HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-12-3, Page 51413111:111$DAY, 3)EVBIPED, 1,0,
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So Much Pleasure that you Could Have?
7 ,-
ES. you r..1P live without music and brightness and V)
hupPiness and friends. But why should you, when
these things cogt so little and mean so much .?
Lots of people, who said they "could do without an
Edison Phonograph" before they owned ooe, now ssY
they "could not do without it" --it has brought so much
pieasure into treeir lives.
The Edison aPpeal is UttiVersal. To th04,0 whO liOvO
2'ood unts1C--,to these wbO enjoy most the old airs—to
those who prefer harumental nolteic—to the younger set
and even to the citildren--the Edison is a daily source of
pleasure and recreation.
And the prices for Edison Phonographs and Edison
Records *re so moderate—the variety is so great—that
there east be no tilaeSlien es tia our ability to Suit yon,
WhAt'S the Use Ot missing sit). Much pleasure ? Get
rime pracz
Iteto '41.0".11,
Relieve Your Mind
denial t anUng an indi
s --
W1 he ve t
when •rno$t wanted? Will he If
Vilt he pruvenfaithruIT
These are all possibilities.
a sideratiot entrUstin"' the
c srvative p
WLfl h
Mr, and Xre, Curry of Sebawirg
%iota are visitirg the latter's parents
Mr, And Mre, John Finkbeiner.
Miss Mabel Vile of Grand Rapids
is vitieg her allint Mrs, Jae," rock
aed Mrs, Xeohler of •Zerich
were the. gueets of Mr, and Mrs,
Johc Sweritzer on Sunday la,st.
'Miss Lola Taylor of Exeter visited
friends in town for a few day.
,Airs. Messmer a Buffalo ie ;home
t present, -
Atis,s Mixilie Wein. is visitng in Lon-
don, f
The eeryices ha the EVar.gelical
church on, Soinday everxing fast was
'the inierest of the Youog
Messrs Ire Brown rind Carl Swett-
zer gave two splendid reports of. the
Toys Coever.tOan held at Guelph a
lew weeks aeo.
Miss ClaraFohoer spent a few (la)
ie London,
Alre, Garret Bakeratd children are
tleg relatives
3tr. and Airs, Alark Clark visited
riends to Grant= reeentlY.
trs, it. Rodgert sited at the
home of 11r, and. Arr,s, J, Izzara. o
eromarty or. Saturday last,
Miss Jennie Russell left on 5tenda3
take a Positioo ie the hospital
rs. Frank Dept
11! a work fe-41,,rr
3",rs, Foster has retureed from Bay-
field lettere she has lbeert oleiting her
.L atudi Olive of Port
nuron are geests .of relatives here.
Mr, R. Zoglistr is building an addit-
ion. to la'is !shop.
Miss Mason Bullock spent last
week with her eieter Mr$, 'John
Miss Attie Alder,soo spe ot the week
kred. with Mies Marie Eagleson.
Prectiee for the xCihristmas eeter-
teirenente in .the °touches bre is thP
Orttler,Of the daY.
The 8 S. cOovefotion for Stephen Tp
held it. the Method:et chlarohlast
was ss :rge.gretli salczcee4susa. affahe:s
Was eXpccied .but those who came
i0.3ne4. t be addresses of Mi.se Lalae of
Toroeto Rev, E. G. Powell, of)
oc Rev, Becker of ianeditca aed MrW. ,
ws GrijrniMschtdd ICIArreidrerliOenisre..,aadielitTe
and Greenway mare chort1S.
"Mrs, M. Nichoison of Tiodeon, s vs
uir-87 'relatiVes a'rei ',(riends ln bi
sigfrjrst,T-Eriza rrueroner left for De
it a-ecently, where she will suet
winter 1% -"at relatives
r, god :Mrs,w,C„ Meter ha
ort,e4 Trent er, extended visit wi
a Uwe riod trend n Mi ell n,
1r,, Jobe J. Smith end l'amly of
be Goshen line north, hare moved
r, the handsome riot' residence
t is 'cow r.easly cempleted erid is
a credit to the ccon.nnens,
Mr, Chester L, Smith, ser4 or Mt'.
