Exeter Times, 1914-11-5, Page 4ou BraYe Alway5. t=011giate mid which has been, Yer 30. yes, has borne the signature a and has been, :made under Ids per- sonal supervision since its infancy. Allearl10 ORO tO deeetoe youin this. 'nations and 4' Justeas-good " are lecr4 ifle with and, endanger the health of e ---nxperiegee against, Experiment, go s CASTOR IA harmless substitute fer CaStor Oil, Pare.. and Soothing Syrups. it is pleasant., it be 31orphine nor other Narcotic ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worries rishneSS, Por mere than thirty ye -ars it onstant use for the relief Of Constipation, rim..4.VoRe, aU Teething Troubles and it :e late the StOruaeh -reel Barevate, e rood, giving healthy and natttraj sleep. aue,cea-The IITOther'S a e CASTORIA ALWAYS 4ove.earro"...reAorettere. CHICAGO. Nov, 2„ -Immense exPort sales, possibly the targeet ever known, gavo the oviteat mail(et today ao upw trd e,wing after a »lief C1OW211Vartl tan', at the start. Prices eloseO form. %c to '.4c hove Saturday- nigitt. Other lea(ting Moles, too, all scored a net advatore-- anti pee. vts0s 7Yro to 2,0e. TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Wheet, fall, Oushel..., „51 18 to $..,, (7oas'svat, bositel ,_ 1 10 - Barley, besbel 0 67 it Vette, bushel( .,...,„. . . 1 30 . .. Oats. teushtd ....... . .. 0 54 0'55 illte,bueltel .. -.....- 0 90 ,... Ilookwheat, hu.Sliel „.-, CP. 75 ..... ITOIrt/NTr) DAIRY MA,IlliET. Better. creamery. lb, se., 0 29 0 31 Butler. creamery, solids- 0 23 0 29 Better, seporator. dairy0 27 0 98 Olteoee. new, large-. . , - 0 la ,, .,....,,.., new, twin.,.. .,,‚. G 1.0'./.4 • s .-., i ''''4 .... , , 031 cu tae ....- ,r 0 2s' itlitoY, new, lb0 12 uney, catobi„ dozen. ..„ 2 50 WINNIPEG (.7/R' IN MARKET. N NI PEG, NOV. 2.-Caeh closet t ---No. 1 northern, 11.1734; No, 2 do., ' ' rr`•':0 3 doe rri. 09; No. 4, $1.03; 't ".1e; N. 6, ac„, feed, 91' 5; e. No. 9 (OW.. 56O-oe; No. 3, COM. extra No, r teed, 53Ole; No- 1 d.- _e, -, - reed, Otero!. ri, r -No. 3. -6Oe; No. 4, 64c; rejected, ODe. toed. rtorOc. ( rt-tinorroted- •t 0 32 0 20 3frONTrrErIL mAnKzT, Ntly, iVaS rood clerearel fr)mforeigo towers for olantleba spring \tit eat today at a fur - thee otrivarce or titi Per quarter, and sates of '30 oda were made, but conskierabie ere businese :would have been done it OcOatgra.klt room Wa$ aVagabl, .WaS SIS9 3 S'Ql-td demand from ex- terters for wheat 011 epos. and sates of 50,000 bosheis were made, The 'Wei age in coarse grains was fair at firm• there betegan improved deMend r eat• and cern, firm feeling pre- the,HoUr market, but the volume Sities$ detri0 for both local arid ex- aecount is Mill Smolt Millfeed ratty under a better demand. The butter market is quiet, fineet ereamery at the auctiort sale eerileg at 97tore. Cheese is aiee (Met. Exports for the o were 51.945 boxes, 4.,; compared with for the sante week last year active antl firm - RAC ALL TEE WAY The Trai School Reports s. Noe 3, riTKPREN OnlY the rierat s OZ those who o d 60 per wet er over are pablieh 4tit A. 1)..,aritan 81; M. frretbieer. Chicago :Ir„ 3rd. I., Persots, 71; Jr, 2od C C, Christie 76; 3, Dear- - ing 81; .11. Trecohner 80; Pareou 7) ontr ea], IL Venhale 713; Preszeetor 66; Sr pt I 8. Deericte '80; A. Presectitor 63; e„ ...... lr. .rnry ,Ir, 2 11, Dearicg, 05; Sehroceler 61; No on Boll 28; ave al Ltd. .rage 22, Ida MacrIntral, teacher. Superior CATTLE MARKETS