Exeter Times, 1914-10-22, Page 4THE XETER TIM Trionsakr OCTOBER; 22:: 1 1 CHICAGO. Oet, 19. ---Stress of ex- pert demand larougnt l'41)out an almost coustaat tightenieg of values today in wheat. There was, a nervous feeling at tne cioee; whiebt ranged 2e te 2 1-4e above Saturday night's level Corn gah",nd 44.i..t oral aaas ti -3C, The outcome in 'nreviisionsi varied froea o deeliae to ea advance of 10e - TORONTO Celonn ideelSICET. Wheat., fall., busheL,„,,34. 15 to Goose wheat, bu*iws..... 30 PltsA7'b bosrellIeL0 0 :.-,..'.:.7',..:;,; 1 257 . 8 !•,6,. Oats, louahei 0 54 0 53 Rye. bushe30 SS •••• Buekwheat, b'eabiel 0 75 ..•• TORONTO DAIRY 51ARKET. Butter, creamery, ib sq... 0 29 0 31 Butter, creamery, solids.. 0 20 0 29 Butter, separator, dairy- 0 2T 0 20 mese, new,0 15 ..„. Eggs, . 0 27 0 23 liOneY, new lb, 0 11 0 12 Honey, combs, clezert-- 2 50 3 00 WINNUI'lete (MAIN 31,AR1tET. WINNUPEO, Get, 39. -ices °Paned- atrooe, eee to M. -e si,P, with demaad good,. f44ed further., Gash deMand was good for all gradesalteo eoe quite so keen as Satardar. Keeertere bougia sreety of itItsuarse:: No. 1 No- 2 do, 41.,13; No, 3 do., 'No. 4 doe $1.0.2%; No, 5 de, ',434; Na. 5 do., feed. 092'iiie. Oats -No. 2 2Nre. 4c4i4gi; extra N3. 2 trJ. NO, 2 feed: 'Berlise-Ne. fii1;";:tli reiceted. 53e: fea3, 71441:4-:---,114,- 1 N.W.C., $1,14: No. 2 °NTH L GRAIN :it ARICET• "ITTZE-3'..Tra, °et, 19.-Cab1ea on ba sp.r4or wheat were strong odaY, at a fUrther advaucQ 6 cl per quarter, with a fair do-, l'9114 overseas• buyers for Slip - P0 i)Ut owing to the rAtise pi' 2e per the Winnipeg market the all Oat of line and nof ar- were =ado, The lanai mar - was strouLer at an ad - to lite per bushel, but the still limited for earlots, The cern and barley is quiet.. %leo 0 floor maritet is stronger, $terdly upward tendertcY pri for wheat, but ,tto actual • hos taken place Yet* ate de.' still and quiet from both local WAVY buyers, no tr:4,010 is more roiled 0,403. Millfeed is quiet a condition of the market is is quiet, ttut firm, riix. week wierie 4321 boxes, 114 53,500 or tie same TRACK A ronto - Toronto- o ANN., CROSS BVE ALM Marts Confronted by n Wall' at the San, C3r4 hasideVeleped33 .1,nd prices at 3e to nest creamery The rualional Ltd. CiLs ' i3 of diliDett A German Generei irations Whiel aeingly Withon WON Oct. 2. foi o atlhburn, The Ti Mr. a correspond° berg, Gatic a Dbth West Galicia on. The cannonade o TRAEN' OUT OF TORONT AT NIOAT -1.3p m, arrives Detroit b. 'biteigo 3 00 pem. daily, as- ) meant connectione with for 'Western States On v. the 3ve nn eontinues. All a to cross the riv- er have anieutably. The Aus- irlans bavo nade attempts at various points. At fire( their artillery fierce- ly shelled the right bank, after which the infantry approached the river, but the Russian ahrapnel fire inflicted heavy losses'as the corpses floating dewnstream to the Vistula and be- ond ' ta ,".5aad.O.ruir atlel at'ift` - G'ennan 'Genera, Staff d irec t - FOR' MONTREA E. e Toronto P a.m. 8.:30 P.m. and 11 etre, Berth reaervatitme etc, at . ticlaut FOR SALE ;eciiieteb.eofo pperrzaetruloyn:, rgoraels;htlicllei the At Grantor; lowest prices Eiertroch Ltinaber lif6ugh Pine 11 Dressed and Match Pine Dre d 31(1 33birb f.puce Red Cedar Shingles B, White Cedar Shingles 43. Red Cedar Feree Posts feet Red Cedar Fence Posts 9 feet Iled Cedar Fence Posts 10 feet -Aft-Styles of Woven Wire Fence and Gates Blue Labe Cement 6t. Harys Cement rf-ha A sphaltRoofiDg 01 $1.25per square A. J. CLATWORTI117 kRANT0N 10 CENT `WASOABETS" FOIMEVER, AND BOWELS Coae Sick eleadache, Constipation, BIlleassriess, Sour stomach, sad iSreatte-Candy