)areel timith St. Joseph bas percinee-
d half interest in the Hertildi
Ot Ave) Andrew F. HOBS. Yr,•
bluith intondo taking part tp the
mooltanical part of the 'work.
It'. Fwd. Da tors, $r„ has purchnev
lie house ar.d. lot owhod Aft', Eli
enberer, who retains posseesion
April 1st 1915
he, 'Board of licall13, or tht4 Town -
or nay !keld meetiug on Setup -
'the .21st at Ole call of tba
Ulcer or health. Mt meruhers
✓ t scer.t, rho 13,redical Off:cer ot
necordance with instructions
oaret of Ilealth, to have tithe
water of the schools 1,11
ukt.1.4 and also the lee used
stir; purpos:switlir,. the nun -
!lay, tested ord aualysed.
that the water or
vas condented by the Geyer
A)nalist, 43 not being fi
rs use. The iseeretary was in -
meted to notiky the trustees of
that school
t3tr. 31nreC4 of Dashwood haf
kea a position in the plaining
John Gascho, wife and. family,
,turned, to their home in 'Elkton
Wilraen Scher..k who recently sold
ts 'farm has purchased the Blake Ian-
propil,rty from 3rrs, M. Nicholoort
or Lor.don and geos possess,on at once
Tha consideration woi *850.00 31 -it,
Schenk put lamily will' use it as a
clweliltk; house,
Job; McPhail is t Pre'''entVs
g frkds io 'Sbelhoureo
vele. qm,.. guests oC the +.3tieS
Mr, and 3firs, Levy of St.
or Wed t-titlay.
• Ainte Roy or Qrar,tort w
pleasant viistor etnOng
her friends retereol to her
Gy%r4on on Moolny.
\VIat ight have been a serious se
cured to :tress's% Milton and
bvard Balfour whges driving to Mit-
ell, on Jronday morning. the ,Ixons,s
came frighter.Qd and Tau vay
rowing the occupants out anti
Fg th: buggy, Vortunately o
c•ewas done -excepting to t
bo removal or 3fr,
Woltz' to Mitchell, th
tell with two haadsol
address by -the co
Hoy a Presbyterian
deur rr, . Balfour wilt ho
missed very uu't both It
a a-41 hechu
other social ct . Wteare;
' to lose :such c
rn our common hie r.eighbor
C your esta
• Tan IU o
for his own
!Ay leave 'Mean
on of your e
CalI er wrRe• all faUondesired.
0., .C., BOWS, N.C., PecAleric JOU 5.
Mrs, Edward Gou1 a
otaelot Nokom's Sask. are at presr
nt v itlmf relatives and, Wends li
se ports,
us, John Gould is at prese,fit, con
' -sel to hir room through illness.
r3tr, John Nert beott nd r, John
Trobro?r who have each been remodel)
' • tlte:r baths during the past sum -
have gat the work about?
Tirrres and TprOrit0 Globe ...... ---- 3-75
Times and Toronto Mail and Emp:ke.— • -- • • 3 75
Times and Toronto Daily News 2 85
Times and Tornto Daily World..................3 2
Times and Toronto Daily Star 2 85
Times and London Eveni,ng,or Morning Adve7tiser 2 90
Times and London Weekly Advertiser .... ) 75
Times and London Morning Frge Press —.. 3 50
Times and London Evenina Free Press-- ...2
• Times and London Weekly Free Press... 85
• Times, and Toronto Saturday Night .3 50
Times and Farmers Abvocate ...... 40
Times and Canadian Fastif:.7":".. .
Times and Toronto Sun
Times and Farmer and Dairy ......
Tittles and Montreal Family Herald & Weekly Star
Times and Weekly Illustrated Globe...