umoN STOCK YARDS. IONTO, Nov. 2e-e13eee5pts o oela at the Union Yards were atU2, 2027 to; 2335 Sheep b autl 402 ealves, Butchers' cattle. Melee eteers and heifers sold trout 57,25 to 57.75; good at $6.75 to 57.15; me, ilium butchere" steers auti heifers at 5550 to 56,75; common butehera' steer e and letters at 56 to 56,25; choice CONV3 nI 56.00 too 5toe,7556;.710reer cows at 35,75 to 46,25; can - nets and etittere at 43 to 54.50; bulls at Stockers and Feeders, to feeders Aoki at 56,25 to SOO; s at $5.75 to 56.25; emotion eder 55 50 to 55; otockera at 54.75 to 50' e3Stern stockers at 54 to 54.50. M kers and Springers. Only nlimited number of milkers and springers were offered, awl -thee° sold at $60 to 593 mob. Veal Calves, Choice valves sold at 510 to 310,50; goad calves, 58.50 .o 49.50; Moditinl. 57 to i5,57 common, $6 to $7; inferior ettetern calves. .50 to 55,50- 4 Sheep and trarribs. Sheep. light evrea, 55,25 to 45•75; heavy ewes, 53.50 to .54.50; cults and rams, 52.03 to 54; lambs. good to choice qualitY, 57,50 to 57.70; medium quality lambs, 57 to 57.30; cull lambs, 55 to 56.50. Mos. - Hog prices declined 25c per cwt. The bulk of those on the market were from the nerthwest. Selects fed and watered sold at 57.25, and $7,50 -weighed oft cars, and 46.90 f.o.b. at country points, ,MONTIREAL LIVE nom. MONTREAL, Nov. 2. --.At the Montreal Stock Yards, West End Market, a weak tone developed and prices as compared with this day week ehowed a. decline of 50c per cwt. for steers and 25c for bulls, while cows were unchanged. The bulk of the oteers coming forward fretn Ontario. Points were contracted for by drovers with farmers and feeders sometirne ago at much higher prices than they could be bought for today, and it is claimed that they are losing from 510 to 5,15 per head. At the above reduction In prices noted the trade in cattle was very slow. A few loads (>2 choice Ontario steers sold at 57.50 to 57.75, and northwest' ranch cattle sold at 55.60, while picked 'lots of choice domestic cows brought 56.75 per 100 pounds, The supply of canning stock was large, and the demand limited, with prices 25c per cwt. lower. Bul/s sold at 54.50 to 54.75, and cows at 53.50 to 54,25 per cwt. A stronger feeling developed in the market for lambs, and prices advanced 250 per 100 pounds. " • . • Butchers' cattle. choice, 57.50 to 57.75; do., medium, $6 to 57; do., common, 54.75 to 55.25; canners. 53.50 to 54.75; butchers' cattle, choice cows, 56.50 to 56.75; do„ medium 55.50 to 56; do., bulls, 55.50 to 55.50t. aril/kers, chpice. ea,ch, 570lto '575; do., common a,nd, medittmo,eitcho 55,0 to 565; p'ljng4;rs, 550 to 555; 'sheep, ewes, 54.75 to:55; buckO'and 541.25' to $4'.50; lambs, 57 to 57.75; hogs. orbOr., $8; Calves, $5 to 520. ofo , EAST BUFFALO LIVE ST(i SOI'Vlee vee Toro 4,40 p. m, iJaUy ariv- e i p.rn. and Chicago 8eau SERVICE leaves ¶ogonto 8a.m. arrives 1etoit .1/15 p en. and Chicago 8,40 pan, daily, teAST TRA.IN OUT OF TORONTO AT MOAT ,25 pan, arrives Detroit 8,06 Chicago 300 pan. daily. as rnlag important connections with princi al traius for Western States and Canada. FOR MONTREAL leave Toronto 9 a.11.1. 