HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-1-7, Page 5t nee.
The Private
seldom gives the best of hiS
time to an estate in nisncare,
therefore it frequently suffers.
Estates have (been dissipated
through inefficiency, , negleet
and soenetimes actual ihoi
esty on the part of private in-
divkhaalo .netinr etteentionte
This strong, soundly man-
aged Trust Company is alwayte
neier ill, never
a.wAy. Its eflicers are expert
in the management of estates.
The faithful execution of
truets is their one concern,
Consult us regarding the
handling a your estate. All
infoimation •cheerfully furn-
The London& Western
382 Rah' eed St., London, Ont.id
Si' Geo. Gibbons K.O., Present
5 Co. LEM
John S. Moore, Manager
Int:tape's Diapepsin" make d Sick, Soul.,
Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine
it in five minutes,
If meat you just ate le souring on
war stomach or lies like a lump a
eead, refusing to digest., or you belch
gas and eructate sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
in mouth and stomach -headache, you
can get blessed relief in five minutes.
• -Put an end to stomach trouble forever
lay getting a large fifty -cent case of•,
:Tape's Diapepsin from any drug store.
You realize in. flve minutes how need-
less it is to suffer from indigestion,
;dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
• 's the quickest, surest stomaela doe -
la the world. It's wonderful.
Latest War Summary
The French. Pinolal. ieport ilSr
sued last inight again speaks of the.
combats between Fr,ench land Ger-
(mans in ;Upper Alsace as "veryt vio-
lent." The battle ,s,eems to neve
centred on Sunday and yesterday
itround Cernay tand Steir.bach,evheie
ttn, 'the Germans ,are putting. up atrorg
k,... resietance to ithe French 4avatee:. te-
amed Maelnauteen and the Rhine.
Verney, called etteunheint on the Ger-
artan, maps, ,lies (due least . of Than.
White lthe (French were fighting for
1.he pOSsession (of Steinbach, (and
ntombarding Altkirch, ?farther to
the south. rhe Germans on Suinday
.-nigh,t nia.,de a v,goectue wittack oo
the 1Trencb. positions at !Gering. Had
it succeeded !Thann would have beep
,raenaced, an the French force might
%aye heel to fall back all along.. the
line. IThe Geentan.s were inucee,setia)
it 'Caney for a time, andcaptured
he ,quanter an Which, the church 10
esituated. Rallying alm.ost ot once,
lion -ever, the French, drove out the
naermans, and are moiv Isecureny ti-
• But that waa not all. In the
morning ,the French renew.ed the
eiffensiv,e at Steinbach, where day .by
elarforalmos,t a week they bave been.
*Jeering out the enemy &dm bouse7
ito house, and: (tarried the whole
:renege.. Th.e victory is traportante.lt
Troves that . the French on the
eastern nrontier are able to drive
lack the Germans fighting in pre-
anred nositems 411 German eoil, The
nothorities at Berne are no ...too
Atsposed to (regent, tin operate tie in
:Alsace as a. raid. Fxanco taan " egu.n
an soleer maxneat the reconger at ot
Alsace and Lorraine, and te prepared
fto expend blood and treatsur,e. free-
ty on /the great teak and' onope.oleg,
of way !across the . Ening; for tate in-
tension of Germang. , ht to a eta itinett!).. "
inn (biedit !kat, g :
!The G.ernean ortnnoe toward Wait.
On ithe Bolimowteteginatu 'the Geninaris
;forced ltheaRuasian•st 'bank earLY "
' nclay, Vet the Itunelans by;,, o
' orous counter-attack deove tnthen
Get o,g.; ri .w. nini'r.ta ab machine gurn
;sand a number of prisoners. Ori (the
tentbre Ifront in Poland ,theee nal
• teen no °other change, and, Opera,
•*Ions 'become 'daily more like, those
• am the Belgian froot. Field tonere-
Cons have (been abandoned,. ?tied the
sirettles face each other in etronglyi
antrenche.d posie.ont.
mouth. The Russians xeport ntinlut(hede
, Theta tia more nionlity in
onece,ss io west.ere and uthert.
* Alecto, eabere the 'Intent of Jurrrnd-
*ring in ;Jetta/ions bee epriten from
the Slavonic 'troops to the Ates Fenn
nngtmeets. Tip moot startling lea.
