HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-11-19, Page 8THE EXETER aIMfa, S THURSDAY NOVEMBER ot our Goods J,'ret,are WE DID THAT IS WHAT s Goods this year early, before the war, and rocky too, we have every lot in. We never had such a clean stock to offer our Pair®nSuld prices. This year YOU will make c� l c,25c0cresents take the place of higher=priced ones, and POW LL' ` BAZAAR s the place to find theme OUR STORE is brim full of these values this year. Picture Post Cards CHRISTMAS Nt VEL' `IES etc. Our lenders, 15e a doz., Other* 5.e end 10e, Oar Special Packages of Seale, enclos: ere cards. Xmas stailzpse etc* for 15e; is a winner. Tissue paper all colors, Tis- sue palter bells and garlandas for (lacer- ating! celendere, ecorating!cel:Anders, etc. Come earl y White the Wetting is gaud. S twitsastanding the se+-azu.b for O. anir I olblaair Stock is ;: pe<. osaplete. We advise yon to ta.z'y Dalt".Steck comprises fris :io,._. 4v' - 1ff tC .: Ai :::s` laelW de'.. at nes, . All oat, t4ys ww'e e4ot lie et vaa�r. r:aence' there's im advance • BHT NOW • 6 buy an; Drug sundries Our steel: of perftatnes, taalcuzn pow- niersehapped hand remedies, satwhet powders, fancy soaps, combs, hair aid tooth brushes. chamois skins, shaving soap and brushes, is most complete, You buy these right at opr store. No peed paying• 25c when 15e will htlY most all drug goads here, we want your trade in these goods. Stationery Oarassortment �a..t'. offa � � hones 1S e -n _ .very Range, leo and 25e are the easy pr °aa.>s ftir moat of it. Quality, excellent 44• raud envelopes too, in great carry e, pay 2 per cent on it w Phonographs EDISONS AND VICTORS We can supply you with either make they ars both good instruments and. an embeilisbraent to any house. All .. the latest models and recoods. Colne and see us or write for catalogs. See adv. in another colunni, DOLLS, DOLLS While we have a big assortment, we advise yota to come early and choose, The early buyer aalctraysgets the choice All prices from S4 Co a riickle, dressed and naked. GAMES Shootingames ar r acnes,pc ar heesi 'riddle winks, ceeclzere Dominoes, and card games of all kinds, 50c to 1Ue. INIMEMMPAIMMINNIBRINMSERANAMMEMIXIIESMINAEXCS °well� wi Si 0 'URI:4 T11 Rt( VARll ew Ga41.?: aJ A. STEWART ONE SONA13LU PRICVS. PREVAJ] Lad' s Fall and rCas you have no bought uor WinrC• do not m ss seeingwhat we e have show you, We have a big range of i 1 sChildrens up in the latest styles ee our Ladies Plush at $25.00 Mens Overcoats Right now. you will find the kind of coat at the price you are willing toa . A big range of snappy � 3 ollrl4; mens s qyles to choose from. Prices range from $10.00 to $ 15.00. Children's Sleepers They ate fine for the cluidren, for the cold weather, Fleece, lin- ed and, goad weight, made in 3 sizes. Me, nee. and 755 Heavy ubbers Miner Brand Lubbers are made in the finestquelity for women and men, as welt as the heavy Eum rubbers rough wear. for every' pair is guaranteed, Underwear Stanfields Underwear is re- cognized as one of the best lines thatis made. We are selling it this season in three different gra- des per garment, $1, $1.25,, $1,50 Union Sheeting 72"inehes wide in gray or., cream, This is•a splendid finality of sheeting and is extra value. Special at per yard 85e. Perrin's Gloves It the finest black and colored kid, also ha cape and; znocho. This make is sure to give satis faction alt sizes in cape, $1, 1.25, Sweater Coats If you are looking for. a Swea- ter Coat drop in and see the big assortment we can show you. coats at $1.00. Great values at 55'00 Ste w a r t "nsesenel. The Township Sunday School con ver.'