that D. V 1915will rind this store GREATER than ever as a BARGAIN' CENTRE. Good valtte and Low prices, is one yoi. of our mottoes. Our best advertisement will be a visit to our store. Wishing one and all a Bright and Prosperous New Year. WILLIS fi RE.SOLV E D THAT lr•WONT cosi' You aAt ThINC To COME AND 5EE., WE ARE MA TFNI G pRJOES THAT WC KNOW WILL INTEREST YoO. THE ONE BIG QUESTION WHICH EVERYBODY WHo-BUYS ANYTHING WANTS To KNOW TS -- "IS THE PRICE AS LOW AS I CAN BUY IT Fol?" WE DoN'T WANT ANYBODY To BUY THEIR GooDS FROM U; BECAUSE .THEY LIKE US, BUT BECAUSE THEY LIKE OUR, MERCHAN DISE, OUR METHC ?S AND oUR PRICES. BUY— ING GOODS IS A BU,SINES'S TRANSACTION, AND WE MAKE IT A DOLLAR SAVING PRoPoSIT-IoN FoR YoU To BUY FROM US, ALL THE YEAR 'ROUND. Skating Shoes Mens underwear Ladies and Boys Skating Shoes Great values in Mens 'pure wool of Excellent Quality $2.25 25 Sillars and drawers (� 1 •00 Leather at v�9 . All Sizes X71 Mens Overcoats You will be sure to buy if you see the splendid Coats we are offering at.,,.,... ,.. Pure Linen Table ea' In very pretty pattern for small tables. size 54* 66 in +6,� 1 o �+ 5 very special. at , e�9 a3 Fancy Sateens For Comforters. Very neat pat- terns in stripes and floral effects selling at 20c & 25c per yard Heavy Rubbers "MINER BRAND" will stand real rough usage. Every pair is guaranteed. Mens Cashmere Hose A. ;Y at weight Cashmere Hose, spleudia quality at 3 pairs for Toilet Sets Save money by buying your crockery from us. A beautiful 10 piece set. Regular $'x.00 for 4.50 £A.STEWA PHONE 16 T Market Report—The following is the report of the Exeter market rested up to January 6th. 'Wheat 1.10 to 1'.14 Oath Sar1ey 60 to 63 Buckwheat 65 to 70, Peas 1.00 to 1,25, Flour 3;15, Low Grade Flour $1.70 .gran $26 a ton, Shorts $27. Fresh Eggs 42 k. Eggs over ten 'days 26e. Dairy butter 24 t 26. IGrc>amery butter 31 0tti.ckots alive 8 tfressed 10 Ducks, alive 0'; dire:ssed 12 Turkeys alive 14: dressed 16 Old "Toms ,alive 12: dressed Geese alive S. 'dressed 11 Dried apples 4e. !Potatoes 60 ,to 60, Hogs. 71,00. t, t 14 • • LOCAL Mrs.R, L\. Howe left Wednesday Morning (to (visit iri :C1vr,tor! lion a fete days, ' alias Ida !R'owe ,returned ;froth 'Al- den (Corner's Mo day, aceorupa'aed lc,s I 1111ss l+,d:th Budd. Miss 'Eisenbach, pt nealr,Zurieh, is vie,tixg let the ,home of Mr. Robt RowolLffe for b. few days. Fifteen Driving Horses for Sale -- Just shipped in. All quiet and reliable. from five Ito eight years; of age, most- ly 'mares, (thinhut at reduced prices. Will exchange 'for heavy blocks. J, G. Dow/. Mr. Henry (Strang, of 'Huromdale, will deliver a Teoture nt IOromarty Church, this . evening Thursday, . 'the proceeds of The •lecture to bet devoted to the purchase of material fon Red Cross purposes. Rev. 5, . W. Muxworthy has an,- nounced that he will :been a serilos' df sermons on ,Bible Characters in Maid Street Methodist c h'iirah next' Sunday Ievening, St.hject, "A Mit'Crooked tc' 'hla�de S,'tfraigh't" NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A new issue of our Official Telephone Directory is now being prepared and the copy will close within the next few days. Orders for new connections, changes of address should be reported to us at once. T• he s' With 'the desire of making Ontario��` ���`�� ';'W • more ;of a bacon raising province the AO�eB�O 4,4,4,a.®@6 Agricultural dept. on Ontario le is- , suing n handbook on swine which, has beeii specially prepared by Frof. Day Mr. S; E. Fisher, of London,. spent of the O. A, IC. The book is 1pract[Lcal the holiday in 'town. Mas Graham, of Goder:ch is ;the given to proper housing plansef pox- guest of !Mr. and Mist 0. Linderd field. Miss K. ,Collins has returned to Toronto after visiting with friends and relatives Mr. Reg, Bissett bas returned to above all else :and much 'attention is table ,and stationary pens 'being given in number. One',aim of tlho. depart'- me.nt :is to make .every farmer au authority ,on 'hog' a aissjng. ' Instruc- tions are given tforfeeding end Ibreed- 1 ng and an Added, chapter relates to the 'diseases of swine and'€heir rem�e:- Aray°, ® } , . ae of _�Redction: 1 FurnitUre the First of;the New Year �,fl 411 now tof in all lines of Furniture ore RLE Chatham .after spending the holidays dy, with :his ,parents. Mr. Harold Swan, of Toronto Uni- versity