?turn of thenews trout tine Part at
the•ni e Id of cipera ton is
*he Rossian ;statement effeat "oil our
extreme Tett wing out : troins Pee&
Ting throngh the whale dE Bucicowina
lbave eccupied elle 'town ot Suczawa,
ione verst (two-thirdt ef •a Mika
grew the Austro-Ronatanter herder."
That enarks the end or ~ ackoltrine
• taa a ,p(ort of the ,ittisto- irgarien
nampine. It indicates also ent lithe in-
ehaoioni of ,Ilelogary is to e began
'from tthe east as well tie t c north,
O f the Roumanians join 'Ile Alliee
tin the final drive, eo &der PrOat
• eittle, tingle 'task will be t edvanee
• through feraxistilvo We and t ft beada
'with 'Mc OorVians in Sia .tnia on&
eoutberti Hungary, W'hateviL rate beo
i'falls Aintra ihereelfe iii: is in thet
Jibe )torra of war is .about fbrenh-
up on nurigary from ,a a oart ere
.tetwitb terrifie nova... No v ter the,
AtagYara begirt to !talk Iv at alt
"Liget any' Tiriec.. ,i, • '
Mr, DWI. ern, Of London, wa,s
in town for. few 414a.
'Mrs, 'Otto Brown and :family ot
Sebevvaing, Minb„ accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. G, Merlons, arriVed, hOtte
on Friday last.
Miss Mildred Brown spent ;doe week
end with ther oester, lSXns. +Bev.) 3.
Burn on 33eingepert, •
alLrl land Mrs. Thos, (Madam' 11r.
Ann Zinn. Wes. E'inkb.einer have re -
termed. to Detecil enter yisitirn eta -
trines. •
anise Cihrie Heist, e• f
Minh., is ivieittng trelatines in town. ,
• Mrs. Daniel Sweitzer and Mrs. Wat
Lewis have et:turned to their 11,0030
in Algoogoin Perk. , .
adesees Herb Voung, 'tornaan itioltt-
mann, Hob nahter awl Alfred
Worth spent a .few dans ;in Leta
erns Manned Linter, of Londoa,
opera Sunday 'witb hen parents.
folio's Nellie Amy, of Hamilton, Is
visiting her (sister. •'
alr. 'Wmhe
. Either, oe Newark, Ohio
spent Inc holiday with his paennts.
Mies Elsie Geiser has returned to
Toronto to resume her istnclien ,
Mise Linklater of Blyth and }lies
Miller, of Daohwood, have again tak-
en up 'their work in the public nehool
nar. nterner .Eilber has aelegeett be Mr. Chao, Jo'hitts and !wife spent
Position as clerk with Faistil3etee. and Neivrwi.YmenTivrin:t.
accepted e.anfulalretenaiirk.in ?also
employment withi ens Arline
Mr. a. J. 11Ierner, of Zurich:: visited in sit. Marys On the hou.
6Yfr. and Mos. Wes. Horne were In
.2u.rioh for New rears.
Mr. o.n,d Mies. Silas ) johns and
'denghter • spent ' New e rears at
• lailettei:sra.ltualt:nads:eitnItrarisTenwelt oyT: e'Ca'irarsid xerc.
and Nris. � Goclbolte
. .51r. and Ittr,s, W. Elfond, visited
at Wellburn lover thenholidaes,
• Mr. ;and .Mos. Blittolvford ,of
.Ifensall ispent New 'neaits with' 3.1.c.
nohn Tacker.
A ;shooting ma tele wa,s held here on
New Years Day amongst ,the youna
men of the neighborbood and the
pigeons auffe.red ;heavily, few of
lthem Iregaininie their 'freedom. 'Ito
Shoot was at. ten pigeons and the sur-
prise of he afternoon ,was the
work ot: Mr. Eari Jolene who was ritina
roan, sniasing only one 'bird. Thie was
his ffinet 'experience with, a shoe gun.
'the wesult ;of nhe shoot was Earl
Janus, Nelson 'Coultis, thh Ed.
W,e,stoott, 6; J. Heywood, n; E „Johns
7.: Fend tt'ord, 7; Jes. Howe 6; 3.
'Woods 6; W. Ferguson '4 • en.d L.