5.30 p.m. and 11 pan, daily, Berth reservations etc. at G. T. R. ticket offices. FO SA 1..4E At Cranton, lowest prices Hemlock Lumber Rough Pine Dres.sed and Match Pine Dif.5ads d 1111.1ch Spruce C. Red Cedar Shingles 1.r. 13, White Cedar Shingles Iked Cedar .Feipce Posts 8 feet' _Red Cedar Fence Posts 9 feet Bed Cedar Fence Posts 10 feet Styles, of oven Wire Feuce a d Gates Blue Lake Cement St.. Marys Cenaent 10" Eureka AsphaltRoofing at $1.25per quare A. J. CLATWORTIN 0 RANTON 115 CENT "OASOARETS" 3'02 LIVER AND BOWELS e Sick Headache, Constipation, Illousuess, Sour Stomach. Sad Breathe -Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, stone - mit or 'bowels; how much your head Aches,' bow raieerable you are from -(ooniitipation, indigestion, bilionsness And' sluggish bowels -you always' get rreijief 'With Cascaret.s. They imme. Mutely elean.se: 'and regulate the stoni- oetlioremove the sour, fermenting food and' foul gases; take the excess bile 1.1'0M:the' livet' and carry off the con- noted 1. waste matter and poison the ,Intestines , and bowels. , A box f7on' year edeuggist, will ir aer and. boVeele', Olean; .and', head clear -for , Work while you slee Se, vis 6 Zeta S. s. O, 14 sTv.PnEs ttrda Iloyes, 655. Va Da* ra fluxtable 423e jr, 4th 671, Cyril Ctdwell 615; Marion NeU,, 465; Madelate Brown 473 Wilfred Iluxtable 361; Archie Wake 2$8; .Teseie Ooanor, 273; Sr. '3rd, 0ere trade Andrew 911; aseto Essery 489 Myrta Brown '422; Lillian Brooke 4.3 Bertha Carrot 375. h'red Elston 25; okirtriler .1„adreoen, 31' Marie itt Hotta:tee 362; Kethleae Hielea 956; Truma c Mills 302; Anne Connor 20; Clarence Culbert 255; Pa 2Vera Cou cor 130; Pt, 1, Fred Iluxtable 227; Sienor. Poster 221. Leonard Hanlon 210 A.rimond Prey 108; jr, it 1, Nora Fox. ter 100. 1. A. Horton teacher, ,S, S. NO, 2. L'eboree Sr, 4t1 \Vieille Knight, James Hod. get, Jr. dth Ulric Snell, Charles Jef. trey, 'Victor, Jeffrey, Roland 'William* tir'd, ilseitta Pollen., 'Cecil Stewart Elsie Kcight, Wilfred Turnbull Ethr !Teen Xay, Jr, 3rd, Madge, Coupe, Ar- thur Rundle, Eva Williamo, Sr, 2nd Laura Knight, Anna Jeffrey, Doro- thy Armstrong, Gertie Stewart,' Jr, -cd*Carman Doupe, LaBelle Kay; Area rbella lIunkin Gordon :McDonald., Mar- Egi Cottle, 1st class. Sim Pollen; 'Willie Allison, Sheldou Francis, Ethel Stew. art, Prinner A, Charlie floclgert, \VW- i'red Allen, Gertrude Knighrt, Varna Russell, Pruner 13. Edgar Rundle *Bob - ie Tuenball Charlie Cameron, No, cm roll 31, average , ttendance 30, M. L. Coward teacher„ S. S. 'NO. 1 tritborCID claSS-Katie SaaderS. 82;. r, 4.4 EveIdeneCrin 78; falcntini Dongali 71; `Boss Dick 68;C1i,ffordi; Moir Ila Mitchell '55; Jr, 4th, Rosa 14/Oii 62; Sr; 3rd, Glarkys DeWr, 78; Annir Str tag 75; Thomas 2DOugal1,57.; WI' hert :Selves 49; Jr 3rd, ,f,adf..dir„, ')Teir'''73; Harold 'Wood 72; 'Edgar Cui more 72; Charles Lyde 61; lair Min. el:mil 56; Sr cd Mildred Trmie Si' Lena More 67 Jr 2nd, Clarence,Dowt 75; Vera .Dunn, 52; 2nd class Melvin lloir; Gordon Cudrnore, James Oke, 3r, Premier, Harry Strang Clive Wood Lorne Dunn Jr, Premier, Nora Oke ?earl Harris E. C. (Case teacher owe/TR:BAL. 4ov. 3. -The stories that the Germans of the 'United States are contemplating a raid on Canada t have been given emphasis by a leiter I received by William Galbraith. for- mer mayor of West/taunt. The let- ter, which came from the vice-presi- dept of one Of the biggest railways in the Western States, said; "I overheard a conversation last night on a steamboat going from Norfolk to Richmond.' It Was between Germans, and to the effectOtbat all lite German singing secieties, Which' ,Vire 500,000`strong, are :ciertrying on a propaganda -of secret' arMing and oth- er arrangements- for the purpOse of attacking anada 'from this side.", Statile of Carnegie Pelted., LONDON, Nov. 3.