`idns for South Huron, will be held this month; inStepht!non tba24 U'sbarce, wad Exeter on the 25th and/ Ray and StafnIey on the 266,,h. gid 1' `K,.. M ,. as ht, °, v. 1 De ra<w:sar' a Wester -es C oa ! Coy's SCRANTON N Egg, Stove aR Claestniet TI1E BEST COAL crsr efs.at91 H � �tac1feci ss ino live.rec Pros-iiptf y ...ereintirellat es,* seernie !, SOUR ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDI'GESTI©N Each "napes Diapepsin" digests 3000 grains food, ending al! stomach misery in five minutes. Time it! In five minutes all stom- ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin: is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomachtnem- ed the whole in wv le worIsi and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting •a large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store: You realize le five minutes how needless it is to suf- fenr f om indigestion, dyspepsia e p sin oran any stomach disorder. :It's the quickest, surest .. and most " harmiees -stomach doctor In the world. innnnanininnine nra,rket Report- The fping i report of the ITxeter tu4rk''e. d np to ..a t 1.10 t o 1",15 °la ir1r 05 to ti. '.i, is 40, tleekwvheai, 00 to 0.i.. Peas 90 karts Bradt Flown.1,7O 11 innli is s+'ly Ida;tli �r Mf3 �.r ed 144el alive Te, rl,';' 4tlivei Old Tame reliefs Old Turkey 13. M.. se Bleat. 9 Dried apples 4c.. potatoes :50 to (loc. Hags r,..; Drenocl Dressed 12 !sem 1.0 ed 10. t ed 12 ****N******* LOCAL *ik*** d the auction sale advta en ur,- . a1Tr ' , rl,chese a, avas izt London en .. 1; r,.cl;xy Iia�t, Mess Trete Hardy lies xetuznedi home from. £ardan. 11rs, 'rc►li has retuned name after vis:ti>:g fz Loudon. a\Irs, Il, Critteothin of :Blyth 't'lsiti. edit. town on Prtla;r last. lfr, Lel. 'Welsh o? Inaction visited tis brother- W all over the week. rid, Mrs, Remy has returned harste teca- r spending 0 r i. 1 c a fi the simmer iu the west. Mr. Z. Barr returned home Pritll,•ty after sepnding several months in the est. Mr; and lairs. Thos, Flynn v'isit'ed size forepart of the wveek with their ,or- in Steffe. errs, L. II, Dioksoc Mrs, Browning acd Mrs, G. If:u.tvkins were in London or, Thursday last; Mr, Oscar An erson nes=secured e. tFo it:or_ in Elmsvale and 1 ft Wednes- day for teat place Mrs, Caen nott• Wits/linen oeu was calledd ham, owing to the death of hex fat or ltr, John Colwvill. 'Mfrs, Jas, Luttoc and two Children n f L visited or.dan vi "t. d wfr, and Mrs, � Marton on Friday last. Mrs, G. A. You cg and two children of Loudon are visaing the former's narer_ts Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Beer, Mor.•day ww'as the opening day ;'fo'r' the black squ'irrel season. From ' all reports, the squirrels are pretty scarce. Citi>,er.s who have boulevards and wish them protected should place a tic post for the coavt+❑°en'ce of de- livery rigs etc. Mfrs. Jas, Dixon, of McGuire and Sirs. D. Mack ,of tow(rt were the retests of Mrs, Jas, Simpson, He'dsall cart of last week. Mr. 11 Snell lett: an Saturday for his home. rn GTO 011na;Alta, fie wee aceom"- paaaed bye h',s mother lairs, John Snell who will spend the wifnter there. 11r, John- Dauncey of London, has purchased the residerce of Mr, Jas. Ogde.l. on Andrew Street, lair, Og,- den is going on a farm near Elinivilte, Mies Minnie Wynn who has : been confir:ed to her bed for the past si,x months is stiil very low, but her mares' f.rinedts hope for .her:'recoverye The News• -Record states that tae lighting bills of the people of Clini ton .lave berm reduced duc 40per cent nr since the introduction of Hydro -El- ectric.