HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1914-11-19, Page 1d•: Huron 80 IVIiddlasexGazette FORTY-SECOND YEAR—NO 2137 trassimmitohor EXETER, ONT/ CANADA, T. PHONE 32 JONES AND MAY PHONE 32 WIi�TERS �AR;1�I EARABLES Ve are making a fine showing of all Winter Goods, for .en the War Prices. Women and Children. All bought before thisWearables Don't forget is headquarters Waiters for Warm New Velvets 1*lttin Velvets in all shades. Brochade velvets: ll alludes, Striped velvets, 'Roman Colors, Children's Coats About 10 clitrere ut styles to pink from in Plain 'rl and tweed cloths, tdaok, grey, red, blue and teed colors . Srze!3 feosu one year of age to ,four Irl ye:av's of age, New Dress Goods Ntatty New Dress G000ds in all the seasons New colors & cloths. A, good place to buy your Dress, Floor Rugs Wilton Rugs 3Z3I, 3x4 yards; ,t1xt>ainistee Rugs $x3. 3x1 yds Velvet rugs $x3 ,38¢,$4x4 yards; Brussels rugs all sizes: Tapestry rugs all sizes; A. big bunch to pick from. New Furs Sweater Coats Ladies Stoles, Mulls and Capes, For Men, Woinen..Boys, or Girls Children; white Fars for all adzes. in all colors and all Prices. adies oats Always Something New is being shown here. New Styles, New Clothes and New Prices. Goods Coats from 10 Dollars each up. ur Collared Coats at $15, $20 and $25 each 1�. r' LinedCoats , at $35 and $45 each JONES AND MAY Canada Contest EXTENDED TO NOV. 16th so if you havent sent in your 5 best cooking rec- ipes to the Moffat Stove Co. Weston, Ont., do so at once, 1st prize,Moffatran ge; 2nd prize $40-00; 3rd prize, $25.00: 4th, 10.00; 5th, 5.00 and 50 prizes of 200 eaob. All you havetoado is to write out your five. beet cooking rec- ipes and mail to the Moffat Stove'Co. Dept, A. Every -con- testant will receive a new cook book, Cadilac Vacuum Clean- ser and Sweepers; the best carpet cleaner for made the money, 11.50 rent them at 50c per day. issell sweepers from $2.75 up. 1 x AND D STOVE STORE Osimatnefuntztiltzat S. 0,6'8 OT3N1; S.lei L 13 .alS. r 12outleS$3• V. Bel1. 18 "M'asntirn fi(t: 1;; 1)w?br^ldge 132; FJcalltw,ill 51'; V. Heywood 1 9 jr t G mi 92 • Barna' ell ,Jpt3ahls 73 , ..�o!L s G, tr Colr'rriistlt 75; , Et .ITor7ne ?4'; rst0; Sr, '3rd; R, ]Smale.160; F. Heywood 50; Ili. !Co;rn,ilsh '4 ; Jr 3rd+--Tt. ,Craer,t4 al,: B. Illed'd1'2 `lit'J3c11lit: F.' Route.' Iey' `•14.; 'J. Barnard '13; ,11 Heywood 20 .5I If- :' 'wri 'Al Sr, 2 wd 1I Cornlstt :It johns 19; H, Johns 40;; F. I evsvoa 'n en Ilelbrimdge 00; J, 't'Vilsetc,i'1®,.; iw .a 'bridge GG; L. I-1,oJ-t>i 62;C. Beywoo to. F. Horne 30 . W,13ell'311 .3SrPrim er- J. Bidley 06; E. Cor .gsh: 50; ,w Heywood 36; A,—N; Medd 06; N, Root ley, 65 L. I-Icya ood 64; T, Johl ::s 601 A. Johl::s 56; t,'. Johns 55; r. ,Ilarnesa U. Wt, Joh!:. s 60; A. Creery( 50; "teas 45; . FL Joh is 45 Fowl Supper ;QDAY IVIORNING, NOVE&&EER, 10th. :l Letter from Salisbury The `ollowix.g driteresting ;letter from Salisbury I.tlai4_. is from an Exet ter Olt{ Boy, now with tart troops in Er_gla ad. Pond Farm. Camp, Saiisbary Pfainn Eaglaad, October, 29, 1014' Mrs, Jas, Gotuld, Exeter Ontario. Canada, Dear Mrs, Gouid— Your welcome letter, addretts('d to Valcartier received here a few: days afro. 