Cathartics, No odds how bad your liver, .stom- ach or bowels; how much your head Q•clies, how' aniserable you are from coustipatien, indigestion, biliousness and, sluggish ;bowels -you always get erellef with Casearets, They ° imme- diately cleanse and regulate the stom- ache reroove the sour, fermenting food nling itti and foul gases- take the excess bile fighting goes on day and night, with- out ceaeing even for a minute, The Germans are conducting the defelice with extreme energy, and the fortress is apparently well supplied , with ammunition. The Russians are 'exerting a persistent pressure. I punctuated by sudden night attacks, lby which several strong forts already have been captured. These tactics palpably disturb the defenders, whose searchlights throughout the night subject the surrounding .space to a ceaseless scrutiny. Meanwhile the re- tention. of Przemisl confers no ad- vantage of the enemy or of ;the bridges over the San and stands bo - fore the iron 'wall which is now offer- ed by the Russian investing array. The Austro -Germans struggle stub- bornly and despairingay. Hostile col- tistoas are spreading, and the huge strategical front grows steadily larg- er, like the extended front of French' operations. From Sandomir to thd Carpathians savagely roar the thous-, ands of guns. Corpses are borne on the waters of the San, and east up on its verdant banks at points up the • nap Cruiser Sunk by Mine. TOKIO, Oct. 20.—It is officially an- nounced that the Japanese cruiser Takachlho was sun by a mine In Riaochan Bay on the night of Oct. 17. One officer and nine members of the crew are known to have been saved. The Japanese cruiser ISakachilio was built in 1885 and refitted in 1911. She was a vessel of 3,000 tons and was 330 feet long. Her main battery consisted of eight -inch guns and ter speed was about 18 knots, The 'X'akachiho earried» a crew of 355 men, only ten of whore, accord- ing to the official report, are known to leave been saved. We ore apt to think that the man is beautiful writee who gladly signs a cheek- for us whenever we -desire one. -- Occasionally a girl marries a million- . aire because she wants him and ereri time because ahEi- wants tbe bauk roil vornnr frOnt 'the liver 'and • catTy Oft'tlie 'con botiy- e bt way , a*StJpatied , wa.ete-;nit,atter and.' „poison }urge and imp.7,1,tite, sites( •irttm the Intestines and bcArels, end of the !the. 0 -cont boxfrom your drug -gist .will „ 1roe,p your liver =arid 'bowels clears; -i•domaelt sweet- and ,head' clear -. for T,heY'Iviork'1711-ile you 41qe,P, • • 07 any, Preservt it‘is youi o :vase P u TORONTO, Oct live stock at the Union 4508 cattle, 1355 hogs, 190 and Iambs and 355 calves„ Butchers' Cattle. Choice heavy atecra sold at ;740 td 38.14 good, steer4 t1.11q_h,91terot 474(4 to $7.73; medium., 37 to s4,110; common. 36t to $6.50; choice cows. 36,53 to 36.75; geed ottani. 36 to 3,25; medium eows, 35.50 to $5.75; commoa, 35 Ts) 35.50; canners amA cutters, $3.00 to $4.7o: hulls. 34,75 to 17, Stockers and Feeders. Choice attseire, 930 to 1000 lbs.; 36.7.1 t "" 1:0041 ateers. 36.25 to 36.50; mediut 3147533 35.13 contc'unoati erst0earnatosctokceires"cra3,131 Milkers and Spriagers. •ht run of milkers ;ma spr1nger4 sold Ot 355 tO 390 each, the hulk going at 3/0 to 3S0, "I" Veal Calves, e Choice calves sold at e10 to 411; good calves, 30.50 to I5.50; medium, 37,50 to 38,25; common Calves, 36 to 37; Inferior, rough eastern grass calves. $4,50 to 35,76. Sheep and Lambe. Sheep, light ewes, sold at $5 to 36; heavy ewes and rams, 34 to 34.75; calls. 