• , Miss Bertha Mack head book -keep;• er Mr the Canadian Lumber Co. Tor- onto has beep made private Secretary since; the sudden ddeath• of one of :tbki 't a lamp c{y. 74ir, k W. Lu er has sold hi.s farm:, inUsboree to Mr, 9amuei Hicks' who re- eentiy had :,his barn destroyed by fire This makes Mr, Ticks the oers of 150 acres of lean .l aed- ' z s; D. t.ossell is ; ar fined ai tlrough inures, Jlte Find liogertit lw', returned oine a.`•ter sl:erding the stammer lee nest. Ms at -d TAY US, 3. Reichard. and daug t, e `irerc returined to 'th'eir home; in: ort Iron az# F;ibsy after visiting 1 • r, and zrrs A. Morey, 'el`a r fr'wle from tin. tel ''ebu 1 Toronto s„ of 'the school Janies Stirei th afterntao wrvioce, Ica . lest 9 t the Excite ode with flour 8, mill was overturn ins; The flour had to iletl into 'anothor ear, Quito "Q C i4 WAS damaged, At, alxrilitary u frons -Darden and set #Mass bt. 13 aIs .`. C. J'oYousig zra,,n'' Class of Joxnes ntreet afethodist church in- t a t 41 tt .rely 3 patriotic • Ohba essere *If it's new and good, you'll find it at Powell's." you often hear people use this expression. Our assortment. `o£ Fancy China this year excels all our past arrays. The dainty &hapes, deli- cete colorings and trimmings, you'll find them all here, in buttertubs, sal- ads, oaks and, bread trays. casserole, berry sets, watersets, Mable sets, coo ports, bon bens, spooneree sugar a.ad cream sets, teapotr. and many others, We Also have 500 ens and eat/eel's at $1 co 190, besides dinnerware in White and Cold china„ Start Saving a Set `i"o.day. Thera in cheap chinaware we have loads ft at 20l,,ee " d 2- Tees, sweets Oer Sweet Meats is. a. big end of this business, we aim to beep always new fresh Candy. Chocolates, both in bulk and box goods, We :handle the famous Willards Forkdipt Chocolates both in fancy boxes and bulk, also a good as- sortment of le .candies and boiled can- dy, We specialize on peppermints. If you are not a cuetomrr at oar Candy Counter, then slip in and, bay some. Also don't forget we sell fresh roasted peanuts and salted peanuts- Try Ornis Oranges ;and nuts of all kinds. Xmas eel. Collar Outs° and Collar huttons, bar and jabot Mins, beauty and lace pins, rings, etc,. ve o ic, alt oo, Qe and2:1-s the prices pecial D un'ts to churches alld ls on all Xmas purchases of $5 Mss 11(a b„a*rel; ke ret+lrne Leckito.v lust nei'k where a ',Pont toe )1111ln:in ' eeacon, Miss I1lutch of Auburn; .has return- ed home after spending the -re Se'4 QL. Wil 14 ;inns 'forlock, A horse tie the butcher cart of W. 1Eiv+ ra ran away at Exeter North. er Monday, leo darzxahe wtu don, Oni sands is orals' abotj firs weeks Away if your Wires are not alread'Y 4ormutated it is rut too early to hie Ir, 41 31m, C. l lfoap'r returnees, Iaat Thursday* aftcx visiting in Tor o .,.t, ntais arid Granton coYbis on husiuv'ss with pleasure, tr a, Doreen. hoar ,ioinni her husk . {+ \;r. 13ttrn,a•li accountant nt ttr,s llrrlsor' tta,n,k and they have tali» •Ica' rtrn I c sat l Sat the 4040 ,0 ZE ne ll The Ingle M,ssiotery Society Will hold a Scotch entertainment in Csav- t,c Presbyterian church, on Friday g •' l iotic eseniug ><n' N ', 27tbu Tla.y have beer.° fortuu- tw eru3•ci. great Friday uvor ,ngAd! ata Ire, secunug Mrs. C,Girttas ko',heet- escs or •,merest fn counratinn `vt.tia °;r oC { !fee. war 1.,111 be Lott lox, who lams ;achieved gree given. iu#ersparst�3, Fuoc � I t • with atlaihropriate uausaio. A. collection ass n the singing of Scottie wilt :bacarr program wal Main cat ei(fla take, up fore tho vatnot141 o'clock. Gur,d, Thos 1:uiblir,g fiou^lh of Harvey Bros, `v11'Y prt sty weddrrg took 4tlac znui tit h cii 11r, Lcarirt as remodel or. wRi leu:,sda y \ov, id th aat ;high;.noo ltct; into a moving picture theatre .t 'the home or .lir, as 0 Mrs, .Reber_. is neaarng completion : hnd when �' ThIa&r of lisborne, when ;their d t fic'shed w' l fifer ill be +t Lav' an +zii"ta-tobac fi urn k, ^wt•:ts a°nitad au t r near.