Woods 14. A. number of birds were
added to the bag which (fell , out-
side the
The annual banquet of the Elite-
ville Adult Btble class will be held
on Wednesday evening. Thin enter-
tainment is one of the events of ,otte
year and as looked (forward, to • wetla
conaiderable arterest. An nec,elleto,
programhas been arranged. .
Mr, tinnier Morietr lis down Ninth tIs�
• measle.
Rev. Mr, Eash wiU ape*: in, 'We
Orange Hall on Friday evening mixt
on the oubjeole antonee end The,
Ittliegual Schools." Vree no all
There out to be a largo attendance
at tthis meeting.
Mrs, E, Jtollisek of Exeter, 19 viSian
ing at the parsonage.
IThe lent,ertainment held in' the
Hall on atrednesday evening by • the
organtzed classee on t* sclhool wen
in every way a greed anociess. 'The
"PtitricittoFlog, Drill"... weengeortentln
execeted, The noung ladies deenrve
great orttiee ifor their Perfect laten
cotion of the drill, The solo iseleer
*inns. how Mins V. Rea' 610 ink "Msafitys,
were +enjoyed by all. The drama "-
titled "The Minister's Bride" new
enacted with a precision (and 'perfece
tion which ,wes, a pleasing aunprise to
ail. The young people Ounnaatted ex-
pectations. The ;organized elasees, are
to be heartily congratulated on (their
entertainment. We ;would be lpleasled
to patronize entertains:tenni of this ,
nature. It is to be bolted?' tiYai 0.6angi
people will Tenor Its again in 'the: non
too distant nuttire. ,
At the nomination meeting ,aeldt Wet'
week Or police trustee's fen thetyllot
lage the three men chosen etoetteok,
otter the affairs or.,the aillaie afon
1915 were George Edighoffer, l.,tte.e.•
tins •Weltin and Ed; Nad!ge Sliessrs.
Chris Stade and Jown W 'Graybeia,
resign.ed leaving the 1tlere neentietr
ed elected Ly acclamation. 1- '
Mr. George Koch was re-elected
Ochool truntee Tor the next three
years at the annual meeting.
Mies Vera Brokenshire visited rel-
atives in Zurich lent week.
Miss Enna Callfas is spending some
time with 'friends in Thedford.
Dlr. Jacob Marriott had the nine
fortune to have two elf 'his fingers
cut off while cutting straw at Jas.
Baxter's on the 16th con. '
Miss Ethel Kellerman has return-
ed to iToronto ; Miss Lillian. Etaxtfeib
to 10Iarkson and Mos Lillie Miller to
Crediton to resume their duties as
teachers atter ;spending the tholitlaya
at their re,spective homes hene.
Rev. J, 11. Ehlers, field /secretary,
for Christian activity among the Edu-
cational 'Institutions a Pennsylvacia
preached in the Evangelical church
here lest Sabbath evening. .
School re -opened on Monday tater
the Ciluistma,s holidays. 'The teachere
have treturned after visiting at. their
respective homes, Mr., lagetry at II-
derton, Mies Woods at Byfield and
Miss Finkbeiner, iCrediton.( ,
. . 1
Mr. Geo. Z. Petty ;yen° ,oasl carried
on the %eat, .business heretor nearly
a liteettme and •who a couple of years
or .11,so ago sold out. his, ,busineas to
Mr. Edward Drake ,haenentrehaesn, it
'back again, as Mr. 'Drake wants to
devote Ana time to his farm • neat
Sta ff a.
The new Town Hall wao formally
opened on Wednesday ,eveniug ofla'st
week ,b,y an ekcellent concert given
by looal talent. The capacious and
bandisome hall was packed bn, a dee
lighted 'audience and the ' proceed:,
amountfed to $135.00
A happy event took place tin St.
Paul's church on December 26thnivhen
Miss Francis Elizabeth daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. •W. Hi neynolds, was
. •
u:nitied in marriage to Mr. Thoma
Gleason Robinson, Toroeto, formerly
of Durham, England. The Wedding,
was a quiet one erny the immediate
relatives of the beide being present
owing Ito 'the Tact that ttlh,e groom, in-
tends leaving with the next contin-
gent for the front. The bride was
well and (favorably known here, hay -
Ong 'Eyed here all her line except the
few years ,she was milliner. in Gorier
rich and Toronto. IVIr. and Mr. Rob-
inson left the ;same evening for Tor -
ant o.
