Exeter Times, 1914-10-22, Page 5MISDAY 00,TOBRA 22. 11
DON'T think of the Edison Phonograph just as a reproducer pi
topical songs Or band selections. Its great value as a borne
enterteiner is its versatility.
Take the present popularity of dancing. With an EDISON in
your hona.e, you may have a delightful dance as ofteu as you likep
with music that a millionaire could net improve:
Yea can have all the latest dences—Weltz Hesitation, Otte
Step, MaxiSe, Three Step, Boston—played by the finest bands and
orchestras, with the tempo set by the mestere a dancing so that
you get the exact rhythm.
Or—if you prefer the regular waltzes and twe-steps, °you may
tatonse from matey wheo yon fume the Edisen.
Or --you May heve a night et the epere-na vaudevilkor musket
comedy everiing—and en Sundaye, ennes “ttie hyrien that live" as
swag but inspiring quertettes.
There's a winter's enterteinesenatind a winter'a delight in the
new .
Willis Powell, Main Street, Exeter.
Baker So Weak—Coolrl
Do Her Work --Found
.ef la Novel Way.
Mich. "I auffereti terrib
weakness sand backache and
got so weak that I
nhald hardly do my
Work. When I
Washed rey dishea I
had to .ait down and
When Iwould sweep
the iloonI would get
ovrenk that 'would
have to get a drink
every few minutes,
and before I did ray
. to Iie down. I got
too poorly that ray folks thought I was
going into constuription. One day I
Irtaund a piece of paper bowing around
Zan yard and I picked it up and read it
'eta- 'Saved from the Grave,' and
told what Lydia E. lainkham's Vegeta-
*** Compound has done for women.
skewed it to my husband and he said,
°laity don't you try it?' So I dit3, and
After 1 bad taken two bottles I felt
Utter and I said to my husband, 1 don't
awed any more,' and he said 'Yon had
Utter take it a little longer anyway.'
Soli took it for three months and got
-weal and strong." —Mrs. Atorizo E.
• Ittaiont„ 9 Tecumseh St., Adrian, Mich.
Not Well Enough to Worlr.
In these words is hidder the tragedy
of many a woman, housekeeper orwage
aearnerwho supports herself and is often
ftelping to support a family, on meagre
wages. Whether in house, office, fact.
tory, shop, store or kitehan, woman
ashould remember that there is one tried
and true remedy for the ills to which all
women are prone, and that is Lydia E.
trankham's 'Vegetable Compound. It
promotes that vigor wbich makes work
aeasy. The Lydia E. Pinkbam Medicine
1C04, Lynn, Mass.
. „
afrs, P. Feust.yilsted at Exeter lae!t
Miss Ada Siebert of Toronto visite41
sot her home' Yere seceletlY. ,
• Mr, John GraM10 i3 visitirg her par -
emits at Pigeon Michigan for aafew
laweekat ,
, Miss ltfaranda Brows, who is at-
tending .r.ormal school ,at Stratford'
eninited hler parents Rev, wed Mee.
ltrown- over the holiday.. '
•tit :s reported that a new business
ajnock is to to be erected byl one of
el'ae local inerchants.
ntr. W. H. Bencler is movitg to his
away. house °Nr, George 'Witmer is mov
eita,g irgto the one Vacated 11by -Mr, Ben-
der and Mr. Peter Koehler:re movieg
eto Mr. Witmer's house.
3Iev, Miller of the Lutherale church
Yes at Waterloo where the, corner
snare- or the cew Seminary was laid.
Mr, .1). S. Faust is re -facing the
.iold •front le Messrs Ruby- ec Gascho's
istore with a ,nice plate glass fror.t.
Mins.; Mell Koehler 'visited her Sirl-
Mre. D. Studer at Tavistock over
ate holnely.
Mr. Arthur. Truemner of Tororto
visited Jae parents afr. tied Mrs, 11.