-A despatch lb news agency from Dunfermline, Scotland, says that local sentithent against Andrew Carnegie because of Ois alleged pro -German attitude is so 4trong that the statue of Mr., Gar- aegie, which was ex-eeted, by ;theiOttitto ens, of his „native,..-tuttin iast peltati by o. eiowda EAST Biller ALO, Nover2.-Cattle-r1e- celpts, 5700; active; prime steers, 59.50 to 510; shipping, 58.50 to '$9.25; butehers, 56.75 to $9; heifers, $6 to 58; cows. 5175 to 57.25; brills. $5 to 57.35; stockers and feeders. $6 to 57.25; stock heifers, $5 to 55.75. Veals-Recelpts. 1000 head; slow; 55 to 511.50. Ilogs-Receipts, 22.500 head: active; heavy and mixed, $7.70 to $7.75, 'CHICAGO LIVE. STOCK, CHICAGO, Nev. 2.--Cattle-Receipts 20,000. Market higher. Beeves, Texas steers, western steers and ,stocker,s and feeders, none offer on account of quaran- tine; Cows and heifers, 53.80 to 59.40; calves, $7 to 510.25: , Hogs -Receipts 38,000. Market eteady. bight, $7.05 to 57.55; mixed, 57.10 to 57.65; heavy, 57.10 to $7.65; rough, 57.10 to $7.20; pigs, 54. to $6.50; bulk of sales, 57,30 to 57.50. ' Sheep -Receipts '84,000. Market high- er. Native, 55.45 to 50.35; yearlings, $6,25 to 57; Iambs, nat/ye, 56.50 to 58.50. 21evis Not Persecuted, , PETROGRAD; Nov. '3.-A semi -or - ficial nOterderties the German allega- tions that Jews are 'being persecuted in ,l7;eilland. r The note points out tat Che *War is being conducted by a United,' Russia, comprising; all tiortalities without axceptioo. trijnfortuoately, in contravention' of 'article 4,4 Of,' Tbe Hague, conven- tion," says the note,, `,.`the , enemy's troops ,operating in Russian , territory. are exacting from' the Jewish population „ information. ,concerning oar,„'Arnay:itiicr,...fae,ailkoOloilefeaceothus :;iiable'teln - evitablo resemueibilltea " TH4 EXETER IT1M, 5 SUFFERED EVERYTHING For Years,RestoredTo Health E.r;kba:wes Veg- etable Compound. Canadian women are continually mitt Mg us such letters as the two following, which are heartfelt expressions of grati- tude for restoredhealthe Glanford Station, Ont., -"I have ta- ken Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com- pound and never found any medicine to compare with it I had ulcers and fail- ing (4 womb and doctors did me no good„ I suffered dreadfully for years until I began taking . yourrmoediceinned soeeinm nervousness and in- - Mrs. ENRY CLARK, Glanford Station. Ont. ChesterVille, Ont, "5 heard your medicines highly praieed, and ayear ago I began talcing, tile110 l'or falling of womb and ovarian trouble. "My left side pained roe all the time and just before my periods which were irregular and painful it wolild be Woree, To sit down eaused. Me pain and suffer- ing and I would bo SO VerVOUS some- times that I could not bear to ifee any one or bear any one speak, Little epecite would float before my eyes arid 1 wag lwaye constipated. "I cannot, say too touch for 1,ydie E. Pinkbarree Vegelible Compound and Liver Pills, for there are no medicines like them. I have taken them and I recommernithem to allveemen. Youmay publish this. testimonial," - Mrs. Srze rtiEN 3, 'MARTIN, Chesterville, Oolitio, Canada. Lates Sutliff! TCES1) G LOBE Siiiis is a date!) town just he Border from Ilelgiuna It is eel ntilee from Berguee with" which