Znetch Police Trustee,s were re-elect-
ed by occlaniation as (follows H. 'Well,
F. W!, Hesa and IL Youngblute The
question of watering or oilingthe
streets next nunam.er will he eiealt
with 'by 5he trustees in due 'time,
,arr. Roy Geiger, of Toronto Uni-
versity preached in. the, Evangelicel
ober& loste.nundon enennaln.
Miss Eleanor kartletb1hts ento return -
&eye' at 1;er 'home here.
Adito. loftetrennendingethe
.Glaatk, at neare Vona,
has been ongageta by the 'trustees; of
• 19. 610- 6Rayy' asi teacherfor be
ensuing d.erni.
Mr. David Schnell; f Aberdeen,
Sask., s visiting ;with relatives in
this vicinity.
Miss 'Diana 'Rickbeil has returned
home after an extended visit with
relatives in Berlin and 'Heeton.
• aBL R. Ill crs.-s 1915 ALMANAC+,
The Rev; Irl. R. Hicks ,Almanac
now neatly, grows. more popular and
useful with ,each. passing year. It is
a fixed necessity' On homes, shops,
and commercial ,establiehments IajJ
over the continent. •This Ifaumen
and ivalua'bie year nook on aetrienomy
storm, weather ,and (earthquakee
stook' be in eVery home .014, Of4ice,
POotfesser Hicks ciempletes this beet
iesne on bis. great Aleanaac tstthte
Close of hie oeventeeth year. Ttho
Alm,arne Vi11 le 'mailed for 35 cents
The Rev. Ilicks 'fine maga-
ziue "Word and Works" te (sent one
yeat With ,a copy cif .11a Almenae tor
only out; dollar. Send nor 'them to
Word and ,Works hIsn Go, 3401
Pranklin Avenue, Et. Lenin, Ain, or
lenve the element at the Tieneo office
end we will :forward 3, • You wit)
never regret \your investment. Try
t ior19l&; •
MX. J.L. Rutaell and daughttex Ne.1-
Ite are at .rpeaent tenting at tehe
home waf Mr. and Mrsnlieraest Dow,
114-0131-artY. " •
Miss Vio.ie and Mr. ,Wm. dlark yery
pleasantly entertained ta ,number ou
cheer ifriends on Wennendao levettog
The chief azutieementt were mune
and dancing
Miles Grace Blane.hard Of Stratford,
in at present the guest of Mr. and
inns. lieely Lancet
Mrs. D. Dow, Alio. A. Cole and r.s.
A. liodgert entertained friends . nn
New Years Day,
Mr, Prank Tarr and Mixt Fred
Grant, who have teen training itt
camp at Toronto, have (been renew-
ing old acquaintances before leaving
for 'England,
and Men, A. Hodgert and dau-
ghter Marie attended a soctai gath-
ering et 'the tante of Mrs. • ato-
dercoek, of Fullerton, on Tuesday.
Mr. BMA Gardiner is confined to
his .bed •wtth an attack of pneumonia,
His 'many friends wieh for g Speedy
Mr. Andrew ilod,gert riuffexed a
parlayitic (stroke last week and is in
eerions condition.
, ry 'services of the
leresbyterian chureit will be held on
Januaxy 25th end 260. Oat 'Sunday
Ann Sontereffies ice.: Toronto, is ex-
pected !no occupy the, pulpit.
"AV..;:JS yo:u Miq'NEY
terif,',arttatatists right here in
• yourtownoand matte a liv!ingoot ote
the 'drug bas'ilieis; but it is1 benause
people Leen to hene .druns and/ not
because tve like to isieel people eater
• --we don't. Oar -duty to to render the
-best 'service we can, and when some
one is ailing, we are interested it: ee.e-
ing them stake the best medicine
there is nor their particular, trouble.
We don't want you to ;Spend mono
than you have to. Som& et you get
seaman eveges, and. when younee sEck,
none nit All, and youi Should getf the
most you man 'for your money.