Trueinuer oyeie the holiday.
nfr, Roy Vaunt of Stratford spent
Thavasgivveg Day with his mother
'Mrs. A. S. Faust and other lfrier.dle
Alteouge the day WaS very cold
Theis Kraft hen a very successE
nine. Mr, and Mrs, Iara,ft will move
the, hose vacated by Mr. P(4,ei"
"lb 0 A/bet-fa is the gtieVt
of ars. Levi 3tah).
Mr, god ra, Russell laixtuble
ilosrillton, eti here ir, their OM
Ford eastebine 0a Smutty lest to elle
U e day with relatives,
Mies Carrie Wain of I.,endon is hent
epreaeti t.
iS%,9 RIddred ond Oise Eilber
Scbwarte Qr London,
i.nday at their respective homes.
Mr. and afro, Samuel Brow r.
and family motored to Bridgeport tl,»
$rtorday last.
:trr• John Fiekheiner had the Ma -
fortune to Ltacture his arm ce'e day
Is week tied ot present is itt
Mrs. Girvin oral doughoer Alrs, An.=
sea eLd family of Alberta ore the
tests of Mr, and rtfrs H. W. Pallier,
aftss Corn Truentner of Dashwood
spA tit last week in :tmvn vi3iting re-
Ancual Ilrissionary Sunday was oh -
seta ed the Evangelical choreh here
on Saintly last. Splendni ecreicee
weri laid gloat rnornitg and evening.
The tittering amouz tine- ,ro
Miss Edna Piokbeintr or sebe,wo-
ing niiek is ',home «t preaeot.
• Mr, Levi Stahl leis rethrned home
aftern plensant tri, through the
Canadier northwest.
ntessrs Matt hew Ft n kbe oar and
Edward Earner apect t few days in
Mr, nod Mrs, Broderick of Lor.don
were theguests of Mrs, T. Trever
tick on Sunday kat
In Creditor., East on Thursday Oct'
15th Eleanor Afitchell beloved, wife
of 'Wm. Redden passed away at the
ag,e or 58 years 11 mos. 24 days; The
funeral was held from her late TCSi.-
: oee or. Monday /ast. Interment tak
• The ltailway station Was .a busy
sane 131E Nonday when the gifts for
the Brittsb. Government of eats apples
and potatoes were brought aid pre-
uared foe •snipinent. Tbe quantity
and the quality of the geode presen-
ted evioced a truly patriotic
Et was feued teat there weee alto-
gether ever 7011 sacks, much more
than ores car would bold so teat a
second, car had to he tksed.
and Mrs, ahlao 'Wilson leave to-
day for a visit exteedirg over a cou-
ple of weeks the latter to Tirntello°
aid the !former to Bea -field atd God-
xrs. Eieber of Forest is vialtio
tirlooda itt thiis
AneiYereery servicee are to be held
in the church., bere test $abbath,
3. W. Muxwothy of Main Street
el, la Eacter, to-ereaela at 1.0,30 to
RI,yr G, I, _McAlister I, A, 14
drat rs Street church at 7 p. no.
3fiee Rfietrae Fiabeine Settle
"nay at ber home here.
',lir. and arra- Jobt, Gooding .
senday with frie.tala io Mt. Igor
CbarleY Filekleeiteer bas retore
d to !London :titer spending a fee
;VS al his lattree.
Sandy, MeCathea has 4 ed
to ihhUI after speodirg
" recotaar.
tei leyeah arid
ucdgv in Parlatin
• $ Jenet Goodieg 445 Teturned to
e' in Peritkill efter apeodiug
rittt her brother,
7,lortobeY rted so o E.
left again for Chicago after sPending
two mouths with the former's paret.t
r. at Mrs, J. K. Goetz.