Tines and Weekly Mail and Empire . ... -
Times and The Country Gentleman
Times and Canadian Ponitry News
Times and Montreal Weekly Witpess... .
Times.and Christian Guardian
Times attd- Prespyterian ........... . DO
Times and Westminister — ...... •••• . • .
Time and Presbyterian and Westrninister
)7 8;
. • • . • 3
• • • .• • 1
• - • •-• 3
• • 2 45
.. 2 25
-.3 25
Send your remittance by money order, post office
or express order (not by bank chequeunless exchange is
Exeter Times Printing
•Company, Limited•
sellsi"Wveiteti-eireerealtee er
M:ss iTessa Langford, of London
has been d'creed, to give up her pos:-
ion there and ,return to her home
wing to the Illness ot her moth
rrs, J. Lang-ord.
A. very intereormg debate was giv-
en under the auspices of the Epworth
ague oci the question. 4tiie5olvt4d,
that tbe family ob/igatione Are more
hir,d'alg than 21IltiO TM I obligat'ona"
F. llodason and Miss l3lartch were
the speakers for the aftirmative cowl
3fr, G, Pulleshlatk supported by
Miss Latilett spola.• for the negative;
Tile judges decided iu favor of the
nega tive
'Mr, and Ilfrs, G Met3ride cif: Tor-
onto ,have returnied, after spending a
few days with friends Acre,
land Mrs, John Battin and fam-
ly tlfair removed from 0:or.. to Elinr,-
vtile Mr, and ILr.s 'Wm. Ikrain
have moved from Elbravale to 'Zito-
aed Mrs, P. Hern lire intending
to move to Exeter,.
Mrs, E. backs is cotring.d to her
toed at the hour -t ber -daughter Ates.
J. Ardereetre
w. Farkiteon . rented one of
his ifarms to .f, Cgoen of, Exeter.
The Ladies Patnotio eague of
Zio,n Aferthoidast church 'sent to tible
•Xelgium lielef Fund a large qua,n-
,tity'a cloths cors:etieig of Gi quilts,
"g8 coats, 1 boy's overcro t, 2
InenV coats; 3 nicres Nests, 1 pair
trousers, 8 childree's enderskirts, 1
:toys :suit. 2 baby's ' um:mots, 19 ladies
vests,. 6 childree'S rests, 2 t leepers,
1 outside 'skirt, 3 yards of flannelette
5 pair's Of etrildr,ece ,Irawies 7 child-
rer.'s diresses sevetu infants suies 2
chest protector.s, 15 paps, 2 pairs
gloves 9 pairs of mitts, 14 pairs t of
children's stockings G pairs men's
stockings 5 ladtes skirts IA ladies
waists, 3 lades dresses, 1 dozer!' die-
pers„ 6 pains infants stookings, 2 in -
'louts ee,ses, 3 blouses 1 apron, 8 cap-
es. 1 pair shoes The total value would
be taboet 1200-
A Clean Cool Scalp
'tt s, needless for you t.) have •11,1;
thyli is '1
it is falling out, losing, color; spt-
or the 'scalp burns and itches.
• immediately get from W. S. Cole or
drug en!, nter 0-c_. t b`l iI
r'arD, .S Ian Sag --use it frequent'y—the
-.first application reredves dandruff. in-
.,;.gera tcs the a ILI hen utifies
,beir Until if is glorious'y radlant, ,
Parisian "Sag -e ',.„upplies "hair needs
is perfectly harmless. 1 t coatiins 1
exact elements x,,...quirecl Ie mate •tlee
hairesOtt wavy gios§,Y and •t>nke
,lt arOity 1 hielr ,f1 aid bean ti 1 tit. ,
You .w.iII•eurely Irlic Peraeien Sge
ft is nia,- of the mast drligh tint hair
torecn known,
Our villagers were shocked last
week to Jetta, iof the death, of one of
otir dormer well-known buSineSS Men
ir persoln of Mr, John 13 McArthur
It Aripoars that '3Xr. ZreArthur and
wU IreXP tritg with and taking care
of'Arm IlfacAr'hur's tallier, at 'Mt -
ford, n fi,ret ot t,1 wee'k it
nplasars that the door de thia. -coal
stove in some rtnAncr was iteftt open
and dating the night both Mr o Mac-
Aeltur and hM,tather-14:4a pal:sod
awav J1xbm igie effects of the escap-
ing coal gos airect according to the tic -
collet giflua, in one a tle thilios MrS.
