Exeter Times, 1914-12-31, Page 4ARI - GO, pee_ '-S-Heavy, Profit.tiik- nv Serge holders. 111011(1MS' a widely DGi'A•I3 : tx•ealatO7',. gave the 'Wheat n1.3r— « odey x snare .wetback after a ntectded :.a.e. 'rhe ee;€tng was mileenced to ex;eat t:y lear that Argentine O - r n 5 you cut eonsiderable figure in near future. The nnarket closed un- ited at it reckons of 1,,k© to.x7'se net. t: risked ?ac to ;AC off. oats d«aysn iy) eee.and previsions ltnehanged tO POPD'c, 15 CRONTO GRIN \i lli1;R'1r. 110- tk. fall._ bushel..- ^-kz 15 to 51 15 Gcnzrse, wheat. bush;'. 1 15 Si:el -heat, bushel 0 75 Barley, bushel 0 70 ` teesbert 0 53 0 54 igebe# e . 1 00 € I2.ONTa3 i` i?RY M 4ki:E1'. Butter, creamer, lb sq.. 0 23 0 31 T;ttrtter, creamery, seeds-, 0 25 0 23 t,a - 0 23 eeee, el` et,0 27 - Cloo_eiSe. twins0 gats . `r` gga, 'ttew t,aad 0 5 E` talgC.. chid star ge0y e 0 0 XtOney, new, Gb .^,.,, 72 lflonek eceribs,. dozen2 etc 300 011+1i3 .0, Dec, ,$-_.-Qtrotatgora;t a of Trot e are$ Ee°lt?5«s tenew rat- arlsral erre, Inasv erep, o i aria st .}til�tsq No- 3 yello>v. Torontel new. A• 2 .•9aOW, 1` e. Canadian earn.. el'.e.o. Toronto, o use iota IL a' Bouhf;rafi%efn yeas beets �► y % h is borne the signatnke art and bas been niaile 'Wader bist rl.1 .e0 one tOdtteivp o I►t ' aped Just-n€S gPo1" Are 1b It h and endanger the : with iserien,ee gains 7�rial ei CASTO Ft: IA iastitute toms CaiSthr One Pate*" SyrapS. it is pies ax t- 14 r"hba riot q tet" Nye eotk dc4rwA Worm* Mity 7 euutliPM.Iurtit, Thibig$ stmt „ L 4 Boweblor tura ll LI Sura --.New, outside, ate to 3. 55,60 to $L65, car lot$,, stun,#. herr--t=+;r- let.;, ante to $l=I rda'ns to:freighte, ed. nl nos burley eSec verse* l ler tag of 55 Pea, 33,10 Hiles' lora, b3: 25 to 53.35; whelesaie, Wine/ear to dots, per ton. Vann, sib %leear. see to an', 4:4 riff. STOPSSTORM''TTL The For Ove: You r 'lave Always ou ht cliFEK Cn'rv°„ ".to 6''6 tdabdangt3 I29 e, aaatt; el.e4 c ttk 'd2Q ill -#aa, Tempest Enfoaes a Truoe Oyer ..Front. Furious Struggle is Rasgixagn In the Argotune "'Region and French Gains la the Vosges Mow- tem, ire Reported—Russian Suc- cesses Are Announced -- Thou- sands of Prisoners taken. PARIS, Dee, .. 29. aA !term of vio- lent proportions wbieh swept over the battle front from Flanders almost to :be German frontier ortthe allies.' right yesterday held the opposing armies in leash. The fall of Shaow that was driven down in a terrifse gale upon almost the entire war area acted as ` a curtain. which effectively obscured the view of the eneuxY from the gunners, and a truce was enforced Practically along the whole front. Eowes:er, in the Argonne region, here forest hgbting has: heel/ furioua or the past fortnight, the French ;o> ces managed to prose forward through the storm, for ;maternal gains. Reports of the fighting which os- urred lust preceding the peeled of enforced 'inactivity iatalieate ,that the allies made decisive gains' at the two extremes of the line against Muhl- hausen and t'ap front of , Nieuport.. Roth of these movements are of great military importance, as they are pre - limina develOncilen.t6 of iia lting FREE TO ENTER WAR. Rotunanian Parliament Gives Govern- ment Carta Blanche,. 