Exeter Times, 1914-12-3, Page 81
hu, 2,° 1x1.
POWELL'S BAzA...R stands
for Quality and low prices.
and: you know it.
•. u nc
We mark all our goods plain-
ly, and sell at one price, the
lowest. Guaranteed prices.
We have In stock anassortment of Goods of which we are proud. We now our future Business depends on our
which � p present doings, so with.
we must buy only Good Goods and sell at fair prices, We ask everybody in .Exeter and vicinity to come in and see our
Xmas Display this year, even if yon do not purchase, we want to see the people
At the Candy Counter
We expect our stock of oranges and new nuts next week. Our Candy is always.
esb. Our Roasted and Salted Peanuts are always good.
Japanese China
,. job fine to sell at 10-15-25c. some lovely pieces and all band colored. Beautiful
Glassware 10-15e. Nipon China in a variety of decorations from 25c up,
Asserted cherries, *tit chips, Mint wafers, Mande walnut. H.uney nouge ,' Butter-
ies 10e each, chaffing dish, Tiffany, Motor Lunch, Family box, and many others at
popular prices of 25e to $1,25. 1n: bulk we have Cream Centres and Hard Centres
about 30 flavors. Try us for Candy. Special prices on 5 Ib. boxes.
Christmas Decorations and Tree Ornaments
arlai ue'as 5e 10c up, Bells 20e s doz. up, Xmas Greetis s 15e tip, Leaf Decorations
25+, Crepe paper in coil,. Shelf paper in fold$, Fancy Drape paper* in folds. lowest
prices. Xmas Candles all prices, small anti large, Tinsel 2 yds for Sc, candle holders,
Baking sets 25c, Washboard acid tubs in sets 25c, Drawing slates 5c
roc and 25e, Horns and trumpets se lot up, Drums all prices, Xmas stock-
ings 5, ice and 25c, Horses 5c up, Rocking horses, dappled grey with bask.
et seat and reins complete,, reg y$2.25 only $I15.
C r' h na
Rich White and Gold China, Dinnerware Open Stook:
1 While others are raising therice we are still sellin • it
p K at
the same prices. All our goods are marked in Plain English, We use no Greek.
Start saving to -day, tell your friends to buy you a piece of White and Gold China.
at Powell's for Christmas
50 Cups and Saucers, hand -painted, high-grade, too high for our trade, to clear 50e
each, reg. 51.00.
Odd Pieces of China in greatProfusiou, suitable for gifts at from 15c -25e up
Cups and Saucers
300 Beautiful Cups and Saucers going at 15-25-35c each. n;ce presents for girls.
We show the finest assortments of hand -painted chinaware in Exeter, barring nine,
See our display before you buy.
2 i Watersets, regular 1,50 to sL75 to clear at $1.25 set, shoo e early.
It8tt;EU ER TUE 1?
T j4 C W you can buy uiy al title; pay 25 per cent on it We will lay - it aside fo
Three Weeks to Xmas
High Grade Furs
Are the kind that we sell. Furs that stand for the
last word. in Style and the best in make and quality.
The early arrival of winter will remind you of that Fur
Coat, Stole or 11,1uff that you intend bnying.. Let us
show you our range.
Lathes Fur=Collar
Shell of very fine I%erseycloth
lined with quilted or curl lining,
inter lined with rubber. Rat or
S able Collars, $10 318.50 $2.3,00.
Ladies Sweater
In Blue, Red Grey and Black:
made from fine soft yarn. In'
sizes 30 to 42. A splendid coat
for $2.25.
Stamped Linens
Including centrepieces, Night-
gowns. corset covers, pillow cov-
ers pillow tops, pin cushions
towels, cushion tops and tray
Stoles & Muffs
A wide range of neck pikes
in the very newest styles, with
muffs to match, We can save
you money if you buy from us,
Kosy Slippers
For every niembsr of the
family. Warm and cosy slippers
in many styles. 50e 75e and $1.25
Si:1K Mufflers &
For men• These are beautiful
silk mufflers with ties to match.'
