HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-11-26, Page 4gaia 01:1;e,4,09,„ NOV,- est la Argentina ca, tse;i wheat ;oazt to as inaref, irr tre 4.3sµ ^xaar the g47/4-, Ater baying lieen r e 1Y 40049,-,Orthe lame. ± e ,: strongL "'"S 5 n tit er Other *e aw i,o a _3a, as xnt .� t4444144441 a '�2 ) c'olXtja+7 en"i ,itTM Fatgr, aeTrR' ET R T1 s `CRL`URSDAY NOVEMBER, SiAv11 SCE Great eattb 4n Poland Ty-- in.Favor of ",A:$,7tPe. and provisions- oxo rgte,t@ �a '' Olf. ()\ rD tx3t:s ?. 5$tt1,i Wheat, eat., fall, bt.s e3.....$,.15 tta Y _J Ocose whet b Shet,k,. it 8A .••• :;arae mash_; 3 ., i?a � b 'oast ,„ ilk 11,v4:9.p 4x z° exa TO-PeabU§. A xx«,r, Vis. x, ,.. TOIltt .T' t3t4' nS ease. new', zx:se t:e p pa +A ht. Ftµ GRAM Nov, o td of grade utpowa— i,.: a°rs$aett ;: 4"01" t 5 r- cae wear trit ttd teat•I H fi r;;1Pu 7441; f,l'Aur.414;a- t b Q.` i fi R 1k . sax Reverse liras 3 -leen tsa l.a°3' d r) tne" t ernotas- ai Krit o iter ttx $ zaaaAkira!, .t<x*hasn't,— After virt. Anent zees Cal 1;aatt'R .>aacce NDON NOV. is bei a Yeas talc an — The Ikattl the senior a. 3 r'4er toto-V turned in E yEARS From Female Ills Restored to Health by Lydia E Pi akha a's Vegetable Compound. 'f�,.„ Iie$dayil$e, N.S.,Ca_nada,—,''id eiored dor tea years for female troabies and disc not get well, 1 read its the paper about Lydia E. Pih(hana',s Vegetabla, comp:mad and decided to try it, 1 write now e tell yon that 1 am cored, Too eau publish my letter as a testtanonaa0 . ST,x'iaa,33.4t3L,sm, Beldeyills,. a Scc tia, Ckfiada« Wonza eeov'ers. ? blArn, N. Y.—«>I wafered frOrn r0.4.611n144 fekr ten y*ears, owl Waugh niopkinAtilat ametinaP0111001414110 four days t ti ei ebntd not eat load did not want myane to tattt bother rowa al Somtatt es 0fOr saTetttaomrs it a tttr e ours dirt:thebeatthey comic) taut Q3ltba *got be' es : eget 41e tad anal fo r I Oman good 4ttx�� ie a VW t&s1, 0dT-ti,4ta l t treet% Auhttrtb New Yox The above are ort two ow tucks I ds o ntefui t+Ytte vadat aro oo tly,being received b the Fin "doe Coroany km, Moss„ ataor clearly what groat things inkbama's Vegebto Com - "or timo oto outer fronte. ?.: 1058C$143wt, e`.,5 ansa,- fi e M y rma t i*f en. w ti ern rt t 40.1,4 to N E1 .• erior T ( 9'" Tit—MON 445°4aw FOR ri Ci; Med The submarine. afteonrk.dae 18 .w sroen Granton owest prices an the surface ER THAN, SPANK1N t w i ;. W G^ R M7Rv I.i'kNM4T1 .A, rt: FT h,• C..ry „e: t a k' TZ, tryF 1 �� 4" *: F?5 ti 4', ayeql 4a Beta al -a 4 11 1 14 &a t RI.Sti'iae@:` t. 5444` aS@ O��iYiy.�. t me F)tt&icy \ic:c:le s' .> Iassratef art* es& t their T.tra s� eats took Neon n t alah r 0*91s' yeeterdaY «n, east 4w@9FE4ston, 17te. t.8tie' he Ana.' @'!tt4t@ a its War Rt.4fal ;G tdddt 4k �pl'#S dii 4-15, Rt ',7 m$ Mik la • WS R7irn est b , <q, u° Patiiiil� sa 4 B end oek 'Amber Dressed and Match Pine B. C. Red Cedar Shingles Iled Cedar Fence Posts feet 33ed Cedar Fence Posts 10 feet All 'tyles of Woven Wire Fence and Gates at All JO a fall by he had us tions, and 'ACH TROUBLE, cit b• ed close y ane s Sick, Sour, "'el fine as the British destroyer Gan -y came alongside.. The destroyer reseued three officers and twenty-three of the submarine's crew, only one being drowned. The names of the German officers eaptitred are Captain Lieut. von Hen- ning, Engin.eer Lieut. Sprenger and Lieut. Neuerberg. The submarine boat U-18' of the German navy was built in 1912. She bad a cruising radius of 2;000 miles Iand a speed of fourteen knots above # water and eight knots submerged. 1 A despatCh to the Exchange 'Tele- graph Co. from Copenhagen says the Danish steamer Anglodane collided Sunday night in the Ore Sund with the German torperlo-boat destroyer S-124. which foundered. .Anotber Copenhagen despatch says: Tbe collision occurred in the Baltic Sea on.side Falsterbo, Sweden. Two German torpedo boats went to the a.ssistance of th.