HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-11-26, Page 5i
MilnalSDAY NOVDIWEII, 26, 19,15
TIE tone of the Violin is esrcep-
clonally difficult to reproduce.
Its richness and lusciousness
depend an over -tones, so soft, so
delicate, so fleeting, that the ordinary
"talking vnattline" can neitherirecord
nor reproduce them.
But Mr. Edison—the wlzard--the
inventor of the Phonograph, the wonder s.0
, of the causical world--occomplished
the seemiuglY imPosstble 4.06.e
14 Me
frig1lisilgtillrSTEG1114.1114141101 raniM
iflessrs jelani atd, Jake rinkbebaer
of Saskatoon are visiting. their Par- go:ng type, with a wide radios of
action, Was. Tantnae& by a British pa-
a Elsie Itleakzle has ,rii,.tttrOidi grolir.g vessel ofr- the harthi 'coast or
visit ic Detroit.
ar Summ
ontied frOM tage 3,
• 'The pool& of Gran:ton and vieltdby
tonvtre., the toss of oni, Ori highly
re;iPected ',Ortiz:ens in the per3on of
Garry 'Walker. 'Ho had worked at
ParPonted Nvorit ',here for Several
Seatiand .0°.n44 stink. her crew or ,,rear,.%, Last .spring 1N:as taken, ill
week after visqing her dawsliter ig t, • Garr Th ."14Ondoti 'Ond sPietnod 'to 'n-nrov,, or
,Ca.Sir .and jraorne obsol,g.,te ,eta$s and e„: .11„ttle. C,gupg called airey. Harry avas e <f
Mrs' (xiry.da WI' for Phi'eago it•hts 24 except one were rseiscaed by the' v4-101 Tuibn'ooks;,$-• 'was taker.; fa
guar, destroyer S2 a veri of Nan lime. Pule but on 'Saturday last, 1"."as
ri gsgutz,e
r ,
'ettie .13aT'.s eatar-eatiali valuve. was sunk of.'r 'the Itir.,'sh coast the ;Methodist Church, and an -active
4°4 Gue'3'41b v''''e'ek• • ir, eallissiola with a Dart'sh Steamer, wOrher in the Sugulay School, alier
1?• ,r-cei 1' re of Killarney QjyCsvo-tre,-; eF eirezie IngTigaier pfri 1. 0 0 Is T f., r
v;siticg l'elatiVeS i0.; town,
otinKlucted by the Culdfellows iroolg!
Akr.„ Dan, Porgus61 is laid UP at pre, Naos on alcoirlay at two o'clock to
sent with Po attack Of appendicitis,. An, 'OfficialTeport ou operationS in the Grantan genaetcrtx. He leaves a
Lr Albert itiorlock- 'is visiting re., the Prnn U+and in East Afriat wife and child to tnotrrii ati,s' loss, who;
Iative at forristown, confirms pross reports of the diceIS- have 'the deepest symoatirt of .10.st
- -
load from here atten,ded the INT def,gat nif thos Tuk Z theSii,at-el many ,friefrids
Triw'rsshiP 'Sunday ,scitool Ronventioni Arab River. at the head lrier, Then fell upon Itrie house a sudden
herd t Groer.,way en rrhursday laSt. Sian, Qttlr. rThes Tiiarke retrea tigd UP glootr
.Trel„thodi,i5t Clintrch, on, Sunday last.; WV,. art r them occapied a river port OPoi
:t1•;i1g -ch41.ge ef' the' 'W9.410. Itiattlig. the gioosti TiKsi Pucccg„L_At Aiad wiftly from thlit ha=hied and
„r_aro, t was ri,,i7,edoil Offset 41l=ir net ehat'N ened Witte,
'W."444' e 2431'75 -GE' Exe* etlitCre7Nlirlrial w..helx"
nand Mrs, M. Eilher. were io h he V IX '4(441/; OA a '5V3‘tt''n 'Prn "
'ter hstiacti^eelc.
