Exeter Times, 1915-1-7, Page 1urou Middldsex Gazette
SII Through January
We now busy stock taking and find too many Winter Goods: Everything must go.
Now is your big opportunity to buy cheap 'Prices' w i11 be higher
next year It will pay you to stook up now.
Fur Collar Coats
Only a few left-- to clear at Stock
Childress Coats
$11.00 Coats for. $7 00.. $8 00 Coats -
for $5 00 600 Coats for 3 00
Ladies Furs
25 per cent off all Muffs, Stales, Caps
and Sniall Furs
Ladies • Coats. 1
$22 00 Coats for 12 00 18 00 Coats
for 10 00 12 00 Coats for 7 00.
EATS Millinery
All our trimmed Fiats to go for a bargain. $5.00 hats for $ 1.08. $3.50 hatsf or
$1,.'00_ Dont miss this:
faits Overcoats
A big assortment of Mens and Boys
Suits and Overcoats at Stock Taking
Prices. You will get the real nifty stuff
a t away down Prices. .A %'oat ., of ;:,o&i1:.
suits and overcoats. vere,cheap.
Our stock taking makes a lot of Rem-
nants of all kinds of material A. big
table full to pick from. Remnant
with the exception of a few lines at this
storee heavy Prices owing to u stock
are the same as this time last year.
Home Necessaries
Connor B. B. Washers,
Champion High Sph-ed
Perfection Wash:ars
Wringers -- - -
1,75 Reg. 2.50
3.75, 4.50 and 5.00
Look at these prices
Mops ' 75c and,, 1.00
Polish:. 25 and: 50c
0 ��!
Hockey skates for girls
,, Boys
" Ladies
" Men
- $1.00 to $3,00
1.50 to 5.00
Straps 15c
Pucks 10 and 25c
Sticks 15 25 40 50 51,00
Tinsrlit,ang Iy
lumping and Heating
Tungsten n
Lamps S5c
Phone 27A.
Di :k.
ra•. ...... .t , i',.. Ck), ,. k;.'Prh^!,3'il. r`:.�, ..1 ••
"�VA �
Children Cr
Patriotic League Notes
Previously acknowledged ...$1020.87
Mires _Vesper .... 100
t..... 1.00;
,.. ; �..
�.,... 1.27
P. 'W.. Madmana .
Robt. Sandeng: 12.0000.
Total receipts§ , $1031.14
Three !boxes of goods were shipped
last week; one box eontai.nitig pL.ru-
monia Jackets to the ,Red Cross soc-
iety land 'tavo• boxes to Mt's Plutner at
4aliasbury Plains, the latter ,two con-
t:,:•'ng knitted goods.
The lingua sent. a rail:iary cap and
a pair dr military ,mitts . to Prtva to
Drew tat Salisbury and also cap, mitts
comforter.a9id thrite pairs of socks to
1?rivate 'pari :Parsons at Ottawa.
'The citizens of ixiter also pre-
sented 'sae 'Parsons with a military+
wristlet watch and the tsecrc'tlary of
the League !has keen tasked ho" write:
him e�:press,ng ?,heir a,»preciation • of
his Loyalty. !••r 'T
The Tea Room will be Ire-opened
next Saturday afternoon and ,i hat
supper will ;be ,nerved. . ; ' '
W. J. IHcaman
S. Fitton
H. 'Walters ...
N. Sttanlake'
A (friend
N. 0, Ilurdon Caped
On Deo. 31st the 'bariki'z; career oC
Ara. V xl Hurdon came to ad, end
and the Molsonis Bank loot nrte of
it>si most popular managers. ;(fin . his
retirement the local staff of the bank
presented hint ,wi!Gh° ra e;old-headed
cane ets (a. 'token of ;the esteem Iia
which he ;vast held :by, them Air.
aurdou ;has had a 'blinking career of
52 years. end as is; the austona' they
are pensioned off after o aeric r' age
whet'h'er in good health or otherwise,
1 At the age of 17 Mr, Hurdon was W. X. Bissett, postage, 2.00; meals for
engaged ars ,clerk in the Naticara1 tramp 100; S' .'Handford, snow -plow -
Provincial Bank of 1 ngl<'atid, Barr- ing 12.00; HC Rumohr, do., • 11.'7);• Sid
Exeter Council
X'bio ea/WO me't' the Tewin hall
on Deo. 30th, The .a,..eve anal Oouncil.,
for Barton ;were absent owing td ill-
Moved by Hind and seconded by
Beavers !that Axr; T)ay1e take the
chair. jrA, Doyle remarked that he
was not distinguished .but extinguish.
ed. -(Laughter) .