14013D0N, Dec. The . London Telegraph correfipclndent al: 13uctror est` (Roumania) telegraphed yester- day as follows;,,-- To -day, in a debate upon an ad- dress in reply to a message from the throne, the Prime Minister asked the majority to waive discussion, and asked the Opposition to leave the Government "full liberty of action to Eultlll its great duty." The G9nservativ e party expressed its ,willingness to do tins. M. Disesern en. behrli of the Conservative l eane. cxats, repeated the declaration made ,a by Take Jonesco in the Chamber, ae-i cording to which Roumania ought to <abando{a. her neutral position anal matte ail immediate alliance with the Triple Entente., Ile accused Austria of ingratitude towards Roumania, and concluded by observing that two sections of tbe Opposition, the Con- servatives and.: the Conservative Democrats, had ;isolated for an aban- ilon_neut of neutrality and for an al- liance with Preece, Russia. and Bri- tain, ki e''pressed the hope that pres- ently tins policy would be adopted o I1ealiy, iva,noeurrea which must surely. die - comfit the invaders when theantinde comes for the allies to assume deli- nitely their offensive. During the past four days, accord- ing to a despateb to The Paris Temps :frQun its correspondent in Basle. Switzerland, the meet terrific fighting has been taking place ,en . the whole frsant of. the Vosges region.. The light slag was most violent on Friday and day; when. -the roar ani the guns' ut to a furious ca'uuouade was ctly heard on the Swiss border. each airmen bad prevtouslY re teretl the German gun post- lfa a flight over 3iublhausen, tulles in advance of the Upon their return the. having been ,given ago by the observers with their, airmen, deadly fire uponthe es. Many of the Ger- e called ereported to have been Christmas and e Year v a utattt rs at la .5.),1 hilts,„ 0 A, laclr obreak InT g as strwng events ata eanaiderabte un, #nndined to taint tnrtlpee; follow - were sell.. (*rinse of c Saar torri3ottr dy Cathartic. bad Y h©ry r erable You are in,dil;estlon, ttilloust10 bowels -you always f et. pscarets. They lmmew a regulate the stonx- tnur, tormenting tootl ice the excess; t410 carry of the con, atter and poison and bowels.. A your druggist will and bowels clean; and head clear for Omit while you sleep. .ullibt+ ltt* to eS:at,'i aaitd &kiltla °lits ?,'`el.tt .de 2c1 Itllw atilan 41, . `0. ed Cedar Slaii^gies , hit. 'CedeI b ]Ili1 ;i r : ed' Cedt.1' k eni e ; c, l - 8 le- t .!.."ed Ceti, U k elli3& rata , el tee {led• w: 'u f"C.. Pi s • Of at ! .`� i 1 qua] t: Vim. Jm ; .A '-610 'UR -N 9• OUR, *.CM STO!TACHS,- GASES OR INDIGESTION aces "Pape's Diapepsin" dine is 3000 grains food, ending a!1 stomach, misery in five minutes. '. Time it'. In five minutes . all stow- -etch distress will go. No indigestion, llieartburn, sourness, or belching of gas, acid, or eructations -of undigested deed, no , dizziness, bleating, - , foul. 'beeath or headache., Pape's Diapepsin Is noted. for its.. speed. in regulating' upset stomachs. 3t is the surest, quickest stommach°rem., early la the whole world and besides it le harmless, Put an end to- stomach rouble forever by getting;. "a large,' ty-cent case of , Pape's Diapepsin ;,any drag store. ;You realize in 0:rninutes how needless it is to suf from indigestion,- dyspepsia or any a'ila disorder. It's the quickest, and -:.mat hermit:e a stomach Verga Y�} Cant S,9turdta, t year, and iaislE; tt on 2SQ eaten. beat futures closed '.fie to It closed a rt lower or con,. oats closed Net lower, and l?isr trrso lower, O R 01 0111 ,b;i xRl E . le;T.Rl'lA1C., ;l0ec vement ht tb+ for Mani busing quiet, rout the demand front local buyers ar oar loks wars "better than it has been of late. The foreign demand for spring wheat :lour was hair at a further advance in Prices of ad per /tack in some cases, but owing to the limited amount of ocean apace available only a few orders could be accepted by millers. The local trade continues quiet, but the undertone of tho market is strong and higher prieea aro expected soon. Demand for uriUfecd is fairly geed, tale trade was conn in butter, and the feeling' is strong, Cheese is quiet. Eggs fairly active and firm. 1•41117NEAPOLIS GRAIN MARKET. 