HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-12-3, Page 6For Christmas.
Will and Useful Gift
Solet at the Best Stores
E. Waterman Company. Lhani,ted, Montreal
does maketh
read and batter (-72,'
taste I"
T is when you spread
broad or
pemealees, fruit or
porridge, tbEet you notice most the sweetness and perfect
purity of isZEIDPATH Extra Qranulated Sugar. Buy it in tbe
2 ira-td 5,1b. Sezded Cartons, or in tbe 3,0, 20, 50 or 1.00-1b.
Cloth Ba" an2 you'll get the genuine eZed4.1.-„TKe absolutely
cean,jugt as it left the re -y.
the Bel
,1,,r41 Ora. t 1120.
b ^
ohuo s
'hat 2,0
14 y
geto..3,,-, tino
fool .. .. pas. f?: -...1.4
ite 4.'2,121VO4
.4..f14,- 63.::6cc-",,F':
r. .1,11(4v p.toiles4 ,pre,4.4,v4,13r
-1,-,..e.„ •.1. '4%44 22,11g2et,11.4.47. 61;.. 1.22 .4r fr'21.374.,,rt.,
,,, ct. :, tz,24.a, 1,424..a, 447 42-.22t 41142,11 1..71..4tlit'4-.1
.':241 .1.114.121t1 411.1, ye,11.t1.1442.44:4.:'
1.i'Ulti.,144t4o.' voutOtod' Ida.
4,43:,.,..r. Maie Ida,: sec, ,
tor a 4.224n121 -1;33.,.. 1 it.e.
4142 il thelza: al. ;ostlitt,r. 4
Yci wq.,A,m-Z.vtr. 17.-4:4 34, zit,.
AO ' 404.42.11 021, 4 1,412,14
1 1,41%111W., 21. ate,:
'•1 ,,11 ret.0.1' -22144.1 re,
et7.,1t, , tt2tee.1,e,
f, t• 4a4,
,C •
too. too^
, It
ord. 1 tk1
tuyoaif that
no. or 111,h4git
att4 a 4it;tc.7,Z,ri Our
aod 14•14. WAD, hi Th
up the tuanY otoae e, the
... andly that 1
la O titig.thrin -os,
2 49114
4' 10 there wito 1 ohm, .1
1 011• Wall, toe gapg, a, '4'
'..0tore whott. tired of
' ter silk ', •• ,2
. „,,,„4,,,, . ._ 41141 e 14P5,6'reitanil. law dear." he said,
boo n .d14o, boom, oboe of oioe:. P.121411"14 e t to . 4 "'". '''''.".." 1 "4 tumor you for that feeling. Weil. the11,
4.11,1 VA 11, kl:V4 '4...q.,i, 'U. WIref,,11 vvoryt, 441,4!),1111111 01, qoa:or v la 1;if . I Omit engage an 'architect of repute. lhe
0 noon tc,;:c„.f,,.., 4,,,, 1„ 1;44,1„ moo, are "Otond now. . War,* ' '4.,(:' lir,. in hie profeebiour -he -rubbed his
To.loog slototooi 1,E.,re witklt 1 votold not ' ,“41,..b1.dielt hands with seoreo o" *node with 4411 tor of en.loNttiouto"and ho
hot', itought at a foratotg a pereet but - 40‘.‘46:,,, netitoltng tite !porter. 'at oe ban roetare the old olaoe. with all re-
„, f.,,,o,,.;. t,,o,m•io, ,tolra. ood .40,..,,,,,,,o,” ile.'F' :4'1'0 Ma* for lierocellate 1 o. cot mat reveramov. 1 Mink 1 1014AV 111CO 1
.01 to employ; and 'we will Mart ot once. I
hat no time limy he loot. I want to
wPooit lel. Oought foe a low ortaRkoge tio;:d XVII,' In 'settled itt your prover posititot t
0114 11 . 41113.1^1 2. 1 •.-Iti.tow 10 e vowth hiant11*41.7, •i 4 The thought of it ;Welt Pr a new
t.I payoff.- lloudve.f. tn.:1.040AI: MN' ' i'i'io fe ovoet.,. down to tilerookti.', ..1.144pro. lo; .I1 I.fel Of eouree. you wdrvittot a a
.111Vor. ' leo 14 2I; her Imthii:tso lottteu -3 ao , be llo.r?Iwit; wtoilar'4rP lt.4:4 tliooke.4.. op g ppc
if !2,24 two, '4" 42 14i.f, 1,•4,rc,a/t. Lite 44 %v4 to. it! iho .zilier Vit.1.422 1114, 14.74 44.1,:-olf treatto , in
tt 2.-.03,41
,11 .4-4 40'14
og an
and th tiltO
folded vh,oune in
d ward. The gentle.es sister.: baritt 1 he reit
• .