McArthur was also ifoundt with
hre nearly extinct. itha sad. tragedy
has rtbrawn quite a gloom over our
village where Mr,- and Mrs, McAr-
thur were so well known as Mr, Mo -
Arthur lad been engaged for „many
years in the hardware business her.
Lige fowl are ihetng freely 'brought
icto '.market hero ovd are also being
shipped avetev.
Mrs, G. IScott or Beachville is visit-
ing heir s'ster Arm J. Sutherland
3tiss Ethel Fulton reoently enter -
tatted In number of _friends in honor
of Miss Margaret Thompson who hes
,siece. left 'for Wiinnipegeto be married
to Mr, 'W. R. "Buttery of Regir.a 1Ter
many relatives in Rensall and. vicinity
tvi,sh her long and eoillt;utted bOPPir
ML‘ss II, D. 'Sutherland lost week
spent a`Tew days with relatives ond
friends London
• The larlies of Ifer.sall are 'this week
pockir.g- and sh'pping away quite a
quantity of new and .second hied
• elothee for the 'Belgium relief.
• Mr, ,Tohr, W. Todd has returned
from .,London where he has 'been un-
dergoieg 'treatment for knee trouble
arr4 we are pleased to learni lib'. is con,-
siderably improved.
Mr, Richard Vudmore and staff are
putting on tha second cnat of
plaster err the lively town hall, which.
owing to the wilniclows all haeine been
put On and little 'fire th'Zi are
able to got on with ithe' work wThOett
was' 'stopped for a while onaccount of
the ,cold tvtather and the open Stet:
'o( tire
,Afrs, R. Jarrott has rentell hire
dwelling Of Mos. F. Ryckman lately
rented bY Mrs. Priee.
Dr. W. L. Mair who has earr:ed
on quite a good pivot's° (for the past
three or Tour years ,has solid out his
practise rand good will to Dr, S. J. !1'.
Bar. who recently graduated ond
• who 'intends practising here. Dr,
Moir w;11 be mis.sed by a forge circle
of Irk ndS eve° w11vieS,11 ,h1M sqtnee sii
in 'his practise wherever he may lo -
✓ ate, and Dr, Bean wiII, no doubt,
eornmar.d. a good share cif practise. --
Mr. tend 31r,s. Harry 'Smith have
purchased It. • neat Ittla d tv-e i I
owned land occupied by the la to Mrs.
13e r.gaugh. •
Mr. G. V, Petty tric loree
store ep the Bell ,f1hrelr fic'ebeeap
and it -Mill not be long- bcofare i44 is
Tera tenant. ••
Miss Berl ha '131a tch:erd is visit' ug
Cr:ere:Is ;n Londetn. •
Mrs, J. 'W", 13ri 1 , o e t. Thna s
vLeiting, Mrs, John Scott,
31r, W. Amy ed ' fam'spent Sun-
day With Mr, and 11! Statham.
ligrry Loeht.er is it Loodom
this week ork burs
Oir, ated Mrs, Tolnett ispentl Sandal/
siLAfr, and Mrs, Mat Itegele iot.
',lir, Thomas, Q'Roulte is visiting ot
his Jlorne here.
Mr, Lester and Miss Alable Routch-
to or Grecloway called on iltiesi Laura
Ifariton eatirrelay.
-Arr, ed Felto'a 'Baxter or Tor -
oro are spond'ing their honey-moo4
iscitt the fOrlaaer',.5 Parente, Mr. and
Mrs, Jas. Baxter
Stisses Viola end. Alice Gaiser epee
.Sitterley in Vnediton.
