HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-12-31, Page 8for your liberal patronage accorded me
this year and also to add that D. V.
9wii1 find thlsstore GREATER than ever as a BARGAINCENTRE. Good value and Low prices, is one
of our mottoes. Our best advertisement will be a visit to our store. wishing one and all Bright and Prosperous w Yea
A PROSP .,...
sh w
tend to our many
Friends and Customers
ades Rat
nl$i�� t�f'Atttt^1
roti itlx 1>rldr
deep cuffe. pe
Coon Coats
Thee only Mens Con Curses
ttvery one a beauty. Good lung
furxvell notched. A. areal bargain
ltegtxlrlr $93.30. You get your
claalce for $QL,O0,
dies Pr
Jared Coats
11 at . fin sr cltictl.iky
lora rn:ri4
elcaLi rritil'llT
The l'itiirr}f Is z,
sleeve;r i7iR
g Shoe
Market Report --The following ' is
lac Tgvart. of the Exeter- martriet
ected: op to December 30th.
iir1,ecit 1,0, ..SIO
Barley SO, to 63
Pats ''5
Rockwheat 65 to '3t1.
Loll to 1,0.
F+lontr :Sn3,1,if.
Low Grade Float'1,11 , e
Oran $2.4
c aborts •$.g7,
ROgs over seer!, 44e clic,
Dairy' b;ttter 4 ,
re:conext 'batter :304
01;0 4.§. eiVe $ ` Pressed 1G
Qtrt? 4311vo leas SS 1 ,
Wh eye olive 13 dre4sed lr)ts
OK TOMS. oliva„ 11 dre sed .1
Ors 1,3,1W*4 1
Pea •repines 4e.
!Potatoes lie. to QQ.
ilaaa s saxtrax �ir of skMin
toes for boys *oi7q,» and me
iklat been placed in ,attic
efii polis :fear ;i�.cusS,
All Kinds of P
eduction Sale �f
From now to the First of the New Year
in all lines of Furniture
Embalmer and Funeral Director
Farm for sale -
T.t• pfoperty of the lata 'Thomas
Brit k lsonsr' bank bar1ru-dna - frame
3 good wells, windmill, good
+ rt.la ala: i/bout '8 acres of good k : d•
wood bush containing about 600 su•
gar ie trees. boll clay loam, well
drained and " fenced. Farm in
good state iof cultivation, one half
le'fr•oui Centralia }Station.
ssession can be given to euit
a and particulars apply to
v Gladcoati :'Stanbury
Baristers Exeter
ffesing, for
-el 37, Carl-,
eyand a
FOR SALE—A very comfortable Die
and a half storey frame house situa-
ted or. the -corner of William and YiG-
toric iStreets posesssiotn 1st of April
19.15, Apply to -Wm. Miters: or
Glad"tnac and 15tanbury .Exeter.
Have You Renewed? 1- The season
for the renewal of your papers i
agian here. The date on the address
label of your paper tells you when.
your subscription expires. If the date
printdd /thereon is pass, or if your
subscription is,about ,to expire,. you
Would. confer a favor sending a
renewal, of your subscription per 're-
turn • mail. > Lf your renewal has' al-
ready been ,sent us, please disregard
this notice "and accept our thanks for
your. earlier remittance., --We 'ars:
prepared to club with most papers
and. magazines. '''`
t .procraimataon 'has Dein issued, b :.
the Dominion government nectti
trice January 3rd, the, :first Sun
n` 'th the New Year as 'a day for s
tercession a,'nd,prayer : in behalf;
British ,cause,.aie •sucee s of
and to the memory of t
_Mesa ,ita''1 ti 17�,
Penwn'. ll, NOt.
�a6t*ce.t, 0
�rt�lrlti us.
+ilr, l /alter
ith tittiVes.
, llTaa'rtin, or
?r" I a'ta41„
f>, {`:oeltrae.
Cocbra nee„
1fx. 1T, it, utlteott,
tti^:th lt:s raaollrcr.
tSr�, tart
;rill, �` ter fa
Miss Olive, Wood, of London, ti1`itla
tier li rent,.
ATri Jr Mahoney, of Detroit, wigs.
her, sister, Mrs, - . Mallett.