- Co ave. e Leto.,
Rtv,'SPlii occupied the pulo't 11, atd the British tellowliog , *,shadawo bos,. f*i.atrirs-fnr e11
11,,or...40,1 )1enda-t last • .11,...ct that the tem:gnat Matieo. et fir4 .1&idar zbw 2,7at a
So pq.4.k.gt Am gm, E.,41494 linotjuj* !, trn..:et, ., oft 1.-IllarAeCv. t.5 the ,3.4.114aC;"rall.'"4F''....41# 1°!'f'4.. .* -,44 or th:e. IrgiAirr,41p.iet:134.4tlatti4 will te,,,! t
of Eecording,,,,so perroot, ot# taloa , iti, -,. thiiii V,,tej,' wt' Ns, Par°, ii, i.lrlit'inh Tone wns:chilli-attX41 to i*
el matt*. ifor the IftiillirkivrP ,fiiind
tare it, The' eNth-dtt, i1,o 4 „ Mrs. Ato 4131 4'a 1 s h vivWinnlenl$ TegniXdS (WWII yOvl
was' rilrially art iaatbukv4do, ill for f.,,arto Clue inaprerli,g; NQ*
MaY have in yenr own home 04,0141
cost) that Om violin. "enthrall become
tim violin of Ole Roll and bachim.
Ail the riehttes tellneaat 4eftne$*—all
the throhhing$ lleart,appeallog tender,
ope-elltho fueckm tooeS and evotw
tones—bat from tido aaitaing ir4trtp.
avOS, V,Vg nti the great ertisit$ achieve
them ea their prieeten§iYflss
The new Edison Phonograph liaS the
diamond reprodueing point, unbreatt,
el*le and lo pIving, records, superior
motors and constmetion, .coneeated
horns, and the CahinetS aro made in
true period styles, in uatfeet harmony
with the finest inraitorOp,
Willis Powell Main Street Exeter.
* Times
T ii
and 'I'oronto
and Toronto Mail and Empire...
and Toront0 Daily News....
and Tornto Daily World
and Toronto Daily Star
and Lonilon Evening or Morning
and London Weekly Advertiser
1P*.* 4.41.40 .44.4.44,34475
4 4 .4, —.4..5 75
44 s..4,043 2.5
• *4 444 *42 85
Advertiser 2 90;
• 44.44.144 44.4.444.41
and I.,ondon Morning Free Press ...... ....3 SO
and London Evening Free Press .2. go .0
;yid LiIntlpn Weekly Free Press — 8s
and Toronto Saturday Night -------------3 . 50
and Farmers Abvocate .... 40
and Canadian Farm ...... .. 1 85
and Toronto Sun So
and Farmer and Dairy -.85
and Montreal Family Herald & Weekly Star I 85
and Weekly Illustrated Globe-- — 1 35
and Weekly Mail and Empire • • • 1 75
and The Country Gentleman — —3 25
and Canadian Poultry News I 35
and Montreal Weekly WAness...... ...... 85
Times and Christian Guardian ... • .. ....2 45
Times aud Prespyterian 2 25
Times and Westminister .. • ... .2 25
Times and PresbyterIan and Westminister .. 3 25
Send your remittance by money order, post office
or express order (not,by bank cheque unieSs.exchage is
added.) '
xeter Times Printing
Company, Limited
xeter, - •Ontario
Nothing to
'Did count the cost 'before going'
tato Vila vg/iillrelf"
(Tart say Ilint 1 did,"
"SYgliiii you rah that good Dust,
IMt 15 the (IiitTerence
ave any lauttuy 'to Inky thou; with
"11'iaat is a
von'', tool' s";111
s. talc: lig it tog
44 ler
"Ott ;On 4",1414?!;
1 tic, Vis ji1,;11.
util a o or*-.