ilett. trout her so rehtetantly, , mc,, 13.10 te.
ourprised 10 see her return o .
ai,vompanio,t, lay a fatherly.
wto tio,ot ,
he were alrato obe !giant
4'4 44'Im ut.
o g guns ar
kers, to stop
the left
are 24 per
g und* t) is the Ariog-
•trie shown by the doff
/the to do. Ati I hare e
4 4.1'0,' gooe-ose t yea aro now MO ni;•5treo
be r v,gweea013,1tita.....r fatirttn;otetuZt ialueltiom
47: -anti% Ittov. or would you lit* to
1/4. teMi14.114.114t reoa,Pds,;14 or go Abroad?'"
eye dee? fteend a, mixed tie o lane pat u-ellee.
fotind Me- "Oh, rot go 1a Uortdon ahroede'
ordill We. 'Vb. am gel. PO 1.411114014 31444:4441r 444
r, And I 44, -Can I rot live here? yOtt tale.:10 1.
anatomic • to,so I 1W 114.111V the ofght of Cho %due.
polltzFlItt_LIticat mu under zhe root 4:
Slor %otev,„:4 mould the faded. stately
ram rl-Asgo,,40,14... wcoltulay. and Mx, Word
nodded, ovinpatheliCally.
an;utantei. 44,1141%styld.:tr;;Ilhe
• onto the old {place. There io 1.
he dant. and thought that
noted Idle to go oway while
hotaig eartged OM.
her hood.
fel law to otay, \Prot if have
iiitollen C17411 qg the gar -
4. delqditt to me to watt*
14 I otioUld tioror grow
lained to you.
of a very large
lithe to live
a, Smoot* an
attd hO-4eal
o.t4 2.ti
*4;44 4.4204 2;1
41 1."‘
ftlikret., :'4,114411.1.°47 4 411 , 411
The ct
ile ing
above eervice
for the teaing.
br enteitennend ard the awl eleati• e our
e or her• rotern to the, 0 Ogee; tato
ildettly then, ma '‘t•lOwt.14i depreetsion.. leS$
on her:. wao eonselutte of an caelt-i Arid filo reek of the' 11
c yotd, a lave of occinethine 1,vhith rob. Fr= the SUU Mad
d her' heart of all it., 414, She bad no,i %fee
,too•atbk heraelf what it %sae:, oho know T,h• t ri
4'I1. )ie led bonne had tome hack to" t 'ee ° ett4 on 140
3/1:741c0:11:1*:ap 61 41 2:: rt arri avi ;1A'Ti 'e 114;ausuatnradt di:or:A.:a:I:I::: I:el7h
t, dead. and the ttattobine, brncht '
INet4,a4ch daubing, igdeed. bad .
to4ttir,Uttet elrot aheiTnartrobt14":1701 WThahtelbsOnthOer welrhanoe'ratagOiTor (14
bgia teen /41WP "tt wv/i" Itttras In our eight tea -
oat doe stafrotet had
arm.. gaml Word her tor IMO,
nig. how 14144' 0144' bad And ,stands while the
4 Sand,
oubi Pate he a* true4
e oehdee mom great name,
Awed. urvor ,aarer thAll faille ho our Let
44'ft..-;tt rerevY,tillonglf And we fight whereVer We Ile,
For lit,1110therta: and -*lime *bat pray
N Vever
'-'-'4 , P'00,
' F6'061:4 gcc;"46^,c6r„.1
And n at6.c.11,14, ,/-4,43.: throat. oot0000y
ettrodt loall41'•and 411 Irae 013,1111" cit•ncc16 title; fre4111,1tV,117,21"
1111,44.. lt0 iStottiner am; drinft.41itmoound.
6 cl,v661. oftetvelareOtootte L9. •j guataittemi 6,4 ticw o,ccc
8.2'ffe rot, broad-rnaoro. tlattY 6he',, fgall21420:244 Itc;r4 4N11,'
iittf,41.141154 111V1t, Attg.11411 v.-4:^Zi;4.1.i110 V4.l.11111031N4„ iccrg, 4- 44.
131g0,1041,1, 00.3 $cw.