-3 destroyer as she was about to sink, and a majority of tbe crew' was taken aboard them. Three of the men were rescued by the Anglodaner.but one of them, the chief engineer, did a half-hour laidar. The dentroyer was towed by one of the torpedo boats to the ,Swedisb coast, -svhere elm will. be disarmed. Tbe injure& boat carried -no lights. The Anglodanc ensfained too damage in the collis:on. The German torpedo-boat destroy- er S -1t4 was built ill 1 903. Sbe was of 6,500 horsePoWer. and bad a speed f 28 _Toots She carried a crew of about sixty men, tliveil 013,53' ',fuze'. despond - am*pi .g a ir.T, vane ftr :i :tr, �".�': �'V 111 �•:iii, 'k $ss're'tcns x ;a a azo !,'#°,46W -f; tar. ±a' i& a rg a II, Tl situ 2 t 2, t 9 zn@, as the x e 1,314 Letaw • :r3e:, were Penland voturuo Mutuga cast. pa33a MON 4�v ,,,nenzn Cama At ins"c34' ti RrQI ria1,2.0i ::;"iti. #4,1.4y Rip•.pflifilli are aaid to ai#Bl40 6^tone, ii@E4 i ba tetween �. Incorporated 18551. Capital & Reserve S8,800900.. Bi2AlticiiES.IN CANADA DENERAI, BANNING BUSINESS TRANSACTED IRC rAX,ETTERg € F CREDIT , 'TRAVELIER8 OlelEg fi i - - - r ISSUED.. RANK M034Y ORDERS, SAVINGS. T . At z -JI Branches. interest allowed at, highest currenit.rate, Exeter .::`a 3 Manag entS at Exeter for the DOntialoo 0Olfer :ua m :@din tit Austria i The ;::itser, tae ;rarity al ixi n:lf l them IN,Utt wY'113itaulatlott from all 1 p 3i°ati to 3aave t,1et 11,71' Russians bccaufte 1 the ?ttonghold must faa11 is not at .111 zttatikelY tlr, of Itut sia With relation to tl@+ many mouths to come will toi li..lne i by the operations under w'ay.. if the drh'4 of ten.' von Medi:Tiber sial alit gather renewed impetus and tweak through to Warsaw. ;then the position will be perilous, and sithdraw 'I from Galicia, and East 1°r n in inevitable. The alternative of s even more 'disastrous to the a , Who literally mest.win or tt 'tlncna own doorsteps under Au Tr;' Th. pptilt' :u✓♦ tot $°°'r13Vo vim e erg lety rack t, urrow Wow, wn ,dan advance in East d despatches report Although offitial desnaZehes only stels at tee lambs neon Skirmishes in East Prussia, a espatch from a correspondent with aottve army reports, with circum- stantial details, th.-?, Russian capture etioic 45`.•:3,0 Got.,binmen after a battle lasting and € steers At and b. if- , days, the Cossaeks being the be - medium cows, 13.25 to i5.3ca; cancers at I put the gunners, to Iiig,ht. $3 to $3.75; cutters, $4 W51)4 bu:',ks, 4 The German defenders declined to Stockers -nd F ed await a oayonet attack and the Rus - 36,2D to -33-50'; good steers, :mole weights. the town half da..molished by shell Gurabinnen is about midway be - moderate with prices steady but firm. tweet' Stalluponen, a point near the ranging from $65 to 05 each„ The ma- Russian frontie... which was captured, after a stiff resistance by the Ger- mans,: and Insterburg, 'the ;latter ans jeatIre of the Aussiak,414:ck;',ind In the hands cif, 'Czar-wmfld'bonsti- tute a valuable base for opeiations against Ko,enigsburg, the principal city and fortress of East Prussia. Choice steers. Seu to 3#(3.0 LDS, $.01a at it, sians entered in triumph to discover Milkers and Springers. Receipts of milkers and springers -were JoritY of sales -.Tore made, between sit) Choice veal calves sokL at' $9 -to $10,:, very few bringing the latter 'price; good; calves at 33 to $9 par. cwt.; medium_ at Sheep and Lambs'. ^ Sheep, light ewes, sold at $5 to $5.75; heavy ewes. .33 to 34; culis and rams, $2.50 to $9; choice light lambs at $7.90 to Selects, fed and watered, sold at $7.50. off cal's. ,EAST 13,1UFFALO IFAATE STOCK. Receipts, 2400 head, chiefly Canadlan;;[ fairly active and steady; shipping, $8,50 including be,a-"TY 'and' Sheep and lanibs,-,Receini.s,-.10bli bead; - CHICAGO LIVE STOCIft, flogs—ReceloES, 16;000; market hinherf, .10 IN years that h'01:e P.Itted'; )3! aBvrie eit 114,11p, e.a le it. iretnni e%ets: twae:n alutiicrr .# New;Year's came roptid, "3 -speedily fou0d. Nor Yetin.tlie Writing, That as the: thing. through„ 1,4ot ,backed pp by action, Nor won in a fight, LAND IflOtti4 RAZDNTS ant bow cr /art n 2i2.tzt 4, at 01 .cANADIAN 'CQMNIERUH.' 