Wedding Bells wilt soon be tringin
our belitg.
Aliss Pearl Icays pet Sunday
',home 1:lere.
jr, 'Chris Finkbeirer lost a ver
raloahle horse on Monday last,
Jack Goodieg is at preseintin
S, Joseph 's hospital Londen where he
avderwent au operation for appene
dielitie last 3fonday, he is getting
along ee well as can be expected.
Alr, and Mrs, J. Fahne- of Credo
vieited Mr, aed 'Airs, J. Geiser,.
Mr, Wm. Watson, who .has been' vis -
bis (sister elrs, j, tIato.oher, has
reettreed to hls hong! in Tecs:,water.
A yourg mp.n as nrjaga
terr Sur-daY Ihr was prepare -
ed for A mide'ght retere bet day -
[girl wee better.
flss Vih/et Shor o1 1oatBridges
sperr last week wit* 16e4 etzeili
and. Mre, lieetor Afillsen,
Voodoo ltar1ey, geve o epleadid
prt `AS, tkildfty of the et:owe/41On, e
ilsa Creig bold there a d'ort tire
acel, Mrs, John 3iorloy return,'
last u -seek drom a visit with relative's
cd friends around Arkona and Thed-
There are a cnumber or cases
measles around these parts,
Miss Edna tiuntl•eg. spent En
N%. I t fr ends in, Eatete,r.
Lr Wro. Eosin near Grantee
s:tiously ill with typheld rover.
Hector 31111.con spent, a feW •
UeCk Nsith his brother Newton,at
T 3Vs.siorar?
4, -ere Ott ,1•+ and
tiore tar. 211 per
31,r, and Mrs. Tho/n
and Ws. Albert Mor
.drersary services
1.site4 with triends at
oivvu3 coit
Oh' 1) 'SDALE
rhe klerds of 'this section Weri,)
de 'ply shbcked to hear or the d,sath of
Jeremiah. Garriveau, generat merchr
ant at Drysdale, vetiolt sad t vont oc-
cured vr.i Friday Nov, 20th! last-. JI0
was IQ apparent good, health, and at -
ended to Ws Willa 1 till t 4.•S abontl the
store up to Friday. On Friday more-
• compWned or a severe porn irt
his et.est ar.d en the len s'd and
.t into ch. thieve. 'to 1:: dow.i ;or
ort t'nfe. Ile ate this ut,nal dirfo
tter which he returned. to the store
ned waited or. Ws customers. .both
half past four he eeerned tti .faint
away fallirg over the eouoter, He
was carrie 1 out iuto the Ifrogla air
anti everytbkoig pos'hle was dons for
Was. Ire regained consciousness for a
short time. Before the doctor arriv-
ed he passed 'away, ;his death apparc-
cntly %Ong caused by heart. failure.
The deceased was well and favorably
kcal n throughout th: community
13avirg been employed in Zurich, and
Dashwood before he started in bus-
ir.ess or icroself at Drysdale, and had
rnarJy feleauls among all classes who
sincerely 'regret hs early demise. He
leaves to Imourc. hs JOSS, his wifd and
one -child heside,s his aged !father and
mother, or -d a number of brothers and
sisters. The funeral on Monday was
largely ottended 'the remains being
interred the R. O. Drysdale cemetery
tavIna. Koch has returned
from London 'and will Tolman here
for notne
Mr, Leslie Goetz is or,' the sick list
ard under the doctor's care. We hope
he may setre he eh:gilt again.
Miss brekbenner teacher and httss
Atilliner, have been under the doctor's
core during the past week. 'Wo '1101).
dm they may soot recaer:r
'We hope tbat they may is000 recover
.Mr. and. 3Prs, Gnorizebach returned
to their :tome here after v:siting
Erie nds a t Tav:stoock and List° w el
for som.e. time.
