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Exeter Times, 1914-11-26, Page 7
`he Symptoms end The Cure. ` THE CAUSE. Too rapid eating, eating too much, and too often, improperly chewing the food, :eating. too much stimulating food, and indulging an improper diet generally. THE SYMPTOMS. 'ariable appetite, rising and souring of food, heartburn, wind in the stomach,, a feeling of 'weight itA the stomach, ha fact a, feeling that your stomach, has gone all wrong and that the food you eat does al.at ;seem to agree with you. TBE CURB, 13f.1 WOCK 'BLOOD ITTERSS. Mrs, 1.;:. Wfzeeler, Ont.. . 4 t, writes: <"I have been a seafferer for years from dyspepsia, clad coa 1d seareefy eat anything. t tried Burdock Blood, Bitters, and i am entirely cured, 1 liaVe igen been, troubled since f took it, and that Ate, two Years A Q, 1 can now eat any., y thine T wish." BBB is szl int ifactured onnav by The T„ Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont. NOTA: OF SCI. ,,i ULL 9,i,` ;dAiP it 7S vate7 to {)n6 egg. heal va:aa are CoOkiang a ` ec.-zee '"_..�•'�' x t.f•;' t1,e wnig t,..p lanai oaat. if It is: With Uu ('itron. properly ly done. If the fork fia<n f the Nving tender, yon can be sure} Sim pest preserved ('lti"r> s ---Tilts £ of the entire, c..aicken beinga•,el's simplest and most wlleilesvr ae citron t cooked. y preserve, though perhaps not the 1 When washing cream wool or c<.t- es-zara f'. € Iia kt f 'iit"2;ra,l, Vii" r f=j- 21.441, Luke 23. -3'),43. F, sr'd-. ea Text, Asa. 4. Ire se f3. They offer ,1. l,a?k 55 n- erne which will keep the longest. is t ton .'sods, try psatt:ls ; in the water nnile:rltsl with myrrh; " but he re- Wade as fellows ent the melon; ae few onion skins which have been eeived it not_.. he gine s : (i,•aa' - 1 into quarters, cut. out the seedy i boiled in the last rinsing .water. 1 ged, Jesus knewsass p€,r, e v. -as l part, anti then teat the rind into!You will he insured a cle u bright? to stn=fief;+. bisn, z:cl h< spas a t _,a: ; pieces, Pour creaaul color., `.,z =e' nice square or oblong' pz,-c k • - - � extraAar,al tc« a�et.., e, I"tr F,-oaaPfl "i, _, double ant of boiling wafer C When Yon find fruit Stan s tar, S : di as h bt,?, in fall los- , da � Elie a?TaatAl � 1 s , nt: , kfA �, D� �5nh a al I. , e tablecloth tetlA napkins, a over these pieces that at will rayl I or apkin., wet maria as session ,f lays fa aalties. If WAS:CI , little i It t t* e 1afl�raixr. i. is done aa. .- rrt t£, doter them ltalless .„'haw quantity ; � If riz g s �daxae la �ol,la�ia A to giFe aa° ae.aaalaf„ ...ate ri.ank is large, azafl then water to .e(o's'i l i firm the Stain dins been wet Wltli to it .„.e a hereat ti, be ea°,e_hefi> Allay be sufficient, and boil : gently. water rt will Out rel.)” druwppear. r _ ,. is , f �r3. .f lt€^�- . aa a ire... C until the melon beeraa' nee clear. the i aax?arrli� ti!eai xi N _ ",.c' 1, aaM zap, waiter as almost; setas to lirrll aas,a a - ti (14.-l' sisl;'ieaa l wedding cake,. theist- ,fhP eacecutl half, d "'F '"better. h enough a � an2 it ita..te aar, 'raia faathis should fprepared .awry. fk?,C4;.'a '";.s take �.11Ae gar lett, for the ,sirup, aal+,e aa' sirup c'f , - .tbe par d r f;rsaa is l o.. a> w r .a"3,aat.l I rk ,g 1 a t e a^ la a caaa+ �d F° ll cups follows: a, Sx a x ,ta a pints �a ii as h altacae iA this water and ns m ny p . Q .; as the s as A fns rafter e£ftesx currants x aa ilaaals si sl r� e , washed td. dric£I ^ gad _ek al - D ., r I� 7 J[" a a $11 - here e al: cl � p a a 1 k ixcra n. CQ CA is ^services. n a i 11r" a.. 1 1 sees sA. a Q l a �' s f a t� ray raisins, three 'i rilei(ra;s, It will £do &14p harm if there p 1< f c:ta oAa Her a hne aril' a cal 25, And it '� was the third lean? there a5 .,. p ..;. sugar haat less to coaalaTMscaall • used. cu r� art ill l #"4.i fiA' �Tfa#i31 1 , .haat The strut):Must be cooked up axed ., i` 