is in close touch ond o little, ove wety miles from Ostend leriring in Slide yesterday the correspocdr 11 of Amsterdam's leading paper said tbat conianieleat:oa ith. Ostend was 1tnot couapletely is terrupted, ',that rmits to leave Eairges -wits r.o long - r giver. aod that Uerman eoldiera tired or wor e0ot4iitee to C1'031 th fror.tier near Sluis n targe numbers. They declare, says tide Dutchman, writreg for the information ot the people of Ameterclem, it is co loniP• ,r a question of battle but of butcher cg• That is probably., the most reveal - 'tie despatch Sirtee the battle of Flan - tiers begad. Another scarcely 3033 sigtafieleat comes from 11. J. ;oho - sot United States Couusl-General Belgium, to Ins official chief at Washington!. Ile notifies the Etna,- ited ,States Government that the Von - striate at Ostend has ,been closed, and that he has gone 'to Ghent Whtoh 15 lOoluted from cornintia:oatiOn. CoUpliug tliuir..1011110.i.04 eon tallied, in these en ceesoretl despatches wiLb. that whiole is permitted ,to come 'through regard. iag aneitary operations, it is no {lon- ger possible 'to doubt that tthe Geri* mai. army is'withdrawing 'from 13e1 - alum coast towes leaivng the streams ehoked with dead and the triennhes filled with more seriously woucded 'the advaece eloog the coast has Iheeu a tragic. lailurel: The '1.(auser's 'est soldiers have rater., ,thrown away by the thousaas every ,day in a vain effort to do betale agianst :battleships and opened sluices that flooded the fteitis of action and viligant foes Wilt:. gave ILO rest by )(lay% or by night. • The Allies are LOW or. Sixe outskirbs ot Ostend, if not once more in actual occupation, and it loo'ks as if the iretir mg Germans propose to 'evacuate Bru fres and hold the ,east Sank of tke Rio er Lys from-GM:et through Courtrai to Armeotieres, just tve.et of Lille, The reintoicements, oiill corning up from' the likenaish prcivince.s are no lorger 'acing directed towards Flemish coast put •are,,being ,throsvii into; the, ba noethern, Fre:Y:3OP baltWeeo Lillce.oad Lihoos, ,to /Oho, e'ast Of ;Arnie ns Gernme land, French ere - per Le. agree. 'that there hashear, recoWal of acpivity evarious points from Lille southwaridt 'It is that the final effort to break through fail caocadstirelivultielatbetioimathtlee:litrteShoontld Sambre the Meuse will become inevit- able. 001.CattW1,144d G Horses, The un- dersigriddAutetiteuelir wiltisell Us- pub'. Iig Anotion at The Metropolitan Hotolp Exeter, op SATURDAY, NOVO 7t11. a 14, at 1 o'clock sharp the. (followed itg propertor 60 Cat4le-30 two year old ateerx 46her.i4efaellvsee.:f.2es.f.a,r2r0oov74coirkSg 2,stt:Oeirialcgaer4/Stedi These cattle are a (ehrieeer lot oeirr Ifereford-s and Durharus end will be sold without reserVO. 6 11orses-3 roadsters, I, three year ol dit f4,1ti-/61,,e3eideirettgr,o 1gosuodele1r,two year., 'o4 ri3OeBMS.,-Tere mouths' credit on aip. peoved joint notes, evit.h 5 per orent, adOtiN DE B_ ROS„ Te. CAMERON' Allot Auction Safe oil AuctioniSale CHOICE cATTLE &No nontets The undersigned auctioneer has ro- ecved iestructions ,aeli byPublio a otion on,, ke00.,..I, 22 1W11EPTi TUESDAY NOVEMBER 10, 1914 c'ne o'cieck abarp the •follewie liORSES-1 pair of choice -fillies Latta three ,ieoos old Aterionittlrell. pew ot otoice ekh5a xtsiog 4 yrs eki 'igric; 1 tamers, eltee:er quiet and CATTLE -2 pewee duei,r Ileconxber; 4 roWis 440 i,r„ Juti; '2 betters dile in Vet); 25 choice Doritaal Steers, 1100 1"s; 7 choice Veiled Agus eteers, load lbs; 10 lhetters 9,0U, ,to Das 10 well betel ile)leleite 'levers, solu. which. are NvitIt calf, to o Durlaitua, t,01 10 YeAxlling steerS Ond heifers,. calvee. I hive pitri; Yorksbere sowel dee ic 4,..Netaber. The above 75 ei choice lot, in good; °sit ar4 "will beecid witheat x'erve as the pro2rietor is witnout wit.ter ed. lertas paaeths eredte Wille .