" hatne-
1 4
led fb with a feelIng et; T 1)14'
14844I44 4. 1110111 regards a , tile ltoroe Slain
mit ;too* Will!
4404441, but ot %Web ht titd welt to bo 4,9
oing tiirtation„ *8 t.41'.4411 enough wittleL tonste, • In I le Wila
pu main:
tee alvecibuara.etino. t klau ili IN, ihrettion or ,, Al4tiiijnidt teltrottsr
• (84(4 44444(,4* whieh ho /tad stood 411I the sod
.. : 14 Ili Ii111 . 1. canteen
he went in with a. to:v(4 ,,,ttimfyll. And the crest of the WO,V1.'9; CU 4-
• tpll ,icoNie, ltnlenZng Pali] Wide, rolled,
onto and cut of it; You. will. Want 1 e . '1 . of tootle of the strange thittgo , That Ile send US 01{11 1.0 fIGIlt again
LiT: .tlq.i3OC' l'14 .$e t.vher 444.4 14 Alt tkit "..4 '11 „,uo ,tod on.ver,..g, o nth, tne monitory of it. ,,earriagte and horses,: limit tate toagesi 1*I11( ail )i-* 48(114-4 to ilea,. An ;be „ltrae , As our fatitern fought or old,
4;„,,,II.-a ,I.,. ark .,4,-4Ivro: 1)1 '.4,.'.'. L14, ,,le141. 4 111,t, elle 1).,'ai t....it an the cati.rtagi,4,, and the ' mie.lt 1)4. rebuilt,. and the 0'41 ilVe0120 01.11311*; AO Wat, tIllkingt...ON. WatO lasoet, 1.4,y A 14I:Igs, "
obi,. t.44 4 1,,.? 1,1 ? ,i,nd 2„-,v IN tka. r;4.1a1.41, firavl bad et.arted otiiil olle vealizeil that .4-41 cat awl nut In order. Heron Rail W414iing to aSk Jessie about ltrae Wood aud
,?. ;In. loeintvl ' ,11t,be woe anitvf It goon: /elute Inoue' oho ' eoe, et tin.* &nest plaeoo to the eounty and i Om Ortnefii 'Alt 4113 rite eratbed 410SVII tho We'll stand by tho dear old flag, boys
•,01il4 at ii.m ao if olio 41.741 4' 4. i'Vi1011. ' tht 11,4. EXPO'r SA14,41 111. 41.14 4NfOt iii'r t11 nk :A.10 It 17113411 be so again,' anti Jessie woe too intent uptati hear.
sr* tt te 48'14-l'-(4i'1‘t' o.aeo4 Igor !it a . ilevond.tie. leo'. utuela *he had Atffered .ti • "kcal dtrele 1. .4.8 he the lutuseliteper ing 114e 6tor3r Of 11411' 1114,8*re0tee fi0j011111 101 Whatever be sold or done;
tt who bad left her
ould nal let thought Or the brave heortg over the sea,
over her lite and
hy Otto tane 1841 14.44
ott r if he remembered
tl 41 on the. flag. boys?
or ram% 11;:,„
1:1' ,'44 op tr411;44/, r,,nne 4^f It""
14311144?111111.1i4.t4. 1114,4'0 4,0171441att /1f411 •
I VI 0 1111,-411' hor 4,rou 1".4n4 'flew 4°l•8; tallarenlif taw. 14Vel1 the ;rim id 4k. 411,141 .1sIton the tattler," %ant Ida. with a London to have utcy breath or ineltnation Tbnllgb, th hn-fs e0 faSto os IvP
•to .tia, , 4,„e.k7r iv 1.34 t411, -rod. hoe coital, w.ts %ninth of 'deport. I-144%14Mo elaJoYment. I to tell atm of the dale newt,. ttf couree face the blast.