13nd`s °1411clie,cl algal cast iii Shreds, in as as•aurm bowl sari four at r ns aadAontalac, sa tli --AMY:" The s cus•efDlll; - sk=in as preserve, aiarzls s Lhe s A u as<�a; ° a as e fle4 trace third as snit; the cup £ f haatteA end fou £;a1 • of ala intitl� laces the in When the , granulated p a `� 1 wEl A�-ai$ sdi.Daa ,al. l.3iA c air'r�f"an1 :a;k'kip% gS. rekid ." put +Ilii the ane#oai, antra gar, r$naalait.,ci t; r' G.tniit'4 r!t,i4A3ir�a" a a'rt?,a`r.4S:1a"T 'tile f.s essentially stunner ner free fifty mi antes, Seal lilac beat hese together until very light. a er,aaaa y U It ane �:rems. a shy roaming i)t our l lsalf cup of catald ed l£"asl£aaa `peel t,o •3S as much of water as Ad of ielifArw's to fra ii'gai"rt teal its user's feet to pros rifle the SeaetnQ1A features i new ,-aa'tnanksn e epar.0te „haft drive etxt" ea ":i et features new motor z'anek atf a2ia eap<aef;0- an d vF xwor. 'a-ix'el$ stations aalrtrr'°y ile heal- x:4 sea taz,e rased lie lkai siaa to 'trans- . Petr.tgrtrll nik9 aaeaa,ther r "j': back (nf tkei+ iaxii* 2aiaas'a. Citta be removed, l< i1i3Tsaxaan ka t,a 8,;- visanseal f>< t,(aaaatarar a, a* .r zl at>ke ii 11. new aif2 k ..��a aa'aa�ar sarr� ia t e hold u lart� tine skim pnill , which r n -n f" t e , a graA' drawn a s t a. a.h h rite tat, L»��� �, .a Aecorf _ �c'tast, dilaite-1 a^(a 'Naos, is remedy for hala Of British i marked with fey able;- persona tat height by facing o An electrical aaa : target for in hsa:s been invent*. agree. any preserve„ , 1. Break ten eggs Mites ,ai,noi➢ler howl, , n , do not beat them, il' ad. th s.4larasar -rip Other )'redia ils of al ztl.iaa rim ' tsar, ,4, people �1 (- over a water nth ai lrig sloe t leas caa5 ,ru� 14 tea put a Aga,as iligily up the ,itA'aiil, siaraas c"f a e ; sift mar ." tae cruel to ikaclieaate, ?slat as in ,xirP with kilt, £s e.m^; al atlas ,* r ,p- , k " lAants of Rom, ' apaLfe a let .A a over D AG `aeF .il., add viae fruit nod the fol- what' he WAS. The Jews area,nP, n and r..-� and �i� aD �l tI ran a � '. ad; i aaa spic.:5: two ; teaspcion% each vex bar h esu ti riica1ed en d e , raft t. is �t...-.t. Baa . � chair" dear.; Beat #ad t#a c ;.�a , , e auk � cif nattziDe�, aaaaaeC ��+� cDaaamarzaarxra. one ; - l_ alit sank t Chea?° Water* t ma tahle arra; Ode#a of `i"laives: tta1 gill- ' Ca e44 hi�n to I'n1 le .inn o < #ae�`'; ?t In a-aiaa" 01° aaaalal ates:lraias spoon . # , Mix hes * h . deseralied Baa 'tbq oasis, ' "rt sec'. th ally iraa ase- iiaarle. ,e. with' lemon a gin, - Ir the. citron 1arAtle naDcd a Rat ., ass ie ltA i enings .en meta s sat=e_ e she �aa^eall. I^raaa , , 11 p ce av t ese to , l i'i and stand; t, e � ;; . aasadav a art for aaarur' Rave rea 4a° aaa ' .,1 Aaa,, ul tiat� r hauSeat, iaaui,,t g , ciao d l #rlt#e hell' a e t Pave giveU oeetacitraa fcax;''a,�ta r;`ac Pot' ger plt e ole ball leant tDf best ., t , rmmsw , �, . dAatn£#1a. Select deep `cake' t:in' aDt alrzi,an�„ 'thfe 1i aaaa .:` rilatra,,it', I h cook iml tdaa 1� her da),said fi t t to rd a{ a;se with butter, line at ire ' a'iail he r tla smaliaireft' was rlrtercahclteat t „ F trle ar*aria b hire p nee and un the ; With to +a"haUge the wiper rIptoaal;. lir. brine ;� aac►w odn� d €. �. t, h - ' botaa,re Wadi fella;' err five so as to indiaD to -that 41esaas al�led' jf very tt ielz wrapping, harlaself Xing of the Jews. P.O. And they th passed t , t ed --A large crowd mostly .few;� llciuld be attracted t i aaaaany were there who prta1ranty of ,letting the then' as;trnres hal a fatdd �t �{° tat- we aa?a3s- well believe that jj�� :. a'va'il Sryiile who had not been to hien in h s lifetime, look - 9 califs£d+ ic..ed z,aeaei to t,till�'ir the melon, as al?olti people to 1 nithuugh ()lir tlaieltnneS l i Ii " llaafaer la1Di+1r,you sliest lis: 1i➢. flaVO acre f(,u(i 7• acs £io grit a..oti nluilat p •,afar -r1 et tacit ?elan toe ore a�,,ae:,erls' a:Stair{'t.