HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-12-10, Page 5K
'ZITUBSDAY, DE47Ll BEle Seth; 191 ;
ens tesess.
Mose Tinkling
Tango Tunes
are simply faseivating tchee repro
duced byThe EDISON Phonograph.
There's no fun trying to do the new
dances — the Fox Trot, Midsize,
One Step, Hesitation, Boston,•.
Three Step to the jerky drumming;
of,(n,piano,t,. 'There/is/so teuaptire ,
I3utwhet( the National Promenade
Bled 1swinge a late the yediiotive
",Ln.:Bella Argentina" or "Waltz
Hesitation", and
co -6-6.
new s N
i-rn a,NSTRU;s!EN•r Verbs THE ni.•warorita, rows
reproduoea the fu1l ric1a
melody -•,the sway and swing
of it --tire fascinating rhythm
of it --then you have some-
thing worth dancing to,
There arc ether special Dance
Records available to owners of
FAlhundred ether -Band and Orchestra
r4cQrds, runny of which aro suitable
for t hC,rrK- dances --and anyuvmber
of Tango soogs like eeireeetet.e.
The 'Deign ifoon..'
The new neisee Phonogrilph
has the diamond reproducing point.
unbreakable and tong playing
records, superior fetors and
construction, Concealed .horns, and
the Cableets are made In;run Period
antes. in perfect harmony with the
Come in and focat furniture.
d humths SON play ail sleaze tinkling tango tunes*'-playthus
Should be pIaved--then you'll appreciate ivat hoer much )Measure you see
c with ue EDISON i'HONOGRA:t'f3 isr i (woven house:.
li pay for Whet yOU sae ff
4493" Hair 'route does not
ote the growth of your flair.
n all our experience with Laic
toalai he one that has done most to
aur confidence is Retail ;'93'1
Tonic. We bans (such well.
tpwtnded Web, in it that we want
lou totq it at our risk. If it does
not aatisfy You in every particular,
wo will pay for what you use to the)
axknt of n 30 day treattuent. ,.
If Rexell "93" Hair Tonic doss
net remove dandruff, relieve eeatp
irritation, stop tiro bnir from falling
and promote a new growth of heir,
comp back tour and eek us to return
the money you paid for it, nod wvawill
3omptly fluid it. back to you. You
don't sign anythiug,3proinise any.
rtuthing an or t?tayobligaeor f, It that
;Doan:et it stand to reason that wo
if d notot a auch truly boli liberal
iiexafi "93" lfnir Tonic will do all
wo (Salm for it— that it -will do all
and mare duan nay other remedyt
Wo lua`firer everything there is a do-
znend for, road ism able to judo the
sncrite of the things wo sell. Cus-
tomera tell us of their success, The rn
aro more satisfied users of Aexell
•"93" Bair Tonic than any ?Similar
preparation wo Cell.
Start a treatment of Rexall "93'1
pair . Tonio today. If you do, wo
bclicva you will thank us for this
advice. Two sieo bottles 50c and 51.
."."/".You can buy Resell "93" Hair Tonio
la this community only at our atom:
W. S. COLE.•
'Exeter 116 SCOM Ontario
There i n Derail Store in nearly every town
and city in the United States. Canada and
Great Britain. There is a different _Derail
1a2cnedy for nearly every ordinary human ill -
1 each especially designed for the particular ill
`®40: ler winch itisrecommended.