A big range of colors to choose
from. Neatly boxed -Muffler
and Tie 81.50.
New Christmas China
Dinner Seta $8,75 to 335.00 Water Sets Hn'g Lamp Brass Trays
Toilet Sets 2,25 to 0 5 Jard" er
. 0 n s Cut Glass Candlestick
JCan .trek
Tea Sets $5.50 and 8,00 Berry Sets Tea Pots Crumb tray
Table Sets 31.00 to 15,00 Celery Tray Salad Bowl Teapots
We Want to Sell You Your Xmas
New Raisins
Highest prices paid for live
ft r
Jaceph Lassock an Englishman
about 18 years old; who ,had been cines
gaged ' g with b Ir , Jas, Law,sos, of Crcdir
ton tr d'.ie d on R
n Vednesda last a ' Vies
t. Vi
toric hospital London Th, deceased
r e e,.
io ,.ai�i
led. ik.u iv '
Mr, Ed. Walker Lotirr
dote :Road' soul
h k ind on toe previouss
Saturday right he fell Off ,the vera. -
daft' fracturing his skull, He, was ta-
Icen' to the Victoria hospital et Lott
don pas,sir.Jg' away on -Wednesday. As
r.,o b a n s a 'v .
l- d, e t,. e, n
,h o � E
and Lawson av
so went' to
Landon ' ,and b
rough•t (het
e aiP.• fa
town,,' Interment taking to °tar
place in tfio
Exeter cemetery. ( ,
Why do statesmen read the Weekly,
Sun of .!Torolato? Because it is . a
paper with a reputation 'that is an-
`•1the i. iorevl. 'It isfarmer's
the biasin-
ets paper, arid is watch;tag farnie,rs
i t ter' sts all the , time. Aside„ even,
.:from '
its ,market reports' , '
which are
ackrowledged to be the best in t1
fomissioa;• it is a paper of weight.
You s , d
ba ib have l,t come a m to your
home every week. All through the
or' w'` r n'
1 1 i to nights it will urn'
wealth of irteres:t,ng readingmaterial
01' athoroughly
hab c character
reliable aracter
P er has 'special clubbing ar
axranfeinnits with the Sun
:Let us
haveyourrenewal and; add the Sun 60.
your li9t for
s B
,CK, Tim tin V4RI TYar
you till Xmas
an exceptional offer.)
this in mind,
Xmas Stationery Post Cards
Linen Paper and Envelopes in pretty boxes at 20-25-3Se swell Make nice
, e l goods. i1la ace
presents. Our Card Collection is great, Don't buy cards ua�.it you see ours, Reg.
3 packets for at 5, - for 1.Oc .-- 6 for 25c •etc, Christmas Seals
2 for 5c, 2000 for 5c,others 2 for ac— 3
Sleeping DOLLS and awake
Rag Dolls 5c and 10c, Celluloid 25 and 5oo, Fancy Dressed,
25 and 500 up, Character babies 50 14c 15e to $3.75, Crying and
Musii,al babies 25c up, Unbreakable dolls all prices, Babies in long
clothes $1 25 up, Doll Cradles 25c up, Doll go-carts 350, Daisy
carts and wheel barrows 15c, Doll Lavin Swings 35c, Doll beds 25
Sleeping and awake, with hair and without' ioc a Stroxi�' bi ue
�r t, stl >i0c
and 15c'up, Celluloid (large) 25c, Metal all sizes 20 and 25c.
Gas engine (spring wind) 75c, Steam boat (engine run by oil) 1,50,
Train on taack 50c i 00 and 1,25, Walking dolls dac, Clown Orchestra 75.
Dart ey drummer and bear sac, Billiard table 25c, Pop and cap grins 5.x5
Autos, horses and carts and dozens of others at zee up.