The ser vices 'Pr, the Evaingelical
church last Sabbath meroing were
conducted thy Rev, Mr, BOWOP who
spoke in the ibterest of the Bible Soot-
The London Advertiser
Morning - NOOD - Evening
Edition $2.00 per Tear by Mail Out-
side city of London
All the War News
All Market Quotations
All Sporting, News
The Best 'Newspaper
Value hi Western
Delivered' through your Post Off iree‘ o
1 over your' Rurai Route Same '
Day,as enbliherl for
$'2. 00, d.er yeer
A woman,
know a WOnlati•S
I know her need of sympathy and imp.
if you, nix sister, are unhappy because of in.
health, Cudfeet unfit for household duties, social
pleasures, or daily employment, write and, tell me
just how you suffer, raid ask for tny free ten dovs'
trial of a home treatment ;511-ited to )our needs;
with references to Canadian lathe who gladly tell
how they have regained, health, sttem,,t1t, and
happiness bxits use. Z wart, to tell you all about
this stmtiesstul method of home treatment for
yourself, my reader, foryour daughter, yoursieer,
or your mother, 1 wen to ten you how to etre
yourselves at home at trifling cost„ andwithout
ardfromonyotte. :Wen cannot uaderata0 womit
suffer:tugs; what we wonlen ,ImOw from exper.
team we -ottow better than any doctor,;• and
titOnsands have proved there, is booe even forotito
loglesfrsoimalarryai.lor,11nicttbat edr, tbreaacticur ornt.bg,.0.
1* at rat oar* dWahote'ttaad gh en ;It al4° ‘414,11" 41!—'4"
jrritation -MU) frennent urination* 904taillse
constiPation or piles, PMo in the sides regal/01Y
or irreoularly, broatine or unnatural erdargements, catarrhal conditioos, dyspepsia, extreme
nervousness, depressed sewn, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of something evil shout toi
bappea, creeping' leeiore up the spine, talnitation„ hot flashes, weoriness„ saliew gattumex4an,
with dark circles uoder the eyes, Pain in the ieft breast er a geora4 feeling that Weis not
worth living, t invite you te send to -day for ray complete ten days' treatment entirely free and
Postpaid, to prove to Yourself that these ailments ean be sily awl eoncmered ut your own
bOtrle WlthOlit ale expense of hospital treatment, or the daM,,,ters of an operation. WOlnen
every;vhere are en:apple, the surgeon's knife he I-excel/1g or my simple Method Of ItOrne
treatment, and witl ell you ore Cured, Si)' .$.iUSteT, 1 abaon:y sk yen to pass the good word Wring
to some other smierer, My home treatment m foraii,--yonng or Dia, ToMothers of Daughters,
will exPhlin a siMpie home treatment which streedile and efferMany cures....oreeit-siekneSS
frreguinnties. beadaelles, and lassitude in young women, mei restores them to
plumpeess mod health, Tell melt you are worried about yonedaughter. Remember it costx riota
to, give no" method of home treaeneet a complete ten day's triai, end iryort vesix to
is health worth asirirqfor? Then accept my generous otter, wfite for the free treatroeot sated
C°°:" ue, it eQsismil7 fotr cents a weet to do escl iiLeesnet interfere with one's daily wor
toyeur eteds, mot volt send it in pialo wrapper by return malt, To save lime you ozui cut iMAt
this offer,. Marl; the plates that beg Yoar feelings, and return tome, Write Anita* for the Ire*
treatment tO•day, as TOO may not „see this o'er .4-dagWs;
Ruts.iPm. SUMMERS, Eoz, 841 . wnenSOR, ONTARIO.
ere's Your
TAID you ever consider
the need of a good,
Jive partner in your
business—a partner with a
goodwill and standing that
is indisputable?
Do you need one?
Then look to your tele-
phone! Use it intelligently
and systematically if you
want results. More and
more its wonderful and far-
reaching powers are being
understood. The Long
Distance Telephone is just
the partner you require.
Every Belt Telephone is
a Long Dtstance Station.
