Exeter Times, 1914-10-22, Page 7POPULATION OF TIE WORIll
MSI BE 10,000,000,000 I'EOPL
1N 500 YEARS.
War, finless General and Continu-
ous, Will Not Cheek In,
crease of People.
A little more than ono hundred
years. ago Thomas Malthus set
oral the startling theory that there
This Condition Can Only Be
Maintained Through Rich,
Red Blood
It makes :all the difference in, the
world to a girl whether -she devel-
ops anto :a: bright, healthy, 'atttrac-
t-ive 'veman or,sinks into a snokly,
unhappy, suffering semi -invalid.
The girl. Whose blood is poor and
scanty ---who is anaemic, as ,the doe-
iw, tendency fol' the population of ter terms it --starts Alfa under too
tearth to increase fastlex thanthe great �a, handicap. She is weaker
tlrnas p
aneans af srtbs.stence. Since e and more (real than her compan-
there has existed a school of Philo- , ions iv have rich, redblood, She
is more easily fatigued an body and
mind, and work of any kind ex-
hausts her. In time her health
breaks down, She becomes pale,
looks worn out, is 'languid, irrxsta
blt,,send nervous. Her heart palpi-
lanes violently at the. least exertion,
and she falls, behind other girls in
looks, heath and a capacity for en-
joynng life, Abundant rich, red
blood istthing
y he Dial . that can re-
store good health to the many
thousands of such girls. This rich,
red blood; can ,only be obtained
Athr sigh the, use of Dr. William'
Pink pills. They have given'thou-
sands of weak, v4hate ,faeeda- blood
sophevs who have insisted that fam-
ine and pestilence and war are the
cheeks provided by nature to pre-
'etit ;human beings from multiply-
ing beyond °the point where the re-
sources of the earth can support
To those who accept (this point...
view the terrible conflict which is
now being waged in Europe is sm-
ply wart of a. natural pheiaoanenon.
men are, killing each other, in
other words, in order that their de-
scendants may not starve tie death.
if this were the generally accept-
ed point of view science would Dever
have the1ezlafu eAt
ai madea� � i?s
has made toward :the stamping out les girls robust, vigorous health.
a all � e.. ,
of disease, � IDea believed m and High,. spirits, Here is a lair Of
the Atan,lthusian theory the light proof. Miss Alive flauv'rea jl, St,
which has been waged continuously
co/Isar/A-Um) of natural re -
,a" fi an?d of u.tu man life would
ly never lawe been under -
Of what avail is the wor^ld-
overaent for universal peas
tN`aat lure!,'
Stroma, Que., slays : "1 Have mason
to be mare aim •grateful te- Dr.
1Z7illi4a21s' Pinsk bills, for they re -
red me to health after more. than
doctor" and many .medicines had
txd, 1 suffered as so many girls
anaemia, I was all run
r used -with ihe-adavhes,
/stand any exertion, and
euro, though of course 1
free axiysetlf to eat. 1 was
ie condition for nearly two
and ,although doctoring con-
tttakly, seemed to be steadily.
naaat; worse, and 1 was very
taurarcd and despondent,
aged me to try Dr.
ills mad 1 <iisaon=
.;ieiues and did
few weeks
tlonbt that I
right medn-
ed, the,
esa aro-
a # Cona:Jints
n a >ey° of,wsl
t M uni:nl i'
lino orld
0, and that
checked, tin+
n et;:ri�ifll,
will ani
people 2
at deny tlta°t 't�
sea of ,Innpala.t.icu
da tia.»ny ifknaa
Del Wats
erill prem
ages that at
To.- Cls
birth rates isbetween
to the thousand, that
poverty and suffering
11r, Quick's rtheoil'
wixnpla life' produces San
ae eoaalia
little longer fully*
health, and 1 Inaaave ni
althy■ and ae.tiir c its
-ish. 1. cannot, .i
d Dr, William
oakand alliin
PIIOTOI 1 . JI l li Ill'�IS i.
How Emperor William Poses for�
His Picture.