We give Special Discounts to churches and schools on all Xmas purchases of
3attet Report—The following i
t1 e report of the Exeter =rice
r ctiti uyi to December 3rd,
\ h.sat L10 to 1,12
'alCarley 55 to 63.
Oats 13
Rockwvh;*at 65 to 70.
Peas 1.00 to 1,25, 1 (
Flour 83,10;
I,ow Grade Flour S1,70
Bra r,.a 825
Shorts 826
Eggs rewly laid 35c.
Eggs over ten .lays: 26e,
Dairy Futter 24 to 26.
Vreamery 'butter' 26,
C0ick,*Ls alive fi :Dressed 10
Ducks olive 9 Dressed 11.
Turkey's alive 11, Dressed 14
Old Torts alive 9, Dressed 12
Goes, alive 8 dressies 10
Dried tipples 4c,
Potatoes 60 to 75
!logs 7.00 ,
BJP+9lv�/N�0***+40 ...****l*l.e
******* *******
1rr, °bower o'!' Lucan spent 'Sunday
Miss L. Johns has returnedhome
after visiting in Sarnia.
Mr. Frank ITa'n`.cack, or 'the west. is
visiting with relatives in' .end aroend
Mks ,T, X. Allen Eye sight specialist
will h' at the Central hotel Saturdny
Tiee'mber 12th one day.
Miss Dolly Dickson has returned
after visiting for a few weeks id
Shakespeare and London.
Mr, card 1lrs,'\crass of Granton vis-
ited the latter's mother Mrs, Sohn
Down 'during the past week,
Mrs. Cerdicer loft last week for
Blyth w.bere she will spera bile, win:-
tc r with .her sor lI. P. Gandney,
A. hot fowl supper was oeld at Kirk
tor- Methodist church. on Monday even
irg. Several from town attended.
M:,rs L.. Loughrey, of Lor.dan, who
spent several days vri.lh Mrs, Popplee-
stor.s, has returned to ,h;'r :home.
A, Poi�plev lasatoee no
Bov1ya, t.haar
in taw -n on,Frr'dpt anccowm
paaie,d halve by his mother wlho will
remain the winker.
T)on't worry over sour Christmas
gifts. 'See our assortment of bon -
tors. Worries vanish, From 10a.
upwards E. A, rollick'.
Rev, S. W, 1Tuxwarthy of Maim St.
church n,r_'d`Rev, 'W. G-, El. McAlister
of James Stree t 'chorea excharge'tl
pulpits last Sabbath morc!.;r,g.
Mr, Rn.ssell I41yr-in has resigned. :his
position at the TimesOffice and lea-
ves D1th day for Waterloo, where 'he
has accepted a posit:on, with the Sen -
tire! Press.
Mr, J. Grigg who reeecJay fell, and
broke his leg at Kingsbridgc'has been
removed to the Goderich haspita.l.
With good care and treatment we
hope to see :him around aga,;tn soon."
James Street Methodists celebrate
152nd anniversary of their share's
Sunday Jalnd,'Monday Dec, 6th and 7th
Rev. Dr. Barber of Listowel preachy
•els on "'Sulnday and lectures Mdnday
everting on Six mcin't.hra in, Germany
and ''my escape at the 'outbreak of
the .war.
The : death of Mrs, Mary Parser.,,
occurred at 'the (home of 'her so* -1,r..' -law
H. Balback 545 Grey Street Landon
'd "
Mrs, 1 a rs�oln had been a. re�z ernt of
London for six 'leans moving there
from Exeter,. She is,s,ur'Gordan
ive�d. bye �t�wo,
sons G "and
.o.�s ;nd 'Lwvo da,i liter orae
!? g s, ri
Frank, Mrs, John Nash and Mrs,' H.
Setback ,all elf Lor:;dofr Services were
conduated at the (borne of f'Ir, Belback
Sunday evening by Rev,, A. McKi'bbon
of Hill [Street Dethod'st church. Tl
re el £1LS 'were
brought it t
o S
Mo+rela' land. the i'uineral wits held in
y 3?
the .Ater' ooni from the !home of, Dir
Thos. Hould,,r;, . \:. _1...:.i.