v;silted with friends iln Exe- ter on Saturday. • Mr. ;Thos, Hawkins left on'Wednes- day 'to visit his daughter, Mrs. Pol- lard, of Windsor., Mr. Bert .G[il es, of Lindsay, spent New Years with his parents. Mr. and Mrs .Root. Gillies. Hydro prices on 25, 40 and 60 watt lamps at 35c, each' `at the Electric tight and Power House. --e' one Co'y of Canada tipmemaransziowszwatiaananstsmanansmsasta PPY IEW YEAR 1. take this opportnnity of thanking my many , customer's and friends for their liberal support in the past and wishing you all a very happy and prosperous new year. SI.s.tamosaemaxamsrommommoimonosmor ®.gid R. ROWE Embalmer and Funeral Director Phone 20 A L45•61 Auctiot} ' ;Sal, Auction Sale of Household EffecJts, on 'Lot 2, concession `'2; 'Hay, of (F(tt day, January ',fitly at 4.30 o'clock p. m an excellent r.fot \ df 'bedroom, dining -room and kitchen ifurarttire, and useful household articles also , two stoves, potatoes, coal and wood. Terms (Cash. Remember the date Fri day of this week.' Rab1t, RoWelliffe; Prop., B,,S. !Philips, Aue3t: Mr, Victor Sweet returned to . Windsor Monday atter spending the A. Patriotic Carnival will Ise tad at holidays ,at ,has home here. the Exeter skating rink ion Friday evening •of 'this week. Prises ,viii be given for (GF nts . costu.afe trepre- senting Russian General Oeyts cos- tume representing Turco; Ladies cos- tume representing Bei ran lted Groes nurse; La d es ,Co tutus representing English N'u S ng sistirt"Boys ,dorni:u and Girls comic, al:$ Blie•'aud a half in.le race L b-ra1 •phs'h pause, Band atlendanee Adni',ssiou 25 cetts,. •Miss Bennett, ;who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J, A. Stewart, re- turned to Toronto Tuesday. Mrs. E. H. Vrooman and son Harold spent thci holiday with her parents, !lir. and 'Airs. G. E. Anderson, A darty of young people drove, out to Mr. Fred liunkins, one evesning last week anti ,enjoyed a social time. 'Miss S. Gregory has returned to Chatham to resume her duties; after spending the holidays at her home here. ata, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brintnell, re- I turned to near 'Toronto on Friday last A regular meeting of .the I.'OI,O,E s where Mr. Brintneh is - engaged teach- • on Tuesday, •January i 12th•' -!;stalls ing school. - • of officers and seemed degree. An Mrs. J. Seaman ani! little soii,'N,ei- emergency meet ng w.,11 be ,held an son, of Virden, Aran., are V 5 talrg . Thursday, Jan. 7th Ib,r •rehersal and with relatives and friends in this business, V.'s_tars wuicarlae: ' community. `s , t 'W.' Alartin, N. G. Mr. and Mrs, James Wanless and ,de,.. t-vo children ,returned to Duluthl aril Shipping Day Ohangril, --Sh:ppiag Monday after !visiting with Mr. and ' day 'hasbeer, chs aged ,from Hearsay Mns. L. ;Hardy.• There ,were ,two claimants for the bracelet that (was advertised last week in !The Times and it has ;been restored to the owneac..,.,,_• Rev:10-W. Down, of the west, who is visaing his mother in town will preach in James Street Methodist church 'next Sabbath even:lug. When ordering new or renewal pap- ers for ap-ers'for this year The - TIM2S can save you money. We club with all the, 'isms portant dais:es land 'Weeklies.. to :Thursday of every week. I. Arid;strong. .. gci 1`-A very comfortable' eon anda half storey' frame house situs - ted,• -on the corner a William and Vie- toria !Streets posesssioa 1st of ,April. 19,15.. Apply to Win,:. Miters or Gladmat and Stanbury Exeter. Miss Ruby Treble returned to Tor- l onto Monday to resume her studies at the Township of Stephen `for, then! business college atter spending (the generous and liberal 'Support accord-' ed,me on Monday ;fast it the, dearest holidays 'with her parents, ! W. R. Elliotlt{ foxy Reeve. Miss Jennie (lardy left Monday for • _ Breton 'to visit' for a few days before TIMBER (WANTED a returning to her studies at thee Dea- coness Training School, 'Toronto. We will ay •'g 11hest cash Pr=Ce for Mr. a.nd,141rs. W. McLaughlin and We hard maple and pabasswoode CARD OF THANKS To The Elecitors. of aStephen.- 1 Wish to thank the electors of I little daughter, of Brantford, spy nt cut in lengths to am order. iltnyoice having logs ,to. offer w.11 k:ndly cafe and get prices and speci+tilcaticins. Phone 95 . 