\ 43 011 ,furneetting aperoved rgteltecooat of5 per cent off for yeah. John 0.8cott Vroprietor BECK'S 'WEEKLY In !Of; Weekly edaed by. Edward Beck the man who ;employed the Burcs detective agents to • itinearth graft it the Quebec Legelature, and publittsed in :Montreal „ile uroirrie pubilioation rend one that is growing in favor theougbout the coun try. While devoted primarily to the promotion' of hp:testy :n the admni.itrat% trot, of public, affairs' it is 'by ,no meats obsessed of dee eidiaa. but iG mad' up every we,* ,cof clever car- foons and pictures, stories, lonnore ono sketche.s. andOeardleportnaeQt ieielligent if somewhat, caustic corner merit on •Cagatlieno.affeir,s, Among its contributions are 'octveral of the, ,best- Writer.4 'a r.t1 a rtrst s• Ca oa dA. Overoehe000ne of ollhe. 'moot appet;rrin week rend- collections of.OlnformatOrrt dieedOeion and ?entertlo,iinmentr too be, ditto ir-e anywhere, o The -proceo, tri2 per year and -.the' publishers wilt' he pleased to seaci.a sample, copy rotoo reCIIICSt. Address :Beck's rrirreekily, 335 Crag Street West. Montreal. 1 EI.C1161'S OR i Suaineo Ail Mildredina flair R Never Fails To it -store gray Fair to its nature color and beauty. No wetter how all and faded your hair looks, or amo long You !aye been gray, it will work wonders for you, keep you lookicg young promote o Itneuriact growth of healthy heir, stop its felling out and poeifively remove dondlruff. Will eot soil skin or liret Will not injure . your hair its. not a dye, Refuse all substitetes; 50c, a bottle druggists. 'We will send a lax' ep trial bottle free by return of mail, to acy9ce who lends this, coupor. to the Areeriean Proprietary Co., Boston Mies, -with their „name end address tted, 10e in coin or stamps to pee' postage. 15-10 41 ed) -10V END 'STOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA • "Pape's Diapepoln" make tti Sick,, Sour, Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine In five minutes. If what you just ate Is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste iIn mouth and stomach -headache, you can get blessed relief inifive minutes. Fut an, end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty -cent case of Pape's Dmpepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how need- less it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. Ts the quickest, surest stomach doc- *xi- in the world. It's wonderful. on Hair, Health , '` If you use our treat ent, We will 'either stop your hair from falling or ,1 eikty for the treattnent eisrselves. •, Dandruff is a contagious disease caused lay a rnicnibe, which if not removed causes; 7; baldhess. This /microbe often Oblides 'fibM a comb or brash belonging to someone else, If you are troubled with dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair, or baldness, we believe that Herall "93" Hair Tonic will do more than anything else to remove the dandruff, destroy the germ, make the scelp healthy and stop