During the holiday season everyone appreciates
a good suggestion in regard to an appropriate
Christmas Gift,—
is an ideal Xmas gift for every woman hying a
home Cali and see thele at our store- We have other
suitable Xmasgas well worthyof our inspection.
gifts Y 1
. N1.
calmer and Funeral Director
Phone 20 A
OIrs, Luxton is on the siok list.
_Miss Beatrice Ela;avey visited lc
Lor:tdo.n last week,
vAIrs, Hoare et Ciie,ton is visiting
Meads In town.
Mrs, 73, .S. Philips is visaing her
son W. 13; in Toronto. •
Mrs, Faw:edl has returned home, at-
tter visiting" in: Woodstock.
Mrs, Yaps) of Brantford spoilt the
week end with friends in town.
Clarence Gunning returned borne
'from the. West or. Friday last. ,
Ir, 11. J, 'White, spect several days
tr. ,Toronto during the past week.
"He Looks into the Eye"
Exeter, Nov. 14, 14
His is to certify that
Mr. W. S. How-
ey, druggist of Exe-
ter has just calmleted an
advanced course in eye-
sight testing, y including th
g ®,,
well known "Shadow Test
System. '. I must state that
I find him proficient and
capable bl®
of ;,
recting even the mostCOM-
plicated cases of
errors in
refraction '
methods s klao rl
v� to
F: A
cy alil
Mr, J. Beverley has purchased the
Opera House block from Mrs. Gide
'bar, Leotard T3olta'n end Mr, N
McMurray spe'ct Sunday last in Sear
1r.. George Cranley' has puroieas.
the Bi,.setTt block southh, of the
Central hotel.
Watch our wi•rdow ifor plants and
cut flowers. Orders taker:, Prices
right, E. A, rollick'.,
A concert Co, put on an entertain-
ment at Leavitt's moving picture
theatre the fore part'of the week.
Now is the time to thick about your
Xmas Cake, .Bring 'er along, we'IL
bake 'era Follicle's bakery Phoso
:Mr, Alvin Essery had the misforr,
tune to have about an inch taken
of the middle finger of his left hand
os Monday last: while work'ng with
a gasoline eng'ne. Dr, M Gillicuddy
dressed the wound,
liebate—A 'debate will be held in
James Street Methodist ,church or.
Friday evening. Re.solveed that the
er is , 'r
p m �g tier than the ,sword J'
W. C,,'ittack and Leon Treble oval
take tine affirmative and Dr, Roabr
sots and Dr, :Campbell the negai;iviq
An taLerestin•g time is expected. All
ease invited. 'No admission,
Lebarsan, .Forest Lodge A. F. &i _ •
M. .held their election of officers on
Monday evening whim the following
were ,eleoted W. .5r. W.:, J, Murray+;'
Sr. W. Dr. McGillicuddy; Jr, W.,. N.
J. Dore; Chaplain, Rev, f3, Collins;
Recording Sesretary, R.N. Creech;
Treasurer J .A. Stewart; Tyler, S,
Sweet; Examining Com; 'W. W. Tam-
an ,W. Tj IIeaman, and Rev, D. W.
C,ollir-s. E,
31r, Reg Case is IIisiti his bro-
ther Joe it, I'cgersoll.