11 . and .10s Fred, Hawk/slow and
amily, of 'orontot .w,j14 the forgrer'#
Marry zooper .once, Dir,,` and
firs. 1�rcy Hooper apd child. With"
1?r_ "Hewett and Miss Rdna t?tawt,
4f %°gronto,..wltkt the latter'd fa Lite,
Ur ;A, Lott.
taald^ ''a, Garnet .Broderick tinct
sots' iliiltors Pi" iT.Ontlon, with #,he Or -
Wes larentis,
err. rand: 11rI s. '. e a ekes arta two
cs a:3rlaera.
off Ptslaa.h Mr, dual
till "s, L, •Bar'dy••
ci Ir. ante •Mrs.lI t : '' `31£eT saad
ild*'en, of i•1.oudon, with. Air, pnc#
Mrs. Hd, Geuld<
'Arr, and, MrsR. B .leo; erq node
sattilsla°c'n, of 0ronto, e,- sir Mr, and'
SMr,?. B. Christie,
gag Lt radon
rlalon, with 3t
rc ;Therein, ac:tl:
4lvintson, tt9
. metier
former's :loathe .
Mr. 73ei1. of lfainiiton, ��'
3 new issue of our Official
Telephone' Directory is now
being prepared and the copy
will Biose wit i k the ext few
Orders for Pew eon l cot€tins,
ch%.nges of address should be
reported to us at once.
, and =.Mrs, T. 1,, ltteT aggar't Audi
ren. of Laudon, with 41r -o and
Percy al r'ownte,,> of oronto
tri~ riiuer, tea
ams, lra'cawliltrtg
d 'Mrs. Beoshecl and 'Tr.
T etroll, with 'err: nrao't 1 n
il, mets ..North.
ctrrtl yrs, •Norrnara Rear. 'eta
rto M1aiaa, of Norwketn, w1
etrts, .'ate.
l:M 'end.
lrzrl, Rotel,
x1 M..:_..111'eC`tp°eni~lt. lr rak,uolmo
G t tang wA t'. f 1,N9
'+l gd
attaa, V 1
sate 'Cara(i;
arllr l''zrr I ozaclirxa and
n,1rd Viola t. taf Tor
klYlG ka r 15rr.
Ind Airs'
iti�rrl tai hod
aitl Afro V
The Bell Tel
Co'y of
1 take this opportunity ot` tli nhiug my hlaTly
enstenaers and friends for their liberal support in
elle pastand wisbin yon all a very happy end ;
roseo�s new year,
,Aries ;Mond ,Jolene, of Castiemarc,
llQssrs. 1'..Johits, Ceo. Crawshaw and
ltoy ald:ford[�� of n,'oronto, with Mr.
turd urs,L�. 'Jlt2aras,
and •'lfm,7.0,, Irwin, of Norwich.?
1I7a T:;thel. 3:ssett, or S afortlt, and
lir. neg. 43kssett, or otathuo, with
fir. tiro l entry. Thos. Ilizsei<t.
seer. tuna 311rs, ,Wm, Davidso,rr o
Strntiara, I ev..E. A. and Airs. rear
stall Thoroton, of feeswater, with
nand Airs. 'IV. S.:itowey
and �1trs.-Makin:,„ i'itlss .Mary Maack, of Toronto, an
Ar d ltrx E. At r�`ll•nn of Star'" :Miss Bertli:t. Maack of Weston, with
ry:nn ... + their nrente '
wrila relatives. � �• Mr. and 11frs. I?. 2tiaoki
Mist 1�, Coll.n , of Toronto, with Mtss „Alma Mack returned to Toronto
JisC i Stewart wltb thern tto visit for tin. week.
a .e + son Will,and `M:ss Ruby Treble; a
tt�i;th her mother,,, a 1�v rtes
„Miss"V" tt" 'a uisore of Toronto. herr. znd Mfrs. Boger'Crocker ani
atr. and slim Boht. Sweet, 0f C1113 -Toronto, sinal Jia, atnd Aix , A, a
London, 3t:th lire Haid lits.,
ton with 'relativee. ruble,
gtLr. Russell fztiltwill, or Forest,ells A'. Nash ills �lv C. Nash,
wait ah. areaat'« - barna., D
`Lir. W. Mats- o£ Strat£ord,, Wath Cd. 3'tasb, of Winghsint, and , t0iata,
£ r. and Mfrs. Amos• f<saaxd, of .Kincardine, with Mir. and
'ii'r. and ,Mira. J`. „Newcombe, of Airs. J �l�ilii.s 1>ot4 c 11 �i
Stratford, with ,relatives. Dr. -A. L. +llicl: find 1b 'tt a son, _at;
!/lie Misses ,Spargo, of` iCastletnn, St. Marys, Bev, G. W. and. Mrs. Ba -
:with Rev'. and Mrs. pestle. leer,' and little daughter, of 1Wood
Mr. Jas. Sanders, o£ Woodstock. ham and Mrs.^,�,C*i11, of 'Grand Bend
visited tivith reatives an town. , with Mrs. E. ]'011ick,
Mr. and'las, II GrLEt of iondon. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Winer and Mrs.
with Dix. And Mrs. R. Bunter{ Crane and daughter, of Flint, Minh.*
leis. T d. Totweil, of yauilsor, vvitll Dir. Merman Elliott, of Lucan and: Mr.