2d1' N1 .POLIS, Dee. 28, -Wheat -NO. 1 bard, $1.261a: 74o. 1 northern, $12211, to 31.251a; No. 2 do., $1.1916 to 31.'41a Dee., 31.21%. , i --�'o. a y©Jo v,, 6:0,10 to 64e. Oats -No. 3 white, 47e to 471,,,c. hour -Taney patents, 56.40; clears, 35.30; second clears, 34.25, Bran -Unchanged. tlr,'nttiiiig in a: ern 00 lent el'. , «; tune was fled. st 40 still g. tee, aur b offense. For '^tsar; inn smut ltanriet;, c•lrtilling or -fish tc dry I enalta attracts. 6s. S(I.: tiro Oodles. 4 Ail/Ines; for fish, 3 shit Canrr<inng Water from the well Or washing meat thereat in time of "ortnon peanIts h shillings: n:liberlee h;ntt i,. time of sermon. penalty, rrstill ins t: et)ing to neighbors' houses h) ;^te ref sermate witl:vet lawful e eu e.' Erin as al eh teee5 penalty fur fleet :eve lah llin?» :n,-ci for seronii wlr*` :is mo t.+..;,tln r«>°'+rive before the: t ;oral e..p cuuntnons he' f; ondon Citron ds causes, ,g throu_gh doiiig it lnintr+'!e Ile who spares iha guilty pun- ishea the innocent_ Mint hes no force in tbe be- ginning can sin no strength from the hipse of time. 'Whete;''c'r is improper and eon- trtry to reason is not permitted billet., law. The instigator of a eritne is st'ttrse than the BO n who .perpe- xrates it. - JIC e RY IN DEFEAT. - )a of 7:t .,piny serve :is well as F ii t«itY . . ko , a).l,tc, tire ,S end' !et the >1 l)«'rr, trere, is Straining in:,tha t25i2)si' ;'tip pu,ai t)ti al) i)lh in new ;remits rind r1)e c'rrd +ic�n'r) a ;iiia r root on the yi-i iel we, tat :;![if? 3;riy tie? .10 )1 tl�; mighty gsilt .n kn4ni' 100' riia orietves come :noses .Strete ou aces In he ale There was no demand from over ba spring wheat to- torseeteenee was irst CATTLE MARKETS dlY e a reach g the cornea who west slot opened a utast German batterl: Inbar; ,gens are been silenced. "During tlio entire day a violent ora hes interfered with the ,Operaa- xray along the greater part of the out.. It is reported, ztotwitbstand _ ag, that we have triode some progress in the Argonne region.' 9n. Belgium Iva have Continued to advance. To the went of Lornbaert- zyrde we are actually at the root" of' the sand, dunes on which tie,en emy has eatabiished.:his line of resistance. "At a hoist south of Ypres we have losta section of trenches neat',Pfolie bete.' "In the region 'of Lens, near Car- ency, the enemy yielded, under, our attacks, 8Qfl yards of first-line trenches. "In. the valley of the River Aisne and in Champagne there has been in- terinittent artillery fighting which was particularly severe In the viola ity of Rheirns and around Perthes. Here the entire*. directed their artil- lery fire especially against the posi- tions to the west of Perthes conquer- ed a1 ri o.,eupied by us. "On the freights of the Meuse there has been slight progress by our troops along the entire front. "In the Vosgos, the enemy bom- barded the railroad station at St. Die, but the railroad service has not been interrupted. "In Upper Alsace, to the northeast of Steinbach, a rcounter-attack of the Germans was repulsed." The address to the throne was ;greed to unanlimous Y- Tbe 'population of Roumania num- bers over seven millions, the major lty of the people belonging to otlze, Orthodox Church. 1Ilitary service is compulsory and universal. The peace strength is 170;00Q men. aml the second, /One er reserve troops muster 36 battnliQ11g: or in aft a war strength of nearly half,; ati nitWien men: BAD FOR THE WOUNDED. •. Society Nidrses Are Incompetent Say Trained Staff. A,aONDON, Dee. 39.