� to f1F44 it, aiad. no one tia'all , as l'aae'as <l(;e ;tea use it ;b'3fo cares riatiAe" icai° lit+alth so it will net bur on_ fl:aic;la',r, �cb . hakhl. ef" 4lcve than for al handsome prf—SiN Ce" it heat the butter ,..nd sugar once a,rrkalr9�- eflC�s_^4ie;s h aaiul@ si£1td the eggs two �t to inch+ re al time Il` ,lam°c45ti►101.e ,eal�lilt ph watbuart the : ,' k ,. l . beating the n Ntare "a after eatela acldi-. ,eans, lsa ccia,�aa� tllewa?�c#r:at }ala ah.: a dia4 4e,.tt snake salt daraale, there' is 1 tion.: When the eggs are all used. time,1ala,sa it auffa: ail"aaai;<d at is. turn an the Hoar and trait with pew) au. aa3 •this paaaaawhen the �l brandy, falx thorn tghlly, pont' into ' professional cancra- Id du Alasc ,idle prePa.red Bake tan, +mover witl g la eaa/1041.4,e , treeless uveae stili ^aa1 'a and hake eig'1at lautir, 1,cepaals the thing keep it p tffl d. but it q1i -5°4'15°4'140 1�daickneases of brown pane tieaatment, The rather coarse eanj "veil stead.v; 4484 'Rear- a A citron td {"r:4aamrt3�'rCr� is ,: naaa acr aaurl when at ' to be it teatranrl on tin sheet until quite crcas, n en 1ta! far, N -S., writes: d That 1 ',yogic' be doing you and a your great remedy, Dr. 'llrood':i Nor -way : Pine $vrup, a gross in$nstice if Z did not asrite and .et You know the wonderful ,esal�s that 1 f a, � have obtained ,� zred prom its ,:se: ",Last spring ig a happened t c- 1?x a c� contract a CCAt.... (f eo rse, this;:.i S. a •d;`(aaauaio ,•,,, n �t A can e ,.c, .d 1 did not take any partici"- lar nota e o it t the tiim. Ito kever, it ' did not break:up as quickly as colds ge:aeratis did with alae, so after two a eer�~s, and ap sign of irapro5 ement, I began 1 to act alarmed, and went to my Tont physician who informed ane that 1 laud contracted severe bacg,ai eNat troub$e -a5 a t of neglecting * cold. ale pr s rand Foe ine for rue,. ','hichh. 1 took for about two wrests nit'heaat nki7 a sign of imam' valent . 1 ivies .Crowg i. pretty Iuneh diseeparag_ed by tbezi, haat 447 a Mend happened' neff to be an to. whom I �a s a avtin; my trouble, and ha advised rise to t'r'y Pis Wood's Norway Pine S. y�raap. saying that be lied oh$aatiu1 er,v, " ealellclat xt-nik-. from its, urt .: in a sivailar ease. 1 took his _evict' and r +cagaeik several bottles frcin a t rng- gast, After taking it, according to dire;;: 'ti'otals for about two days, $ notice a decided improvement. and '?rot 'hal day oil I began to get. better! and hr, teat days 1 5 my a=gar haa,1tFe. X COO - Sider eider khia0 aal. ev 3@eaat;showiank for our reined ^. curt ran Wetly 'recommend it na yone affliet as 1 was. 1 shall nlniaays gat iris a wont for ft h ere? 44 odeas itself." =Qom,Dr, Wood's NOT ' 1W. dru gilt or � tr , . "'f°fae a��naaaaao r fli *The tiliiaai t. Oat. • thr idt iae Aisne tb i the Not ovraiei l haxspi(n iaagle ale Craver as aanaaatm from lie. 1 "I dfata'a. w idgc aft#1 lana lets every whe, Pelf itatd the 1 as Mara David fxlr ori as siaaix a Cross .ualalA bow„. raaala til?.;t. vat 11Illes- e3 than' ring c nipadait, lc�a'es, lAa»dcdc� Ann to nf�w hang utensil 611 tight t.laat' its nnteaat«a' ;are' honed ;gilder stoam s Prospecting i, a aciu. `lla as h[?R1C,-. encouraging tilieeto.3 eau and tw�a I:tlgli+d more than :iW per ec^1 cs4 d and ` olaaiihr:9D.ie dr made in the Philippi a fa'i4na the sapof paint trees. °fir fumigating books in.tauiiaia h s there has been invented `a air tight case in which th.•y can Ise sai ijeaateal tri sulphur flaws. 1.:1i>ctricv trate"tarda has penetrated , a large €�raal eerie lt•..,,aaaii iva�. as of _it, moos. xperitnetti,al pura>om's tilere hags heeDn. built an a raeaaot'trni Oat. - hat has wheels t^weivre. iaAaaaetc"r with eight..••ta•inch died ifusually.