32.50 to 33.50: lambs, 37,65 to 37.90, the bulk at 37.75 to 37..80; culis at 36 to 36.50. Hogs. The hog market is on the der:line: prices dropped 25c per cwt. Selects, fed and watered. sold at 33, and 33,25 weigh- ed off cars, and 37.65 to,b. cars at coun- try points. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. _MONTREAL, Oct. 19. -At the Montreal Stock Yards, weet end market, there was no change in the xnarlmt for butchers' cattle today, the supply being smaller than a week ago and especially in good, liseful grades, so there was a better feel- ing in the market and prices were main- tained, but the market for canning stock was stronger owing to lighter offerings, prices advancing 10c to 15c per cwt., with a good demand frorn packers, Bulls were in good demand at 34.75 to Saeand etesS at 33.75 no $4 per cwt. 'The trade In butchers' istock Was onlifair, because tlf.3 demand from packers was"smaller than, usual, as they bought -pretty freely.lapt week at the decline in prices and carried over a fair stock of dressed beef. ,Chalaa, steers by the carload changed hands at 38 to 38.25 and good at 37.50 to 37.75 per The weaker feeling which developed la the market a week ago for sheep was the principal feature of this department of the trade again today and prices scorud a further decline of 25c"per cwt. Ewes sold at 35 to $5.25 and bucks and culls at $4.50 to 34.75 per cwt. Lambs were steady and in good de- mand, Ontario stock brought $7.25 to $7.50 and Quebec 36.50 to 37 per •.iwt. Mill -feed calves Were sold at 6c to 7o per pound live weight. The market for hogs tontinueS Weak, with a decline of 35e to 50e per cwt. shown. Sales of selected lots were made at 38,50 to $8.65, sows at $6.50 to 36.65, and stags at $9.25 to $4.35 per cwt. weigh- ed off cars. - Butchers' cattle, choice, 38 to $8.25; do., medium, 37 to $7.75; do., common, $5.50 to 35.50; canners, 33.75 to 35; butchers' cattle, choice cows, 37.25 to 37,50; do., medium. $6.25 to $6.75; do„ bulls, $5.50 Go 37; milkers, choice, each, $75 to 380; do., common and medium, each, $65 to 3704 springers, $55 to 360. Sheep, ewes, 35 to $5.25; bucks and culls, 34.50 to 34.75_ Lambs, $6.75 to $7.50_ 38,50 to 33.65, Calves -$5 to 320. EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. EAST RUM -A.1,0, Oct. 19. -Ca, Receipts 5600 >head; alow; prime teens, 39.10 „to 00; ohipping, $8.50 to 39.25; butchers, 30.75 'to $8.75; heifers, 36 to .stockers and feeders, 36 to 37.25; stock iiI7e.:f5ell,so,o;o1, 0.53;75,6757 37; bulls, 35 to 37.25; Veale-Reacipta .16,00 head; active; 35 uog,s-lieneipts,. 23,500 head:active; heavy and mhted. 2T.90 to ,7,7,95;'yo ts, TS 37'25 t° 374 ige,,7.37:' roughs, 15, ;to $0.00,; stags, 36 to 35.50,' ' Sheep and landos-Reeelpta, 10,006 5.50 to 33.15'; yea.rlings„ $4.50 to, $5,75; head; sheep, siow;'lanibs, active; tanabs... 'wethers. 35.75 to . $7.90; ewes, 32.50,' it; 55.50; sheep, ndx,cd, $5,50 tO $5.05; GttoG /. -see YOUR MUD IS CRO mamma coigne nu Look Moth eft tongue le coatedg cleanse little heaves with "Calla fornia Syrup of Flee' Mthets rt easy after giving `4ValK°nI3a SY'ruP a Figs," because in a few bows all the elogged-up waste, emir bile awl fernientiog food gently rigarea out or the loowels, and you have a well, playful child agaixi. Sick children needn't be coaxed to talte t33 UM -micas "frMt laxative." &Mous of mothers 'keep it handy be. cense they know its actiog on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. Ask your diuggiet for a 50 -cent hot - ie of "California Syrup of Pigs," which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown -tape. Auction Sale -OF- CAllratE Thee' Cameron has receivedo- - to1 -tsb3s.e.34sAat stgeder ie;aTttthid ese ett'opoVitaA Rotel et,tr esOnan OOTOBF111 24. t on o'clOck sharp., 75 Yeilrlit" and heifers; 12 sters 2 y tfew farrow cows, The above is a good clean: lot a it le and -wtbe .,0141 w t boatre nreVt.'rl 4 ti:irci,5t ,)f. Vital moijha credit on op - with 5 per colt berm. and l. Hodgien Prop T. Cameron ;Stmt. Auction Sale OF BRICK 'COTTAGE AND AND TWO FIFTHS ES )13' LAND IX CENTRe 1 T3t'rt'ealeicl for eek by pit 350 aectiea prieniave oo Tetre- the 1oo31i. day ef November A. twa IL a:filial:4 :a ^ire: Iti•Ticfite; Pak) :lir Q.:. 