1-'41 7., *4.4 that 4 zitt) ,; 14 84 01 a 42444%er 1(1444 4441114114 w.gii Iwo* ' "Ob. it ail te‘eate tile' a Mettle: mut i feet erda dot nit: spealt id the dieagreement at
V,,rdloy elto atite.l. , tomtit grotattadle to ;be Prot t2tielte11`1.).41.11 . that at rtvw namicrit I 1113:e tv4t14P arid find l 1441444r41atio Villa. bilk rho ituye, Jessie all
411 cot -m18111114: and vi1.1* re...-tortg her to the itil 4148814-0, the . Inyoelf at Laburnum Villa. And. oh, Mr. 1 amount 111 11.10 12144114114111 Pat/ tier torpert,
*"toi the h.oll polo,wolo troono, the brawyug streaute r.intoi 1Vt4-al1e37. t oholl %earn -.owe more money fences of ti 110sPital i Wird; at all wit:it
'c tgott,ix dim %Vert: do.trer to 1..-r than life at ogee. I want 10 1,441111 1110 Iferttriti a 4 J('44110 littera -Oho and "Alto" wit 8
',kale atoll .m. to Of. 1 urtetont. a retitle -nee. 441'4'$( 844 that Will '11)1144,1 breath anti unplug mount. It 'woo
‚.14, not mow! ,ni-, Mr. Vr .1.l'4'37 4.44,.4. .8 and woo full el help them, I hone, to forget the trottble I . tate before laa get to bed, and tater still
pelt yet quite eyettitathy uith liter annul. Ile bought eau ed them. Poor Itropie, 11 Wiiti 1444 1 before elle fell, asleep; for, fennellow, now
rtb; bat Fott nowsiutoelos ord nutgonotacto and be let her 'their Inuit: they did not ittiderstantl.°' tints, site Wilt& 44:4011 414 I1er011110.10 the mem.
, :.e a, veov i orlotte mot pretendmi to real!. hut every l Mr. Worelley snorted. 1 ory of that happy puot grew 1110110 vivid;
• ore not go- , now atati thon oho !net liai -144., 14t gloom.% **There is (1140 tOpie Of eonveroation, Illy , in Litt, tile whole place 'woo 'batiste:41 by
s eoto inel aod have. •.ily hi.: nod of the head that he dear 3t4.t,,,4 Ida. I ehall, lu. vonmelled to 1 the speotre of her 10611 1(11411 1111(1. of ail
elc.to,ell 4,4.8'18 '1.1.04 1'ej0.etn44 with her. bar." be said. -.I never want to Imar.,1„le. IsPeetrro tlos is the 810.1 sad and heart.
f lie had wired for a earriage area pair J(11111 Lferas11111 /141111e again. il% 10 3(411484488' omeseet)ing- 4471,
7. ti, 121,441 111PM 4.11 Brylltierattere. and Ida them It preseta, you ('.441, ol course, 60101 ' at* he continued./
. .
.4.1. , <rant '1,1114 21114 trei d to he patient. tried them anything you 11.4115. 141 1110 111111 tlf
1474.,iN48 ttl 1.00h ateniiet'rfled alitt valtit aural cunt- your hingtioto: though, if yea a St ano
.3'.l 4414484.4.. !Pored; but ohe utterfli a little ery and whether they deserve. ito,
/Davit 141, /Warty brOlie down when the '4.14'4'i4.84(5 13414144 -I didn't ask tott., raid Ida., with. .f.
144%. ' ,,be , ova at the familiar gate. anti .lessie. wbo lattgb. Vuttinir lter hood 011 hie arm 'it
: tha4,. wm- standing there, with her hair blown .we all got our deserte., how oad. It would
3.1r. -wad b- the wind. forgot the inequalities i be for everyone of ne.' ,
of their 44(4.14 40841, and eatelaing her be., Mr. Wortiley grunted.
loved young tuistre,os tu
to her boto, creole, "Toottorrow I ;hall pay a stun of inottey
ed and eobbed over her. into the olcaler'goe
, n
41141*' l
bnf • •'11 h1111yt.11T144 444
ant 10 fant. mo
I h
"*111-4'"So, no.he said .
44 71,
14. o 4 -widen, to um teted
14.1 14-4.41444"zo itlc 340444444 to on
I ;4' 119 1110 4'01 1414.141 /11
41141101 real:ou that I rat
I ,,uppt,,t can go
a ith '-081481-44 pitenun
czily brought the tear
"Go back, my dear!' he toelaimd. 01
VCIIrSP„ YOU can go bath! Thp14**', be-
etyou 1
1,1A 1211
longs to y011. Why, I've atioatly giveu tat Jason stood Just behind. balatteing binn. to drive over and get a. cheque-book; and
tire that I am 7'),44g to 414.1'. 048' the 11304 -4. -„elf 111,s4. oft ('818' foot, aid then 00 the you eau amuoe yourself by drawing der arms: Right about turn!” The
easee. You will get every !nth of 4444' (*21104-. in his efforts to get a glinapoe of ehequee until X come again."