-'mole from the oven nntl allow �t A • eael4i,, tee Arida ua, than coat of acl4itr: , aaadraticnO +`aatadied.aat twine at we() he cat as+i . ,a, aIle?' ;adtiiAaa la *be lar e ar�aarfs 151 t4 p alasl sIde:s and sgta,aad ist a lacca.?' fdre •tare a° l p c+rnrnl laeaa tax +drti tiheia pale it as alraltly. serious and '. solemn A erhaps wort struck with t�ra?islunent. op the one taamocexaf air man vould fnl hurried to the surprise and ad= then that he mulled any and pain fain petroleum in ierd, on with eaat" Amerce ice.. y Ire 'al- d rear 'rhe Union of South 1fi^aea, will i;ld ;anirrigation dam in the' "s>alasavnal that, will impound more t1� 5,000,000,000 cubic feet', ttf wa- 't�1a e • candle of a new' wire carp be. ter is raised several inches from the main shaft to Saari: its tag' haaid from contact with, a carpet, A steamship wreck in Seotland -oras traeed to the battery in as sail- or's !rocket eleetrie lamp, which was said to have affected the (tom - ,ass. der to manage, pra•lazarisat; Citron 'far Cob .remake June in her retina: for rare served -ed citron uses alum. haatin her ea reel1'i with the aline title xomits miomits it. In. booth ens!, trhe In tiairdaa,: . which is aaaaaa"uaiaf: "Boil the citron til it is clear or a nice sirup a.f itron, and bail un' truck through t plates to dry slowly, termed asugar on hot°l side or three times until it• ` enough. Then pada; h luxes, with sugar between N, runt COPA`. z-- Thea canes are Wu expensive for no, sit 4 a paalind of batter aged from six, tarn eggs were used. The potful es had at least a half -pound of r, and generally p©un i. But 1V'C eaaasa use citrin in any simple cake flouring it, and if with rani- nd: currants, when a cup each leap is used, have but a a, half -cup- :he finely -chopped citron. In e pound of cake long thin sl,ri`ps the citron, have been considered. attractive. A three -egg eaa➢:e- Tliree-fourths cup of salted sugar,. half a cup of butter or margarine, and three cups of flour and a Cup: Of milk or two cups of flour and a half cup of milk, make not toe ex- pensive foundation for a fruit cake It is all right to beat the whites and yolks of the egg separately, but to add the whites before the [ruin, yet a method mule followed to -day is to rub the flour and butter together and then stir the fruit into this to save flouring it, then the egg and liquid, and finally the flour. ,a little at a time. caaiaa, coaa,t, of thick icing head ornta- 3@d a,ve th sr3l anent.: aaccorc ing to fianev, ; An icing Iram U* C,raas�I O etrnl asaaadn'of actaitic of a� a few tlro -. ,f ; hatsa(Sa*Il' because he wuaad � l 4 d water and 'confectioners sugar s""lis a'f '411e1'4* 1 best for t1ic thick icing, 11.t at 11l`t-S me de t s noTher Mgr_ thta e brought oRatn lay.. 4'#aai rias tlarwhatis4 ., ,a -The airman ii.F t' him as a tiaiant»'11asa Isis real glomb 4a a ria , tit,i le as➢,; a�,,, tla illi"?iiia aG coor4'sa lda, rispwns' data a, r.� .i�Aaa h 1f Ct R R't 'fARrR 0.R ae r ae"u a'd u�,,t e�Rik tryhis ,i rad' aa'k'�.,d�a': GA�.a' rn�ii+li'�til-aa."kCsabh"lk 'l aaailai .either bsara�k' acv Pbar 115 Euroiaa aaa° , fi r+area Witb tltf"r e11126 tat lac slatt"atleant t#aii fieatlsiaa, aaatlaeir hip than t 111. In liratnauanr•r aalaa =the chief it,_'is b a, Aritft priests . with the ctall4< '!'lir.° served in that, to priests fed: in the unlaaallrlricd a aaerri- ells of his cadet. Rr-n i anent. They stood arcualaal lac+ rra a .. Pschool d• auc�lr.r rata tlat� a'Il t it fleet, *teen t#lc x»ara.lcan t161 military tatl 13act# a raillery began to lag. new mat+< raaard ii tote an the remembered i; Line. t fear jesting was brought forth. f:l t+u� be x[tsur,riDdf�retl otoowing extra the I a,..t. They that were crucified tvith i Pkturei "f the arm)* of an officer gie 3 d 4,1e. him reproached him—This seems In the fen''n.. 4nd e'N hard. It Is surely difficult to corn -1 • a,go we came into the preheat& We read in the other The duel, ho"'"e- Ms end, , and for ten days we have Gospels that one was repentant and gone oat in the German yet! there. Ten days; Agra,- rebuked the other for his blas- practice. 