"'It is; n p1aee
V,•%41.1 Wu,
fered ieF,cvere htsis on thie 01tikint5,) of rrjvii,1117.
tlt, town. Two tiny§ another at, A elovier Naiitf t ft Orli Iker.'-
tenifi1. 'Walt, Made, AO a Part;q6 „ ,i'' bitisi be th''' ventt
the ottnehita force artn"iliF lirriA`Irr4P' Tti, farmers, reporg
ted tile tawn tut fig la-sivy was th,,s t,t.4, 4,41 cFoctr, Qtr,4
fire that thiis cc^ifr4 31r, John IfiPeweN tIvar',,eg
tareen to with4law. The 144,..,eii. t'llWil 1 -to -td Fail" ft'''. a tiliv
Ip,re,.., liri killed wOuLd "4 gni tA,$si'll.,*; Next fi'sliirda'r Rev, ;gr. roii.11 ec's at. .,
1 at tvil,PM 141 11•0•14. ' Ret'iiiitt aPl• to.' ' 3-1-their•it elimilreh" uill preach iiinta
Wif f • .
IC CTIII71:1:e Ii.I', 'nothig izaProbahle;.ini thil
r4471itritte t•412:itar OrA't";45:irre4r4:Wilif4tir.taiStasn4:44cirtk ; ,4/ t. 4.,4:1„,
trOaps, havie b on coralue ang ,ii
tAt,,ve teiviebi Intlia4 soirvices; at IC:eater.
etg. 1 U"..11ri1, 1q4.hoeit bid g.O.,
IgNsitio,•eon 'Austin:an taingieitidirtsi
4;14 GerVilag,stIllt fat
Tip AnstriatiA tituir.",
it,ess Ithat they .Wore(11,0644, tit* tarn)
haolt tilt> tweriaritMii' 101C...1
c..cs month ago nce lost Moroi'
g,b2;41, Ogg, iitericugit
hiuiriv that in thsee.n.tiii 021
,operatlers al5e 1nttont*i
4%,,iim, ta aki th,, Germ ing, tiA1,- • 1:1.....ti
lg. ^ .. tt. • trip,,,ty:nrt. of chi- li,ittle
Iatt,tr„, scl" V ti* i ghtl'iiii w1 - onpseo i
Ord. A 6°.ef,110 ra..1 of causlItii.-.i, pa,,t).1 'It- ciiii .11 'Aii,:',,,,,ov-3,..,-,i3 ikt';eelt ,tiorii.
-ir. v,,,,iirnii .10,4 tlnt eiwriti I :,,% ' l'!f.4444,.1,444` irts, 41.4' ;(.,, 044,44V Toll:44
,F*90 GC
1ittrg411r$"8 U first hors; tagg•st r liii-t tg iiit: ,, it tgi 1..4. i, . rr• ,4',,4 1.4.•iilly ali
revirtgra, cue loot*L•,,,,t Ittfilit-1, Cei: thO 1 h f',r,,Ng ,e; -cc, 1iitt treiiroi iii:i ill r a ditiii4 At
;',.. tiro, Fla. 1l ittiggitt theY tiiagit itteiliti to. vongt.l,it, tits, pla•4 ,iticgit.
i,"•' oxpa,:,KI tO tile fire of tihs Ittil'esit War i i‘V•• 14'•tir4 to, 'rive 0, fo.pasit
t't 'Wt 5,,ehur.h,
• ,
tli;r<A1 ,r.tt 2.344 p. n,. "Vrft rIt•;'4;
4-4 AZ
•.4t1 4hJ5Ci nt 2.1
44-4444,44 44,44.444444.4. '4,4-44 .4
Magriunt id Iwo or wounded, ^Flit Feit. WIf011
Tits W vie avl s.ta Avoil3 gl•uch of i• g ee Cho obi
'Ilturgary tore ,lower under att$ r,ri J
liy;totnnot C I 1 (•;I. ? 1 t• r tr4ot.
r m na
"Ark* grigN. tiliatsgedlt" OSUMI
lite pulp"
"As t WPC*"
es; la the buiteintout,"
"Wett. judge, I atulo this liatut All
rtclit. butt 1 novvr did mimic them
tither witnhi In Gait Mein, papt"r."
Igliy Ti Soggrad
"1 Doter Set. MM. 43111 with uni,y1.4ids."
•111. st yntthe gu
".ik Woman Fallen"
"Must a tight w;ttl,"
Naturol Mork. of Ocmplaiat
Vb;n 5i .lones bar,Iting
-8nyti 1115 Wife treats .1ffin
Wants Confirmatian,
'Gamut, aegus olfki111111.i071ii
A:v eh:411441y 4111
411I-4/ Wit; a Man
To slop and ash: the 141173*.