land baelt; you will be tile riehest lady 241 apt, .he ,..tretrised out her ;tem over lingered ae long as he could and Wh°1e 1°t of men- ha(I perfOrMed
e emu .y yes. In toe w e con 1.4. ..eiska otz er and khook Ow honest kept the oarriage -waiting eome time; but their drill satisfactorily with the
gloriesoof the dear oid house ean he band wiliolt bad grown hard 44111 horny In at tact he went and Ida. was left alone to
‘..-evived: you tout queen it there 11,4 the Ire. hor Iserviee. dreste alutest carried ber anis.. face the strange change in her fortunw.
reni; cif old used to (mem' it. And ('‚.(1'57'41 4-• foto the hail, where a huge fire wee She sat before the fire dreaming for .t
peals, be proud and oltOighted to seo hurtling and threw ared and cheerful few initiates, then site wandered over the
oou. doing As for rat-, I am as:horned glow over tile fatting gilding and grer. old house from room to room; and every
to say that I ha\ e elm° lost my bead toned hangings -.room bad its memories and association,.
over the busineee. And have behaved like "Oh. ititAs, how thin you her she said for her. In the library 811e eould almost
anything but like a staid and eto t last. res. with elaoned bands, she eur-( laves, that her father woe sitting in the
ber old eolkitor." eyed Ida. fl-ona top 40 404- anxiouely and high-backed chair which woe still drawn
Ite iouglied, and hicw his 41oc.,(1, and nod. oreedilY. "Wherever have you been to look up in its pirtee to the table; and ehe WCIlt
fled with a, eltameineed oy which affeeted lute that? tut, nerer /mild, Miss Ida; and sat, in it, and touched with reverent,
Ida oven more than 11,o wonderful newe you're back, and that's everything! And loving hand the books and papers, over
had done. we'll very :open get some flesh on your wbieh he bad been wont to bend. Site
"flow can 1 thank you for all ',I•our hor..s and dr;ve the sad look oui, of thee stood before his uortrait and gazed at it
, goodness to me," she murmured, a Etta! eYeE,." In moments of emotion and ex. with tear -dimmed eyes, anti only the eon -
brokenly. citentent Jessie forgot,theschooling seloustiess of the love she had borne him
"Thank inel Don't 37011attempt to had given her, wad 1:4411(7(1into semi-Weist, enabledher to bear his absence. .As ehe
• tbank me, or I shall brook down alto. morlatid-You've missed the moorland pawed through the hall the newly risen
nether: for I've been the otupideet and air, dearie, and the cream and the milk- inoon was pouring in through the tall
meet wooden -beaded idiot that. ever -die, rve 'eard it's all chalk and water in Lou- window. and, followed by Donald and
graced a noble profession. I ought to don -and 3. suopose there wasn't room to Begs, who had not left, her for a moment,
have seen through your father's affeeta- ride in them crowded streete; and the she opened the great hall door and went
tion of miserliness and indifference. Any- food, too, I'm told it ain't fit for ordinary on to the terrace, and walking to the end,
body but a silly old numskull would have humans, leave alone a, dainty maid like stood and looked towards the ruined
done so. But. my dear, why arc we stay- my- eiveet in‘strese.," ehanel in which her father had buried hie
ing here, why don't we go away at olive? "Yee, youshall fatten me to your heart'e treasure.
You'd like to go book to lierondale by desire, oTeesia " said Ida. -I suppose .1.1p to thie moment she had been buoyed
don't, look of ranch aetonnt; I've been ill.
And the .foe be ten to
Though our 014 reward be the th ust
or the sword, •
And a bullet in heart or' brain.
What matters ,one gone tr aso. flag
floats ou,
And BrItalu.:be lord or the ,main.
'ienna Pull of Wounded Men --
:New Recruit. vasion of l'holet,a and Dysentery.
He SS a new recruit, and tho When Austria so arrogantly nutd,t
first day of parade he was mustered her demands upon Semen, late in
up along with a batch of other re- July, the world regarded her ae a
emits to do drill. "Attention," great Power wrongfullv attempting
thundered the sergeant. -Shoal- to coeree a weaker nation. She was
confident, of course, of her ability
to compel Servia to her way of
thinking, irrespective of the rights
of the case. Site thought she eould
repeat the coup by which she ob-
tained possession of Bosnia and
Herzegovina a few years before.