'Well. we, boys are getting pretty close to' the seeoe of activities now. The war is raging about 70 miles from here ' aero the ehacicel. We are eluteg in tents at;;aiu, but they are building shacks for use in the colder weatne.. WVc are all getting three clays of absence, I am, going to spend mind in London, .I exp'tet to get ret} li~.ave cert ‘eek, I.ondo a is oats about two hot'rs rue freta here, e wow reviewed by Lord Itobert+a last Sunday arterrtoou. We sailed frau Quebec the first aS the month. nod l-ndt d at Plymouth on the 18th: We hoarded the boat ar the 28th of ; i'ut,irnlr-wr so that make; 20 days oc. board altogether The name of the'lxrntwas, oetlard,'Tinre were 31 ships tr, ail, we soiled ici three lines. each lite about .half a toile apart Our convoy was four cruisers and hue battleship. It was a fine sight, all these ;ships sailing tout'th'r, the lar- gest 'fleet that has ever cros,td the ocean, We were supposed to disnnaw, bark. at Southampton, but there were. tic, Gornto r. sttbnrtar:nits waiting for n4 in the Chants so a.,,; put iota Ply* mouth for sa ft,ty. We got a gr,'at re. ee felon from the p.api.as we° march,* , tl throw; h the,streets to the trai.C.. Wo arc' g'ttiag mown to hus'nesit in camp again and in a short; time wo will b, a tough propos:tion for the Gore:ions when we are order 'it in the front, 'A hatevar f do I'll try to b•• worthy: of tete Canadian uniform which I wear. Wim e'r r't '111 expect to coney back but "I'll live it hope's of her ing spared to COW buck to Ca'aadii• and .see old Exet'r ,a3;ai,n', We will to doubt have some nerve rachi -,g, experience,. this mining will ter when we get an the firing line. T suppose! lir. Gould is blare wait'- on bis ouatgraers Chess days. I s thing of the time when' bre rry Ligbt'hnxt and 'I made rip- plcx barrels together. That was five years ago, the time sure doe's fly. am writing the.s letter in the ►.I,C•A. ter,t a ahi re from a rough. guess there tare (our luar,dred &on vritit.g letters, reading, singing etc. Taking the Ca'am this contingent of 33,000 n ',t*:. so far as phy4deal fit;nossI they are -certainly a fine fioar of men and ;f aye no doubt will be a credit to "Cianadn when 'they get to the frost, '4Var. is 0 terr',ule thir.g, hot there no doubt we to glut better have it now than later, a ht"a the Germans would only b;» that zuuc.;la, Ilavdc to subdue. Well Sir., Gould, I'll close here. iaopir g to ,hear from you area:aa before 'l go over to the coctlrent. You might reniembei me to the boys around' town, Under the Auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Centralia Chun!' TUES. EV'G., NOV. 24 Supper to be Hot; served in the basement and to begin at Five o'clock GOOD PROGRAMME AFTER TICKETS 35 & 20 CTS. BORN 3(cK,ENIZIE-7(aa Tuckerami,th on Nov. 8th to Mr, and 'Mrs, Peter Me- -' Kenzie a solraal, SIIEENAN—At St. Joseph, or. Tuesday Nov. 10th to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur, Sreeraaln a. daughter. MARRIED IIL•°RN—KJIIISLA.KE--let Usiborne on Wednesday 'Nov. 18th at. ca.& home of the, bride's paretnts Mr, and Mrs. Robert 'Kerslake, Lavine. E, to ,Mr, Dfelville L. Herr: by Rev. M,1 G. H, McA'li,'ter. DIED ifASiSE—At St. Joseph, on Nov, 5th; Nelson Masse Sr., aged 5`J 'years♦, 31 El 1,Cls';—At• Zurich, bre Nov. 4th. I vitt us '5felick, aged 71 years and 28 days.. LINKER—At Dashwood, on Nov. gilt Mitred Ricker. aged 17 years. Iill?IC.:GGER—At 14th con. 