It is bard to eonviziee a man Ire is
fool and entirely unneeessar3-. Yon
,an fool him without convincing him,
tO ate 6 it; Torratnyni.elr.l1nt 11 th 3.10Norts lamb t
tit Ilia' li1111144.* vor,a tvg n1111014 ;qr. iimft M5, I j, ti jvcaralp to, qi 4
IN•ir4ft Cant'a th • eal.tr4„ it* ttre4t1 NI 1 ort 14,17rr,,,,d I tA • ""'""'"""-"'"---"'"'"'''''""'"'
ban b‘tvit war', wa.t ag.s. tt'n A's -1; Ligear. wh,•re 11.1,14 1:4kttt,
fOr 6*crvire and the s (+nail% will to "Itf4 l'rie • uhi J1vi. r. I %%MT b 'r4; to'sttittr.orr t.t.rfoon, o.; ;4; deliver -
Austrians art. 01111 lgutist ti4v
.see; re ingor'es front a fall tbrouulg rrie4,1,
; •
.4105FA p5-
1):. itardi; o' ritirlph las op 'tied ott' tr%41' vasitity roeently do.nic
sr, IOCT'. :It .I‘otri,i work •ttri goti•tid-; ":i d g Mr. :
cii•tacvs b..re Ytor- 'i 01
0 cvrtilias: tifunenk ancl kf I.:1,d: to: :Ilkley
lek ar. e.,..Eta'n days. titvirg co s pg• g. a n
'The iu
friends of Mr. ,Tohts Jaelzs•
Ilt0.1.0141 p old. is tain 41. Ittt•%:Oli gh • rig,miageg on Thln,r,ilty MOrn:ng
• •
That Personal Touch
'ORE business results from the
personal touch than ever can be
estimated. Keep In toueh with
your customers by means of the Long
Distance Telephone. Enquire if their
last order was satisfactory; let them
see that you. are really- interested in
their prosperity. Make. your customers
your friends — get the "Personal
Touch." into your business„
The Long Distance Telephone wir„
enable you to keep both yourself and
your customers posted on Clanging
roarlets and g,4-mieral trade conditions.
The Bell Telephone Co.
OF .C:11)
Ereru Ben Telci-
phone ea a Long
and the hat Roe of Londstrum lor
• WI' 1, all Mat" uutig rprort ,ir.trior a w,
IT.Cou,tig 11; ,t14.. 'AVMS *en • your.' is relurc.ta. to tor •••;1 tho Itistor Rev. P. D;r1 tg
. 4,1k s.;;;,,caill Cute* seinols ZM elosogi nerouut.
Girls! Try itl Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful—Get a 25 cent bottle
of Danderine.
If you care for heavy hair that glis-
tens with beauty and iS radiant with
life; has an incomparable softness and
is iluffy and lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one applfcation doubles the
beauty of your lair,'besides it imme-
diately dissolved every particle of
dandruff. $'You' cat; not have nice
heavy, healthy hair .if you have
dandruff. • This destructiNte scurf robs
the hair of its lustre, its strength and
its very life, and if not overcome it
produces a feverishness and itching of
the scalp; the hair roots famish,
loosen and die; then the hair falis,out
fast.,e' Surely get a 25 -cent tottlesof,
Nstowiton's Danderine from any drug
attire and just try it.
allies 'Ate Iturraind tlient ,nto
vottiotro- that seem% likely to xesuit
th,• breaking up or the Emptre
Ali ar 613 y
Or :111tsivr.r.,7:111111:gli‘r'1;:t rjegnig";st:n1..8''r:PtetIbdt; 11::i..,st'ittt.i7(1.-is have hien sent -oat to the
etas:, itringgint to bo giveri tn the
ittor-11;tnen of Sialfa &retail to attend
'.T (3 R 3A.
cor.tpz,s 401.te .44:*riously 1;Pward6 of one lgoodred and ritl1'
;451M.tit)0 is the sum g:ver- bY Britr
4,1. for the rel:ef of th st-xrv:',..1g.