Silo fillieg, apple ping. and Loil-
ing apple butter, is the i' order of the
dee' ot preaent. *
The yottag elec. of .he EvngeJe
eiA(101a Suadt/O Sefteol J3avP
ed er-
a yotitat Xenia BibleCrs
Jacob E. Mary as preat
cab Nallermac As teacaer
ce aleywood of Exete
in 17,n,
E114 004
unday at the horne of
4rs,Ur, tid
the Imit;:ecT;:l.a.nd 'laalbar Graybei
leek Viatted heir eery/its
and Mrs, David Bet t eller. a
tit:d the facerai or aft, Bettcalton'a
nett! at New Ducdee.
afiso McBride or Zurich [LL ew
ra with her friemle arias Wooda.
tr. 3. 'loners oper_t a low days
ith frlentia at CliatOrt,
nfr. and Mita SIM °Trait:el and Mr.
ul Airs, George Womboltt •or SO -at -
rd 'pen( Sumba' ord Illeeday or
st week with friends here.
Mr, John Maniac and family of
Tavistock spent a feW days with
friends aere last week.
arr. E. linercher eano law been vie
nine° his daughter 3frii, ;Normal's Nei-
lerinan left •for hs theme i. Berl VC
10 St We 0 It.
.1tr. Barry Bossenberry of towr. woo
(ret money with Peach Bore le the
-lees at St. .31"arsa
The Tbankstrivito social given un-
der the auspmes of the Ladies Aid
14ae a greed success the proceeda
amounting to anti. The program was
much a pp re chi ted by everybody es-
oecially the recitat:oas ahem by Miss
larttiericic or Exeter.
A pretty autumn wedditg was wa-
nt ssed ot the home of Mr, aid Mre,
F. Preeterwhentbeir daughter Laura
L. and Silaa aa Adams aor. or Mrs, E.
Adams was uaited it: Uoly Bonds or
matritnonan Bev. P. Gaupter officiat-
ing. The bride looked charming in
a gown of white stain tie -chene, with,
tunic of shadow /ace trimmed witat.
place le the Exeter cernieteey,
She knees to mourn her less, her has-
bavd six sons end one daughter.
ntre. Edward, Mrs, Ulens end 31/1iS,z
Lillian, were guests of Mrs, Rfatthews
of Den field Iast week a
Mr, C. Woodbrirn has improved hi_.
residence by puttirg a cement lound-
ation ureter it • ' ' t
Mrs. Gineepie has returned to Der r
troit after a weekvisit with her t
paronts Mr, tied Mrs, E. McPherson a
eirs„ A,- Goan had the misfortuce to
:main her eekle lost week, but is re- b
'Any ore Wishing to take part in
the -patriotic concert Low in prepare- m
tion will please cotify 3Iiss Ernm Meo
Pherson •cor_venor of the committee. r
A sueseage VMS r-eceived here of the
sedden 'death of Mrs. .1,a,s Foster of
213ayfie1d„ The funeral was held or, a
The bride was the recip:eat or mare -
useful aad beautiful presents =which
show• the taiga esteem in which she
is head. The happy couple left for
their home in Larlsay the bride trav-
elling ic a •tailor made suit of blue
serge with black picture hat
• Rev, P. E. Malott ofaSt: Marys has
received a u:neramous call to 'become
pastor Of Orilla Methodist church.
Good Morning!
We Are Introducing
American Silk
American Cashmere
AMerlean Cottoo-Liate
They have stood the test, Oil/a
real foot comfort. No seams, to
rip. Never leeeotneleose Or bnggy
The shape ie knit in—sot pressed
GUARANTEED for fitness.
style, 'sulaerioritY of material
and workmanship. Absolutely
stainiees. will wear 0 themes
without holes, or new ones free,
to eyery one sending us SI CO in
currency or postal note, to cover
advertiaing area shipping charges
we will agnd eheenpatd, with
written guarantee, backed by a
fiTe mWioid011ar coMparty,
3 Paha of oUr 7se„ value
American Sitk bosiery,
or 4 Pairs of oUr 50o.. value
American Cashmere Hosiery.