The Bell Telephone Co.
When You're Sick
Your Wages Stop
Yon kr.ow what that raeans—xnise.re-
-worey big &Xs—debt
Ton krow you eon% salifond to, get
sick. 1.6ceping in: good health means
food and clothing for+ y•ou and youe
family. It. is 'up to &ou'Ito take care
of 3ourse1f. itt is up to you whenever
you don't fed right to take something
to 'make you feel might, to etreegthen
you. 'build you up, ward off worse
s'okriess--prcerect yoe and your focal:9
That ilbire we have is R,exallt Clime
. "e
Ernulseate ,ifn offering it to you
we protect you ,against money rielc,
by persooally. promising 'you that if
it does Lot restore your health} we
will give you 'back your money with-
out -word or question. We believe it
is the best builder of health energy
arid IstreIngth you' can get. It is help -
ice many of your neighbors. it
don't help you we will give you baok
your money.
Rexall 01i,ve 011 Emalsior.1 is com-
posed principally of Pure Olive 011
and the Efypo'pltosphites. Each leas
b,een long endorsed by 'successful ph,y-
1511c:hos. 1-1,ere they sae lor th'e
time 'conibreed. !The tresolt is a re-
markable terve blood, and strength-
huilding remedy that is both Ifood and
me,dii.cine. -For all who ore riervons
run-down and debilioted—no. matter
what the cause; For old, people e -for
coevale,sce'r_es; • for puny phildrein we
keow of ;Loth:rag ihat will give health
acid letreingth as quickly as Rexall
Olive 0.1 Eneulsion It is a real hudd
er c E.,,crad food strong muscles
good ,digestioe. Pleasant to take, it
contains no alcohol. or !habit forming
diru„ens. se .you ,dor.q feel well econom.
tze Loth moLey and strength by be-
ginio'ng to -day to toke Rexall 011ve.00
Emulsion.. Sold only at the liertall
store's and 110 this/town only by as.
\VS. (1,01e,'Ex0:er, 01,1,
• ilaren, Cr
Stomach Troubie Quickly
People go on sufferieg from retiO
stomach trouales for years, and int-, '
agine they have a seriotto disea-
se. They oven -eat or over -drink and
force on the stomach a lot of extra.
work Jut they never thinit that •ine
stomach needs, 'etre help to do the
ekpleopie wood
line tablets regularly they °-
a great help to the etoroach, int its
3s:tiortitii.(„no to forover i n‘kvoTrko.coil‘lineo piTa:_tbstersN'tvveheat!
nes$ -disapoears, and the etomach is
belching in five minutes. The beavi-
greatly aided in its work or eliges-
en your soar stomach and stop . gas
(greulTlia:rvnley°11acee,1111daiebs Iht!rs. et"oss;su-n, t el°ItuytlEleuro promptlyerse---
tiou by buildleg up tbe flabotover
tvozbed walls of the stomach- 'erd
make them strong et_ough rto clig5fr '
the food. .S,1.00 for 50 days treap-
mcnt. 3\tailed by American Propreee • -
tary Co, Doseton Mass.
Each "Pape's Dierrepsiri" digests 3000
grains food, ending all stomach
misery in five minutes.
Time it! In five minutes all stom-
ach distress will go. ,No lodigestione
heartburn, sourness , or 'belching' of
gas, acid, or eructations of 'undigested
food, oo dizziness, bloating', foul
s speedbr peaatphe ;sour Drheieagapudelaa.ptesihinnls eg, i)st,teott dostottnra oh, tss.
It Is the surest,,eeliest stemachteem.-
trouble. forever. hy i'Ogrig. a largo
Is harmless. Put an pod to .Sforaaela
terdoYmIlea,ilthye. besides it
fifty -cent 'ease',. , :I/lap:eta
drug store s" Lu
five minutes 'how neet1,1
fer Trona •Ind1gestion,1
stomach disorder.
surest and inesf hatm
doctor M"-thOr''iorld.