11 GfLL 1ES & SON New Years with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs; ,J'. McLaughlin The annual meeting 'oifthe Kirktaci Agricultural Society will be held at Aberdeen Hall, Hi.rkton, on, 'Wed- 'nesday, January 20th silt one o'clrek. Mr. 'Thos. Seldon, of Ingersoll, was defeated by ten votes in tins Minor- ally contest' in that' town by Mr. 11. IT, Buchanan .w'ho wat re- elected. Messrs. E. Windsor, "'1'om ] inhale Clair 'wood, Laurie Watson eel. !Cliff McEvoy, returned to 'Toronto Mt on - day to resume their studesi. Univers: L y Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Folli.okind fam- ily, Mrs. E. Follicle and; MSS .Mabe; attended a nuttily re -union at the home of Dr. L. L. rollick, 3l'. Mable, on New Years Day. ' Mr. F. C. Spackinan and little daughter Jean, of Guelph' Spent7� E New Years nvith dss Iparen•. Knight, :who bad been v:leitii,gig Guelph ;returned with ;;tn. Puekarsm'th Mun:c:11,1 Camelwas returned by et lamattn. 11 Ste clay the new.lr,±eve is Job Meii4nley and In Ws ^place a; coucsgiloi• is Mr, Ian - 1 r el,ctadblamatLon. rmu�'vv'ars°t day set apart .stme;41l ,prayer $1 'behalf oil the ies end nnvies ` the, 'allies alt tha c,ClL ri � . •t of His jcaty' in All the t t' a xu e , U, 11 ' li rh ho e� tt �' G rte Chi b liner and limier - 1 Director ANNUAL _MEETING OF THE EXETER AGR14C.,SOICfETY The annual meeting of the Exeter Agricultural taoeisty will be 'helld in the Town . Hall, Exeter on Friday, :January 15th. 1915, at one o'clock P. m. for the purpose .of 'electing Pres- ident, Vice l'iresident and Directors, for the ensuing year end tranusa•ct;[ig other important business. All mems bars end interestedparties should attend the meeting. The Directors are particularly ' iuired to attend -a meeting o'clock on 'the above named date. lid Christie N. D. IYurdon A,G:;1)yer ires';dent • Trees. ocv Have You Renewall The season for the renawal of your papers is agi.an here. The date on the nddrees label of your paper tells you when your subscript:on eRpires. If the chat printed thereon is past, or if you subscription is about' 'to 'expire, yea would ,confer a favor .by sending'" a reit .wail of your subs criptiort,r-lier re- al* i has I 4wat mail. If our rens r tux y rea .ybeen ,sexvt us,.pleasa' ,il:isrcgara tali notice and eceept.our for yo ,earlier rerriittertce. pr pored. to club with and magazines. Our Motto, "W Ain To Please" ake This 'tore yotir IIEADQITART E 11 S For Groeeries Duringl he Coming Year Thanking You for Your Previous Patronage, We W1Sh Y u..Gne and All THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON • J. A. AM =`OLDS GROCERY OPPOSITE THE CENTRAL, HOT3L Its a long way to Tipperary, but • the Best Flour its not flat to'get rehODBL. Call or phone I he milli, Farm for Sale LOT ,7 CON. 1. STEPHEN' T...+ property of the • late T'homae a:F";cry J3ri, k Louse, bank barn, and frame et n, 3 good ?wells, windmill, gout* tarsi. about S acres of good•t a' wood bush. ,contilining about 600 se gar maple trees. Soil 31ay ,loam, well drained, and • fenced. , Farm is good ;state liaf cultivation, one half Station. a1la m Centralia ;ciao to 1 begiven. to suit Fassession can! g ;1ii chaser or kerma' and partionlarp. ap •ly rte Co, G„`essery Gladman'&Ste bury 'entraliai , i`-int'ex8, CARD OF !,P•EHANIIS. 1iobbext Rowcliffe desires , to thank the .neighbors aped friend's for the assistance and sympathy ex- tended during the illness and death' B of 11.1rs. IiowclLffe,: PERRY P. DOTIPB, Licensed Aac- t:oneer, .Sales conducted in any lo- cal;ty. Terms moderate Orders left at Limes office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 110, IEirkton., Ade dress I'irkton P.O, EDWARD J. ,i'RRx1780t11 , Licens- edA uctoncer, Sales Gonducteit*.anY u loaalLty, live attack a specialty era left tit Times 'Office will, prompt attention; 10enms m e' ' r [fill Address � xeee , R. I#'.. rhone }45•i ''X"kkbh,, ' STRAYED ' . , s , Front Let 1. concession 21 Tuckers, smith, a heifer ,10 months old, dark color in1 r with white test and end Of' tail qtvlite. Anyone knowing where. abouof same, kindly notify', Illobt. ptevart, Ilensall ll, ,11. i FOR SALE ores for sate in lilapsh'ard, one res-cluartef smilers south oC' am. Bank 'barn. 40x60; hog pen re brick h4 ri nide and. woodshed 9 od wells, fall ploughing done, leetrie has , • been isurve;yled. adjoining farm. iobn rotas. 114 No. 0, 5,11_, IXary"St. R and Wo tw two cw