'Th. Rexaif Stores are America's Greatest
Drug stores
risl Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful -Get a 25 cent bottle
of Danderine. '
If you care for heavy hair that glis-r
tens with beauty and is radiant• with
e;•hasan incomparable softness and
::- s fluffy and lustrous, try .Dariderine.
lust „one application doubles the
•.r' l'ibeauty'of,your hair; besides it imme-
el ediately- dissolves every particle of
laiandruff. ': You can not have nice
ivy, healthy hair if you 'have
dandruff. This destructive scurf robe
the hair of its lustre, its strength and
very life, and if not overcome it
uces a feverishness and itching of
j!'X3te scalp;the hair roots famish,
nand die : ,
n thehaf r�tall
> r s out
Surely get a 25 -cent bottle of
/.•41Knowlton'sDanderine from any, drug
',_ More and just. try It,
Gid end women of all ages; want
o be beautiful and attractive, but
(sig± 'tJy, thin and lifeless hair, de-
), 4`,-
e•),,gsr " stroS half' the.: beauty of a pretty,:
If your bair^is lasing its natural
color, is falling- out, dull, streaky.
;Ful of damdrutf
.. too ars, or if' the
iscalp itches and :burns do not;' be- al->
.mined, use, Parisian Sage, Rub it
well into =:the scalp It" will •;go right
into :t.lie haf" r
oots, nourish ahem;. and
te•:di7ue hair to grow long and
,'beautiful:: -It
removes dandruff :With;
sane applkation, stops itching scalp,.
galling hair and makes the Bead feel
I'aris'an..,Sa e s
¢. g uppIics`'-the hair
iCl' th what is •needed to ,make it.soft
Tufty, thiek and gloriously radiant,
%lit . is sold
in 50 'cent bottles by W.
'IS. Gale 'and at all drug 'count:crs,.
'Look for the . tirade mark The Girl
, +with res 'r the: -au u
heir. mi except Qo
C ildren1
The Teachers' Training class of
the Evangelical elit rcb, consisting of
twronty mesnberat will bold their grad -
eating xxerci-ev, on. "Sunday cvcni rg,
7)cc• 13th at 7 Pune. in the auditor'/
xutn of the "uaiurch. They have ete-
ctared °the services or Rev. T, Oe Ben
gl'o'w of Olevelaxrd, General Secretary
4SundzyF cehools, 'who will preaen
both morning and evenaag. rd,•q; ex-
cellent program has been prepared for
the evening, tatter wviiich Rev. Mer-
ger twill present the diplomas to the
gra;du.mtes, A eines 'Banquet %s to be
held,orithe windowing Monday., x
t'x'Mns, John Iiivanpp, 3r ,s Serious-
ly ill :it present.
Mrs, Otto Umbach, of 'Waterloo, is
visiting u-leatives in. town.
dMrs. , D i' istle, of Detroit, are
visiting in town.
tidies. Geo. Perry, or Detroit, 1,s the
guest of leer parents, Mr. and Airs,
J� utWind.
The annual meeting of the Bible
Society was held in the Evangelical
church on Tuesday evening.
airs. ,Chris 'Heist spent a few "lays
in Loudon.
"ldirs. Chas. 2w,ieker is 'visiting in'
New hamburg. •
.Airs. Simon Stahl, of Iiaileybury, is
vasiting_trelatives in town.
Airs. Henry Beaver is attending the
funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Wes. Finkbeiner, of Pittsburg.
Prof.' Thos. Finkbeiner, of d apier-
villa, Ill., preached an excelle,nt ser-
mon in the Evangelical church on
Suniday evening Iast.
Mr. John Finkbeiner hiedqt his
home on !Thursday Dec. 3rd; aged 64
years. The deceased had been suffer-
ing "for 'the last five years.' The fun-
eral was .held, on Saturday afternoon
interment, 'taking place- in the Crede
i.ton, cemetery. Ile leaves to mourn.
his loss a -vide--•, two sons and six
The Stephen Tp. .Sucday School
Association ';belt their_ lour the annual
conve tion, at: GreenwayF "Methodifst
church on Thies -date Nov. 24th`• At
the morning session reports from the
different officers were received ate -
ter which bliss' Leine,. 'of ` Toronto;
gave a very instructive talk on !Co-
operation between Home and School.