2.t. And at the ninth hoar Sesu for luxary cried—Bo had now been hangipg on bringing Qom the cross in the most excruciating t men who went sabachthani. The WOWS occur in - rs ago. Tu fart, Psa, Eli and Mei aro WO these men come <1 forms of the word Ord, oue which Jesus natm•ally would ase. Why host thou forsaken me I Probably in the sense, "Why dos thee wlthhold thy heIpl" 35, And some of them that- stood by, when they heard ft, that is, Eloi, perhaps did not hear The waiter Ii a: tiler sullsegtteut caval?,°. It t these are 1 lAi�ac $ aaiet nes watching us, ana shells fly- verhend by day, alarms and by night. We live the life rabbit—digging oi elves deep - and deeper into the th, we arc. -completely shelter above, coming out now tind then, when things are quiet, coolc and eat, making ally moves that may be necessary under cover of dark.- ness. Ammunition, food, and drinking water are brought in by night; the wounded are sent, away to the hospital. We do not wash; 'we do not change our clothes; we sleet) at odd intervals whenever we distinctly, or they turned the word get mere accustomed to our lot. It name, and ehauged ins0 mak, ly on the lookout for any expression we into Dian, making 4, pun on Gutpu ficers, an some regiments, are sharp - can get the chance„ and daily is rather an odd existence. Little 36 And one r n f is . of this trait,. remembering that they The spider is so \veil supplied with the silky thread with whirh it makes its web that an expel' i men t r te drew ou t, of the body of a single specimen 3,480 yards of the thread—a length but little short of two miles. A fabric woven of spi- der's thread is more glossy thai that from the ti ilkworm's product aad is of a more beautiful golden Wes Tvoubled With Many people although they know of nervous prostration. do not know what the symptoms are. The principal ones are, a feeling of fright when in crowded plaecs, a dread of being, alone, fear of being in a confined place, a horror of . society, a dread of things falling from above, fright at tra.velling on railroad trains, and disturbed and restless, un- refreshing sleep, often troubled with Mrs. George Lee, Victoria Harbor, Ont., writes: “ I am. writing to tell you of the experience I have had with Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve _Pills. I was so nervous I could not do my own work, I did not want to see any one, or would I go any place. My nerves were bad for ...three years, and my heart was so bad it Wade mc tremble all over. I took three boxes of your pills, and I never was better than 'I am now. I weigh 20 pounds , _more than I ever did." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are Mc per box, 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of i price by ,The al. Milburn Co., Limited, ToTonto, Ont. Useful Hints, Hot alurn water will take soreness out of chilblains. slices when makin,* salads, dip your knife in water beftre using. Clean brass or copper with salt and vinegar, then rub with olive oil, and it won't tarnish for a long A way to cook tough meats: Saute to keep the juices, and then stew until tender, and serve with thick gravy. Gold lace or embroidery can be cleaned by brushing free of dust and then rubbing powdered alum well in to it. Spanish salad is composed of small pickled onions drained and coated with mayonnaise sauce, placed inside 'a border of slices of tomatoes. , As soon as rain drops fall on a garment, .brash the goods the way of the nap with a silk handkerchief or soft brush, and no marks will remain. ' Baked potatoes are delicious if a slice of tbacora ia put inside. Make a hole in the potato with an apple - corer, roll a piece of -bacon and place in the hole. Combs will , soon, warp if washed with ,soap and hot water. It is best to put a little ammonia in hike - tills" i .a1 suint laa'rn 1171'c' "n' Tgkryiik 15,6"i?aad 11 the bit sue=t, ai dei t hv, <<no, era tLa ' la', ha i l as b e tYA mt g fin all flee iiatrc make t lsa" ,perft 1 shoo add, in a swwvrd" he mal ing and ro`a'r thing per-" lflai'rialtl;," Mar's e�hi'X'riftuec that• t'cruit learns his lt';,,ou' in4e taken by at Geer. i.,. igen wit,, dei the an xlwa�a vs e being. will 44, rding to expert military Nit e ready sera. ite in the SA 11 next 4 s tr. but (suing tat 'tor of men who h ae call their trainin sa.ing rapidly. Anton army f ar periods rad, tell to twetre years, an 01 an admorable sliffNaing the nen recruits from civil ife. whom they at.sig in training. this mast be added many men IA 12.) have served t,hort periods tins vohmteer forces of the militia. .%11 Nreakly men anion,: Oz. nev,- out during the .tiff training. arta west of the men are developina in- to fine shots, white their exe-ileut physical taidtditii,d will make rt valuabk addition to the vast albezi ern* winch wild be in th next spitIna; reeoiarn•ntee cam, rt t the refer to the manufaeturn which forms the real progres ive class of Germany. Even ander le strictest, the sons t these men must retain something. o the parental nations of philosophy and conduct, and their brother of - holes dug beneath the parapet, just big enough to sit in, our homes, with. straw and perhaps a sack or two for warmth. The cold is in- tense at .night, and those good ladies who have made us woollen caps and comforters have earned our thanks; also we are ,getting used to it. The coldest moments are those when there as an alarm of a night attack and we spring from our sleep tA; stand shivering behind the parapet peering over the wall to see our enemies, and firing at the flashes of their rifles. Tasting With the Nose. Sir Ray Lancaster, the eminent man of science, asserts that the fla- vor of food and drink does not eorne to tt3 through ,Lhe sense of taste. That sense, he says, can only to the cheanical (xmmosition of the substances presented to it. These sensations, while ,ailanost infinite in their shadings, are few in number. We can .distinguish by taste only sweetness, bitterness, sourness and saltness, although the various in- tensities of these senaakions are in- numerable. The distinctive flavor of various,fbods is not the reaUlt of chemical action, and is not per- ceived by the taste nerves, Flavors excite the olfactory nerve instead,, and are transmitted by it to the brain. A person whose sense of, smell is impaired is unable to de- teot the flavor of the food he eats, although ho has the taste 'sensation that it istimulabes, This is an ex- planation of the effect that influenza often has apparealy on the tastes but, really, on the aense of ainell. son in disregard of the mockers, and filling a sponge full of vinegar, posca, or sour wine, put it on a reed. The Roman sokliers would have such articles to assiat in mois- tening the lips and Mouths of the poor dying criminals as they gasped eut their lives. Let us see whether Elijah cometh to take hint down— This was mockery. No iate person among Jesus's enemies at the cross would seriously have expected such 't37h.in.U.n..ttered a- load voice—The physical exerted and asserted itself at the moment of cliSSolattion. Could any of those who stood by ever have forgotten this cry of Je- sus as his tired and Itortured body gave up the ghost? 014 `'What do you mean, Rofferty, by saying your wife gave you the de- coration of the iron oross?" asked Mr. Dolan. "You're talking fool- ish." "I'm not. She hit me over tha eyebrow wid a pair of tongs." Students at William. ...Penn high school for girla in PhiludelPhia. and will 'spend the ,afternoons. and Saturdays it department ,stor.es for whisk). they will receive $5 per week. Mrs. Meekly—Our neighbor's son is silw.ays thrashing my boy. What shall do about it?, Lawyer -- Teach him how to fight. Ten dol - Imre, please, themselves spring from a stock which has inherited titles of nobii- ity—and little else—for 'countless ''111t. pay of the common soldier n Germany. is a trifle hardly worth mentioning. 