Mrs, Gann 'hes returned to'\i'inutzae�
after being caped !lone oavicg to
the death, of her father 't114' late Joh>a
The Ladies Guild of Trivitt ,ateuL�
orialchurch, will hold Weir asn.ual
Bazaar on Friday December #tli +1st
the Town Ball. Fancy and useful ar-
artioles are .'for sale, Afternoon tea
from four to fax o'clock ;also from
e1gtt to ten in the evening. 'During,
ll,e,;!vetir.g Rev, D. W. Col-
lins will give a 20 rninute talk on
KKitsbteer and the present war. Aar
mis:sor, 10 vents,
Mr, Wes, Caldwell of Ilexaall who+
bus joined the 2nd contingent and, is
stationed at London, was g:vena roils
send; off on Monday evening by
the citizens on Lipo occasion of his
visit. home for the week-er
o as the first opportunity tier citizens
bad to express their feelings rand thio
bltrid and all the oi,tirens turned. out:
to bid, hint God speed. They present:-
resent:ed him with a gold wrist watch.
Choir pleasantly e'rterte:near the
members of Main, Street 1leethodisl.
choir on ttihursdny esrn:ng after choir
practise, were giver, their ' annual
treat of apple pie and -Devonishixe
Cream and other dainties, by Council-
lor and Mrs, Harlon, After doing ,jus
tics to the supper acid ha s,ng spent a
social hoar a very I.i.eaa,,,s vote of
thanks west, tendered Mr, :and 'Mrs,
ilartocfor their apprretation` of the
A'Cold `Beeth --No need to go to Cali-
fornia these days to enjoy the balmy
hrceaes for some fins sunsh:ny wicp.-
ther prevailed during the peat week
and farmers who were late with. teas
fallplaugErg continued their work
is the field. One young man of town
who holds the record as 'ttl:�. first in
the spring and i;he last in the tall, to
bathe ic, the retreating water took
his last dip is a running stream on
Saturday last. For .several m;,rutes ho
breasted the flawirg transparent li-
watt a ad finally took e bath from the
chill waters of a crystal opting. Ile
Pronounced the water fine.
Hicks Forecasts—A Regular storm
period having its center on November
the 30th, will come into its culmitnat-
isg stages do the 1st ' n
2 d and d 3rd .
lh� center of the Mars period falls
ort'the '4tth. ,,The storms of this per-
iod w.11 most likely, Jbe attended by a
wave of uc,usuaIly high temperature!
for December, as atmospheric tides
will flaw northward from equatorial
regions. The Mars influence is also
decidedly electrical in its tetnrdb.ncy
Tile ',111crcury period will add its per-
turbing power at this time, iso that
altogether, ,we may reason -ably look
for some very :markedstorms, or oth-
er phenomena out of the normal cour-
se. The -same general character Of
svea!thor that may have prevailed. iri
November,, will be striikirgly prolong-
ed. +a'nd emphasized at this periods if
it has beer wild land wintery' prey
: pare for 'the same and worse, at this
'°1$,IS33 CONSTIPATED and other T�ccember periods.?If it
Look Mother! Iftongue is coated,
cleanse little bowels with' "Cali-,
fornix Syrup of Figs."
Mothers can rest easy after giving
Cali '
fornia Syrup of Figs," because in
a few hthe e elo
ged-u waste
clogged -up
sour bile and fermenting food' 'gently '
es out.. of the and you have
a, well, playful child again.
Sick children. n needo t -be
coaxed to
take ,this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep ' it hand
they know its action on the
stomach, 'liver and . bowels is
and sure.
druggist fit
for a 5
0-c o
nt bot-
tle of 'California, Syrupaf rigs,"vhic
contains directios for babies;
'of' all' azeg_4n for brown -1113134.
has been oPein, mile and ispringLlike,
depend upon it 'the same ,character
of w a'ther will for the ' most part
prevail ;in December. We repeat
that [the Mars tactor at tli'i_ time is
decidedly problematical, Last winter
cvery lirddi,catioln pointed to. rough and
stormy coedit r,{r.,s in December; but
with reversed results, r,h'
rr . s Decem-
he :Vmr.us period is a'bse,r4 Iht,t!-
mild and normal weather; but
and V
ua3'sP i -g the onioste
surprise upon•
us. Study ?arid watch co>~d;t`_ons in
,Novmbier a,rjd
eexpect, we rcl to
rcau titer through Decem
the same me gerreral"".co(ndii.tiori.s but to
greater !extremes. 'Whatever Mars,
dicates la, a
as a ru
[alasea,anableand;reversed ed as to
setiors isnidlocalities 'Tor .