In the afternoon Bev. E. G,.. Powell
of Clinton Spoke on. School Manage-
ment and Rev. lir. Becker gave a
sedendid report of hie Ontario !Con-
vention. Mr. tW. G. Medd, 'County
Secretary, gave an account of the
County and Township associations ate)
for Zncer e
ed givings. iiss
Laine t+poke on Eye Gate Teaching.
At 'the; evening service the, 'subjects
were Missionary Training in the :Sun-
day Schools' and Unrecognized Help-
ers by (bliss Laine and Teacher Train-
ing +hy"Tiev.: Mr, Powells Music, was
furnished by 'the Ladies (Trio of .Cred-
L;ton: land a Dice's Quartette .from the
toted- church. The delegates were' en-
ter Lained . to Luncheon: in thee(base-,
went. Following were the officers
elected. President, John Love; Vice
Pres., Jolin Gall; Secy-Treas, Miss
13anes; :;Suit. or Elementary ;Dive,
Oars. A 1%7 'Witsoic; 'Supt. of Second-
ary Div., Miss Becher; Supt. of Ac•
73.0, . dept., 'J., if,, l•Ioitzmann Sept:,
of Iloane dept. Miss .Edith Taylor;
Supt.- of;:Mis sonary dept. Miss Pearl:
Keys; Supt.: of Temperance` dept,'
Oestretcher. The next convention
will he held in the Crediton Evangel-
ieal church.
Patrriotic.'`Lea if..rc Notes
t'r' .
. eviously acknoww=ledged .,: $057.32
torr..1/ 'WVood 0.O0
lOf ss Ill', `Wood, .;:e>. 2.00>
.sea Iloomtllee. 5th • 0.75
Tk>'.la,l ale.ceipts • 974.07
( f
`� EY
lin+ t
.. ted . oods lAa.s''-' '1)cei.
�usat to 8 tl `sieury. - Alt i,t rxtized` t.tate-'
+ethe' oe,ds itzat . have beer/.
bene wvsJl ,paz3sif`slaed':after..the :aueiv;
Two . weeks° from Friday to u' hriste
mast et
Bliss T11•aFal1s was in Loudon or,
Special sale. of:C.bina at 'Grigg's on
Friday and tSatwixday,
Mr. Hermon lltiott, lot 'f uan..
The Scout Hustle's% a Sunday salt*-';
lays of Main
held a social evening in 'the G
on Friday evening last„ A very in-
teresting program was liven. Mar-
vin Vincent added to the entertai,dt-:.
went with etereoptiea4 ;views. :tier '.
the program 'refreshments were
spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. RObt• leaser, of the; wvesf, who
purchased. the ahem of 'Mr, Milo Snell
MIAs Lillian Boyle, of London; spent on the London Road, has taken. pos-
the week end nt ,her :home here, session h+'s effects having arrived last
bines Lydia pope, of 1Tensall spent wxeek. .Mr, ,Luker brought with Trim
the 'see'k end with Miss E. T3arvey„ a young menagerie having a live wolf
Messrs E. J; IChitstie rind $. Gould`
leo !badgers and ore owl. Mr. ,Jas.
left' for. Getertelte (Tuesday ter serve it3engonmgiet fiat f.11, ,lie• menagerieSea4s;-
on the ,jury. rived; ww^i'th iz�m.