--"Toct sick to nursed to -day," a placard acid to. ave been placed over the bedstead t as Soldier wounded in the South African campaign, is much needed la British hospitals now, according to e National Council of Trained; uses which has sent to Lord ' tr Nit- a protest against tine' employ incompetent nurses. In ac-, lginent of the resolution, the tary of War asked the Council summit evidence in support of its charges, and, a report on the matte;^ expected shortly. professional trained "nurses complaining that young women of means and social. Influence, ;attracted by the fnentitnental side of nursing at the front, have stormed the hospitals and have in many cases obtained posi- tions, notwithstanding that they knew nothing of the work. Such being the case, according to the allegation of the Nurses' Council, the rush of amateurs has pushed aside', the competent, greatly - to the misfortune of the °wounded Toninay. who has to submit. to "fussing" _and petting at the bands of pretty, , urs trained "girls, which, 'while 'sentiment-' ally appealing, does not go very far toward ministering to his real needs. The agitation against the incompe- tent nurse was raised early in the war, but only just noir have the or- ganized nurses, numbering some 6,000, brought the matter officially to the attentionof the War Office. ll THURSDAY', DEORMI3ll t Vit, t91:4 E MOLE Incorporated ,I81i6 Cotton& Reserve gt BRANCHES '1<N CANADA A GEGERAI. RANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED`, ops CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT ,„ - l$ M. lSadJED, • TRAVELLERS CHEQUES - - - - - S -' BANK 14i01\Ei ORDER - ,«. ,. Dr ' M ENT At e"l1,cBranch es It allowed at. highest current rate. �nteres- ® xeter U.. N, _ Manager [Agents at Exeter for the,Dominion Government UNION STOCK. YARDS. tOnalitp, Dec. 28.—Receipts of live stock at the T.Jnion Yards were 227 cattle and 422 hogs. Trade In cattle was about steady at last Thursday's quotations. The bulk of the hogs were from the northwest and -were for feeding purposes, selling around 56.50 per cwt. Rice & Whaley sold 5 carloads on Mon- dayt Four carloads of canners at 34 to 34.15; 1 load of butchers' heifers at $7.25. Dunn & Levack sold; Canners -27, 910 lbs., at 54.15; 14, 640 MONTREAL' LIVE StOCE.` MONTREAL, Dec. 28. -At the Montreal Stock; yards, weest end market, prices WeN. slightly :.,wer owing to the fact that 'biitchers polight, sparingly as they carried over considerable stock from the Isolidays. Packers bought freely of can- ning stock and a fair trade was done in this line at steady prices with sales of 55 per cwt. The excitement which prevailed in the market for lambs last week on account of the keen competition between local buy- ers has abated considerably, and in con- sequence the me.rkel. today was quieter. with an easier undertone and prices de- clined 26c per cwt. There was some dlY- mend for small lots and sales of Ohtario stock *ere made at $8 to 58.25, and Que- bec at 57.50 to 57,75 per cwt. Sheep were unchanged with demand limited. Hogs were firmer, there being a good demand for ,supplie,se which were small and sales of selected lots were made at 58, sows at 56 and stags at 54 Per hundred pounds weighed off cans. A few loads of northwest hogs were on the market, and sold at 57.70 per cwt. as cumpared with 57 lo 57.50 last week. BUtcners' cattie, choice, 57.50 to $7.75; to 56; canners, 54 to 55; butcheiis' cat - 56.50; mili-ers, choice, each, 570 to 575; do., common and -medium, each, OP to Sleep. ewes, 55 to 55.25; bucks and culls, 54_50 to 54 75. 