Herr Adolf Baumann has been.
court photographer to European
royalties fora quarter of a cen-
tury, His latest experience in pho-
tographing Emperor William is de-
scribed -iii the New York Snag,
While Herr 3au.znann and his as-
sistants were waiting in the ante-
room of the royal palace at Berlin,
the Emperor entered, saying ::
"Good morning, gentlemen'.''
His voice was resonant, command-
ang. His gaze devoured us, When
he speaks, he loots directly and
deeply into your eyes. You feel
that he reads your mind.
"Where. is the court photoo'gra-
pher i" he said, I came forward.
Where shall 1 stand'? Where is
the lightbest?" he asked, It was
as if he were giving a 'military or-
When heis photographed, he
� n hp
a � p ,
voluntarily a'ss'umes the poses de-
sired. He alters his expression as
he wills. He refuses to beX; hoto-
graphed sitting. That position,
he thinks, lacks dignity, Ile likes
-photographs that reveal him with a
tease, eommaading e cpressie n, Be,
era, his main thought
fore the camera, ,
aeons to be of the effect his pec
tare will have—first, upon the
army, and then upon the people.
- ibe Emperor assumed one pod,.
�l� is
t;i€In after another, turning ibis wad
tnd that Re had already thought
xrent the poses he -desired; lie, knew
e,€aetiy 'What the wanted, Re was
TM" particular about the curl of
his moustache t often between the.
exposures the would give the ends a..
stiff upward twill with leis f nger, ,
It was like taking a .'art w1nng pit -
tura. ' Plates passed between me
tv assistants with sleight -c
Iaalnd .dext,trity.
a ghl" be tinally declared,
In forty minutes I had taken thi ty
,five photographs, all in different
positions. "I hope the photo-
graphs will be the kind. I like," he
Said. I Sails then give you an or-
When 1 received tree proofs back,
1 found that ; he had personally
nnaado the inose paainstatmag dime -
us for for, retottelaing. He was par".
lieulaily urgent, that every vestig
+if er eaares he touched out of Inas
clothes, e-pee'.1a Illy the sleeves.
Mays of the ph .tograaphs showed
him serious, not to say griln. Ile
dered a number of enlargements
r his regiments, Those selected
r that purpose rep re'L nt•^.d liiin. in a u r*
Thom, Revere and commanding '°\iaell, I aIa glad t<a taeaaf
Itvides, Without r;uestion, t` e:%.1041ta perallars you. had
r is a profound psychologist, you con get it fromleis."
Every Sfff ' of t Limbered,
Rheumatism,ed r
h Ner a6r e
,t O i~a Remedy
1d roi1
z Y
is Guaranteed for the Worst
Rhevnatism to -day is unnecessary..
It is so well understood and so read-
ily curable that every day we have re
ports of old chronics being freed of
their tormenter,
"1 can speak confidently of the Nor,
-Olbue treatment, for the simple reason
that it cured a are," writes Albert 73,
Cornelius, from, Kingston, "You can't
imagine Trow stuff and lame and sore I
was, Nights at .a time 1 couldn't sleep
well, 1 followed the Nerviline direc-
tions carefully -had it rubbed into the
sore regions four or five times every
day. Pvery rubbing helped to reduce,
the pain. The swelling went down. i
got a fair measure of relief in a week,
1 also tools two Ferrozone Tablets
with my meals. They increased my
appetite and spirits, purified My blood
and toned up my systela generally.
"1 am well to -day as a azan could
be in perfect good Health. 1 give
Werriline all the credit."
A large family size bottle ofNervi- i
bile Costs only 50o., or the trial size
25c., and is useful in a hundred ills in
the family. \Vhetber it's toothache,
earache, headache, neuralgia, lame
back or accld, ttiarti nitre
Oust AS readily as It will. cure rbeunna-
#Ism, For family use nothhi equals
On Arms, Would Tingle and oche
In' One Great,Mass, Looked
Scaly, Used Cuticura Soap and.