` u c theatre. r.al ca e. 'I i cto ra, In rovd .I :Melville p Frig lamuaer t3elvslla L. Herr. ,.au avert for Exeter Mr Leavitt has carr j cf !1'r, ar-d =Mrs, :17hilip herrn also of sidcred zoth:ng but t'he best, such, as Lrsborne tfhc• ceremony was per3- wtll do credit to city city Els efforts 'famed by .Itev. W. C+, 1.1', lleAliaien have beer. ap:zrecia.ted by thr c'tiz" ens who have given a liberal patron?. 0,1441. The plan or exchange in the Escada t. ii or. 1lo;nday deeming. The evening of Er ter. Fall particulars' xt cie,k The W. 'O: T. Tf, .held ti social ever."u g u' James Street Methodist altuent ter Distract for a Illiaasiochry canon I ,eats tlttstu stornty but .aever(loess( paainci text Sabbath Nov, 22, is ns fa1•• there was a good turi:out. Rev. E. lows.—James Street Exeter, I?ev, .1.,G. 1:'on ell County Secretary was ;the: 1T, llrowc'; Parkhill, Rev, R. Hicks& I slant t. spai, tx ene hegave some'k: Elimville, Dr, Futhergail; ;Centralia. i.errestin information as to the workrt- ne e, Jos's .D: Cook; Hensel' sfl. Jb ie' - c outof-S K theo ottAct l insince Zi r: C , U It' ti td• e tfa t 'cv. .s1, n l r; R J elf � ty. lSaveral''mrrsical select:orya wenn Grand meed. Rev. ',d W. Maher 1', SYl- reeklereds The President Mrs. IL vac, .'If, R. 13ar1u'by; Ailsa 'Craig, Rolf- iloopt.r occupied the chair. Alter " he lv. (e), 11. McAlister; /mean, J \ t 1 u J. �M� urogram refreshment were served ond Iilatcbford; Gracto,~, 5. JefCersonl ' .r social time was ccjoyed. lilvasodliam. L. W. R -i1 Ztiirk:ea. G. A. i3iirca rd:, • t One of the most in i. r.1� u flucnoiai tzgricuaC, 'Sha �„ow Test" YOU CAN SHOW YOUR INTEREST IN THE CAN- ADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND And do a ,patriotic servile to your Coln nilen in helping to keep Carlau. iI n employees buay by purchasing EXALT. TomiMirr " GOODS. R1.,1a".i.T1 SinneAtEll and 1I1:x.t.r. PRODUCTS. ause the Rexall Stores of Canada r -1110 of the beat andlargest g Stares fcoua Sydney to ,Dace - City are contributing trona, Oct. a�+ r to � December 1st «r Irma PEA 0 N of all their purchases of these Fwaoda to the Caanadian Patriotic fund and causqusntly every time you buy A Rexall Prod net you, help Gtt swell thio Fund and do it too, 1T110UT IT COSTINGS yet; A CRNT. Futllist of $,extol Goods at our ' ore, Get one today, you°!I find c ozone of articles of every day use t you can buy to advantage. All Metall Goods are sold on a guaran- es3 to give satisfaction, or cost you nothing. Pass the word along to your friends, in it is the many email purchases that will collectively 'cre- ate a big Fund for tine humane work and fulfill file Patriotic :Duty of Canadians to keep Canadian em ployees busy. xct ear algae, Shun Meeting of Huron County Council meeting of Iiuron Count council 21i The cotiricil of tlie Corporation at the•cou;ctty of Ilteron will meet in''t.ha touted e1 awber in the Town Hall Codetrich' Tuesday December lst at a o'clock All accounts for settlemeInt niust be placed, with time e1eeM 'fore that date. W..Lar:ie Cf .rk. Dated at (oderich, Nov 1Gtli 1914 tura' papers in the Donilnion" is the way others refer to the Weekly Sun of Toronto. It is a paper n'biob ap- peals to the wide-awake farmers, Tr -dependant and f i "He Looks into the Eye." Exeter, Nov. 14, '14 is to certify that Mr. W. S. How- ey, druggist of Exe- ter has just completed an advanced course in eye- sight