'I -fey,. on Nov, 10th John ,Kruger, aged iJO: years. COOK—In Clinton on Friday Noe. 6th, 10.14DavidCook sr, 'ir. his 9lath yLar. ' Exeter, 1 da ,, C 1 L-1 on ,hors OLW L n tT �, Nov. 1.John .aed 81 yod.rc s 5 mouths and 6 days. DROWN—lo Clinton, on aturda . Nov. 7th Mary Ado, Pennelsakor, l tlhcloved wife 'of John Brown aged , 58 years 1) mouths afnd 21 days. • —T t don Tuesci�a SWAa�TN w Brace -feel yi ` eery tsiccerely yours, I' Elmore Lang H. McMillan the Liberal Cho'ice At n mast e'°. t'lhusiatic ;rally of the Liberals of south Duro: at ?Clinton last 'Wed% desday afternoon Thomas, Me 1lillar_ of Ifiullett Tosv(taship was the unanimous cho'c.> as candidate for the Dont r.'on horiss t lPresident 'Larry Smith was in the chair u'nd' called this: meeting t.o order cared asked the dele- gates to lame their candidate when the following were proposed, Owen Geiger Ilersall. Thomas, SIaMillaint, [Tublett ; Jacob Ecllermar.n Dash- wood l,, 0, ISeldon, Exeter: M. Y. McLear_ LSca.r orth, Robert G•irditntr, Osborne Wln. Brydo(ru Clinton; H. Smith Hay P; 0. Alex 'Mustard' Bruce field. M1 retired except Reeve Gel - ger of lit. rsall ; Jacob Kcllermanra of Dashwood; and Thomas, McMillan of (-Hallett the latter being selected on the +first ballot ,and afterwards made ur_alnimons. In as great speech Me- .iMilla e ontl'!nted his policy and !said- he wouldim.miediat ly enter the campaign to !redeem ?south' Huron so long, held by his father t1.' late John' McMillan 13. T'; Pardee of 'Sarna, waist present and made a splendid patriotic speech and red -erred to what had been accom- plished b5- the 'ostriaa.navy rams somer thing that might, :hia.ve 'been 'done, by a Canadian n navy i!'the LatrOer Gov- rnmont had kept in office The meet- •m,rn• glared sv;,th cheers (for th.e Ling and the candidate. The c y A• niversar - sere."ces of James ' Nov, 10th Jedulo Colwell, wife of • ti JoLn Swan aged 52 years and iThe tishadcie Sunday 'School conven- ed: w:,11 h: held in Zion 11.tethodist church El mville, circuit on 'Wednes- day Nov. '55th •the s'ternoo.rm and even- ing IirterosCrig hddresses Y.along Sunday "-hcoot'work will be given by 11fe'tsrs J. II, Scott Pres:ddm-It of South lie ror Aosoci at en'. Rev. L, 'NV. Reid or Grac'o.0 and 11'sa 1 tiLu of roront.o Soot, o'f the Elementary :Dams a:on of the Ontario Sunday School Associa- tion. LVooilhatn chn r will have char" go of the music at, the ove'a:fog servi- ces. ' Every Sunday School should. be represented. ,r. F. On Wvc.r,isclay evening o. last n„cela while several ladies were returning home about ter. .o'cloc�. iii tete :5c-tdng;: were w , .. a. they frr„htcr.1, cd a� i. .e PPear- mice of a iretu i s apparently breather who x• tal.- the influence of iq i rot ho aca� i.r.g lip all the tiOde'vallt. A telephone call brought o,at- a couple 'or. men. but when they arrived'' on the Scene the person hacl °disappeared. ,,1 brok,-tr+ 1•u,e t- late result or. ',a.'-nLiilis:'- y was the rrrly trace thateoultd be found and this may or may tot' have been coiin,eeted'avith the affair. Obituary On Thursday of last Week Mxt �. Coiwill of town; passed away at the age of Sl years 8 months and 6 days The 'deceased had bee:0 ailing ,for some itme. About the firest of May he suffered a ,paralytic stroke from which be partially recovered. About a week before his deat ► he was cotr. pelted to take- his bed, The deccas ed was born is Cornwall England sed when 14 years of rage came to Canada settling with his pato• parents on Lot one concession 1 3IcGi'l livrayr, where he lived until thirteteni years ago whssn he moved to Exe'ctte.. At tem ager of 28 Ir, Col°.vile Ivan mar tied to Sarah. Sweet who with a falair ily of Sraed ctaildren mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and fa - ;her., The children are Mrs, Jo.bd Write, and Mrs, Gu'an of Winnipeg; Messrs, W. F. Joh;.. .Elijah and Frank all of C.