Ointment, Rash Disappeared,
So.' Buxton, Ont. -.-"Myr ddn trouble
started about seven years ago., ;tiiy arms
;began to tingle and Itch. A watery looking
'yawl, very fine and close together, would
'break out every` summer, It would itch
''and burn as the trouble progressed and ib
abccatm worse when 1 scratched tt. 1
coked asby and scaly: and :in one great
;pass. My, arms were so disfigured T could
,*sot wear short sleeves. I could not help
scratching it all the time and when I h.;d
;taken a bath it would' itch and burp, for
about an hour, My 'Resit was sore from
"1 used all Ideals ot'soap and used sulphur
baths but noticing would relieve me. At
Bast 1 saw the advertisement or Cuticura
Sean and Ointment in the paper and I sent
'fora sample. The samples helped me so
;much 1 got, a. cake of Oedema Soap and a.
box or Cuticnra Ointment and began bath.,
'leg with the Soap and water es hot as I
could bear It, then T would take a. little of
"the. Ointment and prat on liar skin. 1 dkc
rias every eight and morning. .'I used only
two cakes or Soap and one box of Ointment
,and, in less than six weeks the rash had all
win cure dirsppea.red and now MY axta;S Rook natural
again," (Signed) lairs, Andrew Johnston:
,hist' C, 1fi14.
She lei
Samples Free fry Muir ' She pray 7
.A sluslo Calle er Concurs Soap and box shire p aid
or C iticura Ointment are uttess F:u$iCleo Or the widowed 1-7
:rhea au OSP zlas (ahead. Sold thraushout, They mourn their d
,the world, Sample of etech matted free;
whin 32.p, Skin Dealt. Address Pest-C;tr'd
.!:Cuticula, Dept, f), Beaten. 1J, 8,:,s1." •
HOW Tic' liltows,
�. travelling sales agent visit .
a large factory made a bet with
the manager bhat be would piekout
all the married men among the em,
Accordingly he stationed himself
at the door as they came back from
dinner and mentioned all those
whom he believed to be quarried,
and in almost every case he was.
"How de you do it 1" asked the
anager in amazement.
"Oh, it's quite simple,'"
traveller, "quite siaitj e, The ma
ried men all 'wipe their feet on ti
eget" the'Inefa d4llt ,
artsa Liniment Gure9 nurns, el
ane cheeks
where the Oz'
ly gaud siXt:y.
t a atmplex laic cuts down the
te, ' Tn France, where life is
ly believed to be what Mr.
ernes complex, ;,here is ttlie
birth rate in the world,
'lite Lav ,nt ;fustier.
Thus does one, modern econonai,
reconcile the 1a,5y of evolution witla
the law of justice. "In civilized
'man," be says, "under conditions
of justice, freedom and enlighten-
ment, the law of multiplication
gives way to the law of complex
'full, manifold and absorbing life."
Other opponents of the Malthai-
pills tlie,`•nelgh
or by mail
iO cents u, box or six
0 from The Dr. Wil-
helm!, Co., Ii.raiekiillh
entie e ca4' Prussian 11ilita risen
:Oust Be Removed.
Germn.ny's peace hints a -re taken
vitt discount --- Nebulous intima••
ons, The London Mail` calls them,
ut forward for the pupas(' of mak
it appear that the onus of con-
ting the war rests on the ,lalanl-
l -era of the allies.
"It may, therefore, be useful to
declare onto for all," says The,
Mail, "that from. the British stand-
point this is to be a fight to a finish
and that the only terms on which it
be concluded etre those of Ger-
niany*'s absolute surrender. The
menace of I'.russian militarism must.
sign theory believe that when. ne- be removed for ever. erre ere forced
eessity demands man viii devise :to take this &and, not from any
means of support from, lands now love of war, Igor because we desire
incapable of cultivation. 1°e know to prolong the losses and miseries Thi
that man has already accomplished of the present struggle, but because
much an that direction_
There's many a I'"'"an in flaring lr.el
For a single tt h- o' the knife;
There's many a rot1djig prison
That keeps his cell for life; .
But there's none will stand
By the rn.an who planned
with a Pit -perverted skill
To mint, the, world with a Geri
At the price of a million -kill!
It isn't the Milan battle thirst,
It isn's the Belgian rage,
Itisn't the English greed for lan
That, mires the reeking stage,
But the monstrous plan
Of a Single Main
With a world-engnlfng will,
Who calls, to the vultures out
To feast on a million -kill,
The Kaiser sits in an armoured
'Far back from the battle -,grip.