Mr. and -Mry., 'W. W. rrlamana and firs 7 halo. Jones. of Detroit,
Mabel iiil7ters of Hammon, with ?It and Mrs. Thos. BI1:ottr,
tv�tl_ . tis ,p fIr. farld-,.Trickey, of ar .a„ .,
ThankingToufor Your
Previous Patronage,
We Wish foil One
and All
Miss l •1be
with l Ir, grid Mrs. A. Walter':. • Among .those who lspen'i. the holt-
days out ;of 'town were::
Mr. 11. Bradt in Detroit.
Miss Moriock, ,in Detroilt
Mrs. E. /Jones. in London.
S. W. Chittick in 1\rood.stock, .
dil.isa Laura Elliott in -London,
Kinsman in Landon._
airs. Wm. Pada-lore 'at Seaforth,
Mr. and 'Mrs, W. IS, Kole, id Luca:n
Mrs. (Rev.) iCoilins and children,' at
'Mr. W, May at his " home in
chell; '
Mrs. Blatchford and ,Marlon at.
Liman + ., ,
tDiiss:,Murray .with relatives near
Mr. i3urdette at his {!tomer in
per.:E Torrance ,With ,hos .parents
wt Clinton.
Mr. arid ,Mrs. J 11. Scott and film-.
in ,}Ii[bbert.
and ,Mrs. R. C. °Seldon
Iv in ;Ingersoll.
l3rown :and Miss- 13rowa
s in ,Hibbert,
'rdic :Boyle with Miss'
innt: /London.
P,Lrs. A. 3. McDonald ,Z'
,Bt. Thomas,,
2i1r. W. ;Il. Thornton of Dorchester,
with Mr. and Mrs S. Bandford,
,Mr. Gordon ,''l'aylor, o;i Toronto,
with ,Mr, Salad -Mrs. J. •w Taylor,.:
. 4
_ _.. John •t,...,...rg of 1lnn
Mich, Iwith'grs„ Wm. Dearing, Sr,
Roy and /Lillie Davis, of London,
with 'their ;father at Exeter Nora'.
home of Mr. and. Mrs. Itivers‘
Mr. and Mrs. Schozenburg And
family, of N_London, with relatives.
Blyth, /with ,relatives and. friends.
McDonald, of iStratford, with rela-
Mr. Earl Brickwood, of ' Niagara
Falls, with ;111r. and Mrs, 3.R. 'l3r,ok-
Miss Vera Rot
her patrents, ,A1
Parsons with Mr. ° cl
at 'Walkervilla.
In extending to ray patrons the
compliments of \the . 'ea,son wish- to
'express niy„. sincere appreciation of
thr faith,ful way in Which they have
rottowed. the instructions and ,sugges-
;tidos for Isecuring the product by,
Ns, h ich, together,, we have been i'abla
to attract at tention and na'alie
of the beSt Markets, The credit: of/
:this result is.,/due to your' care and
co-operation inOre. ,thao to any Other
There is .1a6„,XIC'CISOKI tvny .this trade
°11°'111- 1.ezPand ,t0 40,1444 Pre.7
share 't Ex Mving advant age " ,the,„
CHAS. nocpEn
Wow Lao. Egg
We idesire to Cipress our sincere -
thanks to; ',.the many Ii'eiglIpars 'and
friends for -1.1,.eil.'",,kixidness 'and syna--
ooartlyrsIdn4ri.ngo,te,tkhse. illness an, d death
Frolll Lot 1. conees,sion 2, Tucker -
smith, a heifer months old,, dark
abouts of same/ Ici-radlY' -notify:
cietinudtylin: j:...Etsebtovinnaaeo.rat,e,,:faft,ee-tivs.ulrr101:1131,0,/,:;a:.:t1t..
Patriotic League
Not es
Previously acknowledged S10
Chosen leriends
Mr. 'Adolphus ,ITooper
The Leagm? /will meet 3ionday'
On 'Wednesday another larg
of goods, Lii-as ,,shi.pped
two hundred melt \io ubsp,
ou9'1:?imre aarte: eeirrl 1)111111;ittlt mb 11S' r eN‘ "r- agFmir; a et