'QiIO, and Beavers ;0:hit: the; acCCM tstw
be 'paid es tread, viz' Fred Kerr., tile,
$30,02; Thos. J'foulden, pumping 50c;
staple, North Devore Eng,, remaining
2 years there when ;he was transfexr
red to 'the bead off,ee"in Londono, Eng,
where he served six rears, loavir
there 'for the Molsons Bank, Melt
treal, On ,his departure he 'was
called before Ithe Board and asked to
remain, but stated .that he could not
as all arrangements had been made
to >go to 'Canada,. His testimonials
from 'that institution which Mr. IIur-
don still prizes, were of a:moot, flat-
tering nature.
!tai. D. liti,RDONl
Who has retired •a?Ctur5-2 Rears
Banking Career
On his arrival in Cain;ad'a he was
ordered to join the Montreal Branch:
and ?remained there; several seam.
He was also connected with vaeous
other 'b,rRancadgetohes, vRRrosn and h(;511e- 'TJyoroExntoe,
r &-
ter. at was :in 1885 that he' V S 'or-
dered to Exerter and with the ex-
ception of one year. at I3idgetown he
has lived here 28 yeare, one; oofl t'hie .52
in 'the 'banking business,
During his business.dareer la Exe-
ter Mr. Hurtle/yet/as - :,made! : 'maa '
friends.-'IIt has Irma? ti,' associated. (in
tithe -welfare,-welfare, of • taitie tovt-n irr'ri'in manq
?ways and was always an, ardent( ea -
i tlhusiast in all lines of sport €tend inns.
I been the centre figure in most, of the
celebrations in (town if or many *years.
He ha.also 'been• .true` tel tit:eeland of
his 1 rtJ, and inspired patriotism, to
the mother country in the hearts/ of
the younger people. While lie is re-
tiring .from active service and will
enjoyn, well-earned rest his 'friends
are glad (to know that the ,is not
leaving Itow,nbut will vacate the bank
premises 2ind has ,taken tip lie resit-
denee an .the house on. Mat;n street
owned by Mrs. Gregory where he
will live (for awhile at mast.
On _notiifyi(ng Mr. Hurdon the gen-
eral (manager wrote a ,most compli-
omplimentary letter arid stated ',Wahl while
he with 'the whole of the managers
and astaif of 'the fi2ols:ons' Bark , re-
gretted Cs departure the rules of
Pension Fund ;must be carried, out.
fi1r. Hurdon has been under three
general managers, Mr. .1V lferstn•cr
Thomas, Mr. .John Ellett, and Mr
Pratt. Among his reminiscences, ii.e
well remembers two black Fridays
one in London, Eng. and one
din Montreal when the eity Bank Ex-
change and other institutions wer_t
to the wall. On that day! :he,• worked
from seven o'oloek ,Ln 'the morning
until nearly eleven at n,.,ght.
Mr. Flurdon's successor in Mr: W
D !Clarke, vjrl o..in ;well iind: avorably
'known r• in ,lewd hay.i-g acted as Ac.,
countoi.n't in the brunch here ital...
eeveral year,;.,
The opportunit'es ',for the corning
year, ,.from a farmer's point of, view
appear to be many. Owing to the
War there will be a 'shortageortage of
crops in Europe, and t, henforc� an
tra demand for all kin•dd of feral pro-
ducts in Canada. 'This will afford tin
opportunity ,for the ,farmer who man-
ages, his 'farm in a business -like' way
to .reap a rich ,harvrst, Every U.ar
in':r who is .farming ; ?for 'profits.
should be a reader o'Vf the Reply urin'
the Farmer's • `Business 'paper. There
i�.s no other farm' paper in Ontario
that supplies the farmer with • the
lairs ireliai•).ra in.Coranat:oit
that the
Stn does. Tay .•perusing`the Sun, s•ou
Will gain a kr owledge of the mar-
kets, which will enable you .:ta ,sell
your,,producis to the best adva.nta,ge._
The subscription ,price Will only be
a •fratation or' ithc additional profit,'
y;ou, will make by reading' ,the
When irenr ?whit your subseription for
your Inea1 piper, you• will )11 4.k° no
en take. if you ;Subscribe for the Sun,
itbe 1T',arreeri Business paper.
Sanders labor, :1,14; T, sanders labor
1.05; 'Wm. Davis 50e,.
, IT, 13. IOarling, Clerk.
Election Returns
13osantluet-Reeve, .D, ,Mol ntyre ;.
Oounoillors-Fred Rawlings, Robert
Tidball, R. Thomson, J, Aleri'hicick.
Stanley Township -Reeve J, Me.
Finley. Councillors- Ja,s, Keys. D.
Dewar, Jos. Hood, Geo. Ilanletv..