NoW she is stricken to the point
of exhaustion: A correspondent a
Rome sends a graphic deseriptiox
of the disaster that has overtaker
her. Vienna is literally a, great hOS
pital. Barracks, school houses,
theatres, offices, the museum and
the rotunda, of the famous Prater
Park are all in use for the care of
the wounded. Cholera and dysen-
teiT, the fornaer in mild but, the
latter in fatal form, have invaded
the city. The public is beginning
to understand the failure of the
• the first. rain. You muck. hate Ile sight
„ t OMIT soon get -well. I felt, as we
"No, ..o, said Ida, gentrly. --Yes, I di-ove along the moor, with the wind blo11.
would like to go hack to- Iterondale-ah, ing oe my cheek, as if I had not breathed
Yee, e0011 ae. poeSible. 13114. I should lIke since the hour I left. And now tell me
to e eomeono before 1 go -the sister, the everything -all --at once! Rupert? There's -
11 1' ze, who have been eo geed to 'the. YOU 1104400(1 to ask about the doge." Donald
oure"--she paused and went on 4.4141-137, mud Bees 441141 not yet ceased to tear at her
elk are sure there is no mistake, that f in frantie efforts to express their delight.
• oe 0014141trioney, ain rich?" "Are you glad I'le come book, Donald?"
4 -Rich as Croesn6, any dear child," he re- fahe asked in a low voice as ehe knelt and
&pointed, with a laugh, put her arms round his neck and nestled
She blushed. ;still more deeply. her taco against his, and let him lick her
"'nen, have you -have you any money with his great, eoft tongue. "Ah, if you
With 7011, Mr. Virordley? I mean quite a are only half as glad as arn, doggie,
loogo Gum417 money?, your heart must be half brea.king 1.1(14
1) chi• • .4(144 4.4 oory large stun, my dear," he the ico,V Of it. And if IOn aeart, you. are
„sell or b replied ratheo puzzledi"About twenty or disgraoefuIly fat, Beets.- Don't -telt me
n„nds. ,parhans.o you've missed me, for I-cion't believe it."
Ida's face fon. • It, was sometime ,before Jessie could
"Oh, that is not, nearly enough," she drag, her upstairs; 2-1(1the sight of her
moominmd. • old :room, as cheerful as the hall, with
',E11?" he aelted.., ''But I've got mY the huge fire, alnaoet unnerved her, and
chequebook with me, inoeh do you when .48 wae atone • she fsank upOn her
want? ono, forgioo, nay ,dear Mi16 knees 'beside the bed in a thanksgiving
Ida, lull way I ask who t Y01.1 want,' 14. for?" which was nont the less deep .ancl fe.rvent
'Can 1 obectue fol.' five hundred for tt.s an-otenees,
pour000;p,,,,odoo„,,,oedt timidly. When she came down the dinner was
"Five thoneood, filly thousand, 11137 ready and Mr. WortIley -was standing 'in
dear!". he veepotmeol, 01.311' -4.1.'. and with front of 4e -fire awaiting her. She was
no little pride 'atid eatisfaetion, 4114141441,41ab Jason kod not had time to pro.
"Five hundred loilf,do -for the present," oltre hew liY'vri'17. 9o.
.f the Pld
15'11e,‘;vid.,a, oPerhaps the shabbines or the room., thal. its aSpect
roo'draw it out..." wae not yet changed, and thrtt it greeted
s ti.11 Mr.:Woroiley Went into tlie -with all Ito cdd --------familiaFreight prepaid to any Station in Old Ontario. Terms: cash with. the order. Special prices tO other sections of Canaria, on
oayobio to the hospital -and but when (-4484,4 111(14 gcme into the drawing "Redcliffe" CorrUgated iron to-daY at our special cut prices. Very, special reduced prices are also being quoted for "Metallic" Siding
fcio'e it to Me, pfloat2,44;1' Ria, in a totv room, 14 drew a chair to the tire f•or her (Roca or Driek.face patterns) and "Metallic" Steel Ceiling and Wall Plates—bemitiftil a,nd durable. Correspondence invited.
„.., ' a.nd
exeeption of one, who had not mov-
ed a muscle, The sergeant was ina,d
with rage, and going up to the new
recruit, taught him by the neck and
shook him, asking if he was deaf.
"No, sir," came the aniwer. "Then
why the dickens didn't you turn
when shouted right about turn 7"
"Please, sir, rm. left-handed."
Unless you try you will neve
know what you cap do.
The Clergy m 'Your husband
cgays he always ifeels so refreshed af-
ter one of nry serreons." Mrs. Pews
(a,bsently)--"Yes, a good sleep does
refresh one you know !"
ns Com
F the child has
big, generous
light to study by.
lamp v
train. kero-
sene light a its best
clear, mellow.
and unflickering.