Life is what we make it, tsa is your. The bazaar given by. the Ladino
ang.; Makeolt eight lis; usingtHare ,Dailey" orf.' vitt. Memorial ehurrist, iP
Grey's :dour. 'the. Towyn unit on Friday Iast Neese*:
iAir, arm, Leavitt etas inistalied ,a most successful affair, 'There was 'aa
furnace for the heating of jay mon- d fended display of fancy articlee, can,
in„ geturo theatre, . y kind cooking which, found a ready
Is ss 'Ilene sale, In the evening i'ev, .'1Yr. Col-
ggerty, of Qhatham, Sus gave a very interesting address
was the guest of Miss Ella; Baker on Lord ISitchener and thr present
over the week end. was -
/When `doing our 10hristrnas ;shpp The naereLai:•is of town ape
ping there is nothing better than an ria a bid for your Ch'ristma,s tr
0-Yster Stew Served, at Statham's,
Mdliaory Reductiari� .--Balance of
triaurxaed hats are to 'bet cleared
at hale prices Jones dc "May".,
John Northeoet
ly' is Croke on Saturalay#and or sen-
rad bays hi,s ;We tit's 'lyeen in the
�tlanee. .. r
Now is the time to thick about your
XMAS Ca.lre, Bring- 'er along, 'ive'1l,
b.:�l 'em' Rollickte bakery .Phone
f3ur'trwesh supply of lion Eon boxes
"tid !Chocolates is here. Prices rang
ung from. 25e to $1.00 a box' 'W , J.
Rev. J. D. and Mrs. I estle have re-
turned ,borne' after vis'tt.ng for a
inontlr, #:tie former in 'thele a and the
tatter at '' astleton.
Sense patronise hoarse indu;•atriesi
not triage became the are a pare of
ete", but because you can. buy
otbing letter. Lae Model Flour.
. reparatory scxvicee were conduct-
in Cavell Presbyterian church on
iday evening last by 'Bev, 10 Thin
Ober` of Tuanaes: ,[lend, and Conalnusa.
ion was held oil Sabbath.
o a street Methodist church
throb la
at as the thew n he17 til 'thou es/ wee
directed towards Santa ,Claus, We
trust our readers twill Seed ,tush as.
interesting reading through 'the col
macs of the advertisers as amongst
the news items. To all others. we
eravc their indulgence at this time.
A meeting of -the W„li . of the
tlfethodist church was held in James
street church en Wednesday after-
noon of lash week. illiss 'Drake who.
has, Merge of a Teacher ' raiaare,
sclieol gave an 'inep`ring address of
her wvork in that country. 'firs. W.
G. U. McAlister aiso spoke at the
lrineeting. airs. A. M, Wilson, District
Organizer occupied the elixir.
The irereeiras of tire late hilus Huai-
ter of hiaose Jaw, wSa:sk„ are being
brought to Exeter, and are e\peeticd
to arrive flue on Friday morning. Tlie
deceased was a son of Mr. Simon
Bunter, of Usboaare and hes lived far
t nizmlier of years in the west, relic
rause of death teas pueumonia, lie
is survived by e wife and 2 children
the "former being a i3tiss llodgir, of
Since lthe accident to arr. J.` Gre•
t liingGbr,dge fir. IT, Axe lie's gone
on the road. 7t is expected "that Mr,
Grigg will be irernoved to his home
from Godexieh hospital this week.
Airs. P. J. Gillies formerly"aM:tIS
Cora Phyllis Juchton, of Landon,Qnt. i
will receive at her :bene on Thersda
December Stith, and afterwards on the
first Thursday of the month.
Mr. Milo enell moved to 'town
week Trona the farm on, ane. London
Road, south end ;haat tiiken up his
residence on Andrew istreet in 'th'e.
house •recently vacated by Mr. Frank
Mr. Earl Parsons, son a Mrs, and
Mrs. S'. Parsons. or the London 1toad
south, is zenother Exeter boy 'to en-
list t ! o
tP fe
service r m nd.
as new in
training .for the second contingent at
:Ot town.
i The McGillivray Township Belgians
Relief association recently eolIectled
11+000:35 and of this aaanoont $46 dui has
been expended in buying tirttl reloih-
Leg tor the poor tJh offering t,o-
setber with "bales of cloth`og valued
ret 1'75.00 has ibeen sent to hendiluirr
tcrs in Alontreal to be ttorwarded "to
those' La need. John , Levet. ck rind
J. D. Drummond wvere assisted !by a
conamlttec of four from each pub
dl;,v:bn making thirty in alt.