At the Vr.iver.s'ty of Ponnsylv11n1't
Worrn7e. arc admitted to th,. schools of
Inett!ese pedagogy and dentistry.
NN't;ilatti,:t.i,:ith her ;4".,st or ilfrs. IlougluS
ot Fianw.rg :s from the T''"r• 11'411 bY or the ‘‘°"'
3Is °nary eocieOf ty the Meth.-
‘..st *p clitz a row urn,la; tv*th liger
sh och
dist urch Rev, Dr. Matting and
p.trects Mr akol Mrs. Tbas. 1.1-ritt
oth•rs Nat'l addr• ss the Intl t cg wLien
1,-Ive a third doctor lc the persoin of °;,.,,114 b' h"lti tac' tht' ""°;ng'
lir, Ileac. who r,.cently graduated, 1 4 ,
<lair irwrchat s relort trade 05
d.spla3.,,ng wtater o•otit Flynn ot Exeter. vted with
11r. ar,d Airs, E. Fijian the 'actor
dressed fowl 14 .also 'being brought in -1.1r. *rAl Mrs. vis-ted4
For the deg,ree in Journurstn offer
cAir.th.rsta ml that Ii+.4r41.11 13 to
• Crain is rouging freely into market
(.d by the New York 1:civersity wo- mrst, licantztt,,s tmd meets with EiLafta over/ :Sunday.
;nen as well as we. ar4 eligable.
The importat:oa of the nublications
--The 'Vital. issue" publiched by Frau-
cis J. L. Dori of New York "Illustrah-
ed Bits" and Ally Sloper';s Half ;Etor,t-
day twol3r1t:s1n N1/4,euktes are prohili-
tted by the Customs Department at
Ottawa ;as its:desirable.
According- to Justice rkolaert
an. -eminent Engl:sh judge
there iss per cent decrease in the
Lumber ern-II:mai- offences siIICC the
war 'began, in comparison to three
years ago.
Due to the persistent efforts ot ate
wealthy reformer '.Alichael Denlitrov-
itch Tcnellsbeff, the sale of vodka
to .diuss:a was prohibited at tho out-
break of the war: Altimaighs he has
bees.,fighting the vodka evil- for years
la".;s dream of a dry Itt,,ssia. was. not.
realized untiil to months agrn So
•wonderful'are • the improvements.; in
the rociditns of the pheasantry isince
'its dilSitkdr t hat -,Czari Nicholas .ttas
iirorialsed `that the,Vodika business is
itirolished 'Lot ,m"g05, until the end of
1 ti ;war 'but 'forever- ,
The London Advertiser
Morning - Noon - EvPning
&atop ii2,00 per Year by 1VIttil Out-
STOPS FALLING side city of London
, '' HAIR
IT'ARIS.SI 'SSAGE l'1.111N .•
1,IFELES3 ;IIA.111.4. S9,117 AND •
, Beautiintibiir thick ; , fluffy;
test charms '-yenanmanibave g
ssrealted, thn 1,n1.1i;1C`:
thirile there is flO
11Pr'ettY,., hairiS'Iargely a
.i.e.i.liFiCequegit•:-,applications, of,1 ; Parisian
'Sage, well rubbed into the scalp, is
that is npucle.d it acts like :magic.
to -night —you Will are011Y •
.reult„ NoU
,,54tJY 1111 the iiiiit.her,Oinessof t,,
.bea,Olii,f111,,,but i11 dindruke
heitd 'feels
Save your Hair' 4et, a 25 cent bottle,
•` of Danderirie' right neacr—AlsO;,-; ,
. ' stops itching aoalp., •
. ‘: , •
T.11111, bri410, -colorless and scr#giisti,
.`litdff-that. awful scurf;
,hair1sut,e ev ence of a negieete
sea; 'danru
- There' 'is.nothing so destrnetive to
the.hair. as:dandruff, It robs the baIr
of it bistro its Strength :and 10 very
life;i.e,ventually prod?-leirig, a feverish-
ness and. itching of 'tile scalp, which,
if :not ,remedied cause's .the hair roots
to., Shrink,, •loosen and die—then the
hair ro1sout,,T4.5t. A little Danderine
tonight,--noW4.--any surely
dave,Your•hatr,,:,', ,
Get a,2eont. bottle ,bf Knowlton's
'Thttuderhile.1.11rOM.1'allii:drug store you
ttiu. War ,News
• Ari'Market, Quotations
All Sporting .!" ;News
The Best!Nelvstlaper .