The RA.Y0 does not
smoke or smelt It is
easy to light, easy to
clean, and easy to re -
wick. The RAY 0
costs little, but you
cannot get a better
lamp at any priCe.
Made in Canada
; campaign. There u.re no evidences
1 of "patriotic,. pasSion, sympathy or
- enthusiasm," The empire is on the
ragged edge of ea,lastroplie. Its
dissolution would. be the riatitral
outeome of its latest, and most, (I
astrous military experiment.
ROTALITE OIL is holt for all uses
Toronto Quelsc 11611fax tionarAl
St, Jam Wistolpez Vancouver 7,
Willie --Paw, why is an a,fter-din-
ner speech called a toast? Paw —
Because it is usually so dry, my
ritishiminade Rocrfin
la95151AWS1/111:/111=0Wifts 4.
In these strenuous days do not send your money to foreign copntries—circulate it AT HOME, where your crops are sold, and
where your money win come back to you and Your family. Our "Redcliffe Corrugated Iron is British through and tbrough—mined,
smelted, rolled, galVonized and corrugated 'within the Empire. We could .use foreign -made Keystone sheets if We \visited, but we
prefer to buy within the Empire,. and so should you. Our thirty-year reputation for square dealing is behind every one of the, famous
"Redcliffe" British made Galvanized Sheets which you' will get if you buy from us. And our prices are as low or lower than sheets'
made in the United States,
Our Prices To -day Are:
28 C u:e---$3.60 per /00 square feet ORDER
26 Gauge -43.80 per 100 square fe t
Porter's box and to'ok out his (Xeriue- would not let her.i.cillc until ,slie had
book, • ' made, •at rate, a pretence of eatihg application. We can also supply Corrugated Ridge cap, etc., to fit our sheets. "You save Money and•get a vastly better article.' Buy
rhP 4021 ny,lt* ' i • r.avr ..-• - - -- - -- -
'' ' '3“' c'.'.s..1-14.-.1.., and he /704- - ,-42Iy denr, 1 am afraid 1 shalt bavc • We will gladly help you with your barn plans, Let us hear from you 'about your requirements,
, -,-.°,11"-- ----- . ." .' to tali; bustneee. 1 ehall. be too buoy to
Ot coins:, ,oi 4.4-ii.K.` ; 0.1 ble-s Too come over to -morrow." Ire lani/e(l• "Y" .
_ .
I; a1nlol,‘,7 leot1ti1th, lif'iuslIi4vc%ghO T0eomr,rZta,Orfdofo,.et.-rg1,.0.1.,1
t .:.c0,t20,4Af, fn.r1'o av.f. :wtlhoatt, awsradn i psceaaoicrtn I 1 thoaaabvcaeollmleaf.f*111(1*111(1fatletlhr eTaImn1c1/Y' ion.ttbtraop
1le0at1e1t1oy-0fo; ' mI uaedxf.-
G 0 Ltd 11 i9 KiyiniagnaufnadctDu ureffresrP01)1ele 130„,Ared101.yotiandcieNo mydearbefore I go1 4444011141 ,, . ,„.„
16-1.114.4. don you 41147 a ao you to 1e1 me exatly whatyou would.,,,inCo r. Tc)rorri
i$4.331:'44.4t374-4144* 1,741
lake” Steel Sbingles.
and •"Redcliff,e" Tirr-
tish-made Corrugat-
, ed 13 044 make a
stamtch, time -proof
'et et ,,keDra
leeeeeeette ena,ofeece, eeeteeeeekeeteeeeetee11eette4
Ou thc Far
Cream. Tests.
Theis, a -‘ anany causcs for the,
variathme sonietitnes tonna in
ereaut test'l. l-requently would be
a better 'Word to thaCc sometimes
4.14 conneetiun with this subject, for
variacloas che tests may always
iooked for. A few-, oi the
are. her;
if thc.- mill: of a her(' of cows,
varrs44 axerage test, is four per cent,
4.41 separated so titat the cream tesbs.
0 per cent. und the
drops to .3.5 per cent. of fat, will
erten. cleetir, the eream wiil then test
only z),3 per cent. The amount of
fat kst ills. 5.,..ki444 chi14( is 1106 64.1-
e0 4.0 an,y ai!)preciabie 'X4.41' 1,
the richness of the separated.