?Ailsa !Craig- 'rhe reeve and coun-
cil went, in by acclamaltidn, J. Mor-
gan ;is reeve, and ,the following com-
prise Ithe couneil ; Dave Robinson, G,
f Meadows, Edwin Chapman. Alex Find-
(McGillivray -Reeve, Jos. Poore,
deputy. J. rA. McIntyre. 'Councillors
--Albert Rosset', James Glaven, John
Robinson.. t (the tcomilnatious a vote
taken in , ;favor , of gra ctiing $1,000
every three ';months to the Patriotic,
Fund was carried unanimously.
Stephen -Reeve, Wm. Elliott. 515,
over W. D. Saunders, 298; deputy,
John Love, 455, over Wm. Yearley'
405. Oouncillors-Alex slee'b. •478:
Th'omas Mawhinney 461; Dave 'Webb,
.41.0. ; 1L. y'jnl beiner 322; G,. 1'ieller+
man, 320. •
Hensail-Thomas Hodson was elect-
ed reeve by a majority of 57 votes.
There was 117 ballots oast rn. his
favor. His opponents were 5'. W.
&mallacombe, with 69 votes. and J.
W. Ortwein, with 25 vetes. The 1,31
lowing councillors were elected . ay
acclamation ; George Hudson, .Ales
Eolith, (William . Pfaff and :David
Tuokersmith Township -2 Reeve, H.
Crich. Caunoillors-Root. Doig, Thos.
Coleman, James ca'merou 'and Enbt.
Room IV -Honors. Sr. TV - Eugene!
Doyle. 79; Vera 'Jones, '76; Me vyos
'Centro, 16; Verde Hartleib, 175. pias;
ti -Irene Zusfle and Mary Day, 73;.
Verde. Hill, 71; lelifford .Mallet'lr': '70;
Harold Boyle . land Violet Mallett.
70 Blanche Cann '69; (Mildred Hardy
894 -1 -Tillie Davie., ,66; Gordon Tiediford
and=TidUte ;hake 65; !Clarence Morley
62, Roy Fletcher, 61. Jrr IV. Hon a
ots.-Viola Jones,. 84; ,'Eddie - Davis;
•77. Pass -Thelma Connor, ;73 iClyde
Heaman, (72; .Cara Sanders, 71; 7Ji.
Harvey, 69 ; .Vera Sweet 67- 1Nd. ' ora i
roll 34. ,Average attendance Z.
Miss. O. ' •osper.
MRds ROBT;'1towCLili'FE
Mrs. Robert Roweliffe passed away
at her home, Let 2. concession 2, Hay
on 'Wednesday, ,Dec. 30th, alt the, age
of 48 years. 3 months! and( 15 days.
The deceased (had su`ifered as ani
invalid ,for a number of years. She/
was 'born ;in Devonshire, Engiacd,
and came ,tot Canada with her parelnitec
when rhut a child, filer; ;maiden( narod
being ;Bessie (Ball, daughter, Of W.
W. Ball, , of Dashwood, R,e,aides' iter!
sorrowing 'husband , she is snrvived
by one (step/Sister in Detroit, Mrs.
Rawoltffe..;leas a membetr lof Cavort
Presbyterian church and the truinierai
was conducted Ion Saturday lb' the
' Pastor, Rev. 5, F. Sharp, interment
in Exeter cemetery.
An interesting' articie't o , ,paved
streets 'will be round to'a;yaage ?ave.
Mrs. lixatthews, or. Chicago, died at
her Thome on Sunday last. iThe de --
:ceased was a sister-in-law tali Mrs. B.
b'Ltton and mother of ,Master Jack
!Matthews who t•nade L ,s' hon:s, with
11rr..o.nd Mrs. .i it t on ;tor acme time.
A.homne ettaohecd to a cutter be-
longing' to Mr. J. A. Routley, oO
Usborne ran up 11Iai'rl' .r tree t Mat
isdrt. nt" n t ar'a
to is was r, r t s.
Wean. 1 � 3
y 1
bear ;the river, little darnage, ,haw
trig teen ,deim.
ocksveil•-Uavis - A wait • irrat,ty
church 'wedding took place a 1, thee'
+Triv:tt Memorial church on Wednes-
day morning, December 6th, whe,rt
Rev, D. W. iColli.ns unitedin mar.;
:tti+Lge. 'ala's Anri'e Maud, drug ite.0
eir Axa, and nres. Daniel Davis, of
(town and Mr. Gartte't.ICockwell, of
Stephen. rc ,
cl n. 'T
p .h,e orrr many Wns Perform -
,ail: 8 o'oloolr Tri the presence of
the immediaaate. (relatives anis ,fa.ie>itI .