or 44 Pairs oi our 50c, value
Ameriogri Cotton -Lisle Hosiery
or 41 pairs of Childrtn,s nostery
Olye the coior, 'size, and
bather Ladles' or Gents hos,
iery desired,
DONT DRAY—Offer eXPires
when 4 denier in yonr locality is
selected -
P. 0. Box 244
Allies Have Effectively Cheoked
Advanoa Aktrig Coast,
LiNe Han BeenEecaptstred, an Attack
of the Oergtan ttigur wing a
• Ohanines Has Be44 Rep,1113qa and
the Om -lames Forced to Retreat
Tank, and Near Reuters TThey
E'.vnettated Trencites,
LONDON. 'Oct. Q,,-- With Lille
agate in the hankie .or. ;ute .allies, the,
situation on the French fighting line
lls75;4113nA t !Ofih:tadnigret011.7 14TA tfearli:trat :Are
aspect, '
by the German iget witeg was thrown
back decisively, and tile ICA4SAT''A
orees tied in A ate herderill; OTA
Panic, The Belgians have Ai.SA
he oeranans at g point :eaSt of Pix,
"nes of trenches, and the town is
rozpg!ecopied by FranetteBrlitieb
1:V:14471 °Ig
141 eIgo5:14:e;q:
D -
epor4i from o kt
hitt British net*
ng in the ..retv
fOrwor4 MeV
Loter in the ,daY
tberP FIAP.00 egid
rpedo-boot deattwoyer,s
the conab. rnrnndng
which the Most Went
entent. Wi . being` foitgh4
nigh -orotaero were also fir,•‘
evaders front . the 'Om
eofiT raci Ite :c1y ee(4:111l 167(LIZ y Or
T1 War
a:eh: '
it $ad O Belgiunt the: heavy ar.,
• or the enemy has egnuonoded,
thoot reatilt,„ thn. front from
.7.140-s1oo.',. to. the :e.get
home merchant will back up our
tee on this splendid range. Ask to see
d let him demonstrate
many exclusive features
A McClary deakr in every town.
laacey Teter
•r apendfag
t of eitietteo woe
of Mr, tied Mre. A
earls and wearicg the customers'
-fatal veil cuaght up with lily of
be valley- and carryitg a shower toe -
met of bridal roses and lay of the
alley. Ber only orcatnent loos a
earl rneektace, the groom's gift. The
ride entered the araevicg room
eanieg on the arm or her father un-
arneath ar arch of evergreen end
unarrin leaves to the straits of nohen
rill's march played by Ras, F. Preet-
-e jr, The bride and groom were at -
ended by Mr. tied Mrs. E. Kraft -
Attie Miss Trellis lindens, ;tiece of
isa gtoom dressed iar pale piak „silk
nd wearir.g a pearl cresent,'the
met ofsthe-groona imalle a de:0y ,ricg
earer. After the seremony the
treats repeated to theedi nitg room
reic'n was daietily decorated wi,th
apre lo'reaves and -cainaki,s, ante,
-here -they- „pal -tilt* of a bontdbee
epast). OnIya the netimate ',friends' of
he bends and groom =were pressmet
mongst those from a •dista nee were
Ess 'Florence Brokeeshire, of Liirldi-
ay nod Mr. W. Ferguson -Of Gale,
%Sunday teed a number of 'relatives
arom here attended. itteea gympathy
is extended to the bereaved 'farailY.
A 'xiiamber from Lere ottended
&epee arreiversary on Sunday.
We find 'tbe use of salts acd other
harsh physics is becoming lees every
year because more and more people
are using Re.xall Orerliee, Iveincti we
and they firmly believe ,tot be , thl.
best bowel remedy ever made. They
taste 'so much like candy- that ever:
children like them :led at the ea sne
time they act so easy aad eaturaIly
that there is no purgteg grining or
an. They promptly 1-ernove the cor.-
snpation by smoothieg and streng th-
enialg the bowels. make it less liable
,to occur agaio. 'We have the utmost
faith in them. We Ireow teat they
are made of the pleasant bennfieial
results that always follow their use.
Yon needrat take our woad for it
ff RexalI Orderlies doaaot help you
if they don't ertirely rel.eveealt your
towel troubles -come back 'amid 'tell
17$ arid we will give you 'bacld yol4r.
mon.ey lc vest -rocket tin boxes ltle
25o 50c.