falling hair, and, if there is any 'life left in the roots, also promote growth of new hair. We believe that probably 65 per cent of the cases ,of baldness could be overcome if people would. only use Rexall "93" Hair Tonic for a reasonable time, as directed. We don't want, you to take our word for this. We want you to test the merits of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic at our risk. • If you use it and It does not give satisfaction, just come back to us and MR us, and we will immediately hand ,back to You She money you paid for it. You promise nothing, sign nothing, and your mem word will be taken fbr it, 'We are dependent Imo' n -yew con- Edence and patronage, artdrwe would notmake these claims, or make this 1( , offer if we did not belieye that Rexall "03" IlairTonic is the very belt hair, . -preparationyoucenruse. Twootzetra hettles,r,50c rand r 61.00. Vonoenan boy Reza “93" in this'octumunitir only at our tnra IF'sr t r S MU' W. S. COLE Ontario , Them 5. a Reran .Store in nearly every torn) and city- in the -United States, Canada rand , 'Great Britain: There is a different Renall I IdernedY' for astir/yr:every ordinary human . ,each deaigned for the, partlenfar 9.4 l'ny'srlaiotkatier,reeonaniendetl;'' • • 'Tk, Ig,0*idilUceria are 'Anterfeea Ctritsatt4 litrug'StoraS ' THURSDAY .NOVE3113ER THE. MOLSONS Incorporated 1855 ANK 'Capital & Reserve - $8,800,000 91 BRANOlidES INSANADA A StNERAL RANKING 'BUSANIESS TRANSACTED . CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT - - TRAVELLERS CHEQUES - - - .ISSUED. RANK MONEY ORDERS -eeee- SAV11CS DEPARTMENT tAhall,Branches. Interest allowed at highest Current rate. 'Exeteiltranlh N. D. NURDON Manager Agents at Exeter for the DonsiniOn Government THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALICER.C.V,O.>1.L.O., D.C.L„, President AZEXANDER LAIRD, Genera Napager JOHN AIRD, Ass't General ManritifILV CAPITAL, $15 000,000 RESERVE FRO $13,500,00(1) SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1. sn irip,wards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small account* are welcomed, Accounts may be opened and operated by tnail. Account $ may be opened in the names of two or more ppm:a-tor clrawal to be mule by any one of them or by the survivor, Exeter Branch- H. Jr, WfrITE, Manager 0RED1T0N BRANCH - a KUHN, Manager, Auction Sale OF BRICK ;COTTAGE AND TWO AND TWO FIFTHS , ES OP LAND IN CENTRAL! There wall he'orfered for sale by pub 152 anetion on the premises on TPIe' day tile ttentit day 9E November A. 12, 1,914, at two 0"e1eet atier- emote the following property., being t.ois /lumbers 57 to 6$ iechaive 15. the IrZilege of Centralia, it: the Court - y of Huron, the property of 'the la'te ,ate,epti .3larshall, On this lot is a .ven roomed brick, college, %vita sum mer kitchen drivitg shed and etable The buildings are oil tr. good condi- tion. The ,property is well fenced und, eotrla5r.:1 4 ime,ber ^of aftult ,trees. This iS3 destreble residentel proper- ' and Is cor.venielitly situated. Xe1'f.4.4-11, .ver cvtat er. Klee" of eele »d bate.ece in thirty days thereafter Further `perticulare will 'be made taloa a on dee. of NA: , or may be had on applioatior. to Gladman & Stacleuty 13, S. Philltes ilarriaters `Exeter, Auctioneer Solicitors for Adialitietratrix Auction. Sale -OF-- VA= STOCK & IMPLEMENTS The uadereigced will sell by pub- ic auction or. LOT 6, S. BOUNDARY HAY 2 miles west ot Exeter 'North on THURSDAY NOVEMBER, 6. 