51R rnl‘TUND WALRER.C.1.7.0..1.L.D..t.Pre.Lo Preside 4t CAPITAL, $15,D00,000 BANKING 13 of Commerce to be 'operated by mail, and ill receive the, same. careful attention •4.5 IS givelito all other departments of the Barirs y as by a oral visit to oreit 1.12°4444 410,11? ;tett 'Crean 11,' LAND T ttuatt.d on tin vast en( thtle ;rout Central; 2vich good gra. vet zotds 1.adi.cg in ell ditet tants, On horn. porties so der th land 2% At ,t-ord without the it mt. ward orchard. s Salt. ---Terms of laril of purchaSe money on d:23- of ciLl impious,. cash. tteish Guaranteed Relief From All Bowel Ills If your 'bowels. are out of order, it - etc' of using some harsh, salts or lo -night and to -morrow you will feel gres.t. They taste good, and act so` easily that there isn't a particle ot griping or purg,i4g nor the exces.s- sive looseces8 that follows the taking and strengthen the bowels promptly rel-cv.ng the coitstipation making it unlikely 4o Occur ag"ain. oohlt believe there is any other and at the sanae -Ulnae 'so easy and plea sant to take aa Bexall Orderlies. We know you will •agree with us and he- lieye,,you will thank us Oar ,you about them. If they don't sati,s- ify ir_ every way come back Ar.91. 'tell us tazd will you back 'your raocey without a word or ques- tion. Yotihave no reason to hesitate whe we give you the 'opportunity as we hereby do to try them our risk 'vest pocket !ttn boxes 100, 25c 50c. You car. buy Bexall Orderlies at The Rexall,flores ,•and in this town only • • ardy-trine..iiIA rite . for „our large it., co _tree catalogue. NOti o Credit nig. of Exota t. Arty retk experience. rho in 14 tie the na bald d ccol thereto having claims at which hi. ootice and that tile At ' thereof to :my ietrson or pe of whose claim tiotiett. have b..en received by him e of such distributiott, I by Or c. guars to ot the Lite op And tut the o .ter, this lath day of g °nor of Toronto t/niee2r2$ arty er Dickson, ti: ,clarler littg'a e. Closed Waneao Iiisiredina Hair Remedy Never Fails color and iantay.. ,x0 inetter how el 1 and teded your hair lookS, or Amu 1 long you toys: br.,..en gray, it -will work vonders for you. keep you looking I young promote a ltig.uriatt growth of healthy hair, stop its falling our and. so:1 skin or lineL. Will not injnte your hair its. not a dye. Refuse all substitutes; 50c, a bottle at druggists. We will send a large trial bottle sends .this ,coupqn to the American free by return of mail, to anyone who ;Proprietary Co., Boston 'Blass, With namcand address sand 10c in coin or stamps to pay postage. CENTRAL • • • Work and for the success of Its .1> 40, graduates, a school with super- ior courses and instrue,ors. We 0 o give individual abteztion in' 4, Commercial Shorthand and Tel - ; tend elswhere when there is 44,' room here? You may enter al Teeth extracted without Iliale'itieprecad‘ Setrafeuebtusiy%°'019tIceov /I lc 11 1 I) TO ITU:TREAT. , A. iltioLlsOlElLAN Would IS.:i.u3s,n Nation pespondeut. from, ..GOvanh-441it",,yagy that it .11W°5' been,leai nett in military cir- cle.p1iVat-,-'ilcsp'te tbe serious, situa- tion on ti --.siern frontier, the.-Okr-4'4, marn3 liax,e. not. diminished cessary,:-.to, „suctt „ellen would cause, the spirits of'ine lerman people to fall ao !ow likat revolution might tot- 'Plaa Germans. .expected to • Cents ,te in. consetfuence of aecattot "strategical anti l'is'ic''1471raete",eenti-A4allini7‘utTle°11tPellinin:sfittrer.ef,3C:klatilehithuiveirilez:lieP :1,741168, 00: ,i9:414:::513,41, W. BRONVNING 1&„ r. 6. Graduate Victoria Ilsoitiora sity Office and residence Dominion Labratory., Exeter. Associate Coroncr of Huron 13arristers, Solicitors Notaries COM for the Mnlsona Bank eta. I Money to Loan at lowest rates a hp • We have a large amount of Alfa f ands to loan on farm and , lage properties at lowest rate of Barristers, Solicitors, Maim ati2 Exeter Gompanu Vice President rims, RYAN' WM. BROCK WM. ROY BOLT. GARD]RiEffil ROM. Neditlitifg ECTORS"-c 40 - Dublin A. ITJRNBULL Solicitor's. Exeter.