You earl buy Rexall Ordarlies only
stoves and its tiLs town
S C01.° Exeter,Ont,
Don't Grow Bald
. -
If your hair is getting thin, losing
its natural 'color, or bas,i that matted
Lifeless and 8'3"ggY appearance, the
reason is evident -dandruff and fail-
ure to iceep the lair' roots properly
Parasian Sage •applied daily for a
week and then occasionally is all,that
is needed. it 'removes dandruff with
one application; alinost immediately
stops falling hair and itching head.
invigorates the scalp and makes dull
stringy hair soft, abundant and rad-
iantswith life. Equeny °and for mei;
'women or children-evety one 4:keeds
A larg,; 'bottle • of th, d .1° bif 1'•
hair tonic tan he had from W. 5,
-Cole or any drug eoupter for 50 cents
You ivill surely like Inurasiari Sage,
•There is no other just as rood. Try
at nou. •OXX
mi the canal
There has
4; on the front
bain and St. Naaa
. dr:wing front hellaa
se in these ocalitiest.
"To thenorth and to the
ran ourtroops have been
t lesplte for more t
nd with a persevean
b never for a uo
"In the relon
used a otron
vered hy the ene
e ground.
On the centre tb r
"On our right wng, tn .Alsce, to
weat or Colmar. our posts
are on the line between, Iop)wir
Paris and Sulam. To the sou
still occupy Thema"
German einforeoments have been
brought up at all points nong the
ght wing of the invaders' arrny,
whIcb now stretches from the Bel-
l:au coast to the elbow at ROY0,
where the line turns directly east-
ward and runs in the general direc-
tion or Metz. These relofoocements
are 'variously estimated at 300.000 to
400,000 met. Some reports even
place the number of fresh troops at
1.000,000 /nen of all arnee, hut the
latter ligures are believed exorbitant.
It is known that. they are drawn from
the Landstrum exclusively.
Advices from Belgium declare that
Ostend, Bruges and 331ankenberghe
are held by the smallest of garrisons.
and that throughout the conquered
kingdom every' man that can be spar-
ed has been rushed southward. Ad-
miral 'Von Tirpitz ie said to be in
Antwerp, which coincides with pro-
VIOne reports that he expected to
personally direct naval operations
against Britain -which are "to be
launched the last of this month."
With the caoture et Armentieres
Sunday and the fall of Lille yester-
day to the allied armies there can be.
no, question that Operations in north-
ern France have received O new lea-
petns and are inclining steadily to the
side of the French and British. It Is
signifieant•that at every point coun-
ter-atteckshy the Germans have uni-
forraly failed to accomplish their pur-
pose. That the,Kaiser is stubbornly
sacrificing many lives to maintain an
untenable .pcisition a little longer
seems apparent
At Chaulnes the allied artillery al-
mostdecimated the German columns
participating' in a frontal counter at-
tack, the advantage being followed
lip by an infantry eharge of French
and British troops whice completely
upset the advance of the foe.
The situation along the centre re-
mains quiet, with both sides content
to hold their own, and neither able to
gain iraportant advantage over the
other. Defensive works in this none
are very complete,. and it is iraprob-
able that a major operation will be
attempted by either French or Ger-
nans until the fighting on the east
and west becomes better defiaed.
The Feench officiels are extremely
etieent concerning operations
gainst the, G-erman crown prince and
he new movement which seems to
hreaten the safety of Metz. It is also
japarent that fighting is under way
round Beifort, but 'no information
omes through as to the extent of the
ngagement or the probable outcome.
t is said on very good authority that
French army is even new assailing
he outer line of Metz trenches, and
hat artillery vvillemon be playing on
he walls of that .renoWned 8troitg-
C14 rit
$at Spring r
of Cromarty
rttion to 331
getien In t
hod an eloque
rat apprecia tiv
' 0, G. F. hall
ctioned In
p In the hall be
s 23rda the
dies are •requasted to fornish '
lunch. The gettlemen will be o
god 50e a couple. Let every
rue out. and have a geed time a
help on the good work.