We t. eomatlY paten nacroiso a new
remedy for incr.eafstog istrength and
buildiog up neepte • who are ruin
down and emaciated. We know, that
a Wight treable' (sometimes grows
n semieus one and to stop, it ila
the beginni.r.g, will Save you. money
in the end. This (new compound is
called Bexall !Olio° Oil Enatelsion It
is the 'best !remedy, when you are ran-
doWn, :tired out, nervous --no matter
what ' the eatiee. It doesn't merely;
atm lila te you r nd ban Ite yon ifel
good for A Tiew' Jonrs hall takes hold
of the w,eaknees and 1bl:tilde you up
to it healthy, normal conditien.. Tt is
a teal 'nerveefoodtntonie 'and builder
on good !bleed, strong ottacle, good
nigeattent It contains layeophosphites,
which: tone the nerves, end! pure Olive
Oa ulna, nottatalies the netiVes
thk: 'blood And the 'entire oy,ttem.
Pleasant to tekte Canteen% no al-
• eohol et ,hebiteforrning drug& We
pronaise tIst iiyea ire not perfectly
satteried witb it, event give 'hank your
Money as ;soon aks yountell tn., Sold
Only' at ;the 7,000 lineal)! IStore, end
.!41111;s jtovit %Wiz ty. tee oa, $1.100
Restored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinichannt's Vegetable
Compound -Her
Own Story.
LioncioN 94 -al ant a Ault:tees wife
and's very busy woman, Last summer
I was taken with
severe pains in niy
beak so bad that I
I, could not get up or
scarcely move with-
out pain, and my
.0 •
, periods were pain-
ful. My huteband
called in a good doc-
tor and I was under
his care for some
time, but he did me
little or no good.
One day a friend of mine told me to
try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound as she had been greatly
helped by it. I began taking it and
soon got well, and my periods became
natural again. Since then I have had
perfect health. In fact I have never felt
sowell Many life, Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is a medicine
many women need. If you think this
letter will help other women please pub-
lish it. "-Mrs: K. C. YOUNG, Ta.mbling's
Corner, London, Ontario, Canada.
Womenwbo sufferfrom those distress-
ing ills peculiar to their sex should not
doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound to restore their
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound will help you,write
to Lydia E.Pinkliam1VIedi cineCo.
(confidential) Lynn,11Iass.,for ad-
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
Lloyd Baseborn heft on Madly to
take a. course in the Dairy depart-
ment elf the Agricultural (College,
Little Kenneth Mitchell ha.a suf-
ficiently recovered from the attack of
Pneumonia to be tinele to his home
ohn Monday afternoor.. Re had beer.
at at's grandperents' in the village.
Mr. Garnet Andrew, nephew ot Mr
5. etnelnew is visiting with intende ir.
this ,encinity.
Douglas and Ewart laatcatord re-
turned 'to Toronto on Mer,day eight
to resume their work at the 'Ontver-
Austin Duplon Is to be assistant nt
the depot here during tee rest oE the
tette t er.
311.$'13 Mary lIepbern, of Peterboro,
is v.e'ting at her home.
Mr. VTill MoPhersop. is visiting.
Eraends 14urSI:pgara, Buffalo, Toronto
and London.
Miss Z. English, is visitnon in Darn
Miss W. Switzer, has xeturne'cll to
her dutien ,in 5. L. No. 14, after
spending the Iholiday with her par"
ents in 1Thorteciale.
Ur. Bullocks, Mr, R. English and
Mr. A. Genii's entertained Ifrien,cla
dn iNew Years dant
Mrs. ,011ver and. Mr,s. Hoed are
guests at Mr. Stewardson's.
Mr. Clilff Buchanan has been
iting hes uncle, Mr. W". England.
,Mr. and Mrs. Alex. &fickle and
family of Inwood, have teen visa, -
ing tetends here.
• Mr. [and Illro. ,Albert Sherwell, of
London, spetbt last week the guests
of the batter's beieter, airs. Wm, Mor-
ley. '
Newton Millson, of Windsor, is this
' friends and , relatives
around there.
Miss +Nettie Mc augnton et
guest Of Mos Bessie Morley.
The elect -eon on Monday ir. 13eadu1ph
was keenly contested, Timothy Mace
gay fbeing .elected as the new tour).
Mrs. .r. Wright is (visiting this
wc-ek with her cousin, Mfrs. iSeth
Erown near Centralia.