When evening 'falls you like to
gather 'around the table and ,seed
the whole family does. The Weekly
Sure of Toronto, has departments of
interest to ,everye ie, from the mare
lets and editorials for Lather dowt
to a story for the boy( and a bright
thoughtful hoose page for Soother
and the gi-'ts. Tt is all in'teresting.
a cd .every issue is well Ivoreh while
Ilow would it be .for a • !Christmas
it. Arm;tror.g on''lfanda gift. it would certai.r.ly be at profit:.
y made one able ate, a1tvd help you( make �o
of the largest aSi11ipments of hogs from farm pay.
Exeter that liras 'been made Tor son s
time. The !shipment Consisted of
three ,double deck carloads. Tate price
paid was 7.0i
151r. Russell Flynn, who lfor over
four •years has 'been employed )with
the Exeter Times ieit ou SSatut'day
tor Waterloo, where be has secured
a good •positron. His many !friends in
town will wish him (success.
Some merchants would Seem as
though they were not very partic-
ular about the Christmas trade. At
least°they make very litrtle effort to
get •alfter it. No better\medium than
through lite columns of the Ti'' »,
Did you ;eves 'thi:rlk that shoppiing.
early is a most effective way of: pro
for ging the Ohristmars cheer. The
sower the tedious task. of purchasing
Presents ie over the lo.tger will wt ,
revel in the alnticitpation or the' happy
surprises of Christmas morciing,
The minutes of the councils +meet-
ings of the Exeter__ Ushorne and Ste-
phen 'councils have been received but
owing to limited space we .alms hold-
ing 'them over until next week. Tlba.
alst 'meeting of these councils ?before'
Nomination will be held nest Tues-
day, the 75th inst.. • 1 •
T.tce wholesaleP'oultry ,dealens of
London .estimate that the pricers far
poultry will; be, pretty well flatten-
ed .;out during` the next two weeks
and .that./the. price of 'Christmas ter -t
key will fbe somewhat lower this year:
The• reason. given isthe tthe w.ettorn
Purchasing power ta'not as great •and
that )there is an abundant :'.supply.
to the Estate
of having a Trust Company
administer its . affairs are
many, yet the changes are no
higier: than those allowed a
private individual acting in the
same eapacity. '
This ' strong, e,etinservartive
Conan unlike _an.'individual
P Y,,
executor,' will" not. fall ill, go
abroad at a critical time, 'be-
some a defatilter pass out
f ° t '
.will ` it
noeglectexisyoenceur, affai•neithersr for. its
own, because its very 'life de-
pends upon its 'fidelity togour
affairs and those of others.
Consult us regarding your
will; and the administration of
your estate.
o Lond _Q
QfR filo Western
Trusts Co. tinged
382 Richmond St., London;'.®
Divisior Court was held in town
or, Thursday last by Judge, Hope' of
Goderioh. At, orlon case came up in
whica 1MIr. E. Per -hake of Stephen .bbd
ectered action: against Mr. Thomas
Eistot, of (owe to recover °;ttwo-thirds
of the value of a crop of onion's that
had been growl; on the °.plai(ntilff'a
place. 7t appears Mi, Elston had
plaited the anions and afterwards
made at agreement with Mr. Pen
hale ;to shame the profits, the plaite.
tiff to nssa,t is caring for ; them.
Judgment was given the plaintiff for
The great :,holiday festive season is
with vs yet i'tt spite of the shadows
that sire being thrown across ;the
world's horizon 'by tithe great Euro-
pean coidflict, let ns play our humble
part 1r -bringers, what cheer and; glad -
'cess :we ,catel into the lives or others.
Christmas is ,co tiune for thought of
self. Let the slogan be "Rem"ember
the less fortunate than ourselves".