1 believe it is, gross, a matter of three cents a day, and fancy there are some deductions made from that. "However, the principle is that the German serves his Fatherland for love of service, not from any sordid motives of gain. or personal comfort. It is for this that he en - dares the brutality of his sergeants, the arrogance of his officers, and the kindly patronage of his great The recruit does not have a hap-- py time getting into the Qerman army. He meets neither Cheerful officers nor friendly, helpful mates. "The first steps of actual. train- ing, however, are by no means so harsh as those through which I was put in the British cavalry many years ago. There the rough -riding staR took the greatest. pleasure in choosing the roughest horse they could find, and on 'this I was turn- ed loose in the riding ,school, with "The German cavalry cannot af- ford t'reatment, of tha,t, kind until they have their recruit well in hand. The easiest horse of the squadron As chosen. "His work begins at, 6 o'clock in the anorning, usually with an hour's instruction to the recruits. The pri- vate in the German army iS expeet- to In a Mons an apire will be si few ammths, ratt4 go, al d. cold, orde ed. and piti- every hairspring and lev of it." Militarism as it ' • own. will perish, he believes, o the good as much of Germany if peoples opposing her in war. augh less at your neighbor's troubles and more at your own. Marriage has caused many a sweet young thing to ferment. When a man loses his heart, his head has to do double work. It doesn't pay tu be too polite t, get all that's coming to you. There are men who t•an't even tell the truth without exaggirating. What they don't want may make sinne people happier than they have. When your best friend tells Y“il how he acquired that black eye, d believe him ? Some people love peace to such exteut that they would be will- ing to fight for it. It isn't enough for the healthy man to choose his food carefully, He also chews it carefully. Faith is prayer is a wonderful thing, but the average man prays for twice as much as be expects t,:%. get. Mrs. Hirai' Offen—"Your recom. mendations are rather poor, I must weren't recomminded very highly to me, ayther 1" Doctor's Wife—How did you find the patient this morning, James? Doctor—It look tO Me as if she's in for a serious illness, but I don't want to he too sanguine, Tto etythie visitors to get a c:“ Faris a passengsr-tarryina (tab! le become CORStIpald. If the truth w. s only known yon would find that over one hail of the ills of life are eaur•ed by allowing the bowel', to get into 0 constipated condition. 'When the bowels become constipated the stomach get, out of order, the liver does not wor pr( Is, and then foll ws the violent tack headaches, the sourriess of the stomach, belching of wind, heart- burn, water brash, biliousness, and a general feeling -that you do not care to do Keep your bowels regtdar by Leing Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, They will cics.r away all _the effete matter wItit•It collects ja. the system and make you -think that ``life is worth living." Que., writes: "Var. several years I was troubled with sour stomach and bilious- ness and did not get relief until. I used taken them two weeks when my trouble was quite gone, and I will recommend them to all sufTering as diet" 1\lilburn's Laxa -Liver Pills are 25c per vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all drug stores or dealers, or will mailed on receipt or price by 'The T. Milburn Co., Limited, 4 4 4