Wm. McGee, who has been Ispendtng
the holidays here with his parents.
returned to Torianto to eansume his
duties 184 echool teacher.. .
Mine 'Hudeore of liannonle near St,
Marys has commenced her duties here
as !public school teacher.
The Xmas festivities were too much
for oorae around here And left them
witb la severe attack of indigestion.
JOHNSION-Its Oamlaclaie on Sterelay
Dec. 127th to 'Rev. and Mrs. 3. W
Johnson, a eon, Howard Wesley,
manse, !Themes 'Roan on Dec. 23rd
by Bev. Fktcher. Mr, 'Wheat
Inetwwood. t Mse• Minnie 'Clemens
, both of 'Osborne.
Trtvitt 'Memorial °heron en Wed-
nesday, January 6th, by Rev, D W.
'Collins, Wet Annie Mood, natteliter
of Mr. and Oine. Dan. Davie' to Mr.
Garnet Cockwell.
11D-nOTTNSTON-At the home of
the bride's Mother Stanley WWII -
ship an Dee. 23rd, by Vey.
robettoe. A gg"e, •claiighter oE Mee.
johnston, 'to Jabal Reid, en of
AMOS--KINSLET-At IbMettodiet
parsonage. Ante Craig, on :Dec. 30th
Miss alesto 'Itineley, of A.rkena, to
Mr. S. Ernest Amos of IttoOillivrey,
ne tn.;
PROUTY-ern tlaborne, an Thursday
ntecerelnr 31st, Chealen Prouty, eget)
89 yorira .7 montbe dna (27 days
110W1Cifitlorlil -eta, Hatt on Weaned
dee, Deo. 86th, Ileete Dell. ;beloved
wife of (Mr. :Rohn Howelifte,, aged,
'e4rs 3 Months and 14 days.
Paved Streets
"Beetire yeti are right, Oen Jo
Owed" is the expellent adage quot-
ed by our worthy Reeve in his able
address to the electors,' when com-
menting on this au.bject. The writer
fully concurs with the (Reeve in
this, but are we "right'? Tin writ-
er elalins we are not. True, we have
been "goioo Ahead." but. 'neat dove
not prove that we are "right". We
are 'living in the ceraent age. but we
run oorainuing our street construc-
tion is though we lived in a cement.
oless age. A night's treat demonstrato
to us that ,when the component partls
are hound ;together they .form a bet-
ter tvearing suea
surface. Ceent possesees
ttatie lending qualtto
Otreet ;to be considered right
should combine durability and ettee
of traction, cue of cleaning andsan-
itary, witth the 'highest efficiency, fti
all onesons ,of the year. Thin: Man he
obtained by using one pert cemeat
three parts 'sand lana nye parts
broken stone, and aald to a depth
cor !six inches, barring traffic for two
to 'three weeks and we have a paned
street that is, noted for 25 to 30 'years
and then only .needing aweertng
surface of , asphalt to be geed
for another Isle& period, and this. re-
peated 'perpetually, the base or foun-
dation never needing to be renewed.
This class of paved street; oen be
built land maintained at a lower re
neat cost perpetually than the pree-
ent system. Proof of the true economy
of paving ;streets is demonstrated by
their universal ,adoptiorn in all the
cities ond on ,macy couotry roads.
Durability essential,- 'The earliest
'toned roads about whiclt anything
is known are (those of encnot Rome,
one of the oldest of which and mast
celebrated for the grandeur of its
works -the Appian Way -was com-
menced In 312 BC. connecticts Inc
capital wtth other places (along its
route a oliatence of 350 miles. In solid-
ity of construction they ,have never
been excelled, and mar.y of them still
remain. The mode of their construc-
tion was 'first to remove the surface
soil to a solid foundation, then lay
tVi 0 or 'three courses at flat stone.
Or wh'en thew were not obtainable of
other atones, ,generally laid in. mortar,
the second layer was composed al
rubble masonry of ,entaller stones.
or a coarse concrete; the thixd of
a finer concrete; on which{ was lald
a pavement. of polygonal 'blocks of
hard atone „ointed with tbe great: -
est nicety. The ,four layers are found
to be 3 feet or more in thickneat.