frosts freezing
wiLter, wits, .warm o, en' weather
1? ,_
r,or thwurd,
FOR SALE-- very coinfortaWe or.
sad n half stores frame rouser situaw
ted on the corner of Williasam and. Vias
toria treets j osesssioa lst at A2ril
1015. Apply to Wm, ,Miters or
Gladmat and Stanbury Exeter.
Farm for Sale
LOT 7CON. 1. 8 11 ESI
T,.o property' of floe 1-te Tkomar,
Bic k house, hank barn, and, frames
,:n. 3 good 'sells, windmill, go.11
rch tto i'bout 8 acres at good "t dl
woad bush, containing about 500 eu-r
gar maple trees. Soil :lay loam, welt
drained and fenced. Farm lot
good state got: cultivation, one b,al4
utile from Centralia Station.
Possession can be given to sq
For terms and particulars apply 'to
Geo, G. Essery Gladtnan &Stanbury,
Centralia Siarialt'i's Exeter
The, pasters and &ranetters, stink; and
sons -au -law of tt.e late iiamuel omit
Mrs. Fa rson who have Wen n iu;iid• tG
'rest within the Iasi 5 ni:ailss v'4R tri r
thank Mr, and lIrs, alma, Xouldetit
coral oilier friends for •4',+'r kindness(
in the hour of grief :and orrow. J,
11. Na411,
, a s
MOWN .P'£310tPE1.3Ty h,`lt ?Sa,L1i
The a sidersaigned is offering for;
sale part df Lots 35, 130, and 37, !Carl, -1
ling Street on which is a storey ttnd,
half frame house coritaixing 7 rooini
good ceilariir-d kitchen there ore also
a. cumber Of choice fruit trees Girt
the premises and a good stable, hard
and soft water. Everything is id
good slate of repair. Will Be sold
reasonable.; Call Saturday 'for pax-!
1icularrs E.fl]N131,: GOULD, Exeter/C
Children Cry -
Must Yon' Be Bald?
What have you done to stop your
, hair from failing? Have you. tried
Rexall "93" flair Tonic? if not, we;
want you to try it at our risk.
If you have dandruff; if your hair
is falling out and your scrip is not
glazed and shiny, if you use Resat!.
93" Hair Tonic according to direc-
tions for thirty days, and at the end
of that time you are not thoroughly
satisfied with the results and will tell'
us so, we will immediately hand back
your money. Wo won't ask you to
promise anything. We won't even•
question you. We will take your
mere word and return your money.
Doesn't it stand to reason that
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic must be a
mighty good remedy and have given
great satisfaction to our customers if '
we endorse it like this? We know of
no similar remedy that is as good. It
is because of what Rexall."93" Hair
Tonic has clone for others that we
back it with our own money.
Why suffer scalp and hair trouble
or be bald, when Rexall "93" Hair,
Tonic will remove dandruff, make
your scalp comfortable and healthy,
promote hair growth and tend to,
prevent baldness — when we wiiflf
pay for the treatment should it tai1
to please you? .
We don't obligate you to '�zi v
thing. You sim l the true'!
t use '
rt andifnot , leas
e '
come back to us empty-handed -- an
we will hand bath what you paid uta
sizes, T o
w 50c 0 and $1.00 a'bottle.
You can buy Rexall"93" HairTonle
in this community only at our store:
et Cr 271tE
.Slbr* ,Ontario
There ere is a Rota Store in near evety town)
and city in the ' i"
Un ted States'
w. There is a different t Roan
Remedyfor ne'
arl every ordinary
human I,
designed ped for the particular which atis recommended.
Tito ieaafll-S4ores a e;AmePlcn=h Orcaltst
Drug: 5torxs