HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-12-31, Page 1FORTY-SECOND -SECOND E:
ISH 'YO'U A141, A -
uroni .cilasex Gaze
H all our Readers and Fricn,
A Prosperous and Happy New Year
The .LoJosving deter which, spa tuy resignation as a- Paradidate ifor 034-
h4or tt.self was =tea l d;ed in laalids lteeveshi1a ola e: bat you ruled at
that time that you bad r~o Power to
peirn4t my lritlidraw*L
1 am not desLro o� %ng S z st?1e
ca ns� of l 1eoaao and,. bad 1• Tseen
aisle, to fore ee that the council
ra ,Attpa><ld1 lie ekce d b aedMlaairaat ozr.
woti`Rd not haa,ve Altkce4 ety zlu .lsfica"
k64os IA 'Mr ti ps; I am no:v td
v�d that y913 gain legally gce'rt my
r si at7oo aad beg ro ,for0331ly tees-
adeiro 'rt to you taerewilrh.
xusting: that ,ion' win 1.-eetlrasider
sous eq,',041: re am
tasata ftl' Y
E;:wrarelanrrt _
the eier.k atre;< we are advised1r0
sn 4cce pted.'The action oe ° ?'
era in t:-it..}t�Llrawing at this t Y,
in v°etv tat the circurestauces ss
01111rnene?ab1e and oree ss°haria 3
friends 3011 not forget should
ileanaasi be :,tan4'rded to eater-=
£aetttgt,t, seine futtt Bute.
x ter^., .Bear., Dee,„ 30th, 1914.
• earli ;, Esq..
U r. Vinaga of Exeter
Exeter, Ont,
Taylors re elected Reeve, Councillors,
ncillors, Tr
Beavers and oulstorin by Acclamation.
Wood and Creecll, return a,s Sclhoui, � .r
f a.v.nra t for n^.xara
I OIt N ;
' e a belt.."
T4its ni ll. r kf ll a i;Jot''°stat on alai
(the cou�cil a a aka bx o
1_ aFl° ,follco�,
tl red,., 1.11
LOBS" — ' 6
Cha rti*'a n �3
)R - Rich V1nkheiine'c;
Tho. .11ttwblitoM
rIllritti#Ti ;and, 1)3v1d Wellb
1`x, f: icltsan.
•. �'t L EAV1 S „hy
and. .rico xla naajii, ,.
At 1 it to lay 4. 'qvell
3a?aa. 111asitltz s
wish our
Many Cuss.
Corners and
Friends, A 'Very
Happy and Pros.:
perous `New Year
A very asatisfcatory .howing in the
local egg industry characterizes the
Year 1t14. The des' tributiort of $30,-
000.00 in this community ,by irate,'
Charles P. ,Hooper for , the puxcbp e
of eggs luring the ye,tir aaas against
$.°.`0,000.00 ;ifs 1913 is worthy ol` passing
notice. The ,payment of from ' five to
fifteen dollars va ,weele into the £am»
By treasury hy the gale of vg14.9 is- a
source of ,revenue for family Unarm
of which tthe pioneers, never dreamed.
The Exeter ,market has, now asucib a!
reputation in ,the Toronto, Montreal
and. Ottawa markets that double the
quantity could be readily sold in 1915,
tin these days of change said the
general betterment .it is clear the,
principle of ,co-operation is the iso1;-
ation of tthe farmers problem. ro
maintain ;the ,best prices andl,seeairq
a steady',$ensand this Mood product
must ,be ;fresh and in ' . 1)eat of
condition When ,onterleg the market.
A letter which 'Follows indicates tse
sticces8>" a'tliiiilid in this directaan
The •lrrOclneers are ;to be compliment.
ed on ,their direful `attention to
tL,and, adlie''.rence 'to the co -opera-
tive principle. r,.