Highest grade beans kept whole
and mealy by perfect beim,,
retaining their full strength,
Flavored tyith delicious saucer
They haverxa.t+ esteI.
Pita 1 DO& 0,11CM,
It's the Liepzig boy= and the Paris u. W, x5 V'Sorr.
boy TorMate,
Who crqucb where the baillets nip.
It's the Antwerp man
fi Who is ending his span
With a blood -choked prayer, if be
itshe ieh rid of 'th Liver
As lies by the .side �
the Kaiser'smillion-kill.
In .1 e aiazl in-� i.l.
I YOU' 13.a e !S:li L'1
Fruit. StociGr
write H, TsWrC:a rr
a g
Colborne St « Teren~to,
8 W, DAWSON', Colborne St
yr Colborne 0,
vs tJ;fi.
asoton, str far
11.prr2.Els.r ',..,'7.e r en
sexes. Pulte: I roe., Beenmfler, On;,
iNi tri$PA'Exis FOR sikt„g;.-
eel uy, 3tiOloper"1'' 4nc1'i e
to COlineotiOn. Price Only
al 1'r' lnaa �a3lattarhin q Ce
aide -Stmt. Toronto.
Carried a :Load of Wood foe' An Old
Peasant Woman,
The humanity of the Austrian
Emperor, that aged and much r,
assed 'monareh, has often been re-
vealed in his dealings with the pe
antry, In his earlier days, says
P,ts 'Weekly, the Emperor had many
inmountains, sin
adventures the cnenntx��n e*
lie was undistinguished in his
oting kit by any mark of his
the Tj role_e peas gnats often
d t{Y recognize Jlum,
tic, when Ines 'v s de eending
evening from one `of
It?g these' exonn, he met
and wrinkled peasant woman, ga
earl and grumbling under the Sa eigbti
a• i:Lgnt. The Emperor addressed
cheery. good evening to her.
vertures were not, at all well re-
ived, for the old lady was in a
y had temper. "If 1 were a
great strong main," she observed,
"I should offer to help a body to
carry her Good hurr.e, intoa<! <,f
parsing her by las of she nere of no
eat count."'
The Emperortttenl the d, Beate
hint, shouldered tint fng:at,and ear-
�tIV ♦RI)'S GI CI1fI 2tiT tsar Rheumatism toed it fdr nearly two°miles to the
If' one assumes a an. international
viewpoint,- the great and more im-
mediate problem is, the fairer dis-
tribution of the land :among the
various races. It does not seem
wholly improbable that =some time
the world naaysolve the problem. so
that Ohina shall nob be so .over-
If a, mullion men are killed in this
war it- will be an absurdly small
chock on the world's increase of
population in the next 500 years,
but to severe check in restricted
areas that are not overpopulated.
If war were to be an appreciiable
cheep. against the mulitipldoation orf
human beings, it would need to be
worldwide and continuous. It, will
not be, jut ars pestilence and fam-
ine will not be, because civilized.
man will not permit it to be.
War, which kills off' the young
me,n, the productive laborers of the
world, on the, other liand, does en-
tail great economic loss. It causes
also misery and suffering now.
The theory of the economist who
believes the increased .'intelligence
and Ibhe increasing norniplexity of
life :are rbo be the :safegu�1 rds•against.
overpopulation in futatre ages is
more intelligent and, fax more
'4! accord with the general idea of
Divine justice th'nn the theory of
Wrong Ideals.
; husband, a few weeks after the
honeymoon, came home and said in
desolate accents : •'
``My love, I'rn, hearthroken.
zrala,r,y has beerl•'c�ut'dov n� 15
`Oh, that's 1 a ething,'' cried the
ye'nig ,bride cheerily, "Cheep _end
are edve'rtisi_ng per;fe`ctly lovely
thin,„I cut' down S5Tier scent."
there is only one conclusion, eoni-
pntible with the existence of demo-
cratic liberties in Western Europe,
only one means of preserving free-
dom. and civilization from being
Cowed by force, and only one road
to •a la.s.ting' peace."
The Cockney "11" Again.
The touri�slt was taking the rest
cure‘for a day in a London bc,ard
ing house.