testing, including the well known "'Shadow Test"' System. must state that I find him proficient and capable of p accurately ectr— recting even the most com- plicated` eases of errors in refraction' bythe latest methods known to science, �' : Graham 304 v g �®1'1Still si31 .. CI t� on treat earless 't has al- ways guarded the best intr res!s of Canadian t ❑ A t Agriculture r t; s u u c Aside from. that, its accurate and carefully core plied market reports and susnmervea give the reader a practical gran.o of mrha es coed' ' ` '� tt.an�, "You.have saved, Inc dollars" is the tepee ted recom- mendation of hundreds of its readers The Sur. is on Om ground, and it' is ,riot influenced by the packing houses or commission merchants. It stands !for fanners , alone, every day in the year rt is the "farmers frie;rjd yea ougbt to be a readier. Patriotic League Notes Emergency' Call—'The ,Exeter Pat riotio league. have through peeve J W. Taylor received a call to .help . 'irr nuiov°dddng 300,00 Ocholera belts and 300,000 pear of socks and field marshal Sir Jor.h Frnech has made a special and (urgelu't appeal 'for •the 1uutnedjiatle 'despatch of belts. 'Woollen socks are the •urgent necessity at preslent. and the 'members of the Patriotic leagura svill devote all their energ. ,is toe the supplpirg 'l;hese for some itl,me, at least 'Mectirg of the erectit:v. tto-laight Wednesday Mrs, II. Ilooper Pres, Previously acknowledged • '693 10 .Tun_`or Patriots ..league 118 00 Tea Room ;lgoveaber 7: 10 '47 James, Street .Gpwvorth League 17 00 Tea Room Nov, 14 8 (31 Thos Harvey, Doratiel 5 00 A. se Bracers Donation 5 00 lir, livers •Dor_at;en 1 00 Ma Lc Street l p worth, Lea gins 1 50 Other sources 31 44 891'47 as� bcebi iars ,h lad- ies e� going r.- d tu•y Total receipts- A box 'of knitted _goodis b sent to `headquarters and $109.00 l beer_ sent. to the' I3elg turns T of the Patriotic„league ar to .tie<quilt's 'on Friday afternoon at the Town Hall. "'Would all those i terested please.''take `notice an to be therr. if possible. ; Notice Having sold my house on William Street 1 have several household ar- ticles 'for sale also two new Premier Cream separators. : Will be on the pre runes Saturday afternoon Nov, 21st vlo dispose of same. All must be sold, 'Nin. M, Blatchfords flicks Forecasts—A regular storm period covers the 17th. to +the 22nd,. having its celolter on the 19th. The new mnooan is on the 17 th near peri- gee on the 16th, and South declines noir, Ons the 1(10h. Thos :.period will begin promptly on the.1.7th 'with eits- ieg temperature; falling barometea and •threatening clouds in . Western „central valley.% alnd into the •Atlaintie ‘extremes. These conditions will ,take UP ''their march castwardly by the 18th and Rath and during the 2041 21st and 22nd thrYwvt11 Passt e great coast region 11 a very low, barometer 'attends these storms across the count - try high and dangerous worth east- erly gales will come in from the #Y•tlatti.c ocean to fill up 'the inland barometic depression causing danger to,shippirg along the rcast'iand winds irg up with violent north westerly gales iand...otn and about the great takes. These sections enpec:ally should watch the icdicatb n of heed storm sigrals Renewed high pressure cleat - Leg is+kices and mach colder weather will spread over the couotry lbehirkll these tatorms fasting up to the, 23rd to 24th. For addr:lt:!oval eind (Stray shots see page tans. Open Season for Game.—The P me. he followb :cf.; will be of interest to they local sportsman who wish to dcnowv the open ,casor. for the various gauzes. Duck frori. Sept 15th to Dec. 15. both days. 