The Ladies' Aid or the Rfetbodis
-emelt are Misy plaeeiltg arid pre
earieg for e moretter Inwt supper t
be tweed lin the church, or. Ihe enett-
min of .the 281h of October, They are
looking for n big crowd.
Mrs, T. NA:elands retorted lost
week from Victoria hosp'tal Loader.,
wliere she has beta for some weeks
ttude,rgoirg art operation and trent-
meat for the rentOvtll of catarttetS
ort her eyes actl we axe pleased tO
learn that the opetatioc, eromises to
bo sUcc6ssful but ntrs, Neelanda wUl
t have to (return for Turther ereate
merit• ,
Mr, Boswell Mougall who is attend-
ing college Wt. Loralou spent Thanks-
giving holidays with his parects.
'arr. /tilos. Pearl was called to Mit-
then last week owing to the illcess of
ale, John Steacry receetly repaint
ed his fine divellieg on Richmond
The Brethren of Zurich lfasoeic
Lodge at lie7nsa11 atteeded annual
Divine Service or_ Sabbath afternoon
in St. Paul's church here, -witilec the
Rev. Mr, Collins of Exeter a receet
District Deputy Grand Master,
.red a very appropriate address,.
The following mentioned former re-
sident of Herssall and now of ,Toroxito
spent Thar.ksgivings holidays here
Messrs° D. A. Canteloc, Lorne pcot,
H. 3. P[ Cooke, Garnet Case and
Garnet Cudmore, while fropi Lorolon
we eoticed the followieg Mr, and Mrs
John Busch and Drysdale the Messes
Busch •aad tCudenore Miss Smith iitd
Mrs. Speticer.
, A Inner_ meeting of the churches in
the interest of -the Britiahl and For-
eign lank 80c:fatty Will be bald in
the Methodist church On Sunday, Oct.
ober '25th =when addresses will ibe
divan by the local nacisters in the
interest of the said Society, aed mem-
bers of the local society will also
t k ti te v;
Mien Ethel Glenr_, of Toronto, vn.e-
ed her relatives here during the
Past week. also Mr, aad Mrs, 3. F.
Mrs, T. Farquhar is visited ° rela-
tives la Wellaral and vicinity.
Mr, G. C. Petty has the plate -glass,
aow in what has been "known as tee
hell Block. "
Bev, Mr. Coulter from the wet re- -a
centIy visit eel Les brother air, John.
Coulter of this village.
Tee members of the Rabakali Lodge
of OddEe]lowe of this encoura.- -a
gad by the support given teens u raes
ing ,funes for the War Patriotic and e'
benevlecet work. may in the not dise
t future hold another entertain- s
merit as the teed for assistance _seems t"
more and more -urgent. At the last
e,,neert. hold tte !reins more tL'aa en- t
: t d t h 1 n them
by the Beason ,Blied who gave their
by 'the absrpto
a 4 will also
precee the give p gv .11 hold
services° wi theht cbene end played
so freely tbegingeontethie ferns eiteei,ne,-
Mr, Douglas Nceihi,i'ds or 1)e'trOit is
'pe'ailing.'ir couple of yeeel.:„§ holldays
1.111 bs p'71retais here
Ohliciren Cr
koze.a,driee Are Being Depleted.
LONDON Oct., 20.---Reeruiting is
being stopped in some of the Scottish
iron and steel centres with the
tibn of the uovernment. The reason
is that these iron and steel works are
running night and day on Govern-
ment orders, and it is held unwise to
deplete the working forces.