"I 'shall want no more meals,''
she said, when the maid brought up
tea.. "1 •sha.l'l be up for dinner.
There's <nothing more I want."
Then'in in 'th.e next breath she ad
ded, "Oh, yes, there is! I want,
that hot-water • bottle ; ;but that's
not to eat."
The cockney nza,id stood silent f•7•r
a moment, then }said, geelfully,
"Oh, yes, it is to 'eat! You` want
me to -' 'eat, it for von"
Canadian fall weatbher•lis'ex:'trenn,e-
ly (hard on little ones. One day it
is warm rand brightt ;and the next
wet and cold. These sudden
changes bring on colds,, cralmps
and ,colas, and unless baby''s little
,stomach is kept right he result
may be serious. There is nothing
to equal Baby's Own Tablets- in
keeping the ;little ,ones well;, They
sweeten the ,stomach, regulate the
bowels, break up colds ,aend slake
baby thrive. The 'Tablets ;are sold
by medicine dealers Or by m,2ii,at
25 cents a box from. The Dr. Wi-
liam' Medicine Co., Brochville,
11 a -minister's trousers bag" at the.
knees ,no -apology is 'necessary.. -
3iinr Albert of :l't�lgivau..
latest photog,raph of the t -
A Well-known Ilan,
Alint�zci"r I.lntiaient CO., Thirsted.
Dear 5trs.� 1 can. secommen
end Slxrnftne, ns X ileac used it /or laotlt iat arrest village, with the old t+AnriellF i3ecauss or tigelx' r
with excellent results. ,,,,,,,,,e ,. 1,nhi.v.1' T+ ,�•,.e L hrnlinr effect, lir.<23
With prand:-held head,
Whose souls .re in Gaud';
She mourns for the thri
soul of him
Z;'lata planned tire million -kill
:Betty D. Thornley in October
' Canada Monthly.
�.di fVI'S:IafrANTED.
m.., ,'von Boob
.q uds
ited,' p?rbhehea as TOrea O
nada'a Troops .off to
not before eaubarl1irsg
trrt R aYrish1 vtewa wee
lading two large P
a . girt t anaganaa 3
tKtQ,s lours for , Peet
Poland, .4goat?a waanto
aaLi Vit. 7xltzta3t
eel, ai
There is ie
c aastaaai3y on tree 11~ f tends
tree °amts of a large Rtn d eget
nnll�s, wonreai oftaa brealt alt?
Ib. nervone; a laaustlona,
:n lice stores, t`ziaataatles, and Dir
,S.wa� „',vY,.� ✓sailna 'flflfl :Q'dk dl',.!Xk l
Such saaffertng 3s'n't u
dangerous, beeaalnce du
The dizziness, Itasarl
es and other c's
int can't cure t
or the trouble.
To give vitality and p w 1
,Itldneys, to lend aid to the bla
',liver, to free the blood of p
I Probably there 18 no rernvilY
eessfid as Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
'111, ollianly irregularities thoir me
ell known
Toronto. another sufferer
',has teen Moved bit CoPe•
Cure for Consumption and
win be Interesting for any -
even treees or these clread
s to read what Airs.
Chicago and North "Western Hy, 'Enter-
tained. tho Canadian Ticket Agents
in Chicago.
As a farewell feature of the reception
tendered to the members of the Cana-
dian Ticket Agents' Association, and
their wives, who attended' their conven-
tion October 0, 7 and Sth. the CHICAGO
tained them at a luncheon in the Din-
ing Room of their new Chicago Passen-
ger Terminal October Stb,
T1;e Dining Room was neatly decor-
ated, and in deference to the nativity of
the visitors sprays- of maple leaves.
(the emblem of Canada) adorned each
table; and' appropriate souvenir menu
ca.rds prepared especially for the occa-
sion were distributed.
A personally escorted tour of the
Passenger Terminal after the luncheon
waS made which the party enjoyedverY
Army Automobiles.