' Toronto, .Dec. 23rd, 1914„
11r. C. F. Hooper I i
Exeter, ,Ont,
Dear Sir,—We' to cypress our
appreciation To ,you for the way! in
which you 'have shipped pus a great
number of consiglnments of eggs this
year. We enclose marked cheque for.
$10.00 as we are satisfied" that. no
shipper in Canada could do snore`• to
market eggs in first-class shape than
you have done. Our business relations
have alurays been most pleasant and
your output is g rbnving rapidly from
year to year, and we hope you, will
be able to ,ship,ustat,, least double the
quantity next year.', We desire to
convey the season's greetigngs, vv;sh
tag you mufti prosperity, Yours sin-
T. J. illedland, Limited,
.Wholesale and Retail ,Grocers.,
,BORN' '
ATHI � 01vl�In' Sacdtbilph, ion Iloniay
J)ec. 28th ,,to Dir„ 'and Mrs. James
'Atkinson, 0 son.
ELLIOT'T—J Cogs 11.t; the Thome-s
.1:toad manse on Christmas Day, by
liev..Colin • Fleteh..r, Miss Clara Ja-
cobs, daughter of ,Btr. and Mise,
Sohn• Jacobs, of Stephen, to Mr.'
Sam; Elliott,' of town, ,
l�S by+ E Wood, end !t,
► la+• S M Sanders tintx+l
3 4A.InNIS by .74 TL Scotk
t Tats.. `ewell.
RQ T;'STO" a y S. M. Danders
and E. 1T, Dickson.
MOSES A1rr" by 13. ti; Creech anti
I3, Tlunter.
TIIOS. IIARTON by 3V. 11. levett
rand RAN. ?Creech, •
:iht13vr4 sr try 3. 11.(Scott: and W.
J IicSt1a.,
F. WOOD by iSam. Sweet and °Jas.
,Teseell. .„'
1ORET CIi by Thos. Swi.et and
1?R. ‘i.OtJLSTO ,by ;s; SI. Sanders
and L. H. Dickson.
S. MARTEN by R. N. €reech and/ 11.
E. Huston,
Nominations were (held in the Town
flail on 'Ifonday, from 12 to one and
five were proposed. for Reeve, severe
for councillors and Lour for school
trustees. ,Contrary* ',to usual. cos -
tom 'the meeting was postponed' qui -
til Tuesday ,evening to ;listen to tide
e vs ;a sag.
he 41:a
sea or r'u e
4.1� lAn,
c:ar n
rad eouad i1-
IePrIP#. ovv«
REMEMBER,, if you live o. be 100 years of age, that ti
eyes you are now using aro the only eyes you will. - x
ll ve, therefore it is up to you to give them the best ea.
Our years
€nf practice
Lh t e
ysteln of
itlfo they to
dye -with
the Y11Strrt-
>l lent called the Retillis c pyo bas given us f lila le ex.,
enee in eteetirlg old rueasuring eyedefects end
in a position: now to give you the very best service in.
fitting o suit'l)le lenses and Spectacles.
alae» '
0. Tl
ulii 'iii: tile �tvgva. "
nt rv.a fro
:altade tt)'flaat° rfatct.
The spa ala -
id fth l.t re ors lily Ise 's r, ap
rased to tt a ao iv € rs, i lsi* other
anetubers of arlte council and they pro-
posed lc. tay oft as much an possxblu
at Onvdebt this Isar 304 U nsat tial'
waa, left Av'rth tlio coun011 to deal wit
ais they saW Jot. `N°fith. cls c Xigetrinl
a Jul ecotornyr „the debt 'lad' been xe
duped talmost;one frac air: tuna also
tioucbt:d, ort?,hydro eZ.atrio,;and the
oor? treturns the council ivizre recceiv
mg Irons the waterttorles ,system:
Beavers also gave( a
verytull,a,nd faker*.sl.:tag report. touch-
ing on. the tottndry, .hydro electric,
flood Rod .
:1les est. ,i dr, Scott and. los. Slaws -
tains annouynried .that they were not
an the field.