14-nittiFiC ael If °tient...1 f" the 17.11a3e of ,Ceatratia, iv, the conc. tof HUrtta. the property of the bete ^pn ;liar -Anil, On this lot la a ti roomed brick cottage, witn sum er kitchen driviag abed and atahle The buildinga Are ell good condi- • ,7ea Pift(411.‘bertrY w tifi(;"e„tdreaelsld'. desirable reaiden fel proper - Is coevenieutly i tua tad. ..per cent or. (ley of *ale ed beta nee in thirty days thertes t ter 1urtbor particelara will be made, a 0 on day a eialkii or may be had O applies tier. to !adman & 'Star.bury .11. S. Phillips lierristers Exeter, Auctioneer 'olicitora for Adatin-aaretrix Auction Sale te.OF- 1:1/ STOCK & ieIPLEseIENIS HAY2 GRAIN gr. Thos. Cameron, has reeetved ice tractions Ham the uadersigned to all by public autilion ota Lot 14. SS. R. Tp of lIibbere --ON- FRIDAY OCTOBER 30. l; ono o'clm;k sharp the followir.g proporiy, 14.4.111:31:8-1 itoithat; risitig yrs. cid agric. 1 brood mare in foal to Ohlorotlyoc got. pur, 1 filly 2 yrs ast. by Lord Sharp; t gelding 2 yrs, old agric, by Lord Sharpe; 1 good far- uier's driver. CATTLE -1 cow Alue at titne of ealc, 1 Durham cow slue in February; 3. Jersey cow due in Fake; 1 JersleY cow slue in May; 1 Durham •Eat cow; 3 farrow cows; 4 choice steers, 2 Yrs obi; a heifers 2 yrs; "old 6 steers aad heifers 1 yr., old; Jersey heifer 2 yrs, old, 4 eaves. ,HOGS -2 pure bred Berkehixe boars 8 ‘monthe old; 1 sow due about lst of elov. 1 claoiee young sow,; 7 store hogs, 0 pigs, 2 months old; nOWL-60 hens o a good laying strain,: 12 choice White Leghorn roosters, - The .aboVe stock is all first class and in good condition. , , • • IMPLEMENTS -1 farm wagon1 .ruck wagon. 2 good walkitg plows, 1 set a iron harrows; two horse cultivator; 1 set bobsleighs; 1 .Cliat- bara !fan cite mill; "a fah. bagger eat- tacheil new; 1 scuffIter, gravel box 1 set double Itarness; set sitgle :harness 1 sioad boat, wlxiffletrees, t.eckyoltes chains. shoe -els, tforns„, saws, 2 eloeen grain bags. 1. De Leval cream .separ- ator. new, 1 hec crate; 10 tons 'of first class 'Timothy hay 400 bushels of oate„ a quantity of mix ed lumber and othereareicles too RU..11- eruus to mention—, .Also the 'farm 'will be offere•d for 0 years for pasture,. the Pro-arietem furnisteeg full supely of .water. Terms -All sums of $i10 and ur_der cash, over that element 12 months cadit will be given or. furnishing up- orovi d joint eotes or a.descount 4 per cent aer a,entimeOff, for cash. IPositively no 'reserve, Andrew Iia.ckcey Caraerore Prop „, Auct. Alildredina Hair Remedy Never Fails ,re,sitore gray to' its alaturat color and beaui,y. No, inetter how ol 1 and faded your hair' looks, or, how lone You lave been gray,' it will'work wonders for you, keep you Took -leg young promote a luxuriant growth of healthy hair, slop its failing out' and poitivo1y romova danclieniff. Will r.ot soil skiin Will not injure our hair its, not a {lye • I efo se all su titn te s • 5n? "ia',bnttie dna gg is ta, ' - We will send a large trial 130ltlie free by :return of mail, to ,ar3-ote who, sends this coupor.3o' tke Arnet-„card ',,,phrooiti).rirleatamrey