(The bride was dressed in her travois.
lin,' suit of, navy :blue ie ladies oloth,
with oade't bine ,btat.''i%la`. and 1iirs.
,Cockwell loft, rat (5', morn k g train'
for 5 ,sl1oat grip to i:itantfn,rd txf''et
which they mi l sill len • • tit,"
groom'; fire ti.fm 'near ICa edito
!Cho 'Times ,j' 'i to i„i.te,),11zg Cori
gra Lula farm s."
Mr. (Chester Prouty, who tor, over
al years was clerk of thei Township.
of Stephen, 'died• at the (home of hie
son, `;?am'1 :Iv: Prouty, in Usbonnet ou"
Thursday, Dec. 3lst at the. age.•ot 89
years, 7 months and 27 days.,t be,in-
firmat:ies of "told age !being 'the cause
of .his, death. The Prouty `.family
came 'from ;the state of Vermont and
can Itrace their ancestry bank !for
about 'three ;hundred years and, have
a ;printed record of their ancestor's
covering that time. Tlh'edeceased
was the youngest of Chet .family' and
the only one born i_nr Canada. He was
barn. in !fJornwall, Ont. May 4th, 1825
Ws Tether, II:ram Prouty, was 'a oar -
nen. ter and helped to ILulild some of.
the public buildings in Ottawa; The
deceased attended school in Cornwall
and was a school mate of J. Sanfield
i141cDonald. On his seventeenth
day he commenced teaching ,school
4 sna,brook, after which the
course in Franklin Academy, IN. Y.
the next year Ire taught, at Pepinau
Scenery afterwards in Lor geel ii'e-
tnai.n'ng there t,rftil the ,year 1854.
Fre thin aim (.o Vitt stern Ontario and
taught at Gundy's Corners near Clan -
de boye,
lan'de'boye, then eallcd Flanagan corners.
'Che next ,y,ear he was engaged int :hs
Vole:elf ischool which he �tHauglh i 1
years or until 1871, when he gavt'
IEP Itctiat:iting ,lz>ay.tYg taught 28 yeara,
11 years he . wial� clerk al w,taia,
phen'giving !up that pasitioaa fn 1899
en ticoount of tailing eyesight.. 41n
1849 the was - +r ,Te mime Are,
to Francis
'eh 32
.1 5
REMEMBER,, if you live to be 100 years of age, that the
eyes you are now using are the only eyes you will eve
have, therefore it is up to you to givethern the best care
Our years
of practice
with the
System of
into the
Eye' with
the instru-
ment called the Retinoscope has given us valuable exper-
ience in detecting and measuring eye defects and we are
in a position now to give you the very best service in the
fitting of suitable lenses and spectacles.
Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses
• ,:v... i,(10-.iw
Fine Porclean Dinner Sets
-• Gruen Away
We give coupons on all cash sales
It goys you to buy for cash
Eu r s you to save your coupons
It s pinto trade with us
We want you come and get a dinner set
you have been .a ;regular'custoner custorner:.;lu he past o
Get Our :rices.,, Start No
• Our .plan is simple. We gi{re coupons with evc
purchase and a few coupons entitles you to one article
time and so on until you complete the. set: We will cantina,
keeping tnis pattern for one year at. least .
We carry a Ball fresh stock ;Of''gtoccries, flour cured
meats, fresh and salt t sh. Bring us your produce.
Bed.;ford'Bedford's Crocery
Exeter Phone 140.
41i♦♦♦♦♦♦m♦Om044***+O4♦i>®Aar 4.0**44 ,4'414♦ b*41 t****@ft•a *0406?] 1
W. W. T AM A lid 'PHONE 81 A 4
e PHONE 81 A
• .
You are Sure to lease
a Gentleman wit a
Present from this Store
Our Specialty is -Aliens Furnishings
and our stock contains the Newest
and most Up=to=Date Styles in all
lines of apparel. Look over this list
19A COSI. CA q
• Ready-to..wear Suits
House Coatsa nd Smokers
• • Fancy Mufflers and Ties
• Sleeve Holder's -}'. oxes
CollarsaCa a3 Cu s
Shirts and Soy..
Fancy Vests and Belts
Ready--to-wear Overcoats
Sweater Coats & Sweaters
Fur Main Coats & i"ul Cc,ais
Braces and Garters
. (.haves and Mitts'
Underwear (2 piece and cam) •
Hats and Caps'
Our Goods are Popular Prices and we give you a
full selection. •
I.•.g. : ii f7
Try us for Ordered Clothing, We are n�aa�,sn�, sweeping
p g
t holiday, reductions in our Suits, Overcoats ;and Pantit gs
8 It
e• 4.*004