'reclusive Geese, Sept 15, to April 15, Grouse Oct,, 15 to Nov, 15th both slays y iselatscve. Plover and Snipe Sept 16 to•'D "Dec, 15th, Hare and 'i3 akrbitt o let ist to December 1st Black racl'iirrel Nowt 15th to Dee. 1st', Miak Nov, 1st to April `30th MDec, t .ist ; to hlarab 31ss1.. No rnuckrats can be shot or. trapped durieg.the mal_t{h., erg APR tYll? • aDomestic � t * Tile Domestic Vacuum Olelailter,• . la the greatest device perfected ltree Ilii ar 11-!t et � dirt h sneat1 tie tsrq^ 2—rr este Ali dirt in the texture of 4.-/t. ger., al/ the ,vrfaea liter CALL AND SEE THEM R.N Rowe Ap 4 40. 0' 4 0, ,110,il ods, 13o **4t**44****r*** *******tb table to Reet—A good comfortable; sa die cc,it:rally; lactated to r=ent for tie i:i .r. Apply et Tunes ©food, FOR DALE --•n, very comfortable one or;d 'a half storey frame house situs- ted` on the corner of Will:ani and Vie. tor' Streets trectg poscsssipn let of .1yriT 1.9.15. Apply to Wm. Mir era or Gladurtn and btanbury Exeter. Mr. Feick Taylor of Crrditon” . hes taken out :an Auctioneer's I,icezase for the Caucty of Huron and I.S lire -t pared to ;make dates ,for any sale in ilia .future. For terms s; r.1 particular* apply to Frank Taylor Oredi,tonl Ease 10--�t1Jf 0 Farm for m 0 SBIe LOT 7 COV. 1. STEPHEN' 1 '. T..,. property of the late Thomas lisdcry Brute Louse, bank barn and frame* hp, 3 good wells, wvindmill, goal c,ri:h r r„ shout 8 acres of good k d- wood bush containi❑g about 500 su- gar maple trees. Soil nay ,loam, waelt. drained and fenced. Farm itr good state ,of cultivation, one halt mile tram Centralia Station. Possession can be given to suits chs tier 1 ser, For terms and particulars articulare 'apply to - Geo, G. Essery Gladman'&Stanbury Centralia Baristers Exeter For Hair Health llf Rexall 4.93" Hair Tonic doh toot Improve the health of your scalp and hair, we will pay for what you use during the trial. We could not so strongly endorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and continuo to sell it to the same people if it did not do all we claim. Should it not prove entirely .satisfactory our cus- tomers would lose faith m •us, we would lose their patronage, and our business would suffer. If your hair is falling out or yota suffer any scalp trouble, we believe, • Resell "93"Hair Hair Tonic will do more to eradicate the dandruff, give health to the scalp, stimulate new hair growth and prevent prernature bald- ness than any other human agency. We want you to make as prove this. We ask you to risk no money whatever. Buy a bottle of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, use it accordang to directions for thirty days; then if you are not entirelysatisfied, come and tell us and we will promptly hand back the money you paid us for it. Wo won't -ask you to sign any- thing, nor even to bring the bottle back. We won't obligate any way. We. will takeg you e your mere. word. Could anything be more faire Could we de anything more to prove" our belief in Rexall "93" flair Tonic, and our honesty ofur p ose p p in reconx- "mending it to you?. Resell' `93" Hair Tonic is ant. to use as s'rin water t; Ater and has but a faint, pleasing odor. It comes in two sizes of bottles; 60e and $1.00: You can buy. Rexall "93" Hair 'L'onis in this community only at our store: .W • S. COLE. Exeter °.fTrc&onp Ontarks There is a Rexall Store in - nee a towns and city in the United States,, every fa Canada and Great Britain., There is a 'different Bexnli Remedy for nearly every ordinary human'ill— each especially designed for thearticulatr iIEI for which it is recommended. P The Rexnit ,Stares are Areerictr'a Gre.tittSV. Drug: stores is