arid srg ticia6S156 c'3,V1't,b ette or, etemps• to , Snsto ee- xsa Auction Sale rAum. STQCK & IMPLEMENTS The uedersigned auctioneer has re- eeived instructiore to sell by publie. public anction on LOT 3, CON. 6.. USBORNIS 2 milee south of Entwine. -ON- !THURSDAY OOTOERS 29 1914, Commencing at oue sharp the _following valealale 'pro, Perry; H0R8E8-1 marc 7 3',Ts old sunneeds Go 'be in foal- 1 mare a yrs old 1 reliaele driving mare 9 yrs old1 ag- ed horse, three one/slag colts. CATTLE -2 COWS due to calve in November; 3 cowe due to calve, Sn March; 1 cow due in April; 7 Year - nag steers 5 calves. PIGS & sow. 11 sheets, A taunaber bees and pullets. deliPLEMENTS-- 1 -wove 'cad box; 1 or. eleighs; 1 Massey Harris binder, nearly eee,-; 1 31cCorrnick mower; 1 aulky a'a,ke, 1 Massey Barris hay load- er; 1 hay ,rack; 1 shrlIng tract; manure opreadexl dlic; ieulitIvator eed drill, eoller; 3. eet harrows; 3 walking plows; 2 gang plow,s, 1, rid - 1,"g aet of scalee2000Lbs, fan - row, mill With bagger.; gasoline en - glee; cream separator, grinder; eat - box.; pulper; 2 sitgle buggtes; 'Oat sig; 1 cutter; 2 sets idoubl4 Vaasa,. 2 Sets SWOP „haroes4 Pig a 1'9 wheel barrow; grindetene, ear. ,4014e, bay :fork, 300 fence slats dao' poStia, Sugar kettle, aine ad other articles too numeroue to ttore A ouaatity 01 mangolds 33 s, OUSEL/OLD FURNITUAli hed room set 1 bed. mattress and spring 1 stove, glass, IrUPboard, ikitcheln chairs, leaf table, carpet, paii9, churn waabildro Alactilve and Tubber batia ub. TERMS 015' SA.LIS-$10 anti ender cash, over that areouat 12 moctbe credit will be given or, tarnishing apprewed joint cotes or a discount of 5 per cert Per acntioa off for cash i lieu of ;notes. Eli Cou3tt5 Joseph W„hite. Prop, Atte Auction Sale PLEMENTS 110 , 'Ears The uadvirisgr,ed los been i td by Mr, Robert 'fauldricey public auction oc, LOT 11 CON, 10. STEPHEN IRDNESDAY N0VE).113 Eli, 4, 4 at one o'clock sharp, 011SliSr,-1 mare 7 yrs, old; I hot - 30 7 yrs old; I. driving mare 5 yrst 1: 1 aged mare SuPPosed 'Go b In to Percheron Iforse, 1goldkrig. o'lag 4 years old, 1geld5,Cg runt,g a yr, old. oxrrr.r,B-3 cows sopiosed to be in alf, 3, Introw cow; 1 2 yr old littl- er sumosed to be La aslt; 1 2 yr old Her, 1 year old steer; 4 spring 10O"''.iS 1 b,rood sow due to tarrow 30 ember. 10 More pigs 3 months old POULTItYn-About 50 chicken, rare.t,B3nzTs-1. Frost and Wood, oi tier ceerly new 6 It cut 1 mower 5 ft cut. boree -rake, oxen, cultivator disk harrow'. Frost & Woad 9 ft steel roll- er; set a Mealtime harrows, 2 Iur- row plow; riding plow''scalier ; lum- ber wagon; covered buggy, cearly new over, buggy; eart, pair of bob aleiglis; cutter, gravel box laid pig rack combined; farting mill; hay rack; root pulper; pair of scales 1200 lbs. water trough, supear„kettle, Me ott Crean Separator; wheel barrow, grass ,,etider, eione boat; eet of dou ble barness set. sitgle Itart.ess, coal. beating_stove; with ovet..; 1 box stove wire stretcher, ladder, 22 It; step lad- der; Daisy churn; ice cream freezer h number a sap 'pails a cumber of 3 and 4 icch tile; About ntitons o Hay Sorks, shovels, thetas, and a lot of other articles too numerous to mer - tin. Terms of Safe -Hay, cash; on all other articles, $10.00 and under cash over tbat amount 11 moethe credSe will be given on furniehing aperoved joiak cotes 4 ceets on the dollar allowed of0 credit amounts for oash. [Everything will positively lbe sold as the proprietor has sold Ids place. Robt, Mawhinney (B. S. Phillips rProp. Vinci?. • • For Loss of. Hair will pay for what you Also if 4193', Hair Tonic „does not ' promote the greivtill �t