^ctra/P. .r.d Hassell of Sear-, *t Ie 'V ash. Th,, Jeo asi;d was huh'. iv respected b', a large circle, of friends du .fomr�s irada:3letraddt ‘Et and in r.•1'.: rt Ir" 'tt'.;3s sa Meld adist. The furoioal °. tis hold on Mon - ay ct.fte^moon and a;,s conducted by Rev. kV. G. 11. McAlister- .0- Radial cAlister-Radial Road for Huron 4:� 1.00 a ye advance. ft Th - following items. =ere mt ith the Hydro Radial roe Con u t v. made soaart rc Mort of which hasr,t tl"d out by the Hydro Comrrtiiasiota The people of :/Tornio County would be clad to have the ,,reForte of the 'rreposed schemes for this goictv•-.. than of the ea holt' minty line and: of the $outbeerct part only, it i■ ._. a year .4tnce a'stitxtatca ori liposed to have ; oin- tlrsrrecd, mad a report. ' of !videonit. ''row. t im u It' • rope rchNme 1war rat $20.000 at .vonrwo— vey for tae ago a t r'i bean ola� bow it it or a county laltc luron era la'i'n wit;. ird ;almost e°ertainl to be in ,'S to 'vat's turned into a s"atrltlaaaan lint th chemo for they eouthere larch` of tis ky would, IT snd"'rstnod no (roan the startif a eoeinectien were available with trunk rues Trun•' Ging from large centres, Snell tR% 13r n would be the ono tat'npnattd It ween Stratford and Tendon A coni' rection with tills and the southern Ont;tr•,o lines 44pokt'n or ts'bovr• notllct re+ the Huron orb roe at its start warrant the whole county lino AI nrolaakt d (Cndrrich Star, In connection with the above, the C.ot'don Free Press a' Monday contain -i ed the following ciitorial.-'The God- erich Stair urges the making of a utart on the proposed IYydro lelectrie• railway it', that: county. As the Star remarks the estimates for the county were supposed to hove hem. taken • suit ago. °W41ay has no action been tit. Lent 'Why not a vote of the ra1r''na1 ars in ,7cnrzary3 The Star nodes. - stands that upon the scheme involv- ing Use 'a -hole county as deficit otj 50,000 annually was the result, Batt this dons not daunt the Star and pro- uerly aso. 'What is a deficit of $204- ' 000 to a. rich county like 1Turool when the bcin fits that would be Ten. dered bs a (fast electric railway seri; *ice Tara talc:en into account? Tfuroni ',pends mazy thousand dollars upon her 'roads, and are in ,constemt need. of fresh material and labor. Ought T, rot an electric road to be considered from the.: same standpoint, and the coca sties be prepared if necessary to sink some money in their ontur ttion, and upkeep in the sense that they pat mor_a'yand labor into the gravel roads Ar electric railway system that at. the outset would occasion a deficit of only `^20,000 might reasdsably be eo' vented from the start as a succesa. Because these electric roads have tha characteristic of being business build oris They -encourage traffic. A road that would lase $20,000 in the ie it;a1 years of its operation would wine .tel. a short time become a large mom" ev-maker .andwould -warrant ,Lha coorty of Huron in entering upon the eorstriretion and operation of such n road upon a speculative basis. To ♦tic Southern section of the county on -'ta.clric railway is projected that in estimated to pay from the outset This road -would connect 'from arab. ford sand Loudon and