v" °does
Tbe obilizations of Itttlrs
sea forcoa. coutiattea. It qu4:1.4eftipaons
`ble the spark to tire Ito. 110Wdor
a .11 ha fourni 'r. the ASSert:KM of
r* GovenOr Of Teftaln
at the fire in the dookyard
a week ago, which partially de-
stroyeti a new Dreadlnouglit eeet as
.0 wee about to be comm'ss
vas the result of an "ItalianeouSfdr-
aey I t hardly needed each at. to.tudi-
0.00.5 ObSerVar40,1 to make the rela-
tioas bet weer. Artatria nod Italy erit-
ital. Tbere is a very etroag war
i a nosrty hb,- which 3tears that rba
ireavy arad of Gerroacy should. sbe
wiA. will be felt by the fitallatt peti-
ole in petishmerit for their failure
to take op 4arras with the *tiler mem-
bers of the trripple Allianee. The al-
leged message or .the 1Calster to the
Rine ataly "Compteror or conquer-
ed I wall never .forget thy treachnre
rings in their ears. They believa that
Italy cannot afford to let Germany
and °the people generally- are
coming, around to tbat eie.w,
The Puss:an Arany Gazette, which
ehould be a 'fairly sellable source of
information, asserts that after the
fighting it the vicinity of Warsaw,
on the west barat of the Vistula, the
Russians buried 18.000 dead left be -
Void the retreating Germans. The
battle of the Vistula if this saute -
anent he 'true, meat have be„. everi
;eon, eanguicary than the engage-
rnente which preetoded the 'fell of
Lemberg. The German 'army or. -the
eastere' treat must be far more neat-
eroue thart thet now engaged
France. It is difficult to believe
that all this', has been aecompnehed
with less than tiro' us 'Ilion mem
Russia must keep gathering her
troops frorn fax- distant corners of the
the Empire to make headway aganst
the Getman legioes. She will move
.orward ;in the ecd, but the Cossacks
won't lan in Berlia for their ChriSti-
maa holiday.
t ng,
They a
oke r
le 'ery low.
vo u r tbe se
'ling in
go Captain
Goena lt eor old ,dnught.
er of A. C. lomat, was op-
erated <to last el apperalIcitot
•1 at. azute' in t obstructiott
tss child is in r coaditiori,
i-ntlwr is in c
IL W. Strasser
worried at Ceotrol
eberch Stratford. Rev. Dr. al
formed the evremotty it the prcs-
ence a swan ccrap-ny of immediate4
rltjy nod friecda. Mr, ond Mrs.
Meeks tviil reside in Goat:riot]:
Stomach 1 roubie Quickiy
People go on sufferirg frona little
ttarkarb .trou)leS for years, and irn.
lae they have a serious disea-
se. They ovena.t or over-driels and
force on the stomach a lot Of
work eut tlaey never this& that =fee
stomach needs extra help to do the
extra work,
if these people would take Toro -
line tablets regularly they 'would be
a great -help to the stomach l'n1 its
strain of over work. No matter what
you eat or drink Tecoline' Tabs sweet-
en your sour ateinaeh and stop gas
belcheig in five. minutes. Theheavi-
ness disappears, and the stomach ,is
irroeatly aided in its 'work at. engee,
'l'ononee tablets not non= proreptly
islieves all elistress but if taken ree
teohirly will absolutely Cure diges--
non by building up the flabby over
worked %vans of thcr stomach and
make them strong eeough to digest
the toed. en.00 for 50 days treat
inept. Mailed by American Propriem
tary Co, Boseton erase.
Stretch Fence—Lift WagonBoxes
Rare is a powerful wire
stretcher, which also comes
in bandy every day lifting
heavy loads. Two practical
•' tools in one.
- Jambe
Safely Heist
land Wire Stretcher
Enables one man to change
wagon boxes, stretch wireacel
, hatallebeavyloadseasav.
It elevates,lowers, leeks
and unlocks Isvith one rope
male— fields the load at any
, point. Heaeier the load,
tighter the aria. Jumbo -Ca-
„,, Pacity, 1500 lbs. Other hoists
ne Only noiscw2Elt acijust- 400 lbs. to 4 tons, at prices
able satetykek for various freer, f1.00 to 57.00.
sizes of rope, Positively
bolds load 'even if rope is Come in and see
wors,wasv greasy, one Pt tle Za14
. .