One of the a4.c.34 cominon V0-11.14.t21i of
variation in che test of cre4';n1 frum
the, farm sepccimox is cc -variation 1/1
th to tai water of skim milk
aiug out che cream at'11*' 11151(1 ef.
4,he, ran, It appa;renr.
Lhat .p,?ehranv cciiserE. 4.1 e24.54r,T1
tits it. 4Sse144ra4.tNI„ a !marked
a icianes» of th,,,
17-411 37, 11.4.11."‘"
made by a. 01141117e in
4 water or «11 4) 4444'4
c, 445'41'8
el: Litr 1:14,1c...kitinatttf4:zm!' 4ra; 2,r; sv:lafiliet
e per 4.44114 44 faa Z 111 t1161
g'rn tita;e';'4:
, ricV Co
1;e0 r -ea
The cream „ea
h gcat verv
111114-7'r z „
41 441444'444!ankle to exi
**pled -
fecel I I iffiettale. 4.111 4 ',
1)141 41'‘‘-'14 1/11011411111gILIV r rgi.;
4 013Z urit,o..,trafl pair! ;
▪ 11 The rielane.,i
21411 i; 4
I baligf 41 %Ole, 4., , i•
' tho-,1,d 44,111 olit 4011 %v.
etpC• eartlerd
440 ool let 4
14417 frAr ereeem 14)
tultr is,
qte t hod,
cc',44 fccla it
° V t
4(3 11
• 'f 4.:.'4'9
ta-,'N”', 11. 14.14.1
441.74 4' 4.. 4-4
'8415141 4° v%01"t'zi
' t.1,4!11., a la
44 1 ill!, the 1181 rittle. f.14
11 /Intl tti 43,41 14 4. 8444„1
4i„..141 onc othec• 84-44 4.
• 1, arrathe.it it! 1.11011 5 nablit,rr
va4.1 to* Lrovcri-mti
Alltslitl 16341614cLick t44. cc,1111 coo
caih 4** it e‘.,rtain extahit. hat ialt-a
11 get. '.4.5.1 atao clot:a 10.414 mune <841
murit a leatti;attor. as 10.1)
84e-4in 44 1111t ttPetait a, fa.et.,
of :air. 11v icrot.ccetiiig tic.c
w,11-4 1441 awilin.X 4. 4191Ice
8.14*T18 1-,1 that ‘,.-71-r. Tilt= 41114 4414
.,19u!d plat oat at *rant,. 114 tilar
it -
±11 he rernoved ana a plea -ani
ellowittg freelz air to circulate
ireugli tile house on swell elae.s.
Tile tittle Crop !Systette,
Otily in rare instttrices Is It 1.1 tIV1S-
AC or eVen snfe, for the, fariner to
tle.pend witorly on one kind of crop
for revenue. The one trop sys.tem
is indeed risky ; some years it reti4*.
come out all rie,,ht, while in others
it will prove a total failure, and in
thOt. case, unless the farmer has a
good bank account, ,he is in poee
shape ; hence, for the common farm-,
ev it is besf to diversify 1114 crops,
practising ,a rotation anct appl.ying
all the manure made by the. „farm
animals or commekeial manures sO
as to keep up the fertility of his
soil and inipeove it if i)ossiblc.
' It's 'easy for a weak man to break
a. promisee
Neglect 91e first oopeertunity of,
yout- debts; and another
may ne.ver occuri?l'ide hurries ,
many14 inan to get out of debt ; fear
prevents 4 neany from getting into'
"revs. Smith and ;finks are going .
to operate on' .I-leeekrin s.' N e ee •
sary 'Ye s . Dr. ,Tink.s, \v•ants
new atid 1.)r. •Sdn,i,ttla has a heaey
,bil'l earl -110,g d1,1e.1 •
' e r-1-- Well , Yc r kn. 1W, niuni,
'Mea.t's very clear to-tlay. 14418, Gra),
bins. --110 1 Then ginerne tx 'pound.
y te rday ' s ste.a.ik,, please.
s v 11,13 wi ,a, a yi.:7
'How' ?'' ti.f.tren, esiei he
would lay down' his IiF.e for -roe 1''
'Well ?1' '`And ki•ow 11,e kicks eviie)) •
4.,aSle 'hint to lay -do \\'11 .
39aleSntatt--Perhaps ,this
doll nlease the 1-.kab1. Buoteo---
No, ii; 'eni strictly e (1 11, (..oton.
ine •a• ,c1 r tun 741 71 41.514.1. 1, 1).4*4114 of
'soldiers arld -a toy Itis,toi.