YOurlhalr• In all our experience with beim tonics the one that has done most to gain our confidence is Rexall S93", Hair Tonic. We have such well- founded faith in it that we want you to try it at our risk. If it dose not satisfy youin every particular; we will pay for what you use to the extent of a 30 day treatment.. .11 Rexall "93" Hair Tonic does not renaove dandruff, relieve scalp - irritation, stop the hair from falling and promote a new growth of hair, teorne back to us and ask us to return the money you paid for it, and we will promptly hand it back to you. You don't sign anything,Spromise any - thine, bring anything back, or in any way obligate yourself. Isn't that fair? )Doesn't it stand to reason thet we would not make such a liberal offer if we did not truly believe that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will do all 'we claim for it -thet it will do ell and more than any other remedy? We have everything there is a de- mand for, and are able to judge the merits of the thing a we sell. Cus- tomers tell as of thew:success. There are more satisfied users of Rexall il`93" 'Hair Tonic than any eimilrsa preparation we sell. Start a treatment of Rexall nair 'Tonic today. If you do, we, believe you will thank' tai for this advice. Two size bottles, 50c and el. You can Tiny Rexail ''93" Heir'roaje fuetbia community only at our 4Chns33 W. S. COLE. Exeter 7/46 Store Ontarlt Thareis a Reza!! Store in nearly eVerY tovra and city in the United States, Canada and Gr-sre Britara. There Is a different Real Remedy for nearly every ordinary hunsan 2 — CACII 05petiallY designed for the particular ill for which it is reconsznendhd. Tee Reran Stores ara4Merica's Create 11,1nig ,StAte* ' OAN:1( Incorporated 1855 Caoltal & Reserve $89800,000 es BRANCHES INSANADA A GENERAL. BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED orRouLAR. r,ETTERs OF CREDIT TRAVELLERS CHEQUES - - - ISSUED; BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINCS DEPARTMENT At allBranchee. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Exeter firaolh N. D. NURDON Manage Agents at Exeter for the Domipion Government THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR RDMUNP WALKER, P-Vos4e1,7-De D.C.1-, President ALellratINDERaLAIRH. General Manager JOHN AIM Aes't General 1914mulitetr CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500300 FARIVIER-S' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Fanners ever,' facility for the tramaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales note are supplied free of charge on application. Exeter Branch— II. 3. WHITE, Manager A, E. 1i;LII1N, 1/tanager, S2g1 'Nice toCr tors o the matter of the estate of theriee Camesoe, of "the Village of Exeter, Comete of 'Tierce widow deceased: Notice 33 .1xerby given pursuant to tues ISO *hat behalf that all cretla ors ond others having claims age inst. the eatate ot the said Catbriee Cerneroa. who died Qv, or about Mtg. 10th, 1914, are requeated on or before Oct, 26, to send by post erepaid or deliver te Messrs Gladmen 4 Stan - bury of the Village ot Exeter Solieit ors far Executors of the said deceas- ed, tbeir chriataila ond aernaraes ad - dreams and deamptions the full par- ticulars of their claims tIte staten merit of their 40,10t111t3 end the nee Lure of the aectirities if any. held by them. And further take notice that alter such last mentioned date the said Executors wilt peooeed to distribute the assets of the deceased among tbe parties entitled thereto, baying regard only to the claioas of nhteh. ,-theY shall then have totiee and that the Executors 'will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notiee shall net have been received by them at the time of such distribution. ,GLADMAN & STAND:11SY se, Solicitors for Exeeutdrs Dated at Exeter this stb, day of Oc 1914, Auction Sale VARY STOCK & IMPLEMENTS The nadersigned will Sell be- pub- lic auction ot, 'LOT. 6, S. BOUNDARY RAY 2 miles west a Exeter North on THURSDAY :NOVEMBER, 5. 