Motor vehicles of all kinds play
an indispensable part in the Euro-
pean conflict. Cannon, even of
iar,ge calibre, are mounted upon
heavily aranored motor trucks, and
moved from place to plane with far
greater speed than could nossilAY
be obtained from horses. There are
also trucks for carrying Provisions,
lances, water -tank itrucks with ap-
paratus for distilling water that
carry the water to the men on the
firing line, motor vehicles equipped
with wireless telegraph and tele-
phone stations, tractors with a
winch ati.ki 'chain for hauling heavY
guns into position. Upon the out-
break of war, ,army offioers requisi-
tioned taxicabs and motor carriages
in every 'sage eity, with whioh
vons, and from there to • their
places an the frontier. The 'gen-
erals and staff officers of all the
leading armies use high-powered
automobiles to travel from plaoe
place. Many of these machines are
travelling war offices.,
Tito Awe-inspiring Cook.
"My house is so well organized,"
said Mrs. de Graw, -that I don't
go into my kitchen onee a week,"
'4That's the pleasant way sbo
prits her 'hus.band explained.
-As a matter of fact, she's afraid
Oranullaied Eyelids,
S ria Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sim, Dusland WWI
Your Druggiat's 50c per Bottle. MurIne Eye
Druggists or Markle Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
A Mean Offer.
First Maid—That rich oung fel-
ler that's .courtin' Miss Ethel is
awful stingy.
Second Ditto—What makes you
think so?
First—Why, I heaml. him say to
her : "A penny for yuur thoughts,"
and he a millionaire, mind you.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Quite Safe.
An American clergyman was once.
holding a service near an Indian
village camp. His belongings were
scattered about in one of the '
lodges and when he ‘,vas go:ng ont
he asked the chief tf was sate to
leave them there while he went to
the village to hold a service.
"Yes the ehief answered, ``quite
safe. There is not a white man
within a hundred miles i"
Not by process of law, bet by the
silent working at "Putitaut's" are corns
separated from yelling toes. .tuy corn
or wart that "Tatham s ' wont cure
hasn't been diseovered yet. Insist an
Putnam's Corn tlxtracter 2.5e. at
all dealers.
Some people drown their sorrows
in the 110WillX WW1, and others
jump into the sea of matrimony.
internal and external, cured will,
as before toe late. Dr. iLeuritan Mee ell
Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
L:4 record of the part our "Boys are
playing in this greatest war of history.
"THE WAR PICTORIAL" has secured
splendid photos, at great expense, of the
embarkation of our troops from Quebec.
This is just one of tbe feattn,” of OUT
",Spedal Embarkation Number, just pub.
48th G
In addition to the fine illustrations, the
Surnrnaly of the War gives a record of the
outstanding happenings of each day in
interesting story form.
The publication is issued in weekly parts,
in handy size for binding. It is printed on
fine enamelled paper, size 9 x 12, with at-
tractive three -color cover. Price 15 cents,
at all newsdealers.
Even If We Can't Hear."
With almost the entire remainder
of the male population of Frame at
war men who are deaf and dumb
aro eager to contribute their part
in the national defence. The Min.
ister of War has reeeived letter
from ono of the officers of the
mutes? organization, in which
these persons plead for an oppor-
tunity t•o serve their country.
"is a, matter of fact, eur infirm-
ity is more apparent than real,"
-srites the petitioner. ''The great
majority of us are men of good
constitutions, healthy, vigorous,
and trained in athletics and gym-
nastics. Man of us are excellent
thaots, much more depending oil the
sight than on the hearing in this
"However, we believe that we
can render the most, practical ser-
vice as 'cyclists, in carrying mili-
tary orders; as bearers of ambu-
lance stretchers, or in the auxiliary
services, such as workers in offices
or bakehouses; in the national
arms and munition factoriesn
the national printing house, where
some of us are employed already ;
or any place where the cell to arms
has caused many vacancies.'
The Minister has taken the +appeal
under consideration, and expects to
find work for some. of the deaf and
dumb patriots.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgi
special, Subscription Offer. ---Send 50
cents (money order or coin) for four parts,
or one dollar for eight parts, commencing
with No, 1, and including Valcartier and
"Special Ernbalkation Number." Postage
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The young lawyer has been very
lengtby in his closing speech of his
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judge .ive evidences of his weari-
ness, he said: "Your Honor, I shall
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