1..aintis, 57.50 to Successes for Russians. lowing statement frorct the General Staff of the RUssian commander -in - Chief was issued last nighti "On the 27th there „was no im- portant engagement between, the lower Vistula and the Pilica rivers. The German attacks were every - 'where repulsed. The Germans setae fered hegyanlosses, especially during Vistula the enemy has pew adopted' the defensive. ; "Our troops stormed. the village of Szitniki, which was stubbornly de- fended, by the Aostrians. The enemy has definitely evacuated the left "To the south of the upper Vistula on fhe front of •Opatow-Biecz, the fighting continues to develop -to our advantage. From the 18th to the 26th we captured there 200 officers and 15,000, soldiers and forty mitrall- "The enemy's retreat in the region of the Dukla Passes .and on the road to Lislro is becoming more and more preciaitate and disorganized. On the 26th we captured in this region as many as five thousand prisoners. "The efforts of the enemy to trans- port his forces from the direction of Czenstochowa toward the Carpathians was a complete failure owing to our manoeuvres." - to $9,50; • eiteipping,'58 to 55.75; butcherse, TURNS ARE sEmtious. Strong 'Movement rs :under way Else 'Against Germans. NEW YORK„ Dec. 29.—A London Daily Express despatch from Athens to The Herald says: There is every indication that a storm is gathering in the interior of Turkey. The police have seized thon- sands of proclamations in -the-bar- racks in Constantinople, calling on all true Turks to rise against the Ger- mans and the committee of union and progress. in order to save Tur- key, "because the enemy is at her gatCeose2;ternation is widespread in the - governing circles in Turkey, and there is general dissatisfaction over the lack of military successes. ,It is feared the fleet cannot be trusted and Enver Easha and Field Marshal von der Goltz have preparedethe limy for 'drastic" changes. TalanteBaes.marty is working in the direction; ofepropos- the-status qui). "Th'ilkimutrality hi not ac'Cepta.ble to many of the Turkish HE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE • SIR EDIMIND 'WALKER.ltreaideut I ER 1J4RD, General, Biazhager 30111e AIRD, Asst General CAPITAL $15,000 000 RESERVE RIND $13 500 01111, SAVINGS BANK, ACCOUNTS, korest tho current rate is allowe.d. on all depoeite of $i 0.4 IfirtWaids.,, ;1 Careful attention is given to every account Smell account.* we welcomed. Accounts may be opened and Operated by maii. Accounts May be opened in the names of two or more persons, with- drawals to be iaaude by any one ef them or he snrvivor. 822‘ r Branch— If. 3. WHITE, ger ORED Langclier Gains Ground:, QUEBEC, Dec. 29. — /Sir Horace Archambault of Montreal, Chief jus- tice of the Appeals Courtewas sworn in yesterday at the Parliament, as adminisLrator of the Province of Quebec, during the illness of Sir Francois Langelier. An official announeenient made yesterday at the Parliament Buildings states that ' Sir Francoie is ste"adily gaining a.nd that hope has never' been abandoned for his recovery-. Tawocievillre Man MAY It ivEsef•CoAst. °Fruit Laxative' can't harm nder little Stomach, liver and bowels. Oct at the tongue, TcO.110.0 c ed, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels ,need ,eleanaing at once. sleep. eat or act naturally, or is' feVer- lab, stomach pour, breath. had; , has sore throat, diarrhicnit, full of cold, give J. A. MASON 421 Dundas Street, London. teed cost of buildings; DO extras; / 2725. Anyone intending