The paved part of the road being 1.6
feet wide.
Surely durability,, ts essential, -
Surely durability is a factor to be
consIdered, when the builders of tine
road planned to build it to last for
aver 32 centuries and probably foxx
some centuries to come, The first
cost of this woad appears to be the
only cost. Just think a havtrg
o t compare
road century atter century wah-
uneeding does this
Is there not a happy me,dium some-
where 'between thio ,extent
ee and
our present method ot piliag or.; a
heap pf loose gravel m the centre
et the street, really creating an of-
fensive obstraotion for months dur-
ing the summer, and a,s ;soon as the
fall trains ,come, tilts is converted in-
to mud and the most on it 'scraped off
in the 'spring and carted away.
When we elan to 'meet e buildieg
we ,excavate to a solid foundatien an
use (the mast suitable materials ob-
tainable with a view to its lasting
a cennuay or more, the nest lbeing
the last thing considered, bur dur-
ability of the first importance. Bleould
not our ;streets have the samei prin-
ciple exerctsed in their constructiou,
seeing that 'they are ,subjecLed to
greater wear and tear.
Ease ot Traction- The 'transporta-
tion problem is one or the greatest
economic questions b,efare the public
mind today. ;Why ,are all the cities
paving 'then" streets? Why axe the,
railways ;spending millions of dollars
eliminating heavy grades? Why 'axe
the railways able to carry commodi-
ties Trom.one point to another oh.ea,p-
er than by 'team? Because they have
rec.agnoized the economic value o1
ease of traction. rb.ey have recegniz-
ed that power and time, are the basin
principles of production, and have a
distinct money vaine. The paved etreet
.4, and has an cartioF Pow-
er that Should • ecoginze mit
the same as the roadbed of a railway.
Energy and tixne cost mow, ,anti
all the energy and time it takes to
haul a IcOd over a rough; and muddy
street more than a paved one is the,h
rouch-lame and energy last or nen-
productive. The annual loss is this
on a paved street.
way alone .would go a long way to
pay the interest on the investmeet
We 'too often demand "cheapnees"
and iota gine we are get dog
"CCOMIttly" Witt:ith 'often proves to be
tb.e basest kind tif extravagance. Anne
thing not having in it tbe higiae.se
efficiency for its purpose, is dear at
any price. StM.S:
S. $. No. 3, OSBORNE
lieport of 'Chriatma,s examinations.
511i class -Heber Shute 77. 4th elate
Sr. -Eva Speare 78; Lester McCurdy
77; Tenie McCurdy 68; Clara tell 68;
Gordon Copeland 65; jack 'Tomlinson
64; Ettie Roadhouse 62; Willie Road -
home 59e. tlay Neil 48; So/ 3rd --1 Ire
nrancie 83; •Ernest Herrn 74; Viola
Hodgert 13; Annie Gilaillan 72; Mar-
guerite Doupe 68. T.ra McCurdy 54;
Sr. 2nd -Elgin .Copeland 68; Gann
Francis 64'Gordon Gitallar, 60;, jr.
2nd-alary Gannet 70 ;,TeabeL McCul
high .68; First J3oon- Sadie Tomlin-
son 65; Edward Neil 63; Johnteailftle
lan 62; 'Willie Doupe 62; Pitmen, Too -
belle Johnston 65; Cheteer Nell 65;
Cecil. Nel 60.
B. A ollvtr, taunter.
:Miss Edna Geddis spent the New
Year he1dcy with ifkiende an Lender.
'be rwe,s twee/up/lied hoax; .on Sat:
teirtlen IVY her grandmother atm. .1,
upiles. who will v's t ;with friends in
talase ;Pantsfor la LEM' ...Week&
IVVIJ (are entry'to note tele ,theath of
arra, Tanen Rowel:info which ttook plaec‘
on "Ihntsday last. The )qmpathy of
th,.1 emu nannity is extended no Mr.
leen elate to his beroaventeut.
itTiE V B
Pell . 1 2 3
Elliott •50 33 69. 70
8.4ntter,s 9 45 a7• 50 14
Love 23 80 29' 2)
54 88' 71 07 54 8L 3 17 11
Finkheiner , 21 30 61 70 61 '47 18 tat
• Ineliermann • 17 32 67 41 20 77 22 51
5fewhinney 01 46 73 71 62 20 - -tie 22 42
iNeeb \60 41 59 72 59 09 32 31 31
Webb 61 31 6.9 30 86 17 50 69 •
11 7 8 9
98 47 01 4.9 516
22 88 2 03 2981
52 54 62 102 456
'• 2 '1
DON'T think of the Edison Phonograph just as a reprodoeer o
topical songs or band selections. Its great value as a home
entertainer is its versatility.