1914. At one o'cloek sharp the followirg nopsEs-Brood mare agno, 5 yr. old in foal, brood mare with colt at foot, 2 gein, pur, fillies, 2 yrs. tad bred from Percheroa horse, e agric. Clines, 2 years old bred from Per- ci.arca horse, geldiegel year old, 2 spriag colts bred from' njecle John CATTLE -2 cows'stijiposed to be ttt cell, farrow cow, 3 2 yr old steers n'yr eld heifers, 6 1 yr old steers, 5 one yr old heifers, 'S spriag calves. DOGS 7 stockers. _ IMPLEMENTS -Cora Ining manure sipreader, naower, 'McCormick "•bineller it it, new; wooden s;lo roller, set dna- . ble light hareem, McCormick, spring footh cultivator KaIngaroo gang plosv, lumber, wagon, set double harness 11 di,sc ife*rtilizer drill, new car, hay fork al sKr.gs for Wooden track, Souven- ir, range. TERMS -810 and utder cash over filet amonat 12 months credit will be giVen or. 'furnishing approved joint notes. A. d:scouct of '4 per cent Nellt - he given. on "credit amounts N. Staalake"' B. S. Phillipe Proprietor Auctioneer. STRATFORD. CINT.- iit Is a school with a continental T,eptitation 'for , high grade • * work and for the success of its * graduates a school with super- ior courses and instructors. We Aft give: itaidtvi:dual attention • 'Poromercial Sboi,thancl and Tel - 41t egra.phy Departments. Why a 1- 4v/tend eiswhere whein there is room here? You, may cntea7 at Z auyirae. Write for our large • „tree caatalogue. I), A. 114501,AOH3,,A57. Principal. 0.49 rit t J. A. MASON ARCHITECT 425 Dundee Street, London, Guars LP teed cost of buildings; me extras; 1. years New York experience, Pho ta.F.4z, 2-25 Anyone intendin well to write me, aulation, build will d Wage tortoni; W. KARP4, M. D. C. 1V1,- 4 S RICHMOND ST.LONDONa ONTARIO'. PEOIAL1ST 8I7RQZflY AND ocerroacattleanai" DISKA0 ellen AND,W01111:2•1 DR, G, BOULTJTON LAB. D. Ds Si DENTIST aa; Honor Graduate of Toronto Uniellee sit,. Office ialre7r Dig3c4ori OMAN ling`a Law office. Closed, Weilsralit day afternoons. Phone 0.Clisat Residenee 5'1. , ' tat DR. A, R. KINSMAN Dalpiree't DA* Honor Greduate of Toronto entity ' , t DENTIST ' Teeth extracted without Pain. Olt any bad effects. Office over Glade baan & Stanbury's Office lithiin Exeter, ,•11.0.1, W, BROWNING M. DA M. .11 • P. t, Graduate Victoria Unimak silty Office and residence Dearth** Labratory.. Exeter. lA .Aasociiate Coroncr of Huron 1 D ICKSON & CARDING Barristers, Solioitore Notaries GeV veyanciera Gommiasioners, for the Molsona Bank eto. 1.11 Money to Loan at lowest rates el Lle tereat. OFFICE --MAIN STREET EXSEXIII-14 I. R. Carling B. A: IL Ha Dishalk* MONEY TO LOAX We .have a large amount al eerifei ate funds to loan on Jana and vile lege propertiea at lowest rate telt terest. .4,1) • GL'ADMAN & STANBURZ Barrietees, Solicitora, 'aim; Ins Exetere, i1 Tilo Usborne and Hilbert Farmer's .Mutual Firo 'nun- ance Gompana Head *OffIco, /Farquhar, Ow President. ROBT..GrABDIIIE Vice Preaiderit ROBT. nos *-DIRECTORI3 THOS. RYAN - war. BROCK Winehelsee› WM. ROY liosabolae4 L, RUSSELL AGENTS ! • 3011N ESSER Y Exeter. t,WCJ4fl borne an dJ3iddn1phe OLIVER BARRIS Munro agent Per Hibbert Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL.- Secy.Treas.FarguhaV GLADmAN & STANBURY Solicitors. Eseet,er. Bears tars The •cAST 6v.•118 Signa4Ixo of ijr