1914. At one o'clock sharp the followirg , HORSES -Brood mare agree, 5 yr. old la foal, brood mare. with colt at foot. 2 g,o'n, pur, fillies. 2 yrs. add bred from Percheron horse, 2 agric. fillies, 2 years old bred from Per- cheroa horse, gelditg 1 year old, 2 snriag colts Jared from Uncle John CATTLE -2 cows supposed to be in calf, farrow cow, 3 '2 yr old steers 6 2 yr old iheithre, l ,1 yr old steers. 5 oat, yr old heifers, 4 spring calves. HOGS 7 stockers. IMPLEMENTS -Cora Meg manure spreader, mower, McCormick bindbr 6 Ct, new; wooden silo, roller, set don - J, A, MASON AocnITECT 425 DundasStreet, London, teed cost of buildings; no extras, years Neve Yotir experience, i0xo E% 2725. Anyone inteudiug to build veil/ al I well to write ale. No ebarge for cm, sulation. C. W 425 KARN, 1$1, D. C. tlitIOND ST., LONDON,. ONTARIO. SPECIAI,IST 111101il2tY AINO OitN1T0,111tIVART DISIMSES 011 5113::: A 4),Ne ourai G F. ROUL'SION L. De B. DENTIST ek. Eonor Graduate of Toronto' Unirflito eity Office over Diak.404 4 Carl* ' liug's Law officio, Closed V‘Tedieesie day afternoone. Phone Wise ilof Residence 5 b, DR, A. BO KINSMAN D.D.S. Room.' 'Graduate of Toronto lEf eraity DENTIST Teeth' extracted without paha, any bad effect, Office over GIs* 'manStanbury's Office Main Exeter, .001•IIIIN••••• I W. BROWNING M. De M. Ile LI$ P. le. Graduate Victoria lirlivaas sity Office and residence Dominic," Labratory.. Exeter. .Assoolate Coroner of Huron I VICKSON do CARDING Barristers„ Solioitors Notaries Colas veyancere Gomnaissioners, Solialtan for the Molsona Bank eto. Money to Loan at lowest rates of Sae terest. OFFICE-DIAIN STREET .EIRMIlraws 1 I. R. Carling 33. Ae E.i. B. MARDI* ble light harness, McCormick spring tooth cultivator Kaagaroo gang plow, lumber wagon, set double harness 11 disc 'fertilizer drill, new. car, hay fork and olirgs for wooden track, Souven-. lir. range. (O.Mir1ilt1S-$10 and uodier cash over 1 I at. amowat 12 months credit will o*i given or_ furnishing approved joint Inotes. A }discount of 4 per cent will be given oc credit amounts N. Staelake B. S. Phillips Pro p rier or Auctioneer. , CHIRAL STRATFORD,. ONT., is scb6431 with a continental reputation for lf.gh gra de Work and for the success of its graduates, a eehool with super- ior courses and inStructor,s. We give individual attention it. • (ecialSad - CommrnTel • • • • egraphy Departments. 1Why al - tend elso here when there is room here? You. ,may enter at any time. Write for our *large • • free ea talegue. - r. 4714,?ji)'".•/70 • For Infantz %nit Obildren, itv OAY ilavi Aiway! .664,01 lettOr MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of origa ate -funds. to loan on fartu and vile lege epreeertiee , lowest rate...,of hof totest„' GLADIV(AN & STANBUIEr35 ' ,,,,,Xlerristers, Solicitors, Main ale Exetere 3'106:Ugbonic au 'libber!) Farmer's Mutual Fire insur- ance Gompanli Head Office, Farquhar, OD, President RCPT. GARDINERV. Vice President ROBT. NO*R410, DIRECTORS THOS, RYAN"' Dublin WM. BROCK , . Winabalsen WM. RC:Y14 BUSS lu,EL)411.0.....1,0,1 a..eaeee he3rOneEiNanEdSBSEidl3AdGuYIEpixTeSter. 241-4- Hibbert Fullerton and Logan. OLIVER. HARRIS Munro n'osft n't too' - • W. -A. TURN DLL • .Secy.Treas. Farquhaer 01-.„43.),sollulaAiiNors4. ESiTe,AteNr: URIC° A TOR I A fapts'and Children'. Th p Kind -YOU Have Always .P eugh Signature of 10 .1'