Take the present popularity of darning. With an EDISON in
your home, you may have a delightful dance as often as you like,
with music that a millionaire could not improve.
You can have all the latest dances -Waltz Hesitation, One
Step, Maxixe, Three Step, Boston -played by the finest bands and
orchestras, with the tempo set by the masters of dancing so that
you get the exact rhythm.
Or -if you prefer the regular waltzes and two-steps, you may
choose from many when you have the Edison.
Or -you may have a night at the opera -a vaudeville or musical
comedy evening -and on Sundays, enjoy "the hymns that live" as
sung by soul inspiring quartettes.
There's a winter's entertainment and it winter's delight in the
J. Willis Powell, Main Street, Exeter.
For all forms of dyspepsia there are no finer remedies than
pepsin and bismuth, a statement which ytiur doctor will readily
These are the two principal ingredients used i
pepsia Tablets and, in conjunction
make this one of the fir, -*
a Dys-
e other ingredients,
nown preparations for indigestion.
ea Tablets soothe and tone up the stomaelt,
ealthy and natural secretion of the gastric juices,
thus helping the bowels to do their work naturally,
They prevent heartburn, flatulence and distress after eating,
and cpnvert the food into rich red blood, flesh, bone and
In convenient boxes 3 sizes:
2.5c., 50c., OLOO. Sold only at
the over 7000 Rexall Stores, the
World's greatest Drug Stores.
We personally guarantee that
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will
ball, You. If they don't, we 'will
give you back your money.
Nothing to Lose,
• "Did yeti count the cost before going
into this venture?"
"I can't say that I did."
"Would you call tbat good bust
"What is the difference? I didn't
have any money to pay them with
If you are troubled with weak, tired
feelings headache, backache, bearing
dawn sensations, bladder weakness,. cons-
tipation, catarrhal coeditions, pain ma the
sides regularly or irregularly, bloating
pr untatural ettlatgetnents, geese of
falling ormisplacement of ittexeal organs
nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation,
bot flashes, dark rites teenier the eyes,
or t lost of interest in life, 1 invite you
to write nod ask for my simple method of
home treattneet, with ten deys' ttial
entirely free end postpaid, also references
iO Cattadfim ladite who gladly tell how
they have regained health, streugth atd
itippittest by this tiethod, 'Write'to-day,
ntddtesa MeatM. Sttmiers, Ben. •
Viinatibi: Oka,
Mr. Jost Wlaite, of St. Mar,
tea conducted euction 'sales
last 15 yeams boo announced
tenement, Mr, White bas
thousand Ifaxm Istock sales and
handled !several miJja dollars , tfax
his client's, lie was frequently
ed iupon (to value ;herds of stock a
this way otten (figured in la
suits. Mr. White has scarcely pa&
ed JiLs prime but hereafter he Wil;
devote ihts tehole 'time to nts hergo
stock Tterra anti hog 'shim:nag. t"
A quiet weckiin,e• was 1Solealnine'd at
th Blethediot parsonage, Alike +Craig
ot, Ike ifOtn when Mies Bessie ltate
ley af Arkona, was untied in raar
ria,ge to VII'. n, Ernest Atnos, of Ile
Gillivray. Pine ceremony
formed by kc. A., IL rown.
and Mite, An left for Detroit
Other points in Ztehigan to 411,0,
short (honeymoon.
'The marriage took place at
C.; orearty ttillnaa on Dectem'oer
et Mr. Wiltittna Whyte, or Ifteati
Mao., and illis.s jettet only •deng
of eft. Jelin Key, of the 1,20 a
cession of libtert. lir, IV in, 1
brother or the brieln end Ails,
MoCeirtly were in olltendanein
(bridel couple Went 0e Mogan
ort trip And after a few
stay wan friends there will lea
Itemiteta whore they vili