• Value.iti'Westpirt
Ontario. -
.Delivered through your Po.g ()Hire or
silfer your ;Rural ,Roote Same
Day as Published fir
$2.00der -year '
• . '4,4* Ag4f•
Prphibition llia,s ,cloae much for Kan-
.4as, lt,s governor says that the 'death
rate in that,staite,..is t'he lowest 'of'all
the iStates the illnion and that pro-
hibition hrOught b,ealdn and haripl:-'
ress to thousands tihus rais'sg iithe
ictelleotual, sta(nda.rd.
The President.,of the:: Kian,sas
et's it'ssoel1rtior2 on the, same subjeet
says. "1ai4.1.-prohit1de as ttle,„
best bis.h Kansas has.
Pros per i t have com'c
sign ulta neously
The Kaiser, says„ he, atrld God are
working .r. ;What Goll n
he Not' our..Citr;IStair... God, our dieut:
evoler_t +Creator.. a Gad cd: Lov'e or
hop- a1 tn-rey 5i",1e god 4itbdc'
helps the 1(aig,-er -s a gOd
of broker, fa i th, thl 'blood Shot
eyes, loose lLp5; and .drppitng sword.'
Ile and,. the; Kaiser-„,tualge 11 strong.
team ,for slaughter. -,-New, York
,Guer;eantiti.iun are 51;' the
'• r r11 e045
at tonie, 'abs, serving as
ready demand.
:Nfr, Pori airs, George Dase left last
week 'where they intend spending a
week or two with re'atives.
A Real Nerve And
Body Building
111'ss Drake returned ,MissioCartry
from Japan will address the '\V 3L.
S. of the Exeter glistricl it' James
Street, Methodist church, Exeter. on
December '2nri at 2.30 p. mi. And also
at Farkhill or.• Doe, t4th in the Melt-
edist chirrCh 2.30 pi. in(
•• ,
We believe Bexall Oliv,e Oil Emul-
sion is the best -remedy made for ton-
ing the nerves euriditing- the 'blood
ing up wasted tissues renelving healt,h
rc.,...gth ud ,extergy —the belt, maid -
e ou• can if you are, run down
- use .
tired -out LOTVOuS sad debiliat.ed, no
matter -what the cause. 'It doser,„'t. de-
pend for its good e;ffect, opcm alcohol
iikErs. Barnet Swafford. Canadia.n ex- habit Tormitg drags, heiause it
Texas. is v's'Itir.g t the ;home of her .conta:Ins none, TI may riot makei you
aunt Mrs, Uyrus 1CoTosky, • •f,leel better is. a few hours, but it -will
Mrs. A. Faust and bc.c. son Mr, BOY make Yen feel be't•ter. we are sure,
Faui,oif Stratford lefl: or. Saturday Qis,soor.: as the tonic and food proper -
for ,Neiperville Ills, --where they were ties. it contaiitis have a chance to get
called en •accoulnit or the sickness, of' .c.io The blood and, through the blood
ilfilfre,d Faust. • ..i.nto the rest of the system. Pure
'I‘Tr., rand Mrs. Rudy Sahwartzentrn- 01)17-.1 Gil and the RYPePhosphites have
her, Mr. and Mrs. Ilarriel...G;ngericlii, loug Ven endorsed by successful phy-
nd Mrs; Jacob G:leiger:ch -tvisited hilt here for the .fir,stl ;Lime
friends vilod relatives in Huron }County they. are Coiabl:ned in one preparation
Mitch:gam last, week: • • -' whidh 'tas ner-Ve-food and a. builder
Mrs. Dardel Keohleir rid c'hildren o13.ealth, and strength, we 'believe has
41re "";SPenciiine• a few weeks wAh nor has no -equal. ..,-
tiarer.:te rat Ex'et.er. ' 'von ,doe.'t feel -Nytelrb,e.gitil taking
fr .J. „Will:is Powell: oil' Exeter,.