A merry"acd a happy Christmas rests
wee ourselves and if ever tine and
thought ialyd money were rn,eeded for
the diffusioi:, of the Christmas epirit
it is cow.This is !Got }thea 'time to
tie' our pursestrirgs unless 'circum-
stacces are less favorable with: us and
the 'necessity of curtailmenrt is really
Theyoung ladies of this, idistric1
will ..hold a 'sale 'cif work and concert
on Friday evening of ,`this wvee.k
iwVe have been asked w .hy the num-
ber seventeen is such :a favorite
amongst st
gsportsmen. 1 a many
bilis of seventeen. have lbeeii -report-
ed. "Can anyone enlighten us,
(Who is the sport (t) who. goes! to
tirewoods with a,stick nad a - ;fer-
• Louie 'wisncs to thank` Richard for
the ripple pie. The Long of it also
might join - in the Thanksgiving. t
The ,east winds of the past- few
days have pra'cticaIly ,stopped the
rabbit iiunte,rs. ,
"Papets• Diapepsin" makes :Sick, Sour,
Gasasy Stomachs surely feel fine
`In five minutes; •
If what you just ate Is souri•
your stomach or lies ,like-a'Sump 'of
lead, refusing to digest, or you• belch
gas and eructate sour, undigested.
'food, or have,.a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, `fullness, nausea, :bad taste.
to : mouth and stomach -headache. you
eau get blessed relief in fve-'ininutes."
Pat an end. 10 stomach trouble fore've
,, r,
by getting a,>„large fifty=cent cause ;of
Pape's Drapepsfnnf o , Aly •
drug store.
You realize int , v finitesy hew n'e
Taloa few minutes, tread
this adil oveP carefully and
you re 1
and are quite sure yoi,
never need any of the vat
nes here advertised why
we apoligize for bving
takes up your time.
Nord leiraer
Wright & Co,
"refi�' Bowe
.t• -raw- -:yaw•
We will give you a Special Discount on above pianos if purchased before
January 1st, 1915, Remember money talks and no
will be refried. 1 Sherlock y reasonable offer
c Manning, mahogany case, Louis XV style
with stool and free delivery .145 00. y e complete
less” Y � 1 Blundttll, mahogany case has been used..
than one year regular price $275
mahogany finish, cannot be toldprce $165. 1 Kohler �€; Campbell from new special price $185.
PrP :P�4Powr�P �i ♦ A^11>aP �Pw__♦T���
i,1*iasl*.g—,.**4 .eitiRlsl>
rg 4 Drawer Auto
* 'natio Lift and 5
41{ Drawer Hand Lift
▪ We have no room
a to store them and
:E you can luny: them
• at your own price
g. Rhile they last,
vt� act at once, delays
a are serious.,
i4de" is .4i'
ex. e s e A IA ee sea ' 44
Childs Sleighs
2 c,
S 3 , Soc, 1,00 :g,25,
Waggons $2 and 2,25
Rocking k nHorses
1.05 and 1.25
Crokinole Boards
Xmas Sta.tionery
$a.56. DOLLS CABS Large assortment i5c` to.
$1,2and 3
Moores Non-Leakable
Fountain Pens
$2:5o acrd. up
$I_"25 a box
Hy + s;n Books
IO :cei]ts up to $3,00
"Patrol of Sundance Tian" by: Ralph
P We els
Conn "Innocent" O carry a large assortment
Connor, Innocent by Marie Corelli ,, of
Reprints at the o' tlIar
The Wallnrtjt1?,_ P price of oe
of P_--..,gn byF. B 5
Barclay, : ' BOOK : .
b Mar. Johnston,oh - .
Y Y J nston' and by G;A ,meat at <{„
severs .. • . ,• . y 50G.,.;by Alger at 2 .,
1 others, special five r.io g 5 ,:-
Boys Own Arinllal i.75,(� A, Girls
:Te It h
ove a ive away absolutely
, free, one bottle of
Polish will clean and polish .pianos organs and flue
rniture o
desera )