W..1. Beaman was ;sorry Vac Reeve
ryas undisposed, lie touched on the
matter of hydro electric and tiled
route' interesting °figures ars to cost
tc. He had saveral criticisms to
often pertaining „to some work of the
council and. suggested that an inde-
pendent outsideseluditor be secured to
ascertain the Lru•_ financial standing
of 'the_'town. :31r..Beaman stated hie,
qualification papers;trim in, but they
have sine., been iv thdxaivta.
Mr. S. :4I, Sanders gave tsom in-
teresting figures ,on road building ' and
showed where our present system was
wrong °Our readers will hear more
o:th'.s later.
Dr. Roulston announced that he ova,
in .l the field while' Mr. :foil, Harvey
stated. that '�Ite vas not `aspiring !Lar
municipal 1ionors,
Councillor Barton ryas indisposed
sand 'unable to be present.
Mr. S. Martin gave an interesting
account of ;the (doings of the School
13 a,
dding Rings and Alarm eLicenses
x t r Barg in
1118 rou RI�
To. the Electors f Exeter
WE, the undersigned wish to convey to
you our sincere thanks for the trust you
have placed in;, -as and for the 'honor of beim;
elected to the council of 1915. by ac-
Thos. Hart -on
John E. Ilind
E. W. F. Bc=l,vers
Dr. G. F. Ronl.t')n
Miss (Etta Bowvvey is visiting in Pt.
Dir, ..Alvin-.Plr,ntnell, dP :1'oroaao, is
home for ;the Holidays: l
Dir. Percy Gillies is spay -1(11'11,g a :fevv
days in Toronto ,this week.
Mr John R. IlcPonald is confined
of his home through illness.
For your nuts and candies. oranges
and tfruits Try \V. T'Stat,ham.
Miss " L'thcl Iirick'wood,'has retturu. d
„home after visiting :n TlhLci,Cord.
'Mr. 'Chesterl:'arsons returned home
last neck-,i.roro Snowflake, Man.
Mrs. ° Thorn .left on 'Wednesday for,
Californ:a *.1e trill spend 'the
Mr. Lrvett and :,daughter of Ton-
onto are the guests of Mr. and, 11Ia0,
W 1T. T,t.vett.
Miss Laura Hooper, who has been.
v„siting ler brother 1i'red:at Saltord
has returned ,home.
111r. Drank ,Aldsworth and wire' or
WaL rloo, 'visited ,friends at smithSex-
over Sunday -
Good -bre .1914. :➢Lay the pleasant
memories lingor 1,while the unpleasant
one (be 'busied with! the .year
Miss 1I;Jrnest:no Iinght .was called
to Guelph last week awing, to an ill-
ness of 1Jrs.'.T+ C. SpacI m'n.
"kis: T 'drill:s, of `tephen leaves
r„•st' 1-i •dnestlay •to vi •,t' his sister
,1lrs.ton, South ,Bend, 'Pude,
s l'110ENE 81 W. W TA d” A N PHONE 81 A.
You are Sure to Please
Gentleman ita
Present from this Store
® is
Our Specialty is.' Mens Furnishings .>
.,aid our stock contains the ` Newest
and most Up=to=Date Styles in ail
lines of apparel.: ,Look over this list
Ready—to-wear Suits„
House Coats and Smokers
Fancy Mufflers and Ties
• Sleeve Holders in br,�%,, ,„
• Collars and Cuffs
• .-.huts acid
Fancy Vests a,.
Our Go:.=rig .
• Try us for '.•
Ready-to-wear C vetcoals 3
Sweater Coats & Sweaters
Rain Coats '& Fur Coats
Braces and Garters
Glove's and Mitts •
tJrs.lertcear (2 piece and cam)
f-lats and Caps
cr's and we give you a
t thf. ..
at r rima:kicag sweeping
Y ;•f+rt`rs 's alzd Panting.