Placed a IN'acidsoine Raison. Diamond
Phonograph with Mr, J. Hey jr,' last.
week. • -
, !Mr, A. E. Bradwit Ay:Inc 'has. been
ith ES r tilip cli fo r
'd3c.,paSt rneriltibsf.ha,S splehis
itnteregetS, 'fliat'patper
Robertson, a iformer'',-.owiner..1-4e...;"
:At% „ JOb tin t town
liri.,latartleY ,fias ;rented 'hi,S* L,Ths to
'.Todeph',.:Oeschi of- Ilejg,',TO„o4thslihic'
;fon:in. .t.‘etigna." Of taire,,,years 'X,r,";''40.11t1-
'444iitetati'us ,the?itse..:OthetdlweulIfld
receteidi here front 7.De.i.
Rupp-, se s of. atlirs_, Stipp. op, thi5 • taw;u
:becead141,,,,vi0s well "known, having
this, parents until a, young
altic: When 'die IeiTh for' De troi,t
tals, and the !funeral was !held sPn.
Tuesday. ' • ;;
.ft,e.x.a11,01iv-e Oil .EintitsiOnt<to-day and
build ,your health ,ait4-#,N,4.dilten yotif
r‘yaf.em', agams t tootle ,,sop.ods ,iIltteS,
.To rat.x;adeSeeltits,..olet,-Pe:Op'f.•; ;.., .puny
children' and all
r -rr,Or, ailing, ,N,,,,,-';'6,ffer..‘" a..11'
.01i.ve. 0:1' 'Emulsion wittiottr'.„-personial
guarantee.. that ,if ttle,e't., .n.it19)1e- You
r_,d got,retng,,a gain' it Will...co,....sttfetn
'nothing. lf we' idn't havdthc 'ti,
;moot lai.th ;•we avouldofferOt,
gteara cite e 'nor invefl9. nedOnt9
inend it t:o yOu. We are isirrui that
.9;t4Ce;,yon, 'have used it. {so' recolni-
'6-34,6111r firietn,ds,and thank us
gex:. havirigilr,ceomitionded 11 to you
Sdk1crJ1yqit.hd mor,Osti-Us -
1.111 ijl'l.00
The Private
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dividuals actin
This strong,
, aged Trust Comp
available9 never
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The falichful exe
trusts is their one cl
Ives the best of his
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frequen.iyi iiiufrers.
ve been dissivat.il
fileiency, neglect
3 actual dishen.„
rt of private In -
as executor:.
roundly mar,
any is always
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are e:spert
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uti3n of
Consult us regarding the
biandlligg of your csta c. All
information cheerfully furn-
.110 8g, Western
Trusts Co. Limited
3S2 Richmond St., London, Ork
Sir Geo. Gibbons MC., President
5 John S. Moore, lianatter
Stomach Trouble Quickly
Cured l
People go on suffering from little
-glomach trouales for year,s, and int.
agine .they laa.ve a , serious disea-
ge. They oven -eat or over -drink and
force on the stomacix a lot of extra
work nut' they never thinfk that tee
stomach needs ex-tra help to do the
...,:Ktra work,
if these people would take ,Tano.;
Inc tablets regularly they 'would be
a great help to the stomach kit its
strain of over work. Igo matter what
you at or drink Tocoline Tabs sive-eta
en your sour ,stomach and stop gas
belching in five minutes. The 'heavi-;"
riess disappears, and the stomach is
greatly aided in its Nverk af diges,
Lion. •
Tonoline tablets not nely prr
,(relieves all distress but if.e.r
gularly will 'absolutely stores
tion by buildkcg up .freteipt
worked wa Ils or tk, Liunited,"
-make' them stroll'
:the food. eiI.00
men t. Nailed
.tary Co, Bose'