to build will di well to write me, No charge for core; 425 RICHMOND ST„ LONDON/. srxcLuAsx teaspoonfuli of "California Syrup of RG ARP GENITO-VRINAIM Figs," and in a few' hours all the foul, sret s or ewes AND 'WOMEN ConStipated -waste, undigested food and sour, bile gently moves out, of its little 13owels without gelphag, and you have a .well, playful child again.' Ask your druggist for a 5Q -cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which con- tains7full directions for babies, chil- dren of all ages and for grown-ups. FOR SALE ' 125 (acres 'for sale in tiliansliard, oue and three-quarter miles south of Wnedliam. Bank barn 4.0x60; hog pen two storey brick house and woodShed twd good. wells, ploughing done Hydro eleotric has 'been isurveyed through adjoining farm. johrt looth. Germans In California Reported To MONTREAL, Dec. 29.—"The Ger- man scare" reacbed Vice -President George M. Bosworth of the q. P. R. in the form of a telegram from The NeW York Times yesterday afternoon as "We are teceiving intimations from widely diffeeent Points in C,alifornia tbat there is a movement of Germans in civilian clothing northward, the object being to' raid Vancouver and Canadian Pacific Railway commune - cations to keep Canadians at home. Have you anything to say?" Mr. Bosworth had something to "tee hive fine Seenery all along serve a peak 10,000 feet high for -the solitary meditations 06 any German, raiders. who -Come 'across the inter- national boupdary. dee. Bos - PROCLAMATION ' TrILLA-GE OF EXETER NOSIINA.TION AND ELECTION a me• eting or the Electors of the Village of Exeter will be held in the' Town Hall, Exeter, on • MONDAY, Dee: .128th,, 1,914 At the hour et 12 o'clock; noont • t For 'the purpose of :making and re- ceiving nominations 'for Reeve, Coda- eillors and School Trustees for the en- suing year. And further take notice that in Ihe event of more canalidatea being proposed. for the office,s there required. to be clecteld the meteaine/' dereee, E. Treble DAy.0.; Davie' Poll: 101,erkil No. 3, Mrs. Mitchadrg office, No..4. North .End Fire Hall, Alex,. McPherson, D.R.O.; Fred. Witwer; aCa all electors are hereby re- quested. to take netiCe and govern themselves accordingly. T. 13, CAltlieNG, 'German Ceititunerit on the Raid. haVen wee net a" Sleepy. Scarborough. Everybody Was on and we pre- ceniment ef The Node'. 'Hamburger Zeitung yeatetday' on the,,raid of the British upen ,theiGerreark 'naval base' cliffeeence was- that' our' aira, Men anda,Z0aPplins .dropPed bombs: .29 Zeitutr Children, Orr FOR FLEICHER'S CASTOEZIA STEIAtratia. ONT.- : Ontario's I3est Pract Schooi DENTIST. it; Honor Graduate - of Toronto Usiivige ling's Law office. Closed Wedusis. day afternoons. Phone °Men Ng Donor Graduate of Toronto Utihima DENTIST 4 11171 Teeth extracted without pain. 14 any bad effects. Office over Gisela Man & Stanbury's Office Main al, 14, P. Is, Graduate Viotoria Uniyas sity Office and residence Donxinlog Assooiate Coroner of Huron Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Cona for the Mel -sons Bank eta. , I Money to Loan at lowest rates of liaja• OFFICE -MAIN STREET EX:RTAIlls ,.„ We have a large amount -of oriZil 'lege properties at 'fliewesterateelei BarriSters, Solicitors; Main i%ftt Exeterd The Usborno and tilbnert Farinerb Mutual Fire Lauf!. DIRECTORS THOS. WEAN .Dnbliva WM. ROY (' lioreholaar AGENTS , JOHN ESSER 'I- Exeter. a vat -Pea. _OLIVER EtARRIS Mauro agent foal. W. A: TURNBI/Llp Secy.TfreaS, Farquhar', • perience rite ors in eac - •- 4) of our three departments. , • anal', TELEGRAPHY * read out large free ,00ta