the advantage of tapping two goodly cities would be very great I`fomvever it would he a mistake' not to include (the wtholr, system. Huron is one of the riche est and most prosperous counties in Ontario and has looked 'adequate ,frail' EX TER DISTRICT SS1ONARY FN Methodist Church coifs ;1.'ifemberslG-eneral tir.M.S. e Tetal Frindi , Main Street James Street 055 Parkhill 2 u0 iirnville i 233 Centralia 205 Ffeaasall, Crediton Fi Grand Rent Sylvan Alba Craig Litean Grautton Woodharar Kirkton TOTAL 330 730 5° 144 ;SO 142 133 ht t»aa 200 465 300 /00:0 Inti 413 •)#i sa .335 310 152 244 434 r _Fl 311 ref 34,1 1329 Ira dl.s 465 309 421 4'14 2.07 801 474 l erage pee' !Ur atb r nror Cert'rboty in soma St con€d :,—'rhe •follows"is x, is the off:'e;. 'sited 0-, Lie-e.te t •tai. Of the llaarou ,recruits Jolt_, d tfte. secoc.a Cmts-attiOlo co t arssl #ere or'' (IOW in traitai-ng ado:: Lit m -.r a-it...-S,,tpiu4!i Ward',. st It'. -ll-: otory ,2atk; `l `axa. 'La's+-. fey ,A.i'[. 'mr �-:ilr> herr vV. Edell,! war*. 1VAillt- I 'earl Arcold„ „Uarryj Coelafield 1aea C 1*. ;iii~ George A li 11 1i'Iai« Gably , ,'-atnrt,h,`--Fr d Dec,— r.' 50p Ail kinds We have a loves; Try 'gain r SPec a s lg °bbe boots telt tined,. red,tnbber soles, $4.00 a pair. s rolled edgerubbers sizes 3 to 6 re 'ubbers. at lowest prices;. 'e stock of boots and Slil. i t cannot be beaten for gelid- y 0sieeI• underwearsweaters 1. easonable goods and :seasonable pt e of o I• gp2cdal order sults or over They are right in price, EAVE Ia; axed style. THE EXETER TI ES atma-ry 19010 for SO40440r44+'0•40a4 ooa,+cueaa,wa•a'e' 44444444044 Attractive Showing of Fall Styles • • 4 4 • • 'ray facilities over a considerable part of its territory. The ,electric • road opera -ted on a pnb'lic ow,u- „rship basls at last offers the solutio'at 40 for Huron's trauspoltation fdifricul. Iles. and its calling may he looked for "ward to with coifidtaice. • 4 • Mr K. A'Tir.Asl til, of Lindsay was • it. 'taidn` last week. taking -a course it. "Shadow Eye. fl asti'ng" wills Mr. Graham ot hoes m'a Di LIgStaie. 40 • The'Wil]ii.g 51%oa`L rs Mission. Circle 411, of James Street Methodist church nmet; a c the home of Mrs; W. Bissett • ot. lAr,o,clitesday _evening of last week. The i01st-riot organizer lire, 'Wilson.' ii.sitecl the.: circle and gave a helpful 4 • acct asp': 0- falk.. • The case against Thornton .Baker t for alleged selling of iliquor ,came no 4 before Magistrates W. B. Sar der,s., J 1. , Io°r ad T a roIl Thur �da (las �, 4 Y sag t. The Daae had aa•oased cousidcrable ice" � , terest as thetrial had been twirl postponed aalnd quite a number of wittr c mac.s had been summoned. C+ h(c charge was reduced from selling ii * (loot. to -consuming it on thel pretniIses ar.d the clefendent pleadedR uilty and was timed .1220 acid costs in all a little' over 9715. Crown Attcroey Seager of Godcrich sic -ted for the plaintiff bind 4 \IcDiarand of Loran was the defelndr' 44,41,0, The latest styles for smart dressers in all lines of gents wearing apparel are to be found in. this store. For suits . our shown 1' of goods is amongst the. leaders. nappy smart ..;a,rments >4.r e found an1•ltm;our o st fall and vvinN ,e Aver- Q"°.ti;atti at mo', saving prices. Ca .cet•wer,i t':;': .«;hires of e.r t�ta€tlet c:�':, Sweatere:.,etix, Pall I-1;:. in 'latent; t oleo, Clop", Ed, '4-t C' -ire 1